John Walton, Baron Walton of Detchant

British politician
Died on Thursday April 21st 2016

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Tweets related to John Walton, Baron Walton of Detchant:

@Nekrologium: John Walton, Baron Walton of Detchant, britischer Politiker, am 21.04.2016 mit 93 Jahren. - 9 years ago

@EyeOnTheReaper: John Walton, Baron Walton of Detchant, 93, British politician, Member of the House of Lords (since 1989). - 9 years ago

@DeonHinds_Inc: John Walton, Baron Walton of Detchant, British politician, Died at 93 - 9 years ago

@damionhinds: John Walton, Baron Walton of Detchant, British politician, Died at 93 - 9 years ago


@121reggae: John Walton, Baron Walton of Detchant, British politician, Died at 93 - 9 years ago

@VybzEn: John Walton, Baron Walton of Detchant, British politician, Died at 93 - 9 years ago

@phillipwilby: John Walton, Baron Walton of Detchant, British politician, Died at 93 - 9 years ago

@entbuz: John Walton, Baron Walton of Detchant, British politician, Died at 93 - 9 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: R.I.P John Walton, Baron Walton of Detchant - #John #rip - 9 years ago

@StuffThatIsDead: John Walton, Baron Walton of Detchant has popped their clogs: - 9 years ago

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