Julian Bream

English classical guitarist and lutenist.
Died on Friday August 14th 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Julian Bream:

@lordbonkers: RT @lordbonkers: why I voted for Layla; MAGA money grubbing; George Orwell among the animals; Glencoe Massacre; Odd Man Out; Julian Bream,… - 5 years ago

@alizihni65: RT @kanneci_ahmet: Julian Bream'in kaybıyla bir dönem daha kapanmak üzere. 20. Yüzyıl gitar müziğine katkıları çok büyük. Huzur içinde uyu… - 5 years ago

@Arouetspeaks: .Yay! Today heard from cuz in NM. He knew all about Julian Bream. The one w/ Nuke Chem Master fr UVA, worked reacto… - 5 years ago

@wayneeyang: Julian Bream, champion of the classical guitar - 5 years ago


@ulf_der_freak: Die @WN_Redaktion hat Julian Bream vergessen. Aber der war ja nicht prominent, sondern Kultur. "Fotostrecke: Diese… - 5 years ago

@ege_ondes: RT @kanneci_ahmet: Julian Bream'in kaybıyla bir dönem daha kapanmak üzere. 20. Yüzyıl gitar müziğine katkıları çok büyük. Huzur içinde uyu… - 5 years ago

@VIPINKSURELIA: The Economist | Passion plays - 5 years ago

@HHalphaomega: - 5 years ago

@Tolemac: @wysiwyg503 Jimi Hendrix Pearl Pigpen Freddy Mercury Lowell George Jim Morrison Mama Cass Elliott Stevie Ray Vaugh… - 5 years ago

@TheScottLove: RT @TerryTeachout1: Tonight’s lullaby, from Bach’s “Well-Tempered Clavier,” was arranged and is played by Julian Bream. Good night, Hilary.… - 5 years ago

@vanclassical: One of the greatest and most influential guitarists of the 20th C - Julian Bream, The Classical Guitar Giant With T… - 5 years ago

@mpburmeister: RT @TerryTeachout1: Tonight’s lullaby, from Bach’s “Well-Tempered Clavier,” was arranged and is played by Julian Bream. Good night, Hilary.… - 5 years ago

@cherilyntx: RT @TerryTeachout1: Tonight’s lullaby, from Bach’s “Well-Tempered Clavier,” was arranged and is played by Julian Bream. Good night, Hilary.… - 5 years ago

@DavidAndersen84: RIP #Julian_Bream. July 15, 1933, Battersea, London, United Kingdom Died: August 14, 2020, Donhead Saint Andrew, Un… - 5 years ago

@TerryTeachout1: Tonight’s lullaby, from Bach’s “Well-Tempered Clavier,” was arranged and is played by Julian Bream. Good night, Hil… - 5 years ago

@m__lt: R.I.P Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@Acaxochitl20: Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@KAP_Factory: RT @gendaiguitar: 残念ですが、ジュリアン•ブリーム逝去のニュースが届きました。 現代ギター社一同、心よりお悔やみ申し上げます。 - 5 years ago

@TjnShn: RT @kanneci_ahmet: Julian Bream'in kaybıyla bir dönem daha kapanmak üzere. 20. Yüzyıl gitar müziğine katkıları çok büyük. Huzur içinde uyu… - 5 years ago

@dlonorse: RIP Julian Bream, classical guitar virtuoso Greensleeves - 5 years ago

@lordbonkers: RT @lordbonkers: why I voted for Layla; MAGA money grubbing; George Orwell among the animals; Glencoe Massacre; Odd Man Out; Julian Bream,… - 5 years ago

@stephanegrant: RT @Sebastienlli: 📻 🎧 Trop heureux de vous retrouver à la rentrée ⁦@francemusique⁩ , chaque samedi à 12h30 pour une nouvelle saison de GUIT… - 5 years ago

@BaduinQ: RT @TrueQanuck11: 2149) The British guitarist and lutenist Julian Bream has died peacefully at his home in rural Wiltshire. He was 87. http… - 5 years ago

@jmiketracy: @TheEconomist I loved Julian Bream. Met him once after a concert in Austin, Texas. Quite the gent. - 5 years ago

@mariawilliamson: RT @TheEconomist: Our obituary of a man whose life’s passion was to restore the guitar’s reputation as a serious instrument - 5 years ago

@DitaOpera: RT @Sebastienlli: 📻 🎧 Trop heureux de vous retrouver à la rentrée ⁦@francemusique⁩ , chaque samedi à 12h30 pour une nouvelle saison de GUIT… - 5 years ago

@SenseiChanning: RT @jonniemcaloon: Julian Bream did more than anyone in the 20th Century to not just establish, but glamourise classical guitar and lute re… - 5 years ago

@93gtml: Córdoba 作曲者:I.Albéniz 演奏者:Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@mvoinchet: RT @Sebastienlli: 📻 🎧 Trop heureux de vous retrouver à la rentrée ⁦@francemusique⁩ , chaque samedi à 12h30 pour une nouvelle saison de GUIT… - 5 years ago

@DonnaTeresa5: RT @ivft: A beautiful musician. - 5 years ago

@SemaAybat: RT @kanneci_ahmet: Julian Bream'in kaybıyla bir dönem daha kapanmak üzere. 20. Yüzyıl gitar müziğine katkıları çok büyük. Huzur içinde uyu… - 5 years ago

@rockuntildawn: Julian Bream: My Life in Music - 5 years ago

@lordbonkers: RT @lordbonkers: why I voted for Layla; MAGA money grubbing; George Orwell among the animals; Glencoe Massacre; Odd Man Out; Julian Bream,… - 5 years ago

@selvaerdener: RT @kanneci_ahmet: Julian Bream'in kaybıyla bir dönem daha kapanmak üzere. 20. Yüzyıl gitar müziğine katkıları çok büyük. Huzur içinde uyu… - 5 years ago

@kanneci_ahmet: Julian Bream'in kaybıyla bir dönem daha kapanmak üzere. 20. Yüzyıl gitar müziğine katkıları çok büyük. Huzur içinde uyu büyük usta. - 5 years ago

@emil_cioran: John Williams and Julian Bream plays “La vida breve” Manual de Falla via @YouTube - 5 years ago

@ACROPOLITESSE: Julian Bream est mort le 14 août dans le silence - 5 years ago

@OldBadgerBrock: One of my favorite recordings of Tear is with the Julian Bream Consort performing John Dowland's "The Earl of Essex… - 5 years ago

@archimusiques: Très étonné qu’il n’y ait pas eu d’hommage au grand Julian BREAM cette semaine sur France Musique. Une émission sp… - 5 years ago

@Wintergrain: Julian Bream, classical guitarist of profound influence, dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@phbertoux: RT @TheEconomist: Our obituary of a man whose life’s passion was to restore the guitar’s reputation as a serious instrument - 5 years ago

@AMUNRA56: NowPlaying Pa - Julian Bream Thomas Morley (1557-1603) - 5 years ago

@artypetal: RT @TheEconomist: Our obituary of a man whose life’s passion was to restore the guitar’s reputation as a serious instrument - 5 years ago

@LojaMusicosmos: Julian Bream morreu aos 87 anos em sua casa, na Inglaterra, em 14 de agosto de 2020. Sua influência ainda deverá ec… - 5 years ago

@benwwalker: RT @TheEconomist: Our obituary of a man whose life’s passion was to restore the guitar’s reputation as a serious instrument - 5 years ago

@Danazawa: RT @TheEconomist: Our obituary of a man whose life’s passion was to restore the guitar’s reputation as a serious instrument - 5 years ago

@jonewe05: Just found out that Julian Bream died last week. Such fantastic talent, such a loss 😪 - 5 years ago

@Spinboydotcom: RT @TheEconomist: Our obituary of a man whose life’s passion was to restore the guitar’s reputation as a serious instrument - 5 years ago

@wordsward: RT @TheEconomist: Our obituary of a man whose life’s passion was to restore the guitar’s reputation as a serious instrument - 5 years ago

@richsheff: RT @TheEconomist: Our obituary of a man whose life’s passion was to restore the guitar’s reputation as a serious instrument - 5 years ago

@RolfWijnstra: Passion plays - Julian Bream died on August 14th | Obituary | The Economist - 5 years ago

@lordbonkers: why I voted for Layla; MAGA money grubbing; George Orwell among the animals; Glencoe Massacre; Odd Man Out; Julian… - 5 years ago

@DuncanDucky: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@johnandrewhall: RT @XuefeiYang: I've just put together a personal playlist on Spotify as a tribute to the colourful life and music of Julian Bream. I thou… - 5 years ago

@Sebastienlli: 📻 🎧 Trop heureux de vous retrouver à la rentrée ⁦@francemusique⁩ , chaque samedi à 12h30 pour une nouvelle saison d… - 5 years ago

@jimmurray1957: RT @WarnerClassics: This legendary recording captures the brilliance of recently departed guitarist Julian Bream, who performs Rodrigo's Co… - 5 years ago

@MarcoMariani_IT: WarnerClassics: This legendary recording captures the brilliance of recently departed guitarist Julian Bream, who p… - 5 years ago

@gagarciap: RT @WarnerClassics: This legendary recording captures the brilliance of recently departed guitarist Julian Bream, who performs Rodrigo's Co… - 5 years ago

@WarnerClassics: This legendary recording captures the brilliance of recently departed guitarist Julian Bream, who performs Rodrigo'… - 5 years ago

@reginald29: RT @dannykellywords: RIP Julian Bream. Genius, obviously, but also a Guitar Hero before that was even invented. Here he is, rocking out in… - 5 years ago

@GuyInAfrica: The Economist | Passion plays via @TheEconomist As a boy, saw him with my parents at Cheltenham Town Hall. As the o… - 5 years ago

@jiansong012: RT @kpark_librarian: 얼마 전 클래식 기타의 거장 줄리언 브림이 타계했다. 1994년 미시간주 앤 아버에서 그의 공연을 본 적이 있다. 연주 도중 기타줄 하나가 끊어졌는데 브림은 침착하고 의연하게 남은 5개 현으로 아름다운 화음을 관… - 5 years ago

@Nick1White: Julian Bream playing 'Recuerdos de la Alhambra' ('Memories of the Alhambra'), composed by Francisco Tárrega.… - 5 years ago

@12XingYun06: RT @thisisguitar: An amazing musician, guitarist, and person. ❤️ Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87. - 5 years ago

@_Bleam: Julian Bream RIP. - 5 years ago

@powersherlock: @posthuman Julian Bream and John Williams - 5 years ago

@SueDeneDaniel: RT @Fordwritesmusic: On Sunday's Music Show, guitarist John Williams remembers his friend #JulianBream, @loretta_barnard discusses musical… - 5 years ago

@ClassiqueLive: #Albeniz : Suite espagnole : Sevilla - Julian Bream .#RadioClassique - 5 years ago

@brentkuluris: - 5 years ago

@Fordwritesmusic: On Sunday's Music Show, guitarist John Williams remembers his friend #JulianBream, @loretta_barnard discusses music… - 5 years ago

@jinnys0: RT @kpark_librarian: 얼마 전 클래식 기타의 거장 줄리언 브림이 타계했다. 1994년 미시간주 앤 아버에서 그의 공연을 본 적이 있다. 연주 도중 기타줄 하나가 끊어졌는데 브림은 침착하고 의연하게 남은 5개 현으로 아름다운 화음을 관… - 5 years ago

@imstilldwn: RT @kpark_librarian: 얼마 전 클래식 기타의 거장 줄리언 브림이 타계했다. 1994년 미시간주 앤 아버에서 그의 공연을 본 적이 있다. 연주 도중 기타줄 하나가 끊어졌는데 브림은 침착하고 의연하게 남은 5개 현으로 아름다운 화음을 관… - 5 years ago

@LemonlimeH: RT @kpark_librarian: 얼마 전 클래식 기타의 거장 줄리언 브림이 타계했다. 1994년 미시간주 앤 아버에서 그의 공연을 본 적이 있다. 연주 도중 기타줄 하나가 끊어졌는데 브림은 침착하고 의연하게 남은 5개 현으로 아름다운 화음을 관… - 5 years ago

@Idontloveyourio: RT @kpark_librarian: 얼마 전 클래식 기타의 거장 줄리언 브림이 타계했다. 1994년 미시간주 앤 아버에서 그의 공연을 본 적이 있다. 연주 도중 기타줄 하나가 끊어졌는데 브림은 침착하고 의연하게 남은 5개 현으로 아름다운 화음을 관… - 5 years ago

@pododoor: RT @kpark_librarian: 얼마 전 클래식 기타의 거장 줄리언 브림이 타계했다. 1994년 미시간주 앤 아버에서 그의 공연을 본 적이 있다. 연주 도중 기타줄 하나가 끊어졌는데 브림은 침착하고 의연하게 남은 5개 현으로 아름다운 화음을 관… - 5 years ago

@rtgjhaha: RT @kpark_librarian: 얼마 전 클래식 기타의 거장 줄리언 브림이 타계했다. 1994년 미시간주 앤 아버에서 그의 공연을 본 적이 있다. 연주 도중 기타줄 하나가 끊어졌는데 브림은 침착하고 의연하게 남은 5개 현으로 아름다운 화음을 관… - 5 years ago

@tfnac2455535: RT @kpark_librarian: 얼마 전 클래식 기타의 거장 줄리언 브림이 타계했다. 1994년 미시간주 앤 아버에서 그의 공연을 본 적이 있다. 연주 도중 기타줄 하나가 끊어졌는데 브림은 침착하고 의연하게 남은 5개 현으로 아름다운 화음을 관… - 5 years ago

@Mia_bookgarden: RT @kpark_librarian: 얼마 전 클래식 기타의 거장 줄리언 브림이 타계했다. 1994년 미시간주 앤 아버에서 그의 공연을 본 적이 있다. 연주 도중 기타줄 하나가 끊어졌는데 브림은 침착하고 의연하게 남은 5개 현으로 아름다운 화음을 관… - 5 years ago

@southstep: RT @kpark_librarian: 얼마 전 클래식 기타의 거장 줄리언 브림이 타계했다. 1994년 미시간주 앤 아버에서 그의 공연을 본 적이 있다. 연주 도중 기타줄 하나가 끊어졌는데 브림은 침착하고 의연하게 남은 5개 현으로 아름다운 화음을 관… - 5 years ago

@mandarinnyang: RT @kpark_librarian: 얼마 전 클래식 기타의 거장 줄리언 브림이 타계했다. 1994년 미시간주 앤 아버에서 그의 공연을 본 적이 있다. 연주 도중 기타줄 하나가 끊어졌는데 브림은 침착하고 의연하게 남은 5개 현으로 아름다운 화음을 관… - 5 years ago

@Takenoko_be: RT @kpark_librarian: 얼마 전 클래식 기타의 거장 줄리언 브림이 타계했다. 1994년 미시간주 앤 아버에서 그의 공연을 본 적이 있다. 연주 도중 기타줄 하나가 끊어졌는데 브림은 침착하고 의연하게 남은 5개 현으로 아름다운 화음을 관… - 5 years ago

@pizzachikenomg: RT @kpark_librarian: 얼마 전 클래식 기타의 거장 줄리언 브림이 타계했다. 1994년 미시간주 앤 아버에서 그의 공연을 본 적이 있다. 연주 도중 기타줄 하나가 끊어졌는데 브림은 침착하고 의연하게 남은 5개 현으로 아름다운 화음을 관… - 5 years ago

@MinasTirith3018: RT @kpark_librarian: 얼마 전 클래식 기타의 거장 줄리언 브림이 타계했다. 1994년 미시간주 앤 아버에서 그의 공연을 본 적이 있다. 연주 도중 기타줄 하나가 끊어졌는데 브림은 침착하고 의연하게 남은 5개 현으로 아름다운 화음을 관… - 5 years ago

@eunjin112: RT @kpark_librarian: 얼마 전 클래식 기타의 거장 줄리언 브림이 타계했다. 1994년 미시간주 앤 아버에서 그의 공연을 본 적이 있다. 연주 도중 기타줄 하나가 끊어졌는데 브림은 침착하고 의연하게 남은 5개 현으로 아름다운 화음을 관… - 5 years ago

@marklewis1954: RT @BrittenOfficial: To mark the recent passing of Julian Bream, @NicholasClarkBB has written a tribute to the great man - 5 years ago

@robject: I have a friend who sent me some vinyl just because he’s a beast of a listener (and a first call bass player in NYC… - 5 years ago

@93gtml: Córdoba 作曲者:I.Albéniz 演奏者:Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@greenteasiro: RT @kpark_librarian: 얼마 전 클래식 기타의 거장 줄리언 브림이 타계했다. 1994년 미시간주 앤 아버에서 그의 공연을 본 적이 있다. 연주 도중 기타줄 하나가 끊어졌는데 브림은 침착하고 의연하게 남은 5개 현으로 아름다운 화음을 관… - 5 years ago

@arnoldogarcia: Julian Bream plays Nuages by Django Reinhardt #music - 5 years ago

@ily_rians: RT @kpark_librarian: 얼마 전 클래식 기타의 거장 줄리언 브림이 타계했다. 1994년 미시간주 앤 아버에서 그의 공연을 본 적이 있다. 연주 도중 기타줄 하나가 끊어졌는데 브림은 침착하고 의연하게 남은 5개 현으로 아름다운 화음을 관… - 5 years ago

@Mangalover564: RT @kpark_librarian: 얼마 전 클래식 기타의 거장 줄리언 브림이 타계했다. 1994년 미시간주 앤 아버에서 그의 공연을 본 적이 있다. 연주 도중 기타줄 하나가 끊어졌는데 브림은 침착하고 의연하게 남은 5개 현으로 아름다운 화음을 관… - 5 years ago

@Arley_ju: RT @kpark_librarian: 얼마 전 클래식 기타의 거장 줄리언 브림이 타계했다. 1994년 미시간주 앤 아버에서 그의 공연을 본 적이 있다. 연주 도중 기타줄 하나가 끊어졌는데 브림은 침착하고 의연하게 남은 5개 현으로 아름다운 화음을 관… - 5 years ago

@kpark_librarian: 얼마 전 클래식 기타의 거장 줄리언 브림이 타계했다. 1994년 미시간주 앤 아버에서 그의 공연을 본 적이 있다. 연주 도중 기타줄 하나가 끊어졌는데 브림은 침착하고 의연하게 남은 5개 현으로 아름다운 화음… - 5 years ago

@GuntherYassine: Julian Bream | Valses Poéticos | Enrique Granados - 5 years ago

@robertpopper: Only just heard that the great classical guitarist Julian Bream died. Have listened to him my whole life. Here are… - 5 years ago

@Eastmad: Didn't notice Julian Bream died. He was one of the small bunch of classical musicians whose popularity made us all… - 5 years ago

@projekttruth: Vale Julian Bream 🙏💖 - 5 years ago

@SwitzerBilly: RT @JasonVieaux: After Bream's passing, I sat down and wrote this tribute which was published recently by Premier Guitar. Bream was a big d… - 5 years ago

@stevegreen39: Master of guitar and lute - 5 years ago

@RMJ_verso: So many things are getting missed in these strange times. I'd missed this. Julian Bream obituary - 5 years ago

@LaurenceDuvert: Pas vu beaucoup d'hommage au très grand guitariste Julian Bream mort il y a plusieurs jours - 5 years ago

@sydguitarschool: RT @geraldgarcia: David Russell plays Elegy for Julian (Bream) Farewell - 5 years ago

@93gtml: Córdoba 作曲者:I.Albéniz 演奏者:Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@katie_rosewood: Brilliant guitarist Julian Bream died this week. I find it amazing how long his passion lasted. Even when he becam… - 5 years ago

@yobnhoJ71: Julian Bream died a couple days ago. He had played with a beautiful timbre. RIP. - 5 years ago

@Serhiy_bass: RT @JasonVieaux: After Bream's passing, I sat down and wrote this tribute which was published recently by Premier Guitar. Bream was a big d… - 5 years ago

@mythopoetica: RT @XuefeiYang: I've just put together a personal playlist on Spotify as a tribute to the colourful life and music of Julian Bream. I thou… - 5 years ago

@JeffPicklo: RT @JasonVieaux: After Bream's passing, I sat down and wrote this tribute which was published recently by Premier Guitar. Bream was a big d… - 5 years ago

@GloriatibiTri: Julian Bream plays Monsieur's Almaine - Daniel Bachelar (1574 - 1600) - 5 years ago

@Ariadne38: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@beatgozon: RT @DNLOctar: I love this video of Julian Bream, who died today (aged 87), forcing Stravinsky to listen to him. - 5 years ago

@MarlowGuitar: RT @XuefeiYang: I've just put together a personal playlist on Spotify as a tribute to the colourful life and music of Julian Bream. I thou… - 5 years ago

@MarlowGuitar: RT @JasonVieaux: After Bream's passing, I sat down and wrote this tribute which was published recently by Premier Guitar. Bream was a big d… - 5 years ago

@Sc36446048Mona: RT @Independent: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist of profound influence - 5 years ago

@PinkoSquat: RT @BetaRish: This is beautifully written, and will send you seeking his music. - 5 years ago

@AMUNRA56: NowPlaying Phillip Rosseter (c. 1567-1623 - Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@gregsweetnam: RT @Independent: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist of profound influence - 5 years ago

@matthewbate: RT @XuefeiYang: I've just put together a personal playlist on Spotify as a tribute to the colourful life and music of Julian Bream. I thou… - 5 years ago

@Taiseishogun: RT @Independent: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist of profound influence - 5 years ago

@TallyAnnaE: RT @Independent: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist of profound influence - 5 years ago

@lightbryantZZ: RT @Independent: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist of profound influence - 5 years ago

@halvey123: RT @JasonVieaux: After Bream's passing, I sat down and wrote this tribute which was published recently by Premier Guitar. Bream was a big d… - 5 years ago

@qliq: RT @Independent: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist of profound influence - 5 years ago

@jot_au: RT @Independent: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist of profound influence - 5 years ago

@fryattstreet: RT @Independent: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist of profound influence - 5 years ago

@Andres19750446: RT @Independent: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist of profound influence - 5 years ago

@Independent: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist of profound influence - 5 years ago

@theibg44: Edip Cansever yanılıyor Ahmet abi. Her şeye geç kalınır, hiç bir şeye yetişilmez. Henüz dinlemeye başlamıştık ki J… - 5 years ago

@BetaRish: This is beautifully written, and will send you seeking his music. - 5 years ago

@anselmonadir: RT @XuefeiYang: I've just put together a personal playlist on Spotify as a tribute to the colourful life and music of Julian Bream. I thou… - 5 years ago

@DendrocacaliaUs: RT @gendaiguitar: 残念ですが、ジュリアン•ブリーム逝去のニュースが届きました。 現代ギター社一同、心よりお悔やみ申し上げます。 - 5 years ago

@AMUNRA56: NowPlaying 1 - Julian Bream Anthony Holborne (fl. 1584 - 5 years ago

@DendrocacaliaJp: RT @gendaiguitar: 残念ですが、ジュリアン•ブリーム逝去のニュースが届きました。 現代ギター社一同、心よりお悔やみ申し上げます。 - 5 years ago

@BrianRobison: RT @AJDoug: Quote of the week: Julian Bream when he was 80, retired, and no longer playing the guitar: “The thing I feel a little annoyed a… - 5 years ago

@mundoclasico: Ha fallecido Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@Hannah_Feehan: RT @JasonVieaux: After Bream's passing, I sat down and wrote this tribute which was published recently by Premier Guitar. Bream was a big d… - 5 years ago

@ChaconneKlav: RT @JasonVieaux: After Bream's passing, I sat down and wrote this tribute which was published recently by Premier Guitar. Bream was a big d… - 5 years ago

@CedenoGuitar: RT @JasonVieaux: After Bream's passing, I sat down and wrote this tribute which was published recently by Premier Guitar. Bream was a big d… - 5 years ago

@timryanlaw: RT @JasonVieaux: After Bream's passing, I sat down and wrote this tribute which was published recently by Premier Guitar. Bream was a big d… - 5 years ago

@junge_sylvia: RT @XuefeiYang: I've just put together a personal playlist on Spotify as a tribute to the colourful life and music of Julian Bream. I thou… - 5 years ago

@AlwaysWouldBe: Julian Bream, Maestro of Guitar and Lute, Dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@colindavin: RT @premierguitar: Guitarist @JasonVieaux remembers the “Dionysian” classical guitarist Julian Bream—arguably the ultimate classical musici… - 5 years ago

@snakhooda: “#Bream seemed like the guitarist equivalent of Austin Powers combined with ‘the Dude.’ He did what he wanted, and… - 5 years ago

@clafts638_999ps: RT @avierec: Saddened to learn that eminent guitarist and lutenist Julian Bream passed away early this morning at the age of 87. Proud to… - 5 years ago

@JRichterATL: RT @JasonVieaux: After Bream's passing, I sat down and wrote this tribute which was published recently by Premier Guitar. Bream was a big d… - 5 years ago

@vindownes: RT @JasonVieaux: After Bream's passing, I sat down and wrote this tribute which was published recently by Premier Guitar. Bream was a big d… - 5 years ago

@JasonVieaux: After Bream's passing, I sat down and wrote this tribute which was published recently by Premier Guitar. Bream was… - 5 years ago

@AMUNRA56: NowPlaying John Johnson (fl. 1579-1594) - - Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@paulrabenowitz: RT @XuefeiYang: I've just put together a personal playlist on Spotify as a tribute to the colourful life and music of Julian Bream. I thou… - 5 years ago

@saltybox: Julian Bream: 1933-2020 | Premier Guitar - 5 years ago

@pan_edokko: RT @kantaten: 追悼 ジュリアン・ブリーム (Julian Bream 1933年7月15日 - 2020年8月14日) 写真は青年ブリームの感動的初録音「バッハ作品集」。 - 5 years ago

@ShON25486781: RT @NYTObits: Mr. Bream also had an antiquarian streak that made him an important figure in the modern revival of the lute - 5 years ago

@ClaireBeaux: RT @XuefeiYang: I've just put together a personal playlist on Spotify as a tribute to the colourful life and music of Julian Bream. I thou… - 5 years ago

@RoyalAcadMusic: RT @XuefeiYang: I've just put together a personal playlist on Spotify as a tribute to the colourful life and music of Julian Bream. I thou… - 5 years ago

@Norio001: The great British guitarist Julian Bream has died, aged 87 @MusicMagazine - 5 years ago

@mikehayesguitar: "... hearing Andres Segovia in person was quite a revelation ... It was a knockout..." - Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@boydellmusic: We mourn the passing of the great classical guitarist, Julian Bream. Here is a wonderful interview with Sean Raffer… - 5 years ago

@alangriffith8: RT @henryghenrik: Julian Bream, Maestro of Guitar and Lute, Dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@MipoMetal: RT @XuefeiYang: I've just put together a personal playlist on Spotify as a tribute to the colourful life and music of Julian Bream. I thou… - 5 years ago

@guitarrabalear: - 5 years ago

@XuefeiYang: I've just put together a personal playlist on Spotify as a tribute to the colourful life and music of Julian Bream.… - 5 years ago

@GC_diogenes: Julian Bream, The Classical Guitar Giant With The Soul Of A Jazz Player - 5 years ago

@AgaArnt: RT @KennyDread: The public library in my home town and a great LP collection, and when I checked out Julian Bream's Villa-Lobos it changed… - 5 years ago

@princessekateri: RT @KennyDread: The public library in my home town and a great LP collection, and when I checked out Julian Bream's Villa-Lobos it changed… - 5 years ago

@brentkuluris: - 5 years ago

@FistMister: RIP Julian #Bream | Nocturnal: Passacaglia | Benjamin Britten - 5 years ago

@WienerZeitung: 1933 - 2020: Der englische Gitarrist Julian Bream galt als einer der bedeutendsten, wenn nicht gar als der bedeuten… - 5 years ago

@ChupaCabronita: Har helt missat att Julian Bream dog den 14:e. Vila i frid. - 5 years ago

@guillex__: RT @BrittenPears: Read our tribute to Julian Bream, guitarist, lutenist, communicator and so much more. @NicholasClarkBB writes about Bream… - 5 years ago

@MusicNazo: RT @Guitarist_Mag: Classical fingerstyle guitar master Julian Bream dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@MusicResearchKE: RT @RCMLondon: 'He will remain an inspirational figure to our current and future students.’ RCM Director Colin Lawson remembers late alumnu… - 5 years ago

@StoresVinyl: RT @rascality: single-handedly put the classical guitar in record stores - 5 years ago

@cjhunter1966: Asked Alexa to play Julian Bream plays John Dowland.....and I get AC/DC. My diction may be a little lazy but....really.... - 5 years ago

@BarbaraDickson: I loved Julian Bream’s playing. So emotional and moving to hear. - 5 years ago

@CuntTheRedeemer: RT @EricRWeinstein: Julian Bream first grabbed me back in the 1980s with a song of John Dowland from 1603: “What if I Never Speed?” Always… - 5 years ago

@GazzaViolin: RT @BrittenPears: Read our tribute to Julian Bream, guitarist, lutenist, communicator and so much more. @NicholasClarkBB writes about Bream… - 5 years ago

@93gtml: Córdoba 作曲者:I.Albéniz 演奏者:Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@Super_yo_yo: RT @Independent: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist of profound influence - 5 years ago

@rascality: single-handedly put the classical guitar in record stores - 5 years ago

@kimvie: RT @Independent: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist of profound influence - 5 years ago

@CivilLitTweet: RT @Independent: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist of profound influence - 5 years ago

@SteamBake: RT @Independent: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist of profound influence - 5 years ago

@EdwardLasseigne: RT @Independent: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist of profound influence - 5 years ago

@Independent: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist of profound influence - 5 years ago

@diez_comas: RT @EmisoraDelSurUy: Otro miércoles de buena guitarra en El sonido de todos @EmisoraDelSurUy - 5 years ago

@guitarshopradio: Honoring the late great Julian Bream on Guitar Shop Radio 4-6 p.m. Pacific Time at - 5 years ago

@larry102944251: Rip Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@JB_Management: RT @BrittenPears: Read our tribute to Julian Bream, guitarist, lutenist, communicator and so much more. @NicholasClarkBB writes about Bream… - 5 years ago

@metal_of_death: Julian Bream (1933-2020) - 5 years ago

@classicguitarnj: A neat article re Julian Bream, Benjamin Britten, & Peter Pears - 5 years ago

@junge_sylvia: RT @BrittenPears: Read our tribute to Julian Bream, guitarist, lutenist, communicator and so much more. @NicholasClarkBB writes about Bream… - 5 years ago

@saffszyp: RT @NYTObits: Mr. Bream also had an antiquarian streak that made him an important figure in the modern revival of the lute - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Mr. Bream also had an antiquarian streak that made him an important figure in the modern revival of the lute - 5 years ago

@neuralnomad: Just found out today about the passing of virtuoso guitarist Julian Bream--or more deservedly, a literal once ina c… - 5 years ago

@EmisoraDelSurUy: Otro miércoles de buena guitarra en El sonido de todos @EmisoraDelSurUy - 5 years ago

@JasonVieaux: RT @premierguitar: Guitarist @JasonVieaux remembers the “Dionysian” classical guitarist Julian Bream—arguably the ultimate classical musici… - 5 years ago

@UndercoverIndi: - 5 years ago

@n074ppl1c48l3: Julian Bream R.I.P. - 5 years ago

@ClasMusicview: Guitarist Julian Bream dies - Classical Music - - 5 years ago

@TTWWIINNGGOO: Julian Bream 15/07/1933 - 14/08/2020 - 5 years ago

@TTWWIINNGGOO: Julian Bream | Dedicatoria | Enrique Granados - 5 years ago

@GuitarBristol: @geraldgarcia's composition in memory of Julian Bream, played by David Russell - 5 years ago

@ThrillScience: Sad news: "Julian Bream, Maestro of Guitar and Lute, Dies at 87" - 5 years ago

@FM_Fortissimo: Faber Music enjoyed a close association with Julian Bream since the 1960s, when he premiered Benjamin Britten’s Noc… - 5 years ago

@mark_pegg1: So farewell to master of the guitar Julian Bream. If you ever want a spell of calm contemplation to cool down just… - 5 years ago

@WillKerley: RT @BrittenOfficial: To mark the recent passing of Julian Bream, @NicholasClarkBB has written a tribute to the great man - 5 years ago

@UKHarpists: RT @BrittenPears: Read our tribute to Julian Bream, guitarist, lutenist, communicator and so much more. @NicholasClarkBB writes about Bream… - 5 years ago

@grade1grl: RT @BrittenPears: Read our tribute to Julian Bream, guitarist, lutenist, communicator and so much more. @NicholasClarkBB writes about Bream… - 5 years ago

@philiporford: RT @CHilton_BB: The guitarist Julian Bream, who died a few days ago, had long connections with @BrittenOfficial and #AldeFest: @NicholasCla… - 5 years ago

@pablolrguez: RT @BrittenPears: Read our tribute to Julian Bream, guitarist, lutenist, communicator and so much more. @NicholasClarkBB writes about Bream… - 5 years ago

@zevwatts: RT @EricRWeinstein: Julian Bream first grabbed me back in the 1980s with a song of John Dowland from 1603: “What if I Never Speed?” Always… - 5 years ago

@CHilton_BB: The guitarist Julian Bream, who died a few days ago, had long connections with @BrittenOfficial and #AldeFest:… - 5 years ago

@mikednew: RT @BrittenOfficial: To mark the recent passing of Julian Bream, @NicholasClarkBB has written a tribute to the great man - 5 years ago

@PlentyMusicCo: RT @BrittenPears: Read our tribute to Julian Bream, guitarist, lutenist, communicator and so much more. @NicholasClarkBB writes about Bream… - 5 years ago

@cliveungless: RT @BrittenOfficial: To mark the recent passing of Julian Bream, @NicholasClarkBB has written a tribute to the great man - 5 years ago

@BrittenOfficial: To mark the recent passing of Julian Bream, @NicholasClarkBB has written a tribute to the great man… - 5 years ago

@Ellarobe: RT @BrittenPears: Read our tribute to Julian Bream, guitarist, lutenist, communicator and so much more. @NicholasClarkBB writes about Bream… - 5 years ago

@BrittenPears: Read our tribute to Julian Bream, guitarist, lutenist, communicator and so much more. @NicholasClarkBB writes about… - 5 years ago

@SeadogDriftwood: RT @0sn: Sebastian at grandparents: “I want to listen to Brempers! I can’t find it in Grandma’s iTunes! BREMPERS!” Turns out it’s “Elizabe… - 5 years ago

@ThingForGuitars: Classical fingerstyle guitar master Julian Bream dies aged 87 | Guitar World - 5 years ago

@0sn: Sebastian at grandparents: “I want to listen to Brempers! I can’t find it in Grandma’s iTunes! BREMPERS!” Turns ou… - 5 years ago

@ArmandoDiazR_: 🎼 Julian Bream at BBC In memory of the legendary #classicalguitarist and lute player, virtuoso musician… - 5 years ago

@2631925: @AntonioDelSur1 @RCatuso Antonio, complimenti, sei preparatissimo. Altro che Julian Bream... - 5 years ago

@SouthKensington: RT @RCMLondon: 'He will remain an inspirational figure to our current and future students.’ RCM Director Colin Lawson remembers late alumnu… - 5 years ago

@tenorbenjohnson: RT @RCMLondon: 'He will remain an inspirational figure to our current and future students.’ RCM Director Colin Lawson remembers late alumnu… - 5 years ago

@vidagarciasalv1: RT @RCMLondon: 'He will remain an inspirational figure to our current and future students.’ RCM Director Colin Lawson remembers late alumnu… - 5 years ago

@RCMLondon: 'He will remain an inspirational figure to our current and future students.’ RCM Director Colin Lawson remembers la… - 5 years ago

@PSUpresents: Julian Bream, a marvelous classical guitarist, has passed away. We presented him at Schwab Auditorium in 1965. #RIP - 5 years ago

@giles_masters: So gutted about Julian Bream- big musical hero for me. Still remember my old guitar teacher first introducing him t… - 5 years ago

@JazzyDave4: @BBCRadio3 @BBCInTune @BBCiPlayer Julian bream played with such emotion-and his master class on the iPlayer I have… - 5 years ago

@montipiano1: One of classical guitar's pioneers: - 5 years ago

@tolmer_trenton: RT @BBCRadio3: Julian Bream, 15 July 1933 - 14 August 2020 - 5 years ago

@VivienneChick: BBC News - Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@SithMumRa: ♫No. 3 in A Minor: Andante - Molto adagio - Andante by Julian Bream, from #SoundHound - 5 years ago

@ABroadBrush: RT @imanimosley: then Julian Bream which, as i mentioned earlier, was the inspiration for our ceremony music, specifically the Galliard fro… - 5 years ago

@chriswoodsmusic: RT @geraldgarcia: David Russell plays Elegy for Julian (Bream) Farewell - 5 years ago

@Buckfast_Belch: Letter: Julian Bream obituary - 5 years ago

@SylviaGrossi: RT @BBCRadio3: We'll pay tribute in @BBCInTune from 5pm today. In the meantime, revisit Julian Bream's magnificent set of guitar mastercl… - 5 years ago

@IvyVic18: RT @nytimesarts: It could be argued that Julian Bream, even more than Andrés Segovia, established the guitar’s credibility as a serious sol… - 5 years ago

@Panda_Chronicle: RT @XuefeiYang: I just heard the sad news, that Julian Bream passed away peacefully in his sleep last night, aged 87. He was, & remains, an… - 5 years ago

@alexistocq: @alxmiguelc2 @BBCRadio3 Paz à alma de Julian Bream. - 5 years ago

@dennisdesmond19: R.I.P. Julian Bream. Another Great Musician gone. 😞 - 5 years ago

@alexistocq: @alxmiguelc2 @BBCRadio3 Tenho este: - 5 years ago

@alxmiguelc2: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@alxmiguelc2: Apercebi-me, há pouco, que Julian Bream faleceu há dias, a 14 de Agosto. - 5 years ago

@coreypetree: RIP Julian Bream: 1933-2020 - 5 years ago

@geraldgarcia: David Russell plays Elegy for Julian (Bream) Farewell - 5 years ago

@cianchiguitar: RT @elpais_cultura: La guitarra clásica debe buena parte de su estatus al británico Julian Bream, que falleció, el pasado viernes, en su ca… - 5 years ago

@dferris1961: I had a few Bream albums, including duets w/John Williams. I took inspiration from his Villa-Lobos recordings and… - 5 years ago

@b78_5: RT @nprclassical: Andres Segovia popularized the classical guitar. Julian Bream took it to the next level. Remembering a great artist. htt… - 5 years ago

@PhillipWSerna: RT @nprclassical: Andres Segovia popularized the classical guitar. Julian Bream took it to the next level. Remembering a great artist. htt… - 5 years ago

@drjimcol: NPR: Julian Bream, The Classical Guitar Giant With The Soul Of A Jazz Player. - 5 years ago

@MarketStSingers: RT @nprclassical: Andres Segovia popularized the classical guitar. Julian Bream took it to the next level. Remembering a great artist. htt… - 5 years ago

@ubfurt: Listen to Julian Bream - Fantasie (Sylvius Leopold Weiss) here: - 5 years ago

@zazoomblog: Omaggio a Julian Bream leggendario chitarrista classico - #Omaggio #Julian #Bream #leggendario - 5 years ago

@ilfogliettone: - 5 years ago

@cyferPtVila: Julian Bream, The Classical Guitar Giant With The Soul Of A Jazz Player play on in dreams, fly far and wide, we ca… - 5 years ago

@barbramon1: @anthonyramey5 My friend Chris, a guitarist himself, introduced me to classical guitar and the music of Julian Brea… - 5 years ago

@harlequingloryb: Julian Bream, The Classical Guitar Giant With The Soul Of A Jazz Player - 5 years ago

@LeaveTheBootsOn: RT @anthonyramey5: The heavy sleep has come for Julian RIP - 5 years ago

@anthonyramey5: The heavy sleep has come for Julian RIP - 5 years ago

@MusicForTheMasa: RT @nprclassical: Andres Segovia popularized the classical guitar. Julian Bream took it to the next level. Remembering a great artist. htt… - 5 years ago

@comeherefloyd: RT nprmusic: RT nprclassical: Andres Segovia popularized the classical guitar. Julian Bream took it to the next lev… - 5 years ago

@Web24News: Tribute to Julian Bream, legendary classical guitarist - 5 years ago

@auntmimimusic: RT @nprclassical: Andres Segovia popularized the classical guitar. Julian Bream took it to the next level. Remembering a great artist. htt… - 5 years ago

@jenwada: "'What do I think of digital recording?’ he once mused at a cocktail party in New York. 'Well, it’s all right. But… - 5 years ago

@Marcuspokus: RT @nprclassical: Andres Segovia popularized the classical guitar. Julian Bream took it to the next level. Remembering a great artist. htt… - 5 years ago

@sputnikjkb: RT @nprclassical: Andres Segovia popularized the classical guitar. Julian Bream took it to the next level. Remembering a great artist. htt… - 5 years ago

@nprworld: RT @nprclassical: Andres Segovia popularized the classical guitar. Julian Bream took it to the next level. Remembering a great artist. htt… - 5 years ago

@BCRPM: RT @RCMLondon: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of RCM alumnus & renowned classical guitarist Julian Bream. A true giant in th… - 5 years ago

@NIacovidou: RT @eevriviades: So sorry to hear. Undoubtedly Julian #Bream was one of the most prolific distinguished classical guitarists & lutists of t… - 5 years ago

@InfoReverb: Fallece Julian Bream a los 87 años - 5 years ago

@100lecciones: Fallece Julian Bream a los 87 años - 5 years ago

@MilesOfMusicLtd: RIP, Julian Bream. #OdedFriedGaon #OdedMusic #OdedTodaysClassicalCorner Julian Bream ~ Lagr… - 5 years ago

@dd9hs: RT @ClassicFM: Farewell to a legendary pioneering guitarist. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@dd9hs: RT @gendaiguitar: 残念ですが、ジュリアン•ブリーム逝去のニュースが届きました。 現代ギター社一同、心よりお悔やみ申し上げます。 - 5 years ago

@TracyMehan1: Julian Bream, the classical guitarist, who died Friday, broadened the musical horizons of his instrument through hi… - 5 years ago

@g_info: Fallece Julian Bream a los 87 años - 5 years ago

@AliciaFM_: RT @Afmagdaleno: Ha muerto #JulianBream, uno de los grandes. Hasta siempre, Maestro. - 5 years ago

@ulf_der_freak: Celebrating the Life of Classical Guitar Master Julian Bream—a 2014 Interview with Our First Cover Artist - 5 years ago

@WildKatGermany: Heute in den #ClassicalNews: 🎼@ChariteBerlin weckt Hoffnung für Konzertbetrieb Trauer um den britischen Klassik-Gi… - 5 years ago

@WildKatPR: 3⃣ British guitarist Julian Bream has died at the age of 87 #ClassicalNews #ClassicalMusic - 5 years ago

@WildKatPR: 2⃣ Study by @ChariteBerlin raises hope for the concert business #ClassicalNews #ClassicalMusic - 5 years ago

@WildKatPR: ⭐️ Today's #ClassicalNews Headlines ⭐️ 1⃣ The #LivefromLondon festival of vocal music is underway!… - 5 years ago

@Twigger33071556: - 5 years ago

@bobbyholunder: Julian Bream plays J.S.Bach BWV999 in 1962 - 5 years ago

@archimusiques: In memoriam Julian BREAM Heitor VILLA-LOBOS Préludes Nos 1, 2, 3 - 5 years ago

@theflyingoyster: RT @DominicMiller1: Rest in peace Julian Bream. One of my all time favourite guitarists. - 5 years ago

@Walt_Eigenmann: Mit Julian Bream ist einer der ganz Grossen des Gitarren-Virtuosentums gestorben. Ein persönlicher Nachruf. - 5 years ago

@t_hisashi: RT @nprmusic: Classical guitarist and lutenist Julian Bream died Aug. 14 at the age of 87 in his native England. He will be remembered for… - 5 years ago

@DominicanosNYC: Fallece a los 87 años el legendario guitarrista Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@liviasoares04: RT @adnarimrasec: RIP, Julian Bream. Muito obrigado, você é o melhor de todos. - 5 years ago

@tres444: RT @premierguitar: Guitarist @JasonVieaux remembers the “Dionysian” classical guitarist Julian Bream—arguably the ultimate classical musici… - 5 years ago

@ExitGloss: Cher Julian #Bream accostant, lors d'une répète de l'orchestre de la CBC de Toronto en 1965, son maître Igor Stravi… - 5 years ago

@HendersonAlan: - 5 years ago

@93gtml: Córdoba 作曲者:I.Albéniz 演奏者:Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@buckcurran: RT @premierguitar: Guitarist @JasonVieaux remembers the “Dionysian” classical guitarist Julian Bream—arguably the ultimate classical musici… - 5 years ago

@tolmer_trenton: RT @TheSimonEvans: "A self-taught musician, Bream learned playing to radio dance bands with the lute his father bought from a sailor on Lon… - 5 years ago

@tolmer_trenton: RT @nytimesarts: It could be argued that Julian Bream, even more than Andrés Segovia, established the guitar’s credibility as a serious sol… - 5 years ago

@afdcz: Julian Bream obituary - 5 years ago

@ZeppelinCurse: RT @premierguitar: Guitarist @JasonVieaux remembers the “Dionysian” classical guitarist Julian Bream—arguably the ultimate classical musici… - 5 years ago

@GuitarWorldNews: RT @premierguitar: Guitarist @JasonVieaux remembers the “Dionysian” classical guitarist Julian Bream—arguably the ultimate classical musici… - 5 years ago

@ClassicalMPR: Guitarist Julian Bream, who died Friday at the age of 87, was as important to the history of classical guitar as An… - 5 years ago

@808marv: RT @premierguitar: Guitarist @JasonVieaux remembers the “Dionysian” classical guitarist Julian Bream—arguably the ultimate classical musici… - 5 years ago

@premierguitar: Guitarist @JasonVieaux remembers the “Dionysian” classical guitarist Julian Bream—arguably the ultimate classical m… - 5 years ago

@Gitartgelart: RT @Andrew_York: Julian Bream was a great spirit in the guitar world. I admired him for many reasons - his jazz background, his supreme art… - 5 years ago

@Scarebear: Julian Bream: 1933-2020 - 5 years ago

@JohnWeisman1: RIP. A genius; an exquisite artist. Julian Bream | Granada | Isaac Albéniz - 5 years ago

@KDFCPlaylist: Prelude #5 in D by Heitor Villa-Lobos performed by Julian Bream, guitar - 5 years ago

@musica_hv: RT @RCMLondon: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of RCM alumnus & renowned classical guitarist Julian Bream. A true giant in th… - 5 years ago

@BSAttwoodUK: Why didn’t we hear more about this? Julian Bream was a guitar legend. - 5 years ago

@mdp4202: Julian Bream, maestro of guitar and lute, 87 - The Boston Globe - 5 years ago

@BXtra: @NPR: #JulianBream, The Classical Guitar Giant With The Soul Of A Jazz Player. #musicMonday via @GoogleNews - 5 years ago

@TerryTeachout1: RT @TerryTeachout1: Here’s my @wsj Julian Bream obituary, written immediately after I heard of his death last Friday morning: - 5 years ago

@SyeEllisPhotos: Julian Bream, The Classical Guitar Giant With The Soul Of A Jazz Player - 5 years ago

@_newarthill: Julian Bream, classical guitarist of profound influence, dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@egtrejos: Julian Bream (1933-2020): The Earl of Essex Galliard - John Dowland. Performed in 2011. - 5 years ago

@iamths1973: RT @guardianopinion: Letter: Julian Bream obituary - 5 years ago

@unircaminos: RT @elpais_cultura: La guitarra clásica debe buena parte de su estatus al británico Julian Bream, que falleció, el pasado viernes, en su ca… - 5 years ago

@lellingw: RT @guardianopinion: Letter: Julian Bream obituary - 5 years ago

@guardianopinion: Letter: Julian Bream obituary - 5 years ago

@judegwynaire: RT @guardianculture: Letter: Julian Bream obituary - 5 years ago

@nazimdikbas: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@nazimdikbas: RT @guardian: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@darconciertos: RT @elpais_cultura: Fallecido a los 87 años, fue el principal continuador del legado de Andrés Segovia e inspiró a una generación de laudis… - 5 years ago

@guardianculture: Letter: Julian Bream obituary - 5 years ago

@michaeltovar2: ☀️☀️ - 5 years ago

@PepeMolt: RT @elpais_cultura: La guitarra clásica debe buena parte de su estatus al británico Julian Bream, que falleció, el pasado viernes, en su ca… - 5 years ago

@GRAU53: Julian Bream. Descansa en paz, Maestro. - 5 years ago

@GRAU53: Nos ha dejado el Maestro Julian Bream, el mejor y más carismático guitarrista que haya existido. Buen viaje Maestro… - 5 years ago

@10178berlin: Der Gitarrist Julian Bream ist gestorben - 5 years ago

@AlexNDunn: Julian Bream - J.S Bach-Violin Sonata fugue Just found out that #JulianBream… - 5 years ago

@LiteratureTips: Julian Bream, The Classical Guitar Giant With The Soul Of A Jazz Player - 5 years ago

@MoviesGuru: Julian Bream, The Classical Guitar Giant With The Soul Of A Jazz Player - 5 years ago

@jeanmcollen: I am very sad to hear that the wonderful guitarist, Julian Bream has died. I attended a recital at Haileybury Schoo… - 5 years ago

@juliancday: He lived a long life, retired years ago. But I'm still sad. My mum used to play classical guitar, and had Bream rec… - 5 years ago

@Yauster17: Top story: Muere Julian Bream, el guitarrista clásico que marcó el porvenir | Cultura | EL PAÍS… - 5 years ago

@juliancday: I just learned that Julian Bream passed away on the 14th. He was my favourite guitarist; I listen to him every day,… - 5 years ago

@pablolrguez: RT @elpais_cultura: La guitarra clásica debe buena parte de su estatus al británico Julian Bream, que falleció, el pasado viernes, en su ca… - 5 years ago

@UsugaRios: RT @ProfeSpitaletta: Fallece a los 87 años el legendario guitarrista Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@Cherteapet: Julian Bream, The Classical Guitar Giant With The Soul Of A Jazz Player - 5 years ago

@ProfeSpitaletta: Fallece a los 87 años el legendario guitarrista Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@tyler_coulson: “Julien” is trending and, sadly, it’s not in honor of Julian Bream. What a long and important life in the world of classical music. Rip. - 5 years ago

@tprclassical: Julian Bream, The Classical Guitar Giant With The Soul Of A Jazz Player - 5 years ago

@babfitz: RT @nprmusic: Classical guitarist and lutenist Julian Bream died Aug. 14 at the age of 87 in his native England. He will be remembered for… - 5 years ago

@skaik_van: Julian Bream, The Classical Guitar Giant With The Soul Of A Jazz Player - 5 years ago

@WCMUNews: Julian Bream, The Classical Guitar Giant With The Soul Of A Jazz Player - 5 years ago

@junge_sylvia: RT @RCMLondon: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of RCM alumnus & renowned classical guitarist Julian Bream. A true giant in th… - 5 years ago

@BelfusF: RT @WarnerClassics: Today we say farewell to Julian Bream, one of the greatest guitarists and lutenists of our time. Sad news for classical… - 5 years ago

@bettyjatkins: @seanstshibe Julian Bream - one of my all-time fave musicians! - 5 years ago

@cojicoji3: RT @ClassicFM: Farewell to a legendary pioneering guitarist. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@cojicoji3: RT @RoyalPhilSoc: We are very saddened to hear of the death of classical guitarist, Julian Bream. An Honorary Member of the Society and win… - 5 years ago

@cojicoji3: RT @RoyalAcadMusic: It is with great sadness that we share the news of the death of Julian Bream, Honorary Member of the Academy and a cons… - 5 years ago

@cojicoji3: RT @GdnClassical: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@mvinge: Julian Bream’s command of his tone color is unmatched. Absolutely beautiful playing. I have been guilty of trying t… - 5 years ago

@KrausSigrid: RT @elpais_cultura: La guitarra clásica debe buena parte de su estatus al británico Julian Bream, que falleció, el pasado viernes, en su ca… - 5 years ago

@JazzmobileNYC: RIP Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@TheJoesGuitar: - 5 years ago

@paradise_carl: RT @nprmusic: Classical guitarist and lutenist Julian Bream died Aug. 14 at the age of 87 in his native England. He will be remembered for… - 5 years ago

@WacDeNordwest: RT @nprmusic: Classical guitarist and lutenist Julian Bream died Aug. 14 at the age of 87 in his native England. He will be remembered for… - 5 years ago

@northernacoust1: RT @guitar: RIP Julian Bream. - 5 years ago

@motorwars: RT @nprmusic: Classical guitarist and lutenist Julian Bream died Aug. 14 at the age of 87 in his native England. He will be remembered for… - 5 years ago

@comeherefloyd: RT nprmusic: Classical guitarist and lutenist Julian Bream died Aug. 14 at the age of 87 in his native England. He… - 5 years ago

@HeikeAllyn: RT @nprmusic: Classical guitarist and lutenist Julian Bream died Aug. 14 at the age of 87 in his native England. He will be remembered for… - 5 years ago

@hercosyjo1971: New post (Julian Bream, The Classical Guitar Giant With The Soul Of A Jazz Player) has been published on Новости Но… - 5 years ago

@yfujioka2: RT @naokiikuta: 良記事。言葉選びが巧みで読みやすい。 Julian Bream, Maestro of Guitar and Lute, Dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@simonwest369: In Suffolk, possibly listening to Britten, Eno and a bit of Julian Bream. - 5 years ago

@wtjuradio: An engrossing tribute to the great classical guitarist Julian Bream, who passed away on Friday at the age of 87. To… - 5 years ago

@SheilaShaka: Muere Julian Bream, el guitarrista clásico que marcó el porvenir - 5 years ago

@LanggaCalvareno: :( - 5 years ago

@nfgraca: Julian Bream....espetacular!!!!! - 5 years ago

@GuitarClassique: RT @RCMLondon: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of RCM alumnus & renowned classical guitarist Julian Bream. A true giant in th… - 5 years ago

@heechulskitrov: RT @YesSolidMental: "A remarkable guitarist who brought so much attention to the valuable repertoire of the modern guitar, whilst also expl… - 5 years ago

@ranyamir: Qepd🙏🏻 - 5 years ago

@GiraudAM: RT @elpais_cultura: Fallecido a los 87 años, fue el principal continuador del legado de Andrés Segovia e inspiró a una generación de laudis… - 5 years ago

@HyakushikiKoG: RT @TheSimonEvans: "A self-taught musician, Bream learned playing to radio dance bands with the lute his father bought from a sailor on Lon… - 5 years ago

@casartes_uach: RT @RCMLondon: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of RCM alumnus & renowned classical guitarist Julian Bream. A true giant in th… - 5 years ago

@PaulyBowz: RT @NYTObits: Julian Bream, Maestro of Guitar and Lute, Dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@vert_rayon: RT @NYTObits: Julian Bream, Maestro of Guitar and Lute, Dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@FinnieReinova: RT @garyryanguitar: Very sad news to hear that Julian Bream has died. He leaves a wonderful legacy of concerts, recordings and guitar music… - 5 years ago

@darconciertos: RT @elpais_cultura: Fallecido a los 87 años, fue el principal continuador del legado de Andrés Segovia e inspiró a una generación de laudis… - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Julian Bream, Maestro of Guitar and Lute, Dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@SouthKensington: RT @RCMLondon: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of RCM alumnus & renowned classical guitarist Julian Bream. A true giant in th… - 5 years ago

@marcmfl: RT @elpais_cultura: Fallecido a los 87 años, fue el principal continuador del legado de Andrés Segovia e inspiró a una generación de laudis… - 5 years ago

@hekanaho: Sukupolvensa tärkeimpiin kitaristeihin kuulunut Julian Bream on kuollut - 5 years ago

@black_pajama: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@Fidelio35571144: Farewell and God speed to a legend. - 5 years ago

@tedf3: Julian Bream, Maestro of Guitar and Lute, Dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@cooperian56: Here’s a song for you… Variations 1 to 7 - Remastered by Julian Alexander Bream - 5 years ago

@DementedBonxie: RT @wyliehorn: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@BSchrieber: R.I.P Julian Bream 🎼 - 5 years ago

@GEspartaco: RT @Guitarist_Mag: Classical fingerstyle guitar master Julian Bream dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@SamuelLCostas: Fantasía para un Gentilhombre: IIa. Españoleta de Joaquín Rodrigo. Interpretada por Julian Bream. - 5 years ago

@rashidaldosari: RT @nytimesworld: Julian Bream, the English guitarist and lutenist who pushed the guitar beyond its Spanish roots and expanded its expressi… - 5 years ago

@SantanachVanesa: RT @pablolrguez: Mi homenaje al gran #JulianBream (1933-2020), que falleció anteayer y marcó el camino para los guitarristas del siglo XXI.… - 5 years ago

@RobinEhrett: RT @RichardScheinin: As a kid, I knew Julian Bream’s LPs of Bach & Purcell. But Bream also commissioned works from Benjamin Britten, Willia… - 5 years ago

@324catRSS: Mor Julian Bream, virtuós guitarrista britànic deixeble d'Andrés Segovia - 5 years ago

@clydebonhoffer: RT @nytimesworld: Julian Bream, the English guitarist and lutenist who pushed the guitar beyond its Spanish roots and expanded its expressi… - 5 years ago

@Afmagdaleno: RT @elpais_cultura: Fallecido a los 87 años, fue el principal continuador del legado de Andrés Segovia e inspiró a una generación de laudis… - 5 years ago

@93gtml: Córdoba 作曲者:I.Albéniz 演奏者:Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@asolepascual: Mor Julian Bream, virtuós guitarrista britànic deixeble d'Andrés Segovia - 5 years ago

@Silverchild1: RT @ChristosXanthak: in loving memory of Julian Bream, the English musician who pushed the guitar beyond its Spanish roots and expanded its… - 5 years ago

@guillex__: RT @pablolrguez: Mi homenaje al gran #JulianBream (1933-2020), que falleció anteayer y marcó el camino para los guitarristas del siglo XXI.… - 5 years ago

@LawsonMulvihill: Rest in peace. "Guitarist and lute player Julian Bream dies at 87" - 5 years ago

@JameyAston: RT @ralunn: Sad to hear Julian Bream died. He was my favorite classical guitarist. I had the pleasure of seeing him in concert a long time… - 5 years ago

@joantelecaster: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@onestringchord: RT @thisisguitar: An amazing musician, guitarist, and person. ❤️ Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87. - 5 years ago

@do_sostenido: RT @pablolrguez: Mi homenaje al gran #JulianBream (1933-2020), que falleció anteayer y marcó el camino para los guitarristas del siglo XXI.… - 5 years ago

@do_sostenido: RT @elpais_cultura: Fallecido a los 87 años, fue el principal continuador del legado de Andrés Segovia e inspiró a una generación de laudis… - 5 years ago

@LiseWinne: Talking about Julian Bream again (cont...), here is our own version of "If My Complaints Could Passions Move" by Re… - 5 years ago

@falparsimusic: RT @pablolrguez: Mi homenaje al gran #JulianBream (1933-2020), que falleció anteayer y marcó el camino para los guitarristas del siglo XXI.… - 5 years ago

@jorgeruizpre: RT @pablolrguez: Mi homenaje al gran #JulianBream (1933-2020), que falleció anteayer y marcó el camino para los guitarristas del siglo XXI.… - 5 years ago

@Tololliteras: RT @324cat: Mor Julian Bream, virtuós guitarrista britànic deixeble d'Andrés Segovia - 5 years ago

@BohigasMagda: RT @324cat: Mor Julian Bream, virtuós guitarrista britànic deixeble d'Andrés Segovia - 5 years ago

@Cescanela: RT @324cat: Mor Julian Bream, virtuós guitarrista britànic deixeble d'Andrés Segovia - 5 years ago

@Aguirreguitar: RT @elpais_cultura: Fallecido a los 87 años, fue el principal continuador del legado de Andrés Segovia e inspiró a una generación de laudis… - 5 years ago

@Aguirreguitar: RT @pablolrguez: Mi homenaje al gran #JulianBream (1933-2020), que falleció anteayer y marcó el camino para los guitarristas del siglo XXI.… - 5 years ago

@324cat: Mor Julian Bream, virtuós guitarrista britànic deixeble d'Andrés Segovia - 5 years ago

@miss_bushido: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@LiseWinne: Sad to hear of Renaissance lute player, Julian Bream passing away. He was one of the greats! And an inspiration for… - 5 years ago

@IRSully: Julian Bream obituary - 5 years ago

@migueltrapaga: RT @pablolrguez: Mi homenaje al gran #JulianBream (1933-2020), que falleció anteayer y marcó el camino para los guitarristas del siglo XXI.… - 5 years ago

@jwilson1812: RT @TerryTeachout1: My @wsj Julian Bream obituary, written immediately after I heard the news of his death this morning, is now online: htt… - 5 years ago

@Musicum: RT @LopezCapillas: Madroños de Federico Moreno Torroba, Julian Bream #CFLC #LopezCapillas #SiMeCuidoT… - 5 years ago

@RafaelOrozcoAP: RT @pablolrguez: Mi homenaje al gran #JulianBream (1933-2020), que falleció anteayer y marcó el camino para los guitarristas del siglo XXI.… - 5 years ago

@de_noriega: RT @elpais_cultura: Fallecido a los 87 años, fue el principal continuador del legado de Andrés Segovia e inspiró a una generación de laudis… - 5 years ago

@SamuelLCostas: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@TerryTeachout1: RT @TerryTeachout1: My @wsj Julian Bream obituary, written immediately after I heard the news of his death this morning, is now online: htt… - 5 years ago

@pablolrguez: RT @elpais_cultura: Fallecido a los 87 años, fue el principal continuador del legado de Andrés Segovia e inspiró a una generación de laudis… - 5 years ago

@EspanolEnAccion: Cabecera Muere Julian Bream, el guitarrista clásico que marcó el porvenir | Cultura | EL PAÍS… - 5 years ago

@AndrePessoa2012: RT @emirsader: Muere Julian Bream, el guitarrista clásico que marcó el porvenir | Cultura | EL PAÍS - 5 years ago

@ivnrguez: RT @elpais_cultura: Fallecido a los 87 años, fue el principal continuador del legado de Andrés Segovia e inspiró a una generación de laudis… - 5 years ago

@MartinDowds1: RT @GillMaxwell: RIP Julian Bream. Sean Shibe @seanstshibe on @BBCRadio4 @BBCFrontRow tonight talking about Julian Bream and his legac… - 5 years ago

@GemmaRooney10: RT @guardianculture: Julian Bream obituary - 5 years ago

@GemmaRooney10: RT @geraldgarcia: When I heard about Julian Bream, this was my response. Please try it and share, guitarists! There will be a better print… - 5 years ago

@GemmaRooney10: RT @AAKSarod: Very sad to know about the passing away of the British guitarist Julian Bream. We had honoured him way back in 1990 with the… - 5 years ago

@GemmaRooney10: RT @johnsuchet1: Remembering the great British classical guitarist Julian Bream who died today - but which guitarist did he name his dog af… - 5 years ago

@GemmaRooney10: RT @WarnerClassics: Today we say farewell to Julian Bream, one of the greatest guitarists and lutenists of our time. Sad news for classical… - 5 years ago

@GemmaRooney10: RT @firstpost: Often considered one of the most prolific and best-selling recording artists in classical music, #JulianBream received four… - 5 years ago

@GemmaRooney10: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@GemmaRooney10: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@thiagoabdalla: John Williams about Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@JamesGirling5: RT @TheIGF: We're taking time to reflect on the important legacy of pioneer of the guitar Julian Bream, who sadly left us on 14 August 2020… - 5 years ago

@FernandoCesar77: RT @nytimesworld: Julian Bream, the English guitarist and lutenist who pushed the guitar beyond its Spanish roots and expanded its expressi… - 5 years ago

@EstadaoCultura: Músico ajudou a ampliar o repertório de seu instrumento ao tocar peças de alemães e japoneses #estadao #JulianBream - 5 years ago

@Chargeria: RT @folhailustrada: Morre Julian Bream, inglês que levou o violão além de suas raízes espanholas - 5 years ago

@NYStateMusic: RT @salvatorism: My latest piece Remembering Julian Bream Tx @JanAkkerman for the context @NYStateMusic - 5 years ago

@vmezadelc: RT @elpais_cultura: Fallecido a los 87 años, fue el principal continuador del legado de Andrés Segovia e inspiró a una generación de laudis… - 5 years ago

@ClassicalTV: A moment handled with as much grace as possible by both gentlemen: Stravinsky meets guitarist/lutenist Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@Marika19658918: RT @elpais_cultura: Fallecido a los 87 años, fue el principal continuador del legado de Andrés Segovia e inspiró a una generación de laudis… - 5 years ago

@InmaVelascoJuez: RT @elpais_cultura: Fallecido a los 87 años, fue el principal continuador del legado de Andrés Segovia e inspiró a una generación de laudis… - 5 years ago

@VerLeerEntender: RT @elpais_cultura: Fallecido a los 87 años, fue el principal continuador del legado de Andrés Segovia e inspiró a una generación de laudis… - 5 years ago

@SynthAvesta: RT @adrianutley: So sad to hear that Julian Bream has died..one of my favourite guitarists ever. This masterclass on Brittens Nocturnal is… - 5 years ago

@elenaortpin: RT @elpais_cultura: Fallecido a los 87 años, fue el principal continuador del legado de Andrés Segovia e inspiró a una generación de laudis… - 5 years ago

@magn3sya: RT @elpais_cultura: Fallecido a los 87 años, fue el principal continuador del legado de Andrés Segovia e inspiró a una generación de laudis… - 5 years ago

@ValentiClosa: RT @elpais_cultura: Fallecido a los 87 años, fue el principal continuador del legado de Andrés Segovia e inspiró a una generación de laudis… - 5 years ago

@Richmond_Nine: RT @EricRWeinstein: Julian Bream first grabbed me back in the 1980s with a song of John Dowland from 1603: “What if I Never Speed?” Always… - 5 years ago

@jdbrobinson: RT @thisisguitar: An amazing musician, guitarist, and person. ❤️ Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87. - 5 years ago

@vraiment_real: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@pablolrguez: Mi homenaje al gran #JulianBream (1933-2020), que falleció anteayer y marcó el camino para los guitarristas del sig… - 5 years ago

@alanqueipo: - 5 years ago

@AngelBritoSarmi: RT @elpais_cultura: Fallecido a los 87 años, fue el principal continuador del legado de Andrés Segovia e inspiró a una generación de laudis… - 5 years ago

@Luigicasanova: RT @elpais_cultura: Fallecido a los 87 años, fue el principal continuador del legado de Andrés Segovia e inspiró a una generación de laudis… - 5 years ago

@Geoffre39809403: So sad about the recent death of Julian Bream. I love his performance here, how wonderful it must be to go to Savil… - 5 years ago

@Suk_It_Trump: @RobertSmith So lovely. Godspeed, Julian Bream ❤️ - 5 years ago

@siannio1: RT @StephenFearing: Julian Bream was one of the first “classical” guitarists that I was aware of at a young age. Those great 60’s album cov… - 5 years ago

@minatomo116: RT @TamuraYosh: ジュリアン・ブリーム死去。子供の頃に英国の放送でよく聞いてリュートやクラシックギターに関心を持った。この人のリュート曲集やピアーズとのルネサンス歌曲集が、自分で買った最初期のレコード。交通事故の後も演奏会の放送があり来日もしてたけど、引退していた… - 5 years ago

@LiamWatson25: @Bibliojo Classical guitarist Julian Bream passed away. He brought the lute back into popularity. - 5 years ago

@JchRosaz: I would like to make a tribute to Julian Bream who just rejoined the musician angels have a look at:… - 5 years ago

@JCheepnis: RT @TimesObits: “The guitar in the hands of an Englishman is almost a blasphemy,” wrote Francisco Tárrega, the 19th-century Spanish compose… - 5 years ago

@courtneybhilton: RIP Julian Bream (1933-2020) - a giant of 20th century classical guitar: a poet of the plucked string. - 5 years ago

@cowboy082478: RT @EricRWeinstein: Julian Bream first grabbed me back in the 1980s with a song of John Dowland from 1603: “What if I Never Speed?” Always… - 5 years ago

@mikednew: RT @ClassclGtrMag: #JulianBream will always be regarded as one of the finest and most influential #ClassicalGuitar players ever, an artist… - 5 years ago

@wilseade17: Re : death of Julian Bream... I have to be honest I am not familiar with the artist... It is a shame whenever a ar… - 5 years ago

@niaga_hijau: In memory of a wonderful #classical #guitarist..from a #classical_music_lover..💗 Julian Bream..Romantic Guitar (Pag… - 5 years ago

@morjan61455: - 5 years ago

@elysianfieldsny: RIP Julian Bream 🖤 - 5 years ago

@WeedenColin: @tim_guitarist RIP Julian Bream, guitarist and lutenist, the man who introduced me to Ravel’s Pavane for a Dead Inf… - 5 years ago

@SeuAcervo_Music: Morre #JulianBream, inglês que levou violão para além de suas raízes espanholas Violonista foi o mais eloquente da… - 5 years ago

@nelscorrea: RT @ALoverOfMusicke: Julian Bream (1933-2020) - 5 years ago

@DrTimBoone: RT @kitchen5203: Julian Bream, classical guitarist of profound influence, dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@kitchen5203: Julian Bream, classical guitarist of profound influence, dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@TrueQanuck11: 2149) The British guitarist and lutenist Julian Bream has died peacefully at his home in rural Wiltshire. He was 87. - 5 years ago

@sumanebot: RT @AntonCountrySup: Guitarist and lute player Julian Bream dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@3QD: Julian Bream (1933 – 2020) - 5 years ago

@violaomandriao: RT @alvaroguitar: Nesta sexta, 14 de agosto, perdemos o maior violonista do século XX, Julian Bream. Para celebrar sua vida, recomendo que… - 5 years ago

@rogermejico: RIP Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@SabounT: RT @francemusique: La #guitare a perdu l'un de ses plus grands ambassadeurs : #JulianBream, aussi engagé pour la musique élisabéthaine qu'a… - 5 years ago

@Gilfuria1: RT @Estadao: >@EstadaoCultura Morre, aos 87 anos, o violonista Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@kingston_v: RT @RichardScheinin: As a kid, I knew Julian Bream’s LPs of Bach & Purcell. But Bream also commissioned works from Benjamin Britten, Willia… - 5 years ago

@mythopoetica: This week's Sunday Matinee is a curation of a fistful of concerts and other rarities w/ the late great Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@JimSangermusic: Really sad to hear Julian Bream has died. He was my favourite classical guitarist and I grew up hearing my father t… - 5 years ago

@btholden1944: Julian Bream | Recuerdos de la Alhambra | Francisco Tárrega - 5 years ago

@corampublik: RT @musikzeitung: Klassischer Gitarrist und Lautenist Julian Bream gestorben - 5 years ago

@mauriliopasqui2: RT @sitef5: Morre Julian Bream, inglês que levou o violão além de suas raízes espanholas - 5 years ago

@wyliehorn: @Channel4 It would be a fitting tribute to Julian Bream if you could repeat '¡Guitarra! A Musical Journey Through S… - 5 years ago

@gnatalini: RT @Estadao: >@EstadaoCultura Morre, aos 87 anos, o violonista Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@AcWatercolors: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@swingofthings77: I don't know much about Julian Bream, but I like his style. RIP. Julian Bream Plays Lady Clifton's Spirit by John… - 5 years ago

@PepeMolt: RT @en_10_minutos: Ayer falleció Julian Bream, destacado guitarrista inglés de la segunda mitad del s.XX. Le encantaba la música de Django… - 5 years ago

@adambudd2015: RT @emile_chabal: A legend in the world of classical guitar - we all grew up listening to his thrilling, angular style. - 5 years ago

@historymatt: Sad to hear about Julian Bream. I love this performance of Arnold's guitar concerto, which he wrote for him. He loo… - 5 years ago

@cantavest: Canco del Lladre - Remastered by Maria del Pilar Escudero Garcia, Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@VictoriaNMorgan: Julian Bream - John Dowland and the Lute - 5 years ago

@morjan61455: - 5 years ago

@TheIGF: We're taking time to reflect on the important legacy of pioneer of the guitar Julian Bream, who sadly left us on 14… - 5 years ago

@tajmahalfoxtrot: RT @scroll_in: Watch: When classical guitarist Julian Bream played with sarod maestro Ali Akbar Khan - 5 years ago

@SpdKforum_AC_Re: RT @musikzeitung: Klassischer Gitarrist und Lautenist Julian Bream gestorben - 5 years ago

@BBCR3MusicBot: Now Playing Leo Brouwer, Julian Bream - Concerto elegiaco for... #leobrouwer, #julianbream - 5 years ago

@Pradecosmetics: - 5 years ago

@MusicTippett: RT @RichardScheinin: As a kid, I knew Julian Bream’s LPs of Bach & Purcell. But Bream also commissioned works from Benjamin Britten, Willia… - 5 years ago

@TFNoir: RT @adrianutley: So sad to hear that Julian Bream has died..one of my favourite guitarists ever. This masterclass on Brittens Nocturnal is… - 5 years ago

@ThomasKnutson5: RT @nytimesworld: Julian Bream, the English guitarist and lutenist who pushed the guitar beyond its Spanish roots and expanded its expressi… - 5 years ago

@AMUNRA56: NowPlaying Que - Julian Bream John Dowland (1563-1626) - 5 years ago

@AnnaPur55500956: RT @RichardScheinin: As a kid, I knew Julian Bream’s LPs of Bach & Purcell. But Bream also commissioned works from Benjamin Britten, Willia… - 5 years ago

@jwerthein: un grande! Morre Julian Bream, inglês que levou violão para além de suas raízes espanholas - 5 years ago

@preludebwv998: 『追悼Julian Bream』プレリュード| - 5 years ago

@keith_hards: @ClassicFM RIP Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@joemarchi1: RIP Julian Bream ... one of the great musicians of his day by any estimation : ( - 5 years ago

@TimesObits: “The guitar in the hands of an Englishman is almost a blasphemy,” wrote Francisco Tárrega, the 19th-century Spanish… - 5 years ago

@wyliehorn: For deeply personal reasons this piece of music, and Julian Bream's exquisite playing of it, will always be very sp… - 5 years ago

@CMguitarfest: RT @geraldgarcia: When I heard about Julian Bream, this was my response. Please try it and share, guitarists! There will be a better print… - 5 years ago

@valeriehartzell: RT @ClassclGtrMag: #JulianBream will always be regarded as one of the finest and most influential #ClassicalGuitar players ever, an artist… - 5 years ago

@cambridgeguitar: RT @geraldgarcia: When I heard about Julian Bream, this was my response. Please try it and share, guitarists! There will be a better print… - 5 years ago

@barbarosa69: RT @GuitarWorld: Classical fingerstyle guitar master Julian Bream has died at the age of 87 - 5 years ago

@barbarosa69: RT @WarnerClassics: Today we say farewell to Julian Bream, one of the greatest guitarists and lutenists of our time. Sad news for classical… - 5 years ago

@barbarosa69: RT @tim_guitarist: R.I.P. Julian Bream (1933-2020), a giant in the world of classical guitar - 5 years ago

@barbarosa69: RT @nytimesarts: It could be argued that Julian Bream, even more than Andrés Segovia, established the guitar’s credibility as a serious sol… - 5 years ago

@barbarosa69: RT @guardian: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@barbarosa69: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@barbarosa69: RT @YanniKouts: RIP Julian Bream. - 5 years ago

@mcunietti: Farewell, Julian. Come heavy sleep - 5 years ago

@Rachrobcole: Julian Bream, has been my inspiration as a guitarist for 50 years, and still will be. The, master of the guitar and… - 5 years ago

@AngelaCar999: Music to sit in a quiet room & listen to properly. Love the lute RIP Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@adrianutley: So sad to hear that Julian Bream has died..one of my favourite guitarists ever. This masterclass on Brittens Noctur… - 5 years ago

@ShitTodmorden: @NorthernDad5 Mark Knopfler, Julian Bream and Slash. - 5 years ago

@Jillwrite: RT @RichardScheinin: As a kid, I knew Julian Bream’s LPs of Bach & Purcell. But Bream also commissioned works from Benjamin Britten, Willia… - 5 years ago

@Rachrobcole: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@bruckner13: RT @WarnerClassicES: Queremos dedicar este recuerdo al recientemente fallecido Julian Bream, uno de los mejores guitarristas y laudistas de… - 5 years ago

@WarnerClassicES: Queremos dedicar este recuerdo al recientemente fallecido Julian Bream, uno de los mejores guitarristas y laudistas… - 5 years ago

@mecozzi_alfredo: RT @RichardScheinin: As a kid, I knew Julian Bream’s LPs of Bach & Purcell. But Bream also commissioned works from Benjamin Britten, Willia… - 5 years ago

@BenMacnair: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@I2Guitar: RT @Guitarist_Mag: Classical fingerstyle guitar master Julian Bream dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@jolohaga: RIP. Julian Bream, Maestro of Guitar and Lute, Dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@LostChordof1963: RT @ElliotElinor: One of the greatest classical guitarists of all time, and one of the greatest musicians this country produced in the 20th… - 5 years ago

@edrishlongwane: RT @scroll_in: Watch: When classical guitarist Julian Bream played with sarod maestro Ali Akbar Khan - 5 years ago

@enfiveradio: #RecentlyPlayed Concierto de Aranjuez: I. Allegro con spirito - Julian Bream, Sir Colin Davis & Melos Ensemble , S… - 5 years ago

@WakelySimon: RT @ConJamonSpain: Goodbye Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@scroll_in: Watch: When classical guitarist Julian Bream played with sarod maestro Ali Akbar Khan - 5 years ago

@wyliehorn: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@matthewbate: RT @richard_littler: RIP Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@jade_am_ufer: RT @musikzeitung: Klassischer Gitarrist und Lautenist Julian Bream gestorben - 5 years ago

@Seven_Acres: Julian Bream RIP - 5 years ago

@iansco: Julian Bream RIP - 5 years ago

@MeltedHoneyNZ: Classical guitarist Julian Bream dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@schalkneethling: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - RIP Maestro, thank you for all the beautiful music ❤️ - 5 years ago

@FolkYouAll: via ⁦@nytimesmusic⁩ - 5 years ago

@wrikent3500: RT @NYTObits: Mr. Bream also had an antiquarian streak that made him an important figure in the modern revival of the lute - 5 years ago

@rogerseban: Julian Bream un des plus grands guitaristes classiques s’est éteint à 87 ans. Écoutez les duos avec John Williams,… - 5 years ago

@nyucrossroad: BBC News - Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@_moky__: - 5 years ago

@likeabletoo: RT @ClassicFM: Farewell to a legendary pioneering guitarist. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@likeabletoo: Julian #Bream - #Bach Violin #Sonata #fugue transcribed for #guitar - 5 years ago

@jun_plastic73: RT @gendaiguitar: 残念ですが、ジュリアン•ブリーム逝去のニュースが届きました。 現代ギター社一同、心よりお悔やみ申し上げます。 - 5 years ago

@NoteworthyNate: RT @Andrew_York: In no small measure, Julian Bream’s creativity and boldness of vision infused the classical guitar world with an expansive… - 5 years ago

@Ngott: RIP Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@FunkyDoggie22: Classical guitarist Julian Bream dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@_moky__: RT @ClassicFM: Farewell to a legendary pioneering guitarist. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@sumanebot: RT @AntonCountrySup: Guitarist and lute player Julian Bream dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@Rongwrong_: For what it’s worth (nothing), I prefer the current generation of guitarists to Bream and others of his generation.… - 5 years ago

@deliang919: RT @Andrew_York: Julian Bream was a great spirit in the guitar world. I admired him for many reasons - his jazz background, his supreme art… - 5 years ago

@Rongwrong_: This is a really nice obituary of Julian Bream. - 5 years ago

@Karnan: - 5 years ago

@nikhilhogan: The multi-faceted Classical guitarist Julian Bream displays his musicianship here by improvising with Indian musici… - 5 years ago

@nikhilhogan: Rest In Peace to the great classical guitar virtuoso Julian Bream. I’d like to highlight a little known side of him… - 5 years ago

@LinusGalleries: RT @ArtsJournalNews: Guitarist Julian Bream, 87: Interviewed in the Guardian aged 80, Bream, who retired in 2002, said he was no longer p… - 5 years ago

@james_rockola: This is the first recording and the first time I ever heard the guitar. It is what made me want to become a guitar… - 5 years ago

@maelstream: A truly magical one by Benjamin Britten for the late Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@james_rockola: It seems all I do lately is mourn. The very first time I ever heard a guitar played as a solo instrument was when… - 5 years ago

@BGenebra: RT @Estadao: >@EstadaoCultura Morre, aos 87 anos, o violonista Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@ContentwriterAD: RT @JanetOlearski: RIP Julian Bream 😞 - 5 years ago

@geriatric101: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@SandraH99552346: Missed this from 14th Aug. - 5 years ago

@snowshakers: RT @guardian: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@snowshakers: RT @MusicMagazine: NEWS: The brilliant virtuoso guitarist Julian Bream CBE has died, aged 87. Further information to come. - 5 years ago

@txcelat: RT @firstpost: Often considered one of the most prolific and best-selling recording artists in classical music, #JulianBream received four… - 5 years ago

@codex1017: #NowPlaying️ R.I.P. Julian Bream - J.S Bach-Violin Sonata fugue BWV 1001 Jul… - 5 years ago

@deavylite: RIP Julian Bream, my absolute fave guitarist, the guy who made me want to play classical guitar - 5 years ago

@buppadc: The great British guitarist Julian Bream has died, aged 87 @MusicMagazine - 5 years ago

@shootraw: RT @hofrench: Julian Bream, Maestro of Guitar and Lute, Dies at 87 - 5 years ago


@Love4Sarah: RT @boulezian: R.I.P. Julian Bream (1933-2020) Royal Winter Music I - Julian Bream and Hans Werner Henze - 5 years ago

@jacobjwilson: Sad to hear about Julian Bream's death. - 5 years ago

@ftwguitarist: @EricRWeinstein Did you hear about the passing of Julián Bream? I ask because we had an exchange about our mutual r… - 5 years ago

@terablm: BACH On Tenor Guitarの最後にダウランドを入れたのはこの曲の影響です。 Julian Bream Nocturnal, Benjamin Britten - Nocturnal Op. 70 (1963) - 5 years ago

@Lindsey02922710: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@scottmacleod: RT @DianaHe23732776: Listened to Julian Bream playing Bach, now shifting to a Julian & John LP(2nd one). Beautiful work he leaves for us. - 5 years ago

@gabemac17: RT @NYTObits: Mr. Bream also had an antiquarian streak that made him an important figure in the modern revival of the lute - 5 years ago

@HenryMarott: RT @NYTObits: Mr. Bream also had an antiquarian streak that made him an important figure in the modern revival of the lute - 5 years ago

@veritas_vos_lib: RT @deccaclassics: We're very sorry to hear of the passing of the great guitarist and lutenist Julian Bream. He was 87. - 5 years ago

@NYStateMusic: Remembering Julian Bream - - 5 years ago

@RobinEhrett: RT @Andrew_York: Julian Bream was a great spirit in the guitar world. I admired him for many reasons - his jazz background, his supreme art… - 5 years ago

@pinones_julio: RT @manuel_guerrero: Ha muerto Julian Bream, guitarrista clásico británico . Qué manera de regalarnos bellas interpretaciones a lo largo de… - 5 years ago

@PilarRiusFortea: RT @RSerrallet: D.E.P. Julian Bream. Nunca lo conocí pero su música forma parte de la.banda sonora de mi vida y su manera de tocar influyó… - 5 years ago

@laikin_david: BBC News - Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@Andrew_York: In no small measure, Julian Bream’s creativity and boldness of vision infused the classical guitar world with an ex… - 5 years ago

@Andrew_York: Julian Bream was a great spirit in the guitar world. I admired him for many reasons - his jazz background, his supr… - 5 years ago

@timryanlaw: @MusicMagazine RIP Julian Bream. You have left behind so much wonderful music! I shall treasure the recordings, a… - 5 years ago

@mallen2020: RT @MusicMagazine: NEWS: The brilliant virtuoso guitarist Julian Bream CBE has died, aged 87. Further information to come. - 5 years ago

@Wylyelady: RT @In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Julian Alexander BREAM, CBE (1933-2020), English classical guitarist & lutenist. One of the most distinguished… - 5 years ago

@BobbyPoutine: @nspector4 RIP Julian Bream. Listening to one of my favourite recordings on vinyl... - 5 years ago

@brian45tanner: RT @MatthewCmiel: I know that I mostly talk about TTRPGs on this channel, but today someone that was very influential on my passed away fro… - 5 years ago

@In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Julian Alexander BREAM, CBE (1933-2020), English classical guitarist & lutenist. One of the most distingui… - 5 years ago

@GustavMahlerJr: RT @BBCRadio3: Julian Bream, 15 July 1933 - 14 August 2020 - 5 years ago

@crispmp: BBC News - Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@MatthewCmiel: I cannot thank Bream enough for having this piece commissioned. Rest In Peace, Julian Bream. You made a difference… - 5 years ago

@MatthewCmiel: Julian Bream asked Britten to write a piece for guitar, and it is, to this day, my favorite piece of music on the g… - 5 years ago

@MatthewCmiel: Julian Bream was someone in the guitar world that I looked up to immensely. While Segovia made the guitar a concert… - 5 years ago

@MatthewCmiel: I know that I mostly talk about TTRPGs on this channel, but today someone that was very influential on my passed aw… - 5 years ago

@Murataydogan02: RT @ClassclGtrMag: #JulianBream will always be regarded as one of the finest and most influential #ClassicalGuitar players ever, an artist… - 5 years ago

@junge_sylvia: RT @Cirmeau: Le virtuose britannique de la guitare et du luth Julian Bream est mort ce vendredi 14 août 2020. Il avait 87 ans - 5 years ago

@mulesrasch: Nous venons de perdre un autre personnage de l'histoire de la musique: Julian Bream nous a quitté, - 5 years ago

@junge_sylvia: RT @quaichurchill: Décès de Julian Bream, guitariste britannique virtuose - 5 years ago

@miguelangelg57: RT @cleporati: Adiós al guitarrista Julian Bream, el más grande de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, y a quien tuve el privilegio de oírlo en… - 5 years ago

@notreligus: - 5 years ago

@faltrique: - 5 years ago

@dlbowman76: Chatting on another thread about Northampton composers, I encourage all of you to try the guitar concerto of Sir Ma… - 5 years ago

@TheOperaGlass: RT @TommasiniNYT: Julian Bream, Maestro of Guitar and Lute, Dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@RoseSmi92658522: RT @GdnClassical: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@EstebanReinesAr: RT @cleporati: Adiós al guitarrista Julian Bream, el más grande de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, y a quien tuve el privilegio de oírlo en… - 5 years ago

@carmelitequotes: GRANADA Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@carmelitequotes: Julian Bream, Maestro of Guitar and Lute, Dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@cleporati: Adiós al guitarrista Julian Bream, el más grande de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, y a quien tuve el privilegio de… - 5 years ago

@animate_jazz: No one ever did or ever will play Villa Lobos like Julian Bream. Here prelude #4 in a 1955 BBC performance.… - 5 years ago

@vindownes: ❤️ - 5 years ago

@dlbowman76: @NtonBach @britsymphcup @nglwaug @DysonMusicTrust @DysoninD @WMClassical Sir Malcolm Arnold's Guitar Concerto is a… - 5 years ago

@MrsTrevithick: RT @1755Dictionary: Very sad to hear that Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@audio_delay: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@avaliveradio: Classical guitarist Julian Bream dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@lombregrise: RT @_Mme_E: #MahautClassique Mort de Julian Bream, immense guitariste — il faut louer ses enregistrements de l’œuvre de Bach, mais c’est av… - 5 years ago

@DominiqueReill: RT @emile_chabal: A legend in the world of classical guitar - we all grew up listening to his thrilling, angular style. - 5 years ago

@HannibalBarca65: RT @davidcoverdale: R.I.P, Sir...Thank You... Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@EdinburghWatch: RT @emile_chabal: A legend in the world of classical guitar - we all grew up listening to his thrilling, angular style. - 5 years ago

@emile_chabal: A legend in the world of classical guitar - we all grew up listening to his thrilling, angular style. - 5 years ago

@ViolsInSchools: RT @ALoverOfMusicke: 7/ Peter Philips: Pavan - The Julian Bream Consort - 5 years ago

@ViolsInSchools: RT @ALoverOfMusicke: 5/ William Byrd: Mounsier's Almaine - The Julian Bream Consort - 5 years ago

@ViolsInSchools: RT @ALoverOfMusicke: 4/John Dowland: The Earl Of Essex's Galliard - The Julian Bream Consort - 5 years ago

@markmcguinness: RT @nemoloris: ‘Now is this song both sung and past: My lute be still, for I have done.’ RIP Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@KajAhlsved: Julian Bream var verkligen en av de stora och han och hans många arrangemang var en stor inspirationskälla när ja s… - 5 years ago

@fjparrott: RT @TheSimonEvans: "A self-taught musician, Bream learned playing to radio dance bands with the lute his father bought from a sailor on Lon… - 5 years ago

@canyoncatz: via @NYTimes RIP - 5 years ago

@canyoncatz: Bach BWV (1000/1001) Fugue - Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@brentkuluris: - 5 years ago

@VISUALARTECHILE: RT @MusicMagazine: NEWS: The brilliant virtuoso guitarist Julian Bream CBE has died, aged 87. Further information to come. - 5 years ago

@RoGoTri: RT @en_10_minutos: Ayer falleció Julian Bream, destacado guitarrista inglés de la segunda mitad del s.XX. Le encantaba la música de Django… - 5 years ago

@ArsMusicaTV: RT @MusicMagazine: NEWS: The brilliant virtuoso guitarist Julian Bream CBE has died, aged 87. Further information to come. - 5 years ago

@ArsMusicaTV: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@Lubalas: Julian Bream Paganini - Grand sonata in A Major, MS 3: II - 5 years ago

@PaulCowdell: Julian Bream's death has filled my head with Dowland again (always good), even though he wasn't my route there in the first place. - 5 years ago

@yhitmelfm: "String quartet op 12: Canzonetta (Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdi (1809-1847))" from "Classic & Romantic Guitar" by Ju… - 5 years ago

@catallman: Julian Bream, Maestro of Guitar and Lute, Dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@VISUALARTECHILE: RT @manuel_guerrero: Ha muerto Julian Bream, guitarrista clásico británico . Qué manera de regalarnos bellas interpretaciones a lo largo de… - 5 years ago

@DavReveillault: La version d'une pièce qui m'a tant donné l'envie de fort étudier la guitare classique … 🙏🏻🖤 RIP Julian Bream. - 5 years ago

@InigoSda: RT @RecordingAcad: Sself-taught virtuoso musician #JulianBream has been called "one of the greatest guitarist of all time." 🎸 - 5 years ago

@XceptN: So sad! 😢 Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - BBC News - 5 years ago

@waltzofgnon: RT @AFGORSHKOVA2: Julian Bream | Nocturnal: Passacaglia | Benjamin Britten - 5 years ago

@dmellieon: RT @YesSolidMental: "A remarkable guitarist who brought so much attention to the valuable repertoire of the modern guitar, whilst also expl… - 5 years ago

@DavReveillault: RT @nytimesarts: It could be argued that Julian Bream, even more than Andrés Segovia, established the guitar’s credibility as a serious sol… - 5 years ago

@DavReveillault: RT @guardian: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@DavReveillault: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@DavReveillault: RT @MusicMagazine: NEWS: The brilliant virtuoso guitarist Julian Bream CBE has died, aged 87. Further information to come. - 5 years ago

@unlewis: RT @RecordingAcad: Sself-taught virtuoso musician #JulianBream has been called "one of the greatest guitarist of all time." 🎸 - 5 years ago

@LayosaJunie: RT @RecordingAcad: Sself-taught virtuoso musician #JulianBream has been called "one of the greatest guitarist of all time." 🎸 - 5 years ago

@DavReveillault: RT @Thibault_CAUVIN: One of the greatest guitarist of the history of our instrument passed away... 🕊 ⠀ Julian Bream (1933-2020) 💐 - 5 years ago

@Tavuelt: Julian Bream...enorme interprete...un honor escuchar su musica maestro ...buen viaje...! - 5 years ago

@fI0SOsObxS3VBd9: RT @matsumoto_taiki: Julian Breamが亡くなった..... 今まででどのクラシックギタリストの録音を1番多く聴いた? と言われれば迷うことなく彼の録音と僕は答えます。特に彼の弾くHenzeのRoyal Winters Musicなどはこれからも僕の… - 5 years ago

@antonquik1111: RT @RecordingAcad: Sself-taught virtuoso musician #JulianBream has been called "one of the greatest guitarist of all time." 🎸 - 5 years ago

@RecordingAcad: Sself-taught virtuoso musician #JulianBream has been called "one of the greatest guitarist of all time." 🎸 - 5 years ago

@PortalTaxiMusic: Classical guitarist Julian Bream dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@malcolmpark30: Rare Guitar Video: Julian Bream - Dowland and the Lute - 5 years ago

@Redcupvillage: Classical guitarist Julian Bream dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@garydjaworski: RT @guardian: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@ALoverOfMusicke: 7/ Peter Philips: Pavan - The Julian Bream Consort - 5 years ago

@abab2672: RT @davidcoverdale: R.I.P, Sir...Thank You... Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@ALoverOfMusicke: 6/ Thomas Morley: Joyne Hands - The Julian Bream Consort - 5 years ago

@adandgzl: RT @thisisguitar: An amazing musician, guitarist, and person. ❤️ Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87. - 5 years ago

@henryghenrik: Julian Bream, Maestro of Guitar and Lute, Dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@oortobject: RT @mbeith: Great obit. - 5 years ago

@emh2625: Artists I've seen live (Br-By): Julian Bream Brooklyn Symphony Orchestra Carlinhos Brown Junior Brown Bronze Fondu… - 5 years ago

@CLARESAMBROOK: Julian Bream 15 July 1933 - 14 August 2020 born in Battersea "between the power station and the dogs home" Here h… - 5 years ago

@CLARESAMBROOK: #JulianBream carried classical guitar forward from Segovia, got people excited about Dowland, commissioned loads of… - 5 years ago

@estefano_lopes: Faleceu ontem aos 87 anos, Julian Bream, foi um violonista britânico, um dos músicos mais influentes para o violão… - 5 years ago

@CleveClassical: Plenty of music to hear this weekend, including Berta Rojas with @clevelandguitar, and WCLV's "@CleveOrchestra on t… - 5 years ago

@moongolfer: Am getting obsessed with these Julian Bream Masterclasses. He’s brilliant & blunt. The hair, the shirt, the accent.… - 5 years ago

@joyconnell: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@blogdoedsonjr: Pesar devido à morte de Julian Bream, um notável violonista britânico, que nos deixa um importante legado a quem am… - 5 years ago

@dinah_wise: RT @TheMontyDon: Sorry to hear of the death of the great Julian Bream. 40 years ago played cricket with him. He wore batting gloves in the… - 5 years ago

@mbeith: Great obit. - 5 years ago

@nathanherrera: RIP Julian Bream. He was my biggest influence through my classical guitar journey. When I was very young, my dad wo… - 5 years ago

@JaxMusic: RT @Guitarist_Mag: Classical fingerstyle guitar master Julian Bream dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@listensessions1: Another salute to Julian Bream - this is a beautiful studio recital from 1960 #nowspinning #np #vinyl… - 5 years ago

@DominicNewbould: RT @ElliotElinor: One of the greatest classical guitarists of all time, and one of the greatest musicians this country produced in the 20th… - 5 years ago

@Saodionisio: RT @Silvio_JMN: Mais uma perda desse ano terrível. Descanse em paz grande Julian! 🙏🏾 Julian Bream - J.S Bach-Violin Sonata fugue - 5 years ago

@ArtspectrumACOD: RT @nytimesarts: It could be argued that Julian Bream, even more than Andrés Segovia, established the guitar’s credibility as a serious sol… - 5 years ago

@lodeonfrederic: RT @Sebastienlli: Hommage à Julian Bream ce matin sur France Musique, merci Christophe Dilys ! - 5 years ago

@WhiskeyWineTime: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@WhiskeyWineTime: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@AdvaitaDamm: R.I.P. ich habe diese Musik geliebt. Klassischer Gitarrist und Lautenist Julian Bream gestorben - 5 years ago

@Bass_042: RT @jimmoginie: A sad day for me. The master has gone. Julian Bream has died at his home in Wiltshire at the age of 87. The virtuoso mus… - 5 years ago

@parnassians: RT @TheMontyDon: Sorry to hear of the death of the great Julian Bream. 40 years ago played cricket with him. He wore batting gloves in the… - 5 years ago

@Silvio_JMN: Mais uma perda desse ano terrível. Descanse em paz grande Julian! 🙏🏾 Julian Bream - J.S Bach-Violin Sonata fugue… - 5 years ago

@peter_gritton: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@lhw_hansoni: Julian Bream has died. One of the greatest guitarists ever. “I devoted my life to music for a reason, and the reaso… - 5 years ago

@night_NYC: RT @nytimesmusic: Julian Bream, the English musician who pushed the guitar beyond its Spanish roots and expanded its range by commissioning… - 5 years ago

@breinbaas1: RT @BBCRadio3: This edit of Julian Bream's 1983 Desert Island Discs sadly doesn't include the music but his stories are lovely and his choi… - 5 years ago

@Kazwhitehead1: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@alvaroguitar: This Friday, August 14th, we lost the greatest classical guitarist of the 20th Century, Julian Bream. I'd like to i… - 5 years ago

@alvaroguitar: Nesta sexta, 14 de agosto, perdemos o maior violonista do século XX, Julian Bream. Para celebrar sua vida, recomend… - 5 years ago

@alanrew: @ElliotElinor Here's the @guardian obit - 5 years ago

@Silvio_JMN: RT @vanizelemos: Morreu Julian Bream, um dos maiores violonistas eruditos do século XX. Tocava tudo com uma delicadeza, beleza e precisão.… - 5 years ago

@SArtinkpenT: RT @TheMontyDon: Sorry to hear of the death of the great Julian Bream. 40 years ago played cricket with him. He wore batting gloves in the… - 5 years ago

@davidjpearson: RT @ElliotElinor: One of the greatest classical guitarists of all time, and one of the greatest musicians this country produced in the 20th… - 5 years ago

@brammall: Julian Bream 1933-2020 Britains finest classical guitarist. R.I.P #JulianBream - 5 years ago

@ciacconuma: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@SoopphiaSchider: WarnerClassics 1youngfogey Many a happy hour I spent, listening to Julian Bream. - 5 years ago

@infamousgrouser: Julian Bream, Maestro of Guitar and Lute, Dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@AnnIrvin13: @WarnerClassics @1youngfogey Many a happy hour I spent, listening to Julian Bream. - 5 years ago

@AnnIrvin13: RT @WarnerClassics: Today we say farewell to Julian Bream, one of the greatest guitarists and lutenists of our time. Sad news for classical… - 5 years ago

@thohnt8: RT @davidcoverdale: R.I.P, Sir...Thank You... Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@nutty108: RT @davidcoverdale: R.I.P, Sir...Thank You... Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@TassGpops: RT @LithaEfthymiou: @GdnClassical Such sweet music at your fingertips. Thank you, Julian Bream, for all that you have given us! - 5 years ago

@TassGpops: RT @GdnClassical: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@DrGaryWood: BBC News - Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@1youngfogey: RT @WarnerClassics: Today we say farewell to Julian Bream, one of the greatest guitarists and lutenists of our time. Sad news for classical… - 5 years ago

@1youngfogey: RT @BBCRadio3: Julian Bream, 15 July 1933 - 14 August 2020 - 5 years ago

@trevordorn: RIP Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@jancyclops: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@ChrisMaslanka: RT @ElliotElinor: Benjamin Britten wrote this stunning piece, Nocturnal, for Julian Bream. It riffs on the music of John Dowland. Bream alm… - 5 years ago

@TFurstman: RT @WarnerClassics: Today we say farewell to Julian Bream, one of the greatest guitarists and lutenists of our time. Sad news for classical… - 5 years ago

@ChrisMaslanka: RT @ElliotElinor: One of the greatest classical guitarists of all time, and one of the greatest musicians this country produced in the 20th… - 5 years ago

@TFurstman: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@TFurstman: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@lottythegirl: RT @ElliotElinor: One of the greatest classical guitarists of all time, and one of the greatest musicians this country produced in the 20th… - 5 years ago

@BlueMoves76: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@WilliamWalton_: RT @CribbageForum: Sorry to hear of the passing of Julian Bream (1933–2020). Here he is playing Walton's Fifth Bagatelle. H/T @memeteria.… - 5 years ago

@flago2009: RT @ElliotElinor: One of the greatest classical guitarists of all time, and one of the greatest musicians this country produced in the 20th… - 5 years ago

@WilliamWalton_: Sad to hear of the death of Julian Bream, such a wonderful artist. - 5 years ago

@trevordorn: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@MalcolmHerbert: RT @RevRachelMann: Julian Bream was such a master. Tone, technique (but not too much), tension. He will be missed, but so glad we have his… - 5 years ago

@moonfriend5: RT @davidcoverdale: R.I.P, Sir...Thank You... Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@moonkings_fanpg: RT @davidcoverdale: R.I.P, Sir...Thank You... Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@sul_ponticello: - 5 years ago

@darconciertos: RT @francemusique: La #guitare a perdu l'un de ses plus grands ambassadeurs : #JulianBream, aussi engagé pour la musique élisabéthaine qu'a… - 5 years ago

@phyl_jones: RT @ElliotElinor: One of the greatest classical guitarists of all time, and one of the greatest musicians this country produced in the 20th… - 5 years ago

@dimozz1: RT @ElliotElinor: One of the greatest classical guitarists of all time, and one of the greatest musicians this country produced in the 20th… - 5 years ago

@chaoticgood1980: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@Shoonnunmber9: @TrippyPip First classical guitarist apart from Segovia I’d heard of. RIP Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@Brookefiona: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@JanetOlearski: RIP Julian Bream 😞 - 5 years ago

@daryl993manggip: Rest in peace, Julian Bream. "Absolute legend" isn't enough to describe what this man has done for classical guitar. - 5 years ago

@acasantos: RT @AFS_Andrada: Morreu Julian Bream, um dos maiores violonistas do século XX. Tocava tudo com uma delicadeza, beleza e precisão Vai embor… - 5 years ago

@janetobikeller: - 5 years ago

@TrippyPip: I hear Julian Bream has died at the age of 87. Sounds fishy. I'm here all week, try the fish. Sorry, IGMC. RIP J… - 5 years ago

@CelineGFlora1: RT @davidcoverdale: R.I.P, Sir...Thank You... Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@clemence_menand: RT @Sebastienlli: Guitare Guitares rendra hommage à la rentrée au génial Julian Bream. - 5 years ago

@SoundsLilFishy: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@Dan_Bowdoin: I’ve loved Julian Bream’s music for many years, since I first heard it as a teenager. Listening to him (Albeniz) as… - 5 years ago

@OPachecoEvelyn: RT @manuel_guerrero: Ha muerto Julian Bream, guitarrista clásico británico . Qué manera de regalarnos bellas interpretaciones a lo largo de… - 5 years ago

@sandomin1: Very sad to read of the psssing of Julian Bream..RIP. I have been a fan all my life. - 5 years ago

@GloriatibiTri: RT @MCSYoungArtists: 【訃報】ジュリアン・ブリーム、87歳。英国を代表するギタリスト。 2002年に引退するも近所では演奏をしていた。しかし2011年散歩中に近所のワンちゃんに転倒させられ両腰の骨骨折&左手負傷したため(ほぼ)完全に引退。余生を過ごしておら… - 5 years ago

@anniegt: RT @philosophybites: "I devoted my life to music for a reason, and the reason wasn't because I wanted to get on or make money, but to try t… - 5 years ago

@AmunRa1h: #MusicOfBeauty Because the Great Julian Bream has died,Im gonna pick up that guitar and learn to play!! - 5 years ago

@Timewalkproject: RT @geoffforcrookes: Sad to read that Julian Bream has died. Was fortunate to go to one of his recitals. Pleased reading his obituary to fi… - 5 years ago

@docmike79: @sardinebutty Thank you for this Stephen. Julian Bream played the Concierto de Aranjuez with us when I was in the L… - 5 years ago

@PowerPopBlog: Julian Bream 1933 -- 2020 - 5 years ago

@EmmmaBaker: Very sad to hear that Julian Bream has died. A pioneering musician who transformed the repertoire and reputation of… - 5 years ago

@markmarcus7749: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@dougthomasmusic: RT @GramophoneMag: The guitarist Julian Bream has died. A tribute from our Editor, Martin Cullingford: - 5 years ago

@michaelgaunt: RIP Julian Bream. Influential classical guitarist. - 5 years ago

@stephanegrant: RT @Sebastienlli: Guitare Guitares rendra hommage à la rentrée au génial Julian Bream. - 5 years ago

@stephanegrant: RT @Sebastienlli: Hommage à Julian Bream ce matin sur France Musique, merci Christophe Dilys ! - 5 years ago

@austinreeve: RT @seanstshibe: Julian Bream has passed away. Words can't do justice to how highly I think of him - he was the most excitingly human of gu… - 5 years ago

@Pontimills: "Desde que me retiré, sólo practico cuatro horas al día" Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@Loane_Slone: RT @RoyalAcadMusic: It is with great sadness that we share the news of the death of Julian Bream, Honorary Member of the Academy and a cons… - 5 years ago

@PGWodelouse: RT @DSinck: A great guitarist who drank, smoked, played cricket obsessively and drove fast cars through the narrow lanes of Wiltshire in… - 5 years ago

@ueberschriften: Mit 87 Jahren: Klassischer Gitarrist und Lautenist Julian Bream gestorben - 5 years ago

@MintonBear: Julian Bream RIP J.S Bach-Violin Sonata fugue - 5 years ago

@RoskoLawrence: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@RoskoLawrence: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@helzrobertson: RT @JLloydWebber: Very sad to read of the death of my dear friend Julian Bream. We met when touring with the New Zealand SO. We were both… - 5 years ago

@andrew_sberry1: RT @TheMontyDon: Sorry to hear of the death of the great Julian Bream. 40 years ago played cricket with him. He wore batting gloves in the… - 5 years ago

@petereales: RT @ClassicFM: Farewell to a legendary pioneering guitarist. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@DSinck: A great guitarist who drank, smoked, played cricket obsessively and drove fast cars through the narrow lanes of W… - 5 years ago

@raymonddelauney: RT @philosophybites: "I devoted my life to music for a reason, and the reason wasn't because I wanted to get on or make money, but to try t… - 5 years ago

@daiseymay: via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@telos32: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@kishi3136: RT @RoyalPhilSoc: We are very saddened to hear of the death of classical guitarist, Julian Bream. An Honorary Member of the Society and win… - 5 years ago

@EYazdeli: Julian Bream & John Williams, Fernando Sor opus 54 (Part 3) - 5 years ago

@popasart: The Great Julian Bream. - 5 years ago

@mehmettez: Klasik gitar çalanlar bu ismi çok iyi tanır. Julian Bream vefat etmiş. // British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@arvianamelony: RT @davidcoverdale: R.I.P, Sir...Thank You... Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@MarisaDrucker: RT @philosophybites: "I devoted my life to music for a reason, and the reason wasn't because I wanted to get on or make money, but to try t… - 5 years ago

@GeoffCripps: RT @StephenFearing: “I devoted my life to music for a reason, and the reason wasn't because I wanted to get on or make money, but to try to… - 5 years ago

@EYazdeli: Julian Bream | Fandango | Luigi Boccherini - 5 years ago

@GuitarrasContre: Se agolpan los recuerdos En memoria de #JulianBream Bream Desde el taller de @GuitarrasContre Memories coming tog… - 5 years ago

@bumblestiltskin: RT @MusicMagazine: NEWS: The brilliant virtuoso guitarist Julian Bream CBE has died, aged 87. Further information to come. - 5 years ago

@HaikuReview2015: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@andersonsangela: RT @Daily_Express: Gardeners' World host Monty Don reacts to pal's tragic death 'Played cricket with him' - 5 years ago

@lou_chatfield: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@hugh_canning: RT @BBCRadio3: Julian Bream, 15 July 1933 - 14 August 2020 - 5 years ago

@Daily_Express: Gardeners' World host Monty Don reacts to pal's tragic death 'Played cricket with him' - 5 years ago

@miffythegamer: Only just seen this. Genuinely sad & upset to read it. Julian Bream’s interpretation of the Bach Lute suites is bea… - 5 years ago

@junge_sylvia: RT @johnsuchet1: Remembering the great British classical guitarist Julian Bream who died today - but which guitarist did he name his dog af… - 5 years ago

@CliveRhymester: RT @andylong: BBC News - Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@belfrysue: RT @StephenFearing: “I devoted my life to music for a reason, and the reason wasn't because I wanted to get on or make money, but to try to… - 5 years ago

@akincirocks: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@andylong: BBC News - Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@peterandann: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP Julian Bream, 87, fine classical guitarist: - 5 years ago

@musselle_nick: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP Julian Bream, 87, fine classical guitarist: - 5 years ago

@123_INFO_TV: "Julian Bream, grand guitariste et luthiste britannique, est mort à l'âge de 87 ans" - 5 years ago

@odiebev69: RT @JulianDutton1: Julian Bream, who died today, playing a piece once thought too difficult ever to play on the guitar - Albeniz' Asturias.… - 5 years ago

@marcuschown: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP Julian Bream, 87, fine classical guitarist: - 5 years ago

@SylvieKha: RT @francemusique: La #guitare a perdu l'un de ses plus grands ambassadeurs : #JulianBream, aussi engagé pour la musique élisabéthaine qu'a… - 5 years ago

@HuwSayer: RT @BBCRadio3: This edit of Julian Bream's 1983 Desert Island Discs sadly doesn't include the music but his stories are lovely and his choi… - 5 years ago

@richardab23: Julian Bream has passed away, aged 87. In my opinion, he was the greatest classical guitarist of the 20th century.… - 5 years ago

@Pessimisticoops: Lips like David Vine #HMHB Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@Drumerizator: RT @GuitarWorld: Classical fingerstyle guitar master Julian Bream has died at the age of 87 - 5 years ago

@JeanJCSibelius: RT @RoyalPhilSoc: We are very saddened to hear of the death of classical guitarist, Julian Bream. An Honorary Member of the Society and win… - 5 years ago

@karicketts: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@expressceleb: Gardeners' World host Monty Don reacts to pal's tragic death 'Played cricket with him' - 5 years ago

@jim27182: RT @davidcoverdale: R.I.P, Sir...Thank You... Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@groovynic: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@FabienDufail: RT @Diapasonmag: Hommage : Géant de la guitare et du luth, Julian Bream nous a quittés - 5 years ago

@CathFrancoise: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@lscstlln: Bon voyage master Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@tom_kaszuba: Classical guitar genius Julian Bream dead at 87. - 5 years ago

@AngieLeach1: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 | Classical music | The Guardian RIP Julian Bream. You ta… - 5 years ago

@loudshin: RT @davidcoverdale: R.I.P, Sir...Thank You... Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@DylanExaminer: RT @nytimesarts: It could be argued that Julian Bream, even more than Andrés Segovia, established the guitar’s credibility as a serious sol… - 5 years ago

@BluesGeordie: R.I.P Julian Bream, true master. - 5 years ago

@kennygibsonnhs: RT @CllrJaneHoward: Morning everyone in the #EarlyRisersClub - up early as promised for a drive out today. Listening to this classic follow… - 5 years ago

@josantonioescob: RT @NLebrecht: Sadness at the death of Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@Composer_Dave: As a classical guitarist myself, Julian Bream was a massive influence on me. He was instrumental in making the mode… - 5 years ago

@cjhunter1966: RIP Julian Bream. Genius of a guitar and lute player. Single handedly revived the lute in the 1960's. A true gentle… - 5 years ago

@Nube_A: - 5 years ago

@oldnanchris: @CllrJaneHoward @warnetony @YouTube Thank you for posting this youtube clip Jane, but so sad to hear that Julian B… - 5 years ago

@amandadogcare: RT @jonniemcaloon: Julian Bream did more than anyone in the 20th Century to not just establish, but glamourise classical guitar and lute re… - 5 years ago

@FredReibell: RT @francemusique: La #guitare a perdu l'un de ses plus grands ambassadeurs : #JulianBream, aussi engagé pour la musique élisabéthaine qu'a… - 5 years ago

@808marv: RT @davidcoverdale: R.I.P, Sir...Thank You... Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@lodeonfrederic: RT @francemusique: La #guitare a perdu l'un de ses plus grands ambassadeurs : #JulianBream, aussi engagé pour la musique élisabéthaine qu'a… - 5 years ago

@jackopj16: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@vigourtcat: RT @RenaudMachart: Le grand guitariste Julian Bream, qui vient de mourir, ici au luth accompagnant le ténor Peter Pears dans un document de… - 5 years ago

@ezravsqz: A terrible loss for the guitar and classical music communities. RIP. @JimStubblefield - 5 years ago

@MikeBrightman: RT @ClassicFM: We'll be taking a moment in tonight's Classic FM Concert to honour one of the greatest classical guitarists of the 20th cent… - 5 years ago

@junge_sylvia: RT @francemusique: La #guitare a perdu l'un de ses plus grands ambassadeurs : #JulianBream, aussi engagé pour la musique élisabéthaine qu'a… - 5 years ago

@fanboydezelda: RT @davidcoverdale: R.I.P, Sir...Thank You... Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@gnaddy: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 | Classical music | The Guardian - 5 years ago

@Paulett06317923: Guitarist and lute player Julian Bream dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@mighty580AM: RT @TheSimonEvans: "A self-taught musician, Bream learned playing to radio dance bands with the lute his father bought from a sailor on Lon… - 5 years ago

@CoupeBad: @maddow @AP Interviewed in the Guardian aged 80, Bream, who retired in 2002, said he was no longer playing: “The… - 5 years ago

@LordiCavalera: RT @GuitarWorld: Classical fingerstyle guitar master Julian Bream has died at the age of 87 - 5 years ago

@Lerxst_Alex2: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@YuriDarko: RT @davidcoverdale: R.I.P, Sir...Thank You... Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@hi_doi: RT @contra2nd: 自宅において、安らかに永遠の眠りについたそうです。ギターだけでなく、リュートのレパートリー開拓にも多大な貢献をしてくれた人です。合掌。 - 5 years ago

@AndRivasC: RT @davidcoverdale: R.I.P, Sir...Thank You... Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@davidcoverdale: R.I.P, Sir...Thank You... Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@RenaudMachart: Le grand guitariste Julian Bream, qui vient de mourir, ici au luth accompagnant le ténor Peter Pears dans un docume… - 5 years ago

@RockingMagpie: RT @StephenFearing: “I devoted my life to music for a reason, and the reason wasn't because I wanted to get on or make money, but to try to… - 5 years ago

@fdelatorreb: RT @WarnerClassics: Today we say farewell to Julian Bream, one of the greatest guitarists and lutenists of our time. Sad news for classical… - 5 years ago

@catwoman1979: RT @guardianculture: Julian Bream obituary - 5 years ago

@MuktiEchwantono: RT @MusicMagazine: NEWS: The brilliant virtuoso guitarist Julian Bream CBE has died, aged 87. Further information to come. - 5 years ago

@jan_leclair: RT @StephenFearing: Julian Bream was one of the first “classical” guitarists that I was aware of at a young age. Those great 60’s album cov… - 5 years ago

@SaritasSercan: Bu tweet altına bugün size Julian Bream floodu yapacağım. - 5 years ago

@UNofPhoto: RT @BBCRadio3: Julian Bream, 15 July 1933 - 14 August 2020 - 5 years ago

@mighty580AM: RT @StephenFearing: Julian Bream was one of the first “classical” guitarists that I was aware of at a young age. Those great 60’s album cov… - 5 years ago

@sejordt: Thank you, Julian Bream, for bringing the classical guitar into the modern age. Julian Bream, Maestro of Guitar an… - 5 years ago

@huuchi: RT @MCSYoungArtists: 【訃報】ジュリアン・ブリーム、87歳。英国を代表するギタリスト。 2002年に引退するも近所では演奏をしていた。しかし2011年散歩中に近所のワンちゃんに転倒させられ両腰の骨骨折&左手負傷したため(ほぼ)完全に引退。余生を過ごしておら… - 5 years ago

@Brodiep19: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@mindstatex: RT @Mulboyne: Guitarist Julian Bream has died at 87. If you know what a lute sounds like, it's largely down to him, as he rediscovered the… - 5 years ago

@OscarREstrada3: RT @DSCDPAdmin: English classical guitarist and lutenist, Julian Bream, dead at 87. A SWS @DSCDP - 5 years ago

@estefa_quevedo: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@EssakaJoshua: Julian Bream | Recuerdos de la Alhambra | Francisco Tárrega - 5 years ago

@coboman: RT @Mulboyne: Guitarist Julian Bream has died at 87. If you know what a lute sounds like, it's largely down to him, as he rediscovered the… - 5 years ago

@sdpate: Julian Bream was still able to manage a few scales and arpeggios because "it's very good for one's brain and muscul… - 5 years ago

@mattlegroulx: Julian Bream hosted this great documentary series on the history of the guitar in Spanish music: - 5 years ago

@paratata: RT @gendaiguitar: 残念ですが、ジュリアン•ブリーム逝去のニュースが届きました。 現代ギター社一同、心よりお悔やみ申し上げます。 - 5 years ago

@Cody72871735: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@nickcutroneo: RT @ShnaffMusic: We're live with song requests. We will also be taking some time during the stream to honor the life of Julian Bream who ju… - 5 years ago

@JanetMaslin: RT @TimPageWriter: Some thoughts on the late Julian Bream. - 5 years ago

@bull_japanese: RT @Mulboyne: Guitarist Julian Bream has died at 87. If you know what a lute sounds like, it's largely down to him, as he rediscovered the… - 5 years ago

@elknight20: RT @Mulboyne: Guitarist Julian Bream has died at 87. If you know what a lute sounds like, it's largely down to him, as he rediscovered the… - 5 years ago

@Mulboyne: Guitarist Julian Bream has died at 87. If you know what a lute sounds like, it's largely down to him, as he redisco… - 5 years ago

@Jo_Barnes: RT @TheMontyDon: Sorry to hear of the death of the great Julian Bream. 40 years ago played cricket with him. He wore batting gloves in the… - 5 years ago

@DaveB_GB: BBC News - Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@LooniCat: RT @TheMontyDon: Sorry to hear of the death of the great Julian Bream. 40 years ago played cricket with him. He wore batting gloves in the… - 5 years ago

@lcrs26: RT @BBCRadio3: Julian Bream, 15 July 1933 - 14 August 2020 - 5 years ago

@Maintenonmadame: RT @Wordsmithgetxo: #np John Williams & Julian Bream - Clair De Lune - 5 years ago

@jeannesmith1: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@judenonesuch: This extraordinary series of masterclasses is how I got to know Julian Bream and still just strikes me as some of t… - 5 years ago

@dogene: クラシック・ギターの巨匠、ジュリアン・ブリームさんご逝去。享年87歳。合掌。 - 5 years ago

@pangurdubh3: RT @Wordsmithgetxo: #RIP Julian Bream - Pavane - 5 years ago

@pangurdubh3: RT @Wordsmithgetxo: #np John Williams & Julian Bream - Clair De Lune - 5 years ago

@brianmckeen: RT @GuitarWorld: Classical fingerstyle guitar master Julian Bream has died at the age of 87 - 5 years ago

@oisifisocele: Can't think of a better homage to the guitarist Julian Bream (1933-2020) than his amazingly atmospheric performance… - 5 years ago

@regponciano: No se puede celebrar a Julian Bream sin recordar sus celebradas transcripciones de Bach. Aquí la fuga de la 1a sona… - 5 years ago

@GratuitousSax: RIP Julian Bream. You remain a legend and you will be missed. Godspeed and good night. - 5 years ago

@alvisezuani: RT @ALoverOfMusicke: 5/ William Byrd: Mounsier's Almaine - The Julian Bream Consort - 5 years ago

@AmyLGreenblatt: Julian Bream, classical guitarist of profound influence, dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@cherilyntx: RT @BBCRadio3: Julian Bream, 15 July 1933 - 14 August 2020 - 5 years ago

@DylanExaminer: RT @StuartPenney1: Sad news. I bought this LP in 1964. I was 14 and Julian Bream was 31 - 5 years ago

@GiannaTotaro: Vale #JulianBream, #Maestro of #Guitar and #Lute, Dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@GiannaTotaro: RT @from_years: Classical guitarist, Julian Bream, has died at age 87. He commissioned many guitar works that are now standards. He also h… - 5 years ago

@ALoverOfMusicke: 5/ William Byrd: Mounsier's Almaine - The Julian Bream Consort - 5 years ago

@ALoverOfMusicke: 4/John Dowland: The Earl Of Essex's Galliard - The Julian Bream Consort - 5 years ago

@ALoverOfMusicke: 3/ The Julian Bream Consort: Fantasies, Ayres And Dances (Elizabethan and Jacobean Consort Music), RCA Victor Red S… - 5 years ago

@ALoverOfMusicke: 2/ The Julian Bream Consort: An Evening Of Elizabethan Music, RCA Victor Red Seal LDS-2656, 1963 Released as CD: Th… - 5 years ago

@ALoverOfMusicke: Julian Bream (1933-2020) - 5 years ago

@henryjwinks: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@henryjwinks: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@GGonella: pero julian bream no se había muerto ya? - 5 years ago

@Thefinisher20: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@gentilhombre616: RT @1cwNqmJCLlGAEpc: ま、まじ? すっごいショック😭 - 5 years ago

@JayWEccent: RT @WarnerClassics: Today we say farewell to Julian Bream, one of the greatest guitarists and lutenists of our time. Sad news for classical… - 5 years ago

@bigcoffeestout: RT @ShnaffMusic: We're live with song requests. We will also be taking some time during the stream to honor the life of Julian Bream who ju… - 5 years ago

@BooksandTunes: Julian Bream, Maestro of Guitar and Lute, Dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@clivescollins1: - 5 years ago

@masaya_gt_uk: RT @gendaiguitar: 残念ですが、ジュリアン•ブリーム逝去のニュースが届きました。 現代ギター社一同、心よりお悔やみ申し上げます。 - 5 years ago

@eichannel12: RT @matsumoto_taiki: Julian Breamが亡くなった..... 今まででどのクラシックギタリストの録音を1番多く聴いた? と言われれば迷うことなく彼の録音と僕は答えます。特に彼の弾くHenzeのRoyal Winters Musicなどはこれからも僕の… - 5 years ago

@knomia: RT @firstpost: Often considered one of the most prolific and best-selling recording artists in classical music, #JulianBream received four… - 5 years ago

@knomia: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@GeorgiaBoy4Real: #RIPJulianBream BBC News - Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@nfgraca: RT @BBCRadio3: Julian Bream, 15 July 1933 - 14 August 2020 - 5 years ago

@GSArts: Julian Bream obituary - 5 years ago

@MichaelHardyDMA: - 5 years ago

@oldhound: RT @TimPageWriter: Some thoughts on the late Julian Bream. - 5 years ago

@MasumiOF1: RT @francemusique: La #guitare a perdu l'un de ses plus grands ambassadeurs : #JulianBream, aussi engagé pour la musique élisabéthaine qu'a… - 5 years ago

@PatC63316307: RT @emmabclarke: Sad news. Listening to Julian Bream’s exquisite playing motivated me to learn classical guitar. RIP. - 5 years ago

@PatC63316307: RT @geraldgarcia: When I heard about Julian Bream, this was my response. Please try it and share, guitarists! There will be a better print… - 5 years ago

@classical1049: RT @WarnerClassics: Today we say farewell to Julian Bream, one of the greatest guitarists and lutenists of our time. Sad news for classical… - 5 years ago

@dean_frey: RT @TimPageWriter: Some thoughts on the late Julian Bream. - 5 years ago

@PatC63316307: RT @WarnerClassics: Today we say farewell to Julian Bream, one of the greatest guitarists and lutenists of our time. Sad news for classical… - 5 years ago

@Roscommon_Cat: Julian Bream was a very big influence on my dad, who is a lute player and early music instrument maker. Vale. - 5 years ago

@SuSis_Zentrale: 🌈Der legendäre Gitarrist und Lautenspieler Julian Bream ist im Alter von 87 Jahren gestorben. 🕊️ Julian Bream play… - 5 years ago

@PatC63316307: RT @RWCMD: It's with great sadness we learn of the passing of Fellow & friend Julian Bream, one of the best guitarists and lutenists of the… - 5 years ago

@PatC63316307: RT @firstpost: Often considered one of the most prolific and best-selling recording artists in classical music, #JulianBream received four… - 5 years ago

@newcastleboyy: RT @deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Julian Bream - #JulianBream #Julian #Bream #rip - 5 years ago

@daveshiflett1: Remembering Julian Bream: #JulianBream - 5 years ago

@mknz: the German ambassador came up to him and asked: “Mr Bream, you play this Spanish music so marvellously, you must ha… - 5 years ago

@BiffLaTourette: RT @listensessions1: Saluting Julian Bream with a classic recording of guitar concertos written by Marco Giuliani and Malcolm Arnold #nowpl… - 5 years ago

@dbarcon: R.I.P. Julian Bream obituary - 5 years ago

@Briggs99: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@janerosamund: RT @TheMontyDon: Sorry to hear of the death of the great Julian Bream. 40 years ago played cricket with him. He wore batting gloves in the… - 5 years ago

@oldwac1: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@nice_ikiiki: RT @MusicMagazine: NEWS: The brilliant virtuoso guitarist Julian Bream CBE has died, aged 87. Further information to come. - 5 years ago

@Toot2006Sal: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@hudsonette: RT @TimPageWriter: Some thoughts on the late Julian Bream. - 5 years ago

@MaryGriffin28: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@farley697: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@RWurzburg: Julian Bream, Maestro of Guitar and Lute, Dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@cherilyntx: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@GloriatibiTri: ジュリアン・ブリーム(リュート) ヴィヴァルディ リュート協奏曲 ニ長調 RV 93 JULIAN BREAM PLAYS VIVALDI'S LUTE CONCERTO IN D - 5 years ago

@medmouad: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@janrobinjackson: Rest in Peace🎶🎵 Guitarist and lute player Julian Bream dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@GloriatibiTri: ジュリアン・ブリーム(リュート) 「ダウランドとリュート」 Rare Guitar Video: Julian Bream - Dowland and the Lute - 5 years ago

@janrobinjackson: RT @johnsuchet1: Remembering the great British classical guitarist Julian Bream who died today - but which guitarist did he name his dog af… - 5 years ago

@RWurzburg: RT @TimPageWriter: Some thoughts on the late Julian Bream. - 5 years ago

@GilletsBleu: Julian Bream, thanks for the inspiration - 5 years ago

@RichA_NBA: RIP classical guitar Maestro Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@UKHarpists: RT @MarkCharanga: Listening to Julian Bream with a glass of Sussex in hand. Self-taught, fine player, cricket lover. Being an aesthete is a… - 5 years ago

@DianaTBlack: Rare Guitar Video: Julian Bream - Dowland and the Lute - 5 years ago

@ALCGuitar: Based on other's notes today, I think he was very happy that I called him Mr. Bream or Sir, and not Julian! I reca… - 5 years ago

@ALCGuitar: The announcement today of Julian Bream's passing has stirred many emotions. He was vibrant in his playing, an incre… - 5 years ago

@dejah_beaucoup: My favorite #JulianBream Guitar Piece - Bagatelle #3 By William Walton 🕊️💐💔😢💐🕊️ #RestInPeace & Thank you Mr Julian… - 5 years ago

@ClareCoyne8: RT @JulianDutton1: Julian Bream, who died today, playing a piece once thought too difficult ever to play on the guitar - Albeniz' Asturias.… - 5 years ago

@jazzmanahn: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@MCSYoungArtists: 【訃報】ジュリアン・ブリーム、87歳。英国を代表するギタリスト。 2002年に引退するも近所では演奏をしていた。しかし2011年散歩中に近所のワンちゃんに転倒させられ両腰の骨骨折&左手負傷したため(ほぼ)完全に引退。余生を過ごし… - 5 years ago

@tamtamman1964: RT @HideyukiArano: 本当に悲しいニュース。 色彩感のある多彩な音色や音楽は永遠の憧れです。 ご冥福をお祈りします。 Rest in peace. - 5 years ago

@carlsmythe: RIP Julian Bream. Such exquisite guitar playing. - 5 years ago

@artguitar77: RT @JoseMariBailo: RIP Julian Bream, padre de la guitarra moderna. Maestro de maestros. - 5 years ago

@msamson56: RT @crow_gore: - 5 years ago

@SugnaNagol: Share on Twitter - 5 years ago

@CarolineNewns: RT @WarnerClassics: Today we say farewell to Julian Bream, one of the greatest guitarists and lutenists of our time. Sad news for classical… - 5 years ago

@ninillo666: RT @firstpost: Often considered one of the most prolific and best-selling recording artists in classical music, #JulianBream received four… - 5 years ago

@ninillo666: RIP #JulianBream | Fandango | Luigi Boccherini" Julian Bream ft. Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@timbrophynenagh: Julian Bream has given so much pleasure to so many throughout his life that I pray his soul now dwells with the Mos… - 5 years ago

@stylerino: RT @avierec: Saddened to learn that eminent guitarist and lutenist Julian Bream passed away early this morning at the age of 87. Proud to… - 5 years ago

@todalaculturacl: Adiós al guitarrista Julian Bream: el más grande de la segunda mitad del siglo XX - 5 years ago

@sparklysophie: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@DigitalCrates: Guitarist and lute player Julian Bream dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@mezzo54: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87, such a wonderful musician..... - 5 years ago

@RobKendt: RT @TerryTeachout1: My @wsj Julian Bream obituary, written immediately after I heard the news of his death this morning, is now online: htt… - 5 years ago

@daydayb: RT @TerryTeachout1: My @wsj Julian Bream obituary, written immediately after I heard the news of his death this morning, is now online: htt… - 5 years ago

@AminaTaleb_: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@TerryTeachout1: RT @TerryTeachout1: My @wsj Julian Bream obituary, written immediately after I heard the news of his death this morning, is now online: htt… - 5 years ago

@complete_tripe: Julian Bream plays Concierto de Aranjuez by Joaquin Rodrigo (Part 1) - 5 years ago

@GabiBjornstrand: En av mina absoluta gitarr-älsklingar, Julian Bream, har dött, i den aktningsvärda åldern 87 år. Han dog helt fridf… - 5 years ago

@gerardpatrick: Julian Bream obituary #JulianBream - 5 years ago

@texasbarbie7: "Conceirto de Aranjuez:11 Adagio" Joaquin Rodrigo, Julian Bream, guitar. - 5 years ago

@FafaTche: RT @WarnerClassics: Today we say farewell to Julian Bream, one of the greatest guitarists and lutenists of our time. Sad news for classical… - 5 years ago

@FafaTche: RT @firstpost: Often considered one of the most prolific and best-selling recording artists in classical music, #JulianBream received four… - 5 years ago

@FafaTche: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@FafaTche: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@scwirel: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@bigmatt1970: RT @TheSimonEvans: "A self-taught musician, Bream learned playing to radio dance bands with the lute his father bought from a sailor on Lon… - 5 years ago

@complete_tripe: RIP Julian Bream. One of the all time guitar greats. - 5 years ago

@LizlyMitchell: RT @BBCRadio3: Julian Bream, 15 July 1933 - 14 August 2020 - 5 years ago

@show10229: RT @BBCRadio3: Julian Bream, 15 July 1933 - 14 August 2020 - 5 years ago

@ExplodingEmily: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@LondongradC: RT @Foolont87158237: #JulianBream, #British #ClassicalGuitarist, dies aged 87 : #RIP - 5 years ago

@philosophybites: RT @geraldgarcia: When I heard about Julian Bream, this was my response. Please try it and share, guitarists! There will be a better print… - 5 years ago

@diemaus7: RT @contra2nd: 自宅において、安らかに永遠の眠りについたそうです。ギターだけでなく、リュートのレパートリー開拓にも多大な貢献をしてくれた人です。合掌。 - 5 years ago

@pyon_1986: RT @gendaiguitar: 残念ですが、ジュリアン•ブリーム逝去のニュースが届きました。 現代ギター社一同、心よりお悔やみ申し上げます。 - 5 years ago

@MD_DCJoe: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@porkpiepres: RT @jonniemcaloon: Julian Bream did more than anyone in the 20th Century to not just establish, but glamourise classical guitar and lute re… - 5 years ago

@IrishMusicOtt: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@daleharris: RT @BrittenPears: Today we remember Julian Bream, a guitarist who established a lengthy friendship and strong artistic association with Ald… - 5 years ago

@daleharris: RT @RoyalAcadMusic: It is with great sadness that we share the news of the death of Julian Bream, Honorary Member of the Academy and a cons… - 5 years ago

@ThomasVieth: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - BBC News - 5 years ago

@daleharris: RT @AAKSarod: Very sad to know about the passing away of the British guitarist Julian Bream. We had honoured him way back in 1990 with the… - 5 years ago

@NidhiSrinivas_: RT @jimmoginie: A sad day for me. The master has gone. Julian Bream has died at his home in Wiltshire at the age of 87. The virtuoso mus… - 5 years ago

@vfarrellart: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@daleharris: RT @ClassclGtrMag: #JulianBream will always be regarded as one of the finest and most influential #ClassicalGuitar players ever, an artist… - 5 years ago

@traduttore24: RT @Afmagdaleno: Ha muerto #JulianBream, uno de los grandes. Hasta siempre, Maestro. - 5 years ago

@daleharris: RT @ClassicFM: Farewell to a legendary pioneering guitarist. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@Prefabsprout: RT @jonniemcaloon: Julian Bream did more than anyone in the 20th Century to not just establish, but glamourise classical guitar and lute re… - 5 years ago

@tigrereal73: RT @GramophoneMag: The guitarist Julian Bream has died. A tribute from our Editor, Martin Cullingford: - 5 years ago

@07Sarah10: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@SwanstonRobert: Brilliant classical guitarist Julian Bream has sadly died aged 87. RIP @keyboardman88… - 5 years ago

@Demofon: Två trista dödsbud på lika många dagar gällande två av mina, ehuru inbördes väldigt olika, musikhjältar - igår Juli… - 5 years ago

@BrianCassidy179: RT @JulianDutton1: Julian Bream, who died today, playing a piece once thought too difficult ever to play on the guitar - Albeniz' Asturias.… - 5 years ago

@YTLKings: RT @philosophybites: "I devoted my life to music for a reason, and the reason wasn't because I wanted to get on or make money, but to try t… - 5 years ago

@DorsetWriter: Julian Bream obituary - 5 years ago

@dejah_beaucoup: RT @austguitarist: RIP to the great Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@dejah_beaucoup: Rest in Peace Julian Bream 💐🕊️💐✝️💐🕊️💐 "God laid a finger on his brow" - Andres Segovia - 5 years ago

@DorsetWriter: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@Sellypaws: More excruciating stroke pain tonight; but I’m holding it off by listening to Julian Bream’s remarkable transcription of the Chaconne... - 5 years ago

@dejah_beaucoup: RT @geraldgarcia: When I heard about Julian Bream, this was my response. Please try it and share, guitarists! There will be a better print… - 5 years ago

@Luxor1999: RT @AndreyGuitarist: Julian Bream operated with an utterly unique set of values and saw the world as no-one else has. I cherish the many af… - 5 years ago

@dejah_beaucoup: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@dejah_beaucoup: #RIP 🕊️ ✝️ and THANK YOU 💐💐💐💐 🙏🏻💙Julian Bream💙🙏🏻 🎼🎵🎶 - 5 years ago

@EdDarrell: RT @geraldgarcia: When I heard about Julian Bream, this was my response. Please try it and share, guitarists! There will be a better print… - 5 years ago

@EdDarrell: RT @AAKSarod: Very sad to know about the passing away of the British guitarist Julian Bream. We had honoured him way back in 1990 with the… - 5 years ago

@Sou_HotWhopper: RT @RWCMD: It's with great sadness we learn of the passing of Fellow & friend Julian Bream, one of the best guitarists and lutenists of the… - 5 years ago

@psephologist: Embarrassingly as the son of a classical guitarist, I had no idea Julian Bream was still alive. Recommended memoria… - 5 years ago

@jandreshern: RT @philosophybites: "I devoted my life to music for a reason, and the reason wasn't because I wanted to get on or make money, but to try t… - 5 years ago

@EdDarrell: RT @WarnerClassics: Today we say farewell to Julian Bream, one of the greatest guitarists and lutenists of our time. Sad news for classical… - 5 years ago

@WENTAOMRI: RT @SigCuriace: Mon père m’appelle à la mi-temps pour me dire que l’incroyable Julian Bream est décédé aujourd’hui. En mémoire du magnifiqu… - 5 years ago

@ntozubod: RT @seanstshibe: Julian Bream has passed away. Words can't do justice to how highly I think of him - he was the most excitingly human of gu… - 5 years ago

@guitarJOE01: Julian Breamが亡くなった。。。 合掌。。。 - 5 years ago

@brion_iago: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@NickThiwerspoon: RT @PaulDBrazill: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@robdorrington: RT @BBCRadio3: Julian Bream, 15 July 1933 - 14 August 2020 - 5 years ago

@violaoemerson: Perdemos um grande músico das maiores influência e inspiração do violão, descanse em paz. Julian Bream (1933-2020)… - 5 years ago

@rachelrmk: RT @BBCRadio3: This edit of Julian Bream's 1983 Desert Island Discs sadly doesn't include the music but his stories are lovely and his choi… - 5 years ago

@KarimSulayman: RT @seanstshibe: I'll be on @BBCRadio4 @BBCFrontRow tonight talking about Julian Bream and his legacy. - 5 years ago

@thepigonen: RT @ceparkgrace: 나의 20대를 촘촘하게 채웠던 클래식 기타 앨범들을 하나씩 찾아 듣고 있다.무거운 하드 케이스를 분신처럼 업고 렛슨 받으러 다니고 밥먹고 잠든 시간 빼고는 종일 연습만 하던 학생 시절이 있었다.덕분에 푸르게 빛났던 시간… - 5 years ago

@ce_archerhelke: RT @WFMTclassical: Remembering Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@bernardtrafford: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@thorpey34: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@timothyatkinson: - 5 years ago

@armandolenerol1: RT @GdnClassical: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@Nigel_Purchase: RT @PaulDBrazill: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@bencherrill1: RT @bencherrill1: #RIP #Maestro #ProperArtist - 5 years ago

@WhitefordPeter: RT @PaulDBrazill: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@Laogeodritt: Requiescat in pace, Julian Bream. =( - 5 years ago

@bencherrill1: #RIP #Maestro #ProperArtist - 5 years ago

@SodenAlan: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@iamfujimura: RT @TerryTeachout1: My @wsj Julian Bream obituary, written immediately after I heard the news of his death this morning, is now online: htt… - 5 years ago

@paultudor: RT @robertjoseph: RIP Julian Bream, who gave voice to the guitar - 5 years ago

@CBCarey: RT @TerryTeachout1: My @wsj Julian Bream obituary, written immediately after I heard the news of his death this morning, is now online: htt… - 5 years ago

@Miss_Rosso: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@Blueslicker: RT @TheFabledAesop: The great British guitarist Julian Bream has died, aged 87 @MusicMagazine - 5 years ago

@Nick1White: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@leda_miles: RT @ArtsJournalNews: Guitarist Julian Bream, 87: Interviewed in the Guardian aged 80, Bream, who retired in 2002, said he was no longer p… - 5 years ago

@railpony: #ripbream Guitarist and lute player Julian Bream dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@gleet_tweet: RT @BBCRadio3: Julian Bream, 15 July 1933 - 14 August 2020 - 5 years ago

@Sefton456: - 5 years ago

@chlxesw: RT @AAKSarod: Very sad to know about the passing away of the British guitarist Julian Bream. We had honoured him way back in 1990 with the… - 5 years ago

@eapbee: RT @BBCRadio3: Julian Bream, 15 July 1933 - 14 August 2020 - 5 years ago

@luscombelive: RT @ClassclGtrMag: #JulianBream will always be regarded as one of the finest and most influential #ClassicalGuitar players ever, an artist… - 5 years ago

@julian_bream: @eLearningTechie The passing of a great musician and inspiration. My new prefix is 'not the late, great...' - 5 years ago

@JanilsonFialho_: RT @BBCRadio3: Julian Bream, 15 July 1933 - 14 August 2020 - 5 years ago

@ClassclGtrMag: #JulianBream will always be regarded as one of the finest and most influential #ClassicalGuitar players ever, an ar… - 5 years ago

@NeilYoungSaveUs: RT @ArtsJournalNews: Guitarist Julian Bream, 87: Interviewed in the Guardian aged 80, Bream, who retired in 2002, said he was no longer p… - 5 years ago

@jonniemcaloon: Julian Bream did more than anyone in the 20th Century to not just establish, but glamourise classical guitar and lu… - 5 years ago

@BeeElizabeth5: RT @BBCRadio3: This edit of Julian Bream's 1983 Desert Island Discs sadly doesn't include the music but his stories are lovely and his choi… - 5 years ago

@Roxindabox: RT @RecordingAcad: British classical guitarist and lute player #JulianBream, who earned four #GRAMMYs and 20 nominations during his illustr… - 5 years ago

@latercera: RT @CultoLT: 🔴 #AlertaCulto | Adiós al guitarrista Julian Bream: el más grande de la segunda mitad del siglo XX - 5 years ago

@Pobvill: RT @CultoLT: 🔴 #AlertaCulto | Adiós al guitarrista Julian Bream: el más grande de la segunda mitad del siglo XX - 5 years ago

@huwptddavies: RT @JLloydWebber: Very sad to read of the death of my dear friend Julian Bream. We met when touring with the New Zealand SO. We were both… - 5 years ago

@hudsonette: So beautiful. Julian Bream | Granada | Isaac Albéniz - 5 years ago

@oneloveisriches: RT @WarnerClassics: Today we say farewell to Julian Bream, one of the greatest guitarists and lutenists of our time. Sad news for classical… - 5 years ago

@Kvalcad: RT @francemusique: La #guitare a perdu l'un de ses plus grands ambassadeurs : #JulianBream, aussi engagé pour la musique élisabéthaine qu'a… - 5 years ago

@Steven_Berryman: Recall a really moving anecdote about Julian Bream from a colleague at my first teaching job; she'd found him locke… - 5 years ago

@Pmoney_Ent: RT @RecordingAcad: British classical guitarist and lute player #JulianBream, who earned four #GRAMMYs and 20 nominations during his illustr… - 5 years ago

@RecordingAcad: British classical guitarist and lute player #JulianBream, who earned four #GRAMMYs and 20 nominations during his il… - 5 years ago

@adamkjor: RIP Julian Bream :( Not too into classical guitar, but man was a giant within it. - 5 years ago

@the0_9: Julian Bream (15 July 1933 – 14 August 2020) - 5 years ago

@gastrogeorge: RT @LeoJCarey: RIP Julian Bream. One of those musicians, like Segovia or Rostropovich, who leaves his instrument forever altered. This beau… - 5 years ago

@VictorMattoon: RT @BBCRadio3: This edit of Julian Bream's 1983 Desert Island Discs sadly doesn't include the music but his stories are lovely and his choi… - 5 years ago

@PointyTragus: RT @BBCRadio3: Julian Bream, 15 July 1933 - 14 August 2020 - 5 years ago

@toddlemmon: RT @TerryTeachout1: My @wsj Julian Bream obituary, written immediately after I heard the news of his death this morning, is now online: htt… - 5 years ago

@CultoLT: 🔴 #AlertaCulto | Adiós al guitarrista Julian Bream: el más grande de la segunda mitad del siglo XX… - 5 years ago

@GloriatibiTri: RT @BBCRadio3: This edit of Julian Bream's 1983 Desert Island Discs sadly doesn't include the music but his stories are lovely and his choi… - 5 years ago

@Michael_KMP: RT @contra2nd: 自宅において、安らかに永遠の眠りについたそうです。ギターだけでなく、リュートのレパートリー開拓にも多大な貢献をしてくれた人です。合掌。 - 5 years ago

@johnnypherome: Sad day. Brilliant guitarist, musician. - 5 years ago

@JSG2050: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@Jack_ElHai: “When research by younger lutenists suggested that Mr. Bream’s lute technique was inauthentic, he stopped playing t… - 5 years ago

@HREX19576485: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@matthewbate: RT @TheSimonEvans: "A self-taught musician, Bream learned playing to radio dance bands with the lute his father bought from a sailor on Lon… - 5 years ago

@michael_szumega: RT @BBCRadio3: This edit of Julian Bream's 1983 Desert Island Discs sadly doesn't include the music but his stories are lovely and his choi… - 5 years ago

@BBCRadio3: This edit of Julian Bream's 1983 Desert Island Discs sadly doesn't include the music but his stories are lovely and… - 5 years ago

@MikeGJackson: A childhood hero. I am certain that learning an instrument at a young age laid down the bedrock for a creative life… - 5 years ago

@BIGTMoralee: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@hudsonette: RT @dean_frey: #RIP Julian Bream My introduction to the music of Heitor Villa-Lobos: Popular Classics for the Spanish Guitar, 1964 - 5 years ago

@GeorgeMathew: RT @BBCRadio3: Julian Bream, 15 July 1933 - 14 August 2020 - 5 years ago

@cherilyntx: RT @TerryTeachout1: My @wsj Julian Bream obituary, written immediately after I heard the news of his death this morning, is now online: htt… - 5 years ago

@j9fingers: RT @BBCRadio3: Julian Bream, 15 July 1933 - 14 August 2020 - 5 years ago

@rondoburlesca: RT @BBCRadio3: Julian Bream, 15 July 1933 - 14 August 2020 - 5 years ago

@GlasgowAlbum: RT @BBCRadio3: Julian Bream, 15 July 1933 - 14 August 2020 - 5 years ago

@triantag1: RT @geraldgarcia: When I heard about Julian Bream, this was my response. Please try it and share, guitarists! There will be a better print… - 5 years ago

@GinnyRoberson: RT @kurt_loder: RIP #JulianBream: Playing lute for #Stravinsky: - 5 years ago

@nemoloris: ‘Now is this song both sung and past: My lute be still, for I have done.’ RIP Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@DavidThomsonOne: RT @guardian: Julian Bream obituary - 5 years ago

@Ramblingproses: RT @guardian: Julian Bream obituary - 5 years ago

@WendyTrakes: RIP Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@JeanDled1215: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@elainemacg: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@dav_jons: RT @guardian: Julian Bream obituary - 5 years ago

@TommyJJunior: RT @boygobong: Julian Bream, Maestro of Guitar and Lute, Dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@Fil_Lipparini: I've listened to this so many times while studying for my diploma, that you basically taught me how to play it. Far… - 5 years ago

@MattCohenBass: The music world lost both Julian Bream and Pete Way, today. So very sad. Thank you for the music, both. RIP 😔🥺 xx - 5 years ago

@fralbaro: Isaac Albéniz: Córdoba. Julián Bream.✝️ - 5 years ago

@karenbrockmusic: RT @richardchapman: A day I will never forget. The passing of Julian Bream, a great artist who meant so much to me for over 50 years. His i… - 5 years ago

@geoffwetblanket: Julian Bream and Pete Way, jamming in heaven. - 5 years ago

@mawstrategy2018: RT @guardian: Julian Bream obituary - 5 years ago

@Mikeygy: #RIP Julian Bream... a master of the noble wood🎸 - 5 years ago

@chrisgladrock: The great Julian Bream died- the finest lutist of the century and a giant of classical guitar. His distinct tone is… - 5 years ago

@AXristodoulidou: RT @guardian: Julian Bream obituary - 5 years ago

@JPG_Music: RT @just_in_bcn: Un recuerdo para Julian Bream: - 5 years ago

@PhillipWSerna: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@giantroot: RT @NYTObits: Julian Bream, the English guitarist and lutenist who pushed the guitar beyond its Spanish roots and expanded its expressive r… - 5 years ago

@regcrawford3: RT @NYTObits: Julian Bream, the English guitarist and lutenist who pushed the guitar beyond its Spanish roots and expanded its expressive r… - 5 years ago

@NatashaRandall: RT @chrishawtree: "Heartbroken to read of this splendid musician's death. I listen continually to the diverse box of his RCA recor..." http… - 5 years ago

@nirgunapa: Another sad loss - the man who rescued the lute and its music from obscurity in the 20th century and made it and it… - 5 years ago

@m_yates: RT @stevesilberman: Classical guitar virtuoso Julian Bream has died. This is why he was so important. - 5 years ago

@richiemajor13: RT @Guitarist_Mag: Classical fingerstyle guitar master Julian Bream dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@HenryvdZwan: RT @nytimesarts: It could be argued that Julian Bream, even more than Andrés Segovia, established the guitar’s credibility as a serious sol… - 5 years ago

@djuna01: RT @NYTObits: Julian Bream, the English guitarist and lutenist who pushed the guitar beyond its Spanish roots and expanded its expressive r… - 5 years ago

@higa: Homenagem a Julian Bream (1933-2020) - Estação Cultura - 5 years ago

@moustachewax: RT @billyinafield: @thesidsmith "Julian Bream, dreamboat queen, queen of all my dreams, every night I turn the light out" Good old Floyd 😂👍 - 5 years ago

@MerrillHayes7: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@frankcottrell_b: RT @chrishawtree: Deeply saddened at Julian Bream's death. I wrote a comment here about the mid-Seventies, Monty Pythonish documentary wh… - 5 years ago

@Mmelulu: RIP Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@Johnbrunning: RT @geraldgarcia: When I heard about Julian Bream, this was my response. Please try it and share, guitarists! There will be a better print… - 5 years ago

@seanstshibe: RT @TheMontyDon: Sorry to hear of the death of the great Julian Bream. 40 years ago played cricket with him. He wore batting gloves in the… - 5 years ago

@SALVADORLACROIX: RT @ClassicFM: We'll be taking a moment in tonight's Classic FM Concert to honour one of the greatest classical guitarists of the 20th cent… - 5 years ago

@80guitarhero: Julian Bream is in my top 3 of most influential guitarists. I would often attempt to mimic the timbers in his recor… - 5 years ago

@mcemtuncer: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 | Classical music | The Guardian . Rest in Peace Maestro! 🦋 - 5 years ago

@badbrainAJ: My only connection with Julian Bream,was an album by a kind of Classical super group called SKY,my Dad loved that group. - 5 years ago

@PercyFilth_: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@TonyNicol3: RT @Lthanwordsfest: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@2020science: RT @stevesilberman: Classical guitar virtuoso Julian Bream has died. This is why he was so important. - 5 years ago

@jonclea: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@Arts_so_me: - 5 years ago

@CeciliaEgan1: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@eTrix: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@profdwh: RT @PaulDBrazill: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@TheBlueTrane: RT @tedgioia: R.I.P. classical guitarist and 4-time Grammy-winner Julian Bream, who leaves us at age 87. - 5 years ago

@stefanbednar: 😢RIP Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 | Classical music | The Guardian - 5 years ago

@camu362: RT @IvoCaracas: Ha muerto uno de los grandes de la guitarra, el inglés Julian Bream. Varias de sus grabaciones quedan en el acervo de los g… - 5 years ago

@simplysimon321: Today we suffer a massive loss to the world of music and guitar. Julian Bream has died aged 87. A significant influ… - 5 years ago


@AnneMarieClark6: RT @AndreyGuitarist: Julian Bream operated with an utterly unique set of values and saw the world as no-one else has. I cherish the many af… - 5 years ago

@SherringGeoff: Julian Bream - J.S Bach-Violin Sonata fugue - 5 years ago

@stevesilberman: Classical guitar virtuoso Julian Bream has died. This is why he was so important. - 5 years ago

@Quinn_Taylor: RT @tedgioia: R.I.P. classical guitarist and 4-time Grammy-winner Julian Bream, who leaves us at age 87. - 5 years ago

@DvGammeren: The end of an era! If it hadn't been for Julian Bream, I would have never picked up the classical guitar all those… - 5 years ago

@Damien1589: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@LyleVieanne: So sorry to hear of the death of the superbly talented Julian Bream. Semper Dowland, semper dolens. - 5 years ago

@RNZConcert: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@MischaLore: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@AnneMarieClark6: RT @seanstshibe: I'll be on @BBCRadio4 @BBCFrontRow tonight talking about Julian Bream and his legacy. - 5 years ago

@mnenonlao: Julian Bream antecede a John Williams como eximio intérprete de la guitarra clásica. Tomó la batuta de la maestría… - 5 years ago

@VesuviaAdelia: RT @firstpost: Often considered one of the most prolific and best-selling recording artists in classical music, #JulianBream received four… - 5 years ago

@AndreyGuitarist: Julian Bream operated with an utterly unique set of values and saw the world as no-one else has. I cherish the many… - 5 years ago

@FirehorseP: @BBCRadio3 RIP Julian Bream 😿❤️ - 5 years ago

@FirehorseP: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@ShsEliza: RT @irgarner: Well this is sad. A brilliant, masterful guitarist (and a shit hot lute virtuoso). An inspiration. Julian Bream, British clas… - 5 years ago

@EskobaRal: El gran guitarrista británico Julian Bream ha muerto. Gracias Maestro. 💐💐💐 - 5 years ago

@PabloAllelli: Wonderful to hear @BBCInTune playing Concierto de Aranjuez with Julian Bream. I listened with the radio turned up… - 5 years ago

@irgarner: Well this is sad. A brilliant, masterful guitarist (and a shit hot lute virtuoso). An inspiration. Julian Bream, Br… - 5 years ago

@J18Ray: RT @GuitarWorld: Classical fingerstyle guitar master Julian Bream has died at the age of 87 - 5 years ago

@watty62: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@RightAngleUK: RT @thesidsmith: Farewell, Julian Bream. I recall first seeing him on TV in the late 60s & early 70s on all kinds of shows. I bought this L… - 5 years ago

@giovanni_A: The great British guitarist Julian Bream has died, aged 87 @MusicMagazine - 5 years ago

@ed_sleep: RIP Julian Bream. Great lute & guitar player. 🙏🏻 - 5 years ago

@PinkthePig: Sad to hear of the passing of Julian Bream. We walked down the aisle to Duo in G Opus 34 aka the theme to The Adve… - 5 years ago

@Dakotadc47: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@Chris6601946: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@neildrewitt: Julian Bream RIP - 5 years ago

@maijazz2: RT @thesidsmith: Farewell, Julian Bream. I recall first seeing him on TV in the late 60s & early 70s on all kinds of shows. I bought this L… - 5 years ago

@seanstshibe: I'll be on @BBCRadio4 @BBCFrontRow tonight talking about Julian Bream and his legacy. - 5 years ago

@EggusMaximus: Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@Erwhatdidyousay: RT @geraldgarcia: When I heard about Julian Bream, this was my response. Please try it and share, guitarists! There will be a better print… - 5 years ago

@KiteySarah: RT @TheMontyDon: Sorry to hear of the death of the great Julian Bream. 40 years ago played cricket with him. He wore batting gloves in the… - 5 years ago

@VividRicky: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@OlgaHeinBerlin: RT @francemusique: La #guitare a perdu l'un de ses plus grands ambassadeurs : #JulianBream, aussi engagé pour la musique élisabéthaine qu'a… - 5 years ago

@JamesBream: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@Curt_Parr: Quite sad I will never have the opportunity for my guitar playing to be ripped to shreds by the great Julian Bream.… - 5 years ago

@JPSmith8: RIP Julian Bream, guitarist and lutenist. - 5 years ago

@DaveCha05408807: RT @XuefeiYang: I just heard the sad news, that Julian Bream passed away peacefully in his sleep last night, aged 87. He was, & remains, an… - 5 years ago

@MariCaprici: RT @francemusique: La #guitare a perdu l'un de ses plus grands ambassadeurs : #JulianBream, aussi engagé pour la musique élisabéthaine qu'a… - 5 years ago

@panchoballard: Oh dear. Rest in peace, Julian Bream. Julian bloody Bream, if you will. - 5 years ago

@ChrisParslow1: RT @TheMontyDon: Sorry to hear of the death of the great Julian Bream. 40 years ago played cricket with him. He wore batting gloves in the… - 5 years ago

@midehyah5: RT @gendaiguitar: 残念ですが、ジュリアン•ブリーム逝去のニュースが届きました。 現代ギター社一同、心よりお悔やみ申し上げます。 - 5 years ago

@MolinaSus: RT @PlateaMagazine: #ULTIMAHORA: Fallece el mítico guitarriasta Julian Bream a los 87 años de edad. - 5 years ago

@MaxinePatterson: RT @TheMontyDon: Sorry to hear of the death of the great Julian Bream. 40 years ago played cricket with him. He wore batting gloves in the… - 5 years ago

@Onlylerak: Much saddened to hear of the passing of Julian Bream. Very fortunate to have attended a few of his concerts. First… - 5 years ago

@janelesley: RT @noiseresearch: Sad news. Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@RedBee23: RT @TheMontyDon: Sorry to hear of the death of the great Julian Bream. 40 years ago played cricket with him. He wore batting gloves in the… - 5 years ago

@fablevstudios: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@auralhistories: BBC News - Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@rj3sp: The Guardian: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87. via @GoogleNews - 5 years ago

@enricros: RT @tedgioia: R.I.P. classical guitarist and 4-time Grammy-winner Julian Bream, who leaves us at age 87. - 5 years ago

@TomDeMerit: @TerryTeachout1 @WSJ Sir, as an avid reader of the Travis McGee series by John D. MacDonald, I am intrigued. The Mc… - 5 years ago

@MarkSteph001: Love the Bream, Williams sessions/recordings. RIP, Julian Bream : - 5 years ago

@SakuraPhotogrrl: RT @TheMontyDon: Sorry to hear of the death of the great Julian Bream. 40 years ago played cricket with him. He wore batting gloves in the… - 5 years ago

@RealAdamHuish: RT @guardiannews: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@nyurkad: Top story: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - BBC News - 5 years ago

@crossmediapubli: Top story: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - BBC News - 5 years ago

@WarGit: RT @TheMontyDon: Sorry to hear of the death of the great Julian Bream. 40 years ago played cricket with him. He wore batting gloves in the… - 5 years ago

@philipvalembois: RT @francemusique: La #guitare a perdu l'un de ses plus grands ambassadeurs : #JulianBream, aussi engagé pour la musique élisabéthaine qu'a… - 5 years ago

@ReyesLlinas: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@TheMontyDon: Sorry to hear of the death of the great Julian Bream. 40 years ago played cricket with him. He wore batting gloves… - 5 years ago

@christysnr: RT @francemusique: La #guitare a perdu l'un de ses plus grands ambassadeurs : #JulianBream, aussi engagé pour la musique élisabéthaine qu'a… - 5 years ago

@JcsmMurty: I think this video shows not only the genius that was Julian Bream but also his wonderful personality. Rest in peac… - 5 years ago

@nowisineffect: RT @guardian: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@Korngold29: RT @mulder_pieter: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@imanimosley: then Julian Bream which, as i mentioned earlier, was the inspiration for our ceremony music, specifically the Galli… - 5 years ago

@CathSchofield: @BrittenOfficial This is probably the best piece of guitar music there is. Julian Bream was such a fabulous musician 😢 - 5 years ago

@ChazzaSteinway: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@grardcohen: RT @francemusique: La #guitare a perdu l'un de ses plus grands ambassadeurs : #JulianBream, aussi engagé pour la musique élisabéthaine qu'a… - 5 years ago

@HartWellsGuitar: The very definition of artistry. A career that has inspired me to know end. One of the true lights of humanity and… - 5 years ago

@debbieaxiom: RT @johnsuchet1: Remembering the great British classical guitarist Julian Bream who died today - but which guitarist did he name his dog af… - 5 years ago

@Korngold29: RT @HoriaGanescu: The guitarist Julian Bream has died - 5 years ago

@nowisineffect: RIP Julian Bream. My favourite classical guitarist! - 5 years ago

@lawbow: RT @LeoJCarey: RIP Julian Bream. One of those musicians, like Segovia or Rostropovich, who leaves his instrument forever altered. This beau… - 5 years ago

@DrOliverLewis: RIP Julian Bream, Britain’s best classical guitarist. Check out his masterclasses on youTube: amazing. - 5 years ago

@rklotz: RT @guardian: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@lindawaters_t: RT @guardian: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@ediciones_ucm: RT @siempreisla: The great British guitarist Julian Bream has died, aged 87 @MusicMagazine - 5 years ago

@djuna01: RT @divakazza: Julian Bream; Bach Prelude in D - 5 years ago

@HartWellsGuitar: RT @guitarina: My hero forever. The great British guitarist Julian Bream has died, aged 87 @MusicMagazine - 5 years ago

@JohnCorcelli: RT @tedgioia: R.I.P. classical guitarist and 4-time Grammy-winner Julian Bream, who leaves us at age 87. - 5 years ago

@beansi50: RT @guardian: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@guitarsvd: Julian Bream passed away today. He is my biggest influence in guitar playing and his masterclass taught me so much.… - 5 years ago

@auerfeld: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@synarchici: Mallorca - Julian Bream. - 5 years ago

@PrezMiquel: Love you! See you later! Bye! Julian Bream | Valses Poéticos | Enrique Granados - 5 years ago

@ulf_der_freak: RT @gitarra: My idol, my lifelong inspiration as musician and artist. Grew up with his recordings, heard him twice in concert....but never… - 5 years ago

@FreshmanGtrLove: RIP Mr Bream. An inspiration to many many guitarists >>> - 5 years ago

@alvisezuani: RT @BrittenPears: Today we remember Julian Bream, a guitarist who established a lengthy friendship and strong artistic association with Ald… - 5 years ago

@tusharkadam82: RT @AAKSarod: Very sad to know about the passing away of the British guitarist Julian Bream. We had honoured him way back in 1990 with the… - 5 years ago

@univrsle: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@mmorasoria: RT @MusicMagazine: NEWS: The brilliant virtuoso guitarist Julian Bream CBE has died, aged 87. Further information to come. - 5 years ago

@lindarncm: RT @wigmore_hall: We are very sorry to learn of the death of Julian Bream - one of the greatest guitarists of all time. Julian gave his fir… - 5 years ago

@HoraAmerica: RT @RevistaRITMO: Julián Bream, uno de los grandes guitarristas, ha fallecido hoy a los 87 años. DEP - 5 years ago

@misternop: RT @wigmore_hall: We are very sorry to learn of the death of Julian Bream - one of the greatest guitarists of all time. Julian gave his fir… - 5 years ago

@CarthyAlf: - 5 years ago

@PCMusicPro: RIP Mr Bream. An inspiration to many >>>> - 5 years ago

@GealbhanBheag: - 5 years ago

@marioomvoid: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@Espumarejo: RT @maxpradera: Ha fallecido Julian Bream, el Paco de Lucía de la guitarra clásica. Una vida plena, consagrada a dar placer al prójimo. O… - 5 years ago

@Michael07017080: BBC News - Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@timcwebb: @Dancing_Monk Oh no, that's very sad news. I only have a tiny bit of Julian Bream. Do you have any recommendations of favorite recordings? - 5 years ago

@ministril: RT @elenaortpin: Se va una de las figuras más importantes de la guitarra. DEP Julian Bream, maestro. #guitar #gu… - 5 years ago

@rpezer1: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP Julian Bream, 87, fine classical guitarist: - 5 years ago

@gsDetermination: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@BadHg21: RT @XuefeiYang: I just heard the sad news, that Julian Bream passed away peacefully in his sleep last night, aged 87. He was, & remains, an… - 5 years ago

@AnnRutledgeRR: RIP Julian Bream. - 5 years ago

@OldestguyJoe: RT @TerryTeachout1: A memory of Julian Bream, who died today at the age of 87: - 5 years ago

@johnedwinmason: RT @XuefeiYang: I just heard the sad news, that Julian Bream passed away peacefully in his sleep last night, aged 87. He was, & remains, an… - 5 years ago

@Darion_Powell: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@paul_norgen: RT @gendaiguitar: 残念ですが、ジュリアン•ブリーム逝去のニュースが届きました。 現代ギター社一同、心よりお悔やみ申し上げます。 - 5 years ago

@selfstyledsiren: RT @TerryTeachout1: A memory of Julian Bream, who died today at the age of 87: - 5 years ago

@triciagarcia31: @MusicMagazine @ClassicalMel Rest in Peace guitarist Julian Bream . - 5 years ago

@ChazzaSteinway: RT @wigmore_hall: We are very sorry to learn of the death of Julian Bream - one of the greatest guitarists of all time. Julian gave his fir… - 5 years ago

@ralunn: Sad to hear Julian Bream died. He was my favorite classical guitarist. I had the pleasure of seeing him in concert… - 5 years ago

@BillieO2: RT @BestDrWho: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@Lthanwordsfest: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@VicManVillegas: RT @Scherzo_es: Muere a los 87 años Julian Bream, una leyenda de la guitarra clásica - 5 years ago

@Jahaza: RT @TerryTeachout1: A memory of Julian Bream, who died today at the age of 87: - 5 years ago

@sggibbo: RT @avierec: Saddened to learn that eminent guitarist and lutenist Julian Bream passed away early this morning at the age of 87. Proud to… - 5 years ago

@sevenfour777: farewell Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@Tonywauk: @MahanEsfahani RIP Julian Bream. - 5 years ago

@MarlowGuitar: We are saddened to hear about Julian Bream’s passing and will be sharing posts celebrating this incomparable artist… - 5 years ago

@ErikaInHarmony: RIP Julian Bream :( #JulianBream #guitar #classicalguitar #classicalmusic #lute - 5 years ago

@MusicGavalas: Guitarist and lutenist Julian Bream dies aged 87 via /r/classicalmusic - 5 years ago

@certamenllobet: RT @cerguit: Sentim la notícia de l'il·lustre mestre guitarrista i llautista anglès Julian Bream Premi Honorífic @certamenllobet 2013 ha mo… - 5 years ago

@eugenio76543: RT @maxpradera: Ha fallecido Julian Bream, el Paco de Lucía de la guitarra clásica. Una vida plena, consagrada a dar placer al prójimo. O… - 5 years ago

@gagarciap: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@HerrLuigiHyde: RT @JoseMariBailo: RIP Julian Bream, padre de la guitarra moderna. Maestro de maestros. - 5 years ago

@axel_nader: RT @francemusique: Le guitariste et luthiste britannique #JulianBream nous a quittés à l'âge de 87 ans. - 5 years ago

@Fermtech2269: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@sei_jubilee: RT @gendaiguitar: 残念ですが、ジュリアン•ブリーム逝去のニュースが届きました。 現代ギター社一同、心よりお悔やみ申し上げます。 - 5 years ago

@gloriayujin: RT @MusicMagazine: NEWS: The brilliant virtuoso guitarist Julian Bream CBE has died, aged 87. Further information to come. - 5 years ago

@gabimans: RT @GuilleBazzola: Murió Julian Bream, el guitarrista clásico al que le gustaban el jazz y la improvisación. - 5 years ago

@PhEAV: Julian Bream 《Guitar Recital: Bach, Sor, Turina, Tippett & Schubert》(Testament). #RIP - 5 years ago

@cosmodrake: Sniff. My favourite classical guitarist. The emotion and feeling he used to pack into pieces... His Bach Chaconne..… - 5 years ago

@pablolrguez: RT @GdnClassical: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@ClassiqueLive: #Bach : Fugue pour guitare BWV 100 - Julian Bream, guitare .#RadioClassique - 5 years ago

@davesrecordschi: RT @TheSimonEvans: "A self-taught musician, Bream learned playing to radio dance bands with the lute his father bought from a sailor on Lon… - 5 years ago

@monroe_quinn: RIP Maestro. #JulianBream #classicalguitar - 5 years ago

@crystalclearjt: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@aiwetir: RT @MusicMagazine: Following the sad death of guitarist Julian Bream this morning, we've picked out some of his greatest recordings. https… - 5 years ago

@RyKas: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87. Bream helped cement the guitar in the classical tradition… - 5 years ago

@heather_c_c: RT @artistNWT: Very sad to hear about the death of Julian Bream. This is one of the first CDs I ever bought. As an impecunious student, CDs… - 5 years ago

@pradix2002: RT @maxpradera: Ha fallecido Julian Bream, el Paco de Lucía de la guitarra clásica. Una vida plena, consagrada a dar placer al prójimo. O… - 5 years ago

@CoachJonesXC: Julian Bream died today at age 87. Hs music helped get me through graduate school. - 5 years ago

@MusicMagazine: Following the sad death of guitarist Julian Bream this morning, we've picked out some of his greatest recordings. - 5 years ago

@DavidBeckettVT: Farewell Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@Tony_Rowden: Julian Bream dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@Thefacebookpoet: RIP JULIAN BREAM - Really GREAT musician, a very nice man, a player whose performances of baroque music on lute and… - 5 years ago

@r1tch2e: RT @TheSimonEvans: "A self-taught musician, Bream learned playing to radio dance bands with the lute his father bought from a sailor on Lon… - 5 years ago

@ZDGuitarist: RT @MusicMagazine: NEWS: The brilliant virtuoso guitarist Julian Bream CBE has died, aged 87. Further information to come. - 5 years ago

@GuilleBazzola: Murió Julian Bream, el guitarrista clásico al que le gustaban el jazz y la improvisación. - 5 years ago

@_Mme_E: #MahautClassique Mort de Julian Bream, immense guitariste — il faut louer ses enregistrements de l’œuvre de Bach, m… - 5 years ago

@GaspardWinckler: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@Tony_Rowden: BBC News - Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@NicholsErt: RT @TheSimonEvans: "A self-taught musician, Bream learned playing to radio dance bands with the lute his father bought from a sailor on Lon… - 5 years ago

@DrFautley: RT @seanstshibe: Julian Bream has passed away. Words can't do justice to how highly I think of him - he was the most excitingly human of gu… - 5 years ago

@PriestleyGeorge: An old hero of mine. Saw him a number of times. 😢 Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@Tony_Rowden: BBC News - Julian Bream dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@EvaM_Almagro: RT @maxpradera: Ha fallecido Julian Bream, el Paco de Lucía de la guitarra clásica. Una vida plena, consagrada a dar placer al prójimo. O… - 5 years ago

@igorzolnerkevic: Julian Bream aprendeu a tocar alaúde com o instrumento que seu pai comprou de um marinheiro. Aqui ele mostra a bele… - 5 years ago

@laura_borrajop: RT @RevistaRITMO: Julián Bream, uno de los grandes guitarristas, ha fallecido hoy a los 87 años. DEP - 5 years ago

@MymateBoots: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@mrhappyheath: RT @TheSimonEvans: "A self-taught musician, Bream learned playing to radio dance bands with the lute his father bought from a sailor on Lon… - 5 years ago

@rwkd: RT @XuefeiYang: I just heard the sad news, that Julian Bream passed away peacefully in his sleep last night, aged 87. He was, & remains, an… - 5 years ago

@mikisait: RT @gendaiguitar: 残念ですが、ジュリアン•ブリーム逝去のニュースが届きました。 現代ギター社一同、心よりお悔やみ申し上げます。 - 5 years ago

@BineAnne: Beautiful rendition of Bach's Chaconne from Partita No. 2 in D minor for solo violin BWV 1004 by Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@beatlebrum: RT @BBCNews: Grammy Award-winning classical guitarist Julian Bream dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@Elainebks: RT @TheSimonEvans: "A self-taught musician, Bream learned playing to radio dance bands with the lute his father bought from a sailor on Lon… - 5 years ago

@LaTeclaNegra: RT @maxpradera: Ha fallecido Julian Bream, el Paco de Lucía de la guitarra clásica. Una vida plena, consagrada a dar placer al prójimo. O… - 5 years ago

@clicerasb: RT @maxpradera: Ha fallecido Julian Bream, el Paco de Lucía de la guitarra clásica. Una vida plena, consagrada a dar placer al prójimo. O… - 5 years ago

@RevistaRITMO: Julián Bream, uno de los grandes guitarristas, ha fallecido hoy a los 87 años. DEP - 5 years ago

@maxpradera: Ha fallecido Julian Bream, el Paco de Lucía de la guitarra clásica. Una vida plena, consagrada a dar placer al pró… - 5 years ago

@dmclirvine: BBC News - Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@chris4nature: When I was a teen, I had tapes by Bream and he opened my ears to classical guitar music. RIP Julian Bream | Study… - 5 years ago

@mikedawsonmusic: Damn. I was having a nice start to my day. Julian Bream has died. Loved how he played. I was just re-watching a VH… - 5 years ago

@celia_irvine: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@affetttuo: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@mcgrendo: RT @TheSimonEvans: "A self-taught musician, Bream learned playing to radio dance bands with the lute his father bought from a sailor on Lon… - 5 years ago

@affetttuo: RT @MusicMagazine: NEWS: The brilliant virtuoso guitarist Julian Bream CBE has died, aged 87. Further information to come. - 5 years ago

@MartinEldon: @ScalaRadio One of our greatest guitarists who really helped to popularise classical and Spanish guitar. RIP Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@Carla_tweeets: RT @GramophoneMag: The guitarist Julian Bream has died. A tribute from our Editor, Martin Cullingford: - 5 years ago

@lionelsantini: Triste noticia , uno de los mejores guitarristas del mundo, voy a seguir escuchando sus grabaciones y voy a seguir… - 5 years ago

@phil_allcock: RT @GdnClassical: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@csloranger: I heard Julian Bream perform, brilliantly, at Berkeley's Zellerbach Auditorium in the '80s and count it as one of t… - 5 years ago

@theproudband: RIP Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - BBC News - 5 years ago

@MooreRosemary: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@musiciscientiam: - 5 years ago

@greatpoets: RT @ukipwebmaster: His guitar gently weeps. #RIPJulianBream - 5 years ago

@kbsaglam: Julian Bream hayatını kaybetmiş. Uzun süredir yeni kayıtları yoktu, ama en sevdiğim gitaristti. Bana kalırsa klasik… - 5 years ago

@MetalChicken42: RT @seanstshibe: Julian Bream has passed away. Words can't do justice to how highly I think of him - he was the most excitingly human of gu… - 5 years ago

@MetalChicken42: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@aroveden: BBC News - Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@MooreRosemary: RT @seanstshibe: Julian Bream has passed away. Words can't do justice to how highly I think of him - he was the most excitingly human of gu… - 5 years ago

@feltone: Sad to hear of the death of Julian Bream, I went to a few of his concerts when I started playing the guitar in the… - 5 years ago

@MooreRosemary: RT @wigmore_hall: We are very sorry to learn of the death of Julian Bream - one of the greatest guitarists of all time. Julian gave his fir… - 5 years ago

@tauntaun: RT @gendaiguitar: 残念ですが、ジュリアン•ブリーム逝去のニュースが届きました。 現代ギター社一同、心よりお悔やみ申し上げます。 - 5 years ago

@fgarda: RT @JasonPeringer: #ClassicalMusic - 5 years ago

@fgarda: RT @corr64: R.I.P. Julian Bream. One of the great classical guitarists. His music will live on. - 5 years ago

@guitar_al: Very sad about Julian Bream. What a top guitarist he was. Master of the Lute too. - 5 years ago

@HFortepiano: RT @MusicMagazine: NEWS: The brilliant virtuoso guitarist Julian Bream CBE has died, aged 87. Further information to come. - 5 years ago

@homeconcertclub: RT @GramophoneMag: The guitarist Julian Bream has died. A tribute from our Editor, Martin Cullingford: - 5 years ago

@SunayDemircan: RT @andante_dergisi: Bugün yaşamını yitiren çağımızın büyük klasik gitar ustası Julian Bream'ı klasikleşmiş yorumlarından biriyle anıyoruz.… - 5 years ago

@missedmycue: RT @JulianDutton1: An unutterably beautiful player. He and my Dad shared a flat in Notting Hill in the 50's, my father a jobbing actor and… - 5 years ago

@mickhyde: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@joniphoni: RT @MusicMagazine: NEWS: The brilliant virtuoso guitarist Julian Bream CBE has died, aged 87. Further information to come. - 5 years ago

@Gato_peng_A: RT @gendaiguitar: 残念ですが、ジュリアン•ブリーム逝去のニュースが届きました。 現代ギター社一同、心よりお悔やみ申し上げます。 - 5 years ago

@Ja_n1ce: @gitarra ich bin wirklich kein Fan von Meister/Geniekult und einer Heroengeschichtsschreibung, aber Julian Bream is… - 5 years ago

@fgarda: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - BBC News - 5 years ago

@theresasmets: RT @boulezian: R.I.P. Julian Bream (1933-2020) Royal Winter Music I - Julian Bream and Hans Werner Henze - 5 years ago

@merceguitar: Horrible news.... 💔we will miss you Maestro 😭. RIP. #julianbream BBC News - Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies… - 5 years ago

@gurucchi: RT @gendaiguitar: 残念ですが、ジュリアン•ブリーム逝去のニュースが届きました。 現代ギター社一同、心よりお悔やみ申し上げます。 - 5 years ago

@JudyMcPerrot: RT @francemusique: Le guitariste et luthiste britannique #JulianBream nous a quittés à l'âge de 87 ans. - 5 years ago

@Darwishonater: RT @MusicMagazine: NEWS: The brilliant virtuoso guitarist Julian Bream CBE has died, aged 87. Further information to come. - 5 years ago

@carlosbogota22: Se fue un grande! Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@GloriatibiTri: RT @avierec: Saddened to learn that eminent guitarist and lutenist Julian Bream passed away early this morning at the age of 87. Proud to… - 5 years ago

@GloriatibiTri: RT @MusicMagazine: Our complete obituary for the guitarist and lutenist Julian Bream. - 5 years ago

@RealSardonicus: RT @TheSimonEvans: "A self-taught musician, Bream learned playing to radio dance bands with the lute his father bought from a sailor on Lon… - 5 years ago

@StickInTheWheel: A true master has passed. How beautiful it is to see someone impart knowledge with such eloquence and enthusiasm, y… - 5 years ago

@OxfamHexham: RT @TheSimonEvans: "A self-taught musician, Bream learned playing to radio dance bands with the lute his father bought from a sailor on Lon… - 5 years ago

@lole_simon: RIP Julian Bream.... gave me many happy hours of guitar pleasure in my childhood/teens... #guitarhero - 5 years ago

@kohak3: RT @MusicMagazine: Our complete obituary for the guitarist and lutenist Julian Bream. - 5 years ago

@christysnr: RT @ComposerWarren: Sad to hear of the death of Julian Bream who premièred Raymond's song cycle The Pity of Love with Pears at Aldeburgh in… - 5 years ago

@DavidDcmwallace: RT @TheSimonEvans: "A self-taught musician, Bream learned playing to radio dance bands with the lute his father bought from a sailor on Lon… - 5 years ago

@MiTomoYo_P: RT @kyuheeguitar: .... - 5 years ago

@McCormick_PJ: RT @MusicMagazine: Our complete obituary for the guitarist and lutenist Julian Bream. - 5 years ago

@FilipPontelius: RT @BBCNews: Grammy Award-winning classical guitarist Julian Bream dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@shumaeda: RT @gendaiguitar: 残念ですが、ジュリアン•ブリーム逝去のニュースが届きました。 現代ギター社一同、心よりお悔やみ申し上げます。 - 5 years ago

@bopsichord: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@MusicMagazine: Our complete obituary for the guitarist and lutenist Julian Bream. - 5 years ago

@conveyancespace: RT @artistNWT: Very sad to hear about the death of Julian Bream. This is one of the first CDs I ever bought. As an impecunious student, CDs… - 5 years ago

@FredKiesche: RT @TheSimonEvans: "A self-taught musician, Bream learned playing to radio dance bands with the lute his father bought from a sailor on Lon… - 5 years ago

@iambwf: A great musician has passed. Someone I did not know existed, but whose life is worthy of awareness. - 5 years ago

@ashik_kerib: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@MysteriosoX: RT @JulianDutton1: An unutterably beautiful player. He and my Dad shared a flat in Notting Hill in the 50's, my father a jobbing actor and… - 5 years ago

@MaestroGabriele: RT @ScalaRadio: We are saddened to learn of the passing of virtuoso classical guitarist Julian Bream. Our thoughts go out to his friends an… - 5 years ago

@mikedixonmusic: RT @ScalaRadio: We are saddened to learn of the passing of virtuoso classical guitarist Julian Bream. Our thoughts go out to his friends an… - 5 years ago

@mahornbaker: @LauraClassical Just listened to Julian Bream playing Bach Violin Sonata fugue. So beautiful played. - 5 years ago

@ministril: Very sorry to hear very sad news about #JulianBream Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 | Music… - 5 years ago

@Mccrimmons: RT @MusicMagazine: NEWS: The brilliant virtuoso guitarist Julian Bream CBE has died, aged 87. Further information to come. - 5 years ago

@feltone: RT @BBCNews: Grammy Award-winning classical guitarist Julian Bream dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@Huoglinog: Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@Green1Colin: RT @GdnClassical: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@jimmurray1957: Preludes Nos. 1, 2, 3 • Villa-Lobos • Julian Bream Julian Bream - who died… - 5 years ago

@curvedway: RIP Julian #Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@AnneMarieClark6: RT @seanstshibe: Julian Bream has passed away. Words can't do justice to how highly I think of him - he was the most excitingly human of gu… - 5 years ago

@mahornbaker: RT @LauraClassical: One of the greats: RIP. Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - BBC News. - 5 years ago

@erikgregersen: RT @SamLitzinger: BBC News - Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@AudreySuffolk: RT @sueveneer: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@Hippopeteamus: @Taraustralis Julian Bream (just passed away) and guitar music from the last century! - 5 years ago

@masstresspass: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@HilsP: @ClassicFM My first 'proper' date with my husband was to an evening recital by Julian Bream in the church at Gussag… - 5 years ago

@goPep_: Adios, Julian Bream. Una enorme pena para quienes aprendimos a navegar las 6 cuerdas con este maestro. - 5 years ago

@andrechittomt: Faleceu hoje Julian Bream, um dos maiores intérpretes da guitarra clássica. Estou sem palavras... - 5 years ago

@christysnr: RT @junge_sylvia: Julian Bream plays for Stravinsky ( - 5 years ago

@SamLitzinger: BBC News - Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@junge_sylvia: Julian Bream plays for Stravinsky ( - 5 years ago

@bookcollector5: RT @XuefeiYang: I just heard the sad news, that Julian Bream passed away peacefully in his sleep last night, aged 87. He was, & remains, an… - 5 years ago

@stuartmwrites: RT @JulianDutton1: An unutterably beautiful player. He and my Dad shared a flat in Notting Hill in the 50's, my father a jobbing actor and… - 5 years ago

@OpMgtKSU: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@gisantenvers: RT @seanstshibe: Julian Bream has passed away. Words can't do justice to how highly I think of him - he was the most excitingly human of gu… - 5 years ago

@jamesmjharrison: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@GloriatibiTri: RT @francemusique: Le guitariste et luthiste britannique #JulianBream nous a quittés à l'âge de 87 ans. - 5 years ago

@GloriatibiTri: RT @dannykellywords: RIP Julian Bream. Genius, obviously, but also a Guitar Hero before that was even invented. Here he is, rocking out in… - 5 years ago

@GloriatibiTri: RT @Corymbus: The guitarist Julian Bream has died aged 87. Here he is performing Malcolm Arnold's Guitar Concerto in 1991 - 5 years ago

@jb4cfm: RT @dannykellywords: RIP Julian Bream. Genius, obviously, but also a Guitar Hero before that was even invented. Here he is, rocking out in… - 5 years ago

@donalexanderbo1: Very sorry to hear that Julian Bream #guitarist has died. He and John Williams were my first #inspirational players. - 5 years ago

@GloriatibiTri: RT @GdnClassical: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@Huoglinog: Julian Bream - 5 years ago

@ElectroEdd: RT @TheSimonEvans: "A self-taught musician, Bream learned playing to radio dance bands with the lute his father bought from a sailor on Lon… - 5 years ago

@afdcz: BBC News - Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@GloriatibiTri: RT @wigmore_hall: We are very sorry to learn of the death of Julian Bream - one of the greatest guitarists of all time. Julian gave his fir… - 5 years ago

@GloriatibiTri: RT @BBCNews: Grammy Award-winning classical guitarist Julian Bream dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@21oconnor: "I devoted my life to music for a reason, and the reason wasn't because I wanted to get on or make money, but to tr… - 5 years ago

@GloriatibiTri: RT @warnerclassicsJ: 名ギター奏者の【ジュリアン・ブリーム】が亡くなられました。87歳でした。ご冥福をお祈り致します。サイモン・ラトルとの共演の『アランフェス協奏曲』は、テンポをゆったりととり、楽曲の隅々にまで目が行き届いた名演でした。 - 5 years ago

@GloriatibiTri: RT @MusicMagazine: NEWS: The brilliant virtuoso guitarist Julian Bream CBE has died, aged 87. Further information to come. - 5 years ago

@garydchance: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@TheBlueTrane: RT @Ross_Lawson: Just heard about the passing of Julian Bream. Sad news, but he didn't do bad for a lad who grew up over a pub in Battersea… - 5 years ago

@hisao_yamada: RT @gendaiguitar: 残念ですが、ジュリアン•ブリーム逝去のニュースが届きました。 現代ギター社一同、心よりお悔やみ申し上げます。 - 5 years ago

@bettyjatkins: #wato Julian Bream - one of my all-time fave musicians! - 5 years ago

@JSBiernat: Odszedł wielki artysta muzyk; gitarzysta Julian Bream. - 5 years ago

@624614shasha: RT @tinouye: ギタリストのジュリアン・ブリーム氏死去。 The great British guitarist Julian Bream has died, aged 87 @MusicMagazine - 5 years ago

@MaestroGabriele: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@kostasgrigoreas: Farewell Maestro! You were the greatest guitarist of the century. - 5 years ago

@sammyksw: RT @MusicMagazine: NEWS: The brilliant virtuoso guitarist Julian Bream CBE has died, aged 87. Further information to come. - 5 years ago

@Ramblingproses: RT @guardian: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@jamieaakers20: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@SP_Duckworth: RT @roland_tillyer: RIP Julian Bream. A master of his instrument. Very sad news. - 5 years ago

@Charles_Searson: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@mpvine: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 Bream helped cement the guitar in the classical tradition… - 5 years ago

@HernanJG67: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@aibahiro: RT @tinouye: ギタリストのジュリアン・ブリーム氏死去。 The great British guitarist Julian Bream has died, aged 87 @MusicMagazine - 5 years ago

@Ciribarr: RT @MusicMagazine: NEWS: The brilliant virtuoso guitarist Julian Bream CBE has died, aged 87. Further information to come. - 5 years ago

@yamaneko1214: RT @gendaiguitar: 残念ですが、ジュリアン•ブリーム逝去のニュースが届きました。 現代ギター社一同、心よりお悔やみ申し上げます。 - 5 years ago

@GloriatibiTri: RT @GramophoneMag: The guitarist Julian Bream has died. A tribute from our Editor, Martin Cullingford: - 5 years ago

@AIRairBP: RT @GdnClassical: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@roland_tillyer: RIP Julian Bream. A master of his instrument. Very sad news. - 5 years ago

@DGWilkinson: RIP Julian Bream - a great inspiration to a generation of classical guitarists. Julian Bream ,BBC Interview (2013)… - 5 years ago

@aishiteruNIGATA: RT @gendaiguitar: 残念ですが、ジュリアン•ブリーム逝去のニュースが届きました。 現代ギター社一同、心よりお悔やみ申し上げます。 - 5 years ago

@AIRairBP: RT @MusicMagazine: We've selected some of his greatest recordings here: - 5 years ago

@masatotectures: RIP Julian Bream 💥 - 5 years ago

@JanickiMietek: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@SkepticalHusky: RIP Julian Bream @Beethoven_110 @irishpianoman - 5 years ago

@GloriatibiTri: ジュリアン・ブリームが87歳で死去。 イギリスのギタリスト。 リュートのための古い作品の発掘に貢献。 Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@AIRairBP: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@HoriaGanescu: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@Semple1Colin: Really saddened by the news of the death of Julian Bream at the age of 87. A wonderful musician who was influential… - 5 years ago

@Adam_Sear: RT @TheSimonEvans: "A self-taught musician, Bream learned playing to radio dance bands with the lute his father bought from a sailor on Lon… - 5 years ago

@mrsverypicky: RT @guardian: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@HoriaGanescu: The guitarist Julian Bream has died - 5 years ago

@HomewoodGary: A farewell to Julian Bream, wonderful classical guitarist. - 5 years ago

@dbfamilylaw: RT @MusicMagazine: NEWS: The brilliant virtuoso guitarist Julian Bream CBE has died, aged 87. Further information to come. - 5 years ago

@mythopoetica: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@RHidelbrant: RT @francemusique: Le guitariste et luthiste britannique #JulianBream nous a quittés à l'âge de 87 ans. - 5 years ago

@Pandypooch21: RIP Julian Bream -a brilliant guitarist - 5 years ago

@GloriatibiTri: RT @contra2nd: 自宅において、安らかに永遠の眠りについたそうです。ギターだけでなく、リュートのレパートリー開拓にも多大な貢献をしてくれた人です。合掌。 - 5 years ago

@GloriatibiTri: RT @guardian: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@JuneSim63: RIP Julian Bream. - 5 years ago

@GloriatibiTri: RT @gendaiguitar: 残念ですが、ジュリアン•ブリーム逝去のニュースが届きました。 現代ギター社一同、心よりお悔やみ申し上げます。 - 5 years ago

@amonochromdream: Classical guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died at his home in Wiltshire at the age of 87 :( - 5 years ago

@davidawfulbot: RT @sueveneer: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@Hal4: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@bassetnormand: RT @guardian: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@cargocultureny: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@TheSandlings: RT @MusicMagazine: NEWS: The brilliant virtuoso guitarist Julian Bream CBE has died, aged 87. Further information to come. - 5 years ago

@TheSandlings: RT @guardian: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@peinadoed: RT @sslopez_luis: Julian Bream, otro de los grandes músicos del siglo XX ha fallecido a los 87 años. Descanse en paz. #JulianBream #guitar… - 5 years ago

@GloriatibiTri: RT @BBCRadio3: We'll pay tribute in @BBCInTune from 5pm today. In the meantime, revisit Julian Bream's magnificent set of guitar mastercl… - 5 years ago

@GloriatibiTri: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@NeverDontGiveUp: RT @guardian: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@DamianCummings: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@ecridom: RT @francemusique: Le guitariste et luthiste britannique #JulianBream nous a quittés à l'âge de 87 ans. - 5 years ago

@Singe19729315: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@ziomeo: 🙏🏻 thanks Julian Bream for your beautiful music and passion, a great inspirations for the future generations to com… - 5 years ago

@muyybiennn: RT @MusicMagazine: NEWS: The brilliant virtuoso guitarist Julian Bream CBE has died, aged 87. Further information to come. - 5 years ago

@AndObituary: Julian Bream Death – Dead: Julian Bream Obituary, Cause of Death - 5 years ago

@DamianCummings: RT @ScalaRadio: We are saddened to learn of the passing of virtuoso classical guitarist Julian Bream. Our thoughts go out to his friends an… - 5 years ago

@TheSimonEvans: RT @JulianDutton1: An unutterably beautiful player. He and my Dad shared a flat in Notting Hill in the 50's, my father a jobbing actor and… - 5 years ago

@opeyemi041: Julian Bream Death – Dead: Julian Bream Obituary, Cause of Death - 5 years ago

@sueveneer: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@Judith268: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@tom_mckinney: RT @MusicMagazine: NEWS: The brilliant virtuoso guitarist Julian Bream CBE has died, aged 87. Further information to come. - 5 years ago

@BBCRadio3: We'll pay tribute in @BBCInTune from 5pm today. In the meantime, revisit Julian Bream's magnificent set of guitar… - 5 years ago

@TheBlueTrane: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@Lynnccourtney: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@DixieDoolan: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@pensionmonkey: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@AntiProfessor: RT @patrickbaty: Saddened to learn of the death of Julian Bream - Reposted from c_cat_cat_c Rondo by Dionisio Aguado Julian… - 5 years ago

@philakata: ジュリアン・ブリームさんが亡くなられた。 87歳。 - 5 years ago

@HoriaGanescu: Julian Bream est mort - 5 years ago

@DurrellSociety: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@Onceatenor: RT @wigmore_hall: We are very sorry to learn of the death of Julian Bream - one of the greatest guitarists of all time. Julian gave his fir… - 5 years ago

@tylerontheair: RIP to a fantastic guitarist: - 5 years ago

@alangreenguitar: The term is overused. Julian Bream really was a legend - 5 years ago

@RadioheadSuisse: RT @colingreenwood: Julian Bream | Nocturnal: Passacaglia | Benjamin Britten - 5 years ago

@algoncac: Ha muerto el gran Julian Bream, D.E.P. - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Julian Bream - #JulianBream #Julian #Bream #rip - 5 years ago

@etprd: Julian Bream (15 juillet 1933 - 14 août 2020) - 5 years ago

@RadioheadSuisse: RT @colingreenwood: - 5 years ago

@francemusique: Le guitariste et luthiste britannique #JulianBream nous a quittés à l'âge de 87 ans. - 5 years ago

@AlanPerrinMusic: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@garachan_spoon: RT @MusicMagazine: NEWS: The brilliant virtuoso guitarist Julian Bream CBE has died, aged 87. Further information to come. - 5 years ago

@Ross_Lawson: Just heard about the passing of Julian Bream. Sad news, but he didn't do bad for a lad who grew up over a pub in Battersea. RIP. - 5 years ago

@TomMaxwell11: RT @wigmore_hall: We are very sorry to learn of the death of Julian Bream - one of the greatest guitarists of all time. Julian gave his fir… - 5 years ago

@JulianDutton1: An unutterably beautiful player. He and my Dad shared a flat in Notting Hill in the 50's, my father a jobbing actor… - 5 years ago

@MilthorpRoger: Julian Bream: Classical guitarist dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@RegardFC: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@lesleyjordison: RT @seanstshibe: Julian Bream has passed away. Words can't do justice to how highly I think of him - he was the most excitingly human of gu… - 5 years ago

@Film_Music_Love: RT @BBCRadio3: We'll pay tribute in @BBCInTune from 5pm today. In the meantime, revisit Julian Bream's magnificent set of guitar mastercl… - 5 years ago

@snnakepit: RT @BBCRadio3: We'll pay tribute in @BBCInTune from 5pm today. In the meantime, revisit Julian Bream's magnificent set of guitar mastercl… - 5 years ago

@BBCRadio3: We'll pay tribute in @BBCInTune from 5pm today. In the meantime, revisit Julian Bream's magnificent set of guitar… - 5 years ago

@JudeSpellar: RT @BBCNews: Grammy Award-winning classical guitarist Julian Bream dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@Dymvue: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

@tsumotamo_imoan: RT @GdnClassical: Julian Bream, British classical guitarist, dies aged 87 - 5 years ago

@HKMACAUFilms: gonna slap my copy of Guitarra in the DVD player tonight in honour of Mr Bream. - 5 years ago

@emmabclarke: Sad news. Listening to Julian Bream’s exquisite playing motivated me to learn classical guitar. RIP. - 5 years ago

@ptmusicorum3: RT @BBCRadio3: The legendary guitarist and lute player Julian Bream has died, aged 87. - 5 years ago

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