Kermit Staggers

American politician
Died on Thursday November 28th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Kermit Staggers:

@SouthDacola: New post (Kermit Staggers Funeral) has been published on South DaCola - - 5 years ago

@Citizens4SF: We've uploaded video 2019-12-03 Kermit Staggers Funeral from us, Sioux Falls Minnehaha County or Sioux Falls schoo… - 5 years ago

@MikeHenriksen: I see that Sioux Falls is asking people to fly their flag at half staff in honor of the passing of former City Coun… - 5 years ago

@argusleader: Governor Kristi Noem issued an order Tuesday afternoon that flags in Pierre be at half-staff "to honor the life of… - 5 years ago


@Argus_Joe: Steven Ciano is taking his turn. He says Kermit Staggers inspired him to start coming to meetings. "He was the one… - 5 years ago

@Argus_Joe: Tim Stanga says Kermit Staggers always listened to people with genuine concern, pivots to how corrupt the state and… - 5 years ago

@Argus_Joe: Mayor TenHaken gave the invocation after the scheduled clergy could not attend. Now Councilors are taking turns to… - 5 years ago

@Argus_Joe: City Council is in session. Meeting starts with a moment of silence for Kermit Staggers - 5 years ago

@Argus_Joe: Flags at half-staff Wednesday for Kermit Staggers - 5 years ago

@HalfStaffAlerts: Half-Staff Alert for South Dakota - 12/4/19 - Governor Noem ordered flags be lowered to half-staff in honor of Kerm… - 5 years ago

@KevinWoster: I'm sorry to learn of the passing of former college professor, state legislator and Sioux Falls city council member… - 5 years ago

@RDockendorf: Gov. Kristi Noem has ordered flags at the South Dakota State Capitol to be flown at half-staff from 8 a.m. until su… - 5 years ago

@ksfynews: Former South Dakota state legislator and Sioux Falls City Council member to be honored in Pierre Wednesday. - 5 years ago

@SDPBNews: Speaker of House takes a moment to remember former lawmaker Kermit Staggers who died on Thursday. Services are today. #SDLeg #SDBudgeFY21 - 5 years ago

@Citizens4SF: We've uploaded video 2019-12-03 Kermit Staggers Video Memories from us, Sioux Falls Minnehaha County or Sioux Falls… - 5 years ago

@stahlberg_83: RT @USiouxFalls: We are saddened by the death of Dr. Kermit Staggers. The Stagger family is in our thoughts and prayers. - 5 years ago

@BurmoDust: RT @USiouxFalls: We are saddened by the death of Dr. Kermit Staggers. The Stagger family is in our thoughts and prayers. - 5 years ago

@CrayolaKranz24: RT @USiouxFalls: We are saddened by the death of Dr. Kermit Staggers. The Stagger family is in our thoughts and prayers. - 5 years ago

@RSSFeedsCloud: Tomorrow: Funeral Service for Former City Councilor Kermit Staggers - 5 years ago

@KDLTNews: A funeral and visitation have been scheduled for former Sioux Falls City Councilor Kermit Staggers. - 5 years ago

@USiouxFalls: We are saddened by the death of Dr. Kermit Staggers. The Stagger family is in our thoughts and prayers. - 5 years ago

@SouthDacola: New post (Kermit Staggers Tribute) has been published on South DaCola - - 5 years ago

@keloradio: Forum Week 2,294: Remembering Kermit Staggers (Mr. Government) - 5 years ago

@claraha74184453: Kermit Staggers Honored by Kloucek - 5 years ago

@BurmoDust: RT @ksfynews: Funeral arrangements made for former Sioux Falls City Councilor Kermit Staggers. - 5 years ago

@coralhei: RT @dfpblog: Kermit Staggers Honored by Kloucek - 5 years ago

@ksfynews: Funeral arrangements made for former Sioux Falls City Councilor Kermit Staggers. - 5 years ago

@SouthDacola: New post (Kermit Staggers Memorial Services) has been published on South DaCola - - 5 years ago

@LaurieS64123094: Staggers, longtime crusader against high taxes and excessive government spending, dies - 5 years ago

@NPlainsNews: Former City Councilor Kermit Staggers Passes Away - 5 years ago

@birdman30_: RT @argusjellis: Kermit was the nicest guy I’ve covered. A gentleman from start to finish. - 5 years ago

@keloland: Here's everything you need to know as you begin your day: 🎗 Family, friends, the the city of Sioux Falls and all of… - 5 years ago

@dfpblog: Kermit Staggers Honored by Kloucek - 5 years ago

@1952dt: Senator Staggers was a true intellect. Great conversations even though I rarely got his vote. RIP. Photos: Longtime… - 5 years ago

@BurmoDust: RT @argusjellis: Kermit was the nicest guy I’ve covered. A gentleman from start to finish. - 5 years ago

@chrispilz: Staggers, longtime crusader against high taxes and excessive government spending, dies - 5 years ago

@keloland: He served on the Sioux Falls city council and in the state legislature. People are remembering Staggers as a champi… - 5 years ago

@keloland: Former Sioux Falls city councilor and state lawmaker Kermit Staggers has died. We look at his legacy on KELOLAND Ne… - 5 years ago

@ThatTrav: @diannaeanderson RIP Kermit the Staggers. - 5 years ago

@diannaeanderson: Saddened to hear of the loss of Councilman Kermit Staggers, a staple of my city's political scene, and a fixture on… - 5 years ago

@argusleader: RT @Argus_Joe: Staggers, longtime crusader against high taxes and excessive government spending, dies - 5 years ago

@Argus_Joe: Staggers, longtime crusader against high taxes and excessive government spending, dies - 5 years ago

@SouthDacola: New post (You may be gone, but never forgotten. Dr. Kermit Staggers, 1947-2019) has been published on South DaCola… - 5 years ago

@KELOHannah: Sad to hear of the passing of Kermit Staggers. He was a long-time public servant and professor at USF. - 5 years ago

@Argus_Joe: RT @argusjellis: Kermit was the nicest guy I’ve covered. A gentleman from start to finish. - 5 years ago

@keloland: TODAY on #Midday in KELOLAND: Former Sioux Falls city council member and state legislator Kermit Staggers has died.… - 5 years ago

@argusleader: “He was the king of door-to-door and grassroots campaigning.” - 5 years ago

@JohnEHult: RT @argusjellis: Kermit was the nicest guy I’ve covered. A gentleman from start to finish. - 5 years ago

@mlraposa: RT @argusjellis: Kermit was the nicest guy I’ve covered. A gentleman from start to finish. - 5 years ago

@KSALYERS259: RT @KDLTNews: Update: Former City Councilor, USF Professor Kermit Staggers passes away early Thursday morning. - 5 years ago

@ksfynews: Former city council member and educator Kermit Staggers has passed away. Staggers vacated the at-large seat due to… - 5 years ago

@keloland: Former Sioux Falls City Councilor and South Dakota State Senator Kermit Staggers died early Thursday morning. - 5 years ago

@tschlek: Prayers to the Staggers family. Kermit was a true gentlemen and statesman who held firm on his convictions. - 5 years ago

@SoDakGovs: - 5 years ago

@stuwhitney: RT @argusjellis: Kermit was the nicest guy I’ve covered. A gentleman from start to finish. - 5 years ago

@sfbj: RT @argusleader: Staggers’ political career stretched two decades and included eight years in the South Dakota Senate and another 12 years… - 5 years ago

@BaronMichaelSD: RT @argusleader: Staggers’ political career stretched two decades and included eight years in the South Dakota Senate and another 12 years… - 5 years ago

@LeeSchoenbeck: RT @argusjellis: Kermit was the nicest guy I’ve covered. A gentleman from start to finish. - 5 years ago

@argusleader: RT @argusjellis: Kermit was the nicest guy I’ve covered. A gentleman from start to finish. - 5 years ago

@ua14: RT @argusjellis: Kermit was the nicest guy I’ve covered. A gentleman from start to finish. - 5 years ago

@bymarkwalker: RT @argusjellis: Kermit was the nicest guy I’ve covered. A gentleman from start to finish. - 5 years ago

@argusjellis: Kermit was the nicest guy I’ve covered. A gentleman from start to finish. - 5 years ago

@djhammer59: RT @KDLTNews: Update: Former City Councilor, USF Professor Kermit Staggers passes away early Thursday morning. - 5 years ago

@KDLTNews: Update: Former City Councilor, USF Professor Kermit Staggers passes away early Thursday morning. - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Kermit Staggers - #KermitStaggers #Kermit #Staggers #rip - 5 years ago

@SoDakCampaigns: Kermit Staggers passed away early this AM - 5 years ago

@Argus911: RT @argusleader: Staggers’ political career stretched two decades and included eight years in the South Dakota Senate and another 12 years… - 5 years ago

@argusleader: Staggers’ political career stretched two decades and included eight years in the South Dakota Senate and another 12… - 5 years ago

@KDLTNews: During this week's city informational meeting, Councilor Theresa Stehly says Staggers' wife asked her to lead the c… - 5 years ago

@keloradio: Former City Councilor Kermit Staggers in hospice care - 5 years ago

@SoDakCampaigns: Sad news about former Republican State Senator Kermit Staggers - 5 years ago

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