Kazuo Chiba

Japanese Aikido teacher.
Died on Friday June 5th 2015

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Kazuo Chiba:

@SysoonMemorial: Kazuo Chiba (1940 - 2015), died at age 75 years: was a Japanese Aikido teacher and founder… http://t.co/DBzTLP2X1j #people #news #funeral

@SysoonMemorial: Kazuo Chiba: Page about Kazuo Chiba http://t.co/qmwfkNxCm1 #people #death #cemetery

@SakuMeiKan: Purification through danger http://t.co/6NcBOVsSbA

@paul_taik: Aikido - Ueshiba Kisshomaru et Chiba Kazuo - Kentaijo (sword against stick) http://t.co/c6mbqbDkAc


@PlaceSeb: RIP (1940-2015)… “Kazuo Chiba — Ruthless Awareness” by Tom Collings http://t.co/ILy2ZXQkAq

@MONK696: RIP (1940-2015)… “Kazuo Chiba — Ruthless Awareness” by Tom Collings http://t.co/hjGZH80NfI

@gwh_aikido: "“Kazuo Chiba — Ruthless Awareness” by Tom Collings" http://t.co/PkBdJaf1Yw

@dward_burke: This was how I felt, every Thursday night at San Diego Aikikai.... http://t.co/bTtvLFJ4xw

@mwakz: RT @senshin_aikido: "The battlefield is too hot for ego", diz o Tom Collings numa passagem do texto. Não conheço o Collings, mas o... http:…

@senshin_aikido: "The battlefield is too hot for ego", diz o Tom Collings numa passagem do texto. Não conheço o Collings, mas o... http://t.co/GNETcYFbon

@AikidoShugyo_TO: "It was not only Chiba Sensei, it was the particular mix of individuals who came together each Friday afternoon.... http://t.co/K2Y6KPCt0n

@SGuillen_LuiS: “Kazuo Chiba — Ruthless Awareness” by Tom Collings http://t.co/pKx4i9NZkw #martialarts

@SGuillen_LuiS: RIP (1940-2015)… “Kazuo Chiba — Ruthless Awareness” by Tom Collings http://t.co/1LAnI9uWcY #martialarts

@dojomarubashi: “Kazuo Chiba — Ruthless Awareness” by Tom Collings http://t.co/083PDev23Y

@MartialNet: RIP (1940-2015)… “Kazuo Chiba — Ruthless Awareness” by Tom Collings: The grand final... http://t.co/sJkVld70zM -->http://t.co/2VOQIEq4MR

@AIKIDOYOSHINMED: “Kazuo Chiba — Ruthless Awareness” by Tom Collings http://t.co/GkGgtkYs3k

@bitops: RIP Chiba Sensei. http://t.co/YCUlBnxi7h

@MartialNet: “Kazuo Chiba — Ruthless Awareness” by Tom Collings: “The emotional intensity, and ra... http://t.co/CbsTXcn99p -->http://t.co/2VOQIEq4MR

@PlaceSeb: “Kazuo Chiba — Ruthless Awareness” by Tom Collings http://t.co/pKMwRjiOqX

@DojoShinko: Compartimos con ustedes esta entrevista realizada hace unos años a #ChibaSensei. https://t.co/ymomWtydZa

@aikichris: RT @aikidosangenkai: In Enoshima in 1959 - Kazuo Chiba, Nobuyoshi Tamura, Yasuo Kobayashi and a reporter from the Mainichi Shimbun.... http…

@aikidosangenkai: In Enoshima in 1959 - Kazuo Chiba, Nobuyoshi Tamura, Yasuo Kobayashi and a reporter from the Mainichi Shimbun.... http://t.co/7CBEhMTdGX

@AIKIDO_DOJO_GR: Aikido - Kazuo Chiba sensei - 1º part http://t.co/XBzfkj7PDD

@ZoeHinis: Obituary: Kazuo Chiba, 1940 - 2015 http://t.co/2ip2QeY7yO http://t.co/TIA5Eprpap

@OurLostcom: Kazuo Chiba http://t.co/WpMLEohveV

@OurLostcom: Kazuo Chiba Rest in Peace | RIP | Our Lost Obituary Memorial Page http://t.co/0CFcohpN04

@OurLostcom: Kazuo Chiba Rest in Peace | RIP | Our Lost Obituary Memorial Page http://t.co/zFcKJEnOLi

@Palmier2: La mort de Maître CHIBA, un des derniers Uchi deshi d' O'Sensei...... http://t.co/kCz5bVMvzS

@aikidokeitenkai: Informamos sobre el sensible fallecimiento de Kazuo ChibaShihan. Chiba Shihan, quien falleció el pasado 5 junio,... http://t.co/jzuNJVGFGA

@JEPPLM: El mestre Kazuo Chiba ens ha deixat el 5 de juny d'aquest any. Ha estat alumne directe del gran mestre i fundador... http://t.co/ZfKZqjhsbx

@lobezno99: Aikido - Kazuo Chiba sensei - 2º part http://t.co/tnuFrDE9dx

@Krishna_Bajpai: Kazuo Chiba (8th dan, Birankai International) sensei has passed away at age 75. Chiba sensei started aikido in... http://t.co/fJgXfYgEDi

@AikidoNsk: Мне понравилось видео "Aikido - Chiba Kazuo sensei 1974" (http://t.co/kpdDVoQRhR) на @YouTube.

@FPA_Tahiti: G+: Kazuo Chiba Senseï est malheureusement décédé hier. C'était l'un des derniers uchi-deshis* d'O Senseï *… https://t.co/1rD3vmKRvO

@hoyle_adrian: Chiba Kazuo Sensei - Kumijo Excercises https://t.co/joVikwo5n6 via @YouTube

@robertrosspark: RIP Chiba Sensei - Kazuo Chiba - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://t.co/IJGVaqCfBU

@AikidoWroclaw: Z wielkim żalem informujemy, że po ciężkiej chorobie zmarł Kazuo Chiba Sensei, nasz nauczyciel i twórca... http://t.co/dvvZVqwqkC

@Nekrologium: Kazuo Chiba, japanischer Aikido-Lehrer, am 05.06.2015 im Alter von 75 Jahren - https://t.co/kd9NutP7Gw

@FPA_Tahiti: Kazuo Chiba — Wikipédia http://t.co/uKwhDPbHOO

@ARG_Training: RT @AikidoJournal: It is with great sadness that we forward information concerning the passing of Kazuo Chiba Shihan today, June 5,... http…

@jeanphilippek06: Aikido - Kazuo Chiba sensei - 1º part http://t.co/WmyFR4OWZX

@flys77: "Kazuo Chiba" on @Wikipedia: https://t.co/bLtsuVYPGt no sólo hay que pasar por la vida un gran ejemplo de trascendencia

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