Johnny Kingdom

English wildlife filmmaker
Died on Friday September 7th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Johnny Kingdom:

@johnny_rydeen: RT @midiplex: 今年もサインをたくさん書かせていただきました♪ TOKYO GAME SHOWのSQUARE ENIX MUSIC SHOPにてお買い求めくださいね〜!。私のサインCDは「KINGDOM HEARTS Concert -First Breath- A… - 6 years ago

@tarr_johnny: @G27Status finally picked up Kingdom Come Deliverance based on your recommendation and @JeremyPenter review, any sa… - 6 years ago

@Cynder_Restored: RT @Sonic9jct: hey Disney, here's a free one-- why don't you take Johnny Depp out of Kingdom Hearts and just give us a Treasure Planet worl… - 6 years ago

@johnny_mac57: @realDonaldTrump You’re not above the law - this is a republic, not your kingdom. You will be indicted, and convict… - 6 years ago


@HEARTGGUKIE: RT @taeilesbian: dystopia au in which johnny becomes king of drowned kingdom atlantis n has a human knight called ten n they fuck - 6 years ago

@taeilesbian: dystopia au in which johnny becomes king of drowned kingdom atlantis n has a human knight called ten n they fuck - 6 years ago

@fkntuck3r: Kelela Abra NAO SZA Bok bok Kingdom Kindness Arca Sampha Fka twigs Sango ATU Jessy Lanza Inc. Spzrkt Partynextdo… - 6 years ago

@sonsrap10: @marciaj64 @visitexmoor @Exmoor4all @exmoorzoo @VisitDevon It certainly is I love it there sadly I never met Johnny… - 6 years ago

@ManleighPark: RT @rtaylorjones: A magical friend has tragically died in an accident. Johnny Kingdom, we had so much fun together, you taught me so much a… - 6 years ago

@praise_johnny: RT @pastordavidfeso: Matthew 20:26-27 Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your serv… - 6 years ago

@corrlorna: RT @Aigas: Build with the help of Johnny Kingdom in 2006, the Kingdom Hide still brings us joy and excellent wildlife sightings all year ro… - 6 years ago

@LetHimselfGoBit: Whilst not wishing to speak ill of the dead i could not stand Johnny Kingdom and his style of ‘promoting’ nature -… - 6 years ago

@EdinburghWatch: RT @Dr_PamC: Oh no! We’ve lost Johnny Kingdom 😢 - 6 years ago

@Dr_PamC: Oh no! We’ve lost Johnny Kingdom 😢 - 6 years ago

@doktorzara: FIGURE SCHEDULE 2018/19 (so far) September - Fuu(MKR) Johnny Joestar(JJBA) October - Menace(Queen's Blade) Novembe… - 6 years ago

@joonuntold: @johnny_mp4 kingdom come by red velvet? - 6 years ago

@DWren6: @johnny_bhoy09 @borussia_en @mrgaz17 @KGlendinning4 @CraigHamilton8 The angriest man in the United Kingdom - 6 years ago

@Lucan_Mor: @lloydy_123 tbh that's why Johnny Kingdom was so amazing as a wildlife presenter - 6 years ago

@driftingcamera: RT @tweetbytheriver: '“When I see these badgers…I get electricity in my veins.” It sounded like something Iggy Pop might ad lib on a woodla… - 6 years ago

@mollyheaton: TV wildlife enthusiast Johnny Kingdom killed in digger accident - 6 years ago

@Mathew__Clayton: Caught by the Reaper: Johnny Kingdom - 6 years ago

@WitchieWheels: RT @Aigas: Build with the help of Johnny Kingdom in 2006, the Kingdom Hide still brings us joy and excellent wildlife sightings all year ro… - 6 years ago

@heavenlyrecs: RT @tweetbytheriver: '“When I see these badgers…I get electricity in my veins.” It sounded like something Iggy Pop might ad lib on a woodla… - 6 years ago

@Farmhousetree: RT @tweetbytheriver: '“When I see these badgers…I get electricity in my veins.” It sounded like something Iggy Pop might ad lib on a woodla… - 6 years ago

@il_cagnaccio: RT @tweetbytheriver: '“When I see these badgers…I get electricity in my veins.” It sounded like something Iggy Pop might ad lib on a woodla… - 6 years ago

@AberArtisans: RT @tweetbytheriver: '“When I see these badgers…I get electricity in my veins.” It sounded like something Iggy Pop might ad lib on a woodla… - 6 years ago

@tweetbytheriver: '“When I see these badgers…I get electricity in my veins.” It sounded like something Iggy Pop might ad lib on a woo… - 6 years ago

@America2055: RT @ThetempestJ: RIP Mr J Kingdom, tv legend. - 6 years ago

@J0hnB0yC: @tweetbytheriver For Johnny Kingdom : a small tribute : - 6 years ago

@tomobo_johnny: RT @Myojo_henshu: 本日9月14日、Mr.KINGの写真集『DREAM KINGDOM』が通算6回目の重版出来で、ついに“7刷”に! みなさまにご好評いただき、累計14万部となりました!! King & Princeになる前、Mr.KING時代の平野紫耀、永瀬廉… - 6 years ago

@NorthernEider: I was sorry to hear about the death of Johnny Kingdom. I enjoyed watching his programmes on Exmoor. I remember hi… - 6 years ago

@KungFu___Benny: Is Johnny Depp playing Jack Sparrow in Kingdom Hearts 3? - 6 years ago

@johnny_0074: RT @hikki_staff: 9/17(月・祝)昼12時〜夜9時48分オンエアの「ミュージックステーション ウルトラFES 2018」での歌唱曲が発表になりました! ゲームソフト『KINGDOM HEARTS III』テーマソング『誓い』を歌唱! 宇多田ヒカルの「ウルト… - 6 years ago

@johnniewrightie: RT @Aigas: Build with the help of Johnny Kingdom in 2006, the Kingdom Hide still brings us joy and excellent wildlife sightings all year ro… - 6 years ago

@davidfeso: @praise_johnny @pastordavidfeso We love you son. We consider it a privilege to serve God, His Kingdom, His people a… - 6 years ago

@Aigas: Build with the help of Johnny Kingdom in 2006, the Kingdom Hide still brings us joy and excellent wildlife sighting… - 6 years ago

@plapper22: RT @FarmingUK: Farmer and wildlife expert Johnny Kingdom has been killed in an accident involving a digger on his farmland - 6 years ago

@FarmingUK: Farmer and wildlife expert Johnny Kingdom has been killed in an accident involving a digger on his farmland - 6 years ago

@CzAivenev: Wildlife presenter Kingdom killed by digger "Unfortunately a legend has been lost", the family of Johnny Kingdom, 79, say in a statement. - 6 years ago

@barbaraclaudya: @BookMyShowID @UIPIndonesia 1. Rowan Atkinson sebagai Johnny English 2. Olga Kurylenko sebagai Ophelia 3. Emma Thom… - 6 years ago

@ALP_Bristol: #Johnny Kingdom *CORRECTION*As a tribute BBC FOUR to repeat our lovely series ‘Johnny Kingdom’s Year with the Birds… - 6 years ago

@DerbyshireTweet: RT @IndMediaGroup: TV nature presenter Johnny Kingdom is killed by digger - 6 years ago

@lihle_ntushelo: RT @OfWiseCracks: ~he man masters of the universe X-men evolution Ben 10 TMNT Wizards of waverly place Batman the animated series Power r… - 6 years ago

@Kids_Gotta_Run: RT @OfWiseCracks: ~he man masters of the universe X-men evolution Ben 10 TMNT Wizards of waverly place Batman the animated series Power r… - 6 years ago

@johnny_sox: @MarkDice But the answer to what "Country" they were from is NONE! It's a Kingdom!!! So I can make fun too!!!! Sad… - 7 years ago

@rubenbalcaraz1: RT @Tracking_Signs: A tribute to Johnny Kingdom we lost this week. Although said will not post photo's of #NewForest red deer stags, though… - 7 years ago

@NorBadTrust: RT @Andy19661969: I had the pleasure filming Johnny Kingdom earlier this year for a new tv show we were hoping to make with him. @WildlifeT… - 7 years ago

@yorkshireis: RT @IndMediaGroup: TV nature presenter Johnny Kingdom is killed by digger - 7 years ago

@Johnny_Burn: RT @BugCatcherWill: Things that happened in-between Kingdom Hearts 2 and 3: -3 smash games -3 presidents -11 Assassin’s Creed games -3 dif… - 7 years ago

@pontylady: RT @rtaylorjones: A magical friend has tragically died in an accident. Johnny Kingdom, we had so much fun together, you taught me so much a… - 7 years ago

@bishopgodalming: Still very sad about this. Johnny Kingdom was a star. - 7 years ago

@telegraphobits: RT @EcoInternet3: Johnny Kingdom, poacher turned #wildlife filmmaker – obituary: Telegraph - 7 years ago

@praise_johnny: RT @pastordavidfeso: Luke 4:42-43 And when it was day, he departed and went into a desert place: and the people sought him, and came unto h… - 7 years ago

@persenche: @mcclure111 The Toadies, Possum Kingdom (more bleak horror) and a whole bunch of women who were pushed aside by re… - 7 years ago

@ArmeanuAndrei: of the one and only 99 percenter the guy or the woman which helped Johnny stream his opinions out live and obviousl… - 7 years ago

@TrevorTurvey1: RT @rtaylorjones: A wonderful, magical friend has died in a tragic accident. Johnny Kingdom and I spent 5 joyous years together filming the… - 7 years ago

@TheoLewis_S37: For the Johnny Enquiries... @ London, United Kingdom - 7 years ago

@Londonislovinit: RT @DM_Promotion: RT @Londonislovinit: RT @IndMediaGroup: TV nature presenter Johnny Kingdom is killed by digger - 7 years ago

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