Jon Snow

In Game of Thrones, Jon Snow is the 14-year-old bastard son of Ned Stark, lord of Winterfell and half-brother to Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran and Rickon. We here all very sad when he died 'for the watch'. That wasn't very nice.
Died on Sunday June 14th 2015

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Jon Snow:

@CatiFeiteira: o guitarrista dos quinta do bill tem cabelo de jon snow

@LeSandraTweets: But anyways Jon Snow can't be dead for good, he hasn't finished his beef with that white walker king fella.

@BlackbyrdGyrl: @Ristolable That's like eight more than Jon Snow.

@clargag: Esos días de frío en los que querés tener la ropa de Jon Snow.. 😢


@nwarh93: @AbeerAdwani yeah everything 😞*remembers jon snow and sobs"

@ARapperSaid: RT @TrendingMag_: Please come back to us Jon Snow 😭😭

@_IdcTbh: Jon snow looks like he wants to cry every time

@Reinaluna: RT @eitacrispim: Hannibal e The Following canceladas, OITNB renovada, Jon Snow morreu, só tragédia no mundo das séries...

@ManCandLovingIt: Jon Snow comes to Dinner

@WildlingBitch: RT @tulaylaylaay: You know nothing David Nutter ! Jon Snow Kalbimizde yaşıyor.. Ned Stark öldüğü gün bırakmalıydık aslında bu diziyi. https…

@ToriFioravanti: RT @pxdmes: to me sentindo o jon snow levando as facadas mas quem dar as facadas em mim é a nbc

@bucsforever55: RT @ZahiraXO: Still can't get over the fact that Jon Snow is dead 😐😕 #GameofThrones

@caseynevin: @itsH_Abdule Finn or Jon snow

@ComplexPop: The ghost of Jon Snow is now playing tennis with Andy Samberg (kinda).


@AliceFrt56: Je viens d'apprendre par spoil que Jon Snow était mort.. Je suis tellement dégouté 😢😢😢😢

@Afiruziah: RT @NiceQueenCersei: Jon Snow so hates Mondays. And well every day now really... #GameofThrones #GoTAtlantic

@itsweeniall: I liked a @YouTube video

@jon_snow_420: i feel so happy looking at this picture my back aches

@fabiobarbato: Video: Full ‘7 Days in Hell’ Trailer Brings Jon Snow Back for Us

@inZoJc: RT @MTVNews: #GOT: You Definitely Missed This Clue To Jon Snow’s Return From The Dead

@bilawalmir2: they should have not killed jon snow....he was the best character....hate game of thrones now

@WildlingBitch: RT @PhilosophyMttrs: also, in so far as you know nothing, you also know being, jon snow.

@Anatomyofatanan: Jon snow 😨😨😨😨😨

@icarleo: Que tipo de pessoa liga uma hora dessas e diz " Você não sabe de nada, Jon Snow " ? Hahahaha

@yathreese: Jon Snow </3

@brianadamsboone: Jon Snow, Barbarino of Medieval Times

@PhilosophyMttrs: also, in so far as you know nothing, you also know being, jon snow.

@frugieblog: @History_Pics @lennonparham woops, nevermind! It is JON SNOW!! I know nothing.

@MGE9119: RT @SerASOIAF: The flames crackled softly & whispered the name Jon Snow. Now he was a man, now a wolf, now a man again. -Melisandre http:/…

@UnBesitoQuerido: RT @OtraPendeja: -Señor su hijo se murió como JON SNOW -QUÉ ME SPOILEAS IMBÉCIL

@metalmachineweb: Is Jon Snow really dead? So for all of us that saw that GoT finally, we all fumed when Jon Snow was murdered by...

@anthophilic: I liked a @YouTube video

@heisan_outlaw: El siguiente enlace contiene algunos spoilers, si no han visto el final de la 5° Temporada de Game of Thrones...

@gwestacy: gente eu to apaixonadíssima por jon snow e sansa stark


@RumandAle: @duncantrussell Jon Snow is still alive.

@frugieblog: @History_Pics @lennonparham Isn't that Ramsey not Jon Snow??

@mamajo76: @Willow_Kate426 my name isn't Jon Snow, I've been hear since 2009

@worldbeautyonce: RT @farukken: Jon Snow ile evlendik

@mitchrwiley: RT @_Snape_: Why did Jon Snow stand in line for 6 hours at the Apple Store? For the watch

@RuthCheeriosTy: RT @_Snape_: Why did Jon Snow stand in line for 6 hours at the Apple Store? For the watch

@michaeldaley97: RT @fivefifths: Jon Snow definitely proved how much of a Stark he was. Situational awareness on zero

@wens253: You know nothing, Jon Snow (by @d10k)

@eco_can: RT @_Snape_: Why did Jon Snow stand in line for 6 hours at the Apple Store? For the watch

@feeloutboys: did jon snow fuckin die im glad i quit watching that show why all the starks dead

@benleitao10: OMG JON SNOW NOOOOO


@bunniielov3: RT @_Snape_: Why did Jon Snow stand in line for 6 hours at the Apple Store? For the watch

@sedsedsedased: @iremcifcii ı dont know AMA JON SNOW ÇIKTI YANİ HANDJDKS

@Insanevladiiiii: Zaferin ölümü, Jon Snow'ın ölümü gibi olmuş ya la #PoyrazKarayel #GameOfThrones

@MaPaoBertel: RT @GameOfMemess: You know nothing, Jon Snow.

@edaelifk: Jon Snow ölmüş daha izleyemedim bile ama...

@Valentin_Brsr: Jon Snow est mort. Je ne vois plus aucun intérêt de regarder Game of Thrones.

@struma15: Jon Snow'un öldüğünü öğrenince ben

@Has_KS: RT @l3ahpar: You know nothing Jon Snow.

@mensrenate: RT @_Snape_: Why did Jon Snow stand in line for 6 hours at the Apple Store? For the watch

@land_snark: RT @WoollyUltimate: @land_snark lol you are a crow Jon Snow

@BlackyBird: RT @FrenchiiZoooooo: Pourquoi le loup de jon snow il était pas là mais était la pour le gros porc ?

@imaanee_11: je suis jon snow 😪

@Got_It_4_Cel: Damn I just realized they have Jon snow the Julius Caesar on game of thrones thus weekend passed the knife around and everything

@emranpoh: @ImNotAnderson holy shit i just read the few theories of jon snow. and all of them are super cool. like SUPER COOL MATE (and literally cool)

@Hedteur: RT @uneschizophrene: J'ai dit à Benji que Jon Snow mourrait il a ragequit

@PatriHale: "You know nothing Jon Snow" Esa frase me representa muy bien ahora mismo.

@Zo0eee: RT @PeronMeline: Derek Shepherd qui meurt, Jon Snow qui meurt, John Bennett qui se casse, Les gars, je crois que quelqu'un veut ma mort 😢…

@uneschizophrene: J'ai dit à Benji que Jon Snow mourrait il a ragequit

@EseErick: RT @TheGuiltyCode: #Tripping Para los fanáticos de #JonSnow ¡Aún hay esperanza! (spoilers alert)

@BenWright_10: RT @TheLadBible: Well played, Jon Snow...

@carmizzlex: RT @SweepMoon: I legitimately just found a Jon Snow vigil on the street in Brooklyn. @GameOfThrones #GameofThrones

@Henry_er_prinsi: Donde me puedo comprar al lobo de Jon Snow? FANTASMA LOVE U

@sthornton: Jon Snow on the bass? #CNX15

@brkylmaz: Tüm sezonlar boyunca hic bir boktan anlamayan ve hic bir sey bilmeyen Jon Snow kardesimiz hakkinda rerörö iceren spoilerlar var. Adam olun

@Raclain2: RT @hmfic04: RT @westerosorg @apoiaf “@MarquardtA: Jon Snow memorialized on Beirut's Martyrs' Square (via @MahmoudRamsey)

@Kawen_SM: RT @Biiiilal91: Ça fait des hashtag pr charlie mais pas pour Jon Snow? Je vous rappelle qu'il a tué un marcheur blanc, revoyez vos priorité…

@lustreanna: @nadinemmanuelle so ano na lang to? Season 2 pa lang ako alam ko ng patay na si jon snow 😭

@naijaLola: Only in New York. RT @SweepMoon: I legitimately just found a Jon Snow vigil on the street in Brooklyn. #GameofThrones

@RayBarca: Y jon snow revivirá.. Nos pagaran en $.. Y el infierno se congelara..

@dyomakakilayn: RT @thantaranthan: Emotionally unstable because Monika is just a runner up. :( It's like watching how Jon Snow die.

@brunecaco: Non pas Jon Snow😭😭😭

@fixatedlife: RT @jao_snow: Eu ia perguntar "Mãe no céu tem ruiva ?" antes de morrer... mas não conheço a minha mãe... (Jon Snow)

@233Hype: Game of Thrones: Masie Williams reacts to Jon Snow’s death with the rest of the Internet as the world goes into…

@damyflavinho: What killed Jon Snow?

@Slayer_Band: RT @OverNordland: O JON SNOW MORREU NÉR

@JadsLdn: Jon Snow is finally dead 😏

@SirNolanCheco: That whole scene had me feeling betrayed. RT @jerreau: Jon Snow, I hate it had to be him

@courtneyflann: Jon snow might be dead, but Jon Targaryen will rise!!

@osilveiraa: e o Jon Snow

@Snack_Machine: So you really think Jon Snow is dead huh? Seriously? Ok then, we'll see playa... We'll see #GameofThrones

@DARKTOMLINSON: you know nothing jon snow

@SirHeppe: @MeganMeGusta I bet you a cookie that Jon Snow will return in one form or another. He shall rise again.

@VikkyBrahmma: TIME : RT people: Here's how Maisie_Williams reacted to that shocking GameofThrones death

@Betinhasc: Torcendo pra Kit Harington levar sua primeira indicação. Ele e Jon Snow dominaram a temporada

@LikeMeppiccio: RT @sideshow: There's a street memorial honoring Jon Snow (featuring snow) in Williamsburg (via @Brokelyn)

@Hobshura: A las teorias locas sobre Jon Snow y #Got, ¿y si simplemente hasta ahi llego su participacion? Piensenlo en...

@Franzmanspb: RT @benyoungs09: Jon Snow I failed you 😢😩. Ollie is a little judas I hope the wall falls down or melts.

@Nalya_ChoCoBall: pero una cosa queda clara, todos estamos convencidos de que revivirán a Jon Snow... mi teoría no es mala, él es el protagonista xD

@JanetteHernndez: Jon Snow crió cuervos y le sacaron los ojos:

@CedaMargiela: La mort de Jon Snow c est plus important sur vous histoire de BAC

@AmandaCuddie: RT @Jessspooneryay: I thought that people were referring to this Jon Snow that had died. Thank fuck

@__overthinking: Adiós a Jon Snow @Aglaenvaldez

@OfficialStan: RT @UrCescIsOnFire: $250 for Jon Snow's sword omds will be the first thing I buy when I start earning.

@PataniscaMendes: Fiquei mesmo parva com a morte do Jon Snow!! 😭😭😭

@shahidaslam: RT @GoT_Tyrion: You know nothing Jon Snow #GameofThrones

@UmitNecok: Jon Snow tabiki ölmedi.

@MiniGaludinha: RT @Cronosplays: JON SNOW NÃO MORREU! #DESABAFO:

@riverbxnks: RT @ellamccxrmack: Ohhhh JON SNOW I been thinking the channel 4 presenters dead

@Heey_Galuda: Gostei de um vídeo @YouTube de @cronosplays

@7aypa3: Arrrtgh!!! Y would jon snow die #GameofThrones

@FloRivero_: Nada tiene sentido sin Jon Snow :'( #Exagerada #AmorPlatónico

@atakaerin: RT @simerazzi: Mini Hikaye: Jon Snow

@Cronosplays: Gostei de um vídeo @YouTube de @cronosplays

@victoriaerika2: I took a buzzfeed quiz that told me Jon snow would be my game of thrones husband. Excuse me while I cry.

@MilcaPeguero: Horita le hacen uns 9 días a Jon Snow. Ofrécome!!! Muerte que se ha sufrido esa.

@ninelihsaz: BBTX0 المكتبة الصوتية للقرآن الكريم لا تحرم نفسك من الأجر وساعدنا في النشر Jon Snow

@TncyDemiral: RT @aysglsrl: Jon snow dan ne istediniz ya 😬😢😢😢😢

@CreamyJohnson: @RyanKainec77 Jon snow still alive in book? Stannis still alive?

@StrangeSocks: Am I supposed to carry on not knowing what jon snow doesn't know?

@slimbumzie: RT @Luvvie: Giving Jon Snow a proper send-off. #GameofThrones

@Escupela: Como va a morir jon snow,coño.

@belwoolfe: RT @DaisyLuffman: Who loves Jon Snow ??? I love Jon snow

@eljoserra: Malala please, Jon Snow.

@ismraisul: RT @GOT_qQuotes: "We are walking on a bridge of ice with an abyss on either side." -Jon Snow

@Fadil_Adamu: RT @OfficiallyDstar: Jon Snow, Sam Tarly and SATAN

@kilicserhat92: RT @simerazzi: Mini Hikaye: Jon Snow

@chlomoney14: @Ellajade99 hun it wasn't you it was my baby Jon Snow oh godd 💔💔💔

@ErwanSolo: RT @Biiiilal91: Respectez Jon Snow il a tué un marcheur blanc putain

@itsApp1e: I hope the red woman brings back alive Jon snow #GameofThrones #LordOfLight

@xxx_TYRI0N_xxx: Todos odiaban a Melisandre por haber quemado a Shireen y al final ahora todos les ruegan que reviva a Jon Snow. O sea que pedo.

@karaanderson_: Jon Snow now Rita this is too much pain for one week😭😭 #season4finale

@wusaeng: @Wizdom80 crawford has the best hair. Jon Snow like.

@hashsintag: RT @ErDeoShico: Declaraciones de Jon Snow mientras se desangraba: "Muy graciosos chicos pero, ahora en serio, ¿donde está mi tío Benjen?"

@evelynlonerganx: NO JON SNOW OH MY FUCKING GOD

@vkostinsky: RT @JKCorden: This might be my favorite so far.

@Kiyow_: @soFloweh "la mort de Jon Snow est-elle une fin en soi ?"

@Latabdullah: RT @sideshow: There's a street memorial honoring Jon Snow (featuring snow) in Williamsburg (via @Brokelyn)

@terryhodson1: What a shit week ,first Jon snow get fucked up then the Foo fighters cancel Wembley. #foofighterswembley #getwellsoondavegrohl

@JayCIaire: @jon_snow_420 my god

@Andreina2488: Jon snow muerto pero en la sexta regresa por el trono! #GOTxDIRECTV

@SiriusYugh: Jon Snow'un öldüğünün spoilerını yedim hepinizin amına koyim 5 dakika öncesine gidilmiyo mu

@AndyGriffins: @MarlenePedrad the way jon snow died tho wtf man

@BambiLynn25: Photo: sweepmoon: I legitimately just found this altar to Jon Snow on a street corner in Williamsburg....

@receitasss: @Jne7es e eu com o jon snow

@solonglibby: You know everything, Jon Snow.

@mgzlle: Nope, Jon Snow can't be dead cos Azor Ahai!

@kadir_gunerr: RT @simerazzi: Mini Hikaye: Jon Snow

@ValisteDictator: JON SNOW EST MORT

@MrZachMorgan: Awwww dead things and baby wolves!!! And Jon Snow was just like "Come on, can we PLEASE keep them?!" and Borimir's all like, "Fiiine."

@mr_mercuriall: Bir nöbet uğruna ya rab, ne jon snow'lar ölüyor ahjjshlfs

@mrskaiswife: JON SNOW *GRÅTER EN TÅR*

@alicedenham: I'll never be over Jon Snow

@semiplac: RT @simerazzi: Mini Hikaye: Jon Snow

@ryanbolton_: @umitsbecky he betrayed and killed Jon snow!!!

@exoesmuygaaay: @Josesalvhurtado jajajjaja khe *no ha visto la serie* *se quedo en el 3 o 4 libro* *no se acuerda* *le spoileron la muerte de jon snow*

@sirxns: no no no no no no no no JON SNOW

@tutopem: Jon Snow se foi mas minhas lágrimas prevalecem

@YourPowerIsMine: Photo: Brown hair with a tinge of blue. It goes green in unnatural light. RIP Jon Snow

@Lukekit: Jon Snow

@brianndetei: Jon snow will be back

@JudoJay: RT @jerreau: Jon Snow my nigga, I hate it had to be him

@jhallwood: RT @SweepMoon: I legitimately just found a Jon Snow vigil on the street in Brooklyn. @GameOfThrones #GameofThrones

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