Judy Blame

English stylist and art director.
Died on Tuesday February 20th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Judy Blame:

@drjdove: In Memoriam: A Tribute to #JudyBlame - 7 years ago

@wendyrowemakeup: This #punk accessories designer, art director and #fashion stylist sadly passed away last week aged 58, and here, I… - 7 years ago

@SanibelShark: RT @vivaciousStar2: @Judy_Cockerton @SanibelShark @LockettsPeter @Katy_lamb_2 @LovelynHild @CCChampagne That is so typical of the Brits pan… - 7 years ago

@vivaciousStar2: @Judy_Cockerton @SanibelShark @LockettsPeter @Katy_lamb_2 @LovelynHild @CCChampagne That is so typical of the Brits… - 7 years ago


@SamuelCHodder: Flamboyant dressers deserve praise – not to be denied entry @thepooluk #thepool - 7 years ago

@judy_berigtold: @krassenstein Well, he only has his self to blame!! - 7 years ago

@Judy_Taya: RT @DLoesch: This probably should have been established before he was allowed to twice take the stage, once in a rally speech before the to… - 7 years ago

@heineplath: - 7 years ago

@Fashion_Rider: Renowned for being a creative force and the one who was instrumental in crafting the look of the 80’s and beyond, i… - 7 years ago

@jan_thestylearc: Do we have any unconventional dressers here? This reminds me of a client I helped with sewing and dressmaking... - 7 years ago

@lyynell_le: RT @alicerawsthorn: Judy Blame RIP. A brilliant designer and stylist. Here's one of my favourite Blames, the collaged cover of the Surreal… - 7 years ago

@lindapind: @salihughes love this- 1 of my best nights out ever involved hemming a transvestites ball gown with a stapler. They… - 7 years ago

@Chilhon2016Lap: RT @thepooluk: Flamboyant and inventive dressers deserve praise – not to be denied entry, says @salihughes - 7 years ago

@EleanorPalimore: RT @thepooluk: Flamboyant and inventive dressers deserve praise – not to be denied entry, says @salihughes - 7 years ago

@r101ck: Judy Blame, icono del estilo, nació el 13 de Febrero de 1960. Murió de causas desconocidas el 19 de Febrero de 2018… - 7 years ago

@LouiseAbernethy: RT @thepooluk: Flamboyant and inventive dressers deserve praise – not to be denied entry, says @salihughes - 7 years ago

@nezmar: RT @irenebrination: Fashion Obituary: "Father Thames" Judy Blame, Alchemist of Fashion (1960 - 2018) - 7 years ago

@SaraJDux: @RebeccaPiCalc one for us right? 💁🏼💃🏼😎 Flamboyant dressers deserve praise – not to be denied entry @thepooluk… - 7 years ago

@lalulami: RT @thepooluk: Flamboyant and inventive dressers deserve praise – not to be denied entry, says @salihughes - 7 years ago

@IzzBatman: RT @thepooluk: Flamboyant and inventive dressers deserve praise – not to be denied entry, says @salihughes - 7 years ago

@thepooluk: Flamboyant and inventive dressers deserve praise – not to be denied entry, says @salihughes - 7 years ago

@ChrissieLyn: RT @thepooluk: Flamboyant and inventive dressers deserve praise – not to be denied entry, says @salihughes - 7 years ago

@Just_KerryC: RT @GuardianFashion: Judy Blame obituary - 7 years ago

@Nickfromupnorth: Judy Blame Obit: Punk turned Judy Blame on when he was a teenage Chris Barnes living on a farm in 1970s Devon, with… - 7 years ago

@lunaamaka: RT @thepooluk: Flamboyant and inventive dressers deserve praise – not to be denied entry, says @salihughes - 7 years ago

@lucigosling: This is great from @salihughes Flamboyant dressers deserve praise – not to be denied entry @thepooluk #thepool - 7 years ago

@thepooluk: Flamboyant and inventive dressers deserve praise – not to be denied entry, says @salihughes - 7 years ago

@redskyatnight: RT @thepooluk: Flamboyant and inventive dressers deserve praise – not to be denied entry, says @salihughes - 7 years ago

@athingcalledal: RT @thepooluk: Flamboyant and inventive dressers deserve praise – not to be denied entry, says @salihughes - 7 years ago

@thepooluk: Flamboyant and inventive dressers deserve praise – not to be denied entry, says @salihughes - 7 years ago

@VittysCardigan: RT @thepooluk: Flamboyant and inventive dressers deserve praise – not to be denied entry, says @salihughes - 7 years ago

@taffy3rock: RT @thepooluk: Flamboyant and inventive dressers deserve praise – not to be denied entry, says @salihughes - 7 years ago

@RoseMaryRoche: Up the eccentrics. - 7 years ago

@telegraphprem: Judy Blame, punk jewellery designer – obituary - 7 years ago

@salihughes: RT @thepooluk: Flamboyant and inventive dressers deserve praise – not to be denied entry, says @salihughes - 7 years ago

@teddy_red: RT @thepooluk: Flamboyant and inventive dressers deserve praise – not to be denied entry, says @salihughes - 7 years ago

@ZoeGreen11: RT @thepooluk: Flamboyant and inventive dressers deserve praise – not to be denied entry, says @salihughes - 7 years ago

@thepooluk: Flamboyant and inventive dressers deserve praise – not to be denied entry, says @salihughes - 7 years ago

@sophpickers: RT @laurenlaverne: Sali is so right, though full disclosure we stopped an emotional mutual friend buying a steampunk gilet that made her lo… - 7 years ago

@laurenlaverne: Sali is so right, though full disclosure we stopped an emotional mutual friend buying a steampunk gilet that made h… - 7 years ago

@FlamboyantMag: 🖤🖤🖤#judyblame #forever Repost from @AnotherMan @TopRankRepost #TopRankRepost JUDY BLAME: IN HIS… - 7 years ago

@judy_shwabe: RT @ramburner1: NEW POLL: Here’s Who Americans Blame for Parkland Shooting and It’s Not the NRA - 7 years ago

@Fashion_Rider: The life of the inspirational designer, Judy Blame: - 7 years ago

@JZMillinery: @salihughes on individuality - I cannot tell you how very much I agree with this! Flamboyant dressers deserve prais… - 7 years ago

@kirstofcomms: I gush about Sali Hughes all the flippin' time but this is another wonderful piece. Nothing gives me greater joy th… - 7 years ago

@ianbrice: As @salihughes says so well for @thepooluk, let's celebrate flamboyant dressers: - 7 years ago

@steventeaster: RT @bishi_music: Rest in Power, Judy Blame. British Fashion lost a Visionary Icon. #judyblame - 7 years ago

@Sparklingclaire: Flamboyant dressers deserve praise – not to be denied entry @thepooluk #thepool - 7 years ago

@chelseagirl2: YES YES YES - 7 years ago

@charis_miller: More of this 😀____Flamboyant dressers deserve praise – not to be denied entry @thepooluk #thepool - 7 years ago

@LGSrock101: RT @r101ck: Descansa en paz, Judy Blame (arreglaba a Boy George y Björk). - 7 years ago

@MrsVickiDay: Judy Blame obituary Fashion stylist, art director and jewellery designer inspired by the punk era of the 1970s - 7 years ago

@MrsD_Daily: Judy Blame obituary Fashion stylist, art director and jewellery designer inspired by the punk era of the 1970s - 7 years ago

@simperman: Flamboyant dressers deserve praise – not to be denied entry @thepooluk #thepool - 7 years ago

@London_darkside: Judy Blame obituary - 7 years ago

@CoujiGiannie: My London: Judy Blame - 7 years ago

@jammru: 3/3 入荷アイテム! JUDY BLAME Tee . #お問い合わせは4日以降お電話で承ります#jammruz #jammru #osaka #fashion… - 7 years ago

@JasonHatesJazz: The Loss Of A Queer Legend: Stylist And Tastemaker Judy Blame - 7 years ago

@sreednak: RT @jobrowneyes: I am just going to go ahead and blame this whole mess on the internet Judy from the internet to be exact - 7 years ago

@InsaneCrazyGuy: RT @jobrowneyes: I am just going to go ahead and blame this whole mess on the internet Judy from the internet to be exact - 7 years ago

@MaverickBistro: RT @jobrowneyes: I am just going to go ahead and blame this whole mess on the internet Judy from the internet to be exact - 7 years ago

@judy_olevia: RT @TrumpsSquirrel: @benshapiro @jmdonsi Where do you think he could have learned to play the blame game & shirk responsibility? 🤔 - 7 years ago

@kerrilynn729: RT @jobrowneyes: I am just going to go ahead and blame this whole mess on the internet Judy from the internet to be exact - 7 years ago

@judy_echard: RT @RealSaavedra: #BREAKING: A new Rasmussen poll asks Americans who have kids in school who they blame for the Florida school shooting: -… - 7 years ago

@EthnaNugent: Judy Blame obituary - 7 years ago

@Angieisso: RT @jobrowneyes: I am just going to go ahead and blame this whole mess on the internet Judy from the internet to be exact - 7 years ago

@Shade510: RT @jobrowneyes: I am just going to go ahead and blame this whole mess on the internet Judy from the internet to be exact - 7 years ago

@JustinSayne722: RT @jobrowneyes: I am just going to go ahead and blame this whole mess on the internet Judy from the internet to be exact - 7 years ago

@SingleVixxen: RT @jobrowneyes: I am just going to go ahead and blame this whole mess on the internet Judy from the internet to be exact - 7 years ago

@vanced5479: RT @jobrowneyes: I am just going to go ahead and blame this whole mess on the internet Judy from the internet to be exact - 7 years ago

@Kvy_kv: RT @jobrowneyes: I am just going to go ahead and blame this whole mess on the internet Judy from the internet to be exact - 7 years ago

@AlbundyisKalEl: RT @jobrowneyes: I am just going to go ahead and blame this whole mess on the internet Judy from the internet to be exact - 7 years ago

@818Newbie: RT @jobrowneyes: I am just going to go ahead and blame this whole mess on the internet Judy from the internet to be exact - 7 years ago

@jnapsalot: RT @jobrowneyes: I am just going to go ahead and blame this whole mess on the internet Judy from the internet to be exact - 7 years ago

@ExBoltsFan: RT @jobrowneyes: I am just going to go ahead and blame this whole mess on the internet Judy from the internet to be exact - 7 years ago

@Lil_ol_kat: RT @jobrowneyes: I am just going to go ahead and blame this whole mess on the internet Judy from the internet to be exact - 7 years ago

@PretendMunchkin: RT @jobrowneyes: I am just going to go ahead and blame this whole mess on the internet Judy from the internet to be exact - 7 years ago

@musicalbanker32: RT @jobrowneyes: I am just going to go ahead and blame this whole mess on the internet Judy from the internet to be exact - 7 years ago

@justagirl031415: RT @jobrowneyes: I am just going to go ahead and blame this whole mess on the internet Judy from the internet to be exact - 7 years ago

@CArmanthegirl: RT @jobrowneyes: I am just going to go ahead and blame this whole mess on the internet Judy from the internet to be exact - 7 years ago

@ljw3699: RT @jobrowneyes: I am just going to go ahead and blame this whole mess on the internet Judy from the internet to be exact - 7 years ago

@Tenacious_Ken: RT @jobrowneyes: I am just going to go ahead and blame this whole mess on the internet Judy from the internet to be exact - 7 years ago

@KC_Sass: RT @jobrowneyes: I am just going to go ahead and blame this whole mess on the internet Judy from the internet to be exact - 7 years ago

@jobrowneyes: I am just going to go ahead and blame this whole mess on the internet Judy from the internet to be exact - 7 years ago

@RuloFQ: RT @r101ck: Descansa en paz, Judy Blame (arreglaba a Boy George y Björk). - 7 years ago

@r101ck: Descansa en paz, Judy Blame (arreglaba a Boy George y Björk). - 7 years ago

@savoirvillegr: Έφυγε από τη ζωή μια από τις πιο cult φιγούρες του Λονδίνου των 80s - Savoir Ville - 7 years ago

@judy_njino: RT @RashidMzee: On charcoal Ban, I am with @mamangilu 100%. We cannot survive on 2% forest cover in future and our kids will blame us. I ho… - 7 years ago

@wendyrowemakeup: The word legend is one that’s quite overused in this industry, but Judy Blame truly deserved the title>… - 7 years ago

@guillotesque: RT @bishi_music: Rest in Power, Judy Blame. British Fashion lost a Visionary Icon. #judyblame - 7 years ago

@judymorris3: #HillaryClinton's election blame game zeros in on #Facebook The psycho bitch from hell is still conjuring up... - 7 years ago

@AasiyaShah7: oh my gosh . how have i JUST found out Judy Blame passed away? very gutted. he was a big fashion influence for me😔 R.I.P❤️🖤❤️ - 7 years ago

@hieros: Judy Blame obituary - 7 years ago

@judy_echard: @hturtfor @davidhogg111 @JackPosobiec No but it's the 15-minute thing that matters right now and his future will be… - 7 years ago

@Robbie51705885: RT @Peoples_Pundit: Judy Miller: "If you're a conservative publication, you tend to blame the Democrats. If you're a liberal publication, y… - 7 years ago

@williamson_judy: @RealJamesWoods They get to be kids. And you’re an actor so act like a human being and show some compassion. What a… - 7 years ago

@ky_judy: @LadyJaiana Yea I don’t blame you lol she sleeps most of the time right now anyway - 7 years ago

@MelvaV5: @JulianAssange @judy_olevia OMGoodness, @HillaryClinton put the blame where it belongs, squarely on your shoulders.… - 7 years ago

@rusdaboss: RT @greatweatherfor: Judy Blame obituary - 7 years ago

@greatweatherfor: Judy Blame obituary - 7 years ago

@UKMrBead: Blame had been making #jewellery since he first threaded conkers into a necklace: - 7 years ago

@dallastexjr: @ABCFRY Thanks, Martin. I think the person who wrote that statement misunderstood and incorrectly referenced this p… - 7 years ago

@TopBeautyIdeas: Judy Blame obituary - The Guardian - 7 years ago

@judy_echard: RT @ian_mckelvey: David Hogg: “The NRA is DEFINITELY responsible for the Parkland shooting.” Journalist: “Would you like to comment on She… - 7 years ago

@judy_mendell: RT @nancylee2016: Democrats want to blame guns for the terrible killings in Florida. This passionate, Gold Star Widow, explains this compl… - 7 years ago

@Agnesleglise: Judy Blame obituary," Fashion stylist, art director and jewellery designer inspired by the punk era of the 1970s" - 7 years ago

@UberVoop: @LucaRobin_L_E Well, can you blame Judy for wanting to touch a hawt fox butt? - 7 years ago

@chicmiapp: Judy Blame obituary - 7 years ago

@guardianobits: Judy Blame obituary. Fashion stylist, art director and jewellery designer inspired by the punk era of the 1970s - 7 years ago

@Fluffy_Siho: RT @BoyGeorge: R.I.P to my friend Judy Blame who was beautiful, talented and arch as hell. Fashion has a huge void in it and London has los… - 7 years ago

@HanksMartin: RT @kylieminogue: RIP #JudyBlame, a true original. - 7 years ago

@psgsien: 実家に母を送迎ついでにちょっとだけ部屋に入って好きなLP持ちだそうとしたけど、時間もなく探し出せない上に玄関に忘れてきちゃいました😭💦 Accessory掛けにJudy Blameのもうこれだけしか残ってなかった😭もう一つくらい… - 7 years ago

@RachelM86141458: RT @greetjenkins: Obituary - Judy Blame, stylist and jewellery maker who was at the heart of the UK music scene in the 1980s and 1990s http… - 7 years ago

@gregminshall: ‘There was never a career plan. “I like waking up every day to do something. Hasn’t done me any good whatsoever but… - 7 years ago

@Judy_OHare: RT @FoxNews: .@RepMattGaetz: "When [Dems] lost this campaign, you had to blame the Russians, you had to blame @BernieSanders...I mean, at w… - 7 years ago

@greetjenkins: Obituary - Judy Blame, stylist and jewellery maker who was at the heart of the UK music scene in the 1980s and 1990s - 7 years ago

@NewsITN: 2018/02/26 Punk turned Judy Blame on when he was a teenage Chris Barnes living on a farm… - 7 years ago

@zesty_fashion: Judy Blame obituary - 7 years ago

@Gustasilvacp: RT @lovegwendoline: Judy Blame. Exceptional creative force, limitless warmth and wit - lucky to have known you at all. 💔🖤🖤🖤 - 7 years ago

@rubio_judy: RT @StephenMilIer: By not interfering during the attack and then lying and shifting blame to others, Sheriff Israel now has all the credent… - 7 years ago

@Judy_Dobles: Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the bl… - 7 years ago

@merlinidlehands: @KamalaHarris THE DEMS are as much to blame as the Repubs are. WAKE UP its the punch and Judy Show!! - 7 years ago

@EinarOux: Hasta siempre, Judy Blame. - 7 years ago

@beprettytoday: - 7 years ago


@eurosmith1976: Judy Blame obituary - 7 years ago

@judy__jetson: RT @DerenicByrd: When 17 innocent white kids were murdered, not once did I hear anyone blame the white kids for there own murder but when a… - 7 years ago

@Elie_Bks: Judy Blame, Who Helped Craft the Look of the 1980s, Is Dead at 58 - 7 years ago

@judy_ewell: RT @WWEAP25: Something isn’t right about #SheriffScottIsrael he & the #FBI were warned about the threats from the shooter but he’s pushing… - 7 years ago

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