Kary Mullis

American biochemist
Died on Friday August 9th 2019

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Tweets related to Kary Mullis:

@crackedscience: RT @McGillOSS: Kary Mullis shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993 for his discovery of an elegant technique to amplify parts of the DN… - 6 years ago

@McGillOSS: Kary Mullis shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993 for his discovery of an elegant technique to amplify parts… - 6 years ago

@SHBueche: RT @tways: "My five major food groups are grease, sugar, salt, chocolate and alcohol. So a good power breakfast is a chocolate donut and a… - 6 years ago

@brayton_kelly: RT @victornizet: Thread 1/11 I knew Kary Mullis who passed away this week from pneumonia while battling cancer, and we collaborated scienti… - 6 years ago


@qawe_m: RT @idtdna: We salute Nobel Prize-winning biochemist Kary Mullis, whose impact on the industry was immeasurable. RIP to the father of PCR.… - 6 years ago

@AdventuresOTM: We are sad to say that Nobel Laureate & Adventures Mentor from the original Class of 2003, Kary Mullis has passed a… - 6 years ago

@netguide: Mort de Kary Mullis, Prix Nobel de chimie 1993 - 6 years ago

@mattonpa1: RT @lemonde_science: Mort de Kary Mullis, Prix Nobel de chimie 1993 - 6 years ago

@zazoomnews: Addio a Kary Banks Mullis Premio Nobel per la chimica nel 1993 - #Addio #Banks #Mullis #Premio #Nobel - 6 years ago

@_DameMorwen_: RT @lemonde_planete: Mort de Kary Mullis, Prix Nobel de chimie 1993 - 6 years ago

@JRuvilly: Mort de Kary Mullis, Prix Nobel de chimie 1993 Le chercheur américain a révolutionné la génétique avec sa technique… - 6 years ago

@lemonde_planete: Mort de Kary Mullis, Prix Nobel de chimie 1993 - 6 years ago

@mpbarrouillet: RT @lemonde_science: Mort de Kary Mullis, Prix Nobel de chimie 1993 - 6 years ago

@NasseraMeziane: RT @lemonde_science: Mort de Kary Mullis, Prix Nobel de chimie 1993 - 6 years ago

@wizekat93: Mort de Kary Mullis, Prix Nobel de chimie 1993... - 6 years ago

@LauredeMontalem: RT @lemonde_science: Mort de Kary Mullis, Prix Nobel de chimie 1993 - 6 years ago

@lemonde_science: Mort de Kary Mullis, Prix Nobel de chimie 1993 - 6 years ago

@actusfrances: Mort de Kary Mullis, Prix Nobel de chimie 1993 - 6 years ago

@frank_roeber: Great technology. Respect and RIP. Kary B. Mullis, 74, Dies; Fou… - 6 years ago

@PatJWu: RT @NatureBiotech: Kary Mullis, who shared a Nobel Prize for developing PCR, one of the most important scientific inventions of the 20th ce… - 6 years ago

@virusmonologues: Kary Mullis, Inventor of the PCR Technique, Dies - 6 years ago

@GenIntegral: RT @AEGHgenetica: Muere Kary Mullis, inventor de la técnica de la PCR, una técnica clave en el desarrollo de la Genética tal y como la cono… - 6 years ago

@ProfMikeSeed: RT @MariaTeresaEs: Very sad news for the scientific community, Kary Mullis, the inventor of the #PCR has died #molecular #biollogy - 6 years ago

@jhernandez0980: RT @NatureBiotech: Kary Mullis, who shared a Nobel Prize for developing PCR, one of the most important scientific inventions of the 20th ce… - 6 years ago

@goh5987: RT @LGCBiosearch: RIP Kary Mullis. Today we fondly remember all of our time spent working on various PCR projects with you. You will be mis… - 6 years ago

@trilovitis: RT @NatureBiotech: Kary Mullis, who shared a Nobel Prize for developing PCR, one of the most important scientific inventions of the 20th ce… - 6 years ago

@flywithgeodata: Off to catch another set before sunset. What a difference a trip makes! - 6 years ago

@jmolinamendoza: RT @INACIPE: Kary Mullis, inventor de la técnica de la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa, falleció el 7 de agosto pasado. Compartimos u… - 6 years ago

@rravi: RT @stpalli: Many landmark experiments have a particular quality about them — starting with flashes of brilliant intuition, proceeding via… - 6 years ago

@LynnChastain2: RT @lex6m: Kary B. Mullis was paid $10,000 by Cetus Corporation, his employer, for his DNA discovery. Cetus turned around and sold the righ… - 6 years ago

@JayChance5: RT @NatureBiotech: Kary Mullis, who shared a Nobel Prize for developing PCR, one of the most important scientific inventions of the 20th ce… - 6 years ago

@FranzPruefer: @NobelPrize Thank you Karis. Without your discovery the technology we are developing would have never been feasible… - 6 years ago

@abbymishra005: RT @stpalli: Many landmark experiments have a particular quality about them — starting with flashes of brilliant intuition, proceeding via… - 6 years ago

@tataguirre: Nobel Laureate and PCR Inventor Kary Mullis Dies - 6 years ago

@stpalli: Many landmark experiments have a particular quality about them — starting with flashes of brilliant intuition, proc… - 6 years ago

@pfanderson: Kary B. Mullis, 74, Dies; Found a Way to Analyze DNA and Won Nobel via @NYTimes - 6 years ago

@kursadturksen: Nobel Prize Winning Emeryville Scientist Kary Mullis Passes at 74 - 6 years ago

@VesuviusOfTypos: RT @NatureBiotech: Kary Mullis, who shared a Nobel Prize for developing PCR, one of the most important scientific inventions of the 20th ce… - 6 years ago

@kursadturksen: Kary Mullis, Inventor of the PCR Technique, Dies - 6 years ago

@RMHannigan: @hormiga Kary Mullis definitely had a reputation at Cetus. Despite his proclivities, PCR has been key to many diffe… - 6 years ago

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