John Simon

Serbian-born American theatre critic.
Died on Monday November 25th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to John Simon:

@shotaroooo663: RT @KakutogiWorld: RIZIN 20 card Kai x Manel Kape Prochazka x CB Dollaway Hamasaki x Hamderlei Patricky Pitbull x Luiz Gustavo Tofiq Musay… - 5 years ago

@Delisketo: RT @KakutogiWorld: RIZIN 20 card Kai x Manel Kape Prochazka x CB Dollaway Hamasaki x Hamderlei Patricky Pitbull x Luiz Gustavo Tofiq Musay… - 5 years ago

@KakutogiWorld: RIZIN 20 card Kai x Manel Kape Prochazka x CB Dollaway Hamasaki x Hamderlei Patricky Pitbull x Luiz Gustavo Tofiq… - 5 years ago

@simon_lindsell: RT @MichaelRosenYes: @LordJohnMann I mean, when @dannythefink (who has blocked me) said that my views were 'atypical' for a Jew, he was imp… - 5 years ago


@simon_colwell: @InnesKay @alan_john_moran Ever seen Children of the Corn? - 5 years ago

@thelauratheory_: RT @sarahcorbett70: If you're into ecopoetics/nature poetry/Romantics, Simon Kovesi's John Clare: Nature, Criticism and history is on sale… - 5 years ago

@Nanovillacampa: RT @pablotexon: Lleva al entrenamiento libros de Saint-Simon, Auguste Comte y John Stuart Mill. - 5 years ago

@CestrianNorth: This week our KS4 English Literature students had the privilege of hearing Simon Armitage, Carol Ann Duffy, Gillian… - 5 years ago

@Zombie_Simon: someone book John Morrison vs Ricochet immediately please - 5 years ago

@smythe_simon: RT @FisherAndrew79: John McDonnell: “It’s three weeks to Christmas. With children going hungry and homeless are we really living up to the… - 5 years ago

@w1bble: RT @libdemfightbac: @john_sipher @campbellclaret @theJeremyVine @brianklaas @ChukaUmunna @CNN @DavidLammy @EdwardJDavey @EmmaLBriant @NarcA… - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: "If I can’t convince these imbeciles of anything, I can at least annoy them, and I think I do a reasonably good job… - 5 years ago

@ChrisPParks: RT @Jayrgoodall: I hope Simon Schama and “John Le Carre” and Anthony Beevor are covered in shame and embarrassment. - 5 years ago

@ChiecocoG: RT @Rejoice_Holy: Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are su… - 5 years ago

@antsie_: RT @Jayrgoodall: I hope Simon Schama and “John Le Carre” and Anthony Beevor are covered in shame and embarrassment. - 5 years ago

@SeunbabaraAlabi: RT @BELLOCENTRE: The Aguma of Bassa HRH Keke Williams Jimba, families of deceased kinsmen in Emoyonku, the homes of late PDP stalwart, Chie… - 5 years ago

@Jayrgoodall: I hope Simon Schama and “John Le Carre” and Anthony Beevor are covered in shame and embarrassment. - 5 years ago

@Scherezhade: John Spartan vs Simon Phoenix. This keeps playing. I am not queuing it up. I swear. - 5 years ago

@hickoryhill8520: and so also were James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. And Jesus said to Simon, “Do not f… - 5 years ago

@wildwalkerwoman: RT @libdemfightbac: @john_sipher @campbellclaret @theJeremyVine @brianklaas @ChukaUmunna @CNN @DavidLammy @EdwardJDavey @EmmaLBriant @NarcA… - 5 years ago

@LouieTheRed1: @RobertA21324401 @MariaSherwood2 @BMHayward You lot have been saying that since day 1 and yet she is still way more… - 5 years ago

@GRANDFINERY: Vintage Set 6 Royal Doulton Mini Toby Jugs with Display Shelf Jester Turpin Brown Simon Granny John… - 5 years ago

@Trun13: RT @NextGenStats: DeAndre Hopkins was traveling 12.07 MPH when he flipped the ball forward to Deshaun Watson for the 6-yard TD reception.… - 5 years ago

@KillingTimeToo: RT @Papillons888: @MichaelRosenYes @simon_r_katz @Dannythefink This dispute should be refereed to the Antisemitism Tsar, Lord John of Basse… - 5 years ago

@AllenLee76: @Englishgentlem9 @simon_ball46 @EstherMcVey1 @MailOnline When she answers why she covered up thousands of deaths ca… - 5 years ago

@WalleyVision: @simongrant61 @wall_pit @john_mcguirk Simon - we’re off the hook on this one. Eircodes are a wholly Irish initiative. - 5 years ago

@CallandBernard: @LabourLetts @EmilyThornberry Brilliant, wish I could have been there. Come on Simon let us get rid of the laziest… - 5 years ago

@fmccarron1: RT @HarropFold: We’ve had an incredible day at the GCSE Poetry Live event in Manchester! Poets included Carol Ann Duffy, Simon Armitage, Jo… - 5 years ago

@simon_r_katz: RT @jdd2169: @missjulialee @TomDoubting @Thumper5465 @rockscot1 @PATRIQT_1776 @JDW714 @DectiveSamSpade @JohnBrown5900 @LiberalKelli @skeedu… - 5 years ago

@thaoworra: In many ways, he sounds like such a terrible, terrible man, but I have to respect the poetry of how he left the wor… - 5 years ago

@gavin_laing: @NBiffs What was John Simon thinking on the play before - trying to kick a long range field goal when you’re already up by 1. - 5 years ago

@john_spreckley: RT @Tailgator1: Simon Birmingham is arguing that only those of 'good character' are worthy of medical treatment! So it comes down to placin… - 5 years ago

@john_simon_2: RT @FreeMemesKids: Me: *finally getting some sleep* Alarm: - 5 years ago

@TiffinParents: RT @LinnRecords: @MusicWebInt @DunedinConsort @MaxwellQuartet @Liz67Kenny Simon Thompson chose John Butt and @DunedinConsort's recording of… - 5 years ago

@iamthesportsgod: 😂😂😂 just caught the, “...and I think that John Simon understands that...” - 5 years ago

@mcnsullivan: RT @aldaily: John Simon and the art of the brutal pan. "When he saw something he hated, he eviscerated it and ate its liver, and those meal… - 5 years ago

@aldaily: John Simon and the art of the brutal pan. "When he saw something he hated, he eviscerated it and ate its liver, and… - 5 years ago

@seanaverage: RT @robertkilcoyne2: Coldplay have now had more U.K. Number 1 albums than these acts:- Elton John Paul McCartney (with Wings and solo) Geor… - 5 years ago

@jordanBhall: RT @juliedonaldson: Registration is now open for this year's Boxing Day Dip in #Redcar. You sign up for £10 and then get raising money for… - 5 years ago

@Jharrison22: RT @juliedonaldson: Registration is now open for this year's Boxing Day Dip in #Redcar. You sign up for £10 and then get raising money for… - 5 years ago

@itsreallyalexb: RT @nancylevine: @joncoopertweets John Bolton Called a 'Self-Interested Coward' for Not Testifying in Impeachment Probe. @AdamRothberg You… - 5 years ago

@_John_Simon_: RT @BuffaloBills: Sunday. Night. Football. #BillsMafia | #GoBills - 5 years ago

@_John_Simon_: RT @AdamSchefter: Bills-Steelers flexed to SNF in Week 15. - 5 years ago

@BGlobeSports: John Simon giving Patriots an edge, and plenty more. - 5 years ago

@_John_Simon_: Bills game got flexed! - 5 years ago

@SethAMandel: RT @PhilipTerzian: Me on #JohnSimon, who died last week at 94, in @dcexaminer. When he lost his perch at New York Magazine (2005) I asked h… - 5 years ago

@protectnessian: perai, que foi muita informação, preciso alinhar aqui -John tem alguma doença terminal ??? - Esse namorado virtua… - 5 years ago

@wjmcgurn: RT @PhilipTerzian: Me on #JohnSimon, who died last week at 94, in @dcexaminer. When he lost his perch at New York Magazine (2005) I asked h… - 5 years ago

@Dale07149987: @BenVolin John Simon, Chung poor tackles - 5 years ago

@LukaSalazar: Should've been a sack by John Simon and that score doesn't happen. Lame. - 5 years ago

@ChrisGem65: RT @itsbostoncream: John Simon is fast as fuck. - 5 years ago

@msaied56: winovich was in for john simon on that play and got completely wiped out. gave watson a very easy throwing lane on that completion to the TE - 5 years ago

@CltJrRugby: Looking forward to seeing my friend Dai Morgan back in the Carolinas for a quick scouting visit 😊. Sunny, Tob… - 5 years ago

@davidcellucci: Hey @Patriots can we stop with John Simon! He’s a practice squad player at best. Get chase winovich in the game! - 5 years ago

@thehoodedgenius: RT @tkyles39: Rarely see guys get out of John Simon's grasp. Ridiculous escape by Watson - 5 years ago

@CoachDBerger: Collinsworth calling John Simon “thicc” is why I love Collinsworth. - 5 years ago

@tkyles39: Rarely see guys get out of John Simon's grasp. Ridiculous escape by Watson - 5 years ago

@djdumont_20: John Simon after letting Watson get away - 5 years ago

@_thePatriot: Quase o sack de John Simon, não finalizou. Watson se livra da bola. Nem teve holding na jogada. #GoPats #NEvsHOU #SNF #NFL100 - 5 years ago

@Swagabara: John Simon you useless fuck - 5 years ago

@GMichaelBot: RT @BrokenFrameDM: I love love love love love love love love love love love love love… - 5 years ago

@buttigieg_simon: RT @PaulSaysTruth1: @Apollon101 @Conservatives They haven't built one affordable house since 2014 have only invested 1.4% into the NHS. Whe… - 5 years ago

@GoldCrucifix: "He’s dead as far as I’m concerned." Anjelica Huston in May 2019, after discovering critic John Simon (whose scathi… - 5 years ago

@BrokenFrameDM: I love love love love love love love love love love love love l… - 5 years ago

@trekonomicsbot: RT @Adrian_Dalby: Star Trek: Voyager Tuvix Kate Mulgrew, Robert Beltran, Roxann Biggs-Dawson, Jennifer Lien, Robert Duncan McNeill, Ethan P… - 5 years ago

@MSpan10: RT @Adrian_Dalby: Star Trek: Voyager Tuvix Kate Mulgrew, Robert Beltran, Roxann Biggs-Dawson, Jennifer Lien, Robert Duncan McNeill, Ethan P… - 5 years ago

@peterbgrady: @jgj1111 @simon_wilkie Same action as you John - 5 years ago

@supermofischer: RT @Mar_Sem_Fim: Amigo de Goethe, colega de Símon Bolivar, guru de Darwin, admirado por Thomas Jefferson; Humboldt influenciou até John Mui… - 5 years ago

@ConstanzaFFR: RT @Mar_Sem_Fim: Amigo de Goethe, colega de Símon Bolivar, guru de Darwin, admirado por Thomas Jefferson; Humboldt influenciou até John Mui… - 5 years ago

@max_bello_m: RT @Mar_Sem_Fim: Amigo de Goethe, colega de Símon Bolivar, guru de Darwin, admirado por Thomas Jefferson; Humboldt influenciou até John Mui… - 5 years ago

@ShakespeareonP1: How Could I Be Friends With John Simon? - 5 years ago

@jkavanagh: How Could I Be Friends With John Simon? - 5 years ago

@toninhoevans: RT @Mar_Sem_Fim: Amigo de Goethe, colega de Símon Bolivar, guru de Darwin, admirado por Thomas Jefferson; Humboldt influenciou até John Mui… - 5 years ago

@cristinahiba: RT @Mar_Sem_Fim: Amigo de Goethe, colega de Símon Bolivar, guru de Darwin, admirado por Thomas Jefferson; Humboldt influenciou até John Mui… - 5 years ago

@Mar_Sem_Fim: Amigo de Goethe, colega de Símon Bolivar, guru de Darwin, admirado por Thomas Jefferson; Humboldt influenciou até J… - 5 years ago

@simon_brew: RT @Conservatives: Jeremy Corbyn and Labour would hit the pockets of pensioners across Britain. #CostOfCorbyn - 5 years ago

@BroKen624: RT @tetelestai316: So Jesus said to the twelve, "Do you want to go away as well?" Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? Yo… - 5 years ago

@JamesRusbridger: RT @JamesRusbridger: People associated with LJS Synagogue (St John's Wood Synagogue): • Evelyn & Lynn de Rothschild (#BlackBook) • Jessic… - 5 years ago

@tetelestai316: So Jesus said to the twelve, "Do you want to go away as well?" Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we g… - 5 years ago

@BrookesEnglish: RT @sarahcorbett70: If you're into ecopoetics/nature poetry/Romantics, Simon Kovesi's John Clare: Nature, Criticism and history is on sale… - 5 years ago

@simon_sitar: RT @Rachael_Swindon: Watch John Cleese point out the British press have been judged the least trusted in Europe for 4 consecutive years. Th… - 5 years ago

@Simon_FBFE: RT @Rachael_Swindon: Watch John Cleese point out the British press have been judged the least trusted in Europe for 4 consecutive years. Th… - 5 years ago

@Hitsofthe70s: - 5 years ago

@Phiwo_19: RT @Adam_Worldwide: You need JESUS but not only him also his 12 apostles: Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew,… - 5 years ago

@alison_fure: RT @sarahcorbett70: If you're into ecopoetics/nature poetry/Romantics, Simon Kovesi's John Clare: Nature, Criticism and history is on sale… - 5 years ago

@MichaelRosenYes: RT @sarahcorbett70: If you're into ecopoetics/nature poetry/Romantics, Simon Kovesi's John Clare: Nature, Criticism and history is on sale… - 5 years ago

@1066Live: #RT @Variety: John Simon: Now That He’s Gone, the Image of the Critic as Hater May Have Died Out Too (Column) - 5 years ago

@slywiax: RT @DCRolePlayTR: Boş karakterler listesi: Harley Quinn, Katana, Poison Ivy, Vixen, Deathstroke, Deadshot, Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner, Sodam… - 5 years ago

@DCRolePlayTR: Boş karakterler listesi: Harley Quinn, Katana, Poison Ivy, Vixen, Deathstroke, Deadshot, Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner,… - 5 years ago

@sandrashevey: @fsgbooks Can authors submit directly? [email protected] sandrasheveyinterviews YouTube (Rock Hudson, Carrie… - 5 years ago

@momentsoffilm: Ha. Someone reviewed him. Afraid it’s not positive. ~ John Simon: Now That He’s Gone, the Image of the Critic as Ha… - 5 years ago

@Jesus_Savior: John 18:25 NIV—Meanwhile, Simon Peter was still standing there warming himself. So they asked… - 5 years ago

@thepressboxpod: What we’re reading: ⁦@OwenGleiberman⁩ on the death of critic John Simon. - 5 years ago

@bryancurtis: The movie criticism that died with John Simon by ⁦@OwenGleiberman⁩ - 5 years ago

@ApricotFilmsLLC: John Simon: Now That He’s Gone, the Image of the Critic as Hater May Have Died Out Too (Column) - 5 years ago

@Reabe5: RT @Adam_Worldwide: You need JESUS but not only him also his 12 apostles: Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew,… - 5 years ago

@mahlatse68: RT @Adam_Worldwide: You need JESUS but not only him also his 12 apostles: Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew,… - 5 years ago

@King_Owl: @eevee Mike Birbiglia, Iliza Shlesinger, John Mulaney, Bo Burnham & Simon Amstell are all superb places to start. - 5 years ago

@OneFortyReviews: John Simon: Now That He’s Gone, the Image of the Critic as Hater May Have Died Out Too (Column) - 5 years ago

@simon_lindsell: RT @donwinslow: According to my Justice Department sources @realDonaldTrump is blackmailing @LindseyGrahamSC I was a private investigator… - 5 years ago

@truthglow: RT @MRosenberg2020: Loathsome homophobe, racist, misogynist John Simon, Wide-Ranging Critic With a Cutting Pen, Dies at 94 - 5 years ago

@DennisCEarl: This is the best piece about the heelish late film critic John Simon that I've read: - 5 years ago

@sethfelson: Richard Jay-Alexander - 5 years ago

@John_KissMyBot: RT @Briteeye777: You can Thank US District Court Judge MICHAEL SIMON for this. He is, Of Course, an Obama appointee. The Policy would have… - 5 years ago

@mommytheteacher: Who is Jesus? Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom… - 5 years ago

@Hyena1962Dogs: RT @Livid2point0: John Simon, Wide-Ranging Critic With a Cutting Pen, Dies at 94 - 5 years ago

@RTerriers: RT @Livid2point0: John Simon, Wide-Ranging Critic With a Cutting Pen, Dies at 94 - 5 years ago

@marathe: #Top1043 Classic rock songs on @Q1043 257 Mrs. Robinson - Simon & Garfunkel 258 Bennie And The Jets - Elton John 25… - 5 years ago

@1ive1ove1earn: RT @Variety: John Simon: Now That He’s Gone, the Image of the Critic as Hater May Have Died Out Too (Column) - 5 years ago

@JohnClarePoetry: RT @sarahcorbett70: If you're into ecopoetics/nature poetry/Romantics, Simon Kovesi's John Clare: Nature, Criticism and history is on sale… - 5 years ago

@_perdiz_onE: RT @EWTNVatican: “Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, was one of the two who heard John & followed Jesus. He first found his own brother Si… - 5 years ago

@TicketTrap: RT @EWTNVatican: “Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, was one of the two who heard John & followed Jesus. He first found his own brother Si… - 5 years ago

@b3arnardinho_rs: Fale 4 personagens com quem você se identifica: - Chandler Bing (Friends) - Ryan O'Connell (Special) - Simon (Com… - 5 years ago

@dwrandwran: @rosearcanas simon looks like he's confused of what john is about to do kskkdksjd - 5 years ago

@EmpireDynamic: John Simon: Now That He’s Gone, the Image of the Critic as Hater May Have Died Out Too (Column)… - 5 years ago

@jilldelozier: @codylusnia Kenny Loggins, Carly Simon, Elton John, Fleetwood Mac... and the house always smelled like Windex, Pled… - 5 years ago

@rosearcanas: @dwrandwran john and simon are having a moment in that first pic dhdgsh - 5 years ago

@ZoomaZooma11: RT @JamesRusbridger: People associated with LJS Synagogue (St John's Wood Synagogue): • Evelyn & Lynn de Rothschild (#BlackBook) • Jessic… - 5 years ago

@barbsinbos: @1AdamParadox @vukosich @AiG because for one thing: John 6:68 67 So Jesus asked the Twelve, “Do you want to leave… - 5 years ago

@Suzyiam: @stuk1960 @sublimeligne62 @simonjbridges You're sticking with the 'facts' from a non-reputable outfit. That seems a… - 5 years ago

@richseng: @MrGroype @AnimeBibleVerse @EMichaelJones1 @brabakr No one is asking you to “bow”, but think about it, Jesus change… - 5 years ago

@NewYorkCity_com: RT @pete_wells: With John Simon & Clive James checking out the same week, we've got plenty of opportunity to reflect on the uses of critici… - 5 years ago

@AceParkhurst: RT @ArchieG1946: Signature • John Simon 1981 - YouTube The late John Simon on criticism. - 5 years ago

@ymlaenneyland: RT @FraserMercsport: Chairman's Special Achievement award: Cllr Simon Hancock announces the late John Williams. The award is presented to… - 5 years ago

@sjgiardini: RT @ArchieG1946: Signature • John Simon 1981 - YouTube The late John Simon on criticism. - 5 years ago

@monetsberet: RT @robertkilcoyne2: Coldplay have now had more U.K. Number 1 albums than these acts:- Elton John Paul McCartney (with Wings and solo) Geor… - 5 years ago

@PastorCrozier: “He first found his own brother Simon, and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which is translated, the Chris… - 5 years ago

@Austin_Whittel: @itsbostoncream @UMichFootball @Patriots @TomBrady @Wino And John Simon dumb Donut - 5 years ago

@Steph_11and78: RT @PhilAPerry: Bill Belichick says John Simon's role has expanded this year "maybe a little bit surprisingly" because he had a number of r… - 5 years ago

@Steph_11and78: RT @McKennAnalysis: Bill Belichick: John Simon is a "smart guy with a lot of skills. ... Whatever you ask him to do, you can count on it. H… - 5 years ago

@victorleeaustin: RT @flemingrut: My extraordinarily brilliant, maddening, unique friend John Simon just died. He was one of my important teachers because he… - 5 years ago

@jordy_john: @DrSimEvans Simon, you are wasting your life. This is nonsense.Hope the thousands in Madrid have a great party. - 5 years ago

@LetsLawLvGmusic: RT @robertkilcoyne2: Coldplay have now had more U.K. Number 1 albums than these acts:- Elton John Paul McCartney (with Wings and solo) Geor… - 5 years ago

@simon_sitar: Like Blackpool Rock: If you cut through the inside of McDonnell& Corbyn; It reads "LOVE CARE COMPASSION". This is… - 5 years ago

@col_bird: @john_simon_2 😂😂😂😂 - 5 years ago

@simon_ouel: @DrouinDa @GuylaineSimard4 Plus les John Kenny et Peter Downing de ce monde vont sortir toutes sortes d'absurdité c… - 5 years ago

@JMcnassor: @sortareligious @KitMickey @CalebStallings_ Everyone has a fav Dylan- listened to John Wesley Harding again today-… - 5 years ago

@thriftyfifty6: RT @GRANDFINERY: Vintage Set 6 Royal Doulton Mini Toby Jugs with Display Shelf Jester Turpin Brown Simon Granny John - 5 years ago

@nataliesdilemma: RT @robertkilcoyne2: Coldplay have now had more U.K. Number 1 albums than these acts:- Elton John Paul McCartney (with Wings and solo) Geor… - 5 years ago

@holborne: “John Simon is dead, which must be as great a relief to him as to the multitude of artists he reviewed who survive… - 5 years ago

@familytreegirl: RT @slaveryuva: Enslaved people at UVA in 1824: Barrett, George, Tom, Jefferson, Winston, Humphrey, Primus, 2 Wyatts, Reubin, Moses, Ben, P… - 5 years ago

@GratefulBiker01: @Johnborge4 Hey John - so good to see you on DIYSOS in Bolton! Top job man. Simon - 5 years ago

@john_simon_2: @WalshZ10 Not. At. All. - 5 years ago

@CeeJLiv: @NBCSCameraGuys @UMich I was waiting for John Simon to just spear Brady into the turf during this. It’s too bad it never happened. - 5 years ago

@norrie2053: @CeresArabs Jim has his facts wrong Tayport signed Simon from Downfield/Montrose.He then left after a great season… - 5 years ago

@Views4rmMrsWest: RT @itscmonsta: PART 3 - RELIGION, RAPE, RACISM, & REVENGE From out of the swamp’s edge, in the back of the home, they came. All 5 of the… - 5 years ago

@WalshZ10: @john_simon_2 Deb would not be pleased - 5 years ago

@WalshZ10: @john_simon_2 😂😂😂 I’m ctfu - 5 years ago

@norrie2053: @CeresArabs Jim got his facts wrong Tayport signed Simon from Downfield/Montrose.He then left to go to OZ.On return… - 5 years ago

@simon_lindsell: RT @MikeOkuda: JOHN CARTER (of Mars), Andrew Stanton’s wonderful adaptation of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ classic story. My favorite space fanta… - 5 years ago

@TheNFLWire: Bill Belichick speaks highly of John Simon: 'A guy you can count on' - 5 years ago

@Patriots_Wire: Bill Belichick speaks highly of John Simon: 'A guy you can count on' - 5 years ago

@isaiah_houde: Bill Belichick speaks highly of John Simon: 'A guy you can count on' - 5 years ago

@austrisslavins1: RT @quiapochurch: SAINT ANDREW the Apostle, pray for us! Nov. 30 (Saturday) | Feast Day Brother of Simon Peter and disciple of John the Ba… - 5 years ago

@John_Burgess001: RT @woolstonlabour: Simon a hardworking bin man with a message to you. - 5 years ago

@john_simon_2: Told my mom i was going Black Friday shopping while im secretly at rams so she wont be disappointed in me. - 5 years ago

@Skyler_Owen: RT @ItsAntWright: Ohio State guys like Nate Ebner and John Simon just gotta deal with it - 5 years ago

@Simon_FBFE: RT @johnpilger: On 1 Dec, the new John Pilger film, 'The Dirty War on the NHS', will be released in UK cinemas. Pilger investigates the lon… - 5 years ago

@THE_OSU: @BryanKato3 I thought the same the year John Simon missed the game. We won. We won with QB's getting hurt too - 5 years ago

@john_simon_2: - 5 years ago

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