Juan de Dios Pueblos

Filipino Roman Catholic prelate
Died on Monday October 23rd 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Juan de Dios Pueblos:

@FranciscusGrex: Parishioners pay respects to Butuan Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos - 7 years ago

@PHINewsNet1: Parishioners pay respects to Butuan Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos - 7 years ago

@newscenterPHL1: RT @inquirerdotnet: Parishioners pay respects to Butuan Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos - 7 years ago

@inquirerdotnet: Parishioners pay respects to Butuan Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos - 7 years ago


@Ivan226622: FLASH: Parishioners pay respects to Butuan Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos: TAGBILARAN CITY… - 7 years ago

@nerowattz: Parishioners pay respects to Butuan Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos - 7 years ago

@NofNewsFilipino: (Rev. Juan De Dios Pueblos, bishop of Archdiocese of Butuan, dies at 74) - Rev.  Juan De… - 7 years ago

@ucanews: Bishop Pueblos of #Philippines died died after a long illness at the age of 74 @cbcpnews - 7 years ago

@Ram_Krishna15: Corpse worshiper in Bhutan too? 😱 Rev. Juan De Dios Pueblos, bishop of Archdiocese of Butuan, dies at 74 - 7 years ago

@PHINewsNet1: Pueblos served Butuan for 22 years. - 7 years ago

@NYD2017: Our thoughts and prayers upon the passing of Most Rev. JUAN DE DIOS PUEBLOS, DD, Bishop of Butuan. - 7 years ago

@LitoDavid: Celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for our dear Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos and reminding ourselves that... - 7 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Juan de Dios Mataflorida Pueblos (74) - 7 years ago

@addyxtian: RT @IrishMiras05: Rest in peace Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos. 😔🙏🏻 - 7 years ago

@newscenterPHL1: RT @interaksyon: Pueblos served Butuan for 22 years. - 7 years ago

@Chimlychim: RT @Julieverss: Rest in Peace Bp Juan De Dios M. Pueblos. You will always be remembered. Salamat nga nahimo kong kabahin sa pag imong pag a… - 7 years ago

@therstherese: RT @Julieverss: Rest in Peace Bp Juan De Dios M. Pueblos. You will always be remembered. Salamat nga nahimo kong kabahin sa pag imong pag a… - 7 years ago

@debbiemantilla: RT @Julieverss: Rest in Peace Bp Juan De Dios M. Pueblos. You will always be remembered. Salamat nga nahimo kong kabahin sa pag imong pag a… - 7 years ago

@zennayang: RT @kwinmae: rest in peace Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos 😭💔 - 7 years ago

@uhnyahh: RT @kwinmae: rest in peace Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos 😭💔 - 7 years ago

@mkmm_avemaria: Requiescat in pace. Amen. - 7 years ago

@ucanphilippines: Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos of Butuan died on Oct. 21, the second Filipino bishop to die in a week after retired... - 7 years ago

@GMAntipoloNews: #GoodMorningAntipolo News: Filipino Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos dies at 74 - 7 years ago

@politikovismin: Controversial Butuan Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos passes away - 7 years ago

@radio_asf: Eternal rest grant unto Bishop Juan De Dios Pueblos, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in… - 7 years ago

@BarangayLife: Rev. Juan De Dios Pueblos, D.D., who served as bishop of the Diocese of Butuan for 22 years, died of a lingering... - 7 years ago

@LitoDavid: JUST SO PEOPLE WOULD KNOW: It was during Bishop Juan De Dios Pueblos' pastoral period in the Diocece of... - 7 years ago

@BarnisoOfficial: This is the only photo that I took Bp. Juan de dios Pueblos. It is during the opening of the FSUU College East last… - 7 years ago

@PHINewsNet3: Butuan Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos died at the age of 74 on Saturday, October 21. - 7 years ago

@PHINewsNet2: Butuan Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos died at the age of 74 on Saturday, October 21. - 7 years ago

@PHINewsNet1: Butuan Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos died at the age of 74 on Saturday, October 21. - 7 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day,Juan de Dios Pueblos dies - #JuandeDiosPueblos #Juan #deDiosPueblos #rip - 7 years ago

@ukgdos: #UmagangBalita Bishop Juan De Dios Pueblos, pumanaw na - 7 years ago

@BomboRadyoNews: Bishop Juan De Dios Pueblos pumanaw na , 74 - 7 years ago

@autorenonline: Butuan Bishop Juan De Dios Pueblos dies at 74 - 7 years ago

@politikovismin: Controversial Butuan Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos passes away - 7 years ago

@CasanaBen: RT @kwinmae: rest in peace Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos 😭💔 - 7 years ago

@daphiigrazee: Rest in peace, Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos of the Diocese of Butuan. One of the giant yet very gentle priest i've known👼 - 7 years ago

@autorenonline: Butuan Bishop Juan De Dios Pueblos dies at 74 - 7 years ago

@shasylat: May your soul rest in enternal peace. Bishop Juan de dios M. Pueblos ''DD" 😢😇 - 7 years ago

@PapiMuyles: RT @Julieverss: Rest in Peace Bp Juan De Dios M. Pueblos. You will always be remembered. Salamat nga nahimo kong kabahin sa pag imong pag a… - 7 years ago

@politikovismin: Controversial Butuan Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos passes away CBCP News - 7 years ago

@IgnatiusParish: Yesterday, Oct 21, at 6.55pm, Bishop Juan De Dios Pueblos, D.D. Bishop of Butuan has returned home to the... - 7 years ago

@catherinemutiaa: RT @Julieverss: Rest in Peace Bp Juan De Dios M. Pueblos. You will always be remembered. Salamat nga nahimo kong kabahin sa pag imong pag a… - 7 years ago

@interaksyon: Pueblos served Butuan for 22 years. - 7 years ago

@iamreynbows: RT @IrishMiras05: Rest in peace Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos. 😔🙏🏻 - 7 years ago

@PHLNewsInsider: RT @rapplerdotcom: Butuan Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos died at the age of 74 on Saturday, October 21. - 7 years ago

@autorenonline: Butuan Bishop Juan De Dios Pueblos dies at 74 - 7 years ago

@Leepok1: RT @Julieverss: Rest in Peace Bp Juan De Dios M. Pueblos. You will always be remembered. Salamat nga nahimo kong kabahin sa pag imong pag a… - 7 years ago

@Julieverss: Rest in Peace Bp Juan De Dios M. Pueblos. You will always be remembered. Salamat nga nahimo kong kabahin sa pag imong pag alagad sa Ginoo. - 7 years ago

@autorenonline: Butuan Bishop Juan De Dios Pueblos dies at 74 - 7 years ago

@chrlnflzintn: RT @IrishMiras05: Rest in peace Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos. 😔🙏🏻 - 7 years ago

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