Kenneth A. Gibson

American politician
Died on Friday March 29th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Kenneth A. Gibson:

@salimadofo: RT @CityofNewarkNJ: Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson’s State Funeral Service (LIVE) - 6 years ago

@LamonicaMciver: RT @CityofNewarkNJ: Newark honors former Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson during funeral at Newark Symphony Hall (PHOTOS). - 6 years ago

@JorgeCSantos: RT @CityofNewarkNJ: Newark honors former Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson during funeral at Newark Symphony Hall (PHOTOS). - 6 years ago

@CityofNewarkNJ: Newark honors former Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson during funeral at Newark Symphony Hall (PHOTOS). - 6 years ago


@CityofNewarkNJ: This week we honored and celebrated the life of Newark's first African American Mayor, Kenneth A. Gibson, with a st… - 6 years ago

@ShON25486781: RT @NYTObits: Kenneth Gibson, 86, Dies; Newark Mayor Broke Race Barrier in Northeast - 6 years ago

@DJWAZI: RT @CityofNewarkNJ: Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson’s State Funeral Service (LIVE) - 6 years ago

@DebdLun: RT @schell50: A Beautiful and well deserved Tribute for our first African American Mayor, The Honorable Kenneth Allen Gibson. Let us contin… - 6 years ago

@schell50: A Beautiful and well deserved Tribute for our first African American Mayor, The Honorable Kenneth Allen Gibson. Let… - 6 years ago

@daryltillman: My Hometown Hero. #NEWARK - 6 years ago

@aisha_glover: On the day after Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson's homegoing ceremony, I returned an unexpected call from the former deputy… - 6 years ago

@farfel54: RT @northwardcenter: Mayor Kenneth Gibson was an integral part of The North Ward Center’s success. There is a long history and friendship b… - 6 years ago

@farfel54: RT @Blackrock44: Besides WNJR, before the moniker Brick City Newark NJ was the Black Rock of the great east coast, and Kenneth Gibson was i… - 6 years ago

@farfel54: RT @nytimes: Kenneth Gibson, who became the first black mayor of a major Northeastern city when Newark voters elected him in 1970, has died… - 6 years ago

@farfel54: RT @CBSNewYork: REMEMBERING KEN GIBSON: Current political leaders are praising Gibson as "an incredible man" and a "trailblazer" for #New J… - 6 years ago

@JayPako: Kenneth Gibson- May his memory be for a blessing. - 6 years ago

@Hope4Cities: RT @CityofNewarkNJ: Today we honor the life of Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson with a State Funeral. The public will be able to pay their respects… - 6 years ago

@mortgagesbycoop: @FBCLG @dbsoaries great job at the celebration of the life for the Honorable Kenneth Gibson. From the ushers, host,… - 6 years ago

@DanButcher2: #KennethGibson, 86, Dies; #Newark Mayor Broke Race Barrier in Northeast - 6 years ago

@AswTimberlake: Thanking God for the life and legacy of the great late Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson. - 6 years ago

@AlcheMs: Respect for an amazing Trail Blazer was given tonight. May God Rest your Soul, Mayor Gibson. Mayor Ras Baraka did t… - 6 years ago

@Toniconfid: RT @CityofNewarkNJ: Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson’s State Funeral Service (LIVE) - 6 years ago

@rasjbaraka: RT @CityofNewarkNJ: Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson’s State Funeral Service (LIVE) - 6 years ago

@taneshia: RT @Tai_Cooper101: A beautiful sendoff for the iconic and history making Mayor Kenneth Gibson. My love to his beautiful wife Camille https:… - 6 years ago

@DonnaKW: CELEBRATING THE LIFE OF MAYOR KENNETH A. GIBSON — attending Service for Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson at Newark Symphony… - 6 years ago

@_theonidas: RT @CityofNewarkNJ: Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson’s State Funeral Service (LIVE) - 6 years ago

@CoCoaLeath: #RIPMAYORKENNETHGIBSON❤❤❤❤ — attending Service for Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson at Newark Symphony Hall - 6 years ago

@Tai_Cooper101: A beautiful sendoff for the iconic and history making Mayor Kenneth Gibson. My love to his beautiful wife Camille - 6 years ago

@CityofNewarkNJ: Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson’s State Funeral Service (LIVE) - 6 years ago

@DanRobJay: Kenneth Gibson, 86, Dies; Newark Mayor Broke Race Barrier in Northeast - 6 years ago

@newark_arts: RT @NwkSymphonyHall: Thursday, April 4 - #Newark Mayor @rasjbaraka and the Newark Municipal Council will lead the @CityofNewarkNJ in mourni… - 6 years ago

@jeremyclatrella: RT @CityofNewarkNJ: Today we honor the life of Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson with a State Funeral. The public will be able to pay their respects… - 6 years ago

@NakeefaGaray: RT @CityofNewarkNJ: Today we honor the life of Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson with a State Funeral. The public will be able to pay their respects… - 6 years ago

@rasjbaraka: RT @CityofNewarkNJ: Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson Lying In State Service - 6 years ago

@DJWAZI: RT @CityofNewarkNJ: Today we honor the life of Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson with a State Funeral. The public will be able to pay their respects… - 6 years ago

@DJWAZI: RT @NwkSymphonyHall: Thursday, April 4 - #Newark Mayor @rasjbaraka and the Newark Municipal Council will lead the @CityofNewarkNJ in mourni… - 6 years ago

@_theonidas: RT @CityofNewarkNJ: Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson Lying In State Service - 6 years ago

@northwardcenter: Mayor Kenneth Gibson was an integral part of The North Ward Center’s success. There is a long history and friendshi… - 6 years ago

@CityofNewarkNJ: Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson Lying In State Service - 6 years ago

@CityofNewarkNJ: Today we honor the life of Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson with a State Funeral. The public will be able to pay their respe… - 6 years ago

@CityofNewarkNJ: RT @NwkSymphonyHall: Thursday, April 4 - #Newark Mayor @rasjbaraka and the Newark Municipal Council will lead the @CityofNewarkNJ in mourni… - 6 years ago

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