Jose Maria Sison

Filipino writer and activist
Died on Saturday December 17th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Jose Maria Sison:

@BartellFrederik: RT @rotefahnenews: "Ich habe die Gewissheit: Das Volk wird siegen" José Maria Sison war ein international respektierter Marxist-Leninist… - 2 years ago

@newsred: RT @rotefahnenews: "Ich habe die Gewissheit: Das Volk wird siegen" José Maria Sison war ein international respektierter Marxist-Leninist… - 2 years ago

@Bulenti4: RT @rotefahnenews: "Ich habe die Gewissheit: Das Volk wird siegen" José Maria Sison war ein international respektierter Marxist-Leninist… - 2 years ago

@rotefahnenews: "Ich habe die Gewissheit: Das Volk wird siegen" José Maria Sison war ein international respektierter Marxist-Leni… - 2 years ago


@jpnazaren0_3: "The revolutionary or counter-revolutionary character of an individual is developed in the course of struggle, espe… - 2 years ago

@SanctionsTrib: RT @SamidounPP: Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network joins the Filipino people, the workers and peasants, and millions of comra… - 2 years ago

@BokSiRamIto: RT @LucasADWebber: Red fighters of the #NPA-North Central #Mindanao Region commemorate Jose Maria Sison #CPP - 2 years ago

@BokSiRamIto: RT @LucasADWebber: Philippine Communist guerrillas pay tribute to Jose Maria Sison, founder of the #CPP and #NPA - 2 years ago

@comradeVJS: RT @prwc_info3: #KaJomaLives | To give tribute to Comrade Jose Maria Sison, founder of the CPP and the NPA, Red fighters of the NPA-North C… - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: Jose Maria Sison, founder of the Communist Party of the Philippines and its guerrilla insurgency, has died at 83. - 2 years ago

@FELTSTORY1: RT @SamidounPP: Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network joins the Filipino people, the workers and peasants, and millions of comra… - 2 years ago

@krstydlght: RT @CommunistsKe: CPK mourns comrade Jose Maria Sison, forever we shall keep his red memory and legacy. Even though he is physically disapp… - 2 years ago

@gravebabe1917: RT @WarmUpBoston: Who else is prepping for our reading group tonight at 7pm EST? After the passing of Jose Maria Sison, we thought it would… - 2 years ago

@jihad_return: RT @MarxistPaul: @_hangman13 Still though. They even affectionately call him Joma rather than just José Maria Sison. Granted, they are try… - 2 years ago

@markyscrackling: RT @uplbperspective: IN PHOTOS | Through messages, songs, and poems, various sectors from Southern Tagalog honored Prof. Jose Maria "Joma"… - 2 years ago

@RadyoLaVerdad: BASAHIN: Pagpanaw ni CPP Founding Chairman Jose Maria Sison, hudyat ng pagtatapos ng isang yugto ng communist insur… - 2 years ago

@SamidounPP: Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network joins the Filipino people, the workers and peasants, and millions… - 2 years ago

@TFCNewsNow: Binuksan sa publiko ang burol ng nagtatag ng Communist Party of the Philippines na si Jose Maria "Joma" Sison sa Ut… - 2 years ago

@ikstimstan: RT @AghamYouth_Natl: Agham Youth pays tribute to the late Chairperson Emeritus of the International League of People's Struggles and NDFP C… - 2 years ago

@YueProle: RT @LucasADWebber: Philippine Communist guerrillas pay tribute to Jose Maria Sison, founder of the #CPP and #NPA - 2 years ago

@jayeIIe: RT @angbayan1969: #KaJomaLives | Sa hindi tinukoy na lokasyon, nagtipun-tipon ang mga kasapi ng rebolusyonaryong organisayong Liga ng Agham… - 2 years ago

@r0sasnalanta: RT @kmp_phl: .@facebook removing posts about Jose Maria Sison. This is an outright censorship and stifling of freedom of speech and expres… - 2 years ago

@r0sasnalanta: RT @OneDividesToTwo: "Wednesday" star Jenna Ortega reveals that the "Selected Works of Jose Maria Sison" was her latest read. "Reading Ka… - 2 years ago

@orbitching8: RT @OneDividesToTwo: "Wednesday" star Jenna Ortega reveals that the "Selected Works of Jose Maria Sison" was her latest read. "Reading Ka… - 2 years ago

@tribunephl: JOMA SISON SUPPORTERS MARCH TO PAY TRIBUTE WATCH: Activists and supporters of the late communist leader Jose Maria… - 2 years ago

@cnc_tribunephl: JOMA SISON SUPPORTERS MARCH TO PAY TRIBUTE WATCH: Activists and supporters of the late communist leader Jose Maria… - 2 years ago

@hailie_siguroo: RT @OneDividesToTwo: "Wednesday" star Jenna Ortega reveals that the "Selected Works of Jose Maria Sison" was her latest read. "Reading Ka… - 2 years ago

@jun_magarro: RT @lcmlaw_ph: CONTRARY to the statement of government security forces, the greatest stumbling blocks to PEACE are not Jose Maria Sison a… - 2 years ago

@MrBread420: RT @angbayan1969: #KaJomaLives | Sa hindi tinukoy na lokasyon, nagtipun-tipon ang mga kasapi ng rebolusyonaryong organisayong Liga ng Agham… - 2 years ago

@isthatdikshya: RT @TathagatEcon: The Guerilla is Like a Poet By Jose Maria Sison - 2 years ago

@mhiss_angel: RT @ILPS_Official: In Memory of Jose Maria Sison From the Arab Group for the Protection of Nature - 2 years ago

@angmalaya: RT @prwc_info3: KA JOMA LIVES! In an undisclosed location, members of the revolutionary underground group Liga ng Agham para sa Bayan met i… - 2 years ago

@anyaaxxy: RT @ABSCBNNews: 'People's hero': Activists honor CPP founder Jose Maria Sison - 2 years ago

@3Dtumbangpreso: RT @OneDividesToTwo: "Wednesday" star Jenna Ortega reveals that the "Selected Works of Jose Maria Sison" was her latest read. "Reading Ka… - 2 years ago

@anakbayanqueens: RT @TAMBISAN_1979: Kasalukuyang nagmamartsa ang Tambisan sa Sining kasama ng iba pang mga progresibong grupo patungong Student Union Buildi… - 2 years ago

@joodletoodle: RT @kmp_phl: .@facebook removing posts about Jose Maria Sison. This is an outright censorship and stifling of freedom of speech and expres… - 2 years ago

@sinuplada: RT @OneDividesToTwo: "Wednesday" star Jenna Ortega reveals that the "Selected Works of Jose Maria Sison" was her latest read. "Reading Ka… - 2 years ago

@_lezelle: RT @OneDividesToTwo: "Wednesday" star Jenna Ortega reveals that the "Selected Works of Jose Maria Sison" was her latest read. "Reading Ka… - 2 years ago

@lilkutsinta: RT @bulatlat: Activists who fought the Marcos dictatorship perform a song in honor of Jose Maria Sison, founding chairperson of the Communi… - 2 years ago

@ANTIPAS_BAKERY: RT @OneDividesToTwo: "Wednesday" star Jenna Ortega reveals that the "Selected Works of Jose Maria Sison" was her latest read. "Reading Ka… - 2 years ago

@1000Fahrenheit: RT @RoterGenosse: Ruhe in Frieden und im Kampf José Maria Sison🕯️ 08.02.1939-16.12.2022 - 2 years ago

@cauLIAflower: RT @redfishstream: Marxist-Lenininst-Maoist revolutionary & Communist Party of the Philippines founder, Jose Maria Sison, has passed away.… - 2 years ago

@IMillipedes: RT @AIAIreland: Anti Imperialist Action Ireland extends its sympathies to the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People’s Army… - 2 years ago

@Gaylowkey: RT @Carwyn_Candila: Today, the Filipino masses grieve. Prof. Jose Maria Sison died at the age of 83. Despite in exile, he remained fierce… - 2 years ago

@TSfemalehusband: RT @TheIntlMagz: A Thread 👇🏻 Remembering Comrade Jose Maria Sison founder of the CPP. - 2 years ago

@Hades202228: RT @smninews: Juan Ponce Enrile on the death of CPP leader Jose Maria 'Joma' Sison - 2 years ago

@JosPire56494334: - 2 years ago

@dani_XH: RT @redfishstream: Marxist-Lenininst-Maoist revolutionary & Communist Party of the Philippines founder, Jose Maria Sison, has passed away.… - 2 years ago

@cauLIAflower: RT @ManchotRouge: Aujourd'hui, à travers le monde, on pleure la mort d'un héros du Prolétariat: José Maria Sison. Il y a 54 ans, il fonda… - 2 years ago

@HActivist_Revo: RT @altermidya: “We can look forward to a better world.” -Prof. Jose Maria Sison READ this throwback article that analyzes one of Prof. Si… - 2 years ago

@ChrisTresso: Le leader communiste philippin Jose Maria Sison meurt à 83 ans - 2 years ago

@Vale___Mx: RT @Francis49146726: Ha muerto José María Sison, líder comunista y revolucionario filipino. Gloria eterna a los que dedican su vida a la lu… - 2 years ago

@ourguyingeneva: My first reaction when I heard of Professor José Maria Sison’s passing today was disbelief that he was only 83 year… - 2 years ago

@SamidounPP: Samidoun lamenta el fallecimiento del líder revolucionario filipino, fundador del CPP, José María Sisón “Joma”: 193… - 2 years ago

@PansyFay54: RT @AIAIreland: Anti Imperialist Action Ireland extends its sympathies to the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People’s Army… - 2 years ago

@nyuu_misfit: RT @tedDakuykoy: No matter how history judges him, his impact in PH history is enormous. Red salute, Jose Maria Sison — revolutionary, int… - 2 years ago

@HActivist_Revo: RT @tedDakuykoy: No matter how history judges him, his impact in PH history is enormous. Red salute, Jose Maria Sison — revolutionary, int… - 2 years ago

@CarlosS24917994: RT @TheIntlMagz: A Thread 👇🏻 Remembering Comrade Jose Maria Sison founder of the CPP. - 2 years ago

@MrBread420: RT @TKPML2: Filipinler Komünist Partisi Kurucu Başkanı Jose Maria Sison ile Söyleşi #50thYearOurImmortals #50nciYıl… - 2 years ago

@WISH_TV: Jose Maria Sison, the founder of the Communist Party of the Philippines, whose armed wing has been waging one of As… - 2 years ago

@brylesuralta: RT @redfishstream: Marxist-Lenininst-Maoist revolutionary & Communist Party of the Philippines founder, Jose Maria Sison, has passed away.… - 2 years ago

@BHPanimalwatch: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@GamerMaoist: @YungRasputin @AshlarRob @das_Ruka Yes. I have 100 confirmed kills and have personally washed the feet of Jose Maria Sison - 2 years ago

@LauraBa07136817: RT @smninews: BREAKING: Pumanaw na ang founding chair ng Communist Party of the Philippines na si Jose Maria Sison sa edad na 83, ito ang k… - 2 years ago

@JMooreBoston: RT @AIAIreland: Anti Imperialist Action Ireland extends its sympathies to the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People’s Army… - 2 years ago

@NinfaPinoon6: RT @smninews: Juan Ponce Enrile on the death of CPP leader Jose Maria 'Joma' Sison - 2 years ago

@clublecturaCCSS: Calpurnio Pisón, historietista, guionista e ilustrador español ~1959 - 15 dic. 2022 Håkan Lindquist, escritor y c… - 2 years ago

@JLDeCus1: RT @Francis49146726: Ha muerto José María Sison, líder comunista y revolucionario filipino. Gloria eterna a los que dedican su vida a la lu… - 2 years ago

@_erwinjohnrmnd: RT @Carwyn_Candila: Today, the Filipino masses grieve. Prof. Jose Maria Sison died at the age of 83. Despite in exile, he remained fierce… - 2 years ago

@ex_covid_haver: RT @Carwyn_Candila: Jose Maria Sison was tortured under Marcos. When exiled, he was arrested in the Netherlands, thrown into solitary confi… - 2 years ago

@MeDuSA11127189: RT @CamaradaYoldas: José Maria Sison 1939-2022. Fundador do Partido Comunista das Filipinas (CPP), do Novo Exército do Povo (NPA) e, do Fr… - 2 years ago

@thalles_tc: RT @redfishstream: Marxist-Lenininst-Maoist revolutionary & Communist Party of the Philippines founder, Jose Maria Sison, has passed away.… - 2 years ago

@thalles_tc: RT @Rakeshhkumaar: Rest in Power to an amazing revolutionary. ✊🏽 WHAT MAKES A HERO By Jose Maria Sison "It's not the manner of death That… - 2 years ago

@thalles_tc: RT @Carwyn_Candila: Jose Maria Sison was tortured under Marcos. When exiled, he was arrested in the Netherlands, thrown into solitary confi… - 2 years ago

@connor_atw: RT @AIAIreland: Anti Imperialist Action Ireland extends its sympathies to the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People’s Army… - 2 years ago

@LauraBa07136817: RT @smninews: Juan Ponce Enrile on the death of CPP leader Jose Maria 'Joma' Sison - 2 years ago

@xx161x: RT @ichtrage1fahne: Heute ist einer der wichtigsten Revolutionär:Innen unserer Zeit, Genosse Jose Maria Sison von uns gegangen und deutsche… - 2 years ago

@CrackaPolPot: RT @yatasuregima: Jose Maria Sison died peacefully after 2 weeks in hospital. Even in his youth he engaged among the masses as a youth le… - 2 years ago

@ftp_lb: RT @Carwyn_Candila: Jose Maria Sison was tortured under Marcos. When exiled, he was arrested in the Netherlands, thrown into solitary confi… - 2 years ago

@marximum_: RT @RedFightback: RIP to Filipino revolutionary Jose Maria Sison. Our members have taken lots of inspiration from his works, especially tho… - 2 years ago

@MarilynGoldst14: RT @AP: Jose Maria Sison, the founder of the Communist Party of the Philippines, whose armed wing has been waging one of Asia’s longest-run… - 2 years ago

@sile21717217: RT @kilusangmayouno: Ngayong araw ay nagluluksa tayo sa pagkawala ng ating kapwa manggagawa na si Jose Maria "Ka Joma" Sison. Tinuturing n… - 2 years ago

@habunnyart: RT @ate_agit: “A nation that does not continuously renew itself through progressive-minded and militant youth cannot possibly advance.” - J… - 2 years ago

@makimangahas: RT @redfishstream: Marxist-Lenininst-Maoist revolutionary & Communist Party of the Philippines founder, Jose Maria Sison, has passed away.… - 2 years ago

@MungTani: RT @redfishstream: Marxist-Lenininst-Maoist revolutionary & Communist Party of the Philippines founder, Jose Maria Sison, has passed away.… - 2 years ago

@pahingi10k: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@jambiktoywood25: The sociopolitical prescriptions of Jose Maria Sison are not radical in a sense that they are fringe. The political… - 2 years ago

@jambiktoywood25: Jose Maria Sison is a controversial political and moral icon because his ideas, principles, and legacy threaten the… - 2 years ago

@alaysaito: RT @redfishstream: Marxist-Lenininst-Maoist revolutionary & Communist Party of the Philippines founder, Jose Maria Sison, has passed away.… - 2 years ago

@nickotalavera_: RT @phkule: In these turbulent times, we cannot afford to be naive and superficial. We cannot refer dogmatically to formal rights and say t… - 2 years ago

@xobxngtxn: RT @ReutersPH: Jose Maria Sison is dead!!! Paano na budget ng AFP kung wala na kalaban - 2 years ago

@r0sasnalanta: RT @lisa_looking_in: Jose Maria Sison (1939-2022) is an inspiration to generations of artists and cultural workers making art to serve the… - 2 years ago

@NeneminMasallar: RT @ydgiletisim: "Devrimci bir akıl ve militan bir gençlik yoluyla kendini yenilemeyen bir ulusun gelişme imkanı yoktur." Jose Maria Sison - 2 years ago

@entruepy: RT @redfishstream: Marxist-Lenininst-Maoist revolutionary & Communist Party of the Philippines founder, Jose Maria Sison, has passed away.… - 2 years ago

@brtwofficial: RT @bulatlat: Read story here: Jose Maria Sison, founding chairperson of the re-established Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), passe… - 2 years ago

@pereplyotchik: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@sesamesiggs: RT @kilusangmayouno: Ngayong araw ay nagluluksa tayo sa pagkawala ng ating kapwa manggagawa na si Jose Maria "Ka Joma" Sison. Tinuturing n… - 2 years ago

@BeaCeleste1: RT @AIAIreland: Anti Imperialist Action Ireland extends its sympathies to the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People’s Army… - 2 years ago

@entruepy: RT @jankashmirtan: Jose Maria Sison, a revolutionary, a poet, a husband and father, an activist, a political prisoner, a teacher, and a com… - 2 years ago

@brtwofficial: RT @ReynaValmores: We mourn the passing of Jose Maria Sison — poet, revolutionary, servant of the people until his last breath. It is thro… - 2 years ago

@AhmetSeverGuzel: RT @MaxistLeninist: The Guerilla Is Like A Poet - Jose Maria Sison - 2 years ago

@kyriakosure: RT @YDemokrasi11: Jose Maria Sison 83 yaşında hayatını kaybetti - 2 years ago

@AhmetSeverGuzel: RT @ILPS_Official: REST IN POWER Prof. Jose Maria Sison Tribute from ILPS Asia Pacific Read full statement here: - 2 years ago

@emeIiaclarke: RT @Carwyn_Candila: Today, the Filipino masses grieve. Prof. Jose Maria Sison died at the age of 83. Despite in exile, he remained fierce… - 2 years ago

@LaVelvetHammer: RT @descifraguerra: 🇵🇭 Muere Jose Maria Sison a los 83 años, líder revolucionario fundador del Partido Comunista de Filipinas que lanzó la… - 2 years ago

@outerspacemanII: RT @AP: Jose Maria Sison, the founder of the Communist Party of the Philippines, whose armed wing has been waging one of Asia’s longest-run… - 2 years ago

@Hussain_B0lt: RT @ReynaValmores: We mourn the passing of Jose Maria Sison — poet, revolutionary, servant of the people until his last breath. It is thro… - 2 years ago

@TokyoSanctuary: RT @AP: Jose Maria Sison, the founder of the Communist Party of the Philippines, whose armed wing has been waging one of Asia’s longest-run… - 2 years ago

@StarFly_Holly: RT @AP: Jose Maria Sison, the founder of the Communist Party of the Philippines, whose armed wing has been waging one of Asia’s longest-run… - 2 years ago

@SeninmastilaLe: RT @ydgiletisim: Filipinler Komünist Partisi Kurucu Başkanı Jose Maria Sison (Ka Joma) Halkların özgürlüğü ve devrim mücadelesine dünya çap… - 2 years ago

@harrysndvl: RT @lisa_looking_in: Jose Maria Sison (1939-2022) is an inspiration to generations of artists and cultural workers making art to serve the… - 2 years ago

@byLorenaBlas: RT @AP: Jose Maria Sison, the founder of the Communist Party of the Philippines, whose armed wing has been waging one of Asia’s longest-run… - 2 years ago

@unounbound: RT @lisa_looking_in: Jose Maria Sison (1939-2022) is an inspiration to generations of artists and cultural workers making art to serve the… - 2 years ago

@bi__say: RT @ReynaValmores: We mourn the passing of Jose Maria Sison — poet, revolutionary, servant of the people until his last breath. It is thro… - 2 years ago

@iskatsbryte: RT @redfishstream: Marxist-Lenininst-Maoist revolutionary & Communist Party of the Philippines founder, Jose Maria Sison, has passed away.… - 2 years ago

@httpdreamzen: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@jzrxsm: RT @redfishstream: Marxist-Lenininst-Maoist revolutionary & Communist Party of the Philippines founder, Jose Maria Sison, has passed away.… - 2 years ago

@BanfiRodolfo: RT @kilusangmayouno: Ngayong araw ay nagluluksa tayo sa pagkawala ng ating kapwa manggagawa na si Jose Maria "Ka Joma" Sison. Tinuturing n… - 2 years ago

@bdnews24: RT @AP: Jose Maria Sison, the founder of the Communist Party of the Philippines, whose armed wing has been waging one of Asia’s longest-run… - 2 years ago

@alaingresh: RT @FreeGIAbdallah: Fondateur du Parti Communiste des Philippines, José Maria Sison est mort à l'âge de 83 ans. Fidèle soutien à la libérat… - 2 years ago

@frida_karit: RT @tedDakuykoy: No matter how history judges him, his impact in PH history is enormous. Red salute, Jose Maria Sison — revolutionary, int… - 2 years ago

@DonLinoSMKP: JOMA DEAD.🇵🇭Filipino communist czar Jose Maria Sison,83 died on 12/16/22 in The Netherlands.@BayanMuna… - 2 years ago

@jpnazaren0_3: RT @jankashmirtan: Jose Maria Sison, a revolutionary, a poet, a husband and father, an activist, a political prisoner, a teacher, and a com… - 2 years ago

@LazyBolshevik: RT @jankashmirtan: Jose Maria Sison, a revolutionary, a poet, a husband and father, an activist, a political prisoner, a teacher, and a com… - 2 years ago

@Doom_222: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@JohnRPuzon_: STATEMENT BY VICE PRESIDENT SARA Z. DUTERTE ON THE DEATH OF JOSE MARIA SISON May God have mercy on his soul. - 2 years ago

@gottnic: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@andres_heather: RT @Carwyn_Candila: Jose Maria Sison was tortured under Marcos. When exiled, he was arrested in the Netherlands, thrown into solitary confi… - 2 years ago

@walaparinkwenta: RT @phkule: One finds Jose Ma. Sison turning to discuss political work even while answering questions about relaxation and smoking. For a r… - 2 years ago

@nathanrkinsella: RT @smninews: Juan Ponce Enrile on the death of CPP leader Jose Maria 'Joma' Sison - 2 years ago

@siegsison: RT @manilabulletin: AFP on Joma Sison's death: Our disagreement with Prof. Jose Maria Sison ends with his death. - AFP acting spokesperson… - 2 years ago

@kimchinigang: RT @ate_agit: “A nation that does not continuously renew itself through progressive-minded and militant youth cannot possibly advance.” - J… - 2 years ago

@gottnic: RT @phkule: One finds Jose Ma. Sison turning to discuss political work even while answering questions about relaxation and smoking. For a r… - 2 years ago

@bohosiseol: RT @phkule: One finds Jose Ma. Sison turning to discuss political work even while answering questions about relaxation and smoking. For a r… - 2 years ago

@joshvlnt: RT @phkule: One finds Jose Ma. Sison turning to discuss political work even while answering questions about relaxation and smoking. For a r… - 2 years ago

@thrsadt: RT @ate_agit: “A nation that does not continuously renew itself through progressive-minded and militant youth cannot possibly advance.” - J… - 2 years ago

@_cbm64: RT @lisa_looking_in: Jose Maria Sison (1939-2022) is an inspiration to generations of artists and cultural workers making art to serve the… - 2 years ago

@jankashmirtan: RT @phkule: One finds Jose Ma. Sison turning to discuss political work even while answering questions about relaxation and smoking. For a r… - 2 years ago

@frida_karit: RT @Carwyn_Candila: Today, the Filipino masses grieve. Prof. Jose Maria Sison died at the age of 83. Despite in exile, he remained fierce… - 2 years ago

@daisy6illy: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@earthangelclcts: RT @ate_agit: “A nation that does not continuously renew itself through progressive-minded and militant youth cannot possibly advance.” - J… - 2 years ago

@21douggie: RT @ABSCBNNews: @anjo_bagaoisan The Armed Forces of the Philippines reacts to the passing of Communist Party of the PH founder Joma Sison:… - 2 years ago

@AngryDaruma: RT @deleonjv_96: Nagbubunyi ang buong bayan at nabigyang wakas na ang lider ng mga Komunistang terorista na si Jose Maria Sison, o kilala s… - 2 years ago

@JaxxFallaria: RT @jamzbonifacio: Jose Maria Sison, "Paris Talks", 2015 "The people should struggle against imperialism, and for climate justice, social… - 2 years ago

@LBRTYDWN: RT @ABSCBNNews: @anjo_bagaoisan The Armed Forces of the Philippines reacts to the passing of Communist Party of the PH founder Joma Sison:… - 2 years ago

@RightPatriotsPH: RT @deleonjv_96: Nagbubunyi ang buong bayan at nabigyang wakas na ang lider ng mga Komunistang terorista na si Jose Maria Sison, o kilala s… - 2 years ago

@TheoBenzmiller: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@Lusa_noticias: Morreu líder comunista filipino José Maria Sison aos 83 anos - - 2 years ago

@ABSCBNNews: @anjo_bagaoisan The Armed Forces of the Philippines reacts to the passing of Communist Party of the PH founder Joma… - 2 years ago

@kolektiba: RT @Carwyn_Candila: Today, the Filipino masses grieve. Prof. Jose Maria Sison died at the age of 83. Despite in exile, he remained fierce… - 2 years ago

@InfraMason_B: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@pusanggalitt: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@divvvvvva: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@Oldmantankie: RT @FRSO_TwinCities: Jose Maria Sison, one of the most important communist leaders in the world, has passed away. Take a look back at thi… - 2 years ago

@BangkokPostNews: MANILA: Philippine communist leader Jose Maria Sison died on Friday night at the age of 83 after a two-week confine… - 2 years ago

@LBRTYDWN: RT @smninews: Juan Ponce Enrile on the death of CPP leader Jose Maria 'Joma' Sison - 2 years ago

@jspr_05: RT @Carwyn_Candila: Today, the Filipino masses grieve. Prof. Jose Maria Sison died at the age of 83. Despite in exile, he remained fierce… - 2 years ago

@MarcLibre321: RT @smninews: Juan Ponce Enrile on the death of CPP leader Jose Maria 'Joma' Sison - 2 years ago

@tteokbokkyle: RT @ronaldgem: Jose Maria "Joma" Sison may have died but the roots causes of social injustices affecting the Filipino masses are still aliv… - 2 years ago

@yizhuorj: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@rocker_fraggle: RT @_beboy06: Merry Christmas Jose Maria Sison aka Ka Joma is dead, Tuloy parin ang pasko,maka punta muna ng Mega Mall para bumili ng pam… - 2 years ago

@gaeilgirl: RT @FRSO_TwinCities: Here's the 2017 interview with Jose Maria Sison in printable pamphlet format - 2 years ago

@gaeilgirl: RT @FRSO_TwinCities: 2018 @fightbacknews interview with Jose Maria Sison - 2 years ago

@gaeilgirl: RT @FRSO_TwinCities: Part 3 of the 2017 @fightbacknews interview with Jose Maria Sison - 2 years ago

@gaeilgirl: RT @FRSO_TwinCities: Part 2 of the 2017 @fightbacknews interview with Jose Maria Sison - 2 years ago

@gaeilgirl: RT @FRSO_TwinCities: Jose Maria Sison, one of the most important communist leaders in the world, has passed away. Take a look back at thi… - 2 years ago

@Matt_Bernico: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@akosidapoy13: RT @smninews: Juan Ponce Enrile on the death of CPP leader Jose Maria 'Joma' Sison - 2 years ago

@SMACK_DOWN_SOUP: RT @bulatlat: JUST IN. Communist Party of the Philippines founder Jose Maria Sison passed away Friday, according to a statement by the CPP. - 2 years ago

@akrvitor: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@FRSO_TwinCities: Here's the 2017 interview with Jose Maria Sison in printable pamphlet format - 2 years ago

@FRSO_TwinCities: 2018 @fightbacknews interview with Jose Maria Sison - 2 years ago

@FRSO_TwinCities: Part 3 of the 2017 @fightbacknews interview with Jose Maria Sison - 2 years ago

@FRSO_TwinCities: Part 2 of the 2017 @fightbacknews interview with Jose Maria Sison - 2 years ago

@FRSO_TwinCities: Jose Maria Sison, one of the most important communist leaders in the world, has passed away. Take a look back at… - 2 years ago

@_imymta: RT @inquirerdotnet: JUST IN: Jose Maria Sison, founder of the Communist Party of the Philippines, has died at 83 years old. According to a… - 2 years ago

@Riezelvista2: RT @inquirerdotnet: JUST IN: Jose Maria Sison, founder of the Communist Party of the Philippines, has died at 83 years old. According to a… - 2 years ago

@SamuelPamintuan: RT @smninews: BREAKING: Pumanaw na ang founding chair ng Communist Party of the Philippines na si Jose Maria Sison sa edad na 83, ito ang k… - 2 years ago

@kittimase: RT @pinoyweekly: BREAKING NEWS | JOMA SISON, PUMANAW NA Matapos maospital nang dalawang linggo, pumanaw si Jose Maria Sison sa edad na 83… - 2 years ago

@annacrsv: RT @bulatlat: JUST IN. Communist Party of the Philippines founder Jose Maria Sison passed away Friday, according to a statement by the CPP. - 2 years ago

@AntonNarciso: Alumnus Jose Maria Sison's message of support to @CEGPhilippines on the occasion of its 90th founding anniversary a… - 2 years ago

@pukingmaliksi: RT @Carwyn_Candila: Today, the Filipino masses grieve. Prof. Jose Maria Sison died at the age of 83. Despite in exile, he remained fierce… - 2 years ago

@tay__Alt: rest in peace to Jose Maria Sison 🥲 - 2 years ago

@1xyellowflashx1: RT @srsasot_: BREAKING: Pumanaw na ang founding chair ng Communist Party of the Philippines na si Jose Maria Sison sa edad na 83, ito ang k… - 2 years ago

@fIeoley: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@tStarryNightph: RT @bulatlat: JUST IN. Communist Party of the Philippines founder Jose Maria Sison passed away Friday, according to a statement by the CPP. - 2 years ago

@r0sasnalanta: RT @Carwyn_Candila: Jose Maria Sison was tortured under Marcos. When exiled, he was arrested in the Netherlands, thrown into solitary confi… - 2 years ago

@raijumilla: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@bellelaiden: RT @altermidya: The Altermidya Network 4th National Congress offered a moment of silence to honor Prof. Jose Maria Sison. The body recogni… - 2 years ago

@ismamuzick08: RT @smninews: BREAKING: Pumanaw na ang founding chair ng Communist Party of the Philippines na si Jose Maria Sison sa edad na 83, ito ang k… - 2 years ago

@residentbeki: RT @pinoyweekly: BREAKING NEWS | JOMA SISON, PUMANAW NA Matapos maospital nang dalawang linggo, pumanaw si Jose Maria Sison sa edad na 83… - 2 years ago

@jannaelijerawr: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@iamtlsxk: RT @ronaldgem: Jose Maria "Joma" Sison may have died but the roots causes of social injustices affecting the Filipino masses are still aliv… - 2 years ago

@melodicvibe: RT @sirjamesa12: Jose Maria Sison, the founder of the Communist Party of the Philippines, passed away at age 83. - 2 years ago

@straightsappho: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@HijinksWacky: RT @TrueAnonPod: Rest in Peace to Jose Maria Sison 🇵🇭 - 2 years ago

@jessicachrissty: RT @ronaldgem: Jose Maria "Joma" Sison may have died but the roots causes of social injustices affecting the Filipino masses are still aliv… - 2 years ago

@yuanrenminbi: RT @JPEOutlives: Juan Ponce Enrile outlives Jose Maria Sison, founding chair of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP). He passed awa… - 2 years ago

@_ejlazaro: RT @arjayabanto: Jose Maria Sison, founder of Communist Party of the Philippines, dies at 83 - 2 years ago

@andrptrce: RT @ronaldgem: Jose Maria "Joma" Sison may have died but the roots causes of social injustices affecting the Filipino masses are still aliv… - 2 years ago

@_bernadetteanne: RT @letmebeyourtita: Viva Jose Maria Sison! Viva! Viva! Viva! - 2 years ago

@jambiktoywood25: RT @smninews: BREAKING: Pumanaw na ang founding chair ng Communist Party of the Philippines na si Jose Maria Sison sa edad na 83, ito ang k… - 2 years ago

@Noahcartiii: awwe i'm so sad. binabasa ko naman libro niya kagabi. bilang rebolusyunaryo nakapaka taas ng pag tingin natin kay p… - 2 years ago

@jambiktoywood25: RT @BBernardoPTV: The Communist Party of the Philippines announces the death of its founding chairman, Jose Maria Sison. Sison died on Fri… - 2 years ago

@jambiktoywood25: RT @DavaoToday: JUST IN: Jose Maria Sison, founding chair of the Communist Party of the Philippines, passed away Friday, December 16, CPP c… - 2 years ago

@helpmeless: RT @ate_agit: “A nation that does not continuously renew itself through progressive-minded and militant youth cannot possibly advance.” - J… - 2 years ago

@gelocruz_: RT @Carwyn_Candila: Today, the Filipino masses grieve. Prof. Jose Maria Sison died at the age of 83. Despite in exile, he remained fierce… - 2 years ago

@RMC_Chicago: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@rocker_fraggle: @UnitedPatriot22 @ArielHalili3 @dianalook4yaho1 @rs015dbph @tsuperdaddy @AJAYRIAH66 @miamihart @quency_martinaC… - 2 years ago

@irene_core: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@chiqeep: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@gabestorres: RT @Carwyn_Candila: Today, the Filipino masses grieve. Prof. Jose Maria Sison died at the age of 83. Despite in exile, he remained fierce… - 2 years ago

@MohaladinL: RT @cnnphilippines: BREAKING: Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Founding Chairman Jose Maria “Joma” Sison has died at age 83, the CP… - 2 years ago

@jambiktoywood25: RT @PhilippineStar: The Communist Party of the Philippines announced that its founding chairperson Jose Maria Sison died Friday night after… - 2 years ago

@iapinas: RT @smninews: Juan Ponce Enrile on the death of CPP leader Jose Maria 'Joma' Sison - 2 years ago

@ysabelleax: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@LucasADWebber: RT @cnnphilippines: BREAKING: Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Founding Chairman Jose Maria “Joma” Sison has died at age 83, the CP… - 2 years ago

@deamimore: RT @inquirerdotnet: JUST IN: Jose Maria Sison, founder of the Communist Party of the Philippines, has died at 83 years old. According to a… - 2 years ago

@NlXIN: RT @ronaldgem: Jose Maria "Joma" Sison may have died but the roots causes of social injustices affecting the Filipino masses are still aliv… - 2 years ago

@not_stephon: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@diamondforsvt: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@mhiss_angel: RT @pinoyweekly: BREAKING NEWS | JOMA SISON, PUMANAW NA Matapos maospital nang dalawang linggo, pumanaw si Jose Maria Sison sa edad na 83… - 2 years ago

@DIDthestingRAY: RT @ronaldgem: Jose Maria "Joma" Sison may have died but the roots causes of social injustices affecting the Filipino masses are still aliv… - 2 years ago

@usersiya: RT @ate_agit: “A nation that does not continuously renew itself through progressive-minded and militant youth cannot possibly advance.” - J… - 2 years ago

@MonkeyDLefty: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@jose_pfft: RT @JPEOutlives: Juan Ponce Enrile outlives Jose Maria Sison, founding chair of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP). He passed awa… - 2 years ago

@EnverXStaline: RT @November8PH: NEPH expresses sincere condolences to all Filipino patriots and communists on the death of Comrade Jose Maria Sison, found… - 2 years ago

@rebelysyon: RT @pinoyweekly: BREAKING NEWS | JOMA SISON, PUMANAW NA Matapos maospital nang dalawang linggo, pumanaw si Jose Maria Sison sa edad na 83… - 2 years ago

@MatteoGonzaga: RT @Carwyn_Candila: Today, the Filipino masses grieve. Prof. Jose Maria Sison died at the age of 83. Despite in exile, he remained fierce… - 2 years ago

@letmebeyourtita: Viva Jose Maria Sison! Viva! Viva! Viva! - 2 years ago

@_majorana: RT @phkule: Jose Maria Sison founded the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) in 1968, having applied the theory of Marxism-Leninism-Ma… - 2 years ago

@chrismogaku: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@orgasamist: RT @inquirerdotnet: JUST IN: Jose Maria Sison, founder of the Communist Party of the Philippines, has died at 83 years old. According to a… - 2 years ago

@_majorana: RT @phkule: In these turbulent times, we cannot afford to be naive and superficial. We cannot refer dogmatically to formal rights and say t… - 2 years ago

@leia_deqs: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@revdefeat: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@hunterNim: RT @gmanews: BREAKING: Jose Maria Sison, founding chair of the Communist Party of the Philippines, passed away on Friday night, CPP Chief I… - 2 years ago

@Vomitselfe: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@panalanginn: RT @bulatlat: JUST IN. Communist Party of the Philippines founder Jose Maria Sison passed away Friday, according to a statement by the CPP. - 2 years ago

@monsooncurrent_: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@AsulTV: Now Trensing on Twitter @AsulTV presents whats trending on Twitter Philippines #BeTSinBULACAN #SS9inManila… - 2 years ago

@dalisay2345: RT @Carwyn_Candila: Today, the Filipino masses grieve. Prof. Jose Maria Sison died at the age of 83. Despite in exile, he remained fierce… - 2 years ago

@leyleinmonolith: RT @Carwyn_Candila: Today, the Filipino masses grieve. Prof. Jose Maria Sison died at the age of 83. Despite in exile, he remained fierce… - 2 years ago

@TrueAnonPod: Rest in Peace to Jose Maria Sison 🇵🇭 - 2 years ago

@lMPRECISEWORDS: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@edgymenez: RT @inquirerdotnet: JUST IN: Jose Maria Sison, founder of the Communist Party of the Philippines, has died at 83 years old. According to a… - 2 years ago

@centerxneutral: RT @WinwinEklabu: Jose Maria Canlas Sison (born February 8, 1939) The “Sponsor of Terrorism” in the Philippines was finally DEAD.This indic… - 2 years ago

@juliuskevincura: RT @DZMMTeleRadyo: BREAKING: Pumanaw na si Communist Party of the Philippines founder Jose Maria Sison nitong Biyernes matapos ang 2-linggo… - 2 years ago

@ikastieI: RT @bulatlat: JUST IN. Communist Party of the Philippines founder Jose Maria Sison passed away Friday, according to a statement by the CPP. - 2 years ago

@petesan_: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@MaoLocal: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@PresArroyo: RT @phkule: In these turbulent times, we cannot afford to be naive and superficial. We cannot refer dogmatically to formal rights and say t… - 2 years ago

@kyriakosure: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@jgumalo_62: RT @JPEOutlives: Juan Ponce Enrile outlives Jose Maria Sison, founding chair of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP). He passed awa… - 2 years ago

@mackierolls: RT @bulatlat: JUST IN. Communist Party of the Philippines founder Jose Maria Sison passed away Friday, according to a statement by the CPP. - 2 years ago

@NoireUrbano: Jose Maria Sison deserve at 9th circle of hell, stupid - 2 years ago

@entruepy: RT @phkule: In these turbulent times, we cannot afford to be naive and superficial. We cannot refer dogmatically to formal rights and say t… - 2 years ago

@Chrisdm92049950: The reactions on Facebook on the death of Jose Maria Sison Joma is not surprising at all. People are more happy and… - 2 years ago

@soffbrownie: RT @bulatlat: JUST IN. Communist Party of the Philippines founder Jose Maria Sison passed away Friday, according to a statement by the CPP. - 2 years ago

@gabrielle_ayen: RT @ronaldgem: Jose Maria "Joma" Sison may have died but the roots causes of social injustices affecting the Filipino masses are still aliv… - 2 years ago

@winona14249990: RT @JPEOutlives: Juan Ponce Enrile outlives Jose Maria Sison, founding chair of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP). He passed awa… - 2 years ago

@kimonoess: RT @JPEOutlives: Juan Ponce Enrile outlives Jose Maria Sison, founding chair of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP). He passed awa… - 2 years ago

@IvanSucgang_LFS: RT @Carwyn_Candila: Today, the Filipino masses grieve. Prof. Jose Maria Sison died at the age of 83. Despite in exile, he remained fierce… - 2 years ago

@usersiya: RT @Carwyn_Candila: Today, the Filipino masses grieve. Prof. Jose Maria Sison died at the age of 83. Despite in exile, he remained fierce… - 2 years ago

@jambiktoywood25: RT @Carwyn_Candila: Today, the Filipino masses grieve. Prof. Jose Maria Sison died at the age of 83. Despite in exile, he remained fierce… - 2 years ago

@daybergent: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@Carlos35170981: RT @smninews: BREAKING: Pumanaw na ang founding chair ng Communist Party of the Philippines na si Jose Maria Sison sa edad na 83, ito ang k… - 2 years ago

@_Selebes: RT @ronaldgem: Jose Maria "Joma" Sison may have died but the roots causes of social injustices affecting the Filipino masses are still aliv… - 2 years ago

@itsyoshin: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@joeIjitsu: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@chelseagapia: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@cruxzify_: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@Londee35408101: RT @PhilstarNews: CPP FOUNDER JOMA SISON DIES, 83 The Communist Party of the Philippines announced that its founding chairperson Jose Mari… - 2 years ago

@jambiktoywood25: RT @ate_agit: “A nation that does not continuously renew itself through progressive-minded and militant youth cannot possibly advance.” - J… - 2 years ago

@AmperVladimir: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@MangoKeyke: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@usagichesca: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@leirker: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Jose Maria Sison is no longer with us - #JoseMariaSison #Jose #MariaSison #rip - 2 years ago

@icaa_mari: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@jambiktoywood25: RT @PhilstarNews: BREAKING: The Communist Party of the Philippines announces the death of its founding chairman Jose Maria Sison. In a stat… - 2 years ago

@sisigdoublerice: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@pama_pil: RT @bulatlat: JUST IN. Communist Party of the Philippines founder Jose Maria Sison passed away Friday, according to a statement by the CPP. - 2 years ago

@Attyjx: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@eign_Assb9: RT @gmanews: BREAKING: Jose Maria Sison, founding chair of the Communist Party of the Philippines, passed away on Friday night, CPP Chief I… - 2 years ago

@misconfused28: RT @smninews: BREAKING: Pumanaw na ang founding chair ng Communist Party of the Philippines na si Jose Maria Sison sa edad na 83, ito ang k… - 2 years ago

@tinviillanueva: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@lelanddelacruz: RT @gmanews: BREAKING: Jose Maria Sison, founding chair of the Communist Party of the Philippines, passed away on Friday night, CPP Chief I… - 2 years ago

@jambiktoywood25: RT @bulatlat: JUST IN. Communist Party of the Philippines founder Jose Maria Sison passed away Friday, according to a statement by the CPP. - 2 years ago

@SamuraiApology: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@philippinestock: CPP founder Joma Sison dies at 83 | Inquirer News - 2 years ago

@sansrival___: RT @ate_agit: “A nation that does not continuously renew itself through progressive-minded and militant youth cannot possibly advance.” - J… - 2 years ago

@_hzlgrt: RT @XaveGregorio: BREAKING: The Communist Party of the Philippines announces the death of its founding chairman Jose Maria Sison. In a stat… - 2 years ago

@tecnorojo: Rest in peace Jose Maria Sison, 83, founder of the Communist Party of the Philippines - 2 years ago

@DG21or5: RT @bulatlat: JUST IN. Communist Party of the Philippines founder Jose Maria Sison passed away Friday, according to a statement by the CPP. - 2 years ago

@PaigeJavier: RT @cnnphilippines: BREAKING: Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Founding Chairman Jose Maria “Joma” Sison has died at age 83, the CP… - 2 years ago

@mariannezen: RT @phkule: In these turbulent times, we cannot afford to be naive and superficial. We cannot refer dogmatically to formal rights and say t… - 2 years ago

@kenkuKsy: RT @angbayan1969: Ang Bayan pays the highest tribute to CPP founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationa… - 2 years ago

@ioannesesledieu: GOOD NEWS: Communist Terrorist Leader Jose "Joma" Maria Sison dead at 83. - 2 years ago

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