Jüri Pihl

Estonian politician
Died on Sunday February 3rd 2019

View other recent people: Awesome Again, Janet Mead, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Jüri Pihl:

@aripaev_ee: Jüri Pihl saadeti viimsele teekonnale - 6 years ago

@ohtuleht: Hüvastijätt endise poliitiku ja siseministri Jüri Pihliga. - 6 years ago

@EestiPaevaleht: Kaarli kirikust saadetakse täna viimsele teekonnale pühapäeval ootamatu terviserikke tõttu surnud endine kaitsepoli… - 6 years ago

@postimees: Pildid: Jüri Pihl saadetakse viimasele teekonnale - 6 years ago


@stefanostrasb: RT @CoR_President: Opening #CoRplenary with 1 minutes silence in memory of recently lost @EU_CoR friends, @AdamowiczPawel, Vicente Álvarez… - 6 years ago

@WielkopolskaBXL: RT @CoR_President: Opening #CoRplenary with 1 minutes silence in memory of recently lost @EU_CoR friends, @AdamowiczPawel, Vicente Álvarez… - 6 years ago

@joancalabuig: RT @CoR_President: Opening #CoRplenary with 1 minutes silence in memory of recently lost @EU_CoR friends, @AdamowiczPawel, Vicente Álvarez… - 6 years ago

@LvqueDominique1: RT @CoR_President: Opening #CoRplenary with 1 minutes silence in memory of recently lost @EU_CoR friends, @AdamowiczPawel, Vicente Álvarez… - 6 years ago

@ToWob: RT @PES_CoR: A minute of silence in memory of Pawel Adamowicz, Vicente Álvarez Areces and Jüri Pihl. #CoRPlenary remembers these great Eur… - 6 years ago

@FrancoIacop: RT @CoR_President: Opening #CoRplenary with 1 minutes silence in memory of recently lost @EU_CoR friends, @AdamowiczPawel, Vicente Álvarez… - 6 years ago

@arvanat: RT @CoR_President: Opening #CoRplenary with 1 minutes silence in memory of recently lost @EU_CoR friends, @AdamowiczPawel, Vicente Álvarez… - 6 years ago

@AdaSkorupska: RT @CoR_President: Opening #CoRplenary with 1 minutes silence in memory of recently lost @EU_CoR friends, @AdamowiczPawel, Vicente Álvarez… - 6 years ago

@Krawczyk_EESC: RT @CoR_President: Opening #CoRplenary with 1 minutes silence in memory of recently lost @EU_CoR friends, @AdamowiczPawel, Vicente Álvarez… - 6 years ago

@ToWob: RT @CoR_President: Opening #CoRplenary with 1 minutes silence in memory of recently lost @EU_CoR friends, @AdamowiczPawel, Vicente Álvarez… - 6 years ago

@PES_CoR: A minute of silence in memory of Pawel Adamowicz, Vicente Álvarez Areces and Jüri Pihl. #CoRPlenary remembers thes… - 6 years ago

@TTruskolaski: RT @CoR_President: Opening #CoRplenary with 1 minutes silence in memory of recently lost @EU_CoR friends, @AdamowiczPawel, Vicente Álvarez… - 6 years ago

@PES_CoR: RT @CoR_President: Opening #CoRplenary with 1 minutes silence in memory of recently lost @EU_CoR friends, @AdamowiczPawel, Vicente Álvarez… - 6 years ago

@ch_rouillon: RT @CoR_President: Opening #CoRplenary with 1 minutes silence in memory of recently lost @EU_CoR friends, @AdamowiczPawel, Vicente Álvarez… - 6 years ago

@DwmWarmia: RT @CoR_President: Opening #CoRplenary with 1 minutes silence in memory of recently lost @EU_CoR friends, @AdamowiczPawel, Vicente Álvarez… - 6 years ago

@RG_Team_Tokyo: RT @CoR_President: Opening #CoRplenary with 1 minutes silence in memory of recently lost @EU_CoR friends, @AdamowiczPawel, Vicente Álvarez… - 6 years ago

@linaverhoff: RT @CoR_President: Opening #CoRplenary with 1 minutes silence in memory of recently lost @EU_CoR friends, @AdamowiczPawel, Vicente Álvarez… - 6 years ago

@EU_CoR: RT @CoR_President: Opening #CoRplenary with 1 minutes silence in memory of recently lost @EU_CoR friends, @AdamowiczPawel, Vicente Álvarez… - 6 years ago

@CoR_President: Opening #CoRplenary with 1 minutes silence in memory of recently lost @EU_CoR friends, @AdamowiczPawel, Vicente Álv… - 6 years ago

@EBauz: Jüri Pihl. Oma elu riigile pühendanud mees - - 6 years ago

@DelfiEE: Pühapäeval suri ootamatult Jüri Pihl, ööl vastu esmaspäeva suri Matti Nykänen. "Vahel kirutakse, vahel ilgutakse, a… - 6 years ago

@polvakoit: Lahkus Jüri Pihl - 6 years ago

@KoortErkki: Jüri Pihl - karm, aga hinnatud juht - 6 years ago

@lennutrajektoor: On Feb 3 2019 at 63 Estonian first head of KaitsePolitsei (KaPO) Jüri Pihl died suddenly. He was heading KaPO from… - 6 years ago

@OffshoreCos: Former ISS director, prosecutor general, interior minister Jüri Pihl dies – ERR News - 6 years ago

@mel_huang: RT @err_ee: Suri Jüri Pihl - 6 years ago

@errnews: Former ISS director, prosecutor general, interior minister Jüri Pihl dies - 6 years ago

@NekropoleENG: Jüri Pihl - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Jüri Pihl - 6 years ago

@JormaVirtanen: RT @ratasjuri: Tänane päev kurvastab uudisega, et meie seast on lahkunud endine siseminister ja pikaaegne kaitsepolitseiameti peadirektor J… - 6 years ago

@DelfiEE: 3. veebruaril suri endine mõjukas poliitik ja riigiametnik Jüri Pihl. Pikaaegse kaitsepolitsei peadirektorina, hilj… - 6 years ago

@Nekrologium: Jüri Pihl, estnischer Politiker, am 03.02.2019 im Alter von 64 Jahren - - 6 years ago

@KoortErkki: Puhka rahus, Jüri Pihl - 6 years ago

@damionhinds: Jüri Pihl, Estonian politician, Died at 64 - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Jüri Pihl - #JuriPihl #Jüri #Pihl #rip - 6 years ago

@JustDiedBot: RIP Jüri Pihl, 64, Estonian politician, Ministr of Interior (2007–2009). - 6 years ago

@ohtuleht: „Me kohtusime umbes nädal tagasi – Jüri oli naasnud oma kolmenädalaselt puhkusereisilt Uus-Meremaale, päevitunud ju… - 6 years ago

@sotsdem: Täna lahkus meie seast ootamatult Jüri Pihl, kauaaegne riigiametnik, silmapaistev poliitik ning Sotsiaaldemokraatli… - 6 years ago

@aripaev_ee: Suri Jüri Pihl - 6 years ago

@StenbockiMaja: RT @ratasjuri: Tänane päev kurvastab uudisega, et meie seast on lahkunud endine siseminister ja pikaaegne kaitsepolitseiameti peadirektor J… - 6 years ago

@ratasjuri: Tänane päev kurvastab uudisega, et meie seast on lahkunud endine siseminister ja pikaaegne kaitsepolitseiameti pead… - 6 years ago

@ohtuleht: Jüri Pihl: "Ma sooviks, et Eesti inimestesse sisendataks eneseusku. Et nad on kaitstud, et ei tasu kedagi karta ja… - 6 years ago

@Orgetorix: Former ISS director, prosecutor general, interior minister Jüri Pihl dies - 6 years ago

@err_ee: Suri Jüri Pihl - 6 years ago

@lounaeestlane: Head teed, Jüri Pihl! Siseministri järelehüüe endisele politseijuhile ja poliitikule - 6 years ago

@DelfiEE: Täna suri 64-aastaselt endine poliitik Jüri Pihl. - 6 years ago

@TihonTvermaht: Suri Jüri Pihl - слава богу, одного буржуя меньше! - 6 years ago

@postimees: Suri endine siseminister Jüri Pihl - 6 years ago

@ERR_Uudised: Suri Jüri Pihl - 6 years ago

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