Judith Miller

French psychoanalyst and philosopher.
Died on Saturday December 9th 2017

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Judith Miller:

@thehardleft101: That Judith Miller, what a bitch@Thom_Hartmann - 7 years ago

@rosanaldonate: RT @mibapu: Judith Miller, un deseo sin retroceso posible: - 7 years ago

@a_qht9: RT @cncx: @weddady I got shit on so hard once in a college class for saying I didn't trust Judith Miller as an authority on teh islamz beca… - 7 years ago

@palmerneill: @charlesmurray @JonahNRO @Edsall @MrWalterShapiro Um Judith Miller Iraq War scandal anyone? Hopefully this just a… - 7 years ago


@yxia05: RT @jcaretti777: Dos textos en homenaje a Judith Miller - 7 years ago

@xavierperez: RT @jcaretti777: Dos textos en homenaje a Judith Miller - 7 years ago

@jcaretti777: Dos textos en homenaje a Judith Miller - 7 years ago

@SV_JudithMiller: RT @fundraisermag: Whether you are setting out to achieve your #income generation targets or you are hoping to learn from your mistakes, or… - 7 years ago

@cncx: @weddady I got shit on so hard once in a college class for saying I didn't trust Judith Miller as an authority on t… - 7 years ago

@ELP_Andalucia: RT @mibapu: Judith Miller, un deseo sin retroceso posible: - 7 years ago

@bobmatnyc: @chrisgeidner Agreed, but the WSJ editorial board casts a long Murdockian shadow over any good works they do. And… - 7 years ago

@LemmyIsGod0000: @EricBoehlert Maggie Haberman = Judith Miller - 7 years ago

@ParraYndira: RT @mibapu: Judith Miller, un deseo sin retroceso posible: - 7 years ago

@RadtownUSA: @suzannedimaggio @nytimes Where is Judith Miller when you need her? She sold those lies with great stylistic flair. - 7 years ago

@ElenaLatici: @rswfire Hillary's evilness of course, not Judith Miller's. - 7 years ago

@ElenaLatici: @rswfire I'm afraid it's been rotting for some time. I first cancelled my subscription after the Judith Miller deba… - 7 years ago

@acf_vlb: "Le désir de savoir" à Nantes. Laure Naveau lit le discours d'ouverture du IXe Congrès de l'AMP en hommage à Judith… - 7 years ago

@Oliver_Berliner: @nytimes two words: Judith Miller. You're racists. - 7 years ago

@Ortografo: RT @anna_aromi: Judith Miller, hacedora de cosas imposibles y maravillosas. Nos acompañarás siempre. - 7 years ago

@AlbaZaidel: RT @acf_vlb: "Le désir de savoir" à Nantes. Laure Naveau lit le discours d'ouverture du IXe Congrès de l'AMP en hommage à Judith Miller htt… - 7 years ago

@mgbalducci: RT @acf_vlb: "Le désir de savoir" à Nantes. Laure Naveau lit le discours d'ouverture du IXe Congrès de l'AMP en hommage à Judith Miller htt… - 7 years ago

@imaginarymou: @ForeignPolicy #NikkiHaley "Undeniable" evidence-like Judith Miller's "evidence" of WMD in Iraq? US invades Iraq &… - 7 years ago

@warren__terra: @nomoremister Judith Miller and Glen Greenwald teaming up was inevitable, and I never realized it. - 7 years ago

@AurelienBomy: RT @acf_vlb: "Le désir de savoir" à Nantes. Laure Naveau lit le discours d'ouverture du IXe Congrès de l'AMP en hommage à Judith Miller htt… - 7 years ago

@fources: RT @acf_vlb: "Le désir de savoir" à Nantes. Laure Naveau lit le discours d'ouverture du IXe Congrès de l'AMP en hommage à Judith Miller htt… - 7 years ago

@sarahb974: RT @acf_vlb: "Le désir de savoir" à Nantes. Laure Naveau lit le discours d'ouverture du IXe Congrès de l'AMP en hommage à Judith Miller htt… - 7 years ago

@acf_vlb: "Le désir de savoir" à Nantes. Laure Naveau lit le discours d'ouverture du IXe Congrès de l'AMP en hommage à Judith… - 7 years ago

@CitaDiagonales: RT @AMPActu: À Judith, …Trois souvenirs de Judith Miller, que rien, ou peu de chose, arrêtait, … Lacan Quotidien n° 754 - - 7 years ago

@CitaDiagonales: RT @mibapu: Judith Miller, un deseo sin retroceso posible: - 7 years ago

@VictoriaDuvall7: RT @VictoriaDuvall7: @Chicago1Ray @NIVIsa4031 @steph93065 @Lrihendry @LeahR77 @SparkleSoup45 @Corrynmb @SierraWhiskee @RuthieRedSox @MAGARo… - 7 years ago

@VictoriaDuvall7: @Chicago1Ray @NIVIsa4031 @steph93065 @Lrihendry @LeahR77 @SparkleSoup45 @Corrynmb @SierraWhiskee @RuthieRedSox… - 7 years ago

@Martydegoeij: RT @BayosHarmonicas: Judith Miller and her fan "jackfrost007" bless us with their opinions on how to keep us safe from terrorism. - 7 years ago

@JazzyMinx: @Will_Bunch How could I forget Judith “the aspens are turning” Miller and her shameful @nytimes war propaganda? - 7 years ago

@psiplus: RT @BouretPhilippe: Ce soir avec Brigitte Jaques-Wajeman et François Regnault. Soirée Théâtre et psychanalyse dédiée à Judith Miller et Ser… - 7 years ago

@dianacampolongo: RT @mibapu: Judith Miller, un deseo sin retroceso posible: - 7 years ago

@EnversDeParis: RT @BouretPhilippe: Ce soir avec Brigitte Jaques-Wajeman et François Regnault. Soirée Théâtre et psychanalyse dédiée à Judith Miller et Ser… - 7 years ago

@atelieracpol1: RT @BouretPhilippe: Ce soir avec Brigitte Jaques-Wajeman et François Regnault. Soirée Théâtre et psychanalyse dédiée à Judith Miller et Ser… - 7 years ago

@gleulomon: RT @BouretPhilippe: Ce soir avec Brigitte Jaques-Wajeman et François Regnault. Soirée Théâtre et psychanalyse dédiée à Judith Miller et Ser… - 7 years ago

@hughsansom: Remember Condoleezza Rice’s handwaving about a “smoking gun” being a “mushroom cloud” or the Bush admin’s pet… - 7 years ago

@porshasuhrhein4: Jon Stewart grills Judith Miller over her Iraq reporting as she promotes her new book - 7 years ago

@acf_mc: RT @BouretPhilippe: Ce soir avec Brigitte Jaques-Wajeman et François Regnault. Soirée Théâtre et psychanalyse dédiée à Judith Miller et Ser… - 7 years ago

@zuleflo: RT @mibapu: Judith Miller, un deseo sin retroceso posible: - 7 years ago

@ACF_Est: RT @AMPActu: À Judith, …Trois souvenirs de Judith Miller, que rien, ou peu de chose, arrêtait, … Lacan Quotidien n° 754 - - 7 years ago

@ACF_ECA: RT @AMPActu: À Judith, …Trois souvenirs de Judith Miller, que rien, ou peu de chose, arrêtait, … Lacan Quotidien n° 754 - - 7 years ago

@pariswila: RT @LacanianCompass: For our French-speaking followers, if you are not following this now, check out "Lacan Quotidien" [Lacan Daily], which… - 7 years ago

@NoelCahuzac: @Malbrunot Cette fois ci le NYT, instruit par l’affaire Judith Miller, est plus circonspect... - 7 years ago

@mgbalducci: RT @AMPActu: À Judith, …Trois souvenirs de Judith Miller, que rien, ou peu de chose, arrêtait, … Lacan Quotidien n° 754 - - 7 years ago

@concupire: RT @mibapu: Judith Miller, un deseo sin retroceso posible: - 7 years ago

@Harringtonkent: RT @mateosfo: If we can be grateful for just one thing, let’s be grateful that Judith Miller is no longer at the Times. - 7 years ago

@mateosfo: If we can be grateful for just one thing, let’s be grateful that Judith Miller is no longer at the Times. - 7 years ago

@BayosHarmonicas: Judith Miller and her fan "jackfrost007" bless us with their opinions on how to keep us safe from terrorism.… - 7 years ago

@JuanJuandge: RT @mibapu: Judith Miller, un deseo sin retroceso posible: - 7 years ago

@shekarmant: @thenation This was a long time coming. Fake news has been with us too. No sympathy for nyt (remember Judith Miller - 7 years ago

@MaryleneMhb: RT @AMPActu: À Judith, …Trois souvenirs de Judith Miller, que rien, ou peu de chose, arrêtait, … Lacan Quotidien n° 754 - - 7 years ago

@gleulomon: RT @LacanianCompass: For our French-speaking followers, if you are not following this now, check out "Lacan Quotidien" [Lacan Daily], which… - 7 years ago

@BScruvener: @Acosta I know. Just ask James Rosen and Judith Miller, and all the journalists who haven't been jailed by Trump. What a drama queen. - 7 years ago

@DrBruceScott: RT @LacanianCompass: For our French-speaking followers, if you are not following this now, check out "Lacan Quotidien" [Lacan Daily], which… - 7 years ago

@mandrearomero: RT @mibapu: Judith Miller, un deseo sin retroceso posible: - 7 years ago

@2565336d98884ae: RT @TRUMPMOVEMENTUS: Judith Miller: Is it time for a national ID card to prevent terror attacks? - 7 years ago

@seashorewoman: RT @TRUMPMOVEMENTUS: Judith Miller: Is it time for a national ID card to prevent terror attacks? - 7 years ago

@TRUMPMOVEMENTUS: RT @TRUMPMOVEMENTUS: Judith Miller: Is it time for a national ID card to prevent terror attacks? - 7 years ago

@SocraticGadfly: .@Mschwirtz You mean the Sulzbergers who let Judith Miller help lie us into war? Or the Sulzbergers who let your pa… - 7 years ago

@LacanianCompass: For our French-speaking followers, if you are not following this now, check out "Lacan Quotidien" [Lacan Daily], wh… - 7 years ago

@RadioLacan: RT @mibapu: Judith Miller, un deseo sin retroceso posible: - 7 years ago

@Liztechn: RT @mibapu: Judith Miller, un deseo sin retroceso posible: - 7 years ago

@NoraAliAli1: RT @AMPActu: À Judith, …Trois souvenirs de Judith Miller, que rien, ou peu de chose, arrêtait, … Lacan Quotidien n° 754 - - 7 years ago

@AMPActu: À Judith, …Trois souvenirs de Judith Miller, que rien, ou peu de chose, arrêtait, … Lacan Quotidien n° 754 - - 7 years ago

@Bussires2: RT @Genistefem: La voix de Judith MILLER lors de la fondation de l’EBP au Brésil : - 7 years ago

@hernandobernal: RT @mibapu: Judith Miller, un deseo sin retroceso posible: - 7 years ago

@Chris_Maag: @MEGAMANTROTSKY @ggreenwald @rmluczak Actually that debacle was the exception, as Judith Miller's ignominious departure indicated. - 7 years ago

@misaelmontesdoc: RT @mibapu: Judith Miller, un deseo sin retroceso posible: - 7 years ago

@JIEtxart: RT @mibapu: Judith Miller, un deseo sin retroceso posible: - 7 years ago

@WWynkey: RT @KindAndUnblind: @Mikel_Jollett @JW4Resistance Shades of Cheney + Co. citing story they leaked to Judith Miller on Iraq WMD as proof of… - 7 years ago

@JuCRios: RT @EOLacaniana: Homenaje a Judith Miller - 7 years ago

@politidisgust: RT @KindAndUnblind: @Mikel_Jollett @JW4Resistance Shades of Cheney + Co. citing story they leaked to Judith Miller on Iraq WMD as proof of… - 7 years ago

@QuilliamOrg: Judith Miller: Is it time for a national ID card to prevent terror attacks? - 7 years ago

@KindAndUnblind: @Mikel_Jollett @JW4Resistance Shades of Cheney + Co. citing story they leaked to Judith Miller on Iraq WMD as proof… - 7 years ago

@PhillyFlorida: Judith Miller: Is it time for a national ID card ( like a voter ID , which GOP uses to suppress the vote ? ) to pre… - 7 years ago

@PSimonet: RT @psiplus: Adieu à notre chère Judith Miller, qui a œuvré sans relâche pour la diffusion de l’enseignement de Lacan - 7 years ago

@LiberalsNo: RT @qkode: Judith Miller: Is it time for a national ID card to prevent terror attacks? - 7 years ago

@Platipuss298: RT @Credico2016: SC yokel @nikkihaley going to the Judith Miller bag of war tricks re Iran... get a new act! - 7 years ago

@isupporttrump45: RT @qkode: Judith Miller: Is it time for a national ID card to prevent terror attacks? - 7 years ago

@TedDBexar: RT @qkode: Judith Miller: Is it time for a national ID card to prevent terror attacks? - 7 years ago

@qkode: Judith Miller: Is it time for a national ID card to prevent terror attacks? - 7 years ago

@syqau: Judith Miller: Is it time for a national ID card to prevent terror attacks? - 7 years ago

@MLAS: RT @CityJournal: Another Near-Miss | Judith Miller - 7 years ago

@patuzzi_c: RT @midite: La honte! @lemondefr a confié à E. Roudinesco la nécro de Judith Miller, la fille de Jacques Lacan. Voici ce que #JudithMiller… - 7 years ago

@osiris322: RT @Credico2016: SC yokel @nikkihaley going to the Judith Miller bag of war tricks re Iran... get a new act! - 7 years ago

@Whtapl: RT @Credico2016: SC yokel @nikkihaley going to the Judith Miller bag of war tricks re Iran... get a new act! - 7 years ago

@npnikk: Judith Miller: Is it time for a national ID card to prevent terror attacks? - 7 years ago

@MaryleneMhb: RT @psiplus: Adieu à notre chère Judith Miller, qui a œuvré sans relâche pour la diffusion de l’enseignement de Lacan - 7 years ago

@ch_maugin: RT @EOLacaniana: Homenaje a Judith Miller - 7 years ago

@ch_maugin: RT @psiplus: Adieu à notre chère Judith Miller, qui a œuvré sans relâche pour la diffusion de l’enseignement de Lacan - 7 years ago

@CityJournal: Another Near-Miss | Judith Miller - 7 years ago

@ContacteeA: RT @Credico2016: SC yokel @nikkihaley going to the Judith Miller bag of war tricks re Iran... get a new act! - 7 years ago

@MATErlandsson: RT @kurt_nimmo: Too bad this wasn’t in place when Judith Miller worked there. More than a million Iraqis paid the price for her neocon-spun… - 7 years ago

@ketchmeifucan: RT @Credico2016: SC yokel @nikkihaley going to the Judith Miller bag of war tricks re Iran... get a new act! - 7 years ago

@LaydiAnonis: RT @Credico2016: SC yokel @nikkihaley going to the Judith Miller bag of war tricks re Iran... get a new act! - 7 years ago

@Forbrydelsenfan: RT @Credico2016: SC yokel @nikkihaley going to the Judith Miller bag of war tricks re Iran... get a new act! - 7 years ago

@qdepim: @Malbrunot 14 ans après, deux administrations plus tard, le même coup, un pays différent, plus de Judith Miller = l… - 7 years ago

@Credico2016: SC yokel @nikkihaley going to the Judith Miller bag of war tricks re Iran... get a new act! - 7 years ago

@mianmawaisarain: FOX NEWS: Judith Miller: Is it time for a national ID card to prevent terror attacks? - 7 years ago

@lionpsyche: RT @eduasca: "El psicoanálisis ha aprendido" Judith Miller para La Nación. - 7 years ago

@Unlacaniano: RT @EOLacaniana: Homenaje a Judith Miller - 7 years ago

@nishadhasan007: Judith Miller: Is it time for a national ID card to prevent terror attacks? - 7 years ago

@DNunezforTrump: RT @FoxNews: .@JMFreeSpeech: Is it time for a national ID card to prevent terror attacks? - 7 years ago

@RandomUser43: Headline: Is it time for a national ID card to prevent terror attacks? Except no where in the article does it talk… - 7 years ago

@StcyrAnnie: @JulianAssange I'm sure you have internet service. Look up Pence and Judith Miller. Trying to ruin the good guy may… - 7 years ago

@UncleSam_1776: RT @FoxNews: .@JMFreeSpeech: Is it time for a national ID card to prevent terror attacks? - 7 years ago

@george_dunagin: Past time, get the cards now... - 7 years ago

@DUKEANDDEW: RT @FoxNews: .@JMFreeSpeech: Is it time for a national ID card to prevent terror attacks? - 7 years ago

@hankarnold54: Judith Miller: Is it time for a national ID card to prevent terror attacks? - 7 years ago

@Beat812: RT @AndresBorderias: Judith Miller y el Psicoanálisis en Cuba. "El grupo de mis amores". - 7 years ago

@valroche: Judith Miller: Is it time for a national ID card to prevent terror attacks? - 7 years ago

@suitedup07: RT @FoxNews: .@JMFreeSpeech: Is it time for a national ID card to prevent terror attacks? - 7 years ago

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