Kazuki Takahashi

Japanese manga artist (Yu-Gi-Oh!).
Died on Thursday July 7th 2022

View other recent people: Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn, Huey Williams

Tweets related to Kazuki Takahashi:

@greatmothsukk: Thank you Kazuki Takahashi for deciding this thing needed to be brought into the world. I hope it's done haunting… - 3 years ago

@WolfKingSam555: RT @TakahashiArtYGO: Rest in Peace, Kazuki Takahashi-sensei. Your manga has always and will always continue to inspire us for generations t… - 3 years ago

@WolfKingSam555: RT @IGN: The Japanese artist and creator of the beloved manga series Yu-Gi-Oh! has died. He was 60. - 3 years ago

@basedgian: RT @vg_dnb: Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories Composers: Naoko Ishii / Hiroshi Tanabe / Waichiro Ozaki Track: Library Menu Theme Friday™️ reque… - 3 years ago


@abelica88: RT @LPalomeros: Falleció Kazuki Takahashi creador del manga y anime "Yu-Gi-Oh!" Tenía 60 años y al parecer su deceso fue debido a un accid… - 3 years ago

@jtempacct13: RT @yugiohtas: Today marks 16 years of YGO Abridged although with recent events I don’t think it appropriate to celebrate that. Instead, p… - 3 years ago

@AthenaCykes4: La verdad es que hace un tiempo hice un dibujo como tributo a Kazuki Takahashi, se me pasó el publicarlo pero quier… - 3 years ago

@CoelumSvarg: RT @theskycriestoo: "I wish for friends. Friends who would never betray me, no matter what. And friends whom I would never betray." Thank… - 3 years ago

@filmaniaindo: Kreator franchise 'Yu-Gi-Oh!' Kazuki Takahashi telah meninggal dunia pada usia 60 tahun. Jasadnya ditemukan sepekan… - 3 years ago

@etoileouji: RT @theskycriestoo: "I wish for friends. Friends who would never betray me, no matter what. And friends whom I would never betray." Thank… - 3 years ago

@nicholas_stuff: RT @YugiohArt: I’m devastated to learn of the passing of Kazuki Takahashi (Yu-Gi-Oh!’s author) He was found off the coast of the city of N… - 3 years ago

@fan_tashia: RT @theskycriestoo: "I wish for friends. Friends who would never betray me, no matter what. And friends whom I would never betray." Thank… - 3 years ago

@ShinOni69: RT @AetherZeal: Holy hell I can’t believe Kazuki Takahashi died, I can only hope this absolute legend rests in peace. His series has had su… - 3 years ago

@hchanooo: RT @theskycriestoo: "I wish for friends. Friends who would never betray me, no matter what. And friends whom I would never betray." Thank… - 3 years ago

@theskycriestoo: RT @theskycriestoo: "I wish for friends. Friends who would never betray me, no matter what. And friends whom I would never betray." Thank… - 3 years ago

@SWolfie3: RT @theskycriestoo: "I wish for friends. Friends who would never betray me, no matter what. And friends whom I would never betray." Thank… - 3 years ago

@thenilebbygirl: RT @TheActMan_YT: I vote we build a new Pyramid in honor of Kazuki Takahashi so that his legacy endures like those of the Egyptian Pharaohs… - 3 years ago

@CinemaLoversCLB: RT @JonnyLeTran5: @CultureCrave Rest In Paradise Kazuki Takahashi thank you for creating one of my favorite childhood show 😢 - 3 years ago

@CinemaLoversCLB: RT @CultureCrave: 'Yu-Gi-Oh' creator Kazuki Takahashi has passed away at age 60 - 3 years ago

@Johosafats: RT @yugiohtas: Today marks 16 years of YGO Abridged although with recent events I don’t think it appropriate to celebrate that. Instead, p… - 3 years ago

@xomonarch: RT @RiseFallNickBck: A scene Kazuki Takahashi animated himself for the Yugioh Movie He went above and beyond so many times, and he will ne… - 3 years ago

@yamibotkura: Thank you, Kazuki Takahashi. - 3 years ago

@Lexic7B9: RT @yugiohtas: Today marks 16 years of YGO Abridged although with recent events I don’t think it appropriate to celebrate that. Instead, p… - 3 years ago

@Robert_CE: RT @Zaptio: Rest in peace Kazuki Takahashi, thanks for inspiring a generation 🙇‍♂️❤️ His legacy will live on 🙏 - 3 years ago

@Kiyobi: RT @batsugeemu: Tsuda Kenjirou (Kaiba's voice actor) narrating a news piece on Kazuki Takahashi's passing. OP and many other commenters are… - 3 years ago

@JokerTWICE_9: RT @earthtojaymus: Made some custom Yugioh cards a while back. Rip Kazuki Takahashi, thanks for everything. - 3 years ago

@satsu317: RT @FusionAzure_ZX: Buenas Noches Gente! As a Tribute for the Creator of Yu-Gi-Oh, Kazuki Takahashi, I decide to make a Fan Art of Dark Mag… - 3 years ago

@FusionAzure_ZX: RT @FusionAzure_ZX: Buenas Noches Gente! As a Tribute for the Creator of Yu-Gi-Oh, Kazuki Takahashi, I decide to make a Fan Art of Dark Mag… - 3 years ago

@miugenfourze05: RT @troubledmn: One of my favorite memories of Kazuki Takahashi was when the creator of Bobobo asked him to draw Yugi in one of the panels… - 3 years ago

@spacekamen: RT @yugiohtas: Today marks 16 years of YGO Abridged although with recent events I don’t think it appropriate to celebrate that. Instead, p… - 3 years ago

@tapdeez: RT @batsugeemu: Tsuda Kenjirou (Kaiba's voice actor) narrating a news piece on Kazuki Takahashi's passing. OP and many other commenters are… - 3 years ago

@zekesbooba: ppl rly put here acting like if ur a proclaimed manga artist you’re not allowed to decry japanese nationalism, like… - 3 years ago

@ezequielgueso: RT @mistajonz: Rest in power Kazuki Takahashi. Always loved Yu-Gi-Oh. - 3 years ago

@Mr_Twixtar: RT @TeamManga__: Nous apprenons que Kazuki Takahashi, auteur de Yu-Gi-Oh, est décédé. Toutes nos pensées vont à ses proches. - 3 years ago

@M8trixMatt: RT @batsugeemu: Tsuda Kenjirou (Kaiba's voice actor) narrating a news piece on Kazuki Takahashi's passing. OP and many other commenters are… - 3 years ago

@weikawut: RT @batsugeemu: Tsuda Kenjirou (Kaiba's voice actor) narrating a news piece on Kazuki Takahashi's passing. OP and many other commenters are… - 3 years ago

@XiePlus: RT @batsugeemu: Tsuda Kenjirou (Kaiba's voice actor) narrating a news piece on Kazuki Takahashi's passing. OP and many other commenters are… - 3 years ago

@CaffeineBoost14: Back to Rhod. I sure hope nothing bad happened to him while I changed my profile picture to honour Kazuki Takahashi - 3 years ago

@KarlssonMax: RT @blockwonkel: "In the distant future, when we are long gone, I hope that everyone can live together in harmony without races or borders"… - 3 years ago

@Tommy_28_09: RT @IGNPortugal: Hoje desafiamos-vos a uma leitura diferente. Um editorial do @Riuuzaki_23 feito com o coração e memórias cheias de nostalg… - 3 years ago

@YuriHimuraFox: RT @yugiohtas: Today marks 16 years of YGO Abridged although with recent events I don’t think it appropriate to celebrate that. Instead, p… - 3 years ago

@smimblor: RT @yugiohtas: Today marks 16 years of YGO Abridged although with recent events I don’t think it appropriate to celebrate that. Instead, p… - 3 years ago

@Rav_Rabies: RT @yugiohtas: Today marks 16 years of YGO Abridged although with recent events I don’t think it appropriate to celebrate that. Instead, p… - 3 years ago

@_deadhydrangea: RT @LaurenWalshArt: Gutted to see the news today. Yu-Gi-Oh! was such an inspiration to me growing up. Rest in peace Kazuki Takahashi, the… - 3 years ago

@sha5aniiii: RT @sciamano240: Alexis Rhodes from Yu-Gi-Oh! I found this old sketch and worked on it a day before the tragic news. What a sad coincidence… - 3 years ago

@Shadionic: RT @troubledmn: One of my favorite memories of Kazuki Takahashi was when the creator of Bobobo asked him to draw Yugi in one of the panels… - 3 years ago

@Sehnlauf: RT @TakahashiArtYGO: Rest in Peace, Kazuki Takahashi-sensei. Your manga has always and will always continue to inspire us for generations t… - 3 years ago

@kei_white_lion: RT @Lio_Melethes_ff: 高橋和希先生へ、 遊戯王は今でもたまに遊んでます。 ありがとう。 高橋和希先生、 Yu-Gi-Oh仍然偶爾玩。 謝謝你。 To Mr, Kazuki Takahashi, Yu-Gi-Oh is still playing o… - 3 years ago

@jaydestarlight: RT @8thsingularity: mia ikumi and kazuki takahashi in the same year im convinced this is the worst timeline ever ... literally so upsetting - 3 years ago

@Xehanort17: RT @DeformerLua: Ah tiens, un hommage à Kazuki Takahashi à la fin de l’épisode de Yu-Gi-Oh Go Rush qui vient d’être diffusé. - 3 years ago

@Flo6919: RT @YugiMuto91: Je suis complètement dévasté par la nouvelle. Cet homme a changé ma vie à tout jamais, comme celle de millions de personnes… - 3 years ago

@hiro82750242: OBRIGADO KAZUKI TAKAHASHI - 3 years ago

@Ulises_Saga: RT @shonenjump: It has been our privilege to be Kazuki Takahashi Sensei's publisher for 20 years. We and his many fans are deeply saddened… - 3 years ago

@tomastheartist: RT @KKaijju: RIP Kazuki Takahashi Yu-Gi-Oh was a big part of my childhood - 3 years ago

@aa_glp: RT @yugiohtas: There were people telling me I had no right to post about the passing of Kazuki Takahashi because I'm not a real fan - or th… - 3 years ago

@Isaahacc: RT @sciamano240: Alexis Rhodes from Yu-Gi-Oh! I found this old sketch and worked on it a day before the tragic news. What a sad coincidence… - 3 years ago

@Xeyoj: RT @yugiohtas: There were people telling me I had no right to post about the passing of Kazuki Takahashi because I'm not a real fan - or th… - 3 years ago

@Florin_teo27: RT @sciamano240: Alexis Rhodes from Yu-Gi-Oh! I found this old sketch and worked on it a day before the tragic news. What a sad coincidence… - 3 years ago

@DicksonsEmpire: RT @lionsocietynft: Sad to learn about Kazuki Takahashi (Yu-Gi-Oh!’s author) He was found off the coast of the city of Nago, in a diving eq… - 3 years ago

@Mewcrr: RT @MistilteinnYGO: In honour of Kazuki Takahashi. I’m changing my profile picture to my favourite yugioh card for a week. If you would li… - 3 years ago

@Lalirri_sk: RT @AllissLulu: Ya han pasado dos días y aún me sigue impactando tanto la muerte de Kazuki Takahashi. - 3 years ago

@BillebeaudQ: RT @ZettoDB: Kazuki Takahashi (Yu-Gi-Oh!) - 3 years ago

@scarletpapava: RT @SirBadOpinions: In honor of Kazuki Takahashi I would like to share something he once said: - 3 years ago

@ramann00dlzTK: RT @sciamano240: Alexis Rhodes from Yu-Gi-Oh! I found this old sketch and worked on it a day before the tragic news. What a sad coincidence… - 3 years ago

@acearkhamasylum: RT @PokemanZ0N6: Animated by Kazuki Takahashi himself, we lost a legend that went beyond just drawing manga for his series - 3 years ago

@klem3112013: RT @IGNLatam: El mundo del manga/anime está de luto: Kazuki Takahashi, autor del famoso manga Yu-Gi-Oh!, fue hallado muerto en la costa de… - 3 years ago

@1maxspazz: RT @CultureCrave: 'Yu-Gi-Oh' creator Kazuki Takahashi has passed away at age 60 - 3 years ago

@reraenn: RT @aitomari00: Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Kazuki Takahashi. Yu-Gi-Oh! changed my life in so many ways, has taught m… - 3 years ago

@unironicalygoth: RT @FarfaYGO: In honour of Kazuki Takahashi. I’m changing my profile picture to my favourite yugioh card for a week. If you would like to… - 3 years ago

@JpEeM88: RT @Areajugones: Hoy tenemos que lamentar el fallecimiento de Kazuki Takahashi, creador de la mítica Yu-Gi-Oh! Gracias por el regalo que n… - 3 years ago

@Nebulous_Sakura: RT @KKaijju: RIP Kazuki Takahashi Yu-Gi-Oh was a big part of my childhood - 3 years ago

@VocaMew: RT @sextant0yulij: Thanks for your legacy Takahashi sensei RIP Kazuki Takahashi, Yugioh 's Autor #YuGiOh #遊戯王 - 3 years ago

@K_arlequin105: RT @KKaijju: RIP Kazuki Takahashi Yu-Gi-Oh was a big part of my childhood - 3 years ago

@RoseyBits: RT @yugiohtas: Yu-Gi-Oh brought so many of the people in my life together. It is responsible for a lot of the love I’ve felt and seen. I d… - 3 years ago

@alyaannav: RT @CultureCrave: 'Yu-Gi-Oh' creator Kazuki Takahashi has passed away at age 60 - 3 years ago

@always_prentiss: RT @REAPERTHESAMUR1: Gracias por todo Kazuki Takahashi. - 3 years ago

@Etchwarts: RT @MinovskyArticle: Kazuki Takahashi posted an anti-Shinzo Abe cartoon on Instagram. - 3 years ago

@AzureJ89: RT @RANK10YGO: Kazuki Takahashi loved games, horror movies, extravagant designs, and had a deep fascination with Egypt; the fact that he co… - 3 years ago

@Trollonasan: RT @TakahashiArtYGO: Rest in Peace, Kazuki Takahashi-sensei. Your manga has always and will always continue to inspire us for generations t… - 3 years ago

@JosMarquina15: RT @Akasunano_Haru: Falleció Kazuki Takahashi, si bien su participación en la franquicia de Yu-Gi-Oh después de GX fue menor, de no ser por… - 3 years ago

@leafninjasteph: RT @yugiohtas: Yu-Gi-Oh tells us that the bonds we share exist long after we’re gone. That even when we lose the ones we love and hold dear… - 3 years ago

@DanteDJackson1: RT @TAHK0: I once had an unexpected chance to meet Kazuki Takahashi and was honored to have my Winged Kuriboh signed not only is it my fav… - 3 years ago

@xanax_da: RT @PokemanZ0N6: Animated by Kazuki Takahashi himself, we lost a legend that went beyond just drawing manga for his series - 3 years ago

@LeviJones101st: RT @NeoArkadia24: Takahashi Kazuki's most well known work, Yu-Gi-Oh! had the ideal and belief that games were a tool you could use to commu… - 3 years ago

@_Shummy_: RT @KAWAISHIZUKA: From Eric Stuart’s Facebook. RIP Kazuki Takahashi - 3 years ago

@Joriobro: RT @KAWAISHIZUKA: From Eric Stuart’s Facebook. RIP Kazuki Takahashi - 3 years ago

@Yimkaowai_1231: RT @Offchainon: BREAKING : NHK รายงานข่าวช็อกวงการการ์ตูนญี่ปุ่น อ.Kazuki Takahashi อายุ 60 ปี นักวาดการ์ตูนชื่อดัง เจ้าของผลงานเรื่อง Yu-… - 3 years ago

@shadooliger: Godspeed Kazuki Takahashi and thank you for making themed archetype based on Pro-Wrestler - 3 years ago

@BosnianMossad02: RT @japantimes: BREAKING: Kazuki Takahashi, author of the popular manga series "Yu-Gi-Oh," has been found dead, NHK reports. He was 60. htt… - 3 years ago

@DDCAddict: RT @japantimes: BREAKING: Kazuki Takahashi, author of the popular manga series "Yu-Gi-Oh," has been found dead, NHK reports. He was 60. htt… - 3 years ago

@Cdl182: Rest in peace Kazuki Takahashi I've been struggling to find the right words to say to sum up how I'm feeling today… - 3 years ago

@K_arlequin105: RT @NortFX: Thank you, Kazuki Takahashi. - 3 years ago

@spheridot: RT @YuGiOHTwink: So In case you all weren't aware Kazuki Takahashi just died yesterday. So I wanna share the thing he wrote at the final vo… - 3 years ago

@OffiFr: RT @Mediavenir: 🇯🇵 FLASH - Le mangaka Kazuki Takahashi, créateur de "Yu-Gi-Oh!", est mort à l'âge de 60 ans des suites d’un accident de plo… - 3 years ago

@TheSuperOtaku: RT @troubledmn: One of my favorite memories of Kazuki Takahashi was when the creator of Bobobo asked him to draw Yugi in one of the panels… - 3 years ago

@reraenn: RT @NeoArkadia24: Takahashi Kazuki's most well known work, Yu-Gi-Oh! had the ideal and belief that games were a tool you could use to commu… - 3 years ago

@JoacoC137: RT @RANK10YGO: Kazuki Takahashi loved games, horror movies, extravagant designs, and had a deep fascination with Egypt; the fact that he co… - 3 years ago

@studioed_: Sin irme en floro en ig, mierda que triste me pone que muriera kazuki takahashi. Ver la serie y sus mensajes que tr… - 3 years ago

@bewickshelby: RT @KKaijju: RIP Kazuki Takahashi Yu-Gi-Oh was a big part of my childhood - 3 years ago

@QrizQrizQriz: RT @MangaMoguraRE: "Yu-Gi-Oh!" creator Kazuki Takahashi passed away. - 3 years ago

@itz_vysh: RT @shonenleaks: Yu-Gi-Oh! Manga series author Kazuki Takahashi found dead off the coast of Nago city, Okinawa, Japan. R.I.P🙏 - 3 years ago

@hffzkmlrddn: RT @KKaijju: RIP Kazuki Takahashi Yu-Gi-Oh was a big part of my childhood - 3 years ago

@BenandBeetle: RT @Somecallmejon: In honor of Kazuki Takahashi, what's your favorite card art from Yu-Gi-Oh? Mine has always been Dark Paladin. This vari… - 3 years ago

@FluffyBunnyZeta: RT @HaloandYGO: In honor of Kazuki Takahashi, what is your favorite yugioh related memory? Can be a moment from the anime that has stuck wi… - 3 years ago

@Trash__Baby: RT @troubledmn: One of my favorite memories of Kazuki Takahashi was when the creator of Bobobo asked him to draw Yugi in one of the panels… - 3 years ago

@dfbrethy: RT @TheDistantCoder: In honour of Kazuki Takahashi. I’m changing my profile picture to my favourite yugioh card for a week. If you would l… - 3 years ago

@ObsidianDaddy: RT @sextant0yulij: Thanks for your legacy Takahashi sensei RIP Kazuki Takahashi, Yugioh 's Autor #YuGiOh #遊戯王 - 3 years ago

@BeanLycan: RT @EvaBLeaf: RIP Kazuki Takahashi, the thing I hope from this is at least Konami can make something to remember him, from a card to maybe… - 3 years ago

@JurassicDunk: RT @bloomfilters: Kazuki Takahashi challenged Shinzo Abe to one final card game for the fate of Japan. Takahashi sacrificed his life so tha… - 3 years ago

@SpookyKibuki: In honour of Kazuki Takahashi. I’m changing my profile picture to my favourite yugioh card for a week. If you woul… - 3 years ago

@Merokowo: RT @TakahashiArtYGO: Rest in Peace, Kazuki Takahashi-sensei. Your manga has always and will always continue to inspire us for generations t… - 3 years ago

@JPblakk: RT @REAPERTHESAMUR1: Gracias por todo Kazuki Takahashi. - 3 years ago

@chidorip3: RT @yimmygee: kazuki takahashi hit shinzo abe with the ole tribute to the doomed card to take his ass back to the shadow realm - 3 years ago

@hgOGB1BjOcMdhOr: RT @dilfosaur: i can’t even describe how much yugioh effected my life!!! the manga was formative to me as an artist, and i’ve made so many… - 3 years ago

@JimmyClarke__: This is really sad. RIP to Kazuki Takahashi. I LOVED Yu-Gi-Oh! as a kid. I wish I still had my cards. I still watch… - 3 years ago

@intronuanceRL: RT @ThatNightShade: In honour of Kazuki Takahashi. I’m changing my profile picture to my favourite yugioh card for a week. If you would li… - 3 years ago

@RainfeII_X: RT @KKaijju: RIP Kazuki Takahashi Yu-Gi-Oh was a big part of my childhood - 3 years ago

@sempakdaisu: RT @aitomari00: Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Kazuki Takahashi. Yu-Gi-Oh! changed my life in so many ways, has taught m… - 3 years ago

@SuperShoku: RT @ykarps: Kazuki Takahashi even eventually did a Marvel comic, a great one-shot called Secret Reverse, where Iron Man and Spider Man esse… - 3 years ago

@Ropa_Dope: RT @CultureCrave: 'Yu-Gi-Oh' creator Kazuki Takahashi has passed away at age 60 - 3 years ago

@MaryEEvee_: RT @TheOtaking: Yu-Gi-Oh! R - Kazuki Takahashi & Akira Itō - 2004/2008 Rip Kazuki Takahashi - 3 years ago

@xthehatchick: RT @dmbakura: Duel Art is one of my favourite art books I own. Kazuki Takahashi's work is so vibrant, nostalgic and inspiring. YGO is such… - 3 years ago

@TheZandule: RT @troubledmn: One of my favorite memories of Kazuki Takahashi was when the creator of Bobobo asked him to draw Yugi in one of the panels… - 3 years ago

@Shintrav: RT @motokorich: Kazuki Takahashi, the creator of the international smash hit manga and trading card game Yu-Gi-Oh!, was found dead in south… - 3 years ago

@Klunk279: RT @Exalted_Speed: Well I didn't want to wake up to this, Yu-gi-oh's creator Kazuki Takahashi has been found dead. His manga was one of th… - 3 years ago

@soyhorrorosa: RT @troubledmn: One of my favorite memories of Kazuki Takahashi was when the creator of Bobobo asked him to draw Yugi in one of the panels… - 3 years ago

@__delmo: RT @batsugeemu: "If you've made friends because of a shared interest in Yugioh, then I'm glad to have made this manga. That's what makes me… - 3 years ago

@donhill44: RT @eric_stuart: This is incredibly sad news. So shocking. An amazingly talented man. Sensei created a role that would help define my voice… - 3 years ago

@YuGiOh_Lex_DS: RT @JohanDaily: Rest in peace Kazuki Takahashi. You inspired so many of us and I’ll always be forever grateful for all the memories and eve… - 3 years ago

@MysticTactician: RT @Merryweatherey: I loved yugioh ever since I was a child, and always kept up with the anime, manga, card game, and various spin-off game… - 3 years ago

@amourvoiture: RT @dandock: The loss of Yu-Gi-Oh! creator Kazuki Takahashi is a huge one. I wrote about the joys of his talents and the spark that drove… - 3 years ago

@Lum3le: RT @TakahashiArtYGO: Rest in Peace, Kazuki Takahashi-sensei. Your manga has always and will always continue to inspire us for generations t… - 3 years ago

@Youngbro323: RT @Deyoseo: Deep condolences, Kazuki Takahashi our turn may ends now, but your legacy will goes on thanks! #高橋先生 ##遊戯王 #YuGiOh - 3 years ago

@Shadowand21: RT @NortFX: Thank you, Kazuki Takahashi. - 3 years ago

@Hanami_chan1o1: RT @TakahashiArtYGO: Rest in Peace, Kazuki Takahashi-sensei. Your manga has always and will always continue to inspire us for generations t… - 3 years ago

@depthwarmsea: RT @mthai: ขอแสดงความเสียใจต่อการจากไปของ "Kazuki Takahashi" ผู้สร้างการ์ตูนยอดฮิต Yu-Gi-Oh! เกมกลคนอัจฉริยะ จากไปในวัย 60 ปี โดยเมื่อ 6 ก… - 3 years ago

@GTrembleyC: RT @XenonBlur: Kazuki Takahashi ha muerto a sus 60 años. YuGiOh formó parte de mi infancia y hasta el día de hoy, al igual que de muchos ot… - 3 years ago

@Casualias: RT @yugiohtas: There are many people who are bigger YGO fans than me. A lot of people who knew more about Kazuki Takahashi than I ever coul… - 3 years ago

@IncarnationZERO: RT @troubledmn: One of my favorite memories of Kazuki Takahashi was when the creator of Bobobo asked him to draw Yugi in one of the panels… - 3 years ago

@TiredHawaiian: RT @ykarps: When I think about Kazuki Takahashi, I think about his art trade with Mike Mignola. I had never seen a manga artist and an Amer… - 3 years ago

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