Katherine MacGregor

American actress (Little House on the Prairie).
Died on Wednesday November 14th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Katherine MacGregor:

@alfonso_arias9: Katherine MacGregor, who played Mrs. Oleson on 'Little House on the Prairie,' has died - 6 years ago

@Brenda02698350: RT @MEGBusfield: Katherine MacGregor Dead: Harriet Oleson on 'Little House on the Prairie' Was 93 | Hollywood Reporter - 6 years ago

@MarcuDov: Katherine MacGregor, Cruel Mother on ‘Little House,’ Dies at 93 - 6 years ago

@Carmelo_Gil5: Katherine MacGregor, who played Mrs. Oleson on 'Little House on the Prairie,' has died - 6 years ago


@nyblossom: RT @MEGBusfield: I just got word that Katherine MacGregor passed away yesterday. This woman taught me so much... about acting... vintage… - 6 years ago

@asiloky: RT @NatureMajesty: - 6 years ago

@lacmagiur: RT @NatureMajesty: - 6 years ago

@NatureMajesty: - 6 years ago

@PipNAndy: @benjamin_oc Did you see Harriett Oleson died the other day? (Well, the actress who played her...Katherine MacGregor) - 6 years ago

@Sophie12001: - 6 years ago

@clavelgeraldine: Katherine MacGregor (La Petite Maison dans la prairie) : ce changement de look que l'actrice a refusé après son cas… - 6 years ago

@SebFath: Katherine MacGregor (1925-2018) - 6 years ago

@sai20prasath: Little House on Prairie ‘star Katherine MacGregor dead in 93 - Today's Top Current lates... - 6 years ago

@Telestarmag: Katherine MacGregor (La Petite Maison dans la prairie) : l'actrice a refusé une demande des scénaristes après son c… - 6 years ago

@westernlvr: RT @insp_tv: RIP, Katherine MacGregor. The formidable actor who brought the illustrious Harriet Oleson to life on #LittleHouseOnThePrairie,… - 6 years ago

@MyThirdParent: L.I.M. Katherine MacGregor - 6 years ago

@AitDavidtabet: Katherine MacGregor aka Harriet Oleson dans «La petite maison dans la prairie», est morte - 6 years ago

@notinteresting5: Katherine MacGregor, Who Played Harriet Oleson on Little House on the Prairie, Has Died at 93 - 6 years ago

@daniellelturner: My dad just told me that Katherine MacGregor passed away and I feel like another piece of my childhood is gone too 😭 - 6 years ago

@Lounes52478710: Katherine MacGregor (La Petite Maison dans la prairie) : ce changement de look que l'actrice a refusé après son cas… - 6 years ago

@elfarandi: Murió Katherine MacGregor, la señora Harriet Oleson en “La casa de la pradera” 💔 - 6 years ago

@ChittyRoubillar: RT @elfarandi: Murió Katherine MacGregor, la señora Harriet Oleson en “La casa de la pradera” 💔 - 6 years ago

@elfarandi: Murió Katherine MacGregor, la señora Harriet Oleson en “La casa de la pradera” 💔 - 6 years ago

@Roberto02531610: RT @retrochenta: Noticia triste: nos ha dejado Katherine MacGregor, la inolvidable señora Oleson en la serie “La casa en la pradera”. Desca… - 6 years ago

@osamamutawe: Little House on Prairie ‘star Katherine MacGregor dead in 93 - Today's Top Current lates... - 6 years ago

@guardaconvierja: @detacoydepuntin 93. Mirtha sigue su carrera, como la tortuga ante la liebre. - 6 years ago

@ErikaJanae75: - 6 years ago

@neko_kinoko: RT @kero43: 大草原の小さな家の意地悪オルソン夫人役、キャサリン・マクレガーさんが、今週お亡くなりになりました。たまたまウィキを調べて分かり、驚きました。今往年の名演技を見ています。 - 6 years ago

@cheri_pomme: RT @kero43: 大草原の小さな家の意地悪オルソン夫人役、キャサリン・マクレガーさんが、今週お亡くなりになりました。たまたまウィキを調べて分かり、驚きました。今往年の名演技を見ています。 - 6 years ago

@VeoCotilleo: Muere la actriz Katherine MacGregor, la señora Oleson de 'La casa de la pradera' - 6 years ago

@mov_: RT @kero43: 大草原の小さな家の意地悪オルソン夫人役、キャサリン・マクレガーさんが、今週お亡くなりになりました。たまたまウィキを調べて分かり、驚きました。今往年の名演技を見ています。 - 6 years ago

@blqueen3: RT @kero43: 大草原の小さな家の意地悪オルソン夫人役、キャサリン・マクレガーさんが、今週お亡くなりになりました。たまたまウィキを調べて分かり、驚きました。今往年の名演技を見ています。 - 6 years ago

@mariamarsala: Katherine MacGregor, Cruel Mother on ‘Little House,’ Dies at 93 - 6 years ago

@daisysellshouse: Katherine MacGregor, the scheming Mrs. Oleson of ‘Little House,’ dies at 93 - 6 years ago

@Mr_H_Teacher: Man, just learned that Katherine MacGregor passed. Her performance as Harriet Oleson on “Little House on the Prairi… - 6 years ago

@PhilipVarriale: RT @NYTObits: Katherine MacGregor, who played the petty, gossiping Harriet Oleson on the long-running television series “Little House on th… - 6 years ago

@russc98: Katherine MacGregor, the Meddlesome Harriet Oleson on 'Little House on the Prairie,' Dies at 93 - 6 years ago

@aussie_celebs: What Was Actress Katherine Macgregor Cause Of Death? #rip #KatherineMacGregor - 6 years ago

@RiendeBerre: La petite maison dans la prairie : mort de Katherine MacGregor, l'impayable Madame Oleson | Planet - 6 years ago

@IFollowYooBack_: Katherine MacGregor, who played Mrs. Oleson on 'Little House on the Prairie,' has died Katherine MacGregor, the ac… - 6 years ago

@Maniso33: RT @DannyPolacek: @Arngrim - 6 years ago

@cesiralatalpa67: RT @tvblogit: E' morta Katherine MacGregor, la signora Oleson ne La casa nella prateria - 6 years ago

@susanandbooks: Katherine MacGregor She was horrifying and hilarious as Mrs. Oleson. RIP - 6 years ago

@_deoctubre: [VIDEO] Muere Katherine MacGregor, la señora Harriet Oleson en La pequeña casa en la pradera - 6 years ago

@ArngrimFan: RT @DannyPolacek: @Arngrim - 6 years ago

@MonicaMay15: - 6 years ago

@LEISUREGODDESS: RT @RetroNewsNow: Katherine MacGregor, who played Harriet Oleson on ‘Little House on the Prairie,’ dies at 93 - 6 years ago

@channel_izumi: I appreciate Katherine MacGregor for entertaining and teaching us a lot by playing the role of Harriet Oleson in L… - 6 years ago

@TessMcclaine: Since I didn’t see anything about this here I thought others who loved #LittleHouseOnThePrairie as much as I would… - 6 years ago

@MissCrazyB1234: RT @Nilpa999: Katherine MacGregor Dies: ‘Little House On The Prairie’ Actress Was 93 - 6 years ago

@bobmartin2: New post (Roy Clark, Katherine MacGregor, Stan Lee and other notable celebrity deaths - amNY) has been published on… - 6 years ago

@Blog_Traffic247: Katherine MacGregor From ‘Little House On The Prairie’ Has Died - 6 years ago

@legendepictures: RT @UniversalSerie: Nous apprenons avec tristesse le décès de l’incomparable Katherine MacGregor, inoubliable Harriet Oleson de La Petite M… - 6 years ago

@andreasharsono: Katherine MacGregor, who played the petty, gossiping Harriet Oleson on the long-running television series “Little H… - 6 years ago

@_Absv: RT @InfosFrancaises: Cinéma / Décès : L'actrice Katherine MacGregor, qui incarnait Harriet Oleson dans La Petite maison dans la prairie, es… - 6 years ago

@angemoreno: RT @THR: Katherine MacGregor, the meddlesome Harriet Oleson on 'Little House on the Prairie,' dies at 93 - 6 years ago

@cinderella_1308: RT @cinderella_1308: Katherine "Scottie" MacGregor: Harriet aus "Unsere kleine Farm" ist tot | - 6 years ago

@clairedelune51: Mort de Katherine MacGregor (La Petite Maison dans la prairie) : l'hommage touchant d'Alison Arngrim (Nellie Oleson… - 6 years ago

@trampalina1: 'Little House on the Prairie' star Katherine MacGregor dies at 93 - 6 years ago

@ducksel: 'Little House on the Prairie' star Katherine MacGregor dies at 93 - 6 years ago

@Lakergregg: I always liked when Harriet and Nels shared a sweet moment. Thank You Katherine MacGregor, still watching you. - 6 years ago

@WLKY: Katherine MacGregor, best known as Harriet Oleson from 'Little House on the Prairie,' dies at 93… - 6 years ago

@In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Katherine "Scottie" MacGREGOR, b. Dorlee Deane McGregor (1925-2018), American actress, best known for her ro… - 6 years ago

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