Josephat Torner

Tanzanian albino activist
Died on Tuesday April 14th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Josephat Torner:

@samx_alex: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@HermanClive: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@gitu_mutisya: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@WakoJoel: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago


@itsjatugo: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@PreachYikii: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@JiaminiTanzania: RT @bonmassah: The advocate,HRD is Gone! great sadness and shocking to loose you my brother Josephat Torner from Tanzania. Your sadden deat… - 5 years ago

@JiaminiTanzania: RT @JiaminiT: We mourn with the rest of the world on the passing of Josephat Torner. He was a true light and human rights activist especial… - 5 years ago

@TUMUSIIMEJOHN: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@LukeOfungi: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@Mosesokotholoo: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@Its_Kimani: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@davickan: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@danokello_: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@nginye: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@IvanKasambeko: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@rightattittude: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@Nyanza_PP: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@PKidiwa: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@jnrgowi: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@Buuzaabalyaawo: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@paintsandsings: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@4lifestan: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@DuncanKiyingi: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@MartinMavenjina: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@JoeWahome: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@WKahiu: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@AdikinMaryR: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@arafatmasimbi: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@davidwmugambi: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@Drucky_: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@alex_kainikii: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@YApolot: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@samgidudu: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@MercyMaroma: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@MabaleeZeebee: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@gashbarkaa: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@Afrinomadist: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@S_Mrisho: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@b_Oswan: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@jlucsek: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@MsIkilezi: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@olivermuia: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@ferialhaffajee: RT @cobbo3: In memory of the wonderful Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner (died 12 April 2020). Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro twice to draw… - 5 years ago

@TheVIPfactory: I just uploaded “Josephat Torner about Inside the same” to #Vimeo: - 5 years ago

@DonBarrie: People with Albinism - Breaking the Deadly Silence | Josephat Torner | T... - 5 years ago

@DonBarrie: #RIP albino activist Josephat Torner - 5 years ago

@atuogu_abigail: RT @StandingVoice: We are devastated to announce the passing of Josephat Torner. The world has lost an important voice, a true advocate and… - 5 years ago

@phleurism: RT @StandingVoice: Following the tragic loss of our dear friend Josephat Torner, we have come together to establish a memorial fund in his… - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Josephat Torner - 5 years ago

@bonmassah: RT @StandingVoice: Following the tragic loss of our dear friend Josephat Torner, we have come together to establish a memorial fund in his… - 5 years ago

@oscarhaboni: RT @CelebrityDead2: Fue un activista albino tanzano, apareció en el documental "En la sombra del sol", activista por los derechos albinos,… - 5 years ago

@CelebrityDead2: Fue un activista albino tanzano, apareció en el documental "En la sombra del sol", activista por los derechos albin… - 5 years ago

@FMN_2015: RIP Josephat Torner @TheTweetOfGod #TragicDeaths 💔💐 #JosephatTorner add some flowers to their gravestone at - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Josephat Torner dies - #JosephatTorner #Josephat #Torner #rip - 5 years ago

@balua_martin: RT @WateteziTV: MWANAHARAKATI WA KUTETEA WATU WENYE UALBINO AFARIKI KWA AJALI NCHINI TANZANIA. Mkurugenzi wa Taasisi ya Kimataifa ya Josep… - 5 years ago

@AlbinismAfrica: RT @StandingVoice: Following the tragic loss of our dear friend Josephat Torner, we have come together to establish a memorial fund in his… - 5 years ago

@ClemKwizFilms: RT @StandingVoice: Following the tragic loss of our dear friend Josephat Torner, we have come together to establish a memorial fund in his… - 5 years ago

@Seaofchangefilm: RT @StandingVoice: Following the tragic loss of our dear friend Josephat Torner, we have come together to establish a memorial fund in his… - 5 years ago

@StandingVoice: Following the tragic loss of our dear friend Josephat Torner, we have come together to establish a memorial fund in… - 5 years ago

@xulslux: RT @beyondsuncare: Toda la comunidad albina y todas las personas que trabajamos para defender los derechos humanos estamos apenadas por la… - 5 years ago

@AdOoms1952: RT @lilianefonds: Met het overlijden van Josephat Torner verliest Tanzania een groot voorvechter voor gelijke rechten voor mensen met albin… - 5 years ago

@Duyujiedamaker: RT @WateteziTV: MWANAHARAKATI WA KUTETEA WATU WENYE UALBINO AFARIKI KWA AJALI NCHINI TANZANIA. Mkurugenzi wa Taasisi ya Kimataifa ya Josep… - 5 years ago

@gerdadok: RT @visuelehandicap: Albino-gemeenschap verliest boegbeeld Josephat Torner door verkeersongeluk De Tanziaanse albino-activist Josephat Tor… - 5 years ago

@masuch2: RT @beyondsuncare: Toda la comunidad albina y todas las personas que trabajamos para defender los derechos humanos estamos apenadas por la… - 5 years ago

@AfricaDirecto: RT @beyondsuncare: Toda la comunidad albina y todas las personas que trabajamos para defender los derechos humanos estamos apenadas por la… - 5 years ago

@Claudiabergues: RT @beyondsuncare: Toda la comunidad albina y todas las personas que trabajamos para defender los derechos humanos estamos apenadas por la… - 5 years ago

@ALBA_albinismo: RT @beyondsuncare: Toda la comunidad albina y todas las personas que trabajamos para defender los derechos humanos estamos apenadas por la… - 5 years ago

@OlengurumwaO: RT @WateteziTV: MWANAHARAKATI WA KUTETEA WATU WENYE UALBINO AFARIKI KWA AJALI NCHINI TANZANIA. Mkurugenzi wa Taasisi ya Kimataifa ya Josep… - 5 years ago

@LluisMontoliu: RT @beyondsuncare: Toda la comunidad albina y todas las personas que trabajamos para defender los derechos humanos estamos apenadas por la… - 5 years ago

@beyondsuncare: Toda la comunidad albina y todas las personas que trabajamos para defender los derechos humanos estamos apenadas po… - 5 years ago

@ArnoudAikema: RT @lilianefonds: Met het overlijden van Josephat Torner verliest Tanzania een groot voorvechter voor gelijke rechten voor mensen met albin… - 5 years ago

@SimonMsenga: RT @WateteziTV: MWANAHARAKATI WA KUTETEA WATU WENYE UALBINO AFARIKI KWA AJALI NCHINI TANZANIA. Mkurugenzi wa Taasisi ya Kimataifa ya Josep… - 5 years ago

@maykesmit: RT @lilianefonds: Met het overlijden van Josephat Torner verliest Tanzania een groot voorvechter voor gelijke rechten voor mensen met albin… - 5 years ago

@lilianefonds: Met het overlijden van Josephat Torner verliest Tanzania een groot voorvechter voor gelijke rechten voor mensen met… - 5 years ago

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