Johnny Romano

American baseball player (Cleveland Indians).
Died on Monday March 4th 2019

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Tweets related to Johnny Romano:

@kbsa_01: El boleto de $ 15,50 pasará a $ 19,30. Votaron a favor: José Francisco Argañaraz, Roberto Avila, Rodolfo "Johnny Av… - 6 years ago

@ianzpotter: @hellothisisivan @OldRoberts953 I just killed King Johnny Romano today, which was good, but also Aristide, which wa… - 6 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Disability studies pioneer Mike Oliver; All-Star MLB catcher Johnny Romano; actors Beatriz Ta… - 6 years ago

@DadooFrank: RT @retrosimba: Johnny Romano, a two-time American League all-star with the Indians, died March 4, 2019, at 84. Revisit the story of how Ro… - 6 years ago


@retrosimba: Johnny Romano, a two-time American League all-star with the Indians, died March 4, 2019, at 84. Revisit the story o… - 6 years ago

@danielday: #RIP Johnny Romano, who was one of the first #Indians players I could name as a toddler. A fine player he was. - 6 years ago

@lyndonwise1: RIP Johnny Romano age 4 time all star catcher from years with Cleveland Indians....129… - 6 years ago

@Flynn63287592: R.I.P. former baseball player Johnny Romano. - 6 years ago

@damionhinds: Johnny Romano | Baseball player | Dead at 84 - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Johnny Romano - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Johnny Romano - #JohnnyRomano #Johnny #Romano #rip - 6 years ago

@JustDiedBot: RIP Johnny Romano, 84, American baseball player (Cleveland Indians). - 6 years ago

@theohrror: @lorisadd @Johnny__Love Mi lasci solo col romano juventino... - 6 years ago

@romano_stalin: RT @ListinDiario: Johnny Depp demanda a su exmujer Amber Heard por difamación - 6 years ago

@mrsjagger1: @David_Leavitt Uou forgot Johnny Pecorino Romano. - 6 years ago

@anomomisimalya: @Johnny__Love @theohrror hai fatto l'audio per Cost? Dai che almeno la voce ce l'hai bella (e quell'accento romano è fantastico) - 6 years ago

@Karaoke_God: Former Cleveland Indians catcher Johnny Romano died today. He was 84. - 6 years ago

@thevoiceofgod10: hey Ray Romano your number is coming up obituary Johnny Romano, 84, American baseball player (Cleveland Indians).[11] - 6 years ago

@ElaineMWill: @Johnny_TV2 Also: Daniel Romano. - 6 years ago

@borrelli3: @Indians lost a good one today. My cousin Johnny "Honey" Romano - 6 years ago

@anomomisimalya: @sensazionivarie @insanadimenta @Johnny__Love @JollyRoger____ Mi sa che io, l’uccello e il romano siamo di troppo, però vvb a entrambi ❤️ - 6 years ago

@giuu_romano: RT @ImagenRetro: Johnny Depp, 1999. - 6 years ago

@Johnny__Love: @JollyRoger____ @michelechiscusa @MaddaloniGiulia @theohrror Sei proprio romano guarda - 6 years ago

@Johnny_Potatoes: @CindyOtis_ Stay away from that new one with Ray Romano. Watched half the trailer and was a snot puddle. 😭 - 6 years ago

@Johnny_r98: RT @RealBautiM: Cayó la Alemania nazi, el fascismo italiano, la URSS (que fue la segunda potencia mundial), cayó el imperio mongol, el espa… - 6 years ago

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