Karel Schoeman

South African novelist.
Died on Wednesday May 3rd 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Karel Schoeman:

@ScBJo: RT @frank_snyckers: Die mooiste Afrikaans, wat lees soos Henry James, het met Karel Schoeman gesterf. Nie altyd glad nie, maar altyd pragti… - 8 years ago

@bloemskryf: Gedenklesing vir Karel Schoeman aangebied deur die Departement Afrikaans en Nederlands, Duits en Frans van die... - 8 years ago

@JeanBeukes5: @HloniNyetanyane Twins, Neil Aggette and writer Karel Schoeman where switched from black into fake white identities! - 8 years ago

@Rosestad1006: Skrywer aan natuurlike oorsake dood ‘n Forensiese patoloog het bevind dat die skrywer Karel Schoeman dood is aan …… - 8 years ago


@africasacountry: RT @rainbowsynergie: Karel Schoeman, discovering the completed journey - 8 years ago

@rainbowsynergie: Karel Schoeman, discovering the completed journey - 8 years ago

@rob_turrell: "Karel Schoeman, discovering the completed journey" - 8 years ago

@huisgenoot: Karel is op 1 Mei (Werkersdag) in die Noorderbloem-aftreeoord in Bloemfontein oorlede. - 8 years ago

@Die_NANB: Netwerk24: Karel Schoeman dood aan ‘natuurlike oorsake’ - - 8 years ago

@danwibg: Karel Schoeman, discovering the completed journey - 8 years ago

@Sarel_Beeld: Karel Schoeman dood aan ‘natuurlike oorsake’ - 8 years ago

@elsjedutoit: RT @Netwerk24: #KarelSchoeman: Nie genoeg bewyse om beweringe dat hy sy eie lewe geneem het, te ondersoek nie. @Elsjedutoit - 8 years ago

@Netwerk24: #KarelSchoeman: Nie genoeg bewyse om beweringe dat hy sy eie lewe geneem het, te ondersoek nie. @Elsjedutoit - 8 years ago

@vryskutskrywer: Karel Schoeman dood aan ‘natuurlike oorsake’ - 8 years ago

@elsjedutoit: #KarelSchoeman dood aan ‘natuurlike oorsake’ - 8 years ago

@AJOpperman: Jy sit die woord op papier, en dan gaan hy uit in die donker, en dan is daar net stilte daarna. Karel Schoeman - 8 years ago

@PartridgeAfrica: Karel Schoeman: South Africa's unknown literary legend - 8 years ago

@AJOpperman: RT @AfrikaanseRoman: Hierdie lewe: ’n Afskeid Deur: Francois Smith Rapport, 7 Mei 2017 Vir Karel Schoeman was niks toevallig nie,... htt… - 8 years ago

@AfrikaanseRoman: Hierdie lewe: ’n Afskeid Deur: Francois Smith Rapport, 7 Mei 2017 Vir Karel Schoeman was niks toevallig nie,... - 8 years ago

@Filmi_Contrast: RT @verrekijk: Karel Schoeman, discovering the completed journey - 8 years ago

@africasacountry: RT @verrekijk: Karel Schoeman, discovering the completed journey - 8 years ago

@goodman98890063: Karel Schoeman: The Disturbing Reason Why The Renowned Afrikaans Writer Committed Suicide - 8 years ago

@verrekijk: Karel Schoeman, discovering the completed journey - 8 years ago

@africasacountry: RT @elijahkoome94: Karel Schoeman, discovering the completed journey - 8 years ago

@elijahkoome94: Karel Schoeman, discovering the completed journey - 8 years ago

@defierefries: ensafh: Jacobus van der Riet. Gedigte oor Keltiese Heiliges, ter gedagtenis aan wyle Karel Schoeman - 8 years ago

@NonProfitBlogs2: Karel Schoeman, discovering the completed journey - 8 years ago

@HumanityNews: Blogpost: Karel Schoeman, discovering the completed journey - 8 years ago

@NonProfitBlogs: Karel Schoeman, discovering the completed journey - 8 years ago

@GayspeakNews: Karel Schoeman (1939–2017), ’n oorsig oor hierdie lewe - 8 years ago

@GayspeakNews: RT @XtoCilliers: Karel Schoeman (1939–2017), ’n oorsig oor hierdie lewe - 8 years ago

@XtoCilliers: Karel Schoeman (1939–2017), ’n oorsig oor hierdie lewe - 8 years ago

@wildebees: RT @sarahemilyduff: 'painstaking renditions of everyday experiences of ordinary people' - Karel Schoeman's novels and historical writing ht… - 8 years ago

@sarahemilyduff: 'painstaking renditions of everyday experiences of ordinary people' - Karel Schoeman's novels and historical writing - 8 years ago

@africasacountry: Karel Schoeman, discovering the completed journey - 8 years ago

@bra_jakes: Karel Schoeman (1939–2017) - 8 years ago

@JCharlesLeonard: RT @judith_february: For a great South African writer who died: Joan Hambidge on Karel Schoeman - 8 years ago

@judith_february: For a great South African writer who died: Joan Hambidge on Karel Schoeman - 8 years ago

@patstamatelos: My sister phones & asks Did you know Judge Cameron is Karel Schoeman's nephew? His mother was an Afrikaans Schoeman. So what's news she asks - 8 years ago

@patstamatelos: My sister phoned. Broken phones, broken bones, students' hostels & ridiculous rates and taxes. And Karel Schoeman. She jumps around chatting - 8 years ago

@004nino: RIP 15 709) #South #African #Author #Karel #Schoeman 77 #takes #his #own #life #May 1, 2017 - 8 years ago

@GayspeakNews: Dying with Dignity: Karel Schoeman – a private life, a public death | Daily Maverick - 8 years ago

@wernerbeest: RT @dailymaverick: Dying with Dignity: Karel Schoeman – a private life, a public death - 8 years ago

@DAWard109: RT @dailymaverick: Dying with Dignity: Karel Schoeman – a private life, a public death - 8 years ago

@SueClarence: RT @dailymaverick: Dying with Dignity: Karel Schoeman – a private life, a public death - 8 years ago

@kolgans: Karel Schoeman (1939–2017) - 8 years ago

@NikkiTemkin: - 8 years ago

@nyhetsbubbla: Sydafrikanske författaren Karel Schoeman dör vid 77 års ålder, känd för sina självbiografiska och historiska romaner - 8 years ago

@ZiyanaLategan: RT @dailymaverick: Dying with Dignity: Karel Schoeman – a private life, a public death. By MARIANNE THAMM - 8 years ago

@LieboCape: RT @dailymaverick: Dying with Dignity: Karel Schoeman – a private life, a public death. By MARIANNE THAMM - 8 years ago

@dailymaverick: Dying with Dignity: Karel Schoeman – a private life, a public death. By MARIANNE THAMM - 8 years ago

@MonicaMoniqye: RT @perlici1: Afrique du Sud: l'écrivain Karel Schoeman se suicide à l'âge de 77 ans - 8 years ago

@ritasephton: Karel Schoeman (1939–2017) - 8 years ago

@cameroonvoice: Afrique du Sud : L'écrivain Karel Schoeman se laisse mourir mais pas pour des motifs politiques - 8 years ago

@cameroonvoice: Afrique du Sud : L'écrivain Karel Schoeman se laisse mourir mais pas pour des motifs politiques - 8 years ago

@javaeefr: RT @heinzkabutz: A prolific writer, my first cousin once removed Karel Schoeman took his own life this week. Very sad. - 8 years ago

@golfetv: Afrique du Sud: l’écrivain Karel Schoeman se suicide à l’âge de 77 ans - 8 years ago

@adriaanstrydom: Dying with Dignity: Karel Schoeman – a private life, a public death | Daily Maverick - 8 years ago

@les_libraires: Suicide de l’écrivain Karel Schoeman - 8 years ago

@Mawoui: Suicide de l’écrivain Karel Schoeman – Actualités – Les disparus – Revue Les libraires - 8 years ago

@isbeaulieu: Suicide de l’écrivain Karel Schoeman – Actualités – Les disparus – Revue Les libraires - 8 years ago

@fcastia: Muerte Voluntaria. Murió el escritor sudafricano Karel Schoeman - 8 years ago

@SergioBelluz: Mort de Karel Schoeman, voix austère et mélancolique de la littérature sud-africaine... - 8 years ago

@cityalertplus: Powered By Joassycan Pro.: Author Karel Schoeman takes his own life #CAPNews - 8 years ago

@cityalertplus: Author Karel Schoeman takes his own life #CAPNews - 8 years ago

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