Joseph White

American psychologist and civil rights activist
Died on Thursday November 30th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Joseph White:

@joseph_hinson97: RT @TheAlexanderJJ: rt if you're part of lgbt+ community rt if you're straight rt if you're black or white rt if you're obese or skinny… - 7 years ago

@Joseph_L_Moore: If they were white they'd get a different sentence. How can you let someone who tortured a mentally disabled man an… - 7 years ago

@Joseph_Brown95: RT @dearlyfinn: if vine 2 is going to be filled with all those stupid scripted vines then it’s already cancelled, we need more vines from v… - 7 years ago

@Joseph_Gupta79: @jordanbpeterson That is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. What a reckless abuse of power and authority. Th… - 7 years ago


@joseph_beaver: RT @alexrobledoo11: Your wcw makes fun of white people for not seasoning their food but she eats her food like this - 7 years ago

@LeslieLee327: RT @LZanakis: @SenateGOP @SenToomey @SenateDems Joseph Goebbels would laugh at this poor attempt as it is as telling as the roll of names t… - 7 years ago

@MightyFinn: RT @jeff_ruff: @KwantelRaines 8 Karl Joseph, 8 Kyzir White, 8 Kwantel Raines. Crazy 8’s all hammers not nails. - 7 years ago

@Natalie0280: Amid Questions About Slurred Speech, Trump To Have Full Medical Exam, Release Results, White House Says - 7 years ago

@dobbie_joseph: RT @RealLambright: If I were President, Sgt. Charles Langley would be in jail for #murder. #CharlesLangley @TheJusticeDept Now it's open s… - 7 years ago

@kakumori12081: RT @RachaelJessBlog: Not at all surprised to learn @WorthingTheatre Snow White Pantomime is their fastest-ever selling Christmas show - the… - 7 years ago

@cbschicago: RT @EdCurran: A Snow Squall will Affect W Central Wabash NE White SW St. Joseph Fulton E Pulaski. SW Kosciusko N Cass Starke NW Miami Marsh… - 7 years ago

@WBBMNewsradio: RT @EdCurran: A Snow Squall will Affect W Central Wabash NE White SW St. Joseph Fulton E Pulaski. SW Kosciusko N Cass Starke NW Miami Marsh… - 7 years ago

@Technogadgets: EdCurran: A Snow Squall will Affect W Central Wabash NE White SW St. Joseph Fulton E Pulaski. SW Kosciusko N Cass S… - 7 years ago

@EdCurran: A Snow Squall will Affect W Central Wabash NE White SW St. Joseph Fulton E Pulaski. SW Kosciusko N Cass Starke NW M… - 7 years ago

@springjiminies: Joseph Kabila for his cowardice and selling out my country and my people but only because there isn’t a single whit… - 7 years ago

@thewordninja_bk: In "Interrogating Whiteness and Relinquishing Power: White Faculty's Commitment to Racial Consciousness in STEM Cla… - 7 years ago

@Joseph_186: RT @dearlyfinn: if vine 2 is going to be filled with all those stupid scripted vines then it’s already cancelled, we need more vines from v… - 7 years ago

@dun_roberts: RT @rachelkukula: @tylerrjoseph @ZJ10 @mads_joseph @joshuadun ELEVEN MINUTES THROUGH RED WHITE AND BOOM HOLDING ON TO YOU CAME ON - 7 years ago

@TransmissionBox: I didn't even watch the video and I know it is utter dickmeat and hogwash. First off the player is asian, it is a c… - 7 years ago

@Joseph_Brand0: RT @RedPillMurica: #ThingsITrustMoreThanFoxNews Shaun King is white. Barry Obama is a foreigner. Michelle is a man. 2 genders only. Abort… - 7 years ago

@ChicanosUEdCtte: RT @CalMexCenter: Legendary #EOP founder Dr. Joseph L. White passes on. Read more on our latest newsletter @csulb @calmexcenter - 7 years ago

@ChicanosUEdCtte: RT @CalMexCenter: With the passing of Dr. Joseph L. White on Nov. 22, 2017, @CSULB should establish a #landmark to memorialize his legacy o… - 7 years ago

@ivan2266: Do you have a white coating on your tongue? Watch out: It could be a sign of this yeast problem.… - 7 years ago

@Larrayy: Joseph Urban has moved up to #3 on the list of cool old white guys after that tweet - 7 years ago

@emerxldpali: @ white ppl, Jesus, Mohammad, Moses, Mary, Joseph are off limits when it comes to dressing up as them. Just don’t do it. Omg. - 7 years ago

@joseph_segal: RT @Lawrence: Why no ceremony at the White House with Trump explaining how great this is and airline passengers saying they love it? https:… - 7 years ago

@vladimirlenins: If you look through her feed she literally endorses white supremacists like Paul Joseph Watson and Trump himself. - 7 years ago

@TTElectricMonk: RT @Taffty1992: @SwordOfTheLord7 @wrestling_bloke Basically its ok to shag your sister if you believe in the white male whos mother is call… - 7 years ago

@arrowsmithwoman: RT @EntheosShines: MEMORIES: Obama's Presidency Kicked Off w/Black Panthers Threatening Voters w/Nightsticks & Anti-White Inauguration htt… - 7 years ago

@PatriciaAHenso1: RT @EntheosShines: MEMORIES: Obama's Presidency Kicked Off w/Black Panthers Threatening Voters w/Nightsticks & Anti-White Inauguration htt… - 7 years ago

@joseph_shumate: RT @StephenAtHome: The White House is saying Trump's slurred speech last week was due to dry throat. It's a common side effect to lying mou… - 7 years ago

@pficnews: RT @JoeWaters_GVL: Wonderful to have my former @pficnews professor, director of @ThomisticInst, and one of the most subtle English-speaking… - 7 years ago

@jayscottnewman: RT @JoeWaters_GVL: Wonderful to have my former @pficnews professor, director of @ThomisticInst, and one of the most subtle English-speaking… - 7 years ago

@harpus88: @nikkel_pickle If your talking about a mad man look no further than the last guy that ran the white house. He was w… - 7 years ago

@Joseph_Joe_M: @peplamb I don't think you're going to be able to exorcise the Trumps from the White House, pray as you may. - 7 years ago

@cecilhenry: @mikeenochsback @PaleHominid Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims… - 7 years ago

@txGirl4ever_: @joeande54 @missingdelta @sharon4marie @DoobiedawgRick @KevinVananda @army_bc @Mrs_TxWolf @CajunJarhead… - 7 years ago

@ingie_mbgivens: @JoyAnnReid Please correct the statement your guest made that the "Joseph and Mary" quote came from a preacher. Jim… - 7 years ago

@togia_joseph: RT @HowiEazy: White Vs Black people in the cold - 7 years ago

@joseph_orsak: RT @votevets: The White House admitted that Trump didn't fully grasp the implications of his decision to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Avi… - 7 years ago

@JoeWaters_GVL: Wonderful to have my former @pficnews professor, director of @ThomisticInst, and one of the most subtle English-spe… - 7 years ago

@joseph_lamarca: RT @JudicialWatch: Judicial Watch filed a FOIA lawsuit w/ DOJ & NSA for info on the Obama White House's role in the unprecedented targeting… - 7 years ago

@Joseph_Blake_67: @LUFC Anyone know where to purchase one of the navy/white/blue jackets?? - 7 years ago

@joseph_fauchez: 31, oct. 2000 White House, Nasa Administrator Statements on 15 Years of Human Habitation Aboard Iss/Esa - 7 years ago

@InstinctsToLead: RT @avermeule: The conference of the year: “Liberalism and Christianity” at Harvard, March 2-3. With @AlvareHelen, Remi Brague, Fr. Domin… - 7 years ago

@AJexists: So I've just seen people dressed as Mary and Joseph(?) With two white ponies, one of which was wearing glittery red… - 7 years ago


@waamutoo: RT @drivn2xl: Amid Questions About Slurred Speech, Trump To Have Full Medical Exam, Release Results, White House Says - 7 years ago

@nyabpsi: Special Tribute to Dr. Joseph White - Father of Black Psychology @ NYABPsi Kwanzaa 12/15/17! - 7 years ago

@drivn2xl: Amid Questions About Slurred Speech, Trump To Have Full Medical Exam, Release Results, White House Says - 7 years ago

@isthat_joseph: RT @GirlPosts: I'M STILL WAITING ON "WHITE CHICKS 2" TO HAPPEN - 7 years ago

@Dan_Humphreys: RT @RachaelJessBlog: Not at all surprised to learn @WorthingTheatre Snow White Pantomime is their fastest-ever selling Christmas show - the… - 7 years ago

@Dan_Humphreys: RT @terryjames107m2: Great night at @WorthingTheatre last night @MeridianFM Snow White @CassiCompton @ChesneyHawkes @joseph_elliott @Richar… - 7 years ago

@LA_Prays: Rep. Clay Higgins Sen. Richard J. Ward III Sen. Mack A. White Jr. Rep.… - 7 years ago

@WTAmandaO: RT @terryjames107m2: Great night at @WorthingTheatre last night @MeridianFM Snow White @CassiCompton @ChesneyHawkes @joseph_elliott @Richar… - 7 years ago

@WTAmandaO: RT @RachaelJessBlog: Not at all surprised to learn @WorthingTheatre Snow White Pantomime is their fastest-ever selling Christmas show - the… - 7 years ago

@Alexxx_Joseph: RT @HowiEazy: White Vs Black people in the cold - 7 years ago

@Alexxx_Joseph: RT @deeharriso: One of my favorite hobbies is making white men nervous - 7 years ago

@thegentleauthor: RT @HistoryLondon: ‘... as an exercise in retrieving the irretrievable, Woodford's #BossofBethnalGreen could hardly be bettered.’ (Jerry Wh… - 7 years ago

@KatrinasAnatomy: RT @JosephKahn: Joseph you're a sexist, racist, slut shaming, transphobic, self hating, white supporting, cisgenderist, fat Asian. Me: I'm… - 7 years ago

@Joseph_pruneda3: Not Betty White..🙃😭😢 - 7 years ago

@joseph_jnr_: Lmao... Still on my all white - 7 years ago

@juliedd4: RT @EntheosShines: MEMORIES: Obama's Presidency Kicked Off w/Black Panthers Threatening Voters w/Nightsticks & Anti-White Inauguration htt… - 7 years ago

@RonPaul4Constit: RT @EntheosShines: MEMORIES: Obama's Presidency Kicked Off w/Black Panthers Threatening Voters w/Nightsticks & Anti-White Inauguration htt… - 7 years ago

@Sundncefn: RT @EntheosShines: MEMORIES: Obama's Presidency Kicked Off w/Black Panthers Threatening Voters w/Nightsticks & Anti-White Inauguration htt… - 7 years ago

@EntheosShines: RT @EntheosShines: MEMORIES: Obama's Presidency Kicked Off w/Black Panthers Threatening Voters w/Nightsticks & Anti-White Inauguration htt… - 7 years ago

@Johnnyboy833: @ProudResister There we have it in black & white a list of sources to read & ponder & then there’s the others steep… - 7 years ago

@mtnyonthebnty: RT @HistoryLondon: ‘... as an exercise in retrieving the irretrievable, Woodford's #BossofBethnalGreen could hardly be bettered.’ (Jerry Wh… - 7 years ago

@ryan_joseph: RT @ShaunKing: This man is a United States Congressman. He is a white supremacist. He has proven it over and over again. So ugly. https… - 7 years ago

@Joseph_mbodla: RT @SimonPGrindrod: Fraud is fraud. Corruption is corruption. Whether it is Steinhoff, Eskom, KPMG, McKinsey, ANC or DA. Or any other entit… - 7 years ago

@lady_brookelynn: Third of all I told my aunt once that I wanted to decorate my temple (that’s what our body is, and why we wear whit… - 7 years ago

@pmcgil43: @SunshineGodiva @cross_joseph That is unacceptable but true. I have a 24 yo son who knows all about his white privi… - 7 years ago

@GKwechter: RT @KatieSherrod3: Given Trump's vow to end the war on Christmas, I assume this official WH ornament represents the eagle and the American… - 7 years ago

@Alysha_Joseph: RT @KaylaRenae_: I’m crying at the idea that this woman marrying a white man is considered as a symbol of hope for black women.. LMAO. Blac… - 7 years ago

@_photograd: After some time we send our Features to our Archive. We interviewed University of Westminster 2015 graduate Joseph… - 7 years ago

@RedWineCats: RT @cara_vino: A spectacular value, consistently one of my favourite #beaujolaisnouveau Tart, red & black fruits [think strawberry cranberr… - 7 years ago

@JoeRaineyPhoto: New artwork for sale! - "White Egret Reflection" - - 7 years ago

@joseph_segal: RT @OfficialJonZal: Every single report about @SenFranken’s expected resignation should be prefaced with, “While a President whom 16 women… - 7 years ago

@vala_joseph: @DavidMilis Not fraud call it accounting irregularities this person is white fraud is for blacks remember - 7 years ago

@123MaharajaMixi: @ladyofthepack I started re-reading Joseph Conrad last week. And I can’t help but think of Nostromo & all the white… - 7 years ago

@joseph_glazer: RT @IndivisWstchr: LATIMER TRANSITION PUBLIC FORUM ON SOCIAL SERVICES Join George Latimer's Social Services Transition Committee on Thurs.… - 7 years ago

@joseph_glazer: RT @IndivisWstchr: LATIMER TRANSITION PUBLIC FORUM ON COUNTY OPERATIONS Join George Latimer's Operational Services Transition Committee on… - 7 years ago

@pficnews: RT @OPVocations: Fr. Thomas Joseph White OP @ThomisticInst @PFICNews interviewed on @EWTN concerning his new book - 7 years ago

@MagazineTCC: #ThankfulThursday #TCCWriters #WinterIssue Robert Benson Deborah Morrison Terry Blackburn-Parker Joseph A. Se… - 7 years ago

@ThomisticInst: RT @OPVocations: Fr. Thomas Joseph White OP @ThomisticInst @PFICNews interviewed on @EWTN concerning his new book - 7 years ago

@VerseOnWine: RT @cara_vino: A spectacular value, consistently one of my favourite #beaujolaisnouveau Tart, red & black fruits [think strawberry cranberr… - 7 years ago

@StevieGrassetti: RT @drkimcase: 'Father of Black Psychology' Joseph L. White dies at 84 - 7 years ago

@jesuisann_: RT @Mad_In_America: ‘Father of Black Psychology’ Joseph L. White Dies at 84 #black #psychology - 7 years ago

@open_paradigm: RT @Mad_In_America: ‘Father of Black Psychology’ Joseph L. White Dies at 84 #black #psychology - 7 years ago

@cara_vino: A spectacular value, consistently one of my favourite #beaujolaisnouveau Tart, red & black fruits [think strawberry… - 7 years ago


@krismarcjoseph: RT @GallowaysAgency: Had a wonderful evening at the @abovethestag press night for SNOW WHITE: ROTTEN TO THE CORE- KRIS MARC-JOSEPH and the… - 7 years ago

@GallowaysAgency: Had a wonderful evening at the @abovethestag press night for SNOW WHITE: ROTTEN TO THE CORE- KRIS MARC-JOSEPH and t… - 7 years ago

@Scorpionkingct: #thewhitehouseisfake #xmasgifts #ghosts #dot #spirit #lake #conspiracy #undertenbucks #nyc #rap #artist #selling… - 7 years ago

@joseph_kandrot: RT @ElderLansing: Dumbocrats I hope you get way from the ALL WHITE primary you had in 2016 and run Michelle Obama or Kamala Harris. Michell… - 7 years ago

@Mahlodi_Joane: @joseph_joseph27 White people: sambrene Black people: sumbrella - 7 years ago

@joseph_joseph27: White people: Tool paste Black people: Colgate - 7 years ago

@TravisToday69: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist - 7 years ago

@Joseph_Greely: RT @TheTrumpLady: ECONOMY KEEPS #WINNING Under @POTUS Trump! CYBER MONDAY SALES💰 Predicted To Be Highest In History! ✳️Consumer Confidenc… - 7 years ago

@LBTHArchives: RT @HistoryLondon: ‘... as an exercise in retrieving the irretrievable, Woodford's #BossofBethnalGreen could hardly be bettered.’ (Jerry Wh… - 7 years ago

@qarmaine1: @CynthiaLIVE @changeditagain hope those folks wasnt trying to get you drunk so they can put voodoo on u because sop… - 7 years ago

@emekwi_joseph: RT @_7Relationship: Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Ugly, Fine, Rich, Poor, Skinny, Fat, Short, Tall, Black, White, Purple, A FRIEND IS A FRIEND! RETWE… - 7 years ago

@Joseph_Rojas559: RT @fucktala: man my white friends screaming fuck white people too - 7 years ago

@Joseph_Quinn87: RT @JrcheneyJohn: Trump Keeps Another Campaign Promise ! Unlike Those before Trump that Promised to Recognize Jerusalem As Israel’s Capita… - 7 years ago

@AfricaAuddyTech: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist - 7 years ago

@h0ll0w_jame5: RT @hellhorror: RT @JWestrupp: Black & white surreal #skull. Art prints here: #Surrealism #Gothic #SkullAr… - 7 years ago

@panhunk: full offence but tyler joseph looks like every other cishet white man in the 20 mile vicinity - 7 years ago

@WarlockPaul: @TIME Tell me again how Joseph Smith found the golden tablets that explained that Jesus came to America and that th… - 7 years ago

@bangboompowHIYA: RT @350: “In any movement our young people like Joseph White Eyes are trailblazers. But also our women. Our indigenous women are leading th… - 7 years ago

@unicyclesteve: RT @350: “In any movement our young people like Joseph White Eyes are trailblazers. But also our women. Our indigenous women are leading th… - 7 years ago

@Aine: RT @350: “In any movement our young people like Joseph White Eyes are trailblazers. But also our women. Our indigenous women are leading th… - 7 years ago

@skeptickin: Cat is grumpy because Joseph & Mary are supposed to be brown and she's sick of white privilege. - 7 years ago

@JoannaNelsonPhD: RT @350: “In any movement our young people like Joseph White Eyes are trailblazers. But also our women. Our indigenous women are leading th… - 7 years ago

@Timster27: RT @350: @JudithLeBlanc @billmckibben @ErielTD @CRSTChairman “In any movement our young people like Joseph White Eyes are trailblazers. But… - 7 years ago

@350: @JudithLeBlanc @billmckibben @ErielTD @CRSTChairman “In any movement our young people like Joseph White Eyes are tr… - 7 years ago

@UnifiedLight: RT @Mad_In_America: ‘Father of Black Psychology’ Joseph L. White Dies at 84 #black #psychology - 7 years ago

@Alexxx_Joseph: RT @robmyplug: y’all be sayin fuck white people n all your white friends on here just take it LMFAOOOO - 7 years ago

@joseph_segal: RT @nowthisnews: President Trump’s speech was significantly slurred during this Israel announcement at the White House - 7 years ago

@apq11235: @StephenATurner @skolszn Linval Joseph was a Reggie White-level free agent acquisition. - 7 years ago

@404UserNotFond: @FRCdc @ChristianPost @tperkins Notice the white Mary and Joseph. I’m fairly certain Trump would ban Jesus from ent… - 7 years ago

@joseph_carterUK: RT @paddyashdown: Jerusalem: for the first time in all the long years of the American century we now have in the White House a reckless and… - 7 years ago

@Joseph_Patchell: RT @strwear: Off white Yeezy concept - 7 years ago

@scadatlplaylist: Just played: Joseph Childress - White Castle Creek Mother (Joseph Childress) - 7 years ago

@Alysha_Joseph: RT @turtlewithapen: Bruh the government assigned her homework for assaulting an officer. Being white is crazy. - 7 years ago

@DrMDolan: RT @Mad_In_America: ‘Father of Black Psychology’ Joseph L. White Dies at 84 #black #psychology - 7 years ago

@PhillyQuartet: Brenda and Joseph's wedding ceremony at Glen Foerd on the Delaware was truly remarkable! Their music program consis… - 7 years ago

@drsdemystify: at - 7 years ago

@fatilatuti: RT @nuascannan: - 7 years ago

@lastfmfriends: codkelpme is now listening to White Flag by Joseph - 7 years ago

@Mad_In_America: ‘Father of Black Psychology’ Joseph L. White Dies at 84 #black #psychology - 7 years ago

@UofCalifornia: .@ucirvine professor emeritus Joseph L. White’s profound influence will continue to be felt both on campus and in t… - 7 years ago

@suejohnston56: RT @NastyClaudia: Utah whites support trump's grab of Bears Ears+Grand Staircase Monuments. UTAH created by FakeMessiah Joseph Smith, who s… - 7 years ago

@FreshKevEasy: RT @Scorpionkingct: #google #thewhitehouseisfake #search #amazon #nyc #rap #nelson @FreshKevEasy #bestsellerbooks #trending #death #lies #g… - 7 years ago

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