Julia Vinograd

American poet.
Died on Friday December 7th 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Hasan Çelebi

Tweets related to Julia Vinograd:

@tlmah1: RT @Cal: Julia Vinograd, a Berkeley poet known as the Bubble Lady has died. She was a familiar figure on the Berkeley campus. #RIP - 6 years ago

@JamieDedes: Julia Vinograd Slipped Into My Writing - 6 years ago

@ficusyou: RT @joegarofoli: Julia Vinograd, Berkeley poet known as the Bubble Lady, dies. Wonderful tribute by @SamWhitingSF - 6 years ago

@smudgeyfluff: RT @willaful: A Julia Vinograd poem from 1992. People knew even then? - 6 years ago


@willaful: A Julia Vinograd poem from 1992. People knew even then? - 6 years ago

@SFC_Datebook: RT @joegarofoli: Julia Vinograd, Berkeley poet known as the Bubble Lady, dies. Wonderful tribute by @SamWhitingSF - 6 years ago

@horizontalpoet: RT @NancySkinnerCA: Berkeley poet laureate Julia Vinograd has left us. Vivid memory my 1st year at Cal: Julia in black her beret atop her b… - 6 years ago

@horizontalpoet: RT @berkeleyside: Singing “happy birthday” to poet Julia Vinograd. She died recently. Bkgd: - 6 years ago

@StanleyLewis09: RT @berkeleyside: Singing “happy birthday” to poet Julia Vinograd. She died recently. Bkgd: - 6 years ago

@berkeleyside: Singing “happy birthday” to poet Julia Vinograd. She died recently. Bkgd: - 6 years ago

@berkeleyside: Council will adjourn tonight in memory and honor of Berkeley poet Julia Vinograd, "the bubble lady" #berkmtg - 6 years ago

@zydecogirl61: RT @txtianmiller: Lovely tribute to Julia Vinograd, aka the Bubble Lady, RIP. She was one of many characters who made Sproul Plaza interest… - 6 years ago

@CalBearsHistory: RT @Cal: Julia Vinograd, a Berkeley poet known as the Bubble Lady has died. She was a familiar figure on the Berkeley campus. #RIP - 6 years ago

@slytwain: RT @virgoinservice: Julia Vinograd, the Berkeley poet known as ‘The Bubble Lady’ dies at 75 - 6 years ago

@virgoinservice: Julia Vinograd, the Berkeley poet known as ‘The Bubble Lady’ dies at 75 - 6 years ago

@lbroadway98: RT @Cal: Julia Vinograd, a Berkeley poet known as the Bubble Lady has died. She was a familiar figure on the Berkeley campus. #RIP - 6 years ago

@KathyAstromoff: May she float to heaven like the bubbles she shared with us. RIP Julia Vinograd aka The Bubble Lady. - 6 years ago

@JC_Joranco: Julia Vinograd, the Berkeley poet known as ‘The Bubble Lady’ dies at 75 - 6 years ago

@klasy: RT @Cal: Julia Vinograd, a Berkeley poet known as the Bubble Lady has died. She was a familiar figure on the Berkeley campus. #RIP - 6 years ago

@_Lisa_Hague: RT @Cal: Julia Vinograd, a Berkeley poet known as the Bubble Lady has died. She was a familiar figure on the Berkeley campus. #RIP - 6 years ago

@NancySkinnerCA: Berkeley poet laureate Julia Vinograd has left us. Vivid memory my 1st year at Cal: Julia in black her beret atop h… - 6 years ago

@Cal: Julia Vinograd, a Berkeley poet known as the Bubble Lady has died. She was a familiar figure on the Berkeley campus… - 6 years ago

@NYpoet: RT @PoetsRTN: A great poet has passed. RIP Julia Vinograd! We were honored to publish your work last year. - 6 years ago

@anirvan: Julia Vinograd, Also Known as The Bubble Lady, Passes - 6 years ago

@Probaway: One of my first Berkeley friends Julia Vinograd died yesterday. - 6 years ago

@arnoldogarcia: Julia Vinograd: I remember the continual cheerful grumble That came out of Moe like cigar smoke and of course the c… - 6 years ago

@Deplorable_Ed: RIP Bubble Lady Julia. I will miss you. - 6 years ago

@saterboi: RT @rustbeltjessie: For The Young Men Who Died Of AIDS, by Julia Vinograd #365DaysofPoetry Day 335 #WorldAIDSDay - 6 years ago

@Hannah_PietteDC: RT @dailycal: “She loved Berkeley. She loved the university. She loved the community of people who were there — that’s what she gave her li… - 6 years ago

@caribouwireless: RT @dailycal: “She loved Berkeley. She loved the university. She loved the community of people who were there — that’s what she gave her li… - 6 years ago

@rossignolnamour: RT @dailycal: “She loved Berkeley. She loved the university. She loved the community of people who were there — that’s what she gave her li… - 6 years ago

@dailycal: “She loved Berkeley. She loved the university. She loved the community of people who were there — that’s what she g… - 6 years ago

@floatingclouds: Marked as to-read: Between the Cracks by Julia Vinograd - 6 years ago

@horizontalpoet: RT @gilduran76: When I got to Telegraph Ave in ‘97, it was still full of old school characters. Hate Man. Piano Man. Rick Starr. And its Po… - 6 years ago

@RalfMarsault: Julia Vinograd, Berkeley poet known as the Bubble Lady, dies - 6 years ago

@bzahrai: - 6 years ago

@BrendaHattisbur: Julia Vinograd, Berkeley poet known as the Bubble Lady, dies - 6 years ago

@ocvictor: Blog Post: All that Remains of Recollection: Remembering Julia Vinograd, puzzling over Ailey O’Toole: - 6 years ago

@tilgovi_reads: ✌ @Reading " - 6 years ago

@NikkiBlakk: A sad day for Telegraph Ave. The Bubble Lady has passed away. I remember seeing her nearly every time I went to the… - 6 years ago

@OPR_71: RT @gilduran76: When I got to Telegraph Ave in ‘97, it was still full of old school characters. Hate Man. Piano Man. Rick Starr. And its Po… - 6 years ago

@gilduran76: When I got to Telegraph Ave in ‘97, it was still full of old school characters. Hate Man. Piano Man. Rick Starr. An… - 6 years ago

@MussariJ: Julia Vinograd, Berkeley poet known as the Bubble Lady, dies - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Julia Vinograd (74) - 6 years ago

@allensalkin: RT @DianeCurtis50: Julia Vinograd’s was the first poetry I ever bought, back when I was a teen and Telegraph Ave was my second home (maybe… - 6 years ago

@katiewsteckel: RT @allensalkin: Blow bubbles in tribute today for #JuliaVinograd - 6 years ago

@horizontalpoet: RT @DianeCurtis50: Julia Vinograd’s was the first poetry I ever bought, back when I was a teen and Telegraph Ave was my second home (maybe… - 6 years ago

@willaful: Good bye, Julia Vinograd. I hope you're in a Good Place with the Berkeley Inn and The Med. - 6 years ago

@horizontalpoet: @KrishtianDamian @MYDekel469 Is this image by you, Christian? What medium? May I post it to the Julia Vinograd Fan… - 6 years ago

@pansyenb: RT @Indybay: Julia Vinograd a.k.a. the Bubble Lady passed away on December 6, 2018 - 6 years ago

@OutsideTheirBox: Julia Vinograd, Berkeley poet known as the Bubble Lady, dies - - 6 years ago

@es_mecdona: Julia Vinograd, the Berkeley poet known as #TheBubbleLady' dies at 75 — Berkeleyside Rest in peace, Bubble Lady. Ma… - 6 years ago

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