Julius Lester

American writer (To Be a Slave) and educator.
Died on Friday January 19th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Julius Lester:

@SugarpussLane: RT @morton_brian: The great @JuliusBLester on struggle, endurance, despair, anger, and keeping our souls whole: - 7 years ago

@SugarpussLane: I just read of Julius Lester's passing (1/18/2018). May he rest in peace and power. May generations to come be move… - 7 years ago

@dianeschmid9: RT @thedailybeast: Before the Black Lives Matter movement, there was an activist named Julius Lester, who throughout his life, took the mid… - 7 years ago

@SugarpussLane: RT @JasonReynolds83: RIP to another one of our legends, Julius Lester. I’ll never forget reading the folktale about how black folks named t… - 7 years ago


@CloeteHeather: RT @thedailybeast: Before the Black Lives Matter movement, there was an activist named Julius Lester, who throughout his life, took the mid… - 7 years ago

@Amy_in_Michigan: RT @thedailybeast: Before the Black Lives Matter movement, there was an activist named Julius Lester, who throughout his life, took the mid… - 7 years ago

@RebeccaTownsend: RT @thedailybeast: Before the Black Lives Matter movement, there was an activist named Julius Lester, who throughout his life, took the mid… - 7 years ago

@lee33701: RT @thedailybeast: Before the Black Lives Matter movement, there was an activist named Julius Lester, who throughout his life, took the mid… - 7 years ago

@gailbriggs8: RT @thedailybeast: Before the Black Lives Matter movement, there was an activist named Julius Lester, who throughout his life, took the mid… - 7 years ago

@grey_sister: RT @thedailybeast: Before the Black Lives Matter movement, there was an activist named Julius Lester, who throughout his life, took the mid… - 7 years ago

@thedailybeast: Before the Black Lives Matter movement, there was an activist named Julius Lester, who throughout his life, took th… - 7 years ago

@profm_de_r: RT @TheBlackSchlr: 1 of 2: 1988 debate between the late Julius Lester + WEB Dubois Dept of AfrAm Studies UMass Amherst "Academic Freedom an… - 7 years ago

@happybdauthors: happy birthday Julius Lester! American author - 7 years ago

@controlf: RT @SLPLYouth: Children's book author Julius Lester passed away on January 18th at the age of 78. Lester was born in St. Louis in 1939. To… - 7 years ago

@MeruMuadDib: RT @SLPLYouth: Children's book author Julius Lester passed away on January 18th at the age of 78. Lester was born in St. Louis in 1939. To… - 7 years ago

@SLPLYouth: Children's book author Julius Lester passed away on January 18th at the age of 78. Lester was born in St. Louis in… - 7 years ago

@RonRadosh: Julius Lester was one of the most important people to have inherited our earth; a decent, humane and independent mi… - 7 years ago

@Avant_GardeBks: Avant-garde Books remembers author and educator, Julius Lester who was born on this day in 1939. Lester wrote his f… - 7 years ago

@mahoganybooks1: Mahogany Bookshelf remembers author and educator, Julius Lester who was born on this day in 1939. Lester wrote his… - 7 years ago

@ccheriehardy: Gone, but not forgotten! Thank you, Julius Lester! (January 27, 1939 to January 18, 2018) Lester once said, “The ne… - 7 years ago

@ZONASERIAPIURA: RT @PublishersWkly: Award-winning author, educator, activist, and musician Julius Lester remembered - 7 years ago

@jessamyn: @Klezmerstyle Truth. Rest in Power Julius Lester. - 7 years ago

@blackkudos: Julius Lester, Chronicler of Black America, Is Dead at 78 - 7 years ago

@MarciaDressel: Celebrating Julius Lester a day before his birthday with this attempt to #cleartheair with gr 3-5 Ss in Western WI - 7 years ago

@capricecorbett: #REMEMBERING #Author #JuliusLester - 7 years ago

@advancdiversity: Marjorie Ingall - 7 years ago

@UMass_Hillel: We are saddened by the passing of Julius Lester, UMass Amherst Professor Emeritus, writer, activist and member... - 7 years ago

@christinevz: A sad month with literary greats Julius Lester & Ursula Le Guin passing. Reading Lester's poetic PB The Girl Who Sa… - 7 years ago

@mireedglis: RT @PublishersWkly: Award-winning author, educator, activist, and musician Julius Lester remembered - 7 years ago

@mjoseph0077: @Rutgers_SCUA Oh, a nod to Julius Lester today. Nice. - 7 years ago

@MochaJuden: RT @RabbiRuth: Such a lovely remembrance of Julius Lester by @robinbirk - 7 years ago

@MzSonjaK: RT @jewlearn: Remembering Julius Lester — and a stop along his spiritual journey - 7 years ago

@drschetankumar: RT @jewlearn: Remembering Julius Lester — and a stop along his spiritual journey - 7 years ago

@jewlearn: Remembering Julius Lester — and a stop along his spiritual journey - 7 years ago

@DrLDrake2: RT @barbara_bowles: Let’s remember Julius Lester, a Fisk alum and noted historian and writer, who passed on January 18, 2018. - 7 years ago

@jewminicana: Remembering Julius Lester — And a Stop Along His Spiritual Journey - 7 years ago

@RobertWesleyB: Julius Lester, Chronicler of Black America, Is Dead at 78 - 7 years ago

@northassoc: Editorial: Julius Lester touched many in Valley - 7 years ago

@GWHSLIB: Obituary: Julius Lester - 7 years ago

@protoslacker: RT @neogriot: OBIT: Obituary: Julius Lester - - 7 years ago

@cekster: RT @PWKidsBookshelf: Award-winning author + activist Julius Lester remembered - 7 years ago

@onthecornernow: Kalamu ya Salaam (@neogriot ): OBIT: Obituary: Julius Lester - 7 years ago

@SelinaNThompson: RT @neogriot: OBIT: Obituary: Julius Lester - - 7 years ago

@BWolmers: RT @neogriot: OBIT: Obituary: Julius Lester - - 7 years ago

@public_archive: RT @neogriot: OBIT: Obituary: Julius Lester - - 7 years ago

@neogriot: OBIT: Obituary: Julius Lester - - 7 years ago

@jewishweddings: There's so much to learn about being Jewish! Another great post from - 7 years ago

@PWKidsBookshelf: Award-winning author + activist Julius Lester remembered - 7 years ago

@ElanBarnehama: Cool post about Julius Lester from my original hometown public radio station- though I was more likely to listen... - 7 years ago

@RabbiRuth: RT @bechollashon: Remembering noted African American Jewish writer, artist, and activist Julius Lester—and a stop along his spiritual journ… - 7 years ago

@luvempress: In Memoriam: Julius Bernard Lester, 1939-2018 - 7 years ago

@keihudson: Obituary: Julius Lester - 7 years ago

@ArminRosen: Julius Lester's To Be A Slave is an overpowering and altogether remarkable book that I really hope kids are being f… - 7 years ago

@bechollashon: Remembering noted African American Jewish writer, artist, and activist Julius Lester—and a stop along his spiritual… - 7 years ago

@PatriciaLWilso6: RT @NYTObits: From the time he entered public life in the 1960s, Mr. Lester was periodically a lightning rod for controversies centering on… - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: From the time he entered public life in the 1960s, Mr. Lester was periodically a lightning rod for controversies ce… - 7 years ago

@DevorahLeah: I was sorry to learn of the passing of author & educator Julius Lester. He was a kind, spiritual man, and an articu… - 7 years ago

@NYLibrarians: Award-Winning Author Julius Lester Leaves Behind Storied Legacy - 7 years ago

@The1stLadyLove: - 7 years ago

@lenaschwartz: RT @PublishersWkly: Award-winning author, educator, activist, and musician Julius Lester remembered - 7 years ago

@umurrayhusted: RT @RainTaxiReview: RIP Newbery Honor author Julius Lester: - 7 years ago

@RainTaxiReview: RIP Newbery Honor author Julius Lester: - 7 years ago

@publishyoufree: FYI: Activist-Author-Singer Julius Lester: 1939-2018 - 7 years ago

@JonesLibraryMA: We are deeply saddened by the death of Julius Lester, whose papers are held in our Special Collections. Here's a ph… - 7 years ago

@SanMarcosWProj: The place of books in our lives by Julius Lester: "I want to begin by looking at the word book. It comes... - 7 years ago

@OberlinHillel: Goodbye Julius Lester who "lived life infuriating people, sharing his truth in his writing, making friends laugh."… - 7 years ago

@tnmetro: Julius Lester, Chronicler of Black America, Is Dead at 78 via @NYTimes - 7 years ago

@ceciliatan: RT @ToddMason2013: @Liz_Hand @kiddeternity @jennbrissett @haszombiesinit @EllenKushner @deliasherman @Nalo_Hopkinson @charliejane Peter Bea… - 7 years ago

@beau_angelnz: Julius Lester, whose literature explored African American life, dies at 78 - 7 years ago

@dricketts: - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: Mr. Lester’s writing was largely devoted to portraying black American history, which, he wrote, bound black lives t… - 7 years ago

@barbara_bowles: Let’s remember Julius Lester, a Fisk alum and noted historian and writer, who passed on January 18, 2018. - 7 years ago

@lynnasha2249: One of several books created by the collaboration between Julius Lester and Germantown born artist, Jerry... - 7 years ago

@lynnasha2249: Storytelling: A Way to Know Ourselves - Julius Lester - 7 years ago

@ToddMason2013: @Liz_Hand @kiddeternity @jennbrissett @haszombiesinit @EllenKushner @deliasherman @Nalo_Hopkinson @charliejane Pete… - 7 years ago

@ilanadima: Goodbye to Julius Lester, the Ultimate Contrarian - 7 years ago

@AnnCrewdson: RT @profgabrielle: Julius Lester has gone. Those of us who knew him as a teacher, writer and more know there is no one like him; the stars… - 7 years ago

@wise_diva: RT @TheBlackSchlr: Julius Lester, Chronicler of Black America, Is Dead at 78 - 7 years ago

@CollardStudies: RT @TheBlackSchlr: Julius Lester, Chronicler of Black America, Is Dead at 78 - 7 years ago

@GrowingupGupta: RT @HelpingKidsRise: "History is not just facts and events. History is also a pain in the heart and we repeat history until we are able to… - 7 years ago

@Den_Fabrizi: RT @c_compounds: - 7 years ago

@BlkGB: Editorial: Julius Lester touched many in Valley: It was teaching that brought Lester to the Valley in 1971 when he… - 7 years ago

@Domi_SHAWOL: RT @PublishersWkly: Award-winning author, educator, activist, and musician Julius Lester remembered - 7 years ago

@c_compounds: - 7 years ago

@biracialbookwrm: RT @HelpingKidsRise: "History is not just facts and events. History is also a pain in the heart and we repeat history until we are able to… - 7 years ago

@MonicaClarkRob: RT @HelpingKidsRise: "History is not just facts and events. History is also a pain in the heart and we repeat history until we are able to… - 7 years ago

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