Kennett Love

American journalist (The New York Times)
Died on Monday May 13th 2013

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Kennett Love:

@mrmasucci: I LOVE the @Starbucks in Kennett Square! Greatest, hardest, and nicest workers I've met in a Starbucks! Props to Manager Mike and his team!

@Kennett_Bonkai: RT @KatGraham: Thank u to the beautiful people for the birthday wishes. I couldn't have more incredible passionate friends. I love you guysโ€ฆ

@kennett_liz: @MarsGlobal why can't I buy a multi pack or bounty triple in plain chocolate in London? We love bounty in our office!! Thank you

@caff_kennett: @georgiaclarke_ thankyou Georgia love you and miss you ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–


@georgiaclarke_: @caff_kennett happy 18th birthday baby girl!!! Have an amazing day, miss & love you ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

@ChrisWood_Lover: @CHRlSTOPHRWOOD @Kennett_Bonkai You kidding me? :O Omfg, this gonna be great if it's real <3 <3 love u

@Bizzigirls: we love to bring good news! this is great news from Kennett Brewing Company!

@Hailey_Kennett: RT @FunnyVines: I love this song..

@kennett_n: I want to find the Sweetโ€™N Low truck because I love all the great new ideas. #TeamSweetNLow #sponsored #donthesitaste

@Kennett_Bonkai: @Charlene2426 @DARKMALACHAII LOL I love it ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜

@Kennett_Bonkai: RT @BonKai_TVD: Well how can you not love this villain? My favorite devil ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

@ivanmiramontes6: Suez The Twice-Fought War by Kennett Love, Hardcover DJ 1969 First Edition

@Shasta_Lilly: RT @CBuscomb: Did some research on Kennett at @ShastaHistory today, found some great stuff! I love that place!!

@Tomlin916: RT @CBuscomb: Did some research on Kennett at @ShastaHistory today, found some great stuff! I love that place!!

@Kennett_Bonkai: RT @bellamyswood: That's love bitch!!! #grahamwood

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