Jose Peralta

Dominican-American politician
Died on Thursday November 22nd 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Jose Peralta:

@BLACKAMERICA13: New York State Senator Jose Peralta, 47 Gets Sick For Two Weeks, Then Dies After Getting Flu Shot: - 6 years ago

@Revelation22_2: RT @NVICLoeDown: NY State Senator Dies of Sepsis - The Vaccine Reaction Get TVR delivered to your inbox! Subscribe… - 6 years ago

@Michele31046823: RT @univisionNY: El mayor legado que dejará el senador estatal José Peralta será su lucha por los inmigrantes - 6 years ago

@Blkisbeautiful: RT @RepJeffries: Deeply saddened by sudden passing of Jose Peralta, a good man and the first Dominican-American ever elected to the State S… - 6 years ago


@PeriodicoHechos: #Hoy #Video Entrega gobernador becas de inscripción y titulación a estudiantes universitarios Con el fin de contr… - 6 years ago

@gael99: RT @DanielaMondorff: "There is no way for me to know for sure whether the flu shot was the cause of, or was a contributing factor in Jose P… - 6 years ago

@VincentBond007: RT @DanielaMondorff: "There is no way for me to know for sure whether the flu shot was the cause of, or was a contributing factor in Jose P… - 6 years ago

@DanielaMondorff: "There is no way for me to know for sure whether the flu shot was the cause of, or was a contributing factor in Jos… - 6 years ago

@Christa66443914: RT @vaxnix_com: New York State Senator Passes Away At 47, Complained Of ‘Flu Shot Symptoms’ - 6 years ago

@PeriodicoHechos: #Hoy #Video Inaugura Gobernador Congreso Internacional de Donación Sanguínea +Colima ocupa 8o lugar en esta labor… - 6 years ago

@Christa66443914: RT @HighWireTalk: This is one of NY State Senator José Peralta's last tweets, promoting #flu #vaccine. He got the shot, promptly fell sick… - 6 years ago

@SukiasyanViola: RT @HighWireTalk: Widow of NY State Senator Jose Peralta, who died soon after getting #flushot, wants more tests, not convinced #sepsis was… - 6 years ago

@Christa66443914: RT @HighWireTalk: Widow of NY State Senator Jose Peralta, who died soon after getting #flushot, wants more tests, not convinced #sepsis was… - 6 years ago

@juanita_lux: NY State Senator Complains Flu Shot Made Him Sick, Dies After Rushed To ER - 6 years ago

@ComedyGrinder: Name to Remember : José R. Peralta, the first Dominican-American elected to the New York State Senate. 🦆😜🦉🕵️‍♀️🔮… - 6 years ago

@pulsoeducativos: RT @ricardobacoster: Comparto un cuento de José María Peralta Lagos "T. P. Mechín" en mi blog: - 6 years ago

@Patricia_Sanez: El gobernador José Ignacio Peralta Sánchez entregó 26 becas de inscripción y 13 de titulación con recursos del prog… - 6 years ago

@GuillerAlegria: RT @ComunicadorBSC: ¿Te perdiste la Conferencia de prensa #BSC, en donde el presidente José F.Cevallos y el Dr. Gustavo Peralta dieron a co… - 6 years ago

@MarcusArroyo14: RT @ComunicadorBSC: ¿Te perdiste la Conferencia de prensa #BSC, en donde el presidente José F.Cevallos y el Dr. Gustavo Peralta dieron a co… - 6 years ago

@JhonSanta171: RT @ComunicadorBSC: ¿Te perdiste la Conferencia de prensa #BSC, en donde el presidente José F.Cevallos y el Dr. Gustavo Peralta dieron a co… - 6 years ago

@frazier3378: Did You Get Your FLU SHOT? Senator Jose Peralta Dies, & Dr Stanley Plot... - 6 years ago

@jdpunk81: RT @nicorivera05: Ante la ausencia del Dr. Gustavo Peralta en el banquillo amarillo, se encuentra el médico alterno José Bravo. - 6 years ago

@reneingasolis: RT @donguifor: 1986. José Merchán. Edgar González. Krangil Alvarez. Omar Orestes Quiroga. Jorge Ballesteros. José Tenorio. Debajo. Edwin Qu… - 6 years ago

@SoldadosDelKitu: RT @nicorivera05: Ante la ausencia del Dr. Gustavo Peralta en el banquillo amarillo, se encuentra el médico alterno José Bravo. - 6 years ago

@soybean52: Did NY State Senator Jose Peralta die from complications of the Flu vaccine? Was the Sepsis treated using the Mari… - 6 years ago

@ovadosepeace: RT @HighWireTalk: Widow of NY State Senator Jose Peralta, who died soon after getting #flushot, wants more tests, not convinced #sepsis was… - 6 years ago

@dclytus: RT @RepJeffries: Deeply saddened by sudden passing of Jose Peralta, a good man and the first Dominican-American ever elected to the State S… - 6 years ago

@batptroche: RT @mberges23: Se rumora q Dulce Victoria Yeb, de Nagua,; Cristóbal Rodríguez , sugerido por Sr José Ramón Peralta; José Alejandro Ayuso… - 6 years ago

@Leila_Mejia: RT @mberges23: Se rumora q Dulce Victoria Yeb, de Nagua,; Cristóbal Rodríguez , sugerido por Sr José Ramón Peralta; José Alejandro Ayuso… - 6 years ago

@NellyFut: @CarlosTigres77 @EllasDeporte @OcampoMonica11 @miseleccionmx @FaArellano718 @nicolepj08 @AlisonGlz30… - 6 years ago

@Iheanaju: RT @doctorsensation: Irony can be cruel. RIP Jose Peralta you were lead to believe the flu jab is safe and effective. Sick after his shot… - 6 years ago

@bibbacavig: RT @RepJeffries: Deeply saddened by sudden passing of Jose Peralta, a good man and the first Dominican-American ever elected to the State S… - 6 years ago

@miriang94782190: RT @futbolecuador: Once confirmado #ElNacional: José Cárdenas; Kevin Peralta, Luis Segovia, Javier Quiñónez y Éffer Fuertes; Roberto Garcés… - 6 years ago

@lcuevas22: Botan de la funeraria a candidata derrotó a José Peralta NUEVA YORK.- Jessica Ramos, la candidata que derrotó al se… - 6 years ago

@MSolangeCaicedo: Alineacion de #ElNacional: José Cárdenas; Kevin Peralta, Luis Segovia, Javier Quiñónez y Éffer Fuertes; Roberto Gar… - 6 years ago

@cteran6: RT @Fanatico__EC: .@elnacionalec: 22.José Cárdenas, 30.Kevin Peralta, 2.Luis Segovia, 21.Javier Quiñónez, 6.Edder Fuertes, 23.Alejandro Vil… - 6 years ago

@Fanatico__EC: .@elnacionalec: 22.José Cárdenas, 30.Kevin Peralta, 2.Luis Segovia, 21.Javier Quiñónez, 6.Edder Fuertes, 23.Alejand… - 6 years ago

@futbolecuador: Once confirmado #ElNacional: José Cárdenas; Kevin Peralta, Luis Segovia, Javier Quiñónez y Éffer Fuertes; Roberto G… - 6 years ago

@graceann444: RT @HighWireTalk: Widow of NY State Senator Jose Peralta, who died soon after getting #flushot, wants more tests, not convinced #sepsis was… - 6 years ago

@JoseVeintimilla: RT @LaRedEcuador: ¡El 11 de @elnacionalec! 22.José Cárdenas 30.Kevin Peralta 2.Luis Segovia 21.Javier Quiñónez 6.Edder Fuertes 23.Alejandr… - 6 years ago

@SentimientoBar: RT @nicorivera05: Ante la ausencia del Dr. Gustavo Peralta en el banquillo amarillo, se encuentra el médico alterno José Bravo. - 6 years ago

@LaRedEcuador: ¡El 11 de @elnacionalec! 22.José Cárdenas 30.Kevin Peralta 2.Luis Segovia 21.Javier Quiñónez 6.Edder Fuertes 23.Al… - 6 years ago

@degamuna: RT @QueensEagle: Hundreds of mourners packed a church in Jackson Heights on Tuesday to pay their respects to the late State Sen. Jose Peral… - 6 years ago

@cancheroscom: ■ XI INICIAL – El Nacional José Cárdenas – Kevin Peralta, Javier Quiñónez, Luis Segovia, Édder Fuertes – Roberto G… - 6 years ago

@DreamLoveCrys: RT @doctorsensation: Irony can be cruel. RIP Jose Peralta you were lead to believe the flu jab is safe and effective. Sick after his shot… - 6 years ago

@corkywritings: RT @NYSenate: The #NYSenate mourns the loss of Senator José Peralta (@SenatorPeralta). We pay tribute to his life and his work. Rest in pea… - 6 years ago

@TNodLOE: RT @JZKnight: NY State Senator Complains Flu Shot Made Him Sick, Dies After Rushed To ER - 6 years ago

@domingosantos15: José José Ramón Peralta un ejemplo a seguir siempre informando buenas nuevas para llevar alegría, paz y felicidad a… - 6 years ago

@nicorivera05: Ante la ausencia del Dr. Gustavo Peralta en el banquillo amarillo, se encuentra el médico alterno José Bravo. - 6 years ago

@Heather91851313: RT @9_11_IsAnInside: HOW MANY CASES OF SEPTIC SHOCK FOLLOW A VACCINATION FOR #FLUSHOT ??? WITHIN 6 WEEKS Evelyn Peralta The devastated wif… - 6 years ago

@De_PoliticayMas: A fin de otorgar certeza jurídica y patrimonial en parcelas y solares urbanos, el gobernador José Ignacio Peralta S… - 6 years ago

@BoggyLuuuu: RT @HighWireTalk: Widow of NY State Senator Jose Peralta, who died soon after getting #flushot, wants more tests, not convinced #sepsis was… - 6 years ago

@educacioncolima: Acompañando al gobernador del estado, José Ignacio Peralta Sánchez, el titular de la Secretaría de Educación, Jaime… - 6 years ago

@TravisHartman17: RT @HighWireTalk: This is one of NY State Senator José Peralta's last tweets, promoting #flu #vaccine. He got the shot, promptly fell sick… - 6 years ago

@JustErinR: - 6 years ago

@LisaMoraitis1: RT @unhealthytruth: Breaking: NY state senator Jose' Peralta dies just after after his flu shot of which he was complaining about complicat… - 6 years ago

@Draegoth: RT @HighWireTalk: This is one of NY State Senator José Peralta's last tweets, promoting #flu #vaccine. He got the shot, promptly fell sick… - 6 years ago

@Hwt123: RT @HighWireTalk: This is one of NY State Senator José Peralta's last tweets, promoting #flu #vaccine. He got the shot, promptly fell sick… - 6 years ago

@dnasmusic: NY State Senator Complains Flu Shot Made Him Sick, Dies After Rushed To ER - 6 years ago

@rlizardo01: RT @NYSenate: The #NYSenate mourns the loss of Senator José Peralta (@SenatorPeralta). We pay tribute to his life and his work. Rest in pea… - 6 years ago

@Gander_News_c1: Local politicians flock to Queens where Jose Peralta is laid to rest - 6 years ago

@Rhonj86: RT @unhealthytruth: Breaking: NY state senator Jose' Peralta dies just after after his flu shot of which he was complaining about complicat… - 6 years ago

@SheriaWells: NY State Senator Complains Flu Shot Made Him Sick, Dies After Rushed To ER - 6 years ago

@ridgewoodtimes: Queens Senator Jose Peralta was remembered as an advocate for immigrants and the LGBT community as he was laid to r… - 6 years ago

@QNS: Queens senator Jose Peralta remembered as 'fighter' for immigrants and LGBT community - 6 years ago

@PBJenkinsAssoc: RT @NYSenate: The #NYSenate mourns the loss of Senator José Peralta (@SenatorPeralta). We pay tribute to his life and his work. Rest in pea… - 6 years ago

@walker828: RT @nypost: Local politicians flock to Queens where Jose Peralta is laid to rest - 6 years ago

@MrIsenstadt: RT @NYCBldgTrades: Shocked and saddened to learn of the sudden passing of State Sen. Jose Peralta over the Thanksgiving holiday. @SenatorPe… - 6 years ago

@Felix_Sarcona: RT @RepEspaillat: My heart is heavy & saddened upon news of the passing of my dear friend, José Peralta. He was the first Dominican-America… - 6 years ago

@kjune65: RT @unhealthytruth: Breaking: NY state senator Jose' Peralta dies just after after his flu shot of which he was complaining about complicat… - 6 years ago

@Social_Media_d8: Local politicians flock to Queens where Jose Peralta is laid to rest - 6 years ago

@Latestupdate4u: Local politicians flock to Queens where Jose Peralta is laid to rest - New York State Sen… - 6 years ago

@QueensLatino: La misa por el alma del senador demócrata Jose Peralta en la iglesia Santa Juana de arco en Jackson Heights, Queens… - 6 years ago

@caribbeannewsuk: #NEWYORK: The funeral for Jose Peralta, the first Dominican-American member of the New York state senate, was held… - 6 years ago

@BeckyJohnson222: RT @HighWireTalk: This is one of NY State Senator José Peralta's last tweets, promoting #flu #vaccine. He got the shot, promptly fell sick… - 6 years ago

@SenatorParker: RT @DRichards13: “And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” — Abraham Lincoln Thank you J… - 6 years ago

@SenatorParker: RT @DanielSquadron: So sad to hear of the death of Senator Jose Peralta. It was an honor to know him and serve with him. Whether in public… - 6 years ago

@SenatorParker: RT @agounardes: I am saddened by the untimely passing of Senator Jose Peralta and extend condolences to all who mourn. He was a father, hus… - 6 years ago

@SenatorParker: RT @DavidWeprin: Very sad to hear about the sudden death of Senator José Peralta last night. He will be remembered as dedicated fighter fo… - 6 years ago

@SenatorParker: RT @LiuNewYork: Much saddened by the passing of Senator Jose Peralta, who gave much of himself to the community and the state of New York.… - 6 years ago

@SenatorParker: RT @CentralLaborNYC: We have known and worked with Senator Jose Peralta since his early days here at the NYC CLC, where he will always be r… - 6 years ago

@PoliticalTapper: RT @NYSenate: The #NYSenate mourns the loss of Senator José Peralta (@SenatorPeralta). We pay tribute to his life and his work. Rest in pea… - 6 years ago

@SenatorParker: RT @SDNYC: The death of Senator José Peralta is both unexpected and sad. He gave his all as a public servant to all people of Queens and as… - 6 years ago

@SenatorParker: RT @NydiaVelazquez: Very saddened to hear of the passing of NYS Senator Jose Peralta. He was a steadfast public servant who will be missed… - 6 years ago

@SenatorParker: RT @RepGraceMeng: Shocked and saddened about the sudden passing of State Senator Jose Peralta. The first Dominican American elected to the… - 6 years ago

@SenatorParker: RT @DistCouncil37: New York State Senator Jose Peralta's sudden passing at the age of 47 comes as a shock. He was a fierce advocate for and… - 6 years ago

@SenatorParker: RT @IDaneekMiller: Today’s news of Jose Peralta’s passing is tragic and heartbreaking. His legacy as a public servant, legislator, and advo… - 6 years ago

@SenatorParker: RT @revrubendiaz: On a day in which Families gather in the spirit of gratitude, one family prepares to part with one of their own. It is w… - 6 years ago

@SenatorParker: RT @LuisSepulvedaNY: Sen. Jose Peralta was a friend, leader, community activist and, more importantly, a devoted family man. I am deeply s… - 6 years ago

@SenatorParker: RT @toddkaminsky: Very sorry to learn of the passing of Jose Peralta. We are grateful for his public service and extend our heartfelt cond… - 6 years ago

@SenatorParker: RT @patrickgaspard: It’s shocking to wake to the news of the sudden passing of Jose Peralta on Thanksgiving morning. I can still remember h… - 6 years ago

@SenatorParker: RT @MrMikeBlake: Truly at a loss for words. Sleep at peace Jose Peralta. - 6 years ago

@steph_014: RT @NYSenate: The #NYSenate mourns the loss of Senator José Peralta (@SenatorPeralta). We pay tribute to his life and his work. Rest in pea… - 6 years ago

@ramonanibaltv: La naturaleza lloró la muerte del Senador José Peralta: - 6 years ago

@BishopDrJackson: NY State Senator Complains Flu Shot Made Him Sick, Dies After Rushed To ER - 6 years ago

@nakatsu28: RT @HighWireTalk: This is one of NY State Senator José Peralta's last tweets, promoting #flu #vaccine. He got the shot, promptly fell sick… - 6 years ago

@ramonanibaltv: Doctor Agustín Rojas lamenta la muerte del Senador José Peralta: - 6 years ago

@LeeBrown1273: RT @tariqnasheed: NY State Senator Passes Away At 47 After Flu Shot Complaints - 6 years ago

@MaxineEThompson: NY State Senator Passes Away At 47 After Flu Shot Complaints - 6 years ago

@MaxineEThompson: NY State Senator Complains Flu Shot Made Him Sick, Dies After Rushed To ER - 6 years ago

@BeeSaysPolitics: RT @tariqnasheed: NY State Senator Passes Away At 47 After Flu Shot Complaints - 6 years ago

@MarkGjonajNY: RT @NYSenate: The #NYSenate mourns the loss of Senator José Peralta (@SenatorPeralta). We pay tribute to his life and his work. Rest in pea… - 6 years ago

@EnigmaticFemme5: RT @tariqnasheed: NY State Senator Passes Away At 47 After Flu Shot Complaints - 6 years ago

@LaurenceBacchus: RT @HighWireTalk: This is one of NY State Senator José Peralta's last tweets, promoting #flu #vaccine. He got the shot, promptly fell sick… - 6 years ago

@ShontellSmith: RT @NYSenate: The #NYSenate mourns the loss of Senator José Peralta (@SenatorPeralta). We pay tribute to his life and his work. Rest in pea… - 6 years ago

@goingglobal2: New York State Senator Jose Peralta's cause of death revealed - 6 years ago

@UpliftNYCInc: RT @RepEspaillat: ⁦@RepEspaillat⁩ Urges ⁦@NYGovCuomo⁩ and #NYS Senate to rename the New York State #DREAMAct in Honor of Senator José R. Pe… - 6 years ago

@DeAndrefuentesl: RT @tariqnasheed: NY State Senator Passes Away At 47 After Flu Shot Complaints - 6 years ago

@CarolyneMas: RT @unhealthytruth: Breaking: NY state senator Jose' Peralta dies just after after his flu shot of which he was complaining about complicat… - 6 years ago

@dag825: RT @unhealthytruth: Breaking: NY state senator Jose' Peralta dies just after after his flu shot of which he was complaining about complicat… - 6 years ago

@tooDYE4: RT @tariqnasheed: NY State Senator Passes Away At 47 After Flu Shot Complaints - 6 years ago

@cleanfoodearth: RT @HighWireTalk: This is one of NY State Senator José Peralta's last tweets, promoting #flu #vaccine. He got the shot, promptly fell sick… - 6 years ago

@spiritualpivot: RT @HighWireTalk: This is one of NY State Senator José Peralta's last tweets, promoting #flu #vaccine. He got the shot, promptly fell sick… - 6 years ago

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