Ken Casanega

American football player (San Francisco 49ers).
Died on Friday October 15th 2021

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Ken Casanega:

@004nino: RT @004nino: RIP 24 470) #American #football #player #Ken #Casanega , #last #living #member #of #original #49ers , #dies #October 10… - 3 years ago

@004nino: RIP 24 470) #American #football #player #Ken #Casanega , #last #living #member #of #original #49ers , #dies… - 3 years ago

@rebdab: RT @Eric_Branch: Ken Casanega, among NFL's oldest alumni, last surviving member of original 1946 #49ers, World War II fighter pilot, dies a… - 3 years ago

@yondergrey: @Eric_Branch @sfchronicle True Legends Never Die. Long Live Ken Casanega! - 3 years ago


@DOB1234: RT @Eric_Branch: Ken Casanega, among NFL's oldest alumni, last surviving member of original 1946 #49ers, World War II fighter pilot, dies a… - 3 years ago

@dprnesq: RT @Eric_Branch: Ken Casanega, among NFL's oldest alumni, last surviving member of original 1946 #49ers, World War II fighter pilot, dies a… - 3 years ago

@Holly3Golightl1: RT @Eric_Branch: Ken Casanega, among NFL's oldest alumni, last surviving member of original 1946 #49ers, World War II fighter pilot, dies a… - 3 years ago

@dkfdawg: RT @Eric_Branch: Ken Casanega, among NFL's oldest alumni, last surviving member of original 1946 #49ers, World War II fighter pilot, dies a… - 3 years ago

@evsanson: RT @Eric_Branch: Ken Casanega, among NFL's oldest alumni, last surviving member of original 1946 #49ers, World War II fighter pilot, dies a… - 3 years ago

@sfchronicle: RT @Eric_Branch: Ken Casanega, among NFL's oldest alumni, last surviving member of original 1946 #49ers, World War II fighter pilot, dies a… - 3 years ago

@Eric_Branch: Ken Casanega, among NFL's oldest alumni, last surviving member of original 1946 #49ers, World War II fighter pilot,… - 3 years ago

@RetiredNFLers: RT @KenCrippen: R.I.P. Ken Casanega, who played for the 1946 and 1948 @49ers of the AAFC. He was 100 years old. If my count is correct, the… - 3 years ago

@tripgreat: RT @KenCrippen: R.I.P. Ken Casanega, who played for the 1946 and 1948 @49ers of the AAFC. He was 100 years old. If my count is correct, the… - 3 years ago

@KenCrippen: R.I.P. Ken Casanega, who played for the 1946 and 1948 @49ers of the AAFC. He was 100 years old. If my count is corr… - 3 years ago

@Frank14Hoehle: RT @49ersGermany: Condolences! @49ers trauen um Ken Casanega Letztes Mitglied des ersten Teams aus 1946 im Alter von 100 Jahren verstorben… - 3 years ago

@NFLdeutsch: RT @49ersGermany: Condolences! @49ers trauen um Ken Casanega Letztes Mitglied des ersten Teams aus 1946 im Alter von 100 Jahren verstorben… - 3 years ago

@49ersGermany: Condolences! @49ers trauen um Ken Casanega Letztes Mitglied des ersten Teams aus 1946 im Alter von 100 Jahren vers… - 3 years ago

@kentcoville: RT @SportingGreenSF: Ken Casanega, who was the oldest living 49er and the last surviving member of the franchise’s original 1946 team, died… - 3 years ago

@GUEROMEXICAN831: RT @Eric_Branch: Ken Casanega, one of the #49ers first stars and the last living member of the franchise's first team, dies at 100. https… - 3 years ago

@RealFriscoKid: RT @SportingGreenSF: Ken Casanega, who was the oldest living 49er and the last surviving member of the franchise’s original 1946 team, died… - 3 years ago

@sfchronicle: RT @SportingGreenSF: Ken Casanega, who was the oldest living 49er and the last surviving member of the franchise’s original 1946 team, died… - 3 years ago

@GetchaPull49ers: RT @Eric_Branch: Ken Casanega, among NFL's oldest alumni, last surviving member of original 1946 #49ers, World War II fighter pilot, dies a… - 3 years ago

@SportingGreenSF: Ken Casanega, who was the oldest living 49er and the last surviving member of the franchise’s original 1946 team, d… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Ken Casanega dies - #KenCasanega #Ken #Casanega #rip - 3 years ago

@sfchronicle: RT @Eric_Branch: Playing in the NFL was not the most notable achievement of Ken Casanega's 100 years. Here's the story from March on his re… - 3 years ago

@sfchronicle: RT @Eric_Branch: Ken Casanega, one of the #49ers first stars and the last living member of the franchise's first team, dies at 100. https… - 3 years ago

@Eric_Branch: Playing in the NFL was not the most notable achievement of Ken Casanega's 100 years. Here's the story from March on… - 3 years ago

@Eric_Branch: Ken Casanega, one of the #49ers first stars and the last living member of the franchise's first team, dies at 100.… - 3 years ago

@JonathonJ1997: RT @Eric_Branch: Ken Casanega, last living member of original #49ers, dies at 100. - 3 years ago

@DTNCA: RT @Eric_Branch: Ken Casanega, last living member of original #49ers, dies at 100. - 3 years ago

@49ersOutsider: RT @Eric_Branch: Ken Casanega, last living member of original #49ers, dies at 100. - 3 years ago

@jeffdomingues: RT @Eric_Branch: Ken Casanega, last living member of original #49ers, dies at 100. - 3 years ago

@darkhalo2x: RT @Eric_Branch: Ken Casanega, last living member of original #49ers, dies at 100. - 3 years ago

@ThePatDown: RT @Eric_Branch: Ken Casanega, last living member of original #49ers, dies at 100. - 3 years ago

@3SidesSports: RT @Eric_Branch: Ken Casanega, last living member of original #49ers, dies at 100. - 3 years ago

@demarquiset: RT @Eric_Branch: Ken Casanega, last living member of original #49ers, dies at 100. - 3 years ago

@JoeSantangelo88: RT @Eric_Branch: Ken Casanega, last living member of original #49ers, dies at 100. - 3 years ago

@Eric_Branch: Ken Casanega, last living member of original #49ers, dies at 100. - 3 years ago

@Natalielynn1998: RT @sfchronicle: Ken Casanega, who was the oldest living 49er and the last surviving member of the franchise’s original 1946 team, died Sun… - 3 years ago

@yasfninersth: RT @Eric_Branch: Ken Casanega, last living member of original #49ers, dies at 100. - 3 years ago

@elmariorocha: RT @Eric_Branch: Ken Casanega, last living member of original #49ers, dies at 100. - 3 years ago

@DirtnotGrass: RT @Eric_Branch: Ken Casanega, last living member of original #49ers, dies at 100. - 3 years ago

@booklvr_k: RT @sfchronicle: Ken Casanega, who was the oldest living 49er and the last surviving member of the franchise’s original 1946 team, died Sun… - 3 years ago

@coolgrey: RT @sfchronicle: Ken Casanega, who was the oldest living 49er and the last surviving member of the franchise’s original 1946 team, died Sun… - 3 years ago

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