Justus Rosenberg

Polish-born American educator and Resistance member during World War II.
Died on Monday November 1st 2021

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Justus Rosenberg:

@JoanneIntrator: RT @SarahAWildman: I just learned that the inimitable Justus Rosenberg died today at 100. The last remaining member of the Varian Fry gang,… - 3 years ago

@EstherWojcicki: Justus Rosenberg, an amazing man, just died at age 100. He helped Varian Fry rescue thousands of people from the so… - 3 years ago

@aayushayh: RT @SarahAWildman: I just learned that the inimitable Justus Rosenberg died today at 100. The last remaining member of the Varian Fry gang,… - 3 years ago

@grantimatter: 'But he helped rescue philosopher Hannah Arendt, writer André Breton, musician Pablo Casals, artists Marc Chagall a… - 3 years ago


@PaulMyers: RT @ThisIsTrue: This Week’s Honorary Unsubscribe: As a WWII Resistance operative, Justus Rosenberg had guts. The story in about 2 minutes:… - 3 years ago

@albanymuskrat: RT @BardCollege: Bard mourns the loss of Professor Emeritus Justus Rosenberg, who passed away at the age of 100 last weekend. He was a hero… - 3 years ago

@weebleny: RT @BardCollege: You can read more about Professor Rosenberg's remarkable life in this NYT profile: - 3 years ago

@weebleny: RT @BardCollege: Bard mourns the loss of Professor Emeritus Justus Rosenberg, who passed away at the age of 100 last weekend. He was a hero… - 3 years ago

@deanbarker: RT @deanbarker: Thinking about my former professor Justus Rosenberg (recently departed) who, at an age younger than either of these two, ri… - 3 years ago

@ThisIsTrue: This Week’s Honorary Unsubscribe: As a WWII Resistance operative, Justus Rosenberg had guts. The story in about 2 m… - 3 years ago

@miriamroday: RT @BardCollege: Bard mourns the loss of Professor Emeritus Justus Rosenberg, who passed away at the age of 100 last weekend. He was a hero… - 3 years ago

@SanjoyRoyTWA: RT @BardCollege: Bard mourns the loss of Professor Emeritus Justus Rosenberg, who passed away at the age of 100 last weekend. He was a hero… - 3 years ago

@SueMayerNH: RT @deanbarker: Thinking about my former professor Justus Rosenberg (recently departed) who, at an age younger than either of these two, ri… - 3 years ago

@Sonic_Screwup: RT @BardCollege: Bard mourns the loss of Professor Emeritus Justus Rosenberg, who passed away at the age of 100 last weekend. He was a hero… - 3 years ago

@alexvtunzelmann: RT @BardCollege: Bard mourns the loss of Professor Emeritus Justus Rosenberg, who passed away at the age of 100 last weekend. He was a hero… - 3 years ago

@andykopas: RT @BardCollege: You can read more about Professor Rosenberg's remarkable life in this NYT profile: - 3 years ago

@andykopas: RT @BardCollege: Bard mourns the loss of Professor Emeritus Justus Rosenberg, who passed away at the age of 100 last weekend. He was a hero… - 3 years ago

@BardCollege: You can read more about Professor Rosenberg's remarkable life in this NYT profile: - 3 years ago

@HadleyRBritt: RT @BardCollege: Bard mourns the loss of Professor Emeritus Justus Rosenberg, who passed away at the age of 100 last weekend. He was a hero… - 3 years ago

@BardCollege: Bard mourns the loss of Professor Emeritus Justus Rosenberg, who passed away at the age of 100 last weekend. He was… - 3 years ago

@HpfulCanadian: RT @deanbarker: Thinking about my former professor Justus Rosenberg (recently departed) who, at an age younger than either of these two, ri… - 3 years ago

@CBlodg: RT @deanbarker: Thinking about my former professor Justus Rosenberg (recently departed) who, at an age younger than either of these two, ri… - 3 years ago

@skohayes: RT @deanbarker: Thinking about my former professor Justus Rosenberg (recently departed) who, at an age younger than either of these two, ri… - 3 years ago

@edgeoforever: RT @deanbarker: Thinking about my former professor Justus Rosenberg (recently departed) who, at an age younger than either of these two, ri… - 3 years ago

@VeeCeeMurphy76: RT @deanbarker: Thinking about my former professor Justus Rosenberg (recently departed) who, at an age younger than either of these two, ri… - 3 years ago

@deanbarker: Thinking about my former professor Justus Rosenberg (recently departed) who, at an age younger than either of these… - 3 years ago

@rochdowdenlord: RT @WmCollinsBooks: We are immensely sorry to hear of our author Justus Rosenberg’s death at the age of 100. He was one of the last witness… - 3 years ago

@grangefieldward: RT @WmCollinsBooks: We are immensely sorry to hear of our author Justus Rosenberg’s death at the age of 100. He was one of the last witness… - 3 years ago

@JoFThompson: RT @WmCollinsBooks: We are immensely sorry to hear of our author Justus Rosenberg’s death at the age of 100. He was one of the last witness… - 3 years ago

@Jharrison22: RT @WmCollinsBooks: We are immensely sorry to hear of our author Justus Rosenberg’s death at the age of 100. He was one of the last witness… - 3 years ago

@annaturley: RT @WmCollinsBooks: We are immensely sorry to hear of our author Justus Rosenberg’s death at the age of 100. He was one of the last witness… - 3 years ago

@HarperCollinsUK: We share our friends at @WmCollins sadness at the loss of Justus Rosenberg. What an incredible man. - 3 years ago

@bergmanjonaso: RT @SarahAWildman: I just learned that the inimitable Justus Rosenberg died today at 100. The last remaining member of the Varian Fry gang,… - 3 years ago

@TBartscherer: RT @TBartscherer: Eloquent testimony at today’s memorial service to the extraordinary life of Justus Rosenberg. May his memory be a blessin… - 3 years ago

@WmCollinsBooks: We are immensely sorry to hear of our author Justus Rosenberg’s death at the age of 100. He was one of the last wit… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Justus Rosenberg - #JustusRosenberg #Justus #Rosenberg #rip - 3 years ago

@MKWilson_603: RT @deanbarker: Justus Rosenberg has died. From Bard College President Leon Botstein: - 3 years ago

@22_Gilly: RT @SarahAWildman: I just learned that the inimitable Justus Rosenberg died today at 100. The last remaining member of the Varian Fry gang,… - 3 years ago

@Shmarya: RT @SarahAWildman: I just learned that the inimitable Justus Rosenberg died today at 100. The last remaining member of the Varian Fry gang,… - 3 years ago

@weebleny: RT @albanymuskrat: RIP Justus Rosenberg my French Professor @BardCollege When he was very young he was part of network the smuggled many p… - 3 years ago

@michele_mattea: RT @albanymuskrat: RIP Justus Rosenberg my French Professor @BardCollege When he was very young he was part of network the smuggled many p… - 3 years ago

@albanymuskrat: RIP Justus Rosenberg my French Professor @BardCollege When he was very young he was part of network the smuggled m… - 3 years ago

@ThomasSQC: RT @TBartscherer: Eloquent testimony at today’s memorial service to the extraordinary life of Justus Rosenberg. May his memory be a blessin… - 3 years ago

@FionnualaWRegan: The Professor Has a Daring Past - The New York Times RIP Justus #bardcollege - 3 years ago

@TBartscherer: Eloquent testimony at today’s memorial service to the extraordinary life of Justus Rosenberg. May his memory be a b… - 3 years ago

@talrosenberg: RIP Justus Rosenberg - 3 years ago

@fklonsky: RT @SarahAWildman: I just learned that the inimitable Justus Rosenberg died today at 100. The last remaining member of the Varian Fry gang,… - 3 years ago

@weebleny: Justus Rosenberg has passed. He was 100 years old and still teaching. I have been preparing myself to see the email… - 3 years ago

@weebleny: RT @bendangl: I just heard Bard Professor Justus Rosenberg has died at 100. I was riveted in class by his stories of struggle in the French… - 3 years ago

@weebleny: RT @SarahAWildman: I just learned that the inimitable Justus Rosenberg died today at 100. The last remaining member of the Varian Fry gang,… - 3 years ago

@weebleny: RT @deanbarker: A profile from 5 years ago. - 3 years ago

@weebleny: RT @deanbarker: Justus Rosenberg has died. From Bard College President Leon Botstein: - 3 years ago

@instinctnaturel: RT @SarahAWildman: I just learned that the inimitable Justus Rosenberg died today at 100. The last remaining member of the Varian Fry gang,… - 3 years ago

@superfanpr: Rest in peace, Justus Rosenberg. - 3 years ago

@DecaturAnd: RT @deanbarker: Justus Rosenberg has died. From Bard College President Leon Botstein: - 3 years ago

@DecaturAnd: RT @deanbarker: A profile from 5 years ago. - 3 years ago

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