Katherine "Scottie" MacGregor

American actress (Little House on the Prairie).
Died on Wednesday November 14th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Katherine "Scottie" MacGregor:

@cinderella_1308: RT @cinderella_1308: Katherine "Scottie" MacGregor: Harriet aus "Unsere kleine Farm" ist tot | - 6 years ago

@In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Katherine "Scottie" MacGREGOR, b. Dorlee Deane McGregor (1925-2018), American actress, best known for her ro… - 6 years ago

@LAmorguefiles: "Little House on the Prairie" Actress Katherine MacGregor 1925-2018 Memorial Video Katheri… - 6 years ago

@PIUpdate: TRIVIA CHALLENGE Remembering Katherine ("Scottie") MacGregor What was the name of the little girl Nels and Har… - 6 years ago


@ArronSmaller: - 6 years ago

@24h_reiseshop: Katherine Mac Gregor besser bekannt für alle Harriet Oleson in der Fernsehserie "Unsere kleine Firma" ist gestorben… - 6 years ago

@Pfalzadler7: Katherine "Scottie" MacGregor "Unsere kleine Farm"-Schauspielerin stirbt mit 93 - 6 years ago

@pilarumboo: RT @ajc: Katherine “Scottie” MacGregor, who played the villainous and gossipy Harriet Oleson on the television series “Little House on the… - 6 years ago

@malleegirl57: Little House On The Prairie star Katherine MacGregor dies aged 93 - 6 years ago

@DavidJNeal: RT @smilingcobra: Katherine "Scottie" MacGregor, one of television's great late bloomers, dead at 93. She played only a handful of roles o… - 6 years ago

@SanteePatch: Katherine "Scottie" MacGregor, the actress recognizable worldwide as Harriet Oleson on "Little House on the Prairi… - 6 years ago

@WatsonvillPatch: Katherine "Scottie" MacGregor, the actress recognizable worldwide as Harriet Oleson on "Little House on the Prairi… - 6 years ago

@RvlLaRadio: Con la sigla che ha appena chiuso la rubrica #accaddeoggi abbiamo ricordato l'attrice Katherine "Scottie" MacGrego… - 6 years ago

@GBNeal59: RIP Actress Katherine "Scottie" MacGregor, who played Harriet Oleson on "Little House on the Prairie," died on Tues… - 6 years ago

@cookiris14: Aus der stern App: Katherine "Scottie" MacGregor – Harriet aus "Unsere kleine Farm" ist tot… - 6 years ago

@CarolepourAlias: RIP Katherine « Scottie » MacGregor 🖤(12.1.1925-13.11.2018) whom we loved to hate @ the little house on the prairi… - 6 years ago

@IzzibellaB: Aw, I didn't know this #LittleHouseonthePrairie Mrs. Oleson, Katherine “Scottie” MacGregor, died on Tuesday. She wa… - 6 years ago

@cinderella_1308: Katherine "Scottie" MacGregor: Harriet aus "Unsere kleine Farm" ist tot | - 6 years ago

@groomyxs: Little House On The Prairie star Katherine MacGregor dies aged 93 - 6 years ago

@luzilla: 🖤  - 6 years ago

@stern_sofa: Katherine "Scottie" MacGregor: Harriet aus "Unsere kleine Farm" ist tot - 6 years ago

@sternde: Katherine "Scottie" MacGregor: Harriet aus "Unsere kleine Farm" ist tot - 6 years ago

@DonvitoRon: Katherine "Scottie" MacGregor, best known for her role as Harriet Oleson on "Little House on the Prairie," died Tue… - 6 years ago

@TrippyPip: RT @JuRainford: RIP Mrs Oleson :( @TrippyPip - 6 years ago

@bjparker77: RT @DavidBflower: Very sad to report that Katherine "Scottie" MacGregor has died. A US actress whose most famous role was "Mrs Oleson" in T… - 6 years ago

@DavidBflower: Very sad to report that Katherine "Scottie" MacGregor has died. A US actress whose most famous role was "Mrs Oleson… - 6 years ago

@MrCMittagSchool: RT @DailyMailCeleb: Little House On The Prairie star Katherine 'Scottie' MacGregor has died age 93 - 6 years ago

@Austinwrk: Awww my favourite character in Little House On The Prairie has died. Hilarious Mrs Olsen aka Katherine MacGregor di… - 6 years ago

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