June Lindsey

British-Canadian biochemist.
Died on Wednesday November 17th 2021

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to June Lindsey:

@B0tSci: RT @do_kinder: @BRAINCURES @1752Group @Irene_dLz @eddieespo @DrCEChilds @ScienceGrit @MondragonShem @Grad_Std @JohnBryant1404 @innostudy @L… - 3 years ago

@SocialHousingCo: RT @do_kinder: @BRAINCURES @1752Group @Irene_dLz @eddieespo @DrCEChilds @ScienceGrit @MondragonShem @Grad_Std @JohnBryant1404 @innostudy @L… - 3 years ago

@pendragonmist: RT @MagazineSpelt: Come and help us celebrate issue three of Spelt magazine with guest readers @RachelLBurnsme @ABRACKENBURY @june_mw Linds… - 3 years ago

@BotFemale: RT @do_kinder: @BRAINCURES @1752Group @Irene_dLz @eddieespo @DrCEChilds @ScienceGrit @MondragonShem @Grad_Std @JohnBryant1404 @innostudy @L… - 3 years ago


@ThomasM86870969: RT @do_kinder: @BRAINCURES @1752Group @Irene_dLz @eddieespo @DrCEChilds @ScienceGrit @MondragonShem @Grad_Std @JohnBryant1404 @innostudy @L… - 3 years ago

@June_r57: RT @g_gosden: Lindsey is not a happy happy. "At one time, Ministers did the right thing if they briefed before a Budget. They walked... Ye… - 3 years ago

@RachelLBurnsme: RT @MagazineSpelt: Come and help us celebrate issue three of Spelt magazine with guest readers @RachelLBurnsme @ABRACKENBURY @june_mw Linds… - 3 years ago

@june_mw: RT @MagazineSpelt: Come and help us celebrate issue three of Spelt magazine with guest readers @RachelLBurnsme @ABRACKENBURY @june_mw Linds… - 3 years ago

@MagazineSpelt: Come and help us celebrate issue three of Spelt magazine with guest readers @RachelLBurnsme @ABRACKENBURY @june_mw… - 3 years ago

@turningtechy: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@B0tSci: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@angelasimoski: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@buckinicks: RT @bucknicksfix: “Still, in every song I write there’s a line or two about Lindsey. He is my great musical love. He is like Johnny Cash to… - 3 years ago

@JaySaysWords: @AlexMcDaniel Lindsey Brooks - the Beth Mowins of her generation. And the only person on the whole graphic with a… - 3 years ago

@WestLindseyDC: Internal Auditors have awarded West Lindsey District Council’s Community Grants schemes the highest possible mark,… - 3 years ago

@Chemistry_Kat: @bradpatrick @WikiWomenInRed I'm working on an article about June Lindsey's life and achievements for… - 3 years ago

@JuanPabloPieir3: RT @SmartBiology3D: June Lindsey who died this month at 99 in @ottawacity Canada played a key role in the discovery of the #DNA double heli… - 3 years ago

@june_doom: @lindseythelion MF LINDSEY SEASON!!’nnnn - 3 years ago

@JuliaBRice1: @mcclanahanjanet Lindsey will be in the Disney learning experience program from Feb-early June! She’s graduating from UK in Dec. - 3 years ago

@B0tSci: RT @do_kinder: @BRAINCURES @1752Group @Irene_dLz @eddieespo @DrCEChilds @ScienceGrit @MondragonShem @Grad_Std @JohnBryant1404 @innostudy @L… - 3 years ago

@HousingFirstUK: RT @do_kinder: @BRAINCURES @1752Group @Irene_dLz @eddieespo @DrCEChilds @ScienceGrit @MondragonShem @Grad_Std @JohnBryant1404 @innostudy @L… - 3 years ago

@weloraiby: RT @SmartBiology3D: June Lindsey who died this month at 99 in @ottawacity Canada played a key role in the discovery of the #DNA double heli… - 3 years ago

@BotFemale: RT @WomenScienceRFS: June Lindsey, who died in Ottawa earlier this month at the age of 99, is considered by some to be one of the unsung he… - 3 years ago

@HelloWorldGrrls: RT @WomenScienceRFS: June Lindsey, who died in Ottawa earlier this month at the age of 99, is considered by some to be one of the unsung he… - 3 years ago

@ShaunCoffey: RT @WomenScienceRFS: June Lindsey, who died in Ottawa earlier this month at the age of 99, is considered by some to be one of the unsung he… - 3 years ago

@BotFemale: RT @do_kinder: @BRAINCURES @1752Group @Irene_dLz @eddieespo @DrCEChilds @ScienceGrit @MondragonShem @Grad_Std @JohnBryant1404 @innostudy @L… - 3 years ago

@The_WLN: RT @do_kinder: @BRAINCURES @1752Group @Irene_dLz @eddieespo @DrCEChilds @ScienceGrit @MondragonShem @Grad_Std @JohnBryant1404 @innostudy @L… - 3 years ago

@redmanuka: RT @SmartBiology3D: June Lindsey who died this month at 99 in @ottawacity Canada played a key role in the discovery of the #DNA double heli… - 3 years ago

@rose_lolobird: RT @SmartBiology3D: June Lindsey who died this month at 99 in @ottawacity Canada played a key role in the discovery of the #DNA double heli… - 3 years ago

@Eduardo03_14: RT @SmartBiology3D: June Lindsey who died this month at 99 in @ottawacity Canada played a key role in the discovery of the #DNA double heli… - 3 years ago

@BRAINCURES: RT @do_kinder: @BRAINCURES @1752Group @Irene_dLz @eddieespo @DrCEChilds @ScienceGrit @MondragonShem @Grad_Std @JohnBryant1404 @innostudy @L… - 3 years ago

@do_kinder: @BRAINCURES @1752Group @Irene_dLz @eddieespo @DrCEChilds @ScienceGrit @MondragonShem @Grad_Std @JohnBryant1404… - 3 years ago

@andreaquezadaa: RT @SmartBiology3D: June Lindsey who died this month at 99 in @ottawacity Canada played a key role in the discovery of the #DNA double heli… - 3 years ago

@Eman610066691: RT @SmartBiology3D: June Lindsey who died this month at 99 in @ottawacity Canada played a key role in the discovery of the #DNA double heli… - 3 years ago

@ben_throop: RT @SmartBiology3D: June Lindsey who died this month at 99 in @ottawacity Canada played a key role in the discovery of the #DNA double heli… - 3 years ago

@RoseRose0011: RT @jwoodgett: June Lindsey (nee Broomhead), 1922-2021, and her forgotten/erased role in the structure of DNA. - 3 years ago

@SmartBiology3D: June Lindsey who died this month at 99 in @ottawacity Canada played a key role in the discovery of the #DNA double… - 3 years ago

@mcintyre_sg: @jordanbpeterson Yes, thanks to June Lindsey. - 3 years ago

@Oreo52: RT @niloc14061952: U.S. Deputy Marshall Lindsey served from 1890 until the early 1900's. He served in Eastern Texas and from the Ardmore Co… - 3 years ago

@MakeupFaded: RT @niloc14061952: U.S. Deputy Marshall Lindsey served from 1890 until the early 1900's. He served in Eastern Texas and from the Ardmore Co… - 3 years ago

@niloc14061952: U.S. Deputy Marshall Lindsey served from 1890 until the early 1900's. He served in Eastern Texas and from the Ardmo… - 3 years ago

@whaaf: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@do_kinder: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@BotFemale: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@PHoare1963: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@_JayConn: @Linds_NanceWSMV LINDSEY JUNE..I miss you and our talks..Hope you and your family are doing well.. Take care - 3 years ago

@B0tSci: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@STEMinistStori3: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@tanta1ise: June Lindsey’s work on the structure of #DNA was crucial for the work that Watson, Crick and Franklin did. And yet,… - 3 years ago

@kat_pep_: Remember when Lindsey Graham accused Russians of hacking his election campaign account in June 2016 per FBI? - 3 years ago

@DennisMohan4: RT @DanielLynch53: @JoJoFromJerz Remember Lindsey Graham? Maybe there is компромат (Kompromat) on Kevin too. “There's two people I think… - 3 years ago

@wispdx: RT @WomenScienceRFS: June Lindsey, who died in Ottawa earlier this month at the age of 99, is considered by some to be one of the unsung he… - 3 years ago

@MoistureVapor8r: RT @DanielLynch53: @JoJoFromJerz Remember Lindsey Graham? Maybe there is компромат (Kompromat) on Kevin too. “There's two people I think… - 3 years ago

@BotFemale: RT @WomenScienceRFS: June Lindsey, who died in Ottawa earlier this month at the age of 99, is considered by some to be one of the unsung he… - 3 years ago

@WBColeman15: RT @WomenScienceRFS: June Lindsey, who died in Ottawa earlier this month at the age of 99, is considered by some to be one of the unsung he… - 3 years ago

@sofiajobran: RT @WomenScienceRFS: June Lindsey, who died in Ottawa earlier this month at the age of 99, is considered by some to be one of the unsung he… - 3 years ago

@VUMCgenetics: RT @WomenScienceRFS: June Lindsey, who died in Ottawa earlier this month at the age of 99, is considered by some to be one of the unsung he… - 3 years ago

@WomenScienceRFS: June Lindsey, who died in Ottawa earlier this month at the age of 99, is considered by some to be one of the unsung… - 3 years ago

@platelet60: CHLOROPHYLL & HEMOGLOBIN NOMINATIONS BEST PODCAST EPISODE 2021 @PodcastAlt “Cut Off Points {Part One}” Oct 21 “Car… - 3 years ago

@BellWhitworth: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@DanielLynch53: @JoJoFromJerz Remember Lindsey Graham? Maybe there is компромат (Kompromat) on Kevin too. “There's two people I t… - 3 years ago

@lindsey_mac: RT @ColinPGreen2: Note ESPE (Cosenza ends 18th June, IWAEE begins (evening) 19th June. approx 100 kms apart - time for a Calabrese tour. - 3 years ago

@Juliebeeh19: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@SherylAzzam: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@shyduroff2: RT @STEMGemsBook: Obituary: 'Unsung hero' of science laid the ground work for epoch DNA discovery "June Lindsey, who died earlier this mon… - 3 years ago

@B0tSci: RT @STEMGemsBook: Obituary: 'Unsung hero' of science laid the ground work for epoch DNA discovery "June Lindsey, who died earlier this mon… - 3 years ago

@robo1boss: RT @STEMGemsBook: Obituary: 'Unsung hero' of science laid the ground work for epoch DNA discovery "June Lindsey, who died earlier this mon… - 3 years ago

@TheDSDN: This week's volunteer spotlight is Lindsey Smith-Mingus who is the moderator for the Sleep Challenges, the January-… - 3 years ago

@LouGrant_1959: In the past few weeks been listening to Courtney Barnett, The War on Drugs, Joy Crookes, Arlo Parks, Parcels, Fonta… - 3 years ago

@lohoke: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@jeduffy: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@CatRoussel: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@jformane: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@Diaskeuasis: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@lindsey_mac: RT @ColinPGreen2: 12th International Workshop on Applied Economics of Education (IWAEE) will happen on 19th-21st June 2022, Catanzaro Italy… - 3 years ago

@BotFemale: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@drjparmar: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@Stella_BC: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@KarenLowry: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@STEMGemsBook: Obituary: 'Unsung hero' of science laid the ground work for epoch DNA discovery "June Lindsey, who died earlier th… - 3 years ago

@theRebelWife: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@aemiele1: RT @366portraits: #500womeninSTEM 4⃣5⃣6⃣ June M. Lindsey (1922-2021) 🇬🇧🇨🇦 Physicienne spécialiste de la cristallographie aux rayons X qui… - 3 years ago

@june_fours: RT @newsmax: Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., told Newsmax on Wednesday that President Joe Biden's withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan w… - 3 years ago

@LMMomTo2: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@mischiefmanagin: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@nanomiii: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@IvaCheung: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@opalsoap: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@CornelisseJ: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@megomam: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@RubyDee74692069: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@athleteswalk: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@moirarvane: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@l_krishnan: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@RuralHomeCareBG: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@Connie_TO1682: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@laura_boykin: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@knobstick: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@drodenhi1: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@KariSampsel: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@B0tSci: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@hannahma57: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@AFondlaScience: RT @366portraits: #500womeninSTEM 4⃣5⃣6⃣ June M. Lindsey (1922-2021) 🇬🇧🇨🇦 Physicienne spécialiste de la cristallographie aux rayons X qui… - 3 years ago

@belintoronto: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@zimmi70: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@DavidHorbaty30: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@2020willbelit: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@Linds_cha: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@ghostonthstereo: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@tipster33fort: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@SharminiFernan3: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@OCTEVAW: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@BLGSinYEG: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@amkivi: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@UnAlison: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@bogotomorrow: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@June_Roche: RT @cymrawes: Lindsey Hoyle - finally lost it with Johnson . ‘You may be the PM of this country but I’m in charge of this house . PM - SIT… - 3 years ago

@Ms_Paperclips: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@UltimeCode42: RT @366portraits: #500womeninSTEM 4⃣5⃣6⃣ June M. Lindsey (1922-2021) 🇬🇧🇨🇦 Physicienne spécialiste de la cristallographie aux rayons X qui… - 3 years ago

@sc_indomitable: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@KimKellyMD: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for June Lindsey - #JuneLindsey #June #Lindsey #rip - 3 years ago

@TheimToheim: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@zem42: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@Mikeggibbs: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@AlineBoulanger: RT @366portraits: #500womeninSTEM 4⃣5⃣6⃣ June M. Lindsey (1922-2021) 🇬🇧🇨🇦 Physicienne spécialiste de la cristallographie aux rayons X qui… - 3 years ago

@T13tt3r: RT @jwoodgett: June Lindsey (nee Broomhead), 1922-2021, and her forgotten/erased role in the structure of DNA. - 3 years ago

@deBeauxOs1: RT @jasmith_yorku: Obituary for Dr. June Lindsey, 99, a Canadian who played a key role in the discovery of DNA. (part 1 of 4). #DrJuneLinds… - 3 years ago

@Heading_West: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@deBeauxOs1: RT @jwoodgett: June Lindsey (nee Broomhead), 1922-2021, and her forgotten/erased role in the structure of DNA. - 3 years ago

@deBeauxOs1: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@DatGrrrlLifts: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@HelleneRobins: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@sadgradgaya: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@Alessan43876258: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@DrCSWilliam: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@tulip_in_march: RT @MaggieKeresteci: I have never heard June Lindsey’s name before - she made a hugely important contribution to science! #WomenInStem http… - 3 years ago

@DeannaMarie208: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@Chimelvi: RT @366portraits: #500womeninSTEM 4⃣5⃣6⃣ June M. Lindsey (1922-2021) 🇬🇧🇨🇦 Physicienne spécialiste de la cristallographie aux rayons X qui… - 3 years ago

@MerlinYW: RT @366portraits: #500womeninSTEM 4⃣5⃣6⃣ June M. Lindsey (1922-2021) 🇬🇧🇨🇦 Physicienne spécialiste de la cristallographie aux rayons X qui… - 3 years ago

@Gastiva1: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@martin_fff: RT @DocMCohen: Turns out Watson & Crick relied on the work of *another* uncredited female scientist. How many other women out there were… - 3 years ago

@lhunter1310: RT @MaggieKeresteci: I have never heard June Lindsey’s name before - she made a hugely important contribution to science! #WomenInStem http… - 3 years ago

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