Kate Granger

British doctor and fundraiser
Died on Saturday July 23rd 2016

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Kate Granger:

@SupportEvelina: RT @EvelinaLondon: Our Dir of Nursing, Janet Powell, pays tribute to the amazing Kate Granger #hellomynameis https:… - 9 years ago

@BigRonStevenson: RT @drkimholt: We need to live the values that Kate Granger inspired - 9 years ago

@DrUmeshPrabhu: RT @drkimholt: We need to live the values that Kate Granger inspired - 9 years ago

@drkimholt: We need to live the values that Kate Granger inspired - 9 years ago


@loljeffs: RT @LG_NHS: A few words from our Director of Nursing @Champion3Claire about the sad loss of Dr Kate Granger on behalf of us all - 9 years ago

@bunzleantilles: RT @MacleansMag: Kate Miriam Granger: 1981-2016 — doctor turned patient, blogger, and inspiration behind #HelloMyNameIs: - 9 years ago

@AlexNewmanBurke: RT @GSTTnhs: Director of Nursing @EvelinaLondon has paid tribute to the doctor behind #hellomynameis - 9 years ago

@lilian_chiwera: RT @GSTTnhs: Director of Nursing @EvelinaLondon has paid tribute to the doctor behind #hellomynameis - 9 years ago

@NizamMamode: RT @GSTTnhs: Director of Nursing @EvelinaLondon has paid tribute to the doctor behind #hellomynameis - 9 years ago

@GSTTnhs: Director of Nursing @EvelinaLondon has paid tribute to the doctor behind #hellomynameis - 9 years ago

@buckinghamh: RT @HSJnews: "Kate wanted #hellomynameis to be more than a phrase – she wanted it to lead to behavioural change and better care" - 9 years ago

@HSMC_Library: We need to live the values that Kate Granger inspired | Opinion | Health Service Journal - 9 years ago

@rraacchh21: RT @Andyfish01: @rraacchh21 Rach you and these fab people & Louise have been nom for Kate Granger award Get 7th & 8th sept in diary https:/… - 9 years ago

@funeralplansAV: “Dying gives you a freedom to speak your mind.” Kate Granger obituary: - 9 years ago

@vadeboncoeur5: RT @picardonhealth: Kate Granger's #hellomynameis campaign a lasting legacy, by @picardonhealth - 9 years ago

@cgps_gp: RT @Rahulthakur75: Fabulous film by SALT team @EastLancsHosp ..#hellomynameis - thanks 2 late Dr. Kate Granger - 9 years ago

@molino_76: RT @ViralKMH: We need to live the values that Kate Granger inspired By @julianhartley1 @LTHTrust - 9 years ago

@swann_connect: RT @NHSEngland: RIP Dr Kate Granger, who inspired 400k+ NHS staff & 90 orgs Kate achieved her £250k target 3 days ago #hellomynameis https:… - 9 years ago

@Anne8G: RT @EvelinaLondon: Our tribute to Kate Granger "We feel lucky we were able to meet her and hear her message first hand." - 9 years ago

@TinaBradley1: RT @HSJnews: "Kate wanted #hellomynameis to be more than a phrase – she wanted it to lead to behavioural change and better care" - 9 years ago

@TCOrobin: RT @MacleansMag: Kate Miriam Granger: 1981-2016 — doctor turned patient, blogger, and inspiration behind #HelloMyNameIs: - 9 years ago

@joeyepage: RT @Oval_station: I've put this new TOTD up , For an exceptional Lady Dr Kate Granger who was a great inspiration to others #mynameis https… - 9 years ago

@adamwesterink: RT @Oval_station: I've put this new TOTD up , For an exceptional Lady Dr Kate Granger who was a great inspiration to others #mynameis https… - 9 years ago

@SolentNHSTrust: RT @bmj_latest: Obituary of Kate Granger, geriatrician and cancer patient who started #hellomynameis - 9 years ago

@jotalbotbowen: RT @doctor_oxford: My tribute to the wonderful @GrangerKate, who taught me so much 💕 #hellomynameis @PointonChris - 9 years ago

@JimiAdefiranye: With Dr Kate Granger at the award of her Honorary Doctorate A brave inspirational woman. Sorry to hear of her death - 9 years ago

@GL650_LynneG: “5 Life Lessons we’ve learnt from Kate Granger” by @JustGiving - 9 years ago

@eworcJ: RT @NHSEngland: RIP Dr Kate Granger, who inspired 400k+ NHS staff & 90 orgs Kate achieved her £250k target 3 days ago #hellomynameis https:… - 9 years ago

@JPLudley: RT @mikey3982: .@georgejulian s brilliant writing about #deathbedlive #hellomynameis an @grangerkate - 9 years ago

@tartwitherheart: RT @GdnHealthcare: Kate Granger inspired all of us in the NHS to be more compassionate - 9 years ago

@katrina_quality: RT @GdnHealthcare: Well-read today: Kate Granger inspired all of us in the #NHS to be more compassionate - 9 years ago

@elspicolino: RT @crowe_ali: Ordered mine today I will wear it with pride for my beautiful sister in law dr kate Granger rip angel x - 9 years ago

@AngelaPerrett: RT @Oval_station: I've put this new TOTD up , For an exceptional Lady Dr Kate Granger who was a great inspiration to others #mynameis https… - 9 years ago

@Sue_Sutton10: RT @GdnHealthcare: Kate Granger inspired all of us in the NHS to be more compassionate - 9 years ago

@Sarahdearden1: RT @Oval_station: I've put this new TOTD up , For an exceptional Lady Dr Kate Granger who was a great inspiration to others #mynameis https… - 9 years ago

@goldens2482: RT @paintoolkit2: #Hellomynameis…A tribute to Dr Kate Granger by Natalie Silvey - 9 years ago

@ThftMat: RT @AnitaFleming7: Kate Granger, health campaigner – obituary - 9 years ago

@teresa_rushton: RT @GdnHealthcare: Kate Granger inspired all of us in the NHS to be more compassionate - 9 years ago

@michelletraine4: RT @GdnHealthcare: Kate Granger inspired all of us in the NHS to be more compassionate - 9 years ago

@levijbuckley: RT @GdnHealthcare: Kate Granger inspired all of us in the NHS to be more compassionate - 9 years ago

@bevtayloryork: RT @AntonyTiernan: "Kate Granger will not be defined by her cancer, but by her determination to make a difference. And that she did" https:… - 9 years ago

@fiburkecreative: RT @doctor_oxford: My tribute to the wonderful @GrangerKate, who taught me so much 💕 #hellomynameis @PointonChris - 9 years ago

@clarecoyne3: - 9 years ago

@CathyFarrow1: RT @DennisKendel: Remembering Kate Granger: 1981-2016 - 9 years ago

@paintoolkit2: #Hellomynameis…A tribute to Dr Kate Granger by Natalie Silvey - 9 years ago

@drpaddymorgan: RT @Oval_station: I've put this new TOTD up , For an exceptional Lady Dr Kate Granger who was a great inspiration to others #mynameis https… - 9 years ago

@hannah_omunakwe: RT @gerganakoleva: Dr Kate Granger, the impetus behind the #hellomynameis campaign, has passed away. She was only 34 but what a legacy. htt… - 9 years ago

@ViewNorth2: RT @Oval_station: I've put this new TOTD up , For an exceptional Lady Dr Kate Granger who was a great inspiration to others #mynameis https… - 9 years ago

@LabinjohC: RT @gmacscotland: Kate Granger obituary in BMJ Geriatrician & cancer patient Started #hellomynameis campaign - 9 years ago

@DianeConnects: RT @gmacscotland: Kate Granger obituary in BMJ Geriatrician & cancer patient Started #hellomynameis campaign - 9 years ago

@Brightbeck: RT @MacleansMag: Kate Miriam Granger: 1981-2016 — doctor turned patient, blogger, and inspiration behind #HelloMyNameIs: - 9 years ago

@nhslean: RT @gmacscotland: Kate Granger obituary in BMJ Geriatrician & cancer patient Started #hellomynameis campaign - 9 years ago

@Sallylk: RT @TheBMA: A collection of messages of condolence for the passing of @GrangerKate #hellomynameis - 9 years ago

@CSPEastMidlands: RT @TheBMA: A collection of messages of condolence for the passing of @GrangerKate #hellomynameis - 9 years ago

@unisonnurses: RT @lesleycarter22: TY Kate Granger who inspired all of us in the NHS to be more compassionate - 9 years ago

@KathyCobrey: RT @MacleansMag: Kate Miriam Granger: 1981-2016 — doctor turned patient, blogger, and inspiration behind #HelloMyNameIs: - 9 years ago

@Jennywren1410: RT @MacleansMag: Kate Miriam Granger: 1981-2016 — doctor turned patient, blogger, and inspiration behind #HelloMyNameIs: - 9 years ago

@unisonnurses: RT @MacleansMag: Kate Miriam Granger: 1981-2016 — doctor turned patient, blogger, and inspiration behind #HelloMyNameIs: - 9 years ago

@CAIPEUK: RT @TheBMA: A collection of messages of condolence for the passing of @GrangerKate #hellomynameis - 9 years ago

@unisonnurses: RT @gmacscotland: Kate Granger obituary in BMJ Geriatrician & cancer patient Started #hellomynameis campaign - 9 years ago

@radiology_grump: RT @MacleansMag: Kate Miriam Granger: 1981-2016 — doctor turned patient, blogger, and inspiration behind #HelloMyNameIs: - 9 years ago

@NatashaLHM: RT @picardonhealth: Remembering Kate Granger, a champion of human connection in health, by @picardonhealth - 9 years ago

@SallyARivers: RT @bmj_latest: Obituary of Kate Granger, geriatrician and cancer patient who started #hellomynameis - 9 years ago

@CougarsClaws: RT @Oval_station: I've put this new TOTD up , For an exceptional Lady Dr Kate Granger who was a great inspiration to others #mynameis https… - 9 years ago

@YSYCBwD: RT @DyingMatters: Watch the remarkable Kate Granger tell her story for Dying Matters Week 2014 - 9 years ago

@MarkJeffery4: The two lives of the amazing Kate Granger - 9 years ago

@FeministReview_: RT @DyingMatters: Watch the remarkable Kate Granger tell her story for Dying Matters Week 2014 - 9 years ago

@selbyfamily: RT @DyingMatters: Watch the remarkable Kate Granger tell her story for Dying Matters Week 2014 - 9 years ago

@actor_blick: Kate Granger 1981-2016 - 9 years ago

@TCDaymer: RT @Oval_station: I've put this new TOTD up , For an exceptional Lady Dr Kate Granger who was a great inspiration to others #mynameis https… - 9 years ago

@tyberton: RT @Oval_station: I've put this new TOTD up , For an exceptional Lady Dr Kate Granger who was a great inspiration to others #mynameis https… - 9 years ago

@Dawn59983998: RT @RebsCullen: Thank you, Kate. ❤️ - 9 years ago

@KarenPilson: RT @1000LivesWales: "We should treat everyone we look after like a member of our own family" - Dr Kate Granger, 2014 #hellomynameis https… - 9 years ago

@110RTM: RT @bmj_latest: Obituary of Kate Granger, geriatrician and cancer patient who started #hellomynameis - 9 years ago

@cateCPPE: RT @Oval_station: I've put this new TOTD up , For an exceptional Lady Dr Kate Granger who was a great inspiration to others #mynameis https… - 9 years ago

@HarryHat: RT @Oval_station: I've put this new TOTD up , For an exceptional Lady Dr Kate Granger who was a great inspiration to others #mynameis https… - 9 years ago

@PurvaDr: RT @StuRiby: Honoured to have met her, inspired by her words and humbled by her actions that will live on and on. RIP Dr Kate Granger. #hel… - 9 years ago

@HighmoreC: RT @Oval_station: I've put this new TOTD up , For an exceptional Lady Dr Kate Granger who was a great inspiration to others #mynameis https… - 9 years ago

@GavinPrestonMD: RT @Oval_station: I've put this new TOTD up , For an exceptional Lady Dr Kate Granger who was a great inspiration to others #mynameis https… - 9 years ago

@cjpjones: RT @ali_cracknell: Just simply, thank you Kate - 9 years ago

@Kourteney_: RT @Stirling_Health: Greatly saddened to hear of the death of Dr Kate Granger, our thoughts are with her family & friends #HelloMyNameIs h… - 9 years ago

@laura__grundy: RT @yvonnecoghill1: A fabulous blog and fitting tribute to the late great @GrangerKate @PointonChris - 9 years ago

@boyce_kathryn: RT @Oval_station: I've put this new TOTD up , For an exceptional Lady Dr Kate Granger who was a great inspiration to others #mynameis https… - 9 years ago

@siobhankeaveney: RT @bmj_latest: Obituary of Kate Granger, geriatrician and cancer patient who started #hellomynameis - 9 years ago

@pixiedaddy: RT @Oval_station: I've put this new TOTD up , For an exceptional Lady Dr Kate Granger who was a great inspiration to others #mynameis https… - 9 years ago

@ag_kolias: RT @Oval_station: I've put this new TOTD up , For an exceptional Lady Dr Kate Granger who was a great inspiration to others #mynameis https… - 9 years ago

@HospiceGiving: RT @Oval_station: I've put this new TOTD up , For an exceptional Lady Dr Kate Granger who was a great inspiration to others #mynameis https… - 9 years ago

@tjwatkins73: RT @1000LivesWales: "We should treat everyone we look after like a member of our own family" - Dr Kate Granger, 2014 #hellomynameis https… - 9 years ago

@HCSAprocurement: RT @GdnHealthcare: In case you missed @doctor_oxford's wonderful tribute to Kate Granger ... - 9 years ago

@paintoolkit2: RT @GdnHealthcare: In case you missed @doctor_oxford's wonderful tribute to Kate Granger ... - 9 years ago

@jim_twiss: RT @NRCUK: Would be great if hospitals & cancer units had a Kate Granger ward to honour her commitment & constant reminder of #hellomynamei… - 9 years ago

@julieteresah: RT @bmj_latest: Obituary of Kate Granger, geriatrician and cancer patient who started #hellomynameis - 9 years ago

@bcsandralee: RT @bmj_latest: Obituary of Kate Granger, geriatrician and cancer patient who started #hellomynameis - 9 years ago

@busygirlizzie: RT @lesleycarter22: TY Kate Granger who inspired all of us in the NHS to be more compassionate - 9 years ago

@AwesomeMedTech: Remembering Kate Granger, a champion of human connection - 9 years ago

@NeilsCub: RT @EileenBurns13: Kate Granger 1981-2016 - 9 years ago

@GeriSoc: RT @EileenBurns13: Kate Granger 1981-2016 - 9 years ago

@keran77: RT @bmj_latest: Obituary of Kate Granger, geriatrician and cancer patient who started #hellomynameis - 9 years ago

@jenbarrett85: RT @johannmalawana: A beautiful article from @doctor_oxford about @GrangerKate and the impact she continues to have. - 9 years ago

@VanessaLGarrity: RT @lesleycarter22: TY Kate Granger who inspired all of us in the NHS to be more compassionate - 9 years ago

@SashaScambler: RT @Cost_ofLiving: Kate Granger inspired all of us in the NHS to be more compassionate | @doctor_oxford @GdnHealthcare #hellomynameis https… - 9 years ago

@pollygary: RT @yvonnecoghill1: A fabulous blog and fitting tribute to the late great @GrangerKate @PointonChris - 9 years ago

@gbutcher17: RT @lesleycarter22: TY Kate Granger who inspired all of us in the NHS to be more compassionate - 9 years ago

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