Katuutire Kaura

Namibian politician.
Died on Sunday January 23rd 2022

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Katuutire Kaura:

@westa1990: RT @mvenaani: Sad to hear the demise of my predecessor the affable Hon Katuutire Kaura!! We commiserate with his dear wife Vicky and Childr… - 3 years ago

@Young_Kapya: RT @NamibiaOPM: Today PM Dr. Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila sent messages of condolences to the bereaved spouses of the late Mr. John Akapandi… - 3 years ago

@J_Moongo: RT @EagleFMNam: I’LL BURY KAURA WITH DIGNITY – VENAANI PDM leader, McHenry Venaani, has said that he will bury his predecessor, DTA presid… - 3 years ago

@NewEraNewspaper: Former opposition leader Katuutire Kaura, who succumbed to Covid-19 related complications on Sunday at the age of 8… - 3 years ago


@NamibiaOPM: Today PM Dr. Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila sent messages of condolences to the bereaved spouses of the late Mr. John A… - 3 years ago

@zizou_II: @menye212 There are to gentlemen standing, one is the one & only Katuutire Kaura. May his soul Rest - 3 years ago

@Mariada76353260: The baobab tree has fallen and has gone to rest, from Namibia to New York for education and return back to Namibia… - 3 years ago

@2ChainlezChainz: RT @NewEraNewspaper: JUST IN: Former DTA president Katuutire Kaura, who was also advisor to the Kunene governor, passed on early this morni… - 3 years ago

@Shikonekeni_: RT @NewEraNewspaper: JUST IN: Former DTA president Katuutire Kaura, who was also advisor to the Kunene governor, passed on early this morni… - 3 years ago

@TheNamibian: President Hage Geingob has described former DTA president Katuutire Kaura as a politician who has contributed great… - 3 years ago

@Uaku3: Rip katuutire kaura 🕊️ . - 3 years ago

@I_am_Tjekupe: RT @thevillagernam: I’LL BURY KAURA WITH DIGNITY – VENAANI PDM leader, McHenry Venaani, has said that he will bury his predecessor, DTA pr… - 3 years ago

@thevillagernam: I’LL BURY KAURA WITH DIGNITY – VENAANI PDM leader, McHenry Venaani, has said that he will bury his predecessor, DT… - 3 years ago

@InformanteLive: Former DTA president Katuutire Kaura dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@EagleFMNam: I’LL BURY KAURA WITH DIGNITY – VENAANI PDM leader, McHenry Venaani, has said that he will bury his predecessor, DT… - 3 years ago

@ImmsonSunday: RT @mvenaani: Sad to hear the demise of my predecessor the affable Hon Katuutire Kaura!! We commiserate with his dear wife Vicky and Childr… - 3 years ago

@NamibiaNipam: RT @NamPresidency: President @hagegeingob extends condolences to the Kaura and Mbuende family following the passing of veteran politician,… - 3 years ago

@Isai_Ndjebo: RT @mvenaani: Sad to hear the demise of my predecessor the affable Hon Katuutire Kaura!! We commiserate with his dear wife Vicky and Childr… - 3 years ago

@AgnesMo64249361: RT @mvenaani: Sad to hear the demise of my predecessor the affable Hon Katuutire Kaura!! We commiserate with his dear wife Vicky and Childr… - 3 years ago

@GrooveyNguvii: @mvenaani Rest in peace uncle Katuutire Kaura😭 - 3 years ago

@Jonatha86207911: RT @mvenaani: Sad to hear the demise of my predecessor the affable Hon Katuutire Kaura!! We commiserate with his dear wife Vicky and Childr… - 3 years ago

@Melz_Mowa: RT @Twiindilenii: We send our sincere heartfelt condolences to both family’s of the late Katuutire Kaura and late John Aakapndi Endjala.. M… - 3 years ago

@sinut69: RT @mvenaani: Sad to hear the demise of my predecessor the affable Hon Katuutire Kaura!! We commiserate with his dear wife Vicky and Childr… - 3 years ago

@deendana: RT @mvenaani: Sad to hear the demise of my predecessor the affable Hon Katuutire Kaura!! We commiserate with his dear wife Vicky and Childr… - 3 years ago

@esau_manona: RT @whkobserver: JUST IN: Former DTA President Katuutire Kaura has passed on, a family member confirmed. Kaura was DTA’s President from 199… - 3 years ago

@LeahTeek: RT @namibiansun: JUST IN: Former DTA president Katuutire Kaura, who was later appointed by President Hage Geingob as advisor to the Kunene… - 3 years ago

@newsonnbc: Former DTA President, Katuutire Kaura will be remembered for his great contribution to the socio-economic and polit… - 3 years ago

@thomashiskia: RT @mvenaani: Sad to hear the demise of my predecessor the affable Hon Katuutire Kaura!! We commiserate with his dear wife Vicky and Childr… - 3 years ago

@MaswahuSiza: RT @mvenaani: Sad to hear the demise of my predecessor the affable Hon Katuutire Kaura!! We commiserate with his dear wife Vicky and Childr… - 3 years ago

@Bangas97: RT @TheNamibian: Former Democratic Turnhalle Alliance (DTA), now Popular Democratic Movement (PDM), president Katuutire Kaura has died. htt… - 3 years ago

@Twiindilenii: We send our sincere heartfelt condolences to both family’s of the late Katuutire Kaura and late John Aakapndi Endja… - 3 years ago

@Gracie908381331: RT @hagegeingob: I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura. During this hour of grief, I wish to convey sincere… - 3 years ago

@Big_R0nnz: RT @namibiansun: JUST IN: Former DTA president Katuutire Kaura, who was later appointed by President Hage Geingob as advisor to the Kunene… - 3 years ago

@raytchemvura: RT @hagegeingob: I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura. During this hour of grief, I wish to convey sincere… - 3 years ago

@PittKaki: RT @mvenaani: Sad to hear the demise of my predecessor the affable Hon Katuutire Kaura!! We commiserate with his dear wife Vicky and Childr… - 3 years ago

@Tjiurimo: RT @hagegeingob: I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura. During this hour of grief, I wish to convey sincere… - 3 years ago

@KapenaK: RT @TheNamibian: Former Democratic Turnhalle Alliance (DTA), now Popular Democratic Movement (PDM), president Katuutire Kaura has died. htt… - 3 years ago

@KapenaK: RT @mvenaani: Sad to hear the demise of my predecessor the affable Hon Katuutire Kaura!! We commiserate with his dear wife Vicky and Childr… - 3 years ago

@InformanteNews: CONDOLENCES are streaming in after the death of the former president of the Democratic Turnhalle Alliance (DTA) Kat… - 3 years ago

@roger_nautoro: RT @mvenaani: Sad to hear the demise of my predecessor the affable Hon Katuutire Kaura!! We commiserate with his dear wife Vicky and Childr… - 3 years ago

@ndoromapopyeni: RT @TheNamibian: Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) leader McHenry Venaani has described the late Katuutire Kaura as a great political teach… - 3 years ago

@superblaq17: RT @hagegeingob: I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura. During this hour of grief, I wish to convey sincere… - 3 years ago

@HedimbiMayele: RT @mvenaani: Sad to hear the demise of my predecessor the affable Hon Katuutire Kaura!! We commiserate with his dear wife Vicky and Childr… - 3 years ago

@Zidanemunekova: RT @namibiansun: JUST IN: Former DTA president Katuutire Kaura, who was later appointed by President Hage Geingob as advisor to the Kunene… - 3 years ago

@JrKapesa: RT @mvenaani: Sad to hear the demise of my predecessor the affable Hon Katuutire Kaura!! We commiserate with his dear wife Vicky and Childr… - 3 years ago

@JrKapesa: RT @hagegeingob: I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura. During this hour of grief, I wish to convey sincere… - 3 years ago

@solplaydirty: RT @mvenaani: Sad to hear the demise of my predecessor the affable Hon Katuutire Kaura!! We commiserate with his dear wife Vicky and Childr… - 3 years ago

@Gabes277: RT @namibiansun: JUST IN: Former DTA president Katuutire Kaura, who was later appointed by President Hage Geingob as advisor to the Kunene… - 3 years ago

@Nelson77953355: RT @mvenaani: Sad to hear the demise of my predecessor the affable Hon Katuutire Kaura!! We commiserate with his dear wife Vicky and Childr… - 3 years ago

@allanmzalendo: RT @hagegeingob: I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura. During this hour of grief, I wish to convey sincere… - 3 years ago

@1012Jele: RT @namibiansun: JUST IN: Former DTA president Katuutire Kaura, who was later appointed by President Hage Geingob as advisor to the Kunene… - 3 years ago

@1012Jele: RT @TheNamibian: Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) leader McHenry Venaani has described the late Katuutire Kaura as a great political teach… - 3 years ago

@1012Jele: RT @TheNamibian: Former Democratic Turnhalle Alliance (DTA), now Popular Democratic Movement (PDM), president Katuutire Kaura has died. htt… - 3 years ago

@lams_bee: RT @NamPresidency: President @hagegeingob extends condolences to the Kaura and Mbuende family following the passing of veteran politician,… - 3 years ago

@NamPresidency: President @hagegeingob extends condolences to the Kaura and Mbuende family following the passing of veteran politic… - 3 years ago

@gtoat_kb: RT @hagegeingob: I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura. During this hour of grief, I wish to convey sincere… - 3 years ago

@alex_nepolo: RT @mvenaani: Sad to hear the demise of my predecessor the affable Hon Katuutire Kaura!! We commiserate with his dear wife Vicky and Childr… - 3 years ago

@MartinezDirkse: RT @TheNamibian: Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) leader McHenry Venaani has described the late Katuutire Kaura as a great political teach… - 3 years ago

@alex_nepolo: RT @hagegeingob: I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura. During this hour of grief, I wish to convey sincere… - 3 years ago

@HaikaliPeace: RT @hagegeingob: I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura. During this hour of grief, I wish to convey sincere… - 3 years ago

@ffillipus: RT @NamPresidency: “I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura. During this hour of grief, I wish to convey sinc… - 3 years ago

@WellmannGwen: RT @NewEraNewspaper: JUST IN: Former DTA president Katuutire Kaura, who was also advisor to the Kunene governor, passed on early this morni… - 3 years ago

@africaupdates: RT @newsonnbc: The former president of the Democratic Turnhalle Alliance (DTA), now Popular Democratic Movement (PDM), Katuutire Kaura has… - 3 years ago

@MuchaliMulife: RT @hagegeingob: I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura. During this hour of grief, I wish to convey sincere… - 3 years ago

@TheNamibian: Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) leader McHenry Venaani has described the late Katuutire Kaura as a great politica… - 3 years ago

@BS_Amutenya: RT @hagegeingob: I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura. During this hour of grief, I wish to convey sincere… - 3 years ago

@mcnab_malcolm: RT @hagegeingob: I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura. During this hour of grief, I wish to convey sincere… - 3 years ago

@HenryHafeni: RT @TheNamibian: Former Democratic Turnhalle Alliance (DTA), now Popular Democratic Movement (PDM), president Katuutire Kaura has died. htt… - 3 years ago

@makt2030: RT @hagegeingob: I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura. During this hour of grief, I wish to convey sincere… - 3 years ago

@ngalangi_kuyu: RT @namibiansun: JUST IN: Former DTA president Katuutire Kaura, who was later appointed by President Hage Geingob as advisor to the Kunene… - 3 years ago

@ancientsage9: RT @hagegeingob: I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura. During this hour of grief, I wish to convey sincere… - 3 years ago

@Rachellmm65: RT @mvenaani: Sad to hear the demise of my predecessor the affable Hon Katuutire Kaura!! We commiserate with his dear wife Vicky and Childr… - 3 years ago

@republikein_na: RT @NamPresidency: “I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura. During this hour of grief, I wish to convey sinc… - 3 years ago

@kondjalouw: RT @hagegeingob: I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura. During this hour of grief, I wish to convey sincere… - 3 years ago

@kandje96: RT @namibiansun: JUST IN: Former DTA president Katuutire Kaura, who was later appointed by President Hage Geingob as advisor to the Kunene… - 3 years ago

@Kondja: RT @mvenaani: Sad to hear the demise of my predecessor the affable Hon Katuutire Kaura!! We commiserate with his dear wife Vicky and Childr… - 3 years ago

@Kondja: RT @hagegeingob: I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura. During this hour of grief, I wish to convey sincere… - 3 years ago

@GiftAmwaalwa: RT @NamPresidency: “I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura. During this hour of grief, I wish to convey sinc… - 3 years ago

@mundinda1: RT @hagegeingob: I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura. During this hour of grief, I wish to convey sincere… - 3 years ago

@NamPresidency: “I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura. During this hour of grief, I wish to convey… - 3 years ago

@_hafeni_: RT @hagegeingob: I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura. During this hour of grief, I wish to convey sincere… - 3 years ago

@Francis81746065: RT @NewEraNewspaper: JUST IN: Former DTA president Katuutire Kaura, who was also advisor to the Kunene governor, passed on early this morni… - 3 years ago

@ITheAdvocate: RT @TheNamibian: Former Democratic Turnhalle Alliance (DTA), now Popular Democratic Movement (PDM), president Katuutire Kaura has died. htt… - 3 years ago

@Dilukeni: RT @hagegeingob: I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura. During this hour of grief, I wish to convey sincere… - 3 years ago

@VembiiMuvangua: RT @hagegeingob: I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura. During this hour of grief, I wish to convey sincere… - 3 years ago

@fireshikomba: RT @hagegeingob: I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura. During this hour of grief, I wish to convey sincere… - 3 years ago

@FestusNSheetek2: RT @hagegeingob: I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura. During this hour of grief, I wish to convey sincere… - 3 years ago

@NameneEelu: RT @hagegeingob: I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura. During this hour of grief, I wish to convey sincere… - 3 years ago

@absmom1: RT @hagegeingob: I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura. During this hour of grief, I wish to convey sincere… - 3 years ago

@hagegeingob: I have learned with sadness about the passing of Hon. Katuutire Kaura. During this hour of grief, I wish to convey… - 3 years ago

@Tjijamua: Suva mohange @Katuutire_Kaura Rest easy Muherero. - 3 years ago

@PendapalaLazar3: RT @NewEraNewspaper: JUST IN: Former DTA president Katuutire Kaura, who was also advisor to the Kunene governor, passed on early this morni… - 3 years ago

@debbylency123: RT @NewEraNewspaper: JUST IN: Former DTA president Katuutire Kaura, who was also advisor to the Kunene governor, passed on early this morni… - 3 years ago

@Ndeshy98: RT @namibiansun: JUST IN: Former DTA president Katuutire Kaura, who was later appointed by President Hage Geingob as advisor to the Kunene… - 3 years ago

@emilykandjou: RT @mvenaani: Sad to hear the demise of my predecessor the affable Hon Katuutire Kaura!! We commiserate with his dear wife Vicky and Childr… - 3 years ago

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