Joseph Kromelis

American street vendor.
Died on Thursday December 15th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Joseph Kromelis:

@tewhalen: RT @mateovonchicago: My hope is that in death Joseph Kromelis is an eternal reminder to us all that those experiencing homelessness are far… - 2 years ago

@snchalmers79: RT @mateovonchicago: My hope is that in death Joseph Kromelis is an eternal reminder to us all that those experiencing homelessness are far… - 2 years ago

@refrag: RT @mateovonchicago: My hope is that in death Joseph Kromelis is an eternal reminder to us all that those experiencing homelessness are far… - 2 years ago

@eggplanttheory: RT @greenfieldjohn: Blame Chicago's failure to address homelessness for "Walking Man" Joe Kromelis' death. He reportedly lived for years in… - 2 years ago


@lenihoppenworth: RT @greenfieldjohn: Blame Chicago's failure to address homelessness for "Walking Man" Joe Kromelis' death. He reportedly lived for years in… - 2 years ago

@Jake59533127: @majong79 @shelleywillmake @MrAhmednurAli - 2 years ago

@RoxieannR: RT @nprscottsimon: A slender thread from our show this week. First, an essay to remember Walking Man: "It may be a natural reflex of the he… - 2 years ago

@wally_polischuk: RT @RichardERoeper: Walk in peace, sir. - 2 years ago

@fredericknchgo: RT @ChiPartyAunt: Goodnight, sweet prince. - 2 years ago

@pastryStout: RT @peoplesfabric: "It may be a natural reflex of the heart to feel pity for Joseph Kromelis. But everything I saw in his stride the times… - 2 years ago

@AndreaEMitchel3: RT @nprscottsimon: A slender thread from our show this week. First, an essay to remember Walking Man: "It may be a natural reflex of the he… - 2 years ago

@peoplesfabric: RT @mateovonchicago: My hope is that in death Joseph Kromelis is an eternal reminder to us all that those experiencing homelessness are far… - 2 years ago

@mateovonchicago: My hope is that in death Joseph Kromelis is an eternal reminder to us all that those experiencing homelessness are… - 2 years ago

@mary_glazier: @nprscottsimon How do we balance respect for the right of Joseph Kromelis to choose how he lives with the knowledge… - 2 years ago

@onlyonelife: RT @nprscottsimon: A slender thread from our show this week. First, an essay to remember Walking Man: "It may be a natural reflex of the he… - 2 years ago

@smpanoplos: RT @nprscottsimon: A slender thread from our show this week. First, an essay to remember Walking Man: "It may be a natural reflex of the he… - 2 years ago

@falatoradio: RT @nprscottsimon: A slender thread from our show this week. First, an essay to remember Walking Man: "It may be a natural reflex of the he… - 2 years ago

@nprscottsimon: A slender thread from our show this week. First, an essay to remember Walking Man: "It may be a natural reflex of t… - 2 years ago

@whodatcrys: RT @peoplesfabric: "It may be a natural reflex of the heart to feel pity for Joseph Kromelis. But everything I saw in his stride the times… - 2 years ago

@uberperk1: RT @peoplesfabric: "It may be a natural reflex of the heart to feel pity for Joseph Kromelis. But everything I saw in his stride the times… - 2 years ago

@Varun9Vijay: RT @GuardianUS: Chicago’s ‘walking man’ dies nearly seven months after being set on fire - 2 years ago

@SellersnTheCity: RT @ChiPartyAunt: Goodnight, sweet prince. - 2 years ago

@twitbituaries: 'Walking Man' Joseph Kromelis dies months after being set on fire: 'absolute Chicago character' -… - 2 years ago

@ThereseMurray: RT @CWBChicago: Joseph Kromelis, Chicago's beloved "Walking Man," died yesterday afternoon, about 7 months after an attacker set him on fir… - 2 years ago

@BtothaAtothaD: Many think biblical "eye for an eye" is cruel. The point of justice should be to recompense the harm imposed upon t… - 2 years ago

@costelloe_w: ‘Walking Man’ dies months after being set on fire: ‘An absolute Chicago character’ - 2 years ago

@mmmfiber: omg, such a sad, sad story. 😥 ‘Walking Man’ dies months after being set on fire: ‘An absolute Chicago character’ - 2 years ago

@votes4kanye: RT @Suntimes: Joseph Kromelis, better known as Chicago's "Walking Man," died Sunday afternoon, several months after he was set on fire as h… - 2 years ago

@alicebendig: RT @ChiHomeless: Joseph Kromelis, known as the ‘Walking Man’, died as a result of being set on fire seven months ago. While he experienced… - 2 years ago

@Mary07598877: - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Joseph Kromelis, you will be missed - #JosephKromelis #Joseph #Kromelis #rip - 2 years ago

@thelastpinkcar: I saw this man many, many times through the years in downtown Chicago. He NEVER bothered anyone. ‘Walking Man’ Jos… - 2 years ago

@MOGMSM: RT @CFlores_tv: People remember Joseph Kromelis, affectionately known as Chicago’s “Walking Man”. He passed away yesterday. His death has b… - 2 years ago

@andrewDuckman1: ‘Walking Man’ Joseph Kromelis dies months after being set on fire: ‘absolute Chicago character’ - Chicago Sun-Times - 2 years ago

@EmilyWi58496897: @LoriLightfoot What are you doing, about the attacks on the homeless? They’re human beings too. Joseph Kromelis was… - 2 years ago

@Sexy_M0d_Geek: RT @BlockClubCHI: The city's famed "Walking Man" Joseph Kromelis has died months after a man set him on fire. - 2 years ago

@NatureinChicago: An Elegy for Chicago’s Walking Man All Joseph Kromelis wanted to do was to walk the Chicago streets in peace. But o… - 2 years ago

@chasingthenuns: RT @Suntimes: Joseph Kromelis, better known as Chicago's "Walking Man," died Sunday afternoon, several months after he was set on fire as h… - 2 years ago

@kgburke3: RT @martylennartz: He was a constant presence on the streets of Chicago, Joseph Kromelis aka Walking Man. Heartbreaking. RIP sir. @93XRT ht… - 2 years ago

@Ogie86022994: RT @martylennartz: He was a constant presence on the streets of Chicago, Joseph Kromelis aka Walking Man. Heartbreaking. RIP sir. @93XRT ht… - 2 years ago

@svholmes: RT @martylennartz: He was a constant presence on the streets of Chicago, Joseph Kromelis aka Walking Man. Heartbreaking. RIP sir. @93XRT ht… - 2 years ago

@smileytweeting: RT @ChiPartyAunt: Goodnight, sweet prince. - 2 years ago

@smileytweeting: RT @RichardERoeper: Walk in peace, sir. - 2 years ago

@Schmidt_M_: RT @greenfieldjohn: Blame Chicago's failure to address homelessness for "Walking Man" Joe Kromelis' death. He reportedly lived for years in… - 2 years ago

@LancePotts: RT @ChiPartyAunt: Goodnight, sweet prince. - 2 years ago

@BellaDearest1: RT @martylennartz: He was a constant presence on the streets of Chicago, Joseph Kromelis aka Walking Man. Heartbreaking. RIP sir. @93XRT ht… - 2 years ago

@single_spacer: RT @martylennartz: He was a constant presence on the streets of Chicago, Joseph Kromelis aka Walking Man. Heartbreaking. RIP sir. @93XRT ht… - 2 years ago

@PhilCannoli: ⁦@chicagosmayor⁩ Under your leadership Chicago has become a vile and disgusting place. Where’s the liberal outcry?… - 2 years ago

@JeremyAdamRoss: RT @ChiPartyAunt: Goodnight, sweet prince. - 2 years ago

@TheAimercat: RT @ChiPartyAunt: Goodnight, sweet prince. - 2 years ago

@ChiPartyAunt: Goodnight, sweet prince. - 2 years ago

@Rebel_Editor: People are setting fire to others...sick. - 2 years ago

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