Kenzō Takada

Japanese-French fashion designer
Died on Sunday October 4th 2020

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Kenzō Takada:

@EdoTokaido: Farewell to Kenzo, The Visionary Who Brought Japanese Vibrancy to the World 🙋  - 4 years ago

@fashioniqueen28: Kenzo Takada Dies After Covid-19 Battle – Bernard Arnault Mourns Designer’s ‘Fresh And Spontaneous Spirit’ - 4 years ago

@hikarityouiti: RT @itsjapanforward: Kenzo Takada, founder of the internationally renowned fashion design brand KENZO, has passed away at a hospital in Par… - 4 years ago

@Malgorz76648439: @Vojtekus @MSzuldrzynski @SasinJacek Mnie zastanawia jedno i to w skali globalnej... Z takich naprawdę sławnych to… - 4 years ago


@MissKelsye: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@VirusJoeKnows: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@edeboissieu: RT @EMNormandieLab: Le bon roi est mort, vive le roi ? Le bon Kenzo Takada est mort, vive Kenzo ! Retrouvez sur notre blog la tribune de @e… - 4 years ago

@amgaustingreen: RIP Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@amgaustingreen: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@ViladecansStyle: Este año llueven las malas noticias, el pasado 4 de octubre de 2020 la vida del diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada se a… - 4 years ago

@TwelveWorld1: Légendaire couturier japonais, Kenzō Takada s'est éteint le 4 octobre. Il emmène derrière lui un héritage impressio… - 4 years ago

@BlaguesDessins: Le #DessinDePresse de Galy : Disparition de Kenzo Takada Retrouvez les dessins de Galy sur :… - 4 years ago

@Baanguux: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@Revista_Sabado: RT @Revista_Ya: Hoy en @Revista_Ya Especial Primavera. Los nuevos rumbos de la moda/ El futuro de la industria del vestuario en Pandemia/… - 4 years ago

@Factor75: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@malarconcamus: RT @Revista_Ya: Hoy en @Revista_Ya Especial Primavera. Los nuevos rumbos de la moda/ El futuro de la industria del vestuario en Pandemia/… - 4 years ago

@youngest_ade: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@cavunimet: En honor a la vida de Kenzō Takada, el post de hoy de #CavumArtista será dedicado a él y a su legado. Link:… - 4 years ago

@nitika_bh: RT @Tokyo_Weekender: Gone, never forgotten. #Kenzo @kenzo #KenzoTakada - 4 years ago

@LucknowNewsLive: Japanese Fashion Designer Kenzo Takada Dies At 81 - 4 years ago

@medicinehelp: Kenzo Takada dies aged 81 of Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@westgatelondon: The fashion community is truely saddened by this news last week. The world has truely lost a real visionary:… - 4 years ago

@marinaxfashion: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@dannahy_tina: British Vogue: Marie Helvin Remembers Kenzo Takada: “He Was The Personification Of Joie De Vivre”. - 4 years ago

@Taina_ios: RT @franceinter: "Un vêtement devient intemporel lorsqu'il permet à celui qui le porte de se sentir bien." Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la ma… - 4 years ago

@nozochin1: RT @elleactive_jp: パリに「ジャングル・ジャップ」を開き、フォークロアをモードの一潮流にし、平面の布で作るきものの手法を取り入れて…「彼は後に続く私たちが前に進めるよう、天井を壊してくれたのです」 パイオニア高田健三へのメッセージ✨ - 4 years ago

@LuxAndLan: RT @TheCut: Humberto Leon remembers designer Kenzo Takada: “People reference Yves Saint Laurent and Karl Lagerfeld as the major fashion fig… - 4 years ago

@mcrjurado: RT @Revista_Ya: Hoy en @Revista_Ya Especial Primavera. Los nuevos rumbos de la moda/ El futuro de la industria del vestuario en Pandemia/… - 4 years ago

@elleactive_jp: パリに「ジャングル・ジャップ」を開き、フォークロアをモードの一潮流にし、平面の布で作るきものの手法を取り入れて…「彼は後に続く私たちが前に進めるよう、天井を壊してくれたのです」 パイオニア高田健三へのメッセージ✨ - 4 years ago

@NoSoloModa: Diseñador Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@trina_ria: RT @MegumieBoutet: Obsèques de Kenzo Takada : Cristina Cordula émue pour les derniers adieux そうか、高田… - 4 years ago

@rachaelboon01: RT @TheCut: Humberto Leon remembers designer Kenzo Takada: “People reference Yves Saint Laurent and Karl Lagerfeld as the major fashion fig… - 4 years ago

@naomiilife: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@seitaro12: アジア出身のゲイでありながら、当時白人の排他的な支配下にあったパリのデザイナー業界に徒手空拳で挑んだ高田賢三。親の反対を押し切り、一流デザイナーへの階段をのぼり続けた彼のファッション・スピリットは、「喜び」だった。… - 4 years ago

@de_allumette: Hommage au créateur de la #Renault Twingo Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@benjalord: Japanese Fashion Designer Kenzo Takada Dies At 81 - 4 years ago

@Revista_Ya: Hoy en @Revista_Ya Especial Primavera. Los nuevos rumbos de la moda/ El futuro de la industria del vestuario en Pan… - 4 years ago

@thesimeon_tosin: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@radioitaliacina: La figura di Kenzo Takada secondo tre protagonisti della moda di Hong Kong #KenzoTakada… - 4 years ago

@erictshepherd: Japanese Fashion Designer Kenzo Takada Dies At 81 - 4 years ago

@VllNostalgia: RT @TheCut: Humberto Leon remembers designer Kenzo Takada: “People reference Yves Saint Laurent and Karl Lagerfeld as the major fashion fig… - 4 years ago

@shivam_ratnani: Japanese Fashion Designer Kenzo Takada Dies At 81 Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada died of COVID-19 in Paris… - 4 years ago

@bunnybisous: RT @TheCut: Humberto Leon remembers designer Kenzo Takada: “People reference Yves Saint Laurent and Karl Lagerfeld as the major fashion fig… - 4 years ago

@mimi3000: RT @Tokyo_Weekender: Gone, never forgotten. #Kenzo @kenzo #KenzoTakada - 4 years ago

@StacyInMalibu: RT @TheCut: Humberto Leon remembers designer Kenzo Takada: “People reference Yves Saint Laurent and Karl Lagerfeld as the major fashion fig… - 4 years ago

@kristinaabusch: RT @TheCut: Humberto Leon remembers designer Kenzo Takada: “People reference Yves Saint Laurent and Karl Lagerfeld as the major fashion fig… - 4 years ago

@VamsiKrishnaCA: RT @TheCut: Humberto Leon remembers designer Kenzo Takada: “People reference Yves Saint Laurent and Karl Lagerfeld as the major fashion fig… - 4 years ago

@Tokyo_Weekender: Gone, never forgotten. #Kenzo @kenzo #KenzoTakada - 4 years ago

@AndieCrispy: RT @TheCut: Humberto Leon remembers designer Kenzo Takada: “People reference Yves Saint Laurent and Karl Lagerfeld as the major fashion fig… - 4 years ago

@TheCut: Humberto Leon remembers designer Kenzo Takada: “People reference Yves Saint Laurent and Karl Lagerfeld as the major… - 4 years ago

@kizzlolli: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@mjane1000: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@Onikalauryn: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@miss_shiny: RT @TheCut: “People always say never meet your idols, but in his case, I think they are wrong. Kenzo was everything I expected, and more,”… - 4 years ago

@DrGwapoLeon: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@ThxCur: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@jyulianafp: RT @TheCut: “People always say never meet your idols, but in his case, I think they are wrong. Kenzo was everything I expected, and more,”… - 4 years ago

@delinleedelove: RT @TheCut: “People always say never meet your idols, but in his case, I think they are wrong. Kenzo was everything I expected, and more,”… - 4 years ago

@SENKENplus: 高田賢三さん、お別れ ー新型コロナウイルス感染で10月4日に他界した高田賢三さんの葬儀が、パリのペール・ラシェーズ墓地でしめやかに執り行われた。近親者らが参列した… #繊研新聞 - 4 years ago

@cathydinas: RT @TheCut: “People always say never meet your idols, but in his case, I think they are wrong. Kenzo was everything I expected, and more,”… - 4 years ago

@JuliaSirmons: RT @TheCut: “People always say never meet your idols, but in his case, I think they are wrong. Kenzo was everything I expected, and more,”… - 4 years ago

@ButchQueenLA: RT @TheCut: “People always say never meet your idols, but in his case, I think they are wrong. Kenzo was everything I expected, and more,”… - 4 years ago

@TheCut: “People always say never meet your idols, but in his case, I think they are wrong. Kenzo was everything I expected,… - 4 years ago

@ch_ENEMi: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@yuya1030bsb: RT @Green_and_Greed: 世界と日本のファッション先駆者「KENZO」高田賢三 | Green & Greed #ライフハック #メディア #グリグリ - 4 years ago

@AsianCoutureFed: “Kenzo Takada was a man of great humility, humour & charm who offered generously his wisdom, insight and experience… - 4 years ago

@msjctalon: Lifestyle | Oct. 10, 2020 1:30 p.m. Highlights to honor notable fashion designer, Kenzo Takada and the impact he l… - 4 years ago

@WhistlingWhist: RT @GreenJ: on @RadioNational now! On #RNBlueprint, the legacy of Kenzo Takada, Hetty Mckinnon (@hettymckinnon) on ancestry and authentici… - 4 years ago

@msjctalon: WEBSITE UPDATE 🗞️🦅 Two new stories have been posted on Nick Pettis: "Our Disabilities will… - 4 years ago

@SocialEspionage: Sunday Best: A tribute to iconic fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who died last weekend at age 81 from COVID complica… - 4 years ago

@SCOTTYSIMM: - 4 years ago

@QLD4001: RT @Kelangdbn: Le Mondeの高田賢三追悼記事 - 4 years ago

@youkomode: Japanese Fashion Designer Kenzo Takada Dies At 81 - NPR - 4 years ago

@KwameIncrease: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@shutupbitch25: @BritneyGlory09 RIP Kenzo Takada💚 - 4 years ago

@linh7x: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@sparco_gb: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@AvHovhannisian: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@vanessalivaness: Adiós a Kenzo Takada, el primer reciclador de la belleza - 4 years ago

@pasionpaisve: @mainav despide a Kenzo Takada quien es un nombre más que se suma a la lista de víctimas de la COVID-19. El más eur… - 4 years ago

@lottie_miss: RT @mariasanzm83: El fundador de la firma de lujo @kenzo, nos dejaba el pasado domingo a la edad de 81 años a causa del COVID-19. En mi nue… - 4 years ago

@AmandaS77824082: Japanese Fashion Designer Kenzo Takada Dies At 81 - NPR - 4 years ago

@BertChat1: RT @RomainBurrel: Kenzo Takada et l’amour de sa vie, Xavier de Castella, disparu en 1990. #RIPKENZOTAKADA - 4 years ago

@Rastarr__: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@miltfresh: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@thequeengiselle: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@XRPeaceAndLove: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@KaseyRahmer: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@rupprECHT: RT @wurstzombie: Ein posthumes Porträt des Designers Kenzo Takada, der kürzlich an den Folgen von COVID gestorben ist. - 4 years ago

@wurstzombie: Ein posthumes Porträt des Designers Kenzo Takada, der kürzlich an den Folgen von COVID gestorben ist. - 4 years ago

@L_aureDurand: RT @EMNormandieLab: Le bon roi est mort, vive le roi ? Le bon Kenzo Takada est mort, vive Kenzo ! Retrouvez sur notre blog la tribune de @e… - 4 years ago

@burgerbaby_g4l: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@MidpointShopee: Fashion is like eating, you shouldn't stick to the same menu. —Kenzo Takada . . Subscribe To Get Your Handy E-book… - 4 years ago

@teooocoos: RT @Vedaot: 65’te Gare de Lyon’a ayak basıp giysi çizimlerini tanesi 25 Frank’tan satarak karın doyuran, sonrasında giysi ve parfüm markası… - 4 years ago

@Nefeligeron: RT @MelpomeniSamara: Au revoir cher Kenzo Takada❤️ #WorldAnimalDay - 4 years ago

@AlainGarcia547: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@DrSarahSheehan: RT @PatternVault: #InMemoriam: Kenzo Takada @Kenzo - 4 years ago

@fashionabc_: Kenzo Takada, The Designer Who Introduced Japanese Styles To The West, Dies In Paris - 4 years ago

@AAronL1968: 2020 has been a rough year. In memoriam: Robert Conrad, Kobe Bryant, Tom Seaver, Chadwick Boseman, Lou Brock, Regis… - 4 years ago

@VictoriaFHWorld: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@ADelannoyEMN: RT @EMNormandieLab: Le bon roi est mort, vive le roi ? Le bon Kenzo Takada est mort, vive Kenzo ! Retrouvez sur notre blog la tribune de @e… - 4 years ago

@Huttson: The legacy of Kenzo: five fashion players in Asia talk about the influence of late designer Kenzo Takada — South Ch… - 4 years ago

@bereketli: Six good minutes with @LucyMoyse from @LCFLondon on the life and legacy of the late fashion designer Kenzo Takada -… - 4 years ago

@msmandymcintosh: - 4 years ago

@thisissydneyfox: RT @Inafr_officiel: KENZO. Le créateur Kenzo Takada est mort ce dimanche à l’âge de 81 ans des suites du Covid-19. Il a été le premier styl… - 4 years ago

@wellbeing4you: RT @FashionWeek: Over the weekend, Kenzo Takada — designer and founder of the Kenzo — passed. For 50 years, he’s been a beloved figure in t… - 4 years ago

@neighbour_kx: RT @BritishVogue: When Kenzo Takada died from coronavirus on 4 October at the age of 81, the industry lost one of Japan’s foremost designer… - 4 years ago

@KenVaughanSoc: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@ciminix: RT @EMNormandieLab: Le bon roi est mort, vive le roi ? Le bon Kenzo Takada est mort, vive Kenzo ! Retrouvez sur notre blog la tribune de @e… - 4 years ago

@EMNormandie: RT @EMNormandieLab: Le bon roi est mort, vive le roi ? Le bon Kenzo Takada est mort, vive Kenzo ! Retrouvez sur notre blog la tribune de @e… - 4 years ago

@EMNormandieLab: Le bon roi est mort, vive le roi ? Le bon Kenzo Takada est mort, vive Kenzo ! Retrouvez sur notre blog la tribune d… - 4 years ago

@Amy01086450: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@CaronaUpdates: RT @LilianPacce: Há uma semana a moda perdeu o estilista Kenzo Takada, de covid-19, em Paris #rip #kenzotakada - 4 years ago

@ForbesPolska: Kenzo Takada. Ofiara koronawirusa i pierwszy Japończyk, który podbił Paryż: „Paryż opłakuje jednego ze swoich synów… - 4 years ago

@Arica25783311: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@HOLATV: Fallece Kenzo Takada a sus 81 años regalando al mundo su talento | ¡HOLA! TV - 4 years ago

@bukithevip: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@VaneCardui: RT @YutaNCTChile: [Random l 200825] Una de las marcas favoritas de #Yuta es KENZO. Acá hay algunas de las prendas que ha usado de dicha mar… - 4 years ago

@TwakaFlaka: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@_Wuthering: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@DrAlakbarov: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@AndroJoss: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@jggirouard: - 4 years ago

@Love_Fleurette: News| Fashion titan Kenzo Takada dies aged 81 - 4 years ago

@CulturaClarin: Adiós a Kenzo Takada, el primer reciclador de la belleza - 4 years ago

@rochamaf: RT @revistaenie: Adiós a Kenzo Takada, el primer reciclador de la belleza - 4 years ago

@revistaenie: Adiós a Kenzo Takada, el primer reciclador de la belleza - 4 years ago

@elfarandi: Falleció el icónico diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada a los 81 años 🖤🙏🏻 - 4 years ago

@Love_Fleurette: News| Fashion titan Kenzo Takada dies aged 81 - 4 years ago

@Mexh__: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@WeHoRey: Kenzo Takada: Japanese designer dies after catching Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@sole29: RT @BritishVogue: When Kenzo Takada died from coronavirus on 4 October at the age of 81, the industry lost one of Japan’s foremost designer… - 4 years ago

@kawattaika: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@sonelvpierre: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@HoyMagazine: El fundador de la firma de lujo Kenzo, nos dejaba el pasado domingo a la edad de 81 años a causa del COVID-19. Desd… - 4 years ago

@CarinaLeBlanc96: The world-renowned designer, Kenzo Takada passed away due to Covid-19 at the age of 81 -... - 4 years ago

@queenempire2: @HiddenCash Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@___SpiceyCo: RT @BritishVogue: When Kenzo Takada died from coronavirus on 4 October at the age of 81, the industry lost one of Japan’s foremost designer… - 4 years ago

@AlexCanine1: RT @CuteCircuit: Tomorrow on episode 24 of Live with CuteCircuit we look at Fashion from Japan! Iconic designers such as Rei Kawakubo and K… - 4 years ago

@SuiSuiBox: Top International #fashion News of the Week | 11.10.20: Kenzo Takada dies at 81, and 90s supermodels land their own… - 4 years ago

@LoiseauBlue7: RT @GQJAPAN: パリ・ファッションウィークが現在のカタチになったきっかけが、まさにKENZOブランドであり、すなわち世界のファッション史を変えるほどの存在が、賢三さんであった。 - 4 years ago

@MiguelAguilarC2: RT @AFPphoto: #Kenzo founder Kenzo Takada dies from Covid. 📸 @JoelSaget #AFP - 4 years ago

@newchapter51: RT @seattletimes: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada helped bring Japanese fashion to the world. A trip to Paris in the 1960s turned into a life… - 4 years ago

@CEObcn: - 4 years ago

@_Trina_Maria_: RT @BritishVogue: When Kenzo Takada died from coronavirus on 4 October at the age of 81, the industry lost one of Japan’s foremost designer… - 4 years ago

@JonathanMongoto: RT @pam_boy: In 1971, Kenzo Takada made his ELLE debut on the cover and pages of the title thanks in part to the influence of Catherine Rou… - 4 years ago

@JonathanMongoto: Kenzo Takada Dies After Covid-19 Battle–Bernard Arnault Mourns Designer’s ‘Fresh And Spontaneous Spirit’ - - 4 years ago

@HatsuonRobin: "Kenzo Takada, the Japanese-born fashion designer who made Paris his home and was known for his bold use of colour." - 4 years ago

@seattletimes: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada helped bring Japanese fashion to the world. A trip to Paris in the 1960s turned into… - 4 years ago

@Alfonso65645353: RIP Kenzo - 4 years ago

@elfarandi: Falleció el icónico diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada a los 81 años 🖤🙏🏻 - 4 years ago

@23lanzhan: RT @RomainBurrel: Kenzo Takada et l’amour de sa vie, Xavier de Castella, disparu en 1990. #RIPKENZOTAKADA - 4 years ago

@KeranGanaway: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@irbipPodcast: Funeral service is held for Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada — Daily Mail - 4 years ago

@vcru: Основатель Kenzo Кендзо Такада в начале октября умер от осложнений из-за Covid-19 — он войдёт в историю моды как но… - 4 years ago

@EmceeSLIM: RT @ForbesLife: Bernard Arnault remembers Kenzo Takada's 'fresh and spontaneous' spirit: - 4 years ago

@FaithTwenty20: RT @rayalexsmith: Designer Kenzo Takada, who died at age 81 on Oct. 4 near Paris, transformed the fashion world with loose silhouettes and… - 4 years ago

@WahcaMia: RT @rayalexsmith: Designer Kenzo Takada, who died at age 81 on Oct. 4 near Paris, transformed the fashion world with loose silhouettes and… - 4 years ago

@CaronaUpdates: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@nicsssssssssss: Por cierto rip Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@XZPwEDVhHH37i3C: RT @BritishVogue: When Kenzo Takada died from coronavirus on 4 October at the age of 81, the industry lost one of Japan’s foremost designer… - 4 years ago

@SameerM85506015: RT @CuteCircuit: Tomorrow on episode 24 of Live with CuteCircuit we look at Fashion from Japan! Iconic designers such as Rei Kawakubo and K… - 4 years ago

@GordonMoat: RT @BritishVogue: When Kenzo Takada died from coronavirus on 4 October at the age of 81, the industry lost one of Japan’s foremost designer… - 4 years ago

@didoregina: RT @BritishVogue: When Kenzo Takada died from coronavirus on 4 October at the age of 81, the industry lost one of Japan’s foremost designer… - 4 years ago

@rayalexsmith: Designer Kenzo Takada, who died at age 81 on Oct. 4 near Paris, transformed the fashion world with loose silhouette… - 4 years ago

@tubaratubara: RT @BritishVogue: When Kenzo Takada died from coronavirus on 4 October at the age of 81, the industry lost one of Japan’s foremost designer… - 4 years ago

@WWCASARIN: @WhoIsPauliz O Kenzo Takada da Kenzo! - 4 years ago

@MILJoe7: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@inshinzi: RT @afpbbcom: 死去の高田賢三氏、パリで追悼式 今月4日に死去した日本人ファッションデザイナー、高田賢三(Kenzo Takada)氏の追悼式が9日、仏パリのペール・ラシェーズ(Pere Lachaise)墓地で執り行… - 4 years ago

@stereochromo: Kenzo Takada, the Kenzo founder who brought exuberant graphics to French fashion, has died - 4 years ago

@Cass66827660: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@toledokiko: In Loving Memory of Mr. Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@thxmerci10: ちょうど3年前パリで「ここが本店👀✨」と心躍ったことが昨日のことのよう R.I.P. KENZO TAKADA - RENEGADES OF FASHION - 4 years ago

@mdht88: RT @afpbbcom: 死去の高田賢三氏、パリで追悼式 今月4日に死去した日本人ファッションデザイナー、高田賢三(Kenzo Takada)氏の追悼式が9日、仏パリのペール・ラシェーズ(Pere Lachaise)墓地で執り行… - 4 years ago

@dreamiebit: o kenzo takada morreu - 4 years ago

@itsjavispears: RT @OriginalDollBR: ✨Kenzo Takada, fundador da KENZO, morreu hoje aos 81 anos, devido a complicações do coronavirus. Britney estampou campa… - 4 years ago

@DesireeFleming1: RT @EstrellaFReport: Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada, founder if Kenzo, 81, dies of Covid-19, #kenzo #kenzotakada Click here http… - 4 years ago

@SpencerStoneLTD: - 4 years ago

@shiba3: RT @afpbbcom: 死去の高田賢三氏、パリで追悼式 今月4日に死去した日本人ファッションデザイナー、高田賢三(Kenzo Takada)氏の追悼式が9日、仏パリのペール・ラシェーズ(Pere Lachaise)墓地で執り行… - 4 years ago

@Yangangou: RT @amabanckou: Kenzo Takada, créateur de la marque « Kenzo » nous quitte à 81 ans. Le charme de Kenzo venait de la finesse des lignes esqu… - 4 years ago

@JonathanMongoto: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@johan_amt: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@LaetitiaChassa: RT @franceinter: "Un vêtement devient intemporel lorsqu'il permet à celui qui le porte de se sentir bien." Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la ma… - 4 years ago

@originalchamp: CNN: Paris-based Japanese designer Kenzo Takada, famous for creating the international luxury fashion house Kenzo,… - 4 years ago

@Shogundesigns: #Kenzo Takada: #Japanese designer #dies after catching #COVID19 - - 4 years ago

@_stylemuseum: Must Read: Kenzo Takada Dies of Covid-19 Complications, Gabrielle Union Covers 'Marie Claire'… - 4 years ago

@OctobeuR_Man: Chihiro Masui/ Kenzo Takada, the book. - 4 years ago

@muf36abuabs: RT @afpbbcom: 死去の高田賢三氏、パリで追悼式 今月4日に死去した日本人ファッションデザイナー、高田賢三(Kenzo Takada)氏の追悼式が9日、仏パリのペール・ラシェーズ(Pere Lachaise)墓地で執り行… - 4 years ago

@HarpersBazaarmx: El diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada falleció el domingo 4 de octubre a los 81 años debido al covid-19. - 4 years ago

@Marialuisa893: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@BigBtsfan2020: @HiddenCash Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@onokair18: テレビあんまり見てなかったから知らなかった…ショック…😭😭😭 コロナ早くなくなってほしい… 【訃報】デザイナーの高田賢三が死去。享年81歳。 - 4 years ago

@TaeteaKookie: @HiddenCash Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@mama_bear6714: @HiddenCash Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@andresmoguz_23: RT @tcsnoticias: #LoÚltimo Fallece a los 81 años el diseñador de moda japonés Kenzo Takada, fundador de la marca #Kenzo, a causa de compli… - 4 years ago

@gomatama1: RT @shuhei1955: 高田賢三さんが亡くなった。81歳だった。同郷・姫路出身の世界的なデザイナーがいるということが、美大を目指していたぼくの心の支えだった。コロナか…残念。ご冥福をお祈りします。 - 4 years ago

@s_usubenifuji: RT @afpbbcom: 死去の高田賢三氏、パリで追悼式 今月4日に死去した日本人ファッションデザイナー、高田賢三(Kenzo Takada)氏の追悼式が9日、仏パリのペール・ラシェーズ(Pere Lachaise)墓地で執り行… - 4 years ago

@Mily_Melgarejo: Falleció Kenzo Takada afloja 2020 - 4 years ago

@basbas1017: @HiddenCash Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@Kyon2_DX: RT @afpbbcom: 死去の高田賢三氏、パリで追悼式 今月4日に死去した日本人ファッションデザイナー、高田賢三(Kenzo Takada)氏の追悼式が9日、仏パリのペール・ラシェーズ(Pere Lachaise)墓地で執り行… - 4 years ago

@11princessnight: @HiddenCash Demetria "Demi" Bannister Allen Garfield Kenzo Takada but he was 81 Lincoln Mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird… - 4 years ago

@himessyme: @HiddenCash Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@useashells: @HiddenCash Kenzo Takada Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@JonathanWainw: @HiddenCash Kenzo Takada ? - 4 years ago

@yesambaby: @HiddenCash Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@YellowBest1: @HiddenCash Kenzo takada John prine Kenzo Jungle - 4 years ago

@20_marotta: @HiddenCash Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@BrandiMelvin2: @HiddenCash Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@Yu_Luck: RT @afpbbcom: 死去の高田賢三氏、パリで追悼式 今月4日に死去した日本人ファッションデザイナー、高田賢三(Kenzo Takada)氏の追悼式が9日、仏パリのペール・ラシェーズ(Pere Lachaise)墓地で執り行… - 4 years ago

@kadenthu: RT @afpbbcom: 死去の高田賢三氏、パリで追悼式 今月4日に死去した日本人ファッションデザイナー、高田賢三(Kenzo Takada)氏の追悼式が9日、仏パリのペール・ラシェーズ(Pere Lachaise)墓地で執り行… - 4 years ago

@papanda_san: RT @afpbbcom: 死去の高田賢三氏、パリで追悼式 今月4日に死去した日本人ファッションデザイナー、高田賢三(Kenzo Takada)氏の追悼式が9日、仏パリのペール・ラシェーズ(Pere Lachaise)墓地で執り行… - 4 years ago

@kumakenshiro: RT @afpbbcom: 死去の高田賢三氏、パリで追悼式 今月4日に死去した日本人ファッションデザイナー、高田賢三(Kenzo Takada)氏の追悼式が9日、仏パリのペール・ラシェーズ(Pere Lachaise)墓地で執り行… - 4 years ago

@moira923: RT @afpbbcom: 死去の高田賢三氏、パリで追悼式 今月4日に死去した日本人ファッションデザイナー、高田賢三(Kenzo Takada)氏の追悼式が9日、仏パリのペール・ラシェーズ(Pere Lachaise)墓地で執り行… - 4 years ago

@Eh8Q9z1WeybihSi: RT @afpbbcom: 死去の高田賢三氏、パリで追悼式 今月4日に死去した日本人ファッションデザイナー、高田賢三(Kenzo Takada)氏の追悼式が9日、仏パリのペール・ラシェーズ(Pere Lachaise)墓地で執り行… - 4 years ago

@shirakawaran1: RT @afpbbcom: 死去の高田賢三氏、パリで追悼式 今月4日に死去した日本人ファッションデザイナー、高田賢三(Kenzo Takada)氏の追悼式が9日、仏パリのペール・ラシェーズ(Pere Lachaise)墓地で執り行… - 4 years ago

@genkivitamin: RT @afpbbcom: 死去の高田賢三氏、パリで追悼式 今月4日に死去した日本人ファッションデザイナー、高田賢三(Kenzo Takada)氏の追悼式が9日、仏パリのペール・ラシェーズ(Pere Lachaise)墓地で執り行… - 4 years ago

@toki_ko_ko: RT @afpbbcom: 死去の高田賢三氏、パリで追悼式 今月4日に死去した日本人ファッションデザイナー、高田賢三(Kenzo Takada)氏の追悼式が9日、仏パリのペール・ラシェーズ(Pere Lachaise)墓地で執り行… - 4 years ago

@2nd_kiki: RT @afpbbcom: 死去の高田賢三氏、パリで追悼式 今月4日に死去した日本人ファッションデザイナー、高田賢三(Kenzo Takada)氏の追悼式が9日、仏パリのペール・ラシェーズ(Pere Lachaise)墓地で執り行… - 4 years ago

@liberte1789_99: RT @afpbbcom: 死去の高田賢三氏、パリで追悼式 今月4日に死去した日本人ファッションデザイナー、高田賢三(Kenzo Takada)氏の追悼式が9日、仏パリのペール・ラシェーズ(Pere Lachaise)墓地で執り行… - 4 years ago

@Scapoliterain: RT @afpbbcom: 死去の高田賢三氏、パリで追悼式 今月4日に死去した日本人ファッションデザイナー、高田賢三(Kenzo Takada)氏の追悼式が9日、仏パリのペール・ラシェーズ(Pere Lachaise)墓地で執り行… - 4 years ago

@SUPIKE0525: RT @afpbbcom: 死去の高田賢三氏、パリで追悼式 今月4日に死去した日本人ファッションデザイナー、高田賢三(Kenzo Takada)氏の追悼式が9日、仏パリのペール・ラシェーズ(Pere Lachaise)墓地で執り行… - 4 years ago

@greenagate1: RT @afpbbcom: 死去の高田賢三氏、パリで追悼式 今月4日に死去した日本人ファッションデザイナー、高田賢三(Kenzo Takada)氏の追悼式が9日、仏パリのペール・ラシェーズ(Pere Lachaise)墓地で執り行… - 4 years ago

@KikyoE: RT @afpbbcom: 死去の高田賢三氏、パリで追悼式 今月4日に死去した日本人ファッションデザイナー、高田賢三(Kenzo Takada)氏の追悼式が9日、仏パリのペール・ラシェーズ(Pere Lachaise)墓地で執り行… - 4 years ago

@saitoben: RT @afpbbcom: 死去の高田賢三氏、パリで追悼式 今月4日に死去した日本人ファッションデザイナー、高田賢三(Kenzo Takada)氏の追悼式が9日、仏パリのペール・ラシェーズ(Pere Lachaise)墓地で執り行… - 4 years ago

@MYUTOKYO1: RT @afpbbcom: 死去の高田賢三氏、パリで追悼式 今月4日に死去した日本人ファッションデザイナー、高田賢三(Kenzo Takada)氏の追悼式が9日、仏パリのペール・ラシェーズ(Pere Lachaise)墓地で執り行… - 4 years ago

@hqfnx688: RT @afpbbcom: 死去の高田賢三氏、パリで追悼式 今月4日に死去した日本人ファッションデザイナー、高田賢三(Kenzo Takada)氏の追悼式が9日、仏パリのペール・ラシェーズ(Pere Lachaise)墓地で執り行… - 4 years ago

@Pon_1970: RT @afpbbcom: 死去の高田賢三氏、パリで追悼式 今月4日に死去した日本人ファッションデザイナー、高田賢三(Kenzo Takada)氏の追悼式が9日、仏パリのペール・ラシェーズ(Pere Lachaise)墓地で執り行… - 4 years ago

@f_a_y_r_e_y: RT @afpbbcom: 死去の高田賢三氏、パリで追悼式 今月4日に死去した日本人ファッションデザイナー、高田賢三(Kenzo Takada)氏の追悼式が9日、仏パリのペール・ラシェーズ(Pere Lachaise)墓地で執り行… - 4 years ago

@residentmeddy: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@diyanpol: RT @AnOtherMagazine: Remembering the pioneering fashion designer - 4 years ago

@ochovio: Hace una semana murió de #COVID__19 , Kenzo Takada, el diseñador mundialmente famoso por su marca #Kenzo. 😲 - 4 years ago

@lovechxlx: r.i.p kenzo takada - 4 years ago

@MissDianthus: His vibrant designs and everlasting smile will forever stay with us...⠀May he rest in peace, Kenzo Takada. - 4 years ago

@AnkaDabrowska: RT @AnOtherMagazine: Remembering the pioneering fashion designer - 4 years ago

@thinkingitovr: RT @AnOtherMagazine: Remembering the pioneering fashion designer - 4 years ago

@AnOtherMagazine: Remembering the pioneering fashion designer - 4 years ago

@SpotlightMag12: Kenzo Takada: The life and times of the legendary fashion designer - 4 years ago

@bridge1013: RT @WSJ: Designer Kenzo Takada, who died at age 81 on Oct. 4 near Paris, transformed the fashion world with loose silhouettes and bold prin… - 4 years ago

@sarkcessmusic: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@AaronRFernandes: REST IN POWER: KENZO Founder Kenzo Takada Dies at 81 From Coronavirus - 4 years ago

@WeedWrx: RT @WSJ: Designer Kenzo Takada, who died at age 81 on Oct. 4 near Paris, transformed the fashion world with loose silhouettes and bold prin… - 4 years ago

@TristanViller: RT @ThePlaceToWish: #IdéeCadeau 📖: Ajoutez à votre profil - 4 years ago

@mammy_mammy: - 4 years ago

@LingerieFash: Funeral service is held for Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada - Daily Mail - 4 years ago

@siriusburnit: RT @fashionsnap: 【速報】デザイナー高田賢三が逝去。9月中旬に新型コロナウイルスに感染し闘病していた。享年81。 - 4 years ago

@siriusburnit: RT @uptod4te: KENZO創設者で世界的ファッションデザイナーの高田賢三さんが、新型コロナウイルス感染により死去。 - 4 years ago

@siriusburnit: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@TheLifeOfPatel: RT @WSJ: Designer Kenzo Takada, who died at age 81 on Oct. 4 near Paris, transformed the fashion world with loose silhouettes and bold prin… - 4 years ago

@energycurrency: RT @WSJ: Designer Kenzo Takada, who died at age 81 on Oct. 4 near Paris, transformed the fashion world with loose silhouettes and bold prin… - 4 years ago

@bum_blebeez: RT @DaniParisina: Kenzo Takada est décédé du COVID-19 ! - 4 years ago

@tpr_media_PR: So sad to hear the news that Japanese designer Kenzo Takada has died following Covid-19. He was so ahead of his tim… - 4 years ago

@TheFashionBot: RT @CuteCircuit: Tomorrow on episode 24 of Live with CuteCircuit we look at Fashion from Japan! Iconic designers such as Rei Kawakubo and K… - 4 years ago

@apoyrazgurson: RT @WSJ: Designer Kenzo Takada, who died at age 81 on Oct. 4 near Paris, transformed the fashion world with loose silhouettes and bold prin… - 4 years ago

@TheSchiaparelli: RT @WSJ: Designer Kenzo Takada, who died at age 81 on Oct. 4 near Paris, transformed the fashion world with loose silhouettes and bold prin… - 4 years ago

@AMaddy2: RT @PatrickSimonin: Hommage à #Kenzo Takada la légende de la mode internationale qui vient de disparaître, le revoir sur @Tv5monde "La mode… - 4 years ago

@noticiaaldia: Falleció el general Raúl Salazar, exministro de defensa de Chávez - 4 years ago

@ErShokit: RT @CuteCircuit: Tomorrow on episode 24 of Live with CuteCircuit we look at Fashion from Japan! Iconic designers such as Rei Kawakubo and K… - 4 years ago

@Changeling2525: RT @WSJ: Designer Kenzo Takada, who died at age 81 on Oct. 4 near Paris, transformed the fashion world with loose silhouettes and bold prin… - 4 years ago

@SinuheOtero: RT @ELLEmagazine: Japanese Fashion Designer Kenzo Takada Died at the Age of 81 From COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@PowerOfIdeasAfB: RT @WSJ: Designer Kenzo Takada, who died at age 81 on Oct. 4 near Paris, transformed the fashion world with loose silhouettes and bold prin… - 4 years ago

@lorileistorm: RT @WSJ: Designer Kenzo Takada, who died at age 81 on Oct. 4 near Paris, transformed the fashion world with loose silhouettes and bold prin… - 4 years ago

@connie88815983: RT @WSJ: Designer Kenzo Takada, who died at age 81 on Oct. 4 near Paris, transformed the fashion world with loose silhouettes and bold prin… - 4 years ago

@the_sup_erman: RT @WSJ: Designer Kenzo Takada, who died at age 81 on Oct. 4 near Paris, transformed the fashion world with loose silhouettes and bold prin… - 4 years ago

@loboifa2: RT @WSJ: Designer Kenzo Takada, who died at age 81 on Oct. 4 near Paris, transformed the fashion world with loose silhouettes and bold prin… - 4 years ago

@tosauma: RT @WSJ: Designer Kenzo Takada, who died at age 81 on Oct. 4 near Paris, transformed the fashion world with loose silhouettes and bold prin… - 4 years ago

@KKM36460: RT @WSJ: Designer Kenzo Takada, who died at age 81 on Oct. 4 near Paris, transformed the fashion world with loose silhouettes and bold prin… - 4 years ago

@arrosiq: RT @WSJ: Designer Kenzo Takada, who died at age 81 on Oct. 4 near Paris, transformed the fashion world with loose silhouettes and bold prin… - 4 years ago

@imuraasa: RT @WSJ: Designer Kenzo Takada, who died at age 81 on Oct. 4 near Paris, transformed the fashion world with loose silhouettes and bold prin… - 4 years ago

@johnnymreilly: RT @ELLEmagazine: Japanese Fashion Designer Kenzo Takada Died at the Age of 81 From COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@8887cupi: RT @ELLEmagazine: Japanese Fashion Designer Kenzo Takada Died at the Age of 81 From COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@anamnetik: RT @ELLEmagazine: Japanese Fashion Designer Kenzo Takada Died at the Age of 81 From COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@agussari: RT @lyndaibrahim: Kenzo Takada, desainer mode Jepang yg mendunia via Paris, wafat karena Covid. Utk diskusi malam… - 4 years ago

@DrSedehi: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@sdfashionista3: RT @ELLEmagazine: Japanese Fashion Designer Kenzo Takada Died at the Age of 81 From COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@sterella: RT @ELLEmagazine: Japanese Fashion Designer Kenzo Takada Died at the Age of 81 From COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@Unicorndandruf_: RT @ELLEmagazine: Japanese Fashion Designer Kenzo Takada Died at the Age of 81 From COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@ELLEmagazine: Japanese Fashion Designer Kenzo Takada Died at the Age of 81 From COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@AleksandraWrite: RT @INSEADKnowledge: “Fashion is not for the few, it is for all the people. It should not be too serious.” - Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@theianseerawr: RT @NHKWORLD_News: Remembering Takada Kenzo: a designer who broke the status quo and brought freedom and color to the world of fashion. htt… - 4 years ago

@Ollissya: RT @NHKWORLD_News: Remembering Takada Kenzo: a designer who broke the status quo and brought freedom and color to the world of fashion. htt… - 4 years ago

@mjae84: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@tomo___1206: RT @fashionsnap: 【速報】デザイナー高田賢三が逝去。9月中旬に新型コロナウイルスに感染し闘病していた。享年81。 - 4 years ago

@MariniHajarani: RT @NHKWORLD_News: Remembering Takada Kenzo: a designer who broke the status quo and brought freedom and color to the world of fashion. htt… - 4 years ago

@chicmarieanne: Learn how we French Women mix prints to perfection - 4 years ago

@EZR4L: RT @NHKWORLD_News: Remembering Takada Kenzo: a designer who broke the status quo and brought freedom and color to the world of fashion. htt… - 4 years ago

@turskaanna: Funeral service is held for Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@jurylady5: RT @AsFarce: in addition to Footscray history, this week’s episode of Blueprint features Kenzo, Torres Strait Islanders fighting climate ch… - 4 years ago

@GreenJ: RT @AsFarce: in addition to Footscray history, this week’s episode of Blueprint features Kenzo, Torres Strait Islanders fighting climate ch… - 4 years ago

@Anna_ViKing: какие грустные новости(((( «Воплощение искусства жить»: основатель Kenzo Кендзо Такада умер от осложнений, вызванны… - 4 years ago

@novelletten: RT @Alc_Rimbaud: 故・高田賢三さんが初めてオペラの衣装を担当したのが、1999年のバスティーユの「魔笛」だった。ロバート・ウィルソン演出で、今は上演されていない。 2005年7月に鑑賞したが、印象に残る素敵な衣装だった。 下記の「夜の女王」の写真は、縦長なの… - 4 years ago

@franzpeter_d944: RT @Alc_Rimbaud: 故・高田賢三さんが初めてオペラの衣装を担当したのが、1999年のバスティーユの「魔笛」だった。ロバート・ウィルソン演出で、今は上演されていない。 2005年7月に鑑賞したが、印象に残る素敵な衣装だった。 下記の「夜の女王」の写真は、縦長なの… - 4 years ago

@NigelCordon: RT @NHKWORLD_News: Remembering Takada Kenzo: a designer who broke the status quo and brought freedom and color to the world of fashion. htt… - 4 years ago

@Sonja_Seear: RT @brooklynmuseum: Today we pay tribute to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who died in Paris Sunday from Covid-19 complications. Kenzo is cu… - 4 years ago

@hgberry: RT @lyndaibrahim: Kenzo Takada, desainer mode Jepang yang mendunia lewat Paris, wafat karena Covid. Malam ini 9pm… - 4 years ago

@YAMISHIBAI_X: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@gabriellebleu: RT @guardian: Kenzo founder Kenzo Takada dies of Covid-19 aged 81 - 4 years ago

@Shivam_vaidwan_: RT @CuteCircuit: Tomorrow on episode 24 of Live with CuteCircuit we look at Fashion from Japan! Iconic designers such as Rei Kawakubo and K… - 4 years ago

@lyndaibrahim: RT @lyndaibrahim: Kenzo Takada, desainer mode Jepang yang mendunia lewat Paris, wafat karena Covid. Malam ini 9pm… - 4 years ago

@xwfjbygcf: RT @ParisAMDParis: Kenzo Takada Studio Harcourt Paris - 4 years ago

@embajadorjpnarg: RT @NHKWORLD_News: Remembering Takada Kenzo: a designer who broke the status quo and brought freedom and color to the world of fashion. htt… - 4 years ago

@Laxary: Corona-Tod mit 81: Mode-Designer Kenzo Takada verstorben | - 4 years ago

@kuuurtis: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@menzikulati: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada's catwalk – in pictures Fashion designer Kenzo Takada's catwalk – in pictures - 4 years ago

@APLFHK: Japanese designer Kenzo Takada dies of coronavirus at 81 - mourned in Paris and Japan. - 4 years ago

@Alc_Rimbaud: 故・高田賢三さんが初めてオペラの衣装を担当したのが、1999年のバスティーユの「魔笛」だった。ロバート・ウィルソン演出で、今は上演されていない。 2005年7月に鑑賞したが、印象に残る素敵な衣装だった。 下記の「夜の女王」の写… - 4 years ago

@Jhestin4: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@FLai1234: RT @jazzmanahn: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada meurt des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@Mauvelli: This week in fashion news from around the world,iconic fashion designer, Kenzo Takada dies of coronavirus, Zendaya… - 4 years ago

@tenakat0mi: RT @NHKWORLD_News: Remembering Takada Kenzo: a designer who broke the status quo and brought freedom and color to the world of fashion. htt… - 4 years ago

@JOSHUAJREYNOLD1: RT @DeadlineWH: Remembering Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@MojoAbd: RT @NHKWORLD_News: Remembering Takada Kenzo: a designer who broke the status quo and brought freedom and color to the world of fashion. htt… - 4 years ago

@McsmithAllan: RT @NHKWORLD_News: Remembering Takada Kenzo: a designer who broke the status quo and brought freedom and color to the world of fashion. htt… - 4 years ago

@Jukekru: RT @NHKWORLD_News: Remembering Takada Kenzo: a designer who broke the status quo and brought freedom and color to the world of fashion. htt… - 4 years ago

@cateyenews: RT @NHKWORLD_News: Remembering Takada Kenzo: a designer who broke the status quo and brought freedom and color to the world of fashion. htt… - 4 years ago

@NHKWORLD_News: Remembering Takada Kenzo: a designer who broke the status quo and brought freedom and color to the world of fashion. - 4 years ago

@EijiMihara2013: 昨年ご一緒にKenzoのファッションショーを拝見しました! VIDEO Designer KENZO TAKADA 高田賢三 @ Paris 23 june 2019 Fashion Week show… - 4 years ago

@FashioningIP: Kenzo Takada Helped Put Asia on the Global Fashion Map - WSJ - 4 years ago

@emroztrk_: @edanurgedk Kenzo Takada yeni rahmetli oldu artık hiç öğrenemeyecek. - 4 years ago

@GabrieleMancosu: RT @kenzo: AN ODE TO OUR FOUNDER 🙏🏻🖤 “It is with great sadness that I have learned the passing away of Mr Kenzo Takada. His amazing energy,… - 4 years ago

@aetherrrr: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@shaurentoZ: RT @INSEADKnowledge: “Fashion is not for the few, it is for all the people. It should not be too serious.” - Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@EhabMoX: RT @INSEADKnowledge: “Fashion is not for the few, it is for all the people. It should not be too serious.” - Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@maria_freiria: RT @INSEADKnowledge: “Fashion is not for the few, it is for all the people. It should not be too serious.” - Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@UschiReducka: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@MtinaMorgan: RT @DeadlineWH: Remembering Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@yomamasflava: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@stxrshiips: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@INSEADKnowledge: “Fashion is not for the few, it is for all the people. It should not be too serious.” - Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@lollipopchina: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@fpcjpn: #FPCJ #japannews @WSJ Designer Kenzo Takada, who died at age 81 on Oct. 4 near Paris, transformed the fashion worl… - 4 years ago

@dfbf9343c7694a3: RT @Forbes: Japanese designer Kenzo Takada has died aged 81 after battling Covid-19 related complications. Bernard Arnault mourns the desig… - 4 years ago

@RohanM198: RT @pam_boy: RIP Kenzo Takada. A creative force that brought newness and excitement to Paris in the 1970s. His business was acquired by… - 4 years ago

@jordymelyer: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@alekzLoza: RT @Britney_Promo: Japanese designer Kenzo Takada has died at the age of 81 from coronavirus. Britney was the face of KENZO's 2018 La Colle… - 4 years ago

@ObjetivoBArmy: RT @Britney_Promo: Japanese designer Kenzo Takada has died at the age of 81 from coronavirus. Britney was the face of KENZO's 2018 La Colle… - 4 years ago

@KT66_Designer: OFFICIAL GOSSIP! 📢 My biggest mistake is to accumulate pain. Pretend it doesn't exist. But then on a night like thi… - 4 years ago

@Yaconic: Mira el breve recorrido por la obra del revolucionario diseñador japonés, Kenzo Takada. ✨🎎 #BuenasNoches 👉… - 4 years ago

@StefanBoye_: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@SteveJacksonVA: RT @ForbesLife: Bernard Arnault remembers Kenzo Takada's 'fresh and spontaneous' spirit: - 4 years ago

@mxnuclll: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@DisplacedNation: “People always say never meet your idols, but Kenzo was everything I expected, and more”: Growing up gay and Asian… - 4 years ago

@McLainSean: RT @LandersWSJ: A look at the life and loves of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, born in Himeji but remembered as a son of Paris. - 4 years ago

@ForbesLife: Bernard Arnault remembers Kenzo Takada's 'fresh and spontaneous' spirit: - 4 years ago

@muses220: RT @kenzo: AN ODE TO OUR FOUNDER 🙏🏻🖤 “It is with great sadness that I have learned the passing away of Mr Kenzo Takada. His amazing energy,… - 4 years ago

@karoyakani: RT @LandersWSJ: A look at the life and loves of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, born in Himeji but remembered as a son of Paris. - 4 years ago

@iTodd4Life: RT @DeadlineWH: Remembering Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@theObituaries: Kenzo Takada dead: Famous designer dies aged 81 from COVID-19 - Chronicle - 4 years ago

@verticalrepeat: RT @DeadlineWH: Remembering Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@DeesPrayItUp1: Kenzo Takada Dies After Covid-19 Battle – Bernard Arnault Mourns Designer’s ‘Fresh And Spontaneous Spirit’ - 4 years ago

@news24x75: RT @vdrame: Another great taken down by Covid. Kenzo Takada, founder of Kenzo, dies of Covid-19 aged 81 - CNN - 4 years ago

@ExoticWorldTW: RT @HUGOBOSS: The world has lost a creative genius. We at HUGO BOSS are deeply saddened by the passing of fashion designer Kenzo Takada. RI… - 4 years ago

@news24x75: RT @Defeat_Trump2: BBC News - Kenzo Takada: Japanese designer dies after catching Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@noura19_XIX: RT @VVFriedman: “Kenzo Takada was a very special figure in the Parisian fashion world. So many people who disliked or hated each other very… - 4 years ago

@blue_cloud222: RT @costume_society: Kenzo Takada, the founder of global fashion company Kenzo, has died at the age of 81 from coronavirus. #KENZO #kenzota… - 4 years ago

@premepheen1: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@jeanneenabottle: RT @DeadlineWH: Remembering Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@sofisati: RT @diorangxl: “When you’re designing clothes for the public to wear, you actually have to think very practically, much more so than the id… - 4 years ago

@peac4love: RT @FInsight13: Kenzo Takada passed away today at the age of 81 in Paris, for causes related to the Coronavirus. Takada not only was the fo… - 4 years ago

@ur_cutejeans: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@barbieba3: RT @DeadlineWH: Remembering Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@Kelewishhh: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@YP_MostDopeQ: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@ZairaAcosta19: RT @CNNEE: El diseñador Kenzo Takada, fundador de Kenzo, muere a los 81 años por complicaciones relacionadas con el covid-19 - 4 years ago

@GaspareAdragna: RT @FInsight13: Kenzo Takada passed away today at the age of 81 in Paris, for causes related to the Coronavirus. Takada not only was the fo… - 4 years ago

@luminariasss: "El creador japonés Kenzo Takada fallece de coronavirus" - 4 years ago

@robertomalates2: @triio_duro Lucia Bosé (attrice e Miss Italia),Detto Mariano (musicista di Celentano),Luis Sepulvedra (scrittore de… - 4 years ago

@MarieSchrss: RT @Inafr_officiel: Premier styliste japonais à s'être imposé en France, le créateur de mode #Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19.… - 4 years ago

@fashioniqueen28: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from COVID-19 at age 81 - 4 years ago

@jsthestudio: RT @VogueParis: "Fashion is not for the few, it is for all the people. It should not be too serious." Tribute to Kenzo Takada who made his… - 4 years ago

@PeakAmericana: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@kng_ace_: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@BluePositively: RT @DeadlineWH: Remembering Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@muratd_tekstil: Kenzo Takada: Mutlu, özgür, sınır tanımaz bir tasarımcı… – Sözcü Gazetesi - 4 years ago

@VirusJoeKnows: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@AmbarJam: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@jigokumimi: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@YD0ug: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@magicaliscool: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@Safyuan: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@agungperkasaaa: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@JozefJaki2: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@TheRocket64: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@talwindertweets: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@beatpoxer: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@dedicated2carly: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@JustMattNow: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@Charlies2Blunt: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@Yojxff: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@anne_morantin: RT @lesinrocks: Kenzo Takada, le premier créateur japonais de la mode parisienne, s’est éteint à 81 ans. Avec son esthétique colorée, fleur… - 4 years ago

@babykenzaaa: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@genilin2850: RT @euronews: Kenzo Takada was best known for his jungle-infused designs and free-spirited aesthetic. He died in hospital due to COVID-19.… - 4 years ago

@FrilinFreeman: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@jessicariveraxx: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@Stiff44000: RT @lesinrocks: Kenzo Takada, le premier créateur japonais de la mode parisienne, s’est éteint à 81 ans. Avec son esthétique colorée, fleur… - 4 years ago

@GrwKit: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@lesinrocks: Kenzo Takada, le premier créateur japonais de la mode parisienne, s’est éteint à 81 ans. Avec son esthétique coloré… - 4 years ago

@AlexiaFerranti: RT @kenzo: AN ODE TO OUR FOUNDER 🙏🏻🖤 “It is with great sadness that I have learned the passing away of Mr Kenzo Takada. His amazing energy,… - 4 years ago

@Paulyn1MM: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@Miltos_Karatzas: RIP Kenzo Takada: Naomi Campbell and More Supers Remember Fashion’s Fountain of Joy | W Magazine | Women's Fashion… - 4 years ago

@sam__harries: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@TakeItEasyTiger: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@catwalkmuseums: RT @mkghamburg: In memoriam of Kenzo Takada (1939-2020) we currently exhibit two works by the fashion designer in the entrance area of the… - 4 years ago

@kncash: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@Parolenlair: RT @lesinrocks: Kenzo Takada, le premier créateur japonais de la mode parisienne, s’est éteint à 81 ans. Avec son esthétique colorée, fleur… - 4 years ago

@TrinaKbM: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@MoussMouss99: RT @kanyewest: My condolences to the family of fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who has recently passed away from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@unoriginaldad: RT @kenzo: AN ODE TO OUR FOUNDER 🙏🏻🖤 It is with immense sadness that KENZO has learned of the passing of our founder, Kenzo Takada. For hal… - 4 years ago

@unoriginaldad: RT @kenzo: AN ODE TO OUR FOUNDER 🙏🏻🖤 “It is with great sadness that I have learned the passing away of Mr Kenzo Takada. His amazing energy,… - 4 years ago

@EllenEnders: - 4 years ago

@MikeEnElDivan: #Moda #Kenzo Muere el diseñador japonés #KenzoTakada a los 81 años - 4 years ago

@tutilina: RT @cgtnenespanol: El diseñador de moda más famoso de Japón, Kenzo Takada, fundador de la marca global Kenzo, murió en la capital francesa,… - 4 years ago

@sheundonamusi: Kenzo Takada: Japanese designer dies after catching Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@ErinHazreen: RT @nylahuda: Kenzo Takada has died at the age of 81 after contracting COVID-19 💐 - 4 years ago

@XavierCohen: 「かつて私は、日本人男性がパリの服飾産業で働く事は不可能だと言われました。男性はデザイン学校に入ることを許されていませんでした。50年代の日本社会において創造性は受け入れ難い価値観だったのです」 Kenzo Takada — t… - 4 years ago

@Ehg67Jhon: RT @RTultimahora: Muere por coronavirus el diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada, fundador de la marca Kenzo - 4 years ago

@AudBauge: RT @HuffPost: The French-Japanese designer was 81 years old. - 4 years ago

@JD724: - 4 years ago

@hwyonemedia: A designer regards his objects thusly. - 4 years ago

@lucedealle: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@Moccqa: RT @ABC7NY: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from COVID-19 at age 81 - 4 years ago

@MySmallStoreMN: Kenzo #founder #KenzoTakada dies of #Covid19 #aged 81 A great one has left us. #RIP - 4 years ago

@ning_hyunn: RT @WAjapanth: ข่าวช็อคของวงการแฟชั่น Takada Kenzo ดีไซน์เนอร์ผู้ก่อตั้งแบรนด์ Kenzo เสียชีวิตในวัย 81 ปี หลังจากติดไวรัสโควิด19 และเสียชี… - 4 years ago

@ItsUnicoBitch: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@lucedealle: RT @HUGOBOSS: The world has lost a creative genius. We at HUGO BOSS are deeply saddened by the passing of fashion designer Kenzo Takada. RI… - 4 years ago

@clodostudioisot: RT @fashionsnap: 【訃報】デザイナーの高田賢三氏がフランスで死去。9月に感染したという新型コロナの合併症によるもの。享年81。KENZOブランドの創始者として世界的に知られ、傘寿を過ぎても現役で活動していました。 - 4 years ago

@GrowGirlathon: RT HuffPostWomen: The French-Japanese designer was 81 years old. - 4 years ago

@asyrafaffif29: RT @Sarawak_Aritok: Selamat Tinggal buat Kenzo Takada, 81 tahun.. Pengasas jenama pakaian Mewah KENZO yang meninggal dunia akibat Covid-19… - 4 years ago

@frdrckzhryll2: RT @Sarawak_Aritok: Selamat Tinggal buat Kenzo Takada, 81 tahun.. Pengasas jenama pakaian Mewah KENZO yang meninggal dunia akibat Covid-19… - 4 years ago

@justiciaypaz17: RT @AP_Espectaculos: Diseñador de moda Kenzo Takada muere de COVID a los 81 años - 4 years ago

@RodReyCuban: RT @AP_Espectaculos: Diseñador de moda Kenzo Takada muere de COVID a los 81 años - 4 years ago

@GPBGeorge: Japanese Fashion Designer Kenzo Takada Died at the Age of 81 From Coronavirus - 4 years ago

@DanJung1: Mort de Kenzo Takada : le créateur de mode rejoint son amour de toujours, Xavier de Castella - TÊTU - 4 years ago

@techpacksco: RT @VVFriedman: At a time when everything can seem very dark, it's worth remembering the legacy of Kenzo Takada, the great designer who die… - 4 years ago

@Noticaribe: RT @AP_Espectaculos: Diseñador de moda Kenzo Takada muere de COVID a los 81 años - 4 years ago

@AngieBooks: RT @AD_Spain: Decimos adiós a otro de los grandes. ¡Gracias por todo! - 4 years ago

@WilliamPrevidi: - 4 years ago

@sirenebluu: RT @VogueSpain: Fallece el diseñador japonés Kenzō Takada - 4 years ago

@ACCPubGroup: RIP to Kenzo Takada Designer Kenzo Takada, founder of Kenzo, dies of Covid-19 aged 81 - 4 years ago

@periodicodaily: Kenzo Takada: il primo stilista giapponese a Parigi - Periodico Daily #Kenzo - 4 years ago

@MilanShopper: Kenzo Founder Dies of COVID-19 Complications - 4 years ago

@Zunniever: RT @nytimes: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints helped bring Japanese fashion to the world, died on Sunday at a hospital in… - 4 years ago

@AlessCullen: - 4 years ago

@florecitavanden: RT @AP_Espectaculos: Diseñador de moda Kenzo Takada muere de COVID a los 81 años - 4 years ago

@albamarinagr: RT @globovision: El diseñador de moda Kenzo Takada murió a causa del Covid-19 |#Espectáculos - 4 years ago

@malena1083: RT @AP_Espectaculos: Diseñador de moda Kenzo Takada muere de COVID a los 81 años - 4 years ago

@NappingNanna: RT @FRANCE24: Kenzo Takada, founder of Kenzo fashion brand, dies in Paris from Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@twitthouse: RT @AP_Espectaculos: Diseñador de moda Kenzo Takada muere de COVID a los 81 años - 4 years ago

@wikiglobals: Who is Kenzo Takada? Biography, Wiki, Age, Net Worth, Death, Family, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook - 4 years ago

@Emeraldchilli: RT @dezeen: Reader comment: "Wow, one of the greats. You did well, sir. Rest in Peace, Kenzo." - 4 years ago

@HakanCengiz_: RT @bbcturkce: Kenzo markasıyla Paris'i fetheden Japon modacı Kenzo Takada koronavirüsten öldü - 4 years ago

@View_BKK: RT @amandarivkin: Kenzo Takada, Who Brought Japanese Fashion to the World, Dies at 81 of Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@elenanhobbies: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! เจ้าของแบรนด์ #KENZO “Takada Kenzo” นักออกแบบแฟชั่นชาวญี่ปุ่นที่โด่งดังมีฐานอยู่กรุงปารีส ประเทศฝรั่งเศส ได้จากไ… - 4 years ago

@DDC_recomienda: Muere por coronavirus el reconocido diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@sufferingviicos: RT @VVFriedman: “Kenzo Takada was a very special figure in the Parisian fashion world. So many people who disliked or hated each other very… - 4 years ago

@naija_reports: Now on Naija Reports Must Read: Kenzo Takada Dies of Covid-19 Complications, Gabrielle Union Covers 'Marie Claire'… - 4 years ago

@PageRay: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@Sab_Alili: RT @ETX_studio: 👗 #ParisModesInsider 🎥 Hommage : rencontre avec Kenzo Takada qui nous avait retraçé les grands moments de son parcours prof… - 4 years ago

@liris_lisa: RT @Inafr_officiel: KENZO. Le créateur Kenzo Takada est mort ce dimanche à l’âge de 81 ans des suites du Covid-19. Il a été le premier styl… - 4 years ago

@_SJStevens: RIP Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@Shop4Fem: Must Read: Kenzo Takada Dies of Covid-19 Complications, Gabrielle Union Covers 'Marie Claire'… - 4 years ago

@ManuelaKlerkx: RT @museumatFIT: We are saddened to learn about the death of the great Japanese designer Kenzo Takada from Covid-19. Kenzo’s colorful style… - 4 years ago

@KorogluAytug: 81 yaşındaki dünyaca ünlü Japon Tasarımcı ve Kenzo markasının yaratıcısı Kenzo Takada, Koronavirüs nedeniyle hayatı… - 4 years ago

@Maryemame: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada's catwalk – in pictures - The Guardian - 4 years ago

@liIangelboi: rip kenzo takada - 4 years ago

@love4ulot: RT @irbipPodcast: Kenzo Takada death upends Paris fashion; Givenchy unveils designer — ABC News - 4 years ago

@DistantRainbow2: RT @Reuters: Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@RubyPuddicombe: RT @hm: The world lost a fashion icon yesterday. Kenzo Takada, the founder of the Kenzo brand has passed away at age 81. We will always rem… - 4 years ago

@irbipPodcast: Kenzo Takada death upends Paris fashion; Givenchy unveils designer — ABC News - 4 years ago

@Stereo_100: RT @WARPmagazine: Fallece reconocido diseñador japonés @kenzo Takada por #COVID19. “Su creatividad era increíble, le bastaba un lápiz, y u… - 4 years ago

@hwalaz52: RT @VVFriedman: At a time when everything can seem very dark, it's worth remembering the legacy of Kenzo Takada, the great designer who die… - 4 years ago

@francoisgarcia: RT @LuxuryDaily: “French-at-heart” Japanese designer Kenzo Takada passes away at 81 - 4 years ago

@jasminmagdyy: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@SaraGomezAranci: RT @FTLifeArts: Kenzo Takada, one of the most important voices to emerge in 1970s fashion, has died aged 81 after contracting Covid-19. Fin… - 4 years ago

@nY22fLWyBRtxPwN: RT @ArtBen: Le styliste japonais Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, est mort des suites du Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@NotAzealiaXO: RT @guardian: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada's catwalk – in pictures - 4 years ago

@iamrebelleheart: RT @Fashionista_com: Key takeaways from the latest Savage x Fenty show: - 4 years ago

@MariTeDelgado: RT @Alepint: Encontré esta foto de Kenzo Takada y Yohji Yamamoto 💔 Takada, uno de los primeros diseñadores japoneses en triunfar en occiden… - 4 years ago

@youkaibaachan: RT @elmundoes: Muere el diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada por Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@HassnainAraby: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@LauraLi61207844: RT @amandarivkin: Kenzo Takada, Who Brought Japanese Fashion to the World, Dies at 81 of Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@enchantrasand: RT @guardian: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada's catwalk – in pictures - 4 years ago

@bdosssource: RT @wmag: Remembering Kenzo Takada, who passed away from the coronavirus at the age of 81. - 4 years ago

@diariARA: Adeu a Kenzo Takada, el discret pioner del color a París - 4 years ago

@muthialatief: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@mich255: RT @BillCosbyF1: Obituary: renowned Japanese designer Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19 at 81 | - 4 years ago

@Vikydae: RT @wmag: Remembering Kenzo Takada, who passed away from the coronavirus at the age of 81. - 4 years ago

@ana_captures: RT @FTLifeArts: Kenzo Takada, one of the most important voices to emerge in 1970s fashion, has died aged 81 after contracting Covid-19. Fin… - 4 years ago

@callmeTshimollo: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@Cuki474845751: RT @mabobine: R.I.P...Kenzo Takada... - 4 years ago

@MUVASLUT: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@RecruitRetail: @kenzo a fashion pioneer, passes away due to complications from #COVID19 #FashionIcon #KenzoTakada - 4 years ago

@rtdestekyedek: RT @serseriherif01: Bizim akranın çok iyi bildiği... Kenzo markasını kuran Kenzo Takada 81 yaşında koronavirüs nedeniyle hayatını kaybetm… - 4 years ago

@jovisuwall: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@Disenyobolivia: RT @arquitecta: Kenzo Takada, el diseñador japonés fallece por #covid19 - 4 years ago

@TSaufis: RT @TMZ: Fashion Brand Founder Kenzo Takada Dead from Coronavirus - 4 years ago

@ameliduarte: RT @PLprensalatina: Lamentan en #Japon 🇯🇵 muerte de diseñador #KenzoTakada 👉 - 4 years ago

@aonowata: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@heysamcilla: Kenzo Takada: Japanese fashion designer dies from COVID19 - 4 years ago

@netbuzzafrica: Kenzo Takada: Japanese fashion designer dies from COVID19 - 4 years ago

@thepivotmedia: Kenzo Takada: Japanese fashion designer dies from COVID19 - 4 years ago

@_paolyn: RT @StreetFashion01: Rest in Peace to Kenzo Takada, the founder of KENZO and all round creative individual.🖤 - 4 years ago

@Sewing_Machines: Kenzo: widely copied rule-breaker who shook up Paris fashion. Kenzo Takada not only paved way for other Japanese de… - 4 years ago

@aoikaseidesu: RT @uptod4te: KENZO創設者で世界的ファッションデザイナーの高田賢三さんが、新型コロナウイルス感染により死去。 - 4 years ago

@QueenM_aria: RT @StreetFashion01: Rest in Peace to Kenzo Takada, the founder of KENZO and all round creative individual.🖤 - 4 years ago

@aoikaseidesu: RT @fashionsnap: 【速報】デザイナー高田賢三が逝去。9月中旬に新型コロナウイルスに感染し闘病していた。享年81。 - 4 years ago

@_eir14: RT @Yasu9412: 僕がフランスという西洋の異国で、ひとりのアジア人の男性として生活をする中で、高田賢三の成し遂げたこととその哲学から、多くのヒントと勇気をもらいました。東洋と西洋は何度も出会い直し、そこから色彩は生まれ続ける。大好きです、さようなら。 https:/… - 4 years ago

@hinata444: RT @quinoppie: パートナーといっしょにうつった写真の無邪気な笑顔が記憶に焼きついている。たぶんこの写真。 - 4 years ago

@opaliteprincess: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@Noyorker_Anon: RT @thegarance: Kenzo Founder Dies of COVID-19 Complications - 4 years ago

@MannuMellow: RT @VVFriedman: At a time when everything can seem very dark, it's worth remembering the legacy of Kenzo Takada, the great designer who die… - 4 years ago

@_violetatrrs: RT @voguemagazine: Kenzo Takada, the color- and fun-loving Japanese designer who made his career in Paris, has died of COVID-19 complicatio… - 4 years ago

@____________Q__: RT @cnni: Paris-based Japanese designer Kenzo Takada, famous for creating the international luxury fashion house Kenzo, has died due to Cov… - 4 years ago

@leiilaannii: RT @kenzo: AN ODE TO OUR FOUNDER 🙏🏻🖤 “It is with great sadness that I have learned the passing away of Mr Kenzo Takada. His amazing energy,… - 4 years ago

@__rsyy: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@DecheMcfly00: RT @FashionWeek: Over the weekend, Kenzo Takada — designer and founder of the Kenzo — passed. For 50 years, he’s been a beloved figure in t… - 4 years ago

@PapillonNoir73: R.I.P. Kenzō Takada (japanisch 高田 賢三 Takada Kenzō; * 27. Februar 1939 bei Himeji in der Präfektur Hyōgo; † 4. Oktob… - 4 years ago

@Awa69660320: RT @RFI: Les Japonais touchés par la disparition du couturier Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@textilia: Kenzo Takada (81) overleden, vertrouwen ondernemers in voorbestaan gegroeid en Josh V plust flink… - 4 years ago

@TheGF: RT @thegarance: Kenzo Founder Dies of COVID-19 Complications - 4 years ago

@PapiGrego: RT @thegarance: Kenzo Founder Dies of COVID-19 Complications - 4 years ago

@naylananas: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@Risamajo: RT @FashionWeek: Over the weekend, Kenzo Takada — designer and founder of the Kenzo — passed. For 50 years, he’s been a beloved figure in t… - 4 years ago

@oolong72: RT @VogueSpain: Fallece el diseñador japonés Kenzō Takada - 4 years ago

@15MinuteNewsSty: Kenzo Designer and Founder Kenzo Takada Has Died at 81 From COVID-19 Complications - 4 years ago

@thegarance: Kenzo Founder Dies of COVID-19 Complications - 4 years ago

@HSBnoticias: De luto la moda: #KenzoTakada, diseñador japonés, falleció por #COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@lisalisa_lv: RT @Yasu9412: 僕がフランスという西洋の異国で、ひとりのアジア人の男性として生活をする中で、高田賢三の成し遂げたこととその哲学から、多くのヒントと勇気をもらいました。東洋と西洋は何度も出会い直し、そこから色彩は生まれ続ける。大好きです、さようなら。 https:/… - 4 years ago

@BrookeMcCord: RT @VVFriedman: At a time when everything can seem very dark, it's worth remembering the legacy of Kenzo Takada, the great designer who die… - 4 years ago

@BTBreakingTimes: Japanese Fashion Designer, Kenzo Takada Dies From COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@Clelia_hdezo: Escuchando en @Imagen_Mx @Rodpac que falleció Kenzo Takada ( perfumes Kenzo) QEPD - 4 years ago

@biciguatemaya: RT @ciclosfera: Ayer murió en París, a los 81 años, el diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada. Aparte de un importante legado en el mundo de la mod… - 4 years ago

@OriorinOriorin1: RT @gonoi: 森英恵は既存のオートクチュールフォーマットで闘ったが、高田賢三はプレタで最大公約数的な無国籍のモード服というジャンルを作り、三宅一生は素材で同様に無国籍性を打ち出した。その後に山本耀司と川久保玲が「黒の衝撃」で西欧の服概念を破壊した。 Kenzo Tak… - 4 years ago

@kamajides: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@HappyHVFans: RT @scmplifestyle: The legacy of Kenzo: five fashion players in Asia talk about the influence of late designer Kenzo Takada #KenzoTakada #k… - 4 years ago

@fred_oo1: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@next_divas: Kenzo Designer and Founder Kenzo Takada Has Died at 81 From COVID-19 Complications - 4 years ago

@yukokanai_biz: RT @nikkei: 世界的ファッションデザイナーの高田賢三さんが亡くなりました。2016年12月に日本経済新聞に連載した「私の履歴書」の英文をNikkei Asia @NikkeiAsia に掲載しています。 ▶️ Kenzo Takada (1) A fashion i… - 4 years ago

@Manjacows: We were saddened to hear the news of the passing of our friend and collaborator, Kenzo Takada. At Avon, we were hon… - 4 years ago

@MohitHaram2049: RT @Variety: Fashion Designer Kenzo Takada Dies of COVID-19 at 81 - 4 years ago

@NiteniteMelissa: RT @VVFriedman: At a time when everything can seem very dark, it's worth remembering the legacy of Kenzo Takada, the great designer who die… - 4 years ago

@tou_diaolou: KENZO TAKADA ❤❤❤❤❤ - 4 years ago

@U2U2HPHP: RT @voguejp: 【訃報】デザイナーの高田賢三が死去。享年81歳。 - 4 years ago

@AsiaTrend: RT @SCMPNews: Renowned Japanese designer Kenzo Takada has died from Covid-19. He was 81 - 4 years ago

@okimikobot: Kenzo Takada: Japanese designer dies from Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@barbarosa69: RT @rayiysisi: tribute to Kenzo Takada : best campaigns for Kenzo - 4 years ago

@waitroki: RT @BritishVogue: Kenzo Takada has died at the age of 81. - 4 years ago

@ondinejeanb: RT @VVFriedman: “Kenzo Takada was a very special figure in the Parisian fashion world. So many people who disliked or hated each other very… - 4 years ago

@billyraze: RT @JapaneseStation: Desainer Kenzo Takada Meninggal Dunia Akibat COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@___row: RT @fashionsnap: デザイナー高田賢三の功績を知る――「花の9期生」と呼ばれた学生時代から、日本人で初めてパリで開催したショーの衝撃、KENZOブランドの売却など、伝説的な半生を振り返ったインタビューはこちらから - 4 years ago

@jmlm622: Kenzo Takada: Japanese designer dies after catching Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@Etheliiinaaa: RT @rubalef: Kenzo, multimillonario por sus diseños, también fue llevado x el #Covid_19 !! Acá no hubo #verso como con varios en el mundo… - 4 years ago

@cuore: Muere Kenzo, el mítico diseñador de moda japonés, por coronavirus - 4 years ago

@rachelgva: RT @CyrilBauchais: Le styliste japonais Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque #Kenzo, est mort des suites de la #Covid19 - 4 years ago

@Wendy_lover6964: RT @fashionsnap: 【速報】デザイナー高田賢三が逝去。9月中旬に新型コロナウイルスに感染し闘病していた。享年81。 - 4 years ago

@TheWeekLive: Born in Himeji near Osaka, #Kenzo was fascinated by fashion after reading about it in his sisters’ fashion magazines - 4 years ago

@SimzHuncho: RT @StreetFashion01: Rest in Peace to Kenzo Takada, the founder of KENZO and all round creative individual.🖤 - 4 years ago

@nmreorixxx: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@ABC7Chicago: Kenzo Takada, the iconic Franco-Japanese fashion designer famed for his jungle-infused designs and free-spirited ae… - 4 years ago

@meikheiliew: RIP Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@Toureab53326197: RT @FirstMagaziine: Le célèbre couturier Kenzo Takada, plus connu sous le nom de Kenzo, est décédé, dimanche, des suites du Covid-19, à l'â… - 4 years ago

@solenevlt: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@Mar__Carrillo: Kenzo Takada, fundador de la marca Kenzo, fallece por Coronavirus #MarketingEstrategiaDigitalizacion… - 4 years ago

@MartaGH__: RT @jmlopezzafra: Muere el diseñador #Kenzo Takada con 81 años, víctima del C19. DEP. - 4 years ago

@Mtpn11: RT @sputnik_TR: Ünlü Japon modacı Kenzo Takada, koronavirüs nedeniyle hayatını kaybetti - 4 years ago

@ABC30: Kenzo Takada, the iconic Franco-Japanese fashion designer famed for his jungle-infused designs and free-spirited ae… - 4 years ago

@xxponyyyx: RT @thestandardth: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada แฟชั่นดีไซน์เนอร์ชาวญี่ปุ่น ผู้ก่อตั้งแบรนด์แฟชั่น Kenzo เสียชีวิตแล้วในวัย 81 ปี หลังป่วยจาก #โค… - 4 years ago

@1mikedena: Kenzo Founder Kenzō Takada Has Died Due to COVID-19 Complications - 4 years ago

@Irfanhnaf_: RT @jt_mag_os: Kenzo Takada, Who Brought Japanese Fashion to the World, Dies at 81. The cause was complications of the novel coronavirus. h… - 4 years ago

@TaraDelevingne: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@EstPhantomas: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@mo_a_silva: "Kenzo Takada, a designer who helped break the Paris fashion barrier, dies at 81." by BY VANESSA FRIEDMAN via NYT N… - 4 years ago

@genlous: Iconic French-Japanese designer Kenzo Takada dies from coronavirus at age 81 #culture #gossip #pop >>>… - 4 years ago

@daydayb: RT @NYTFashion: The designer Kenzo Takada has died from complications of coronavirus. - 4 years ago

@geekgirly: "Kenzo Takada, a designer who helped break the Paris fashion barrier, dies at 81." by BY VANESSA FRIEDMAN via NYT N… - 4 years ago

@ljohn44: RT @VVFriedman: At a time when everything can seem very dark, it's worth remembering the legacy of Kenzo Takada, the great designer who die… - 4 years ago

@24matins_uk: Japan mourns fashion designer Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@summergirly7180: RT @LVT_RTL: Le couturier japonais Kenzo Takada est décédé hier à l'âge de 81 ans. Monique Younès revient sur la saga de cette légende de l… - 4 years ago

@JackStyner1: Fashion Designer Kenzo Takada Dead at 81 From Complications Related to Coronavirus - 4 years ago

@alliyahjhill: RT @VanityFair: Designer Kenzo Takada has died at age 81 of coronavirus - 4 years ago

@summergirly7180: RT @LVT_RTL: 📌9️⃣H @LVT_RTL ▶️ Le créateur Kenzo Takada est mort hier à l’âge de 81 ans des suites du Covid-19. Il fut le premier styliste… - 4 years ago

@lizpinar: - 4 years ago

@WinnieeYang: RT @CanadaHimalaya: 全球Kenzo品牌的创始人,日本最著名的时装设计师高田贤三(Kenzo Takada)在感染了 #CCPVirus 之后于周日去世,享年81岁。他曾经对时尚之都巴黎的名言至今回荡:“这里的每堵墙,每片天空,甚至每位匆匆路人都可以帮助我建立… - 4 years ago

@mireyacoronel: RT @noticias24: Diseñador Kenzo Takada muere a causa del COVID-19 #NoTeQuitesElTapabocas - 4 years ago

@irispress: 🕊️Fallece por coronavirus el icónico diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada (@kenzo) ➡️El diseñador ha fallecido a los 81… - 4 years ago

@1000GramKeloe: RIP Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@hbbtruth: RT @MailOnline: Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies in hospital in Paris after contracting coronavirus - 4 years ago

@ZonaRubu: Designer Kenzo Takada, founder of Kenzo, dies of Covid-19 aged 81 - 4 years ago

@allyazman00: RT @nylahuda: Kenzo Takada has died at the age of 81 after contracting COVID-19 💐 - 4 years ago

@dangerousshop: RT @enhance: Born in 1939, whose father ran a hotel, Kenji became interested in design after reading his sisters’ fashion magazines. Thoug… - 4 years ago

@mjotk_: RT @HuffPostKorea: 일본 패션 디자이너 겐조가 신종 코로나 합병증으로 파리에서 사망했다 - 4 years ago

@HarrisHats: Kenzo Takada: Japanese designer dies after catching Covid-19 #Sadnews #Fashion #Design - 4 years ago

@LaCrudaVerdad: RT @VPITV: #Espectáculos | Falleció el diseñador Kenzo Takada por Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@SLiiPLeSS: RT @thestandardth: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada แฟชั่นดีไซน์เนอร์ชาวญี่ปุ่น ผู้ก่อตั้งแบรนด์แฟชั่น Kenzo เสียชีวิตแล้วในวัย 81 ปี หลังป่วยจาก #โค… - 4 years ago

@OrigamiQuilter: RT @VVFriedman: At a time when everything can seem very dark, it's worth remembering the legacy of Kenzo Takada, the great designer who die… - 4 years ago

@nellyamini4: RT @AlisambaYerodia: RIP - 4 years ago

@setsunavie: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Japan's most famous fashion designer Kenzo Takada, founder of the global Kenzo brand, died in Paris on Sunday aged 81… - 4 years ago

@thoton9: RT @nytimes: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints helped bring Japanese fashion to the world, died on Sunday at a hospital in… - 4 years ago

@wM3Mw: RT @fashionsnap: 「KENZO」創始者の高田賢三氏が逝去。高田氏の経歴を振り返るとともにデザイナーや著名人などからの追悼メッセージをまとめました。 - 4 years ago

@lana_lou: Kenzo Founder Kenzō Takada Has Died Due to COVID-19 Complications - 4 years ago

@notesbynartey: Trailblazing Designer Kenzo Takada Has Died - 4 years ago

@Campooptimage: 🔴⏭#moda La moda despide a #KenzoTakada, el diseñador japonés que inundó a París de color y estampados y que ha fall… - 4 years ago

@Editwit: BBC News - Kenzo Takada: Japanese designer dies after catching Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@TanukiGhost: RT @VVFriedman: At a time when everything can seem very dark, it's worth remembering the legacy of Kenzo Takada, the great designer who die… - 4 years ago

@irma_faudoa: RT @nytimes: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints helped bring Japanese fashion to the world, died on Sunday at a hospital in… - 4 years ago

@MQamarulA: RT @HYPEBEAST: The fashion icon passed away at the American Hospital in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France. - 4 years ago

@Triceratop77: RT @CNNEE: El diseñador Kenzo Takada, fundador de Kenzo, muere a los 81 años por complicaciones relacionadas con el covid-19 - 4 years ago

@KazukoJkS: RT @fashionsnap: 「KENZO」創始者の高田賢三氏が逝去。高田氏の経歴を振り返るとともにデザイナーや著名人などからの追悼メッセージをまとめました。 - 4 years ago

@peini010: RT @balenciogre: rest in peace kenzo takada. the designer who left his native japan in the 1960s to travel the world and later set up his n… - 4 years ago

@MinniMkhwanazi: RT @StreetFashion01: Rest in Peace to Kenzo Takada, the founder of KENZO and all round creative individual.🖤 - 4 years ago

@memopedrozabl: RT @kenzo: AN ODE TO OUR FOUNDER 🙏🏻🖤 It is with immense sadness that KENZO has learned of the passing of our founder, Kenzo Takada. For hal… - 4 years ago

@_oftoday_: Kenzo Takada: Japanese designer dies from Covid-19 Kenzo Takada was the first Japanese designer to gain prominence… - 4 years ago

@Ivy30116309: RT @nytimes: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints helped bring Japanese fashion to the world, died on Sunday at a hospital in… - 4 years ago

@KattieLZ: RT @Telefuturo: El Covid-19 se lleva al diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada, fundador de la prestigiosa marca que lleva su nombre. Falleció a… - 4 years ago

@askauntygrace: Kenzo Takada: Japanese designer dies from Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@gdmag47: RT @LacombeKarine1: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19 — via @lemondefr 😭 #SortezMasqués - 4 years ago

@wardinahsyfnh: RT @IAMFASHlON: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada, the founder of Kenzo, has passed away at the age of 81 due to Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@McGly1: RT @wwd: Kenzo Takada, the Japanese designer who brought a gust of color and fresh creativity to Paris in the Seventies, has died. - 4 years ago

@fashionsnap: 「KENZO」創始者の高田賢三氏が逝去。高田氏の経歴を振り返るとともにデザイナーや著名人などからの追悼メッセージをまとめました。 - 4 years ago

@irenenam: RT @headyslimane: “Fashion is not for the few — it is for all the people” - Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@viralvideovlogs: RT @ABSCBNNews: Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from #COVID19 - 4 years ago

@TwtJunkie: RT @ABSCBNNews: Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from #COVID19 - 4 years ago

@Colvick: Oh dear. Kenzo Takada, founder of eponymous French fashion house, dies from COVID-19 complications - ABC News - 4 years ago

@wassdu26: RT @Mediavenir: 🇯🇵 ALERTE INFO - Le créateur japonais #Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la maison de haute couture Kenzo, est mort à 81 ans des s… - 4 years ago

@RogueChieftan: “Known for his beaming smile & mischievous sense of fun—one of his more famous sayings was “fashion is like eating,… - 4 years ago

@Its_Syawal: RT @nylahuda: Kenzo Takada has died at the age of 81 after contracting COVID-19 💐 - 4 years ago

@BuzinessBytes: Kenzo Takada passed away due to coronavirus - 4 years ago

@jnancarlos: RT @ComplexStyle: Kenzō Takada, Japanese-French designer and founder of Kenzo, dead at 81 from COVID-19. - 4 years ago

@The_Relevant: RT @StreetFashion01: Rest in Peace to Kenzo Takada, the founder of KENZO and all round creative individual.🖤 - 4 years ago

@TeganEffect: Kenzo Takada, founder of Kenzo dies from coronavirus - 4 years ago

@yasmynd_: RT @nylahuda: Kenzo Takada has died at the age of 81 after contracting COVID-19 💐 - 4 years ago

@MD1961: RT @fashionsnap: 【速報】デザイナー高田賢三が逝去。9月中旬に新型コロナウイルスに感染し闘病していた。享年81。 - 4 years ago

@Liz_Parsons_: RT @TheCut: Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who founded the French luxury house Kenzo in 1970, has died due to COVID-19 complicatio… - 4 years ago

@EleanaTrevi: RT @Madamecurves: - 4 years ago

@emiko515: RT @nytimes: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints helped bring Japanese fashion to the world, died on Sunday at a hospital in… - 4 years ago

@dreegy: RT @MSNFrance: Mort de Kenzo Takada : retour sur le drame de sa vie - 4 years ago

@IsabelleMirocha: RT @Inafr_officiel: Premier styliste japonais à s'être imposé en France, le créateur de mode #Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19.… - 4 years ago

@cuervo22l: RT @C5N: Francia: Murió por coronavirus el diseñador de moda Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@miso_amaguri: RT @fashionsnap: 【速報】デザイナー高田賢三が逝去。9月中旬に新型コロナウイルスに感染し闘病していた。享年81。 - 4 years ago

@dreegy: RT @nytimes: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints helped bring Japanese fashion to the world, died on Sunday at a hospital in… - 4 years ago

@FarhanJamaal: RT @TMZ: Fashion Brand Founder Kenzo Takada Dead from Coronavirus - 4 years ago

@nextstep2: RT @nytimes: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints helped bring Japanese fashion to the world, died on Sunday at a hospital in… - 4 years ago

@xchristmasgirlx: RT @thestandardth: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada แฟชั่นดีไซน์เนอร์ชาวญี่ปุ่น ผู้ก่อตั้งแบรนด์แฟชั่น Kenzo เสียชีวิตแล้วในวัย 81 ปี หลังป่วยจาก #โค… - 4 years ago

@Senzi_Ndungane: RT @StreetFashion01: Rest in Peace to Kenzo Takada, the founder of KENZO and all round creative individual.🖤 - 4 years ago

@44104U65: RT @voguejp: 【訃報】デザイナーの高田賢三が死去。享年81歳。 - 4 years ago

@u_ou_ux_x: RT @kenzo: AN ODE TO OUR FOUNDER 🙏🏻🖤 It is with immense sadness that KENZO has learned of the passing of our founder, Kenzo Takada. For hal… - 4 years ago

@IndianExpress: RT @lifestyle_ie: Kenzo Takada was born on February 27, 1939, in Himeji, in the Hyogo Prefecture in Japan to hoteliers, but after reading h… - 4 years ago

@lifestyle_ie: Kenzo Takada was born on February 27, 1939, in Himeji, in the Hyogo Prefecture in Japan to hoteliers, but after rea… - 4 years ago

@Deviayu: RT @nytimes: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints helped bring Japanese fashion to the world, died on Sunday at a hospital in… - 4 years ago

@aconcisehistory: RT @nytimes: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints helped bring Japanese fashion to the world, died on Sunday at a hospital in… - 4 years ago

@ArantxaTeasser: RT @nytimes: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints helped bring Japanese fashion to the world, died on Sunday at a hospital in… - 4 years ago

@DamiaNorwin: RT @nylahuda: Kenzo Takada has died at the age of 81 after contracting COVID-19 💐 - 4 years ago

@changohchang: RT @ChannelNewsAsia: Kenzo founder Kenzo Takada dies from COVID-19: Spokesman - 4 years ago

@SuperEbza: RT @StreetFashion01: Rest in Peace to Kenzo Takada, the founder of KENZO and all round creative individual.🖤 - 4 years ago

@kobieta_z_perla: Świat mody pogrążył się w żałobie 🕯️😔 #COVID19 #Kenzo Nie żyje projektant mody Kenzo Takada. Zmarł na COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@iordae: RT @VVFriedman: At a time when everything can seem very dark, it's worth remembering the legacy of Kenzo Takada, the great designer who die… - 4 years ago

@JapaneseStation: Desainer Kenzo Takada Meninggal Dunia Akibat COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@Aoi_JP1: RT @CNN: Paris-based Japanese designer Kenzo Takada, famous for creating the international luxury fashion house Kenzo, has died due to Covi… - 4 years ago

@JerryLEADS: RT @CNN: Paris-based Japanese designer Kenzo Takada, famous for creating the international luxury fashion house Kenzo, has died due to Covi… - 4 years ago

@cnnasiapr: .@CNNStyle: Paris-based Japanese designer Kenzo Takada, famous for creating the international luxury fashion house… - 4 years ago

@uDosa_: RT @StreetFashion01: Rest in Peace to Kenzo Takada, the founder of KENZO and all round creative individual.🖤 - 4 years ago

@Aoi_JP1: RT @voguemagazine: Kenzo Takada, the color- and fun-loving Japanese designer who made his career in Paris, has died of COVID-19 complicatio… - 4 years ago

@ShriyapatilET: RT @ETPanache: #KenzoTakada retired from his house in 1999 to pursue a career in art. #Kenzo @kenzo - 4 years ago

@mollyismail: RT @nylahuda: Kenzo Takada has died at the age of 81 after contracting COVID-19 💐 - 4 years ago

@Veevvyy: RT @longtungirl: <Update> ล่าสุด Kenzo Takada ดีไซเนอร์ญี่ปุ่น-ฝรั่งเศส ชื่อดัง ผู้ก่อตั้งแบรนด์แฟชั่น KENZO ซึ่งปัจจุบันอยู่ภายใต้เครือแบร… - 4 years ago

@HH21665504: RT @fashionsnap: 【注目記事】高田賢三が半生を振り返ったインタビュー。親に反対されても服飾の道へ、花の9期生、パリで日本人初のショー、店の名はJUNGLE JAP、KENZOブランドの売却、芍薬の花の意味など、伝説的な逸話が語られています。 - 4 years ago

@isyrafeiman: RT @nylahuda: Kenzo Takada has died at the age of 81 after contracting COVID-19 💐 - 4 years ago

@catpuft: RT @TokyoFashion: Legendary Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19 in Paris at the age of 81 🙏🙏🙏🙏 - 4 years ago

@lgrd_yann: RT @Mediavenir: 🇯🇵 ALERTE INFO - Le créateur japonais #Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la maison de haute couture Kenzo, est mort à 81 ans des s… - 4 years ago

@jawapos: Desainer Asal Jepang Kenzo Takada Meninggal Akibat Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@Aoi_JP1: RT @VVFriedman: At a time when everything can seem very dark, it's worth remembering the legacy of Kenzo Takada, the great designer who die… - 4 years ago

@yukakofujii: RT @VVFriedman: At a time when everything can seem very dark, it's worth remembering the legacy of Kenzo Takada, the great designer who die… - 4 years ago

@_tyraax: RT @IAMFASHlON: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada, the founder of Kenzo, has passed away at the age of 81 due to Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@Aoi_JP1: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@atos28__yo: RT @fashionsnap: デザイナー高田賢三の功績を知る――「花の9期生」と呼ばれた学生時代から、日本人で初めてパリで開催したショーの衝撃、KENZOブランドの売却など、伝説的な半生を振り返ったインタビューはこちらから - 4 years ago

@leitoca1: RT @CaliesCaliCOL: El diseñador Kenzo Takada, fundador de Kenzo, muere a los 81 años por COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@butjunebug: RT @voguemagazine: Kenzo Takada, the color- and fun-loving Japanese designer who made his career in Paris, has died of COVID-19 complicatio… - 4 years ago

@matyeu: RIP Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@LorraineKParis: RT @YouAreMyBezoar: Muere a los 81 años, el diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada por complicaciones de covid. Kenzo fue uno de los responsables… - 4 years ago

@____lito: RT @nylahuda: Kenzo Takada has died at the age of 81 after contracting COVID-19 💐 - 4 years ago

@tor_dream: RT @WAjapanth: ข่าวช็อคของวงการแฟชั่น Takada Kenzo ดีไซน์เนอร์ผู้ก่อตั้งแบรนด์ Kenzo เสียชีวิตในวัย 81 ปี หลังจากติดไวรัสโควิด19 และเสียชี… - 4 years ago

@cosyane: RT @TMReserve: Fashion mogul Kenzo Takada dies of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@EzzaSyafiqah: RT @ChannelNewsAsia: Kenzo founder Kenzo Takada dies from COVID-19: Spokesman - 4 years ago

@macooz: RT @thestandardth: อ้างอิง - 4 years ago

@kaotok: R.I.P KENZO TAKADA - 4 years ago

@OonaMcGee: RT @abcnews: 'Delightfully free of ego': Pioneering fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies - 4 years ago

@nurlyanatemizi: RT @IAMFASHlON: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada, the founder of Kenzo, has passed away at the age of 81 due to Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@butjunebug: RT @latimes: Kenzo Takada, the iconic Franco-Japanese fashion designer famous for his jungle-infused designs and free-spirited aesthetic th… - 4 years ago

@politicalHEDGE: Iconic French-Japanese designer Kenzo Takada dies from coronavirus at age 81 - 4 years ago

@nothingbutgap: RT @WAjapanth: ข่าวช็อคของวงการแฟชั่น Takada Kenzo ดีไซน์เนอร์ผู้ก่อตั้งแบรนด์ Kenzo เสียชีวิตในวัย 81 ปี หลังจากติดไวรัสโควิด19 และเสียชี… - 4 years ago

@mamasan0706222: RT @fashionsnap: 【速報】デザイナー高田賢三が逝去。9月中旬に新型コロナウイルスに感染し闘病していた。享年81。 - 4 years ago

@PIIEEEM: RT @HuffPostKorea: 일본 패션 디자이너 겐조가 신종 코로나 합병증으로 파리에서 사망했다 - 4 years ago

@LorraineKParis: RT @rebecamaccise: Kenzo Takada, 1939-2020. La moda hoy está de luto 🙏 - 4 years ago

@__ymknow: RT @fashionsnap: 【速報】デザイナー高田賢三が逝去。9月中旬に新型コロナウイルスに感染し闘病していた。享年81。 - 4 years ago

@macooz: RT @thestandardth: Kenzo Takada เกิดเมื่อวันที่ 27 กุมภาพันธ์ 1939 ในญี่ปุ่น ตลอดการทำงานในเส้นทางสายแฟชั่นเขาได้รับการยอมรับในฐานะดีไซเนอ… - 4 years ago

@MarinCamin: RT @pirooooon3: 【マスゴミにいつまで騙されるの】 風邪をこじらせても死ぬ人はいる。 今の収入が半分になり、医療自己負担が50%になってもいい人は、 中国コロナにビビっていればいい。 デザイナー高田賢三が逝去 新型コロナにより半月にわたり闘病 - 4 years ago

@mememe150: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@JEstevez1501: RT @AngyPenaRD: El Covid se sigue llevando celebridades. El diseñador Kenzo Takada, fundador de Kenzo, muere a los 81 años por covid-19 htt… - 4 years ago

@Ainosorato: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@KieRazid: RT @nylahuda: Kenzo Takada has died at the age of 81 after contracting COVID-19 💐 - 4 years ago

@Daniel_Godd: RT @StreetFashion01: Rest in Peace to Kenzo Takada, the founder of KENZO and all round creative individual.🖤 - 4 years ago

@Fher1601: RT @CarLon_2020: FALLECE A LOS 81 AÑOS A CAUSA DEL #COVID19 el DISEÑADOR DE MODA Y EMPRESARIO JAPONÉS KENZO TAKADA, el creador de la mundi… - 4 years ago

@SueBeeDexter: Kenzo Takada Dead: Designer Dies of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@starsnlpro: RT @diorangxl: “When you’re designing clothes for the public to wear, you actually have to think very practically, much more so than the id… - 4 years ago

@theamazingkimi: RT @IAMFASHlON: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada, the founder of Kenzo, has passed away at the age of 81 due to Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@deni_denihg: RT @CarLon_2020: FALLECE A LOS 81 AÑOS A CAUSA DEL #COVID19 el DISEÑADOR DE MODA Y EMPRESARIO JAPONÉS KENZO TAKADA, el creador de la mundi… - 4 years ago

@MHendratmoko: @kompascom RiP. Mudah2an para penerus Kenzo tetap kreatif memuaskan pelanggannya. Jangan diartikan kalimat itu doro… - 4 years ago

@AMIRAKMALNOOR: RT @bernamaradio: Pereka fesyen legenda Kenzo Takada dari Jepun, meninggal dunia di Perancis akibat COVID-19. Beliau berusia 81 tahun. - Ag… - 4 years ago

@starsnlpro: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@blondiejaemin: @swengyoun gara-gara kenzo takada 😀 - 4 years ago

@onnygiri: RT @otakucalendarjp: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada passed away at the age of 81 from COVID-19. R.I.P. (with his diva Sayoko Yamaguchi) http… - 4 years ago

@MD_IN: RT @tribunnews: BREAKING NEWS: Desainer Terkenal Jepang, Kenzo Takada Meninggal akibat Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@fromikotosirius: RT @HYPEBEAST: The fashion icon passed away at the American Hospital in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France. - 4 years ago

@nirvanahafi: just found out kenzo takada passed away - 4 years ago

@SonVaytha: RT @MothershipSG: Kenzo founder Kenzo Takada, 81, dies from Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@eisamericano: RT @longtungirl: <Update> ล่าสุด Kenzo Takada ดีไซเนอร์ญี่ปุ่น-ฝรั่งเศส ชื่อดัง ผู้ก่อตั้งแบรนด์แฟชั่น KENZO ซึ่งปัจจุบันอยู่ภายใต้เครือแบร… - 4 years ago

@Rianna_gao: RT @CanadaHimalaya: 全球Kenzo品牌的创始人,日本最著名的时装设计师高田贤三(Kenzo Takada)在感染了 #CCPVirus 之后于周日去世,享年81岁。他曾经对时尚之都巴黎的名言至今回荡:“这里的每堵墙,每片天空,甚至每位匆匆路人都可以帮助我建立… - 4 years ago

@Kaleriy71749578: RT @radiosvoboda: Творець бренду Kenzo Кензо Такада помер від COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@_pibitariot: RT @YouAreMyBezoar: Muere a los 81 años, el diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada por complicaciones de covid. Kenzo fue uno de los responsables… - 4 years ago

@paolettacapo: #fashion top story: Kenzo Takada, Who Brought Japanese Fashion to the World, Dies at 81 - 4 years ago

@edwardaX666: RT @fashionsnap: 【注目記事】高田賢三が半生を振り返ったインタビュー。親に反対されても服飾の道へ、花の9期生、パリで日本人初のショー、店の名はJUNGLE JAP、KENZOブランドの売却、芍薬の花の意味など、伝説的な逸話が語られています。 - 4 years ago

@starsnlpro: RT @ellejapan: ファッション界が失った「高田賢三」という偉大な光。 ナオミ・キャンベル、カーラ・ブルーニ、冨永愛など多くの関係者ほか、各界から悲しみの声が届く - 4 years ago

@DVCSTARSONIA: RT @themainichi: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from COVID-19 at age 81 - 4 years ago

@_nyago: RT @fashionsnap: 【速報】デザイナー高田賢三が逝去。9月中旬に新型コロナウイルスに感染し闘病していた。享年81。 - 4 years ago

@KISO35136388: 日本人がパリに進出する道を切り拓いたパイオニアでありレジェンドでもある #KENZO ご冥福をお祈り致します。日本人デザイナーとして初めてパリに進出し、キャリアを積み、名声を博した高田健三は、#COVID19 により、日曜日に81… - 4 years ago

@JYzenithmate: RT @longtungirl: <Update> ล่าสุด Kenzo Takada ดีไซเนอร์ญี่ปุ่น-ฝรั่งเศส ชื่อดัง ผู้ก่อตั้งแบรนด์แฟชั่น KENZO ซึ่งปัจจุบันอยู่ภายใต้เครือแบร… - 4 years ago

@Crankhornet: RT @fashionsnap: 【訃報】デザイナーの高田賢三氏がフランスで死去。9月に感染したという新型コロナの合併症によるもの。享年81。KENZOブランドの創始者として世界的に知られ、傘寿を過ぎても現役で活動していました。 - 4 years ago

@earter3: RT @fashionsnap: 【速報】デザイナー高田賢三が逝去。9月中旬に新型コロナウイルスに感染し闘病していた。享年81。 - 4 years ago

@Ora_ties_K: 【インタビュー】ファッション界の"生きる伝説" 高田賢三が再び第一線へ - 4 years ago

@hphgj: RT @fashionsnap: デザイナー高田賢三の功績を知る――「花の9期生」と呼ばれた学生時代から、日本人で初めてパリで開催したショーの衝撃、KENZOブランドの売却など、伝説的な半生を振り返ったインタビューはこちらから - 4 years ago

@jeep_1984: RT @kinowhatsnew: ขอแสดงความเสียใจกับการจากไปของ Kenzō Takada นักออกแบบแฟชั่นชาวญี่ปุ่น - ฝรั่งเศส ผู้ก่อตั้งแบรนด์ชื่อดัง 'Kenzo' มา ณ… - 4 years ago

@goldenboots125: RT @fashionsnap: 【注目記事】高田賢三が半生を振り返ったインタビュー。親に反対されても服飾の道へ、花の9期生、パリで日本人初のショー、店の名はJUNGLE JAP、KENZOブランドの売却、芍薬の花の意味など、伝説的な逸話が語られています。 - 4 years ago

@nastitie03: RT @kumparan: Kenzo Takada merupakan pendiri rumah mode Kenzo. #kumparanWOMAN - 4 years ago

@sekhhannis: RT @diorangxl: “When you’re designing clothes for the public to wear, you actually have to think very practically, much more so than the id… - 4 years ago

@BrulotteDavid: Départ d'une icône de la mode Japon/France: - 4 years ago

@gupiganteng: RT @VVFriedman: At a time when everything can seem very dark, it's worth remembering the legacy of Kenzo Takada, the great designer who die… - 4 years ago

@billmorill: 8 Bells PARIS (AP) — Kenzo Takada, the iconic Franco-Japanese fashion designer - 4 years ago

@sepatahdua_my: Pereka fesyen terkenal dari Jepun, Kenzo Takada yang juga pengasas jenama Kenzo meninggal dunia akibat wabak COVID-… - 4 years ago

@eddyaranda: RT @CarLon_2020: FALLECE A LOS 81 AÑOS A CAUSA DEL #COVID19 el DISEÑADOR DE MODA Y EMPRESARIO JAPONÉS KENZO TAKADA, el creador de la mundi… - 4 years ago

@SarinaKmrdn: RT @nylahuda: Kenzo Takada has died at the age of 81 after contracting COVID-19 💐 - 4 years ago

@edgehead58: RT @kenzo: AN ODE TO OUR FOUNDER 🙏🏻🖤 “It is with great sadness that I have learned the passing away of Mr Kenzo Takada. His amazing energy,… - 4 years ago

@j_nicole_g59: RT @business: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada has died from complications due to Covid-19 at age 81 - 4 years ago

@zheng_PN: RT @NITE2MU: Kenzo Takada ผู้ก่อตั้งแบรนด์ Kenzo เสียชีวิตในวัย 81 ปีจากโควิด-19 - 4 years ago

@plan_sequence: RT @fashionsnap: 【速報】デザイナー高田賢三が逝去。9月中旬に新型コロナウイルスに感染し闘病していた。享年81。 - 4 years ago

@EveNunes3: RT @BBCWorld: Japanese designer Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19, aged 81 - 4 years ago

@ypy_s: RT @324cat: Kenzo ha mort per una complicació després d'haver-se contagiat de la Covid-19, segons han informat fonts pròximes al dissenyado… - 4 years ago

@hmdnial: RT @malaysiakini: Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@INNERVISlON: RT @StreetFashion01: Rest in Peace to Kenzo Takada, the founder of KENZO and all round creative individual.🖤 - 4 years ago

@tinambv: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Kenzo Takada, probably the first and biggest Japanese name in international fashion, has passed away due to Covid. RIP… - 4 years ago

@Dolphtemi: rip kenzo takada 💔 - 4 years ago

@Audz1st: RT @guardian: Kenzo founder Kenzo Takada dies of Covid-19 aged 81 - 4 years ago

@dumakei: RT @fashionsnap: デザイナー高田賢三の功績を知る――「花の9期生」と呼ばれた学生時代から、日本人で初めてパリで開催したショーの衝撃、KENZOブランドの売却など、伝説的な半生を振り返ったインタビューはこちらから - 4 years ago

@dumakei: RT @fashionsnap: 【速報】デザイナー高田賢三が逝去。9月中旬に新型コロナウイルスに感染し闘病していた。享年81。 - 4 years ago

@lanamadihah: RT @HYPEBEAST: The fashion icon passed away at the American Hospital in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France. - 4 years ago

@JanetMaslin: RT @dean_frey: #RIP Kenzo Takada Photo: Jean-Régis Roustan, 1978 - 4 years ago

@MikiLilMo: RT @keiko_sono: RIP, Kenzo. First brand I bought with my money as a teenager. - 4 years ago

@terileemcclain: RT @ABC7NY: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from COVID-19 at age 81 - 4 years ago

@Captain_ImasP: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@dean_frey: #RIP Kenzo Takada Photo: Jean-Régis Roustan, 1978 - 4 years ago

@asakavoce: RT @gonoi: 森英恵は既存のオートクチュールフォーマットで闘ったが、高田賢三はプレタで最大公約数的な無国籍のモード服というジャンルを作り、三宅一生は素材で同様に無国籍性を打ち出した。その後に山本耀司と川久保玲が「黒の衝撃」で西欧の服概念を破壊した。 Kenzo Tak… - 4 years ago

@Koajisasi_9229: RT @kenzo: AN ODE TO OUR FOUNDER 🙏🏻🖤 “It is with great sadness that I have learned the passing away of Mr Kenzo Takada. His amazing energy,… - 4 years ago

@_acapASYRAF: RT @IAMFASHlON: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada, the founder of Kenzo, has passed away at the age of 81 due to Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@yang_amira: RT @IAMFASHlON: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada, the founder of Kenzo, has passed away at the age of 81 due to Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@sak0saku: RT @WAjapanth: ข่าวช็อคของวงการแฟชั่น Takada Kenzo ดีไซน์เนอร์ผู้ก่อตั้งแบรนด์ Kenzo เสียชีวิตในวัย 81 ปี หลังจากติดไวรัสโควิด19 และเสียชี… - 4 years ago

@chenyanqing: RT @VVFriedman: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints and volumes helped break the Paris barrier and bring Japanese fashion to… - 4 years ago

@xaveytotor: RT @balenciogre: rest in peace kenzo takada. the designer who left his native japan in the 1960s to travel the world and later set up his n… - 4 years ago

@Dandy12065790: RT @business: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada has died from complications due to Covid-19 at age 81 - 4 years ago

@mixcom: RIP-Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies in Paris from Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@mrfakhrularif: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@tunguimili: RT @VogueSpain: Fallece el diseñador japonés Kenzō Takada - 4 years ago

@munin_and_hugin: RT @VVFriedman: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints and volumes helped break the Paris barrier and bring Japanese fashion to… - 4 years ago

@fuzainosyoujo: RT @gonoi: 森英恵は既存のオートクチュールフォーマットで闘ったが、高田賢三はプレタで最大公約数的な無国籍のモード服というジャンルを作り、三宅一生は素材で同様に無国籍性を打ち出した。その後に山本耀司と川久保玲が「黒の衝撃」で西欧の服概念を破壊した。 Kenzo Tak… - 4 years ago

@MiguelCampos12: - 4 years ago

@fvshionxkilla_: RT @StreetFashion01: Rest in Peace to Kenzo Takada, the founder of KENZO and all round creative individual.🖤 - 4 years ago

@NBC12: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from COVID-19 at age 81 - 4 years ago

@RubenMarzialet1: RT @Federica_1310: Kenzo Takada, fundador de Kenzo, muere de coronavirus - 4 years ago

@austinmocean: RT @VVFriedman: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints and volumes helped break the Paris barrier and bring Japanese fashion to… - 4 years ago

@SidyBarrey: Iconic fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19 at age 81 - 4 years ago

@CamuCarcova: RT @YouAreMyBezoar: Muere a los 81 años, el diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada por complicaciones de covid. Kenzo fue uno de los responsables… - 4 years ago

@CoachLeights: RT @business: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada has died from complications due to Covid-19 at age 81 - 4 years ago

@malimaliwater: RT @BBCWorld: Japanese designer Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19, aged 81 - 4 years ago

@acheetah42496: RT @business: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada has died from complications due to Covid-19 at age 81 - 4 years ago

@oregakitaworld: RT @inquirerdotnet: Japan’s most famous fashion designer Kenzo Takada, founder of the global Kenzo brand, died in the French capital on Sun… - 4 years ago

@FilterRepost: RT @business: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada has died from complications due to Covid-19 at age 81 - 4 years ago

@DoKscho: RT @business: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada has died from complications due to Covid-19 at age 81 - 4 years ago

@roboat92: RT @kenzo: AN ODE TO OUR FOUNDER 🙏🏻🖤 It is with immense sadness that KENZO has learned of the passing of our founder, Kenzo Takada. For hal… - 4 years ago

@d_ongdong2: RT @HuffPostKorea: 일본 패션 디자이너 겐조가 신종 코로나 합병증으로 파리에서 사망했다 - 4 years ago

@B10gu: R.I.P Kenzo TAKADA. - 4 years ago

@business: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada has died from complications due to Covid-19 at age 81 - 4 years ago

@TatyPinedaA: RT @ELTIEMPO: Él era Kenzo Takada, famoso diseñador que murió tras contraer covid-19. ➡️ - 4 years ago

@20somethingarmy: RT @diorangxl: “When you’re designing clothes for the public to wear, you actually have to think very practically, much more so than the id… - 4 years ago

@notsogothic: RT @IAMFASHlON: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada, the founder of Kenzo, has passed away at the age of 81 due to Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@TVMCCA: RT @nytimes: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints and volumes helped break the Paris barrier and bring Japanese fashion to the… - 4 years ago

@Punchinello_: RT @WAjapanth: ข่าวช็อคของวงการแฟชั่น Takada Kenzo ดีไซน์เนอร์ผู้ก่อตั้งแบรนด์ Kenzo เสียชีวิตในวัย 81 ปี หลังจากติดไวรัสโควิด19 และเสียชี… - 4 years ago

@yohanesalbertus: RIP Kenzo Takada The Fashion Designer - 4 years ago

@KarrieMoen: RT @Independent: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from COVID-19 at age 81 - 4 years ago

@hamamaa: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@khunpangg: RT @kinowhatsnew: ขอแสดงความเสียใจกับการจากไปของ Kenzō Takada นักออกแบบแฟชั่นชาวญี่ปุ่น - ฝรั่งเศส ผู้ก่อตั้งแบรนด์ชื่อดัง 'Kenzo' มา ณ… - 4 years ago

@xXAzn_CrowXx: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@inquirerdotnet: Japan’s most famous fashion designer Kenzo Takada, founder of the global Kenzo brand, died in the French capital on… - 4 years ago

@Beauty_of_allBH: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Japan's most famous fashion designer Kenzo Takada, founder of the global Kenzo brand, died in Paris on Sunday aged 81… - 4 years ago

@dreammex: RT @ChinaDaily: Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada, better known as Kenzo, who created his label in Paris in the 1970s, died on Sunday.… - 4 years ago

@y_hirataira: RT @fashionsnap: 【訃報】デザイナーの高田賢三氏がフランスで死去。9月に感染したという新型コロナの合併症によるもの。享年81。KENZOブランドの創始者として世界的に知られ、傘寿を過ぎても現役で活動していました。 - 4 years ago

@News_Fred: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from COVID-19 at age 81 - 4 years ago

@JournAB: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from COVID-19 at age 81 - 4 years ago

@nikkeiPRoffice: RT @NikkeiAsia: Japanese fashion icon Kenzo Takada dies from COVID-19, but his thoughts live on in his revealing 2017 autobiography. https:… - 4 years ago

@Naniax_: RT @VVFriedman: At a time when everything can seem very dark, it's worth remembering the legacy of Kenzo Takada, the great designer who die… - 4 years ago

@nopuedoserjin: RT @ChinaDaily: Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada, better known as Kenzo, who created his label in Paris in the 1970s, died on Sunday.… - 4 years ago

@yosone9: RT @thestandardth: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada แฟชั่นดีไซน์เนอร์ชาวญี่ปุ่น ผู้ก่อตั้งแบรนด์แฟชั่น Kenzo เสียชีวิตแล้วในวัย 81 ปี หลังป่วยจาก #โค… - 4 years ago

@oohs00: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies after catching Covid-19 aged 81 - 4 years ago

@ProfessorChic: RT @VVFriedman: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints and volumes helped break the Paris barrier and bring Japanese fashion to… - 4 years ago

@BlueNile1981: デザイナー高田賢三が逝去 新型コロナにより半月にわたり闘病 - 4 years ago

@JENJANE94: RT @thestandardth: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada แฟชั่นดีไซน์เนอร์ชาวญี่ปุ่น ผู้ก่อตั้งแบรนด์แฟชั่น Kenzo เสียชีวิตแล้วในวัย 81 ปี หลังป่วยจาก #โค… - 4 years ago

@peckforlife1: RT @thestandardth: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada แฟชั่นดีไซน์เนอร์ชาวญี่ปุ่น ผู้ก่อตั้งแบรนด์แฟชั่น Kenzo เสียชีวิตแล้วในวัย 81 ปี หลังป่วยจาก #โค… - 4 years ago

@suzettewai: RT @MothershipSG: Kenzo founder Kenzo Takada, 81, dies from Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@jhamby: RT @kenzo: AN ODE TO OUR FOUNDER 🙏🏻🖤 It is with immense sadness that KENZO has learned of the passing of our founder, Kenzo Takada. For hal… - 4 years ago

@imgonemad: RT @BBCWorld: Japanese designer Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19, aged 81 - 4 years ago

@hotshoes: RT @kenzo: AN ODE TO OUR FOUNDER 🙏🏻🖤 It is with immense sadness that KENZO has learned of the passing of our founder, Kenzo Takada. For hal… - 4 years ago

@retodiariomx: El mundo de la moda despide a otro grande del diseño. El japonés Kenzo Takada murió el día de hoy en París por comp… - 4 years ago

@Sa_33333333: RT @thestandardth: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada แฟชั่นดีไซน์เนอร์ชาวญี่ปุ่น ผู้ก่อตั้งแบรนด์แฟชั่น Kenzo เสียชีวิตแล้วในวัย 81 ปี หลังป่วยจาก #โค… - 4 years ago

@mcastimovies: RT @VVFriedman: At a time when everything can seem very dark, it's worth remembering the legacy of Kenzo Takada, the great designer who die… - 4 years ago

@LauraHesti: RT @wolipop: Kenzo Takada yang dikenal sebagai pendiri brand fashion Kenzo meninggal dunia. Kenzo Takada tutup usia setelah terinfeksi viru… - 4 years ago

@DIR_EN_SILVER: RT @fashionsnap: 【速報】デザイナー高田賢三が逝去。9月中旬に新型コロナウイルスに感染し闘病していた。享年81。 - 4 years ago

@MichelleOlSousa: RT @Estadao: Morre o estilista Kenzo Takada, aos 81 anos, vítima da covid-19 (via @EstadaoCultura) - 4 years ago

@toramichan: RT @guardian: Kenzo founder Kenzo Takada dies of Covid-19 aged 81 - 4 years ago

@lavndrtwizzlers: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@norenamt: RT @CNN: Paris-based Japanese designer Kenzo Takada, famous for creating the international luxury fashion house Kenzo, has died due to Covi… - 4 years ago

@marian_kwok: RT @justin_ng: RIP Kenzo Takada. You were a trailblazer. I used to visit Paris just to find Kenzo shirts because they were so different fro… - 4 years ago

@shiro_neko85: RT @fashionsnap: 【速報】デザイナー高田賢三が逝去。9月中旬に新型コロナウイルスに感染し闘病していた。享年81。 - 4 years ago

@jundragon1216: RT @ellejapan: 「KENZO」のデザイナー、高田賢三氏が逝去 - 4 years ago

@DianneAreli: RT @rogerlateshow: Fallece en París el diseñador de moda japonés #Kenzo Takada a causa de la #Covid_19 😱😱😱😱😱😱 - 4 years ago

@mxxxxx_sa: RT @fashionsnap: 【訃報】デザイナーの高田賢三氏がフランスで死去。9月に感染したという新型コロナの合併症によるもの。享年81。KENZOブランドの創始者として世界的に知られ、傘寿を過ぎても現役で活動していました。 - 4 years ago

@rajaneesmom: RT @VVFriedman: At a time when everything can seem very dark, it's worth remembering the legacy of Kenzo Takada, the great designer who die… - 4 years ago

@fujiyositaka: RT @mayukishima: RIP Mr KENZO Takada とっても画質が悪いけど パリやリオンで楽しかった思い出。 これ以上このウイルスが人の命を 奪いませんように。 お願いします。 #kenzo - 4 years ago

@katsura_shinobu: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@klasy: RT @ABC30: Kenzo Takada, the iconic Franco-Japanese fashion designer famed for his jungle-infused designs and free-spirited aesthetic that… - 4 years ago

@marikomariko: RT @mrbenjaminlaw: In love with these photos of fashion icon Kenzo Takada (who just died in Paris from Covid-19, age 81) and his late partn… - 4 years ago

@tizano_viz: RT @VVFriedman: At a time when everything can seem very dark, it's worth remembering the legacy of Kenzo Takada, the great designer who die… - 4 years ago

@tyratilu: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@AnayansGallardo: PARIS – Kenzo Takada, 81, the iconic French-Japanese fashion designer famed for his jungle-infused designs and free… - 4 years ago

@Reporters_Large: Paris-based Japanese designer #Kenzo Takada, famous for creating the international luxury fashion house Kenzo,… - 4 years ago

@HeatherMoAndCo: RT @EW: Revered fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from complications due to the coronavirus at 81 in Paris. - 4 years ago

@lnuqtn: RT @kenzo: AN ODE TO OUR FOUNDER 🙏🏻🖤 It is with immense sadness that KENZO has learned of the passing of our founder, Kenzo Takada. For hal… - 4 years ago

@Sabange5: RT @Mediavenir: 🇯🇵 ALERTE INFO - Le créateur japonais #Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la maison de haute couture Kenzo, est mort à 81 ans des s… - 4 years ago

@ima_2tabi_ma3e: RT @gonoi: 森英恵は既存のオートクチュールフォーマットで闘ったが、高田賢三はプレタで最大公約数的な無国籍のモード服というジャンルを作り、三宅一生は素材で同様に無国籍性を打ち出した。その後に山本耀司と川久保玲が「黒の衝撃」で西欧の服概念を破壊した。 Kenzo Tak… - 4 years ago

@greiber_droz: El diseñador Kenzo Takada, fundador de Kenzo, muere a los 81 años por covid-19 - 4 years ago

@ain8391: RT @kenzo: AN ODE TO OUR FOUNDER 🙏🏻🖤 It is with immense sadness that KENZO has learned of the passing of our founder, Kenzo Takada. For hal… - 4 years ago

@NIENONGCAKENGAI: RT @thestandardth: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada แฟชั่นดีไซน์เนอร์ชาวญี่ปุ่น ผู้ก่อตั้งแบรนด์แฟชั่น Kenzo เสียชีวิตแล้วในวัย 81 ปี หลังป่วยจาก #โค… - 4 years ago

@miyakilee: RT @ninagarcia: Designer Kenzo Takada, founder of Kenzo, dies of Covid-19 aged 81 - CNN - 4 years ago

@mksoria03: Another angel in the sky... RIP Kenzo Takada 💔🖤 - 4 years ago

@kaoruchy: デザイナー高田賢三が逝去 新型コロナにより半月にわたり闘病 - 4 years ago

@stereo_pool: RT @fashionsnap: デザイナー高田賢三の功績を知る――「花の9期生」と呼ばれた学生時代から、日本人で初めてパリで開催したショーの衝撃、KENZOブランドの売却など、伝説的な半生を振り返ったインタビューはこちらから - 4 years ago

@MaiSoori_writer: RT @NikkeiAsia: Japanese fashion icon Kenzo Takada dies from COVID-19, but his thoughts live on in his revealing 2017 autobiography. https:… - 4 years ago

@lesleysan: RT @japantimes: Kenzo Takada, first Japanese designer to conquer Paris fashion, dies aged 81 - 4 years ago

@nauraaliya_: RT @IAMFASHlON: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada, the founder of Kenzo, has passed away at the age of 81 due to Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@KPFUSION: RT @vogueandcoffee: .⁦@kenzo⁩ fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from COVID-19 | CTV News - 4 years ago

@MarcoLoboJr: #tbt Em 2010 a minha esposa @paula_franco e eu recebemos um dos maiores estilistas do mundo, Kenzo Takada!! Momento… - 4 years ago

@pray_4loveEarth: RT @fashionsnap: デザイナー高田賢三の功績を知る――「花の9期生」と呼ばれた学生時代から、日本人で初めてパリで開催したショーの衝撃、KENZOブランドの売却など、伝説的な半生を振り返ったインタビューはこちらから - 4 years ago

@eisukefurusho: Kenzo Takada, Who Brought Japanese Fashion to the World, Dies at 81 - 4 years ago

@fighter_lover_: 【インタビュー】ファッション界の"生きる伝説" 高田賢三が再び第一線へ - 4 years ago

@Ebaisme: RT @CNN: Paris-based Japanese designer Kenzo Takada, famous for creating the international luxury fashion house Kenzo, has died due to Covi… - 4 years ago

@bminesunshine: RT @BrandBuffet: Kenzo Takada ผู้ก่อตั้งแบรนด์ Kenzo เสียชีวิต ในวัย 81 ปี จาก Covid-19 #Kenzo #KenzoTakada #Covid19 #BrandBuffet - 4 years ago

@Adri_328: RT @NHKWORLD_News: [BREAKING NEWS] Paris-based fashion designer Takada Kenzo, founder of the global brand KENZO, died on Sunday after... ht… - 4 years ago

@marian_steffen: RT @Free_Media_Hub: Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from COVID-19 - - 4 years ago

@hiroki_hz: RT @BBCWorld: Japanese designer Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19, aged 81 - 4 years ago

@pringle55: デザイナー高田賢三が逝去 新型コロナにより半月にわたり闘病 - 4 years ago

@89Jody: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@sezen2009aksu: RT @EveningStandard: Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19 aged 81 - 4 years ago

@romandutch: RT @HYPEBEAST: The fashion icon passed away at the American Hospital in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France. - 4 years ago

@TokyoLiberty: RT @japantimes: Kenzo Takada, first Japanese designer to conquer Paris fashion, dies aged 81 - 4 years ago

@MarieJe90267527: RT @BarleyRobinson: - 4 years ago

@_FragariaVesca_: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@patn_: RT @VVFriedman: At a time when everything can seem very dark, it's worth remembering the legacy of Kenzo Takada, the great designer who die… - 4 years ago

@vogueyasmine: RT @Inafr_officiel: Premier styliste japonais à s'être imposé en France, le créateur de mode #Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19.… - 4 years ago

@MagdaD66: RT @kenzo: AN ODE TO OUR FOUNDER 🙏🏻🖤 “It is with great sadness that I have learned the passing away of Mr Kenzo Takada. His amazing energy,… - 4 years ago

@SRoyChowdhury01: RT @VVFriedman: At a time when everything can seem very dark, it's worth remembering the legacy of Kenzo Takada, the great designer who die… - 4 years ago

@syoma11260213: RT @fashionsnap: 【速報】デザイナー高田賢三が逝去。9月中旬に新型コロナウイルスに感染し闘病していた。享年81。 - 4 years ago

@ricottasami76: RT @fashionsnap: デザイナー高田賢三の功績を知る――「花の9期生」と呼ばれた学生時代から、日本人で初めてパリで開催したショーの衝撃、KENZOブランドの売却など、伝説的な半生を振り返ったインタビューはこちらから - 4 years ago

@media_sosial27: RT @kompascom: Desainer Jepang yang juga pendiri rumah mode mewah Kenzo, Kenzo Takada, meninggal dunia di Paris karena komplikasi Covid-19.… - 4 years ago

@pickhardchu: RT @business: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada has died from complications due to Covid-19 at age 81 (via @AP) - 4 years ago

@JE96019895: RT @uptod4te: KENZO創設者で世界的ファッションデザイナーの高田賢三さんが、新型コロナウイルス感染により死去。 - 4 years ago

@0525shawol: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@TBZ_W00RIC: rip kenzo takada😔 - 4 years ago

@manuelitocb: RT @ElNacionalWeb: El diseñador Kenzo Takada fallece en París a los 81 años por covid-19 - 4 years ago

@shokoxxx730: RT @fashionsnap: 【速報】デザイナー高田賢三が逝去。9月中旬に新型コロナウイルスに感染し闘病していた。享年81。 - 4 years ago

@rowazou: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@meroporu: RT @fashionsnap: 【訃報】デザイナーの高田賢三氏がフランスで死去。9月に感染したという新型コロナの合併症によるもの。享年81。KENZOブランドの創始者として世界的に知られ、傘寿を過ぎても現役で活動していました。 - 4 years ago

@mu_fc7: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@milkchys: RT @CNN: Paris-based Japanese designer Kenzo Takada, famous for creating the international luxury fashion house Kenzo, has died due to Covi… - 4 years ago

@R34sv3: RT @uptod4te: KENZO創設者で世界的ファッションデザイナーの高田賢三さんが、新型コロナウイルス感染により死去。 - 4 years ago

@UlkuDirioglu: RT @TheCut: Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada, who founded the French luxury house Kenzo in 1970, has died due to COVID-19 complicatio… - 4 years ago

@simasimacco: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@Utadaaah: RT @IAMFASHlON: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada, the founder of Kenzo, has passed away at the age of 81 due to Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@yuki_bateauivre: RT @NorikoAtLondon: これは又もショッキングな悲報。R.I.P. Kenzo Fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies aged 81 - 4 years ago

@BibianaApolonia: RT @bbcmundo: Kenzo Takada: muere por coronavirus el reconocido diseñador de moda japonés creador de la marca de ropa Kenzo - 4 years ago

@jeneile7: RT @VVFriedman: At a time when everything can seem very dark, it's worth remembering the legacy of Kenzo Takada, the great designer who die… - 4 years ago

@Sarcher: RT @cmonstah: One of my treasured objects from the 90s was a magenta 3/4 length duster with an orange lining by Kenzo that I picked up at C… - 4 years ago

@coupjjeu: RT @voguemagazine: Kenzo Takada, the color- and fun-loving Japanese designer who made his career in Paris, has died of COVID-19 complicatio… - 4 years ago

@ArfaFakher: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@UlkuDirioglu: RT @TokyoFashion: Legendary Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19 in Paris at the age of 81 🙏🙏🙏🙏 - 4 years ago

@tekkaglam: RT @fashionsnap: 【速報】デザイナー高田賢三が逝去。9月中旬に新型コロナウイルスに感染し闘病していた。享年81。 - 4 years ago

@tomvieirasilva: RT @VVFriedman: At a time when everything can seem very dark, it's worth remembering the legacy of Kenzo Takada, the great designer who die… - 4 years ago

@rafael_alanis: RT @Britney_Promo: Japanese designer Kenzo Takada has died at the age of 81 from coronavirus. Britney was the face of KENZO's 2018 La Colle… - 4 years ago

@nimmserk: RT @trtworld: Iconic French-Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19 complications - 4 years ago

@LeslieBHIlding: RT @GuardianAus: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies after catching Covid-19 aged 81 - 4 years ago

@yokohama_minam1: RT @maggie_ms: @afpfr Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@gachimaya_: RT @YouAreMyBezoar: Muere a los 81 años, el diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada por complicaciones de covid. Kenzo fue uno de los responsables… - 4 years ago

@4_6_41_103: 初めて買ったグロスはKENZOだったな…。 - 4 years ago

@travelsizedglam: RT @CP24: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from complications of coronavirus at age 81 - 4 years ago

@s2a_s_: RT @voguejp: 【訃報】デザイナーの高田賢三が死去。享年81歳。 - 4 years ago

@jazzmin1406: RT @CNNEE: El diseñador Kenzo Takada, fundador de Kenzo, muere a los 81 años por complicaciones relacionadas con el covid-19 - 4 years ago

@MihaiScorobete: Fashion designer Takada Kenzo dies of coronavirus | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News - 4 years ago

@babyboymonaghan: RT @VVFriedman: At a time when everything can seem very dark, it's worth remembering the legacy of Kenzo Takada, the great designer who die… - 4 years ago

@EXOxsuperm: RT @gonoi: 森英恵は既存のオートクチュールフォーマットで闘ったが、高田賢三はプレタで最大公約数的な無国籍のモード服というジャンルを作り、三宅一生は素材で同様に無国籍性を打ち出した。その後に山本耀司と川久保玲が「黒の衝撃」で西欧の服概念を破壊した。 Kenzo Tak… - 4 years ago

@JorgeSa98221911: RT @bbcmundo: Kenzo Takada: muere por coronavirus el reconocido diseñador de moda japonés creador de la marca de ropa Kenzo - 4 years ago

@_senpai_972: RT @Inafr_officiel: Premier styliste japonais à s'être imposé en France, le créateur de mode #Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19.… - 4 years ago

@H0_5h1: RT @uptod4te: KENZO創設者で世界的ファッションデザイナーの高田賢三さんが、新型コロナウイルス感染により死去。 - 4 years ago

@eiko47970068: RT @Yasu9412: 僕がフランスという西洋の異国で、ひとりのアジア人の男性として生活をする中で、高田賢三の成し遂げたこととその哲学から、多くのヒントと勇気をもらいました。東洋と西洋は何度も出会い直し、そこから色彩は生まれ続ける。大好きです、さようなら。 https:/… - 4 years ago

@rodjaramillo: RT @bbcmundo: Kenzo Takada: muere por coronavirus el reconocido diseñador de moda japonés creador de la marca de ropa Kenzo - 4 years ago

@dora_minho: RT @vogueheroine: RIP to fashion designer Kenzo Takada who has died today at the age of 81. His explosive designs, prints, and colors broug… - 4 years ago

@michigabriel: RT @fashionsnap: 【速報】デザイナー高田賢三が逝去。9月中旬に新型コロナウイルスに感染し闘病していた。享年81。 - 4 years ago

@mi3cho7mu: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@GrownGals: Sad news about Kenzo Takada - I adored his signature perfume and wore it for a very long time. - 4 years ago

@LucieH_GHMP: RT @DesignMagazin: ZEMŘEL MÓDNÍ NÁVRHÁŘ KENZO Ve věku 81 let zemřel slavný japonský módní návrhář Kenzo Takada. Známý byl barevností, výst… - 4 years ago

@w20028: RT @lemonde_M: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@KlerAndrvud: Za one koji ne znaju, ovo je Kenzo Takada, preminuo je danas 81 god. Mnogi vole odecu, parfeme.. - 4 years ago

@GonGoose: RT @FRANCE24: Kenzo Takada, founder of Kenzo fashion brand, dies in Paris from Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@cidlee1: R.I.P. Fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies after catching Covid-19 aged 81 - 4 years ago

@SandraEckersley: RT @BBCWorld: Japanese designer Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19, aged 81 - 4 years ago

@dezren39: RT @VVFriedman: At a time when everything can seem very dark, it's worth remembering the legacy of Kenzo Takada, the great designer who die… - 4 years ago

@divmitri: RT @IAMFASHlON: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada, the founder of Kenzo, has passed away at the age of 81 due to Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@bgtnland: RT @lemondefr: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@jb1969cinema: Aos 81 anos, morre o estilista japonês Kenzo Takada, vítima da COVID-19: - 4 years ago

@etrusco74: RT @repubblica: Coronavirus, morto lo stilista Kenzo Takada. Aveva 81 anni [aggiornamento delle 17:00] - 4 years ago

@uncorrelated: RT @Kelangdbn: Le Mondeの高田賢三追悼記事 - 4 years ago

@f5haber: 81 yaşındaki ünlü modacı Kenzo Takada, koranadan hayatını kaybetti! - 4 years ago

@Paris_75_JH: RT @Paris_75_JH: Le créateur de #mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un po… - 4 years ago

@RosalbaMarinAg7: RT @CNNEE: El diseñador Kenzo Takada, fundador de Kenzo, muere a los 81 años por complicaciones relacionadas con el covid-19 - 4 years ago

@Kuwaballer: RT @TokyoFashion: Legendary Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19 in Paris at the age of 81 🙏🙏🙏🙏 - 4 years ago

@FangzV: RT @VVFriedman: At a time when everything can seem very dark, it's worth remembering the legacy of Kenzo Takada, the great designer who die… - 4 years ago

@pokipsi78: RT @carine_rolland: Kenzo fût un pionnier de la rencontre des cultures par la mode dès la fin des années 1970. Il avait choisi Paris pour v… - 4 years ago

@mauricioborja_: RT @sopitas: El conocido diseñador japonés, Kenzo Takada, falleció en un hospital de París luego de haberse contagiado de coronavirus 😞 ht… - 4 years ago

@rohaniroop: RT @thomaskaine5: Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@northnorth_west: RT @Hornofplentie: These early 1980’s ads of Kenzo by Hans Feurer were my first introduction to Kenzo Takada and I’ve been in love ever sin… - 4 years ago

@Nima_Joanna: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@JxCquea: RT @VVFriedman: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints and volumes helped break the Paris barrier and bring Japanese fashion to… - 4 years ago

@GlserYldz1: RT @bbcturkce: Kenzo markasının kurucusu modacı Kenzo Takada, 81 yaşında koronavirüs nedeniyle yaşamını yitirdi - 4 years ago

@adilomera1: RT @cemkucuk55: Kenzo markasını kuran Kenzo Takada 81 yaşında koronavirüs nedeniyle hayatını kaybetmiş. - 4 years ago

@TED_PAPEI_KREM_: RIP Kenzo Takada.. Τι θα φοράμε τώρα; - 4 years ago

@Rlwung: RT @business: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19 (via @AP) - 4 years ago

@ManulazaManuel: RT @europapress: Fallece por coronavirus el icónico diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada, conocido en todo el mundo como 'Kenzo', a los 81 años h… - 4 years ago

@archvillainfilm: RT @VVFriedman: At a time when everything can seem very dark, it's worth remembering the legacy of Kenzo Takada, the great designer who die… - 4 years ago

@nelladebourge: RT @edithbrou: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est décédé du coronavirus. #RIP - 4 years ago

@920_ake: RT @fashionsnap: 【速報】デザイナー高田賢三が逝去。9月中旬に新型コロナウイルスに感染し闘病していた。享年81。 - 4 years ago

@noir64290151: RT @fashionsnap: デザイナー高田賢三の功績を知る――「花の9期生」と呼ばれた学生時代から、日本人で初めてパリで開催したショーの衝撃、KENZOブランドの売却など、伝説的な半生を振り返ったインタビューはこちらから - 4 years ago

@pelukiss: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@BornResister: RT @WMUR9: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from COVID-19 at age 81 - 4 years ago

@Sic03077437: RT @fashionsnap: 【速報】デザイナー高田賢三が逝去。9月中旬に新型コロナウイルスに感染し闘病していた。享年81。 - 4 years ago

@KultPizza: RT @business: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19 (via @AP) - 4 years ago

@almostsikh: RT @kenzo: AN ODE TO OUR FOUNDER 🙏🏻🖤 It is with immense sadness that KENZO has learned of the passing of our founder, Kenzo Takada. For hal… - 4 years ago

@Indiwulf: Muere Kenzō Takada. Afectado por COVID. DEP - 4 years ago

@msosa1939: RT @CNN: Paris-based Japanese designer Kenzo Takada, famous for creating the international luxury fashion house Kenzo, has died due to Covi… - 4 years ago

@4PawShop: #c72bc5515df15926a2a84e6961a38628 Kenzo Takada, Japanese designer, dead at 81 from coronavirus complications… - 4 years ago

@AndyVermaut: Kenzo Takada, Japanese designer, dead at 81 from coronavirus complications - 4 years ago

@Vibrationradio: Le créateur Kenzo Takada est mort - 4 years ago

@voltageofficiel: Le créateur Kenzo Takada est mort - 4 years ago

@Chris_1791: Kenzo Takada, Japanese designer, dead at 81 from coronavirus complications - 4 years ago

@GuimaviG: RT @sputnik_brasil: Aos 81 anos, morre o estilista japonês Kenzo Takada, vítima da COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@MagdalenaVanin1: RT @CNN: Paris-based Japanese designer Kenzo Takada, famous for creating the international luxury fashion house Kenzo, has died due to Covi… - 4 years ago

@bbcturkce: Kenzo markasının kurucusu modacı Kenzo Takada, 81 yaşında koronavirüs nedeniyle yaşamını yitirdi… - 4 years ago

@ianlovesfashion: RT @nytimes: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints and volumes helped break the Paris barrier and bring Japanese fashion to the… - 4 years ago

@eajimenez147: RT @KENS5: Kenzo Takada, the iconic Franco-Japanese fashion designer famed for his jungle-infused designs and free-spirited aesthetic that… - 4 years ago

@SoSoirMag: Notre dernière interview avec Kenzo Takada. #Mode - 4 years ago

@DrippyJB: RT @YouAreMyBezoar: Muere a los 81 años, el diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada por complicaciones de covid. Kenzo fue uno de los responsables… - 4 years ago

@PleaseReadToday: RT @CNN: Paris-based Japanese designer Kenzo Takada, famous for creating the international luxury fashion house Kenzo, has died due to Covi… - 4 years ago

@hotworkjiw377: RT @abc7newsbayarea: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from COVID-19 at age 81 - 4 years ago

@arsact1517: RT @Reuters: Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@jogabi69: RT @Paris_75_JH: Le créateur de #mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un po… - 4 years ago

@GomcalvesMario: RT @LePoint: ⚫ Kenzo Takada, pionnier des créateurs japonais est décédé des suites du Covid. - 4 years ago

@MargNeedham: RT @CNN: Paris-based Japanese designer Kenzo Takada, famous for creating the international luxury fashion house Kenzo, has died due to Covi… - 4 years ago

@nocheazul63: RT @VogueSpain: Fallece el diseñador japonés Kenzō Takada - 4 years ago

@x_rxss_x: RT @_AngelaLansbury: Very sad news: the legendary fashion designer, Kenzo Takada has died at 81 from Covid-19. R.I.P., maestro, and thank… - 4 years ago

@Usagi_Hoshino: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Japan's most famous fashion designer Kenzo Takada, founder of the global Kenzo brand, died in Paris on Sunday aged 81… - 4 years ago

@Mima_1705: RT @kenzo: AN ODE TO OUR FOUNDER 🙏🏻🖤 “It is with great sadness that I have learned the passing away of Mr Kenzo Takada. His amazing energy,… - 4 years ago

@nyxiwa: RT @ConflitsFrance: 🇯🇵 JAPON | Le créateur de mode #japonais Kenzo #Takada est décédé ce dimanche, des suites du #Covid19 , selon le commun… - 4 years ago

@MoniqueBruneel: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@TNGJ1: RT @guardian: Kenzo founder Kenzo Takada dies of Covid-19 aged 81 - 4 years ago

@Biggythelegend: RT @CNN: Paris-based Japanese designer Kenzo Takada, famous for creating the international luxury fashion house Kenzo, has died due to Covi… - 4 years ago

@mariellab: RT @VVFriedman: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints and volumes helped break the Paris barrier and bring Japanese fashion to… - 4 years ago

@AnaisMotoven: RT @cnni: Paris-based Japanese designer Kenzo Takada, famous for creating the international luxury fashion house Kenzo, has died due to Cov… - 4 years ago

@cumgetsome714: RT @CNN: Paris-based Japanese designer Kenzo Takada, famous for creating the international luxury fashion house Kenzo, has died due to Covi… - 4 years ago

@eIeaomari: RT @balenciogre: rest in peace kenzo takada. the designer who left his native japan in the 1960s to travel the world and later set up his n… - 4 years ago

@junkSayin: RT @Variety: Fashion Designer Kenzo Takada Dies of COVID-19 at 81 - 4 years ago

@CherryxxBomb07: RT @guardian: Kenzo founder Kenzo Takada dies of Covid-19 aged 81 - 4 years ago

@Isagot7: Mort de Kenzo Takada : le fondateur de la marque Kenzo est décédé du coronavirus - 4 years ago

@Floriandash: RT @Mediavenir: 🇯🇵 ALERTE INFO - Le créateur japonais #Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la maison de haute couture Kenzo, est mort à 81 ans des s… - 4 years ago

@Aidetectednews: RT @CNN: Paris-based Japanese designer Kenzo Takada, famous for creating the international luxury fashion house Kenzo, has died due to Covi… - 4 years ago

@biden_voter: RT @CNN: Paris-based Japanese designer Kenzo Takada, famous for creating the international luxury fashion house Kenzo, has died due to Covi… - 4 years ago

@IFUCCINHATEU: RT @IAMFASHlON: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada, the founder of Kenzo, has passed away at the age of 81 due to Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@anaintuit: RT @cnni: Paris-based Japanese designer Kenzo Takada, famous for creating the international luxury fashion house Kenzo, has died due to Cov… - 4 years ago

@LupeeGuerra: Una parte de mi corazón acaba de morir. Fuiste grande, ENORME, una de mis inspiraciones. Fue increíble conocer de t… - 4 years ago

@sandyxsu: RT @StreetFashion01: Rest in Peace to Kenzo Takada, the founder of KENZO and all round creative individual.🖤 - 4 years ago

@Sondary2016: RT @BBCWorld: Japanese designer Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19, aged 81 - 4 years ago

@ElNotiziero_: ‼ Muere por coronavirus el mítico diseñador Kenzo Takada - 4 years ago

@casio_v777: RT @StreetFashion01: Rest in Peace to Kenzo Takada, the founder of KENZO and all round creative individual.🖤 - 4 years ago

@YaaaaANeeZ: ご冥福をお祈りいたします Kenzo Takada KENZO - 4 years ago

@Gypsy_tanabecci: RT @BBCWorld: Japanese designer Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19, aged 81 - 4 years ago

@sylviallys: RT @el_pais: El diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada murió ayer sábado a los 81 años, afectado por la covid-19 - 4 years ago

@_LeMcG: Very sad to hear that Kenzo Takada has passed away. He was one of the first big-name designers I interviewed as a f… - 4 years ago

@Voranc5: Svetovno znani modni oblikovalec Kenzo Takada umrl zaradi covida-19 - 4 years ago

@victoriano: - 4 years ago

@MO6jijii: RT @gonoi: 森英恵は既存のオートクチュールフォーマットで闘ったが、高田賢三はプレタで最大公約数的な無国籍のモード服というジャンルを作り、三宅一生は素材で同様に無国籍性を打ち出した。その後に山本耀司と川久保玲が「黒の衝撃」で西欧の服概念を破壊した。 Kenzo Tak… - 4 years ago

@enribrz: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇫🇷 | CORONAVIRUS: El diseñador de moda Kenzo Takada, fundador de la marca global Kenzo, muere en París tras contraer covi… - 4 years ago

@Marry_line: RT @Madamefigaro: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort à 81 ans, des suites du Covid-19 #Actu #Mode #KenzoTakada #Kenzo >> - 4 years ago

@NFFKYLE: RT @IAMFASHlON: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada, the founder of Kenzo, has passed away at the age of 81 due to Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@kaorugundam: RT @fashionsnap: 【速報】デザイナー高田賢三が逝去。9月中旬に新型コロナウイルスに感染し闘病していた。享年81。 - 4 years ago

@ht_4s_9: RT @fashionsnap: 【速報】デザイナー高田賢三が逝去。9月中旬に新型コロナウイルスに感染し闘病していた。享年81。 - 4 years ago

@HawkeyeYashua: Some will take the easy way out: Covid can be used as a [cover] for many things; Fashion designer Kenzo Takada, fou… - 4 years ago

@sofiaok41491389: RT @AgenciaTelam: El diseñador de moda Kenzo Takada murió por coronavirus - 4 years ago

@KazFrancais: RT @ParisMatch: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est décédé du coronavirus - 4 years ago

@weyko: RT @BBCWorld: Japanese designer Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19, aged 81 - 4 years ago

@alaisimoirene: RT @VVFriedman: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints and volumes helped break the Paris barrier and bring Japanese fashion to… - 4 years ago

@PublimetroMX: #QEPD El diseñador de moda japonés @kenzo falleció este domingo en París por #COVIDー19 - 4 years ago

@makoto_takunaka: RT @fashionsnap: 【速報】デザイナー高田賢三が逝去。9月中旬に新型コロナウイルスに感染し闘病していた。享年81。 - 4 years ago

@roziumu: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@stegiammetti: Coronavirus, morto lo stilista Kenzo Takada. Aveva 81 anni - 4 years ago

@MissBloomgr: Πέθανε ο σχεδιαστής Kenzo Takada - - 4 years ago

@honey_wax_D: RT @fashionsnap: 【速報】デザイナー高田賢三が逝去。9月中旬に新型コロナウイルスに感染し闘病していた。享年81。 - 4 years ago

@dmborek: RT @BNODesk: NEW: Kenzo Takada, the founder of French fashion house KENZO, has died from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@Aldonautico: RT @pam_boy: In 1971, Kenzo Takada made his ELLE debut on the cover and pages of the title thanks in part to the influence of Catherine Rou… - 4 years ago

@ninetyniness_: RT @balenciogre: rest in peace kenzo takada. the designer who left his native japan in the 1960s to travel the world and later set up his n… - 4 years ago

@AndyVermaut: Kenzo Takada: Japanese designer dies from Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@okunoao: RT @TokyoFashion: Legendary Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19 in Paris at the age of 81 🙏🙏🙏🙏 - 4 years ago

@4PawShop: Kenzo Takada: Japanese designer dies from Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@frog_heaven: RT @OuestFrance: Kenzo Takada, mort des suites du Covid 19, va reposer parmi les fleurs, qu’il aimait tant - 4 years ago

@mrsK_EIRA: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@drarshadarain: RT @CTVNews: Kenzo fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@MWitcha_: RT @salapao_p17: Takada Kenzo ผู้ก่อตั้งและดีไซน์เนอร์แบรนด์ KENZO เสียชีวิตแล้วที่รพ.ในเขตชานเมืองของปารีสด้วยวัย81ปีจากการติดเชื้อไวรัสโค… - 4 years ago

@fourseasons_104: RT @fashionsnap: 【速報】デザイナー高田賢三が逝去。9月中旬に新型コロナウイルスに感染し闘病していた。享年81。 - 4 years ago

@mxndfucked: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@nnk_j94: RT @gonoi: 森英恵は既存のオートクチュールフォーマットで闘ったが、高田賢三はプレタで最大公約数的な無国籍のモード服というジャンルを作り、三宅一生は素材で同様に無国籍性を打ち出した。その後に山本耀司と川久保玲が「黒の衝撃」で西欧の服概念を破壊した。 Kenzo Tak… - 4 years ago

@papanda_san: RT @France24_en: Kenzo Takada, founder of Kenzo fashion brand, dies in Paris from Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@darkskiiinlord: RT @StreetFashion01: Rest in Peace to Kenzo Takada, the founder of KENZO and all round creative individual.🖤 - 4 years ago

@lesedimackay: RT @StreetFashion01: Rest in Peace to Kenzo Takada, the founder of KENZO and all round creative individual.🖤 - 4 years ago

@get_goal_no9: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@ayirpelle: RT @benedictevans: Kenzo Takada dies of Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@joe_pgr: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@RATSTABBED: RT @VVFriedman: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints and volumes helped break the Paris barrier and bring Japanese fashion to… - 4 years ago

@omerkonur: RT @CapaMagStyle: 81 yaşındaki dünyaca ünlü Japon Tasarımcı ve Kenzo markasının yaratıcısı Kenzo Takada, Koronavirüs nedeniyle hayatını kay… - 4 years ago

@_costa_fabi: RT @BBCWorld: Japanese designer Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19, aged 81 - 4 years ago

@carlaaleoli: RT @europapress: Fallece por coronavirus el icónico diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada, conocido en todo el mundo como 'Kenzo', a los 81 años h… - 4 years ago

@shamrockflag: RT @gonoi: 森英恵は既存のオートクチュールフォーマットで闘ったが、高田賢三はプレタで最大公約数的な無国籍のモード服というジャンルを作り、三宅一生は素材で同様に無国籍性を打ち出した。その後に山本耀司と川久保玲が「黒の衝撃」で西欧の服概念を破壊した。 Kenzo Tak… - 4 years ago

@Ipsschoolmfl: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@saramannn_: RT @StreetFashion01: Rest in Peace to Kenzo Takada, the founder of KENZO and all round creative individual.🖤 - 4 years ago

@amiryogi: RT @MothershipSG: Kenzo founder Kenzo Takada, 81, dies from Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@GranCanarioPlus: RT @el_pais: El diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada murió ayer sábado a los 81 años, afectado por la covid-19 - 4 years ago

@drivershigh324: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@louimsko: RT @Mediavenir: 🇯🇵 ALERTE INFO - Le créateur japonais #Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la maison de haute couture Kenzo, est mort à 81 ans des s… - 4 years ago

@M_C_B: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@GOmasumi1: RT @lemondefr: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@dea67: RT @tagesschau: Nach Corona-Infektion: Japanischer Designer Kenzo Takada gestorben - 4 years ago

@azohry: وفاة مصمم الأزياء العالمي كينزو تاكادا بكورونا - 4 years ago

@NatAnglin: RT @BNODesk: NEW: Kenzo Takada, the founder of French fashion house KENZO, has died from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@TsageDouglas: RT @pam_boy: RIP Kenzo Takada. A creative force that brought newness and excitement to Paris in the 1970s. His business was acquired by… - 4 years ago

@Sylvio972: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@seyokoyama: RT @balenciogre: rest in peace kenzo takada. the designer who left his native japan in the 1960s to travel the world and later set up his n… - 4 years ago

@MarcoDaCostaFX: RT @elindepcom: Kenzo Takada, diseñador japonés, muere por coronavirus - 4 years ago

@Greg_Thompson: RT @VVFriedman: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints and volumes helped break the Paris barrier and bring Japanese fashion to… - 4 years ago

@The_best_man_57: RT @RFI: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada meurt des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@amlstone: RT @ConflitsFrance: 🇯🇵 JAPON | Le créateur de mode #japonais Kenzo #Takada est décédé ce dimanche, des suites du #Covid19 , selon le commun… - 4 years ago

@UnaikoLeFou: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@MadeleineNorel1: Hela modevärlden i sorg. Vila i frid Kenzo Takada 🌹som tidigare i dag somnade in i Paris i sviterna av covid-19.… - 4 years ago

@sgmt_HaNaKo: RT @uptod4te: KENZO創設者で世界的ファッションデザイナーの高田賢三さんが、新型コロナウイルス感染により死去。 - 4 years ago

@Pls9mochi: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@ruthreinaa: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@The_best_man_57: RT @lobs: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada meurt des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@PipeVergara: RT @RTultimahora: Muere por coronavirus el diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada, fundador de la marca Kenzo - 4 years ago

@Praline_addict: RT @20minutesparis: Coronavirus : Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est décédé des suites de la maladie - 4 years ago

@Anissbsg2: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@herearethemango: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@junko1958: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@KB19780406: RT @uptod4te: KENZO創設者で世界的ファッションデザイナーの高田賢三さんが、新型コロナウイルス感染により死去。 - 4 years ago

@BarbaraNoska: RT @SuwerenaPL: Nie żyje Kenzo Takada. Twórca marki Kenzo zmarł z powodu #COVID19 - 4 years ago

@Liioraa: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@MsKiyana: RT @THEIMONATION: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada, founder of Kenzo, has died at 81 due to causes related to the coronavirus. - I - 4 years ago

@ebughknee: RT @VVFriedman: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints and volumes helped break the Paris barrier and bring Japanese fashion to… - 4 years ago

@myukiuchtw: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@_al78__: RT @Mediavenir: 🇯🇵 ALERTE INFO - Le créateur japonais #Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la maison de haute couture Kenzo, est mort à 81 ans des s… - 4 years ago

@Liarsneversleep: RT @IAMFASHlON: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada, the founder of Kenzo, has passed away at the age of 81 due to Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@PolsatNewsPL: Twórca marki ubrań i perfum Kenzo miał 81 lat - 4 years ago

@livii_en_rose: RT @IAMFASHlON: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada, the founder of Kenzo, has passed away at the age of 81 due to Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@fariniamujica: RT @FRANCE24: Kenzo Takada, founder of Kenzo fashion brand, dies in Paris from Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@Miisscassy: RT @ThomasCoste: L’AFP confirme le décès des suites de la Covid-19 de #KENZO Takada, grand créateur japonais dont l’histoire est liée à la… - 4 years ago

@micha_tan: RT @arukikataparis: ファッションデザイナーの高田賢三さんが新型コロナにより亡くなりました。81歳でした。パリ郊外のアメリカンホスピタルに入院していたそうです。 - 4 years ago

@The_best_man_57: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada meurt des suites du Covid-19. #KenzoTakada #Covid19 #Coronavirus - 4 years ago

@paintingravess: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@TMarkstahler: RT @FRANCE24: Kenzo Takada, founder of Kenzo fashion brand, dies in Paris from Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@gaoetsoe: RT @IAMFASHlON: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada, the founder of Kenzo, has passed away at the age of 81 due to Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@ThayliNeves: RT @BoF: BoF is sad to announce the passing of Kenzo Takada. - 4 years ago

@Nabilinsky: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@lauren_adlam: RT @IAMFASHlON: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada, the founder of Kenzo, has passed away at the age of 81 due to Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@RahWalker_: RT @folha: Morre o estilista Kenzo Takada, aos 81 anos, por coronavírus - 4 years ago

@5incitquise5inc: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@pppcat: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@jarry_jacques: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@DdeMonfreid: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago


@yuki_405: RT @arukikataparis: ファッションデザイナーの高田賢三さんが新型コロナにより亡くなりました。81歳でした。パリ郊外のアメリカンホスピタルに入院していたそうです。 - 4 years ago

@7rancescoCerqua: RT @Open_gol: 🔴 È morto all’età di 81 anni lo stilista giapponese Kenzo Takada, fondatore dell’omonima maison di moda, per complicazioni le… - 4 years ago

@bryotiiins: RT @telecincoes: 🔵 #ÚLTIMAHORA | Muere por coronavirus el conocido diseñador japonés Kenzo - 4 years ago

@A2L_MKZ: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@olivierinnocent: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@Eli_Gaona: RT @elle_argentina: La moda despide a Kenzo Takada, creador de @kenzo 😔. El diseñador japonés murió por Covid a los 81 años. - 4 years ago

@sevostyanovov: RT @RT_russian: Основатель Kenzo Кендзо Такада скончался во Франции - 4 years ago

@SynJuSynd: RT @Mediavenir: 🇯🇵 ALERTE INFO - Le créateur japonais #Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la maison de haute couture Kenzo, est mort à 81 ans des s… - 4 years ago

@ssozinha__: RT @BNODesk: NEW: Kenzo Takada, the founder of French fashion house KENZO, has died from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@glosssyqueen: RT @balenciogre: rest in peace kenzo takada. the designer who left his native japan in the 1960s to travel the world and later set up his n… - 4 years ago

@_DreCannon: RT @IAMFASHlON: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada, the founder of Kenzo, has passed away at the age of 81 due to Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@CharlesHerv: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@zebramontage: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@murdamamitianni: RT @VVFriedman: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints and volumes helped break the Paris barrier and bring Japanese fashion to… - 4 years ago

@diorseundiris: RT @IAMFASHlON: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada, the founder of Kenzo, has passed away at the age of 81 due to Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@oirschoot: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort à 81 ans, des suites du Covid-19 Le célèbre styliste japonais «s'est ét… - 4 years ago

@PatrickCHAHUNE1: RT @LeHuffPost: Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@RozaWieder: RT @Madamefigaro: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort à 81 ans, des suites du Covid-19 #Actu #Mode #KenzoTakada #Kenzo >> - 4 years ago

@kyoumo_etenki: RT @ItoMayako: デザイナーのケンゾーさんが, コロナに感染。パリの病院でで81歳で亡くなられたそうです。 ご冥福をお祈り申し上げます。 - 4 years ago

@riff_nrg: RT @ayshardzn: RIP - 4 years ago

@Kya8: Kenzo Takada 🥀 - 4 years ago

@wsupden: Kenzo Takada of Kenzo passed away due to covid 😔 - 4 years ago

@edithtialeu: RT @Madamefigaro: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort à 81 ans, des suites du Covid-19 #Actu #Mode #KenzoTakada #Kenzo >> - 4 years ago

@magazineroom: RT @BFMTV: ALERTE INFO - Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@8_tomimi: RT @uptod4te: KENZO創設者で世界的ファッションデザイナーの高田賢三さんが、新型コロナウイルス感染により死去。 - 4 years ago

@gramelgar: RT @fjueguen: LA NACION - Coronavirus: a los 81 años, falleció el diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada a causa del Covid-19 - - 4 years ago

@asitanonki: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@HindustanTimes: Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies of Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@pommierpourpre: RT @franceinter: "Un vêtement devient intemporel lorsqu'il permet à celui qui le porte de se sentir bien." Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la ma… - 4 years ago

@MMG_Empireee: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@niningasih: RT @Hornofplentie: These early 1980’s ads of Kenzo by Hans Feurer were my first introduction to Kenzo Takada and I’ve been in love ever sin… - 4 years ago

@JeffersonJetson: RT @BNODesk: NEW: Kenzo Takada, the founder of French fashion house KENZO, has died from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@MoneywhoreTrump: RT @BNODesk: NEW: Kenzo Takada, the founder of French fashion house KENZO, has died from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@__TD27: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@Barbi_bb: He was an icon, a genius - Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies in Paris from Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@sincerely_steff: RT @VVFriedman: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints and volumes helped break the Paris barrier and bring Japanese fashion to… - 4 years ago

@Salmainthesky: RIP Kenzo Takada, le plus parisien des couturiers japonais et fondateur de la marque Kenzo, est mort des suites de… - 4 years ago

@bebegatexo: RT @BNODesk: NEW: Kenzo Takada, the founder of French fashion house KENZO, has died from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@arranasir: RT @ayshardzn: RIP - 4 years ago

@laroussi_07: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@lINoOnelI: RT @Finanzas_Times: #ÚLTIMAHORA‼️ D.E.P. 🇯🇵 Japón | muere el diseñador Kenzo Takada por Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@tlg_213: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@prkj7mn: RT @balenciogre: rest in peace kenzo takada. the designer who left his native japan in the 1960s to travel the world and later set up his n… - 4 years ago

@aruigu: RT @IAMFASHlON: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada, the founder of Kenzo, has passed away at the age of 81 due to Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@fredwalton216: RT @Daily_Express: Fashion founder and designer Kenzo Takada dies aged 81 from Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@DanielMeuyou: RT @J_Lachasse: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@Luke_629: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@bajarubara: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@SwetaWesterwell: RT @htTweets: RIP. - 4 years ago

@robanoatama: RT @lemondefr: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@yselv__: RT @Mediavenir: 🇯🇵 ALERTE INFO - Le créateur japonais #Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la maison de haute couture Kenzo, est mort à 81 ans des s… - 4 years ago

@Zbignie40841571: RT @lemondefr: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@jcksnjhn: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@EmreGisne: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@dem317: RT @EPinternacional: Fallece por coronavirus el icónico diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada, 'Kenzo' - 4 years ago

@stylinbynoemie: RT @IAMFASHlON: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada, the founder of Kenzo, has passed away at the age of 81 due to Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@bond_ooki: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@milaspirito: RT @VVFriedman: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints and volumes helped break the Paris barrier and bring Japanese fashion to… - 4 years ago

@NCA_Tuxtepec: 🇫🇷 | CORONAVIRUS: El diseñador de moda Kenzo Takada, fundador de la marca global Kenzo, muere en París tras contraer covid-19. - 4 years ago

@j_sterling15: RT @VVFriedman: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints and volumes helped break the Paris barrier and bring Japanese fashion to… - 4 years ago

@YveBiskupska: RT @fluglehrer: Kenzo #Takada, founder of #Kenzo fashion brand, dies in Paris from #Covid19 - 4 years ago

@helviala: RT @EPierreMarie: 🌸 RIP Monsieur Takada 🖤 Et merci à vous d'avoir créé le parfum qui m'accompagne partout tant d’année 🌺 #Kenzo #Amour - 4 years ago

@jcqlnwtt: RT @g1: Estilista Kenzo Takada morre vítima da Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@nurudin_albakri: RT @ayshardzn: RIP - 4 years ago

@havenTHEcarter: RT @balenciogre: rest in peace kenzo takada. the designer who left his native japan in the 1960s to travel the world and later set up his n… - 4 years ago

@geringr: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@TheFancyFriend: RT @VVFriedman: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints and volumes helped break the Paris barrier and bring Japanese fashion to… - 4 years ago

@catorina_: RT @VVFriedman: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints and volumes helped break the Paris barrier and bring Japanese fashion to… - 4 years ago

@ftigrotto: RT @lobs: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada meurt des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@Cainhofelix: RT @balenciogre: rest in peace kenzo takada. the designer who left his native japan in the 1960s to travel the world and later set up his n… - 4 years ago

@MiDaZuPy: RT @eluniversocom: El diseñador de moda Kenzo Takada muere a causa del COVID-19 ► - 4 years ago

@TatiRamirezSohn: R. I. P. Fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies of #COVID19 aged 81 - 4 years ago

@isis_eb: RT @InfosFrancaises: DÉCÈS : Le célèbre créateur japonais Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, est mort des suites du Covid-19 à l'â… - 4 years ago

@mazbellini: LA NACION - Coronavirus: a los 81 años, falleció el diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada a causa del Covid-19 - - 4 years ago

@viancadoster: RT @IAMFASHlON: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada, the founder of Kenzo, has passed away at the age of 81 due to Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@vie_kusuma: RT @VVFriedman: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints and volumes helped break the Paris barrier and bring Japanese fashion to… - 4 years ago

@AtonAha: Décès de Mr Kenzo Takada Un Véritable Artiste... Putin de covid.... - 4 years ago

@ginaluar: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇫🇷 | CORONAVIRUS: El diseñador de moda Kenzo Takada, fundador de la marca global Kenzo, muere en París tras contraer covi… - 4 years ago

@stef_j_30: RT @IAMFASHlON: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada, the founder of Kenzo, has passed away at the age of 81 due to Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@chocolafraiseuh: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@mchristine55: RT @Mediavenir: 🇯🇵 ALERTE INFO - Le créateur japonais #Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la maison de haute couture Kenzo, est mort à 81 ans des s… - 4 years ago

@oscar_morton: RT @elmundoes: Muere el diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada por Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@BIue_Rain: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@tawarayasotatsu: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@MissSocksPlease: Au revoir #KenzoTakada 😔 Plus qu’un style #Kenzo ns a offert son monde où l’élégance se disputait à la pureté des l… - 4 years ago

@CzerwonyKat: RT @OnetWiadomosci: Zmarł Kenzo Takada, japońsko-francuski projektant mody - 4 years ago

@Hakam_Ade: RT @InfosFrancaises: DÉCÈS : Le célèbre créateur japonais Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, est mort des suites du Covid-19 à l'â… - 4 years ago

@jisoosfoot: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@pitniff95: RT @20Minutes: 🔴 Âgé de 81 ans, il était le premier styliste japonais à avoir réussi à Paris - 4 years ago

@dipordior: RT @VVFriedman: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints and volumes helped break the Paris barrier and bring Japanese fashion to… - 4 years ago

@iam_dbsty: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@HakuIlona: RT @BNODesk: NEW: Kenzo Takada, the founder of French fashion house KENZO, has died from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@MadButterfly_: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@DeniRo_93: RT @Mediavenir: 🇯🇵 ALERTE INFO - Le créateur japonais #Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la maison de haute couture Kenzo, est mort à 81 ans des s… - 4 years ago

@jungnyum: RT @AFP: #BREAKING Kenzo founder Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19: spokesman - 4 years ago

@n0ririn: RT @ParisMatch: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est décédé du coronavirus - 4 years ago

@yukodesune: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@withlovecel: RT @lemondefr: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@Hashes974: RT @ConflitsFrance: 🇯🇵 JAPON | Le créateur de mode #japonais Kenzo #Takada est décédé ce dimanche, des suites du #Covid19 , selon le commun… - 4 years ago

@LenaCorazon: RT @VVFriedman: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints and volumes helped break the Paris barrier and bring Japanese fashion to… - 4 years ago

@tsuzura4: Kenzo Takada, founder of Kenzo fashion brand, dies in Paris from Covid-19, OMG - 4 years ago

@Jamaican_1luv: RT @VVFriedman: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints and volumes helped break the Paris barrier and bring Japanese fashion to… - 4 years ago

@itsns__: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@stkki: RT @AFP: #BREAKING Kenzo founder Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19: spokesman - 4 years ago

@CaroleAstier: RT @GillesKLEIN: 🇫🇷 Premier styliste japonais à s'être imposé à Paris, où il a fait toute sa carrière et rendu célèbre son prénom, "Kenzo T… - 4 years ago

@balenciogre: rest in peace kenzo takada. the designer who left his native japan in the 1960s to travel the world and later set u… - 4 years ago

@Medien_News: An Covid-19 gestorben: Modeschöpfer Kenzo Takada ist tot - 4 years ago

@YmhYHv5a2CmMB9W: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@MonkeyPills: #BreakingNews The Japanese designer #KENZO Takada has died of the #coronavirus at the age of 81. what a sad… - 4 years ago

@OnetWiadomosci: Zmarł Kenzo Takada, japońsko-francuski projektant mody - 4 years ago

@monsieursaly: RT @IAMFASHlON: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada, the founder of Kenzo, has passed away at the age of 81 due to Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@JoyceKomie: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@nicolas_renaud1: RT @franceinter: "Un vêtement devient intemporel lorsqu'il permet à celui qui le porte de se sentir bien." Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la ma… - 4 years ago

@PhantomSantana: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@Galayas: RT @InfosFrancaises: DÉCÈS : Le célèbre créateur japonais Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, est mort des suites du Covid-19 à l'â… - 4 years ago

@CMMMGR: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@Dany7517: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@Gustavo_TorresN: RT @VVFriedman: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints and volumes helped break the Paris barrier and bring Japanese fashion to… - 4 years ago

@jieunphiIe: RT @IAMFASHlON: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada, the founder of Kenzo, has passed away at the age of 81 due to Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@toshizouMoanin: RT @afpfr: Le créateur, qui avait vendu en 1993 sa marque de vêtements au géant LVMH et s'était retiré de la mode six ans plus tard, est co… - 4 years ago

@Moctardiakite10: RT @lemondefr: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@CamJrx: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@EPierreMarie: 🌸 RIP Monsieur Takada 🖤 Et merci à vous d'avoir créé le parfum qui m'accompagne partout tant d’année 🌺 #Kenzo #Amour - 4 years ago

@Razer_death2: RT @Mediavenir: 🇯🇵 ALERTE INFO - Le créateur japonais #Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la maison de haute couture Kenzo, est mort à 81 ans des s… - 4 years ago

@nnnnn_music: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@L_B_luvyou: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@RyxSaeba: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@omegaplah: RT @Daily_Express: BREAKING: Fashion founder and designer Kenzo Takada dies aged 81 from Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@mameshiba009: RT @ItoMayako: デザイナーのケンゾーさんが, コロナに感染。パリの病院でで81歳で亡くなられたそうです。 ご冥福をお祈り申し上げます。 - 4 years ago

@hautelekai: kenzo takada noo:( may he rest in peace - 4 years ago

@madnessofana: RT @afpfr: Le créateur, qui avait vendu en 1993 sa marque de vêtements au géant LVMH et s'était retiré de la mode six ans plus tard, est co… - 4 years ago

@gabiii_gabby: RT @afpfr: Le créateur, qui avait vendu en 1993 sa marque de vêtements au géant LVMH et s'était retiré de la mode six ans plus tard, est co… - 4 years ago

@sxxiang: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@GDpipe1: RT @Finanzas_Times: #ÚLTIMAHORA‼️ D.E.P. 🇯🇵 Japón | muere el diseñador Kenzo Takada por Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@SinClaudicar: RT @elmundoes: Muere el diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada por Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@Giovanni_Pardo: RT @VVFriedman: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints and volumes helped break the Paris barrier and bring Japanese fashion to… - 4 years ago

@RickyCassim: RT @MailOnline: Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies in hospital in Paris after contracting coronavirus - 4 years ago

@snoopsleepy: RT @BNODesk: NEW: Kenzo Takada, the founder of French fashion house KENZO, has died from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@jklybeth: RT @Bgg6017: 📌KENZO, muere por Coronavirus. “Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort à 81 ans, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@sn_aktuell: Modedesigner Kenzo Takada an Covid-19 gestorben - 4 years ago

@nekotausagi: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@swgzl: RT @InfosFrancaises: DÉCÈS : Le célèbre créateur japonais Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, est mort des suites du Covid-19 à l'â… - 4 years ago

@neige_manille: @sakuacid お〜。さくさん世代も!随分前だけど、フランスで「知ってる日本人」って質問の一番が、Kenzo Takadaだったって何かで読んだわ。今は知らないけど - 4 years ago

@JeanlaidA: RT @VVFriedman: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints and volumes helped break the Paris barrier and bring Japanese fashion to… - 4 years ago

@javiertionloc: RT @VVFriedman: Kenzo Takada, the designer whose exuberant prints and volumes helped break the Paris barrier and bring Japanese fashion to… - 4 years ago

@gpkhshs: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@nokubrijoe8214: RT @Hyconiq_: Kenzo Takada, l'homme derrière la marque Kenzo, est décédé à l'âge de 81 ans. Une légende de l'industrie qui est par la même… - 4 years ago

@theMMlalaland: RT @IAMFASHlON: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada, the founder of Kenzo, has passed away at the age of 81 due to Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@_mangseokrijima: RT @BNODesk: NEW: Kenzo Takada, the founder of French fashion house KENZO, has died from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@yugyeon0420: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@tet_aih: R.I.P.🙏🏻 Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@Ryouko566: RT @morino__ko: ファッションデザイナー高田賢三氏とコラボレーション:「セットプルミエ by Kenzo Takada」CM曲『rever』を提供 - ARCHIVE - 4 years ago

@sach_torte: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@CaronaUpdates: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@idirh_: RT @ParisMatch: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est décédé du coronavirus - 4 years ago

@hereninna: RT @AFP: #BREAKING Kenzo founder Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19: spokesman - 4 years ago

@cros_dominique: RT @laurencefarreng: C’est un dimanche très triste, nous venons de perdre l’homme qui nous couvrait de fleurs. Hommage à Kenzo Takada 🌸 Et… - 4 years ago

@chizuruk1122: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@sakumute: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@meemalee: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Kenzo Takada, probably the first and biggest Japanese name in international fashion, has passed away due to Covid. RIP… - 4 years ago

@SylvainJustum: RT @lemondefr: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@stopherepls: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@JCepoutre: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@conradecember: RT @RadioZET_NEWS: Nie żyje założyciel marki Kenzo - Kenzo Takada. Zmarł na Covid-19 - informuje AFP. Miał 81 lat. - 4 years ago

@sleepylottie_: Rip Kenzo Takada 👁 - 4 years ago

@o3o_cheeese: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@dos_jordina: RT @ParisAMDParis: Kenzo Takada Studio Harcourt Paris - 4 years ago

@olivo_ramon: RT @RTultimahora: Muere por coronavirus el diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada, fundador de la marca Kenzo - 4 years ago

@PixieTenenbaum: RT @IAMFASHlON: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada, the founder of Kenzo, has passed away at the age of 81 due to Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@HumbertoZamoraR: RT @MailOnline: Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies in hospital in Paris after contracting coronavirus - 4 years ago

@0928_yuuia: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@plainjanedoe__: RT @IAMFASHlON: BREAKING: Kenzo Takada, the founder of Kenzo, has passed away at the age of 81 due to Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@wouden_van: Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@mamao_16: RT @franceinter: Le styliste japonais Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, est mort des suites de la #Covid19 - 4 years ago

@Ueda_Learning: RT @ItoMayako: デザイナーのケンゾーさんが, コロナに感染。パリの病院でで81歳で亡くなられたそうです。 ご冥福をお祈り申し上げます。 - 4 years ago

@y_0722aloha_k: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@Gospeedracer5: Reat in peace Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@alisonlovescats: RT @MailOnline: Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies in hospital in Paris after contracting coronavirus - 4 years ago

@YuiKon_Shion: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@SugerSoySoosu7: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@tsugomori_aaa: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@8064jvhj: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@yumisunsan: RT @ItoMayako: デザイナーのケンゾーさんが, コロナに感染。パリの病院でで81歳で亡くなられたそうです。 ご冥福をお祈り申し上げます。 - 4 years ago

@blackwomencare: RT @MailOnline: Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies in hospital in Paris after contracting coronavirus - 4 years ago

@DailyMailCeleb: RT @MailOnline: Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies in hospital in Paris after contracting coronavirus - 4 years ago

@QuincyRomeoo: RT @InfosFrancaises: DÉCÈS : Le célèbre créateur japonais Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, est mort des suites du Covid-19 à l'â… - 4 years ago

@GLookathat: Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque #Kenzo, est mort des suites du #COVIDー19 - 4 years ago

@uptod4te: KENZO創設者で世界的ファッションデザイナーの高田賢三さんが、新型コロナウイルス感染により死去。 - 4 years ago

@Michiko_Rose: RT @BILD: Japaner wurde 81 Jahre alt - Modedesigner Kenzo Takada stirbt an Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@death_is_invtbl: Kenzo Takada #dailyrip #COVID19 - 4 years ago

@kaorix212: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@kp82: RT @dozodomo: Le créateur de mode japonais Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque KENZO est mort du COVID-19. Il avait 81 ans. Francophile,… - 4 years ago

@VanessaNofp: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@reimin_piano: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@cyberfag666: RT @glassmagazine: RIP Kenzo Takada, iconic Japanese fashion designer, who has succumbed to COVID-19 at age 81 - 4 years ago

@jestradamo: RT @BNODesk: NEW: Kenzo Takada, the founder of French fashion house KENZO, has died from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@pagunonioi: 高田賢三さんが亡くなりました - 4 years ago

@classicinfothru: RT @lemondefr: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@conchy59: RT @ParisMatch: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est décédé du coronavirus - 4 years ago

@kiritang: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@kikachaparrot: RT @elmundoes: Muere el diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada por Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@snocro4444: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@AndreDapan: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@bobandtim2: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@NBADraft3: @amoosavi @BNODesk Kenzō Takada, 27 February 1939 – 4 October 2020 was a Japanese-French fashion designer. He was a… - 4 years ago

@eniotna77: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@Kei_Jealousy: RT @dozodomo: Le créateur de mode japonais Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque KENZO est mort du COVID-19. Il avait 81 ans. Francophile,… - 4 years ago

@last_acy: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@diganme_sole: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇫🇷 | CORONAVIRUS: El diseñador de moda Kenzo Takada, fundador de la marca global Kenzo, muere en París tras contraer covi… - 4 years ago

@Sakiton_Candy: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@anno_kayo: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@paolimika: Le créateur Takada Kenzo est décédé des suites du Covid-19. Il avait 81 ans. Il laisse derrière lui un heritage à l… - 4 years ago

@pIvPeEsZkB1BLLr: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@asukakeshobako: RT @VogueParis: Vogue lui rend hommage - 4 years ago

@jomotamo: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@sususuwo16: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@mkayo1019: RT @lemondefr: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@gustavowaldmann: RT @CoronavirusNewv: 🇫🇷 | FRANCIA El diseñador de moda japonés Kenzo Takada, fundador de la marca global Kenzo, muere en París tras contra… - 4 years ago

@Tierney040: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@hirokoinokuma: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@MenardGabrielle: RT @sisyphe007: La marque est en deuil. Elle vient de perdre son créateur: Kenzo Takada vient de mourir du Covid 19 à l'âge de 81 ans. htt… - 4 years ago

@rfleuridor: RT @lemondefr: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@Newrxvoltx: RT @MrFoures: Kenzo Takada 1939 - 2020 🥺 - 4 years ago

@hitmtmr: RT @AFP: #BREAKING Kenzo founder Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19: spokesman - 4 years ago

@MezDoang: RT @ItoMayako: デザイナーのケンゾーさんが, コロナに感染。パリの病院でで81歳で亡くなられたそうです。 ご冥福をお祈り申し上げます。 - 4 years ago

@elisa_bzqt: RT @Mediavenir: 🇯🇵 ALERTE INFO - Le créateur japonais #Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la maison de haute couture Kenzo, est mort à 81 ans des s… - 4 years ago

@FukushimaKokugo: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@ysw2012: RT @arukikataparis: ファッションデザイナーの高田賢三さんが新型コロナにより亡くなりました。81歳でした。パリ郊外のアメリカンホスピタルに入院していたそうです。 - 4 years ago

@rashidaldosari: RT @AFP: #BREAKING Kenzo founder Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19: spokesman - 4 years ago

@PascualEugenia: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Sad to hear of the passing of Japanese fashion designer Takada Kenzo due to COVID-19. AFP did a good write-up on Kenzo… - 4 years ago

@derStandardde: Modedesigner Kenzo Takada an Covid-19 gestorben: - 4 years ago

@MonaFM: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort à l'âge de 81 ans des suites du Covid-19 - Mona FM - 4 years ago

@unluckylukas: RT @AFP: #BREAKING Kenzo founder Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19: spokesman - 4 years ago

@gguslo: RT @elmundoes: Muere el diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada por Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@DOKY2601: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@Pierroxe: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@InosanDx: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@ICICPARIS78: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19 — via @lemondefr - 4 years ago

@elekiter_721: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@constctx: RT @Le_Figaro: ⚫ DISPARITION - Le créateur de la marque @Kenzo, Kenzo Takada, est mort du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@EcoLgica2: RT @RTultimahora: Muere por coronavirus el diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada, fundador de la marca Kenzo - 4 years ago

@wan_koshiba: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@masataka1024: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@UnCabimenseMas: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇫🇷 | CORONAVIRUS: El diseñador de moda Kenzo Takada, fundador de la marca global Kenzo, muere en París tras contraer covi… - 4 years ago

@BlizzardTaiki: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@axellerda1: RT @Mediavenir: 🇯🇵 ALERTE INFO - Le créateur japonais #Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la maison de haute couture Kenzo, est mort à 81 ans des s… - 4 years ago

@ManfrediPotenti: RT @ultimenotizie: È morto lo stilista giapponese #Kenzo Takada a causa del #Covid19 all'età di 81 anni. Lo ha annunciato in una nota un po… - 4 years ago

@lelabtv: Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la maison Kenzo, est décédé du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@yenilendimbitti: RT @CapaMagStyle: 81 yaşındaki dünyaca ünlü Japon Tasarımcı ve Kenzo markasının yaratıcısı Kenzo Takada, Koronavirüs nedeniyle hayatını kay… - 4 years ago

@RollingStoneita: Morto lo stilista #KenzoTakada. Aveva 81 anni. Lo riporta un portavoce in una nota #4ottobre - 4 years ago

@colin_goodayle: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies aged 91 - 4 years ago

@jeuneogg: RT @Hyconiq_: Kenzo Takada, l'homme derrière la marque Kenzo, est décédé à l'âge de 81 ans. Une légende de l'industrie qui est par la même… - 4 years ago

@mayumihayashi: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@ChloeLaforest: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@ysw2012: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@A1l1g1p1: RT @BNODesk: NEW: Kenzo Takada, the founder of French fashion house KENZO, has died from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@kingzyaana: RT @Mediavenir: 🇯🇵 ALERTE INFO - Le créateur japonais #Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la maison de haute couture Kenzo, est mort à 81 ans des s… - 4 years ago

@AdrienBaget: RT @afpfr: Le créateur, qui avait vendu en 1993 sa marque de vêtements au géant LVMH et s'était retiré de la mode six ans plus tard, est co… - 4 years ago

@hsmt_hryk: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@thingsgohaywire: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@cwanprr: RT @Mediavenir: 🇯🇵 ALERTE INFO - Le créateur japonais #Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la maison de haute couture Kenzo, est mort à 81 ans des s… - 4 years ago

@chiaroscuro1610: RT @lemondefr: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@asami_xxx: RT @ItoMayako: デザイナーのケンゾーさんが, コロナに感染。パリの病院でで81歳で亡くなられたそうです。 ご冥福をお祈り申し上げます。 - 4 years ago

@mashiroino: - 4 years ago

@bettynutely: RT @lobs: Le créateur Kenzo est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@arbronca: Recomendación a los ricos, famosos y poderosos. " Muere el diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada por Covid-19" Pallida mor… - 4 years ago

@vic_cmp: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@sylvain_pujol: RT @20Minutes: 🔴 Âgé de 81 ans, il était le premier styliste japonais à avoir réussi à Paris - 4 years ago

@comuni_cats: #ULTIMAHORA El dissenyador de moda japonès Kenzo Takada ha mort aquest diumenge als 81 anys a l'Hospital Americà d… - 4 years ago

@noranartta: RT @Daily_Express: BREAKING: Fashion founder and designer Kenzo Takada dies aged 81 from Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@omaryesahel: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@ykmysw: RT @arukikataparis: ファッションデザイナーの高田賢三さんが新型コロナにより亡くなりました。81歳でした。パリ郊外のアメリカンホスピタルに入院していたそうです。 - 4 years ago

@ayeletam: RT @SefyHendler: קנזו טאקטדה, המעצב היפני הנודע שכבש את פריז, מת מקורונה - 4 years ago

@artpostsnetwork: Kenzo Takada s'est éteint le dimanche 4 octobre 2020 à l'Hôpital américain de Neuilly-sur-Seine a indiqué son porte… - 4 years ago

@fiorellaopro: Kenzo Takada, de oprichter van modehuis Kenzo, is op 81-jarige leeftijd overleden aan corona. - 4 years ago

@anavontrapp: Muere el diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada por Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@DavidDerhille: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@Rio_Grande_5656: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@mieno: RT @repubblica: Coronavirus, morto lo stilista Kenzo Takada. Aveva 81 anni [aggiornamento delle 17:00] - 4 years ago

@Mavros_Darth: RT @BNODesk: NEW: Kenzo Takada, the founder of French fashion house KENZO, has died from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@TownPerson2: RT @RTultimahora: Muere por coronavirus el diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada, fundador de la marca Kenzo - 4 years ago

@somenpumpkin: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@nerd_boar: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@46taman: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@Zina_216: RT @Mediavenir: 🇯🇵 ALERTE INFO - Le créateur japonais #Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la maison de haute couture Kenzo, est mort à 81 ans des s… - 4 years ago

@Carloslopez0421: RT @RTultimahora: Muere por coronavirus el diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada, fundador de la marca Kenzo - 4 years ago

@CosmoCosmoBrown: RT @franceinter: Le styliste japonais Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, est mort des suites de la #Covid19 - 4 years ago

@bustercall82: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@S2RVNL: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@piccolocipesca: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@VVS_ML: RT @afpfr: Premier styliste japonais à s'être imposé à Paris, où il a fait toute sa carrière et rendu célèbre son prénom, "Kenzo Takada s'e… - 4 years ago

@akarasiewiczlaw: RT @BNODesk: NEW: Kenzo Takada, the founder of French fashion house KENZO, has died from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@netguide: Mort du créateur japonais Kenzo Takada des suites du coronavirus - 4 years ago

@crackenomics: RT @AFP: #BREAKING Kenzo founder Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19: spokesman - 4 years ago

@netguide: Le styliste japonais Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@MaguyBoivin: RT @YahooActuFR: Il avait 81 ans - 4 years ago

@favours_bold: RT @Daily_Express: BREAKING: Fashion founder and designer Kenzo Takada dies aged 81 from Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@Swiss_Pepita: RT @afpfr: Le créateur, qui avait vendu en 1993 sa marque de vêtements au géant LVMH et s'était retiré de la mode six ans plus tard, est co… - 4 years ago

@kumamtaki: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@g_lzt: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@Bertokamus: RT @BNODesk: NEW: Kenzo Takada, the founder of French fashion house KENZO, has died from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@youheyhey: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@Rorschach_M_: RT @ItoMayako: デザイナーのケンゾーさんが, コロナに感染。パリの病院でで81歳で亡くなられたそうです。 ご冥福をお祈り申し上げます。 - 4 years ago

@mhkrs322: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@STEFXAV2: RT @J_Lachasse: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@koooota: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@tsiolko: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@Le_Petit_Obs: Le créateur japonais Kenzo est mort des suites du Covid-19 @CNEWS - 4 years ago

@marimu737: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@seba_flores: RT @AFP: #BREAKING Kenzo founder Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19: spokesman - 4 years ago

@KazSm4: RT @expressceleb: BREAKING: Fashion founder and designer Kenzo Takada dies aged 81 from Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@diariodeleon: El diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada fallece en París a los 81 años - 4 years ago

@nvissotsky: RT @franceinter: "Un vêtement devient intemporel lorsqu'il permet à celui qui le porte de se sentir bien." Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la ma… - 4 years ago

@DPricing: RT @AFP: #BREAKING Kenzo founder Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19: spokesman - 4 years ago

@Owl_quintana: Kenzo Takada est décédé 🥺 les congolais sont en deuils 🙌🏾 - 4 years ago

@kamasu0814: RT @thoton9: 服飾デザイナーの高田賢三氏がパリ西郊の病院で新型コロナにより死去した。仏メディアが速報した。享年81歳。 Japanese-French fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies of covid-19. He was 81… - 4 years ago

@Alma_Carmona: RT @diariopanorama: El diseñador de moda Kenzo Takada murió a causa del covid-19 - 4 years ago

@KatNaillec: - 4 years ago

@mimich58: RT @VogueParis: Vogue lui rend hommage - 4 years ago

@machen1234: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@Nogi_taku: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@ikemeso90: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@Tale_of_a_Man1: RT @FAZ_Vermischtes: In den 70er Jahren startete der japanische Modedesigner von Paris aus seine Karriere – unter seinem Vornamen wurde er… - 4 years ago

@iwaka_koke: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@Modem17: RT @afpfr: Le créateur, qui avait vendu en 1993 sa marque de vêtements au géant LVMH et s'était retiré de la mode six ans plus tard, est co… - 4 years ago

@ewasatk: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@r_tkkshc: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@kimrossible: RT @BNODesk: NEW: Kenzo Takada, the founder of French fashion house KENZO, has died from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@SSlavko27: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies aged 91 - 4 years ago

@newells: RT @CoronavirusNewv: 🇫🇷 | FRANCIA El diseñador de moda japonés Kenzo Takada, fundador de la marca global Kenzo, muere en París tras contra… - 4 years ago

@healthcare4safe: RT @AFP: #BREAKING Kenzo founder Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19: spokesman - 4 years ago

@sasame_yky: <デザイナー高田賢三さん死去 81歳、新型コロナ感染で(共同通信) この記事の元を当たろうと検索していたら見つからず、代わりにデマだという記事が…? « Kenzo Takada… - 4 years ago

@diablam: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@sk_ut: RT @LEXPRESS: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@ilocinetweet: RT @LeHuffPost: Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@ksyk1223: RT @20Minutes: 🔴 Âgé de 81 ans, il était le premier styliste japonais à avoir réussi à Paris - 4 years ago

@VascoPeronista: RT @RTultimahora: Muere por coronavirus el diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada, fundador de la marca Kenzo - 4 years ago

@motolove66: RT @LeHuffPost: Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@liveyrlife1: RT @20Minutes: 🔴 Âgé de 81 ans, il était le premier styliste japonais à avoir réussi à Paris - 4 years ago

@MaruDelTuiter: RT @elmundoes: Muere el diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada por Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@mp_picard: RT @JFBalaude: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@Johan_dy: RT @Mediavenir: 🇯🇵 ALERTE INFO - Le créateur japonais #Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la maison de haute couture Kenzo, est mort à 81 ans des s… - 4 years ago

@tweet4howi: #RIP Fashion designer #Kenzo Takada, founder of the global Kenzo brand, died in Paris on Sunday (Oct 4) after contr… - 4 years ago

@misssadietonks: RT @XopheRobin: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites de la Covid-19. Grande tristesse d'apprendre cette disparition, celle… - 4 years ago

@lapinj0830: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@happy_junie: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@Kassimzup: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@Treefingers79: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@muichimonji: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@merumofrance: ああ、高田賢三氏逝く。コロナですか・・・ Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est décédé des suites du coronavirus - 4 years ago

@CalmusJP: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@DieterSteffmann: RT @FWWinterberg: Japanischer Modedesigner: Kenzo Takada an Covid-19 gestorben R.I.P. - 4 years ago

@Juno_naturasola: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19 — via @lemondefr #RIP #KenzoTakada - 4 years ago

@buccimaaane: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@SerenettaMonti: RT @J_Lachasse: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@Moonfire8_: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇫🇷 | CORONAVIRUS: El diseñador de moda Kenzo Takada, fundador de la marca global Kenzo, muere en París tras contraer covi… - 4 years ago

@GlobalTimeseu: RT @afpfr: Le créateur, qui avait vendu en 1993 sa marque de vêtements au géant LVMH et s'était retiré de la mode six ans plus tard, est co… - 4 years ago

@0King0Took: RT @BNODesk: NEW: Kenzo Takada, the founder of French fashion house KENZO, has died from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@Hebikubo: RT @ItoMayako: デザイナーのケンゾーさんが, コロナに感染。パリの病院でで81歳で亡くなられたそうです。 ご冥福をお祈り申し上げます。 - 4 years ago

@Che1928_1967: RT @AFP: #BREAKING Kenzo founder Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19: spokesman - 4 years ago

@Jean_no: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@shinobuns: RT @afpfr: Le créateur, qui avait vendu en 1993 sa marque de vêtements au géant LVMH et s'était retiré de la mode six ans plus tard, est co… - 4 years ago

@seventy_eight: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@tomjoadjapan: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@PachitoBarrrios: RT @diariopanorama: El diseñador de moda Kenzo Takada murió a causa del covid-19 - 4 years ago

@crypto_lavaa: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@Rosalba2015: RT @ulyssepariser: Le #covid19 frappe en pleine Fashion Week… Le génial créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des su… - 4 years ago

@jenniferguesdon: Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@eduardo050214: RT @BNODesk: NEW: Kenzo Takada, the founder of French fashion house KENZO, has died from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@agada1: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Kenzo Takada, probably the first and biggest Japanese name in international fashion, has passed away due to Covid. RIP… - 4 years ago

@MyLinguaDE: Muere por coronavirus el diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada, fundador de la marca Kenzo - 4 years ago

@theo_aym: RT @Mediavenir: 🇯🇵 ALERTE INFO - Le créateur japonais #Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la maison de haute couture Kenzo, est mort à 81 ans des s… - 4 years ago

@ElsaAndreani: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇫🇷 | CORONAVIRUS: El diseñador de moda Kenzo Takada, fundador de la marca global Kenzo, muere en París tras contraer covi… - 4 years ago

@seb_gordon: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@AdibHidayat: Fashion designer Kenzo Takada, founder of the global Kenzo brand, died in Paris on Sunday (Oct 4) after contracting… - 4 years ago

@algtnx: RT @Mediavenir: 🇯🇵 ALERTE INFO - Le créateur japonais #Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la maison de haute couture Kenzo, est mort à 81 ans des s… - 4 years ago

@lapis_fr19: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@shejnowski: RT @AFP: #BREAKING Kenzo founder Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19: spokesman - 4 years ago

@eva_ticante: RT @BNODesk: NEW: Kenzo Takada, the founder of French fashion house KENZO, has died from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@Fillededroite: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@angelbright_: RT @Mediavenir: 🇯🇵 ALERTE INFO - Le créateur japonais #Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la maison de haute couture Kenzo, est mort à 81 ans des s… - 4 years ago

@DS20WK: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@oliverartist: RT @BNODesk: NEW: Kenzo Takada, the founder of French fashion house KENZO, has died from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@yazumikatsuhiro: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@bQ1r9Gxdq7AebV6: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@thetomoramone: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@Brasil902: RT @BNODesk: NEW: Kenzo Takada, the founder of French fashion house KENZO, has died from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@claudina1947: RT @diariopanorama: El diseñador de moda Kenzo Takada murió a causa del covid-19 - 4 years ago

@tiismeygwada2: RT @Mediavenir: 🇯🇵 ALERTE INFO - Le créateur japonais #Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la maison de haute couture Kenzo, est mort à 81 ans des s… - 4 years ago

@8708Mu: RT @arukikataparis: ファッションデザイナーの高田賢三さんが新型コロナにより亡くなりました。81歳でした。パリ郊外のアメリカンホスピタルに入院していたそうです。 - 4 years ago

@Ibraahim_mzz: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@sakumariko: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@schmidlnd: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@osfn78: RT @J_Lachasse: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@redmastard2: RT @LePoint: ⚫ Kenzo Takada, pionnier des créateurs japonais est décédé des suites du Covid. - 4 years ago

@1Z8b0Iln9: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇫🇷 | CORONAVIRUS: El diseñador de moda Kenzo Takada, fundador de la marca global Kenzo, muere en París tras contraer covi… - 4 years ago

@AlbertoRodNews: El diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada fallece en París a los 81 años, tras contraer COVID-19 #4Oct. - 4 years ago

@Elizabeth78Kari: RT @Finanzas_Times: #ÚLTIMAHORA‼️ D.E.P. 🇯🇵 Japón | muere el diseñador Kenzo Takada por Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@diplomasimhaber: Dünyaca ünlü pafüm ve moda tasarım markası Kenzo’nun kurucusu Kenzo Takada COVID-19’dan hayatını kaybetti (AFP) - 4 years ago

@faully33: RT @AFP: #BREAKING Kenzo founder Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19: spokesman - 4 years ago

@Anniel0311: RT @CNEWS: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@juliodelsee: RT @RTultimahora: Muere por coronavirus el diseñador japonés Kenzo Takada, fundador de la marca Kenzo - 4 years ago

@maisencond: RT @thoton9: 服飾デザイナーの高田賢三氏がパリ西郊の病院で新型コロナにより死去した。仏メディアが速報した。享年81歳。 Japanese-French fashion designer Kenzo Takada dies of covid-19. He was 81… - 4 years ago

@kiwrtmt: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@javisuah: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇫🇷 | CORONAVIRUS: El diseñador de moda Kenzo Takada, fundador de la marca global Kenzo, muere en París tras contraer covi… - 4 years ago

@Blergy1: RT @BNODesk: NEW: Kenzo Takada, the founder of French fashion house KENZO, has died from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@sternde: News zum Coronavirus: Modedesigner Kenzo Takada stirbt an Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@artsy_via: RT @AFP: #BREAKING Kenzo founder Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19: spokesman - 4 years ago

@haco_01: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@PaulinaAstrozaS: RT @AFP: #BREAKING Kenzo founder Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19: spokesman - 4 years ago

@FDGotelli: RT @AFP: #BREAKING Kenzo founder Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19: spokesman - 4 years ago

@Lunasun92: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@kaikai_bangkok: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@marimo_0990: RT @tricolorparis: 【訃報】「KENZO」創業者、高田賢三さんが新型コロナウイルスの感染により81歳で亡くなりました…数ヶ月前の日本のTV番組ではボン・マルシェ近くの素敵な自宅アパルトマンを公開されていてお元気そうだったのに…この偉大なデザイナーのご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@Hasesaki: RT @SPIEGEL_alles: Kenzo Takada an Covid-19 gestorben - 4 years ago

@PascaleW: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@GemyVidetta: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇫🇷 | CORONAVIRUS: El diseñador de moda Kenzo Takada, fundador de la marca global Kenzo, muere en París tras contraer covi… - 4 years ago

@yasodah: イタリア紙も速報。Coronavirus, morto lo stilista Kenzo Takada. Aveva 81 anni - 4 years ago

@tracysolomon: RT @BNODesk: NEW: Kenzo Takada, the founder of French fashion house KENZO, has died from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@vanityman: RT @BNODesk: NEW: Kenzo Takada, the founder of French fashion house KENZO, has died from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@khudorozhkov: RT @AFP: #BREAKING Kenzo founder Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19: spokesman - 4 years ago

@LindaBiersdo: RT @BNODesk: NEW: Kenzo Takada, the founder of French fashion house KENZO, has died from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@_clearest_blue: RT @AFP: #BREAKING Kenzo founder Kenzo Takada dies from Covid-19: spokesman - 4 years ago

@ultimenotizie: È morto lo stilista giapponese #Kenzo Takada a causa del #Covid19 all'età di 81 anni. Lo ha annunciato in una nota… - 4 years ago

@carlagastal: RT @lobs: Le créateur Kenzo est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@mipo_on_ice: RT @afpfr: Le créateur de mode japonais #Kenzo Takada est mort aujourd'hui des suites du Covid-19 à l'âge de 81 ans, a annoncé un porte-par… - 4 years ago

@JulioEstoril: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇫🇷 | CORONAVIRUS: El diseñador de moda Kenzo Takada, fundador de la marca global Kenzo, muere en París tras contraer covi… - 4 years ago

@wastemeagain: RT @lemondefr: Le créateur japonais Kenzo Takada est mort des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@mrjohelpadilla: RT @BNODesk: NEW: Kenzo Takada, the founder of French fashion house KENZO, has died from COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@MaStRo2BaBi: RT @lemondefr: Mort du créateur Kenzo Takada, fondateur de la marque Kenzo, des suites du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

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