John William Ashe

American diplomat
Died on Wednesday June 22nd 2016

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to John William Ashe:

@buzzyanne: Careful, Loretta 👉 Remember John William Ashe 🔥 Democrats groan after Bill Clinton meets Loretta Lynch - POLITICO - 9 years ago

@Panama_UN: At the General Assembly saying a last goodbye to Ambassador H.E. John William Ashe, from Antigua and Barbuda. #RIP - 9 years ago

@crookedgop: John William Ashe - 9 years ago

@OccupyOligarchy: John William Ashe - 9 years ago


@DeonHinds_Inc: John William Ashe, Antiguan diplomat, Died at 61 - 9 years ago

@damionhinds: John William Ashe, Antiguan diplomat, Died at 61 - 9 years ago

@121reggae: John William Ashe, Antiguan diplomat, Died at 61 - 9 years ago

@VybzEn: John William Ashe, Antiguan diplomat, Died at 61 - 9 years ago

@phillipwilby: John William Ashe, Antiguan diplomat, Died at 61 - 9 years ago

@entbuz: John William Ashe, Antiguan diplomat, Died at 61 - 9 years ago

@LeronLFC: RT @RIP_2016: John William Ashe. President of the #UnitedNations General Assembly 2013-14, has died whilst awaiting trial on corruption cha… - 9 years ago

@RIP_2016: John William Ashe. President of the #UnitedNations General Assembly 2013-14, has died whilst awaiting trial on corruption charges - 9 years ago

@Chibaula_DC: Signed Book of Condolences in memory & honour of Ex-President of @UN GA68 H.E. John William Ashe MHSRIEP @ABNYOffice - 9 years ago

@Magudani: RIP to former UN General Assembly president John William Ashe. - 9 years ago

@EyeOnTheReaper: John William Ashe, 66, Antiguan diplomat, President of the United Nations General Assembly (2013–2014), heart attack - 9 years ago

@Nekrologium: John William Ashe, antiguanischer Diplomat, am 22.06.2016 im Alter von 61 Jahren - - 9 years ago

@WendyJulius22: John William Ashe, Ex-Diplomat Accused in U.N. Corruption Case, Dies at 61 - - 9 years ago

@ChristyHarden45: John William Ashe, Ex-Diplomat Accused in U.N. Corruption Case, Dies at 61 - - 9 years ago

@JellySmith45: John William Ashe, Ex-Diplomat Accused in U.N. Corruption Case, Dies at 61 - - 9 years ago

@WilliamJulos33: John William Ashe, Ex-Diplomat Accused in U.N. Corruption Case, Dies at 61 - - 9 years ago

@AlbertLloyd25: John William Ashe, Ex-Diplomat Accused in U.N. Corruption Case, Dies at 61 - - 9 years ago

@debra55555: RT @DrWhoisin: @castletoking @dawnmariefhl Read the article, John William Ashe: - 9 years ago

@DrWhoisin: @castletoking @dawnmariefhl Read the article, John William Ashe: - 9 years ago

@NewsRotator: John William Ashe, Ex-Diplomat Accused in U.N. Corruption Case, Dies at 61 - 9 years ago

@ConnieKozak45: John William Ashe, Ex-Diplomat Accused in U.N. Corruption Case, Dies at 61 - - 9 years ago

@LisaBruce55: John William Ashe, Ex-Diplomat Accused in U.N. Corruption Case, Dies at 61 - - 9 years ago

@MargaretFlood88: John William Ashe, Ex-Diplomat Accused in U.N. Corruption Case, Dies at 61 - - 9 years ago

@WaldenSnick: John William Ashe, Ex-Diplomat Accused in U.N. Corruption… - 9 years ago

@worldnews_upda: John William Ashe, Ex-Diplomat Accused in U.N. Corruption Case, Dies at 61 - 9 years ago

@ChristineJohn88: John William Ashe, Ex-Diplomat Accused in U.N. Corruption Case, Dies at 61 - - 9 years ago

@EricaGraham45: John William Ashe, Ex-Diplomat Accused in U.N. Corruption Case, Dies at 61 - - 9 years ago

@GertrudeYoung88: John William Ashe, Ex-Diplomat Accused in U.N. Corruption Case, Dies at 61 - - 9 years ago

@JenniferBerry88: John William Ashe, Ex-Diplomat Accused in U.N. Corruption Case, Dies at 61 - - 9 years ago

@agendalatin: John William Ashe, Ex-Diplomat Accused in U.N. Corruption Case, Dies at 61: Mr. Ashe, a former pres... - 9 years ago

@savicjason: John William Ashe, Ex-Diplomat Accused in U.N. Corruption Case, Dies at 61: Mr. Ashe, a former president of t... - 9 years ago

@irafaelbarros: John William Ashe, Ex-Diplomat Accused in U.N. Corruption Case, Dies at 61: Mr. Ashe, a former president of t... - 9 years ago

@R_Hason: John William Ashe, Ex-Diplomat Accused in U.N. Corruption Case, Dies at 61: Mr. Ashe, a former president of t... - 9 years ago

@EduardoRoo: John William Ashe, Ex-Diplomat Accused in U.N. Corruption Case, Dies at 61 - 9 years ago

@asmui_ahmad: John William Ashe, Ex-Diplomat Accused in U.N. Corruption Case, Dies at 61: Mr. Ashe, a former president of t... - 9 years ago

@pressnewss: John William Ashe, Ex-Diplomat Accused in U.N. Corruption Case, Dies at 61: Mr. Ashe, a former president of t... - 9 years ago

@GSDinversiones: John William Ashe, Ex-Diplomat Accused in U.N. Corruption Case, Dies at 61: Mr. Ashe, a former president of t... - 9 years ago

@rculzonifox: John William Ashe, Ex-Diplomat Accused in U.N. Corruption Case, Dies at 61 - 9 years ago

@The_Mexico_News: John William Ashe, Ex-Diplomat Accused in U.N. Corruption Case, Dies at 61: Mr. Ashe, a former president of t... - 9 years ago

@News_on_world: John William Ashe, Ex-Diplomat Accused in U.N. Corruption Case, Dies at 61: Mr. Ashe, a former... - 9 years ago

@Dr_joelui: John William Ashe, Ex-Diplomat Accused in U.N. Corruption Case, Dies at 61: Mr. Ashe, a former president of t... - 9 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: John William Ashe is no longer with us - #JohnWilliamAshe #John #WilliamAshe #rip - 9 years ago

@JustDiedBot: RIP John William Ashe, 66, American diplomat, President of the United Nations General Assembly (2013-2014), heart attack. - 9 years ago

@iburundi: John William Ashe who was facing criminal charges in the US is dead due to massive heart attack! - 9 years ago

@PhilipAMonteiro: John William Ashe, friend, diplomat, former UNGA president and Dobbs Ferry local has passed away. This is a sad day for us. - 9 years ago

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