Jud Logan

American Olympic hammer thrower (1984
Died on Monday January 3rd 2022

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Jud Logan:

@yosolaoa: RT @ashlandeagles_: T&F: Jacob Sussman has been named Interim Track & Field Head Coach, taking over following the passing of legendary coac… - 3 years ago

@truebayarnx: Hoooy nganong wala jud na mention si Logan sa DFS😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 - 3 years ago

@wellasevandal6: Bagay jud kayus logan og su ryeon bay <333 - 3 years ago

@JefferySElwell: RT @ashlandeagles_: T&F: Jacob Sussman has been named Interim Track & Field Head Coach, taking over following the passing of legendary coac… - 3 years ago


@d2dtrack: RT @aucoachscott: Tough week for track & field, losing these three greats. All US Olympic Team Members Barbara Jacket…Dean Hayes…Jud Logan.… - 3 years ago

@Christinesatrno: What ifff jud patay na s logan😭ay d pede saba kay ning tiktok ah - 3 years ago

@mmead76: RT @LSUtoddlane: Jud Logan Bobby Lang Barbara Jacket Dean Hayes Coaches who passed recently LEGENDS You may not know them. Did what coa… - 3 years ago

@MsMoushaumi: RT @aucoachscott: Tough week for track & field, losing these three greats. All US Olympic Team Members Barbara Jacket…Dean Hayes…Jud Logan.… - 3 years ago

@CoachKnerem: RT @ashlandeagles_: T&F: Jacob Sussman has been named Interim Track & Field Head Coach, taking over following the passing of legendary coac… - 3 years ago

@iannjohnsonn: RT @ashlandeagles_: T&F: Jacob Sussman has been named Interim Track & Field Head Coach, taking over following the passing of legendary coac… - 3 years ago

@TommyJMJ7: RT @ashlandeagles_: T&F: Jacob Sussman has been named Interim Track & Field Head Coach, taking over following the passing of legendary coac… - 3 years ago

@AUDustySloan: RT @ashlandeagles_: T&F: Jacob Sussman has been named Interim Track & Field Head Coach, taking over following the passing of legendary coac… - 3 years ago

@TrevorBassitt30: RT @ashlandeagles_: T&F: Jacob Sussman has been named Interim Track & Field Head Coach, taking over following the passing of legendary coac… - 3 years ago

@ashlandeagles_: T&F: Jacob Sussman has been named Interim Track & Field Head Coach, taking over following the passing of legendary… - 3 years ago

@KamilaKingston_: RT @LSUtoddlane: Jud Logan Bobby Lang Barbara Jacket Dean Hayes Coaches who passed recently LEGENDS You may not know them. Did what coa… - 3 years ago

@Ohio_Tomato: This article by @sdoerschukREP is one of the more touching tributes to @AUTrackField 's Jud Logan "it started becau… - 3 years ago

@Leslie1pollock: RT @LSUtoddlane: Jud Logan Bobby Lang Barbara Jacket Dean Hayes Coaches who passed recently LEGENDS You may not know them. Did what coa… - 3 years ago

@NDominator: RT @LSUtoddlane: Jud Logan Bobby Lang Barbara Jacket Dean Hayes Coaches who passed recently LEGENDS You may not know them. Did what coa… - 3 years ago

@angelyanaaa: YW NGANU NAMATAY PA MAN JUD SI LOGAN OY - 3 years ago

@RHYNO__: RT @LSUtoddlane: Jud Logan Bobby Lang Barbara Jacket Dean Hayes Coaches who passed recently LEGENDS You may not know them. Did what coa… - 3 years ago

@WendyRuthPax: RT @aucoachscott: Tough week for track & field, losing these three greats. All US Olympic Team Members Barbara Jacket…Dean Hayes…Jud Logan.… - 3 years ago

@ResisterNell: RT @LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built powerhou… - 3 years ago

@KathleenRaske: RT @aucoachscott: Tough week for track & field, losing these three greats. All US Olympic Team Members Barbara Jacket…Dean Hayes…Jud Logan.… - 3 years ago

@auspikette: RT @aucoachscott: Tough week for track & field, losing these three greats. All US Olympic Team Members Barbara Jacket…Dean Hayes…Jud Logan.… - 3 years ago

@DawgXCcoach: RT @aucoachscott: Tough week for track & field, losing these three greats. All US Olympic Team Members Barbara Jacket…Dean Hayes…Jud Logan.… - 3 years ago

@USTFCCCA: RT @aucoachscott: Tough week for track & field, losing these three greats. All US Olympic Team Members Barbara Jacket…Dean Hayes…Jud Logan.… - 3 years ago

@ThrowSumthin: RT @aucoachscott: Tough week for track & field, losing these three greats. All US Olympic Team Members Barbara Jacket…Dean Hayes…Jud Logan.… - 3 years ago

@jhazen_: RT @aucoachscott: Tough week for track & field, losing these three greats. All US Olympic Team Members Barbara Jacket…Dean Hayes…Jud Logan.… - 3 years ago

@DrewMatthewsKU: RT @aucoachscott: Tough week for track & field, losing these three greats. All US Olympic Team Members Barbara Jacket…Dean Hayes…Jud Logan.… - 3 years ago

@McLean26: RT @aucoachscott: Tough week for track & field, losing these three greats. All US Olympic Team Members Barbara Jacket…Dean Hayes…Jud Logan.… - 3 years ago

@McDaniel_CWM: RT @aucoachscott: Tough week for track & field, losing these three greats. All US Olympic Team Members Barbara Jacket…Dean Hayes…Jud Logan.… - 3 years ago

@UOTrackFangirl: RT @aucoachscott: Tough week for track & field, losing these three greats. All US Olympic Team Members Barbara Jacket…Dean Hayes…Jud Logan.… - 3 years ago

@paulmerca70601: RT @aucoachscott: Tough week for track & field, losing these three greats. All US Olympic Team Members Barbara Jacket…Dean Hayes…Jud Logan.… - 3 years ago

@CapeFearFlyers: RT @aucoachscott: Tough week for track & field, losing these three greats. All US Olympic Team Members Barbara Jacket…Dean Hayes…Jud Logan.… - 3 years ago

@coachesche: RT @aucoachscott: Tough week for track & field, losing these three greats. All US Olympic Team Members Barbara Jacket…Dean Hayes…Jud Logan.… - 3 years ago

@aucoachscott: Tough week for track & field, losing these three greats. All US Olympic Team Members Barbara Jacket…Dean Hayes…Jud… - 3 years ago

@HFVikingsThrows: RT @nationalthrows: If you would like to do something in Jud Logan’s memory, take a couple of bucks, throw in an envelope, and send to: Th… - 3 years ago

@univrslthreaux: RT @nationalthrows: If you would like to do something in Jud Logan’s memory, take a couple of bucks, throw in an envelope, and send to: Th… - 3 years ago

@JLongs10: @vinlananna - 3 years ago

@georgejackson33: RT @BBaptist_30_: Jud Logan's brothers, sister, mother remember North Canton's four-time Olympic hammer man, 'light giver' - 3 years ago

@dlogan34: RT @BBaptist_30_: Jud Logan's brothers, sister, mother remember North Canton's four-time Olympic hammer man, 'light giver' - 3 years ago

@scottbrownoh: RT @BBaptist_30_: Jud Logan's brothers, sister, mother remember North Canton's four-time Olympic hammer man, 'light giver' - 3 years ago

@MattMcCoyRadio: RT @BBaptist_30_: Jud Logan's brothers, sister, mother remember North Canton's four-time Olympic hammer man, 'light giver' - 3 years ago

@BBaptist_30_: Jud Logan's brothers, sister, mother remember North Canton's four-time Olympic hammer man, 'light giver' - 3 years ago

@MNJCaudill: @CSnow_TG @Barryfortune3 Nice piece on Jud Logan, Chris. - 3 years ago

@SheehanElise: RT @KentStTrackXC: Jud represented Kent State on the world stage and was a great ambassador for our sport. He will be missed, and our thoug… - 3 years ago

@JulieWallaceCT: RT @LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built powerhou… - 3 years ago

@Leslie1pollock: RT @nationalthrows: What a fantastic article. THANK YOU STEVE DOERSCHUK! @sdoerschukREP Jud Logan's brothers, sister, mother remember North… - 3 years ago

@nationalthrows: RT @LsabreAvenger: So in the first seven days of 2022 we have already lost Betty White, Sidney Poitier, Viktor Saneyev and Jud Logan - have… - 3 years ago

@RojoRurba002: RT @LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built powerhou… - 3 years ago

@LsabreAvenger: So in the first seven days of 2022 we have already lost Betty White, Sidney Poitier, Viktor Saneyev and Jud Logan -… - 3 years ago

@mpopovichREP: From @sdoerschukREP: Flaming hammers, love from Russia, Hoover home: Jud Logan remembered - 3 years ago

@baryo_j: RT @LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built powerhou… - 3 years ago

@joedonatelli: @sdoerschukREP Enjoyed your Jud Logan piece so much I put it in my newsletter today. Nice tribute. Well done. - 3 years ago

@nationalthrows: RT @nationalthrows: Here is Jud Logan’s second appearance on ESPN’s Press Box Radio Show. Jud discusses his fight again Leukemia. Thanks to… - 3 years ago

@KarendouglassD: RT @LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built powerhou… - 3 years ago

@CoachBlaineMaag: RT @nationalthrows: If you would like to do something in Jud Logan’s memory, take a couple of bucks, throw in an envelope, and send to: Th… - 3 years ago

@nationalthrows: RT @nationalthrows: What a fantastic article. THANK YOU STEVE DOERSCHUK! @sdoerschukREP Jud Logan's brothers, sister, mother remember North… - 3 years ago

@Jennmommabear: RT @ktnago13: - 3 years ago

@JeanannBogar: RT @LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built powerhou… - 3 years ago

@timesgazette: Jud Logan's brothers, sister, mother remember North Canton's four-time Olympic hammer man, 'light giver' - 3 years ago

@CantonRepdotcom: They met at Jeff Logan's house unsuspecting it would be their last Thanksgiving with Jud. Family members recall one… - 3 years ago

@TheDailyRecord: Jud Logan's brothers, sister, mother remember North Canton's four-time Olympic hammer man, 'light giver' - 3 years ago

@MiNDSETSEA: RT @nationalthrows: Jud Logan’s first appearance on ESPN’s The Press Box Radio Show hosted by Judd Spicer and Matt McKay. @JuddSpicer @plan… - 3 years ago

@nationalthrows: RT @nationalthrows: Jud Logan’s first appearance on ESPN’s The Press Box Radio Show hosted by Judd Spicer and Matt McKay. @JuddSpicer @plan… - 3 years ago

@102415A: RT @LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built powerhou… - 3 years ago

@LapsedROHbot: RT @LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built powerhou… - 3 years ago

@paula_span: RT @LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built powerhou… - 3 years ago

@jktherealdeal: RT @ktnago13: - 3 years ago

@Shanee48: RT @LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built powerhou… - 3 years ago

@mom2heathenboys: RT @LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built powerhou… - 3 years ago

@ILoveMySteelers: RT @LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built powerhou… - 3 years ago

@KimSmrek: Jud Logan's impact at Ashland U was bigger than sports. Gracie was blessed to have attended his track camp l… - 3 years ago

@JoeLoweryJr2: RT @ktnago13: - 3 years ago

@Haley_Gregory: RT @ktnago13: - 3 years ago

@brianccUA: RT @ktnago13: - 3 years ago

@Deeroc19: RT @LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built powerhou… - 3 years ago

@NoMoreHate17: RT @LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built powerhou… - 3 years ago

@HeyDrWilson: RT @LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built powerhou… - 3 years ago

@missjst: RT @LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built powerhou… - 3 years ago

@Kimberl55930642: RT @LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built powerhou… - 3 years ago

@everycolorinc: RT @LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built powerhou… - 3 years ago

@monalee777: RT @LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built powerhou… - 3 years ago

@yosolaoa: RT @ktnago13: - 3 years ago

@Cindylouwhobaj1: RT @LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built powerhou… - 3 years ago

@BaylessMarilyn: RT @LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built powerhou… - 3 years ago

@MustGoVote: RT @LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built powerhou… - 3 years ago

@MeanProgress: RT @LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built powerhou… - 3 years ago

@LRedSchoolHouse: RT @LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built powerhou… - 3 years ago

@TeresaCulhane: RT @LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built powerhou… - 3 years ago

@Margaret_ADuffy: RT @LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built powerhou… - 3 years ago

@Cleavon_MD: RT @LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built powerhou… - 3 years ago

@jacoker2: RT @LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built powerhou… - 3 years ago

@kahruveldesign: RT @LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built powerhou… - 3 years ago

@LostToCovid: Jud Logan - 62, Died Jan 3, 2022. Head Track and Field Coach, Ashland University, Ashland, OH for 28+ yrs. Built p… - 3 years ago

@Doug_Binder: RT @ktnago13: - 3 years ago

@cjakblk: RT @ktnago13: - 3 years ago

@PfaffSC: RT @ktnago13: - 3 years ago

@Leslie1pollock: RT @ktnago13: - 3 years ago

@nationalthrows: If you would like to do something in Jud Logan’s memory, take a couple of bucks, throw in an envelope, and send to:… - 3 years ago

@nationalthrows: RT @nationalthrows: Jud Logan M55 World Record Weight Throw Series - 3 years ago

@ThrowSumthin: RT @nationalthrows: Jud Logan M55 World Record Weight Throw Series - 3 years ago

@TVTrackField: RT @GovMikeDeWine: Fran and I are deeply saddened to learn about the death of Jud Logan, a Canton native and four-time Olympian in the hamm… - 3 years ago

@nationalthrows: Jud Logan M55 World Record Weight Throw Series - 3 years ago

@nationalthrows: RT @GovMikeDeWine: Fran and I are deeply saddened to learn about the death of Jud Logan, a Canton native and four-time Olympian in the hamm… - 3 years ago

@mpop811: RT @GoBearcatsTFXC: Our thoughts and prayers are with Ashland University and it’s Track & Field team during this difficult time. Jud Logan - 3 years ago

@aashleighb: RT @nationalthrows: Obituary posted for Judson "Jud" C. Logan. See - 3 years ago

@sssaffle: RT @CSnow_TG: 'He genuinely cared': Jud Logan's impact at Ashland University went well beyond the track - 3 years ago

@emjayyy15: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@emjayyy15: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@worthystyle: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@worthystyle: RT @CSnow_TG: 'He genuinely cared': Jud Logan's impact at Ashland University went well beyond the track - 3 years ago

@worthystyle: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@jakeae11: @lmauricecpr Yes several, and we just lost a 4 time us olympic hammer thrower and ncaa champion coach night before… - 3 years ago

@PeakSpecialists: RT @nationalthrows: Obituary posted for Judson "Jud" C. Logan. See - 3 years ago

@ImpeachBDevos: National Champion Head Coach, U.S. Olympian Jud Logan Passes Away - 3 years ago

@CSnow_TG: RT @timesgazette: 'He genuinely cared': Jud Logan's impact at Ashland University went well beyond the track - 3 years ago

@DyeStat: Four-Time Olympian Jud Logan Dies - 3 years ago

@Ohio_Tomato: This news saddened me, especially as the cause was COVID related pneumonia. My thoughts are with his family and ath… - 3 years ago

@2LiveJake: RT @nationalthrows: Obituary posted for Judson "Jud" C. Logan. See - 3 years ago

@CoachPVaughan: RT @Part4: Obituary for Judson "Jud" C. Logan | Arnold Funeral Homes - 3 years ago

@Part4: Obituary for Judson "Jud" C. Logan | Arnold Funeral Homes - 3 years ago

@MikeTodd614: RT @KatieLLogan: - 3 years ago

@Mayo4795: RT @nationalthrows: Obituary posted for Judson "Jud" C. Logan. See - 3 years ago

@emperortaytot: RT @GoBearcatsTFXC: Our thoughts and prayers are with Ashland University and it’s Track & Field team during this difficult time. Jud Logan - 3 years ago

@little_logan23: RT @KatieLLogan: - 3 years ago

@drewlogs7: RT @KatieLLogan: - 3 years ago

@TongErin: RT @nationalthrows: Obituary posted for Judson "Jud" C. Logan. See - 3 years ago

@CoachDall: RT @nationalthrows: Obituary posted for Judson "Jud" C. Logan. See - 3 years ago

@jesszeitz: RT @KentStAthletics: Kent State Athletics is saddened by the passing of Varsity “K” Hall of Famer Jud Logan. Our thoughts and prayers go ou… - 3 years ago

@DeleneJames: RT @GovMikeDeWine: Fran and I are deeply saddened to learn about the death of Jud Logan, a Canton native and four-time Olympian in the hamm… - 3 years ago

@drlesko: RT @nationalthrows: Obituary posted for Judson "Jud" C. Logan. See - 3 years ago

@Coach1984: EMP sends prayers for the Logan family. Rest in peace Judd! Your legacy and impact on student-athletes will be felt… - 3 years ago

@dlogan34: RT @KatieLLogan: - 3 years ago

@ThrowSumthin: RT @AP_Sports: Jud Logan, who competed in the 1984, 1988, 1992 and 2000 Olympics as a hammer thrower, died at the age of 62. - 3 years ago

@CoachJHerbert: RT @nationalthrows: Obituary posted for Judson "Jud" C. Logan. See - 3 years ago

@ThrowSumthin: RT @KentStTrackXC: Jud represented Kent State on the world stage and was a great ambassador for our sport. He will be missed, and our thoug… - 3 years ago

@ThrowSumthin: RT @nationalthrows: Obituary posted for Judson "Jud" C. Logan. See - 3 years ago

@ThrowSumthin: RT @GovMikeDeWine: Fran and I are deeply saddened to learn about the death of Jud Logan, a Canton native and four-time Olympian in the hamm… - 3 years ago

@polevaultpower: RT @nationalthrows: Obituary posted for Judson "Jud" C. Logan. See - 3 years ago

@BuffaloBSic: RT @nationalthrows: Obituary posted for Judson "Jud" C. Logan. See - 3 years ago

@Coach_JaySmith: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@KatieLLogan: - 3 years ago

@rwdgolf99: crushed for the logan family 💔 🙏 an amazing person gone too soon - 3 years ago

@CSnow_TG: 'He genuinely cared': Jud Logan's impact at Ashland University went well beyond the track - 3 years ago

@coachwhitman: Obituary for Judson "Jud" C. Logan | Arnold Funeral Homes - 3 years ago

@Jephfery: RT @nationalthrows: Obituary posted for Judson "Jud" C. Logan. See - 3 years ago

@nationalthrows: RT @nationalthrows: Obituary posted for Judson "Jud" C. Logan. See - 3 years ago

@nationalthrows: Obituary posted for Judson "Jud" C. Logan. See - 3 years ago

@K_Dunn5: RT @GovMikeDeWine: Fran and I are deeply saddened to learn about the death of Jud Logan, a Canton native and four-time Olympian in the hamm… - 3 years ago

@JeffAlix: RT @GovMikeDeWine: Fran and I are deeply saddened to learn about the death of Jud Logan, a Canton native and four-time Olympian in the hamm… - 3 years ago

@nationalthrows: RT @nationalthrows: #10 Coach Jud Logan - 3 years ago

@ArthurGreenlee1: RT @GoBearcatsTFXC: Our thoughts and prayers are with Ashland University and it’s Track & Field team during this difficult time. Jud Logan - 3 years ago

@jazzjingjingBST: RT @OHMileSplit: Heartfelt condolences are extended to the family and friends of Coach Jud Logan, as well as the entire Ashland University… - 3 years ago

@sports_bloc: RT @LostOlympians: January 3rd, American Athlete Jud Logan passed away at the age of 62. He represented United States in the men's Hammer T… - 3 years ago

@asylum61: RT @KentStAthletics: Kent State Athletics is saddened by the passing of Varsity “K” Hall of Famer Jud Logan. Our thoughts and prayers go ou… - 3 years ago

@jennarraway: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@meriaamorasade: RT @GovMikeDeWine: Fran and I are deeply saddened to learn about the death of Jud Logan, a Canton native and four-time Olympian in the hamm… - 3 years ago

@JeffAlix: RT @nationalthrows: Nike Commercial 1990 MJ, Andre Agassi, Bo Jackson, Kirk Gibson, Jerry Rice, Joan Benoit, David Robinson, Alberto Salaza… - 3 years ago

@ZackSmelcer: RT @Nlogan7: Simply put, I lost my hero today. - 3 years ago

@egendics: RT @GovMikeDeWine: Fran and I are deeply saddened to learn about the death of Jud Logan, a Canton native and four-time Olympian in the hamm… - 3 years ago

@SLCFLASHES: RT @KentStTrackXC: Jud represented Kent State on the world stage and was a great ambassador for our sport. He will be missed, and our thoug… - 3 years ago

@2006aceque: RT @LostOlympians: January 3rd, American Athlete Jud Logan passed away at the age of 62. He represented United States in the men's Hammer T… - 3 years ago

@PerryBaseball: RT @KentStAthletics: Kent State Athletics is saddened by the passing of Varsity “K” Hall of Famer Jud Logan. Our thoughts and prayers go ou… - 3 years ago

@El_Jefe_45: RT @nationalthrows: #10 Coach Jud Logan - 3 years ago

@nationalthrows: #10 Coach Jud Logan - 3 years ago

@ShayMile: RT @KentStTrackXC: Jud represented Kent State on the world stage and was a great ambassador for our sport. He will be missed, and our thoug… - 3 years ago

@pitchfork_kid: RT @sbark1984: R.I.P Jud Logan🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 You will be missed. - 3 years ago

@coachrobertgary: RT @KentStTrackXC: Jud represented Kent State on the world stage and was a great ambassador for our sport. He will be missed, and our thoug… - 3 years ago

@SueP329: RT @KentStTrackXC: Jud represented Kent State on the world stage and was a great ambassador for our sport. He will be missed, and our thoug… - 3 years ago

@PatrickPrice: RT @nationalthrows: Nike Commercial 1990 MJ, Andre Agassi, Bo Jackson, Kirk Gibson, Jerry Rice, Joan Benoit, David Robinson, Alberto Salaza… - 3 years ago

@CarrawayHetty: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@JonahBlankensh3: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@javajudd: RT @OHMileSplit: Heartfelt condolences are extended to the family and friends of Coach Jud Logan, as well as the entire Ashland University… - 3 years ago

@javajudd: RT @GovMikeDeWine: Fran and I are deeply saddened to learn about the death of Jud Logan, a Canton native and four-time Olympian in the hamm… - 3 years ago

@ktnago13: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@bghscoachkiss: What you had, you gave. What you save is lost forever.” - Jud Logan #lightgiver RIP Coach. We thank you for ever… - 3 years ago

@CamLogan7: Losing your idol is hard. - 3 years ago

@SSN_KentState: RT @KentStAthletics: Kent State Athletics is saddened by the passing of Varsity “K” Hall of Famer Jud Logan. Our thoughts and prayers go ou… - 3 years ago

@hannahahler: RT @GovMikeDeWine: Fran and I are deeply saddened to learn about the death of Jud Logan, a Canton native and four-time Olympian in the hamm… - 3 years ago

@KJachno: RT @GovMikeDeWine: Fran and I are deeply saddened to learn about the death of Jud Logan, a Canton native and four-time Olympian in the hamm… - 3 years ago

@amandarpalutsis: RT @GovMikeDeWine: Fran and I are deeply saddened to learn about the death of Jud Logan, a Canton native and four-time Olympian in the hamm… - 3 years ago

@ClevelandFan97: RT @GovMikeDeWine: Fran and I are deeply saddened to learn about the death of Jud Logan, a Canton native and four-time Olympian in the hamm… - 3 years ago

@tedreaunaaa: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@HeavyThrows: RT @pjvazel: ⚫️ RIP hammer thrower Jud Logan 🇺🇸 1959-2022 4x @Olympics 1988-92-96-2000 PB 81.88 (1988) - 3 years ago

@ZackSmelcer: RT @GovMikeDeWine: Fran and I are deeply saddened to learn about the death of Jud Logan, a Canton native and four-time Olympian in the hamm… - 3 years ago

@Michael92515553: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@ky_noel13: RT @GovMikeDeWine: Fran and I are deeply saddened to learn about the death of Jud Logan, a Canton native and four-time Olympian in the hamm… - 3 years ago

@MrsParkerHPE: RT @KentStTrackXC: Jud represented Kent State on the world stage and was a great ambassador for our sport. He will be missed, and our thoug… - 3 years ago

@MattWeikert1: RT @Nlogan7: Simply put, I lost my hero today. - 3 years ago

@lydbias: RT @GovMikeDeWine: Fran and I are deeply saddened to learn about the death of Jud Logan, a Canton native and four-time Olympian in the hamm… - 3 years ago

@LaraLu: RT @GoBearcatsTFXC: Our thoughts and prayers are with Ashland University and it’s Track & Field team during this difficult time. Jud Logan - 3 years ago

@TiannaMccormick: RT @KentStTrackXC: Jud represented Kent State on the world stage and was a great ambassador for our sport. He will be missed, and our thoug… - 3 years ago

@JefferySElwell: RT @pjvazel: ⚫️ RIP hammer thrower Jud Logan 🇺🇸 1959-2022 4x @Olympics 1988-92-96-2000 PB 81.88 (1988) - 3 years ago

@LoganGrover4: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@LuisMontes68: RT @AthleticsTracks: Tristemente ha fallecifo el 4 veces olímpico Jud Logan de Covid-19. Fue medalla de oro en el lanzamiento de martillo e… - 3 years ago

@4bigc4: Rest in Peace, Jud Logan. - 3 years ago

@RyanBoyle59: RT @KentStAthletics: Kent State Athletics is saddened by the passing of Varsity “K” Hall of Famer Jud Logan. Our thoughts and prayers go ou… - 3 years ago

@GrandjeanAmanda: RT @GovMikeDeWine: Fran and I are deeply saddened to learn about the death of Jud Logan, a Canton native and four-time Olympian in the hamm… - 3 years ago

@KentStSoftball: RT @KentStAthletics: Kent State Athletics is saddened by the passing of Varsity “K” Hall of Famer Jud Logan. Our thoughts and prayers go ou… - 3 years ago

@acnupp: RT @mpopovichREP: My heart goes out to Jud Logan's family, the Ashland University track and field community and everyone who knew him. Than… - 3 years ago

@mpopovichREP: My heart goes out to Jud Logan's family, the Ashland University track and field community and everyone who knew him… - 3 years ago

@SaraLoomiss: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@mattdewey: One of my throwing heroes, Jud Logan (@Olympic4x), gone at 62 from #COVID19. One of our best hammer throwers, U.S.… - 3 years ago

@mbjohnson50: RT @Nlogan7: Simply put, I lost my hero today. - 3 years ago

@d311rod: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@Shaqkar: RIP Coach Jud Logan - 3 years ago

@NoStressTalton: RT @Nlogan7: Simply put, I lost my hero today. - 3 years ago

@VSUIsland: RT @AthIllustrated: Hammer thrower Jud Logan and triple jump legend Viktor Saneyev pass away - 3 years ago

@DashCarCrash: RT @GovMikeDeWine: Fran and I are deeply saddened to learn about the death of Jud Logan, a Canton native and four-time Olympian in the hamm… - 3 years ago

@Oword_: RT @KentStAthletics: Kent State Athletics is saddened by the passing of Varsity “K” Hall of Famer Jud Logan. Our thoughts and prayers go ou… - 3 years ago

@AkrosBooks: @GovMikeDeWine "Logan had been hospitalized since Christmas Eve with COVID-related pneumonia, according to the fami… - 3 years ago

@JoeinAkron: U.S. Olympian and Ashland track coach Jud Logan dies at 62 - 3 years ago

@BassittTom: RT @GovMikeDeWine: Fran and I are deeply saddened to learn about the death of Jud Logan, a Canton native and four-time Olympian in the hamm… - 3 years ago

@john_hoc: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@FloresKennedy23: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@MBeavenABJ: RT @CantonRepdotcom: North Canton native Jud Logan made an impact well beyond Stark County as both an Olympian and as the head track and fi… - 3 years ago

@AshlandFB: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@Coach_Orsini: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@jalenghee1: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@JSutherland07: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@onewsome23: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@Dsyke3: RT @Nlogan7: Simply put, I lost my hero today. - 3 years ago

@rachelmiller567: RT @nationalthrows: Nike Commercial 1990 MJ, Andre Agassi, Bo Jackson, Kirk Gibson, Jerry Rice, Joan Benoit, David Robinson, Alberto Salaza… - 3 years ago

@Rangers_Track: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@JarredOpatz: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@coach_kauffman1: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@darreldrowland: Four-time Olympian and Ashland University track & field coach Jud Logan remembered for his impact as both a mentor… - 3 years ago

@sherban_meg: RT @OHMileSplit: Heartfelt condolences are extended to the family and friends of Coach Jud Logan, as well as the entire Ashland University… - 3 years ago

@Brad_Bollinger2: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@JakePiecuch: RT @nationalthrows: Nike Commercial 1990 MJ, Andre Agassi, Bo Jackson, Kirk Gibson, Jerry Rice, Joan Benoit, David Robinson, Alberto Salaza… - 3 years ago

@cuddyshak: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@ReflectingMan: Four-time Olympian and North Canton native Jud Logan remembered for his impact as both a coach and athlete… - 3 years ago

@TrevorBassitt30: RT @nationalthrows: Nike Commercial 1990 MJ, Andre Agassi, Bo Jackson, Kirk Gibson, Jerry Rice, Joan Benoit, David Robinson, Alberto Salaza… - 3 years ago

@ilsilvio: RT @Queenatletica: E' morto Jud Logan, 4 olimpiadi e 3 mondiali all'attivo Attualmente era il detentore del record mondiale master M55 di m… - 3 years ago

@callieraaee: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@Susiecelek: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@berskeezz: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@jrsoehnlen: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@peopip: RT @Nlogan7: Simply put, I lost my hero today. - 3 years ago

@CoachErnieClark: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@Queenatletica: E' morto Jud Logan, 4 olimpiadi e 3 mondiali all'attivo Attualmente era il detentore del record mondiale master M55… - 3 years ago

@TrackCoachTG: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@Gary_Wolfram: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@SPEARMAN_99: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@DustyEscalante: Covid claims an Olympic legend ! 😭 - 3 years ago

@El_Jefe_45: RT @sbark1984: R.I.P Jud Logan🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 You will be missed. - 3 years ago

@AUCoachRandy: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@AvonLax: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@CoachJK2: RT @CoachHerbertSMF: Jud was an inspiration to everyone who crossed his path. He is the type of coach and man we all hope to be. Thinking o… - 3 years ago

@TFCoachStone: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@matthew_stuck: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@JeffAlix: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@Bo_Buckets: RT @AUDustySloan: What hurts aren't the losses in competition. What hurts are the losses in life. @Olympic4x earned and deserves every sin… - 3 years ago

@BigSpeazy: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@HankF330ToGo: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@DelcourTodd: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@DOhio4111: - 3 years ago

@PabloBeltran79: RT @FArrechea: DEP Jud Logan. Olímpico 🇺🇸 en Lanzamiento de Martillo (1984-1988-1992-2000). Positivo en BCN 92 por Clenbuterol. Entrenador… - 3 years ago

@Portage_Coach42: RT @sbark1984: R.I.P Jud Logan🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 You will be missed. - 3 years ago

@ISUThrowsCoach: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@huntertotheworl: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@kannkann14: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@marcus_peaks: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@TVTrackField: I have ties to Akron-Canton area and, for those unaware, Teays Valley is south of Columbus. All of the coaches and… - 3 years ago

@nationalthrows: RT @jweirREP: Sad day in North Canton and the track & field community - 3 years ago

@nationalthrows: RT @MMBP405: Jud Logan passing is a tremendous loss for the world. - 3 years ago

@ashlandalumni: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@TimingFirst: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@SocietyAlert1: Jud Logan Death – Obituary, Ashland University Track And Field Coach Dies At 62 - 3 years ago

@COACHBRIDWELL: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@aidynrose3: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@joesmithwrites: RT @Crzyruner1: I'm at a loss of words for the loss of Coach Jud Logan. Prayers for the family and the Ashland Eagles. - 3 years ago

@htrangertrack: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@drneilgupta: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@LostOlympians: January 3rd, American Athlete Jud Logan passed away at the age of 62. He represented United States in the men's Ham… - 3 years ago

@CoachKsc: RT @Nlogan7: Simply put, I lost my hero today. - 3 years ago

@laina_snyder: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@arjaijohnson3: RT @OHMileSplit: Heartfelt condolences are extended to the family and friends of Coach Jud Logan, as well as the entire Ashland University… - 3 years ago

@arjaijohnson3: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@c_elder3: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@death_obituary_: Ashland University track and field coach, 4-time Olympian Jud Logan dies at 62... click here to read more... - 3 years ago

@kxssler: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@GalesDistance: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@CWRyanIII: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@RHYNO__: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@ArthuronSports: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@TommyGoggin: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@FArrechea: DEP Jud Logan. Olímpico 🇺🇸 en Lanzamiento de Martillo (1984-1988-1992-2000). Positivo en BCN 92 por Clenbuterol. En… - 3 years ago

@RHYNO__: RT @Nlogan7: Simply put, I lost my hero today. - 3 years ago

@RHYNO__: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@Davidfunny971: Jud Logan, former Olympian hammer thrower and longtime Ashland University coach has died, He was 62 - 3 years ago

@jrsoehnlen: RT @USTFCCCA: Keep @ashlandeagles_ head track & field coach Jud Logan (@Olympic4x) in your thoughts. Jud is currently intubated and using a… - 3 years ago

@coachgambetta: RT @ShaunDPickering: So profoundly sorry to hear of the passing another greats: Jud Logan @Olympic4x I was lucky enough to compete against… - 3 years ago

@michaelruns: @klocke1 @Olympic4x @kurt_roberts70 Sad to say, RIP. - 3 years ago

@RickNoland: RIP, Jud Logan! - 3 years ago

@laceylee99: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@SavannaKeiser: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@SHH_SMS: San Francisco:: Four-time U.S. Olympic hammer thrower Jud Logan dead at 62 - 3 years ago

@ThrowSumthin: RT @coach_nmaas: Sad day for the Logan family as well as Ashland. Jud was a good man and welcomed me in when I entered the GLIAC just a few… - 3 years ago

@ThrowSumthin: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@b1g_kev_: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@ImJustAri: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@LHUTFXC: Thoughts & prayers to family & friends of Jud Logan & Ashland Univ T&F family. RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share th… - 3 years ago

@run4lhu: Thoughts & prayers to family & friends of Jud Logan & Ashland Univ T&F family. RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share th… - 3 years ago

@nationalthrows: RT @ShaunDPickering: So profoundly sorry to hear of the passing another greats: Jud Logan @Olympic4x I was lucky enough to compete against… - 3 years ago

@nationalthrows: RT @Cg_ljm8: rest in piece jud logan. thank you for all the tips and advice. 💜🦅 #legend - 3 years ago

@nationalthrows: RT @nationalthrows: Nike Commercial 1990 MJ, Andre Agassi, Bo Jackson, Kirk Gibson, Jerry Rice, Joan Benoit, David Robinson, Alberto Salaza… - 3 years ago

@Chaysemidd58: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@CoachGSchmidt: While I would never be as presumptuous to refer to him as a friend of mine, Jud Logan was always extremely kind and… - 3 years ago

@JefferySElwell: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@CoachNixonTF: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@bryan_shelley1: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@Leslie1pollock: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@nationalthrows: Nike Commercial 1990 MJ, Andre Agassi, Bo Jackson, Kirk Gibson, Jerry Rice, Joan Benoit, David Robinson, Alberto Sa… - 3 years ago

@sgreggila: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@RustyMillerXAP: Four-time U.S. Olympic hammer thrower Jud Logan dead at 62 | AP News - 3 years ago

@AP_Sports: Jud Logan, who competed in the 1984, 1988, 1992 and 2000 Olympics as a hammer thrower, died at the age of 62. - 3 years ago

@DavidNi60288011: RT @BTurson32: As a coach, you hope to have the impact on your athletes that Jud clearly had on his. Thank you for setting the bar so hig… - 3 years ago

@SophiaFortner: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@brickstreet17: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@qcieslinski: RT @ZipsTFCC: Our hearts go out to the Logan Family and the entire @ashlandeagles_ community and track and field program on the passing of… - 3 years ago

@OfficialHuntarr: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@mpop811: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@SportsbookBTC: ESPNU ― Logan, 4-time Olympian and college coach, dies - 3 years ago

@_drjwatson: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@DrJohnCav: RT @Nlogan7: Simply put, I lost my hero today. - 3 years ago

@karenkasler: RT @Nlogan7: Simply put, I lost my hero today. - 3 years ago

@coach_geiser: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@1480whbc: RT @Nlogan7: Simply put, I lost my hero today. - 3 years ago

@TheKennyRoda: RT @Nlogan7: Simply put, I lost my hero today. - 3 years ago

@t_roz1: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@hannahbart2: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@TribDemSports: Jud Logan, a four-time U.S. Olympic hammer thrower who was also a successful college track coach at Ashland Univers… - 3 years ago

@KaylaProkopakis: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@BoardmanTrackCC: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@lily_boldman: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@CoachJoeLynn: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@JakeFurr11: RT @BTurson32: As a coach, you hope to have the impact on your athletes that Jud clearly had on his. Thank you for setting the bar so hig… - 3 years ago

@gerihousewright: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@lilymoyerr: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@coach_robertskc: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@mikeprice1972: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@HunterLowder: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@itsyoboysutton: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@srush40: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@madison_step21: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@C_Chap_SC: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@JillianWeir: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@YeatmanCoach: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@JohnJNapolitano: RT @Nlogan7: Simply put, I lost my hero today. - 3 years ago

@JeffWeidenhamer: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@ice45: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@chardon_xc_tf: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@PaduaBruinsXC: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@SueP329: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@oatccc: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@PfaffSC: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@gbias32: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@sclaycon1: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@AndyCoxTW: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@AshlandU_BD: @JefferyCantwel1 We just lost Jud Logan today so sorry if I’m extremely irritable and sorry if I took it all out on you. - 3 years ago

@mpopovichREP: RT @Nlogan7: Simply put, I lost my hero today. - 3 years ago

@Emily4185: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@Todd_Worthingto: @loganjeff34 @JerodNBC4 I grew up down the street from Logan Sports. In a football crazed town filled with many loc… - 3 years ago

@jhoop114: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@KellyBreunig: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@Coach_Castle4: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@BTurson32: As a coach, you hope to have the impact on your athletes that Jud clearly had on his. Thank you for setting the b… - 3 years ago

@tracksuperfan: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@TTFCA: National Champion Head Coach, U.S. Olympian Jud Logan Passes Away - 3 years ago

@CoachAndrewKrug: The Field & Track world lost an absolute legend of an athlete and coach today. Rest In Peace, Jud Logan. - 3 years ago

@DFO_JTO: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@tri_boozer: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@hjr3rd: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@wilfleming: RT @JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, determinat… - 3 years ago

@sbark1984: R.I.P Jud Logan🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 You will be missed. - 3 years ago

@_sashiee: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@scholten_c: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@MzBerryThrows: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@MzBerryThrows: RT @OHMileSplit: Heartfelt condolences are extended to the family and friends of Coach Jud Logan, as well as the entire Ashland University… - 3 years ago

@crenshaw80: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@crenshaw80: RIP to a legend. Jud Logan. - 3 years ago

@coach_bartley: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@CoachMiessner: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@CoachMiessner: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@ImJustAri: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@Minister_supa: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@PeterKenn1: RT @Nlogan7: Simply put, I lost my hero today. - 3 years ago

@2006aceque: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@jbawolowo: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@Neenah8784: Ashland University track and field coach Jud Logan dies at 62 | - 3 years ago

@abbymoorek: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@Kilbournetrack: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@JeffCoover: Jud Logan made three Olympic teams in a row. Then, 8 years later, he made his fourth. Unbelievable perseverance, de… - 3 years ago

@dub2132: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@JillianWeir: RT @OHMileSplit: Heartfelt condolences are extended to the family and friends of Coach Jud Logan, as well as the entire Ashland University… - 3 years ago

@5WhiteCups: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@Oword_: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@shawndunagan: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@AndyLOG65069904: RT @JerodNBC4: Wasn’t prepared to see this today, but you should know Jud was one of the greatest people in his profession in America. A le… - 3 years ago

@TheKennyRoda: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@TheKennyRoda: My thoughts & prayers go out to @loganjeff34, Andy Logan & the entire Logan family as 4-time Olympian &… - 3 years ago

@ThrowSumthin: RT @Cg_ljm8: rest in piece jud logan. thank you for all the tips and advice. 💜🦅 #legend - 3 years ago

@briiibuckley: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@ThrowSumthin: RT @KentStTrackXC: Please join us in sending thoughts and prayers to Varsity “K” Hall of Famer Jud Logan. #LoganStrong 🙏 - 3 years ago

@ThrowSumthin: RT @pjvazel: ⚫️ RIP hammer thrower Jud Logan 🇺🇸 1959-2022 4x @Olympics 1988-92-96-2000 PB 81.88 (1988) - 3 years ago

@kissdakicks_: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@DelcourTodd: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@CoachStalker: RT @KentStTrackXC: Please join us in sending thoughts and prayers to Varsity “K” Hall of Famer Jud Logan. #LoganStrong 🙏 - 3 years ago

@KenStoneMedia: Sad day for hammer throwers — and true fans of track and field: - 3 years ago

@ears4you: @Olympic4x you are a legend and I’m going to miss you. Being from stark county everyone knows one name and that is… - 3 years ago

@saturniapav: Terrible day. - 3 years ago

@MattMcCoyRadio: RT @JerodNBC4: Wasn’t prepared to see this today, but you should know Jud was one of the greatest people in his profession in America. A le… - 3 years ago

@ThomasPostema: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@wkyc: Ashland University track and field coach, 4-time Olympian Jud Logan dies at 62 - 3 years ago

@EvanPerkins12: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@RichlandOhNews: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@RichlandOhNews: RT @JakeFurr11: Ashland University's National Champion coach, U.S. Olympian Jud Logan passes away - 3 years ago

@beavertrack: Prayers to the Logan Family & the Ashland University Community on the passing of Jud! Such a great man and he will… - 3 years ago

@RichlandOhNews: RT @wmfdtv: Ashland University head track coach Jud Logan passed away Monday due to covid related pneumonia. - 3 years ago

@mckennahaack: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@JerodNBC4: Wasn’t prepared to see this today, but you should know Jud was one of the greatest people in his profession in Amer… - 3 years ago

@KenGoe: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@OlympicStatman: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@djackson43: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@BobPriest1: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@AnthonyNolfi: An inspiration to hammer throwers and throws coaches alike. While he was not my coach, I heavily looked up to him f… - 3 years ago

@kaedotyoung: RT @klocke1: 4- Time U.S. Olympian, Jud Logan is fighting. He's intubated and using a ventilator. COVID-19 related pneumonia. Keep him in y… - 3 years ago

@mdehne34: RT @AshlandU_Hoops: A true leader that embodied everything 🟡🟣…Our campus and community will greatly miss Jud. Our thoughts and prayers ar… - 3 years ago

@mdehne34: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@mdehne34: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@grace_and_yarn: RT @wmfdtv: Ashland University head track coach Jud Logan passed away Monday due to covid related pneumonia. - 3 years ago

@MikeAnders97: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@paulmerca70601: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@jbiagtan93: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@beavertrack: Prayers to the Logan Family on the passing of Jud! Such a great man! The Track & Field World just lost a great one!… - 3 years ago

@Dneville3: Prayers and condolences go out to everyone who knew Coach Jud Logan and the track and field community. - 3 years ago

@CaymanWilliams2: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@SigFlanagan: Sad to hear about Jud Logan passing. Our fathers were good friends and Jud was a great guy. Went to a breakfast bru… - 3 years ago

@MNJCaudill: RT @JakeFurr11: Ashland University's National Champion coach, U.S. Olympian Jud Logan passes away - 3 years ago

@CoachGib57: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@addisenholt: RT @GreatMidwestAC: Our thoughts and prayers go out to Eagle Nation this afternoon as Ashland University mourns the loss of Head Track & Fi… - 3 years ago

@shamilton122: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@damndesy: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@CoachKStewTF: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Jud Logan - #JudLogan #Jud #Logan #rip - 3 years ago

@GrgAdam: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@JefferySElwell: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@RantoulTrack: Sad sad news in the track and field world today!!! He was about as good of a man as you could ever find! RIP - 3 years ago

@achieveinsports: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@BrentB109: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@tony_tolford: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@MMBP405: Jud Logan passing is a tremendous loss for the world. - 3 years ago

@Livy70: 1 Saddened to hear of the death of Ashland TAF coach Jud Logan. He was proof that one mistake — in his case using… - 3 years ago

@_MIKEMIKE__: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@DaveH_StoRivals: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@McquateSean: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@HarriPiironen: Moukarinheiton entinen USA:n ennätysmies Jud Logan kuoli koronaan. Alun perin olympianelonen vuonna 1992 mutta vir… - 3 years ago

@CoachCikach: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@DrLaraCarlson: Damn. Sad to get a call about the passing of this 4X Olympian. I used to do some hammer throwing sessions with Ju… - 3 years ago

@wilcoxtrack: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@AUTV20: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

@bratz4457: RT @wmfdtv: Ashland University head track coach Jud Logan passed away Monday due to covid related pneumonia. - 3 years ago

@wmfdtv: Ashland University head track coach Jud Logan passed away Monday due to covid related pneumonia. - 3 years ago

@wmfdtv: RT @ashlandeagles_: It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Head Track & Field Coach, Jud Logan. Jud was a figh… - 3 years ago

@CoachJoeReed: RT @Ashland_Univ: Gutted to share the news of the passing of Ashland's extraordinary head track and field coach and 4-time Olympian Jud Log… - 3 years ago

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