Julian Piper

English blues guitarist.
Died on Wednesday September 25th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Julian Piper:

@julian_nsfw: RT @taegape_: i know pied piper taejin went viral but consider this, taehyung throwing jin a kiss and him pretending to eat it up https:/… - 5 years ago

@piper_way: RT @SMaurizi: 13years ago, Julian #Assange and his staff created @wikileaks ,he has spent 9 years out of 13 in this way: 1+1/2 years under… - 5 years ago

@piper_way: RT @wikileaks: Julian Assange held in 'sordid' solitary confinement for up to 23 hours a day, says father | @theipaper - 5 years ago

@julian_capera: @Nicolette_Shea @Brazzers @jordiporn You and Piper Perri are beautiful lesbians - 5 years ago


@piper_way: RT @pamfoundation: Dismantling the Swedish ‘Rape’-Narrative against Julian Assange - 5 years ago

@piper_way: RT @AssangeMrs: @SchoonerLita @AlboMP Ive not yet been contacted by Mr Albanese but would very much like to talk with him. I have been con… - 5 years ago

@piper_way: RT @NielsLadefoged: "Free Free Julian #Assange" - A large assempbly of #FreeJulianAssange protesters gathered at #London #BelmarshPrison th… - 5 years ago

@IM_JULIAN_S: RT @MTVLAargentina: El mejor minuto que vas a tener en tu día gracias a Aron Piper de Elite 😍😍 - 5 years ago

@lucypiperdrums: RT @guardianmusic: Julian Piper obituary - 5 years ago

@lucypiperdrums: RT @the0galle: Julian Piper (10 August 1947 – 14 September 2019) - 5 years ago

@lucypiperdrums: RT @WMNNews: Devon blues legend Julian Piper mourned after sudden death - Devon Live - 5 years ago

@stevebrownexe: RT @exeter_s: The Between the Buttons September broadcast now on Mixcloud includes a catch-up of music events, new releases, anniversaries,… - 5 years ago

@exeter_s: The Between the Buttons September broadcast now on Mixcloud includes a catch-up of music events, new releases, anni… - 5 years ago

@the0galle: Julian Piper (10 August 1947 – 14 September 2019) - 5 years ago

@ajwillshire: @MrsCupcake79 Quite a cast - John Hurt, Peter O'Toole, Julian Glover, and, of course, John Goodman. And Billie Piper's mum from Dr Who. - 5 years ago

@piper_way: RT @LeeCamp: Remember when Assange revealed the largest trade deal ever, war crimes in Iraq, war crimes in Afghanistan, & endless corruptio… - 5 years ago

@piper_way: RT @TheCanaryGlobal: Julian Assange’s lawyers were placed under surveillance. But that’s not the whole story. By @Undercoverinfo1 https:… - 5 years ago

@piper_way: RT @DerbyChrisW: It was also a real honour to meet John Shipton, Julian Assange’s father. I expressed my ongoing solidarity and support for… - 5 years ago

@piper_way: RT @DerbyChrisW: Today, I spoke outside of Belmarsh Prison, where Julian Assange is being unjustly kept in solitary confinement despite his… - 5 years ago

@piper_way: RT @DerbyChrisW: Yesterday, I wrote to the Home Secretary to outline why Julian’s ongoing detention is unjust and to reiterate the point th… - 5 years ago

@GSjukebox: UK Blues legend mourned after sudden death - 5 years ago

@nik_nik19163049: RT @YonSolitary: @birgittaj @AndrewC_82 Julian Assange is NOT the reason why you have Trump. Hillary Clinton is the reason why you have tru… - 5 years ago

@AngelTibbs: RT @YonSolitary: @birgittaj @AndrewC_82 Julian Assange is NOT the reason why you have Trump. Hillary Clinton is the reason why you have tru… - 5 years ago

@piper_low: RT @SL1733: Deep State CIA Was Spying on Julian Assange 24-7 in Ecuador's Embassy in London - Spanish Security Company Was Feeding The CIA… - 5 years ago

@piper_low: RT @RepStevenSmith: Julian Assange denies getting emails from "Russia." And the emails showed Hillary knew she was taking bribes from nati… - 5 years ago

@SenseiChanning: RT @tonyloftus6: My good friend, my oldest friend, Julian Piper died yesterday. A brilliant blues musician and a brilliant friend. Gonna m… - 5 years ago

@arsalanarshad: RT @YonSolitary: Julian Assange is NOT the reason why you have Trump. Hillary Clinton is the reason why you have trump Clinton's Pied Pipe… - 5 years ago

@piper_way: RT @AssangeMrs: A recent message to #TeamAssange & the world from my son, brutally politically persecuted, multi-award winning Australia… - 5 years ago

@garthcart1: My Julian Piper obituary. A good man and musician. - 5 years ago

@piper_way: RT @greekemmy: Please share widely: "Attend September 28 demonstration at London’s Belmarsh prison to demand freedom for Julian #Assange!"… - 5 years ago

@piper_way: RT @Anna51207381: Hope to see you at the demonstration at Belmarsh Prison this Saturday at 2pm. Julian heard his supporters on his birthday… - 5 years ago

@telekinetica: @HillaryClinton This coming from the lady who rigged a primary against Bernie Sanders, elevated Trump with her 'pie… - 5 years ago

@piper_way: RT @wikileaks: Julian Assange is in solitary confinement in conditions that obstruct his ability to prepare his US extradition case. He fi… - 5 years ago

@KenHunt01: Recommended reading : my colleague @garthcart1's @guardianobits words on Julian C. Piper → - 5 years ago

@Aussie4Refugees: RT @GraffitiExpert: Clinton campaign deliberately elevated Trump with “pied piper” strategy -> Tweet from Julian… - 5 years ago

@Aussie4Refugees: RT @GraffitiExpert: "WikiLeaks has a pristine record for accuracy. HRC is not a credible person. The primary cause of her downfall was her… - 5 years ago

@leevladf: RT @YonSolitary: Julian Assange is NOT the reason why you have Trump. Hillary Clinton is the reason why you have trump Clinton's Pied Pipe… - 5 years ago

@shupe_laura: RT @YonSolitary: @birgittaj @AndrewC_82 Julian Assange is NOT the reason why you have Trump. Hillary Clinton is the reason why you have tru… - 5 years ago

@Delganytours: RT @YonSolitary: @bwreed @wikileaks Julian Assange is NOT the reason why you have Trump. Hillary Clinton is the reason why you have trump… - 5 years ago

@BBfromPA: RT @YonSolitary: @bwreed @wikileaks Julian Assange is NOT the reason why you have Trump. Hillary Clinton is the reason why you have trump… - 5 years ago

@JamesMa96163439: RT @YonSolitary: @bwreed @wikileaks Julian Assange is NOT the reason why you have Trump. Hillary Clinton is the reason why you have trump… - 5 years ago

@YonSolitary: Julian Assange is NOT the reason why you have Trump. Hillary Clinton is the reason why you have trump Clinton's Pi… - 5 years ago

@YonSolitary: @bwreed @wikileaks Julian Assange is NOT the reason why you have Trump. Hillary Clinton is the reason why you have… - 5 years ago

@FranceskiBarnes: RT @YonSolitary: @birgittaj @AndrewC_82 Julian Assange is NOT the reason why you have Trump. Hillary Clinton is the reason why you have tru… - 5 years ago

@YonSolitary: @birgittaj @AndrewC_82 Julian Assange is NOT the reason why you have Trump. Hillary Clinton is the reason why you h… - 5 years ago

@YonSolitary: @HillaryClinton Julian Assange is NOT the reason why you have Trump. Hillary Clinton is the reason why you have tru… - 5 years ago

@piper_way: RT @STOPIMPERIAL: They’re Murdering My Son: F - 5 years ago

@LondonAllergy: RT @garthcart1: My Julian Piper obituary. A good man and musician. - 5 years ago

@gemma_cornwall: RT @RICSnews: How is the Palace of Westminster being restored? RICS Built Environment Journal spoke to Andrew Piper - design director and… - 5 years ago

@BoenaSvoabo: RT @GraffitiExpert: Clinton campaign deliberately elevated Trump with “pied piper” strategy -> Tweet from Julian… - 5 years ago

@BoenaSvoabo: RT @GraffitiExpert: "WikiLeaks has a pristine record for accuracy. HRC is not a credible person. The primary cause of her downfall was her… - 5 years ago

@CraftingKim: RT @itsnickwatton: Sad to read that UK blues musician, writer and broadcaster Julian Piper was killed in an accident this weekend. I'll mis… - 5 years ago

@Kevin59788477: @PaulsEgo @AndrewYang I think he uses free money as a trojan horse for more totalitarianism and authoritarianism. H… - 5 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Julian Piper (72) - 5 years ago

@Chris_J_Brooke: RT @RICSnews: How is the Palace of Westminster being restored? RICS Built Environment Journal spoke to Andrew Piper - design director and… - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Julian Piper - 5 years ago

@GraffitiExpert: Clinton campaign deliberately elevated Trump with “pied piper” strategy -> Tweet from Jul… - 5 years ago

@GraffitiExpert: "WikiLeaks has a pristine record for accuracy. HRC is not a credible person. The primary cause of her downfall was… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Julian Piper - #JulianPiper #Julian #Piper #rip - 5 years ago

@piper_way: RT @Millenial1706: "Julian Assange jailed because there are a lot more secrets to keep" Pamela Anderson has issued a fresh call to free Wi… - 5 years ago

@Ieichtning: percy is non binary. carter is trans. julian is non binary. annabeth is trans. alyssa is non binary. frank is trans… - 5 years ago

@piper_low: RT @flemingjude: Contact info for John Shipton who is conducting a world tour in support of his son Julian Assange *For those interested… - 5 years ago

@piper_way: RT @LeeCamp: Pamela Anderson has met with Julian Assange in prison and says he is being psychologically tortured. This is his punishment fo… - 5 years ago

@piper_way: RT @LeeCamp: Chelsea Manning & Julian Assange aren't being punished for "treason." They're being punished for revealing war crimes & corr… - 5 years ago

@natha_piper: RT @therealjezreel: Our cat King Julian has earned his reputation of ring toss master - 5 years ago

@jonhgurr: RT @DevonLiveNews: Devon blues legend Julian Piper mourned after sudden death - 5 years ago

@Dartmoor_AC: RT @DevonLiveNews: Devon blues legend Julian Piper mourned after sudden death - 5 years ago

@DevonLiveNews: Devon blues legend Julian Piper mourned after sudden death - 5 years ago

@DenisDvezine: Blues legend mourned after sudden death - 5 years ago

@SandraB98702320: @Tess_Barrett It was a very comprehensive poignant tribute to Julian Piper RIP. A very talented musician who played… - 5 years ago

@piper_way: RT @KimDotcom: Imagine a future tech to instantly integrate all of Julian Assange’s knowledge into your brain. Governments would fall overn… - 5 years ago

@WMNNews: Devon blues legend Julian Piper mourned after sudden death - Devon Live - 5 years ago

@piper_way: RT @AssangeMrs: Sending a BIG HUG of thanks & gratitude to everyone fighting to protect & free my journalist son Julian! Your combined ef… - 5 years ago

@RICSnews: Restoring a heritage building like the Palace of Westminster is a major challenge. Andrew Piper, design director a… - 5 years ago

@lucypiperdrums: Thank you to Garth and The Guardian. My Dad ❤️: Julian Piper obituary - 5 years ago

@_Traviata: RT @guardianmusic: Julian Piper obituary - 5 years ago

@guardianmusic: Julian Piper obituary - 5 years ago

@piper_way: RT @MsTudor1: "What kind of society is it that kills its own best men"? Watch this film and realise what we are up against with the deep st… - 5 years ago

@piper_way: RT @pamfoundation: @GMB Julian has given up almost a decade of his life so that we can know the truth about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq - 5 years ago

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