Jonathan Goldberg

American literary theorist.
Died on Thursday December 22nd 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Jonathan Goldberg:

@TheWrap: Anti-Defamation League (ADL) chief Jonathan Greenblatt has blasted Whoopi Goldberg's recent comments about the Holo… - 2 years ago

@hillel_jonathan: RT @GoldsteinBrooke: David @Baddiel calls out the obscene antisemitic comments of Whoopi Goldberg who AGAIN is repeating absurd statements… - 2 years ago

@sarlo_jonathan: How does Whoopie Goldberg still have a job,think what would happen if it was a conservative that said these idiotic statements. - 2 years ago

@shanolivers: @marklevinshow I know right? Whoopi Goldberg is almost as antiwhite as Jonathan greenblatt. - 2 years ago


@CastosHQ: Stuart chats with award-winning playwright Jonathan Goldberg about how he builds a world for the stage and behind t… - 2 years ago

@hillel_jonathan: RT @StandWithUs: Less than a year after making controversial comments about the #Holocaust not being connected to racism, #WhoopiGoldberg o… - 2 years ago

@hillel_jonathan: RT @blakeflayton: Whoopi Goldberg months ago: the Holocaust wasn’t about race, it was white on white crime. Whoopi Goldberg several days… - 2 years ago

@hillel_jonathan: @RitchieTorres @MotiAnkari ABC TERMINATE CARYN ELAINE J. aka Whoopi Goldberg. She's a RACIST and she is NOT JEWISH! - 2 years ago

@hillel_jonathan: RT @elderofziyon: Whoopi Goldberg's perverted mindset is a manifestation of the larger phenomenon of Black antisemitism - 2 years ago

@hillel_jonathan: RT @elderofziyon: Yes, Whoopi Goldberg is an idiot. - 2 years ago

@brentryang044: @JGreenblattADL Now there is Whoopi Goldberg for you to mention Jonathan. - 2 years ago

@hillel_jonathan: RT @RonaldH55901788: @w_terrence Caryn Elaine Johnson aka "Whoopi Goldberg" is full of so much hate that it's becoming dangerous for every… - 2 years ago

@hillel_jonathan: RT @STEPHENFRACHISE: @TheView @ThisIsRobThomas Don't be ashamed of who you are #Whoopie Caryn Elaine Johnson (born November 13, 1955) age… - 2 years ago

@hillel_jonathan: RT @angry_squid: @nypost Oh, you mean Caryn Elaine Johnson, who changed her name to “GOLDBERG” to improve her chances in Hollywood? - 2 years ago

@hillel_jonathan: RT @Mariell90662007: @nypost She was born Caryn Elaine Johnson. Researcher Henry Louis Gates Jr. found that all of Goldberg's traceable anc… - 2 years ago

@hillel_jonathan: RT @pipppppa123: Whoopi Goldberg is not Jewish. Name change from Caryn Elaine Johnson. - 2 years ago

@hillel_jonathan: RT @peninnahrachel: 'You can't tell a Jew on the street' - Whoopi Goldberg repeats claim that Holocaust wasn't 'racial' - 2 years ago

@hillel_jonathan: RT @sirtatters: #TheView @Whoopi 👇🏼 'You can’t tell a Jew on a street,' You could find me. You can’t find them. The “star” born Caryn Elai… - 2 years ago

@hillel_jonathan: RT @delbert_earl: Whoopi Goldberg REPEATS Holocaust Slur That Once Got Her Taken Off-Air By 'The View' - 2 years ago

@hillel_jonathan: RT @DBTayor: Whoopi Goldberg is a stage name. She's a high school dropout whose real name is Caryn Elaine Johnson. Whoopi REPEATS Holocau… - 2 years ago

@mamamamaccaroni: RT @EnglishLitHist: We are gathering remembrances of him, which will be posted to the JHU English website soon. He will be deeply missed by… - 2 years ago

@mamamamaccaroni: Jonathan Goldbergが亡くなったそうだ。最近も本を出していたので、驚いた。 - 2 years ago

@mamamamaccaroni: RT @EnglishLitHist: ELH was saddened to hear of the death of Professor Jonathan Goldberg last week. In addition to being the author of a ho… - 2 years ago

@DanaGavin1895: RT @EnglishLitHist: ELH was saddened to hear of the death of Professor Jonathan Goldberg last week. In addition to being the author of a ho… - 2 years ago

@EnglishLitHist: We are gathering remembrances of him, which will be posted to the JHU English website soon. He will be deeply misse… - 2 years ago

@EnglishLitHist: ELH was saddened to hear of the death of Professor Jonathan Goldberg last week. In addition to being the author of… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Jonathan Goldberg - #JonathanGoldberg #Jonathan #Goldberg #rip - 2 years ago

@901JazzPlaylist: Now Playing: JP Schlegenelmilch/Jonathan Goldberg/Jim Black - Visitors - on Jazz90.1 | Listen Now -> - 2 years ago

@gina_goldberg: RT @deanjnorris: Throwback to that time myself and Jonathan Banks visited Rome - 2 years ago

@Destiny25251210: RT @people: Jonathan Majors Shadowboxes in Manhattan, Plus Aubrey Plaza, Adam Driver, Whoopi Goldberg and More - 2 years ago

@SusanNavarre: RIP Alan Graham-Collier and Jonathan Goldberg. Sometimes the NYT obits are as fascinating and inspiring to read as the best novels. - 2 years ago

@dulla_ud: RT @people: Jonathan Majors Shadowboxes in Manhattan, Plus Aubrey Plaza, Adam Driver, Whoopi Goldberg and More - 2 years ago

@iamshai: RT @people: Jonathan Majors Shadowboxes in Manhattan, Plus Aubrey Plaza, Adam Driver, Whoopi Goldberg and More - 2 years ago

@people: Jonathan Majors Shadowboxes in Manhattan, Plus Aubrey Plaza, Adam Driver, Whoopi Goldberg and More - 2 years ago

@feministkitsch: RT @elizwilsonemory: With terrible sadness Lynne Huffer and I are writing to let you know that dear Jonathan Goldberg died early this morni… - 2 years ago

@LOP1936: RT @abankersjourney: Join author @grossdm & Jonathan Goldberg on Sunday, December 11 for the NY Jewish Book Festival! Featuring special key… - 2 years ago

@tradedny: LEASE IMAGE: Ben Howard, Ben Biberaj & Jonathan Goldberg DATE: 12/12/2022 ADDRESS: 120 East 7th Street MARKET: New… - 2 years ago

@jelsert: RT @FordhamPress: FUP remembers Jonathan Goldberg—scholar, teacher, and mentor. Goldberg was a towering presence in the fields of early mod… - 2 years ago

@elizwilsonemory: RT @FordhamPress: FUP remembers Jonathan Goldberg—scholar, teacher, and mentor. Goldberg was a towering presence in the fields of early mod… - 2 years ago

@autopsiesgroup: RT @FordhamPress: FUP remembers Jonathan Goldberg—scholar, teacher, and mentor. Goldberg was a towering presence in the fields of early mod… - 2 years ago

@Nicolenath_: RT @people: Jonathan Majors Shadowboxes in Manhattan, Plus Aubrey Plaza, Adam Driver, Whoopi Goldberg and More - 2 years ago

@FordhamPress: FUP remembers Jonathan Goldberg—scholar, teacher, and mentor. Goldberg was a towering presence in the fields of ear… - 2 years ago

@gina_goldberg: RT @MichaelPaulson: A revival of "Merrily We Roll Along" starring Daniel Radcliffe, Jonathan Groff and Lindsay Mendez will transfer to Broa… - 2 years ago

@gina_goldberg: RT @GBBranstetter: Most dishonest of all is that every effort to ban gender-affirming care also bans research on it, so whatever questions… - 2 years ago

@post1983: @wesgay @jonathan_carone Bret won't let it die! 🤣 But seriously, screw Bill Goldberg!!!! - 2 years ago

@KevinAmadoF: Ya que Cavill no va a ser más el Superman de DC. Le tiro un par de ideas a @JamesGunn para un posible cast. Superma… - 2 years ago

@molochofficial: I joked to my dissertation committee that whenever I write, I imagine Jonathan Goldberg looking over my shoulder wi… - 2 years ago

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