John Payne

American football coach (Saskatchewan Roughriders).
Died on Wednesday May 22nd 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to John Payne:

@fots_chryssy: More clips from my Muscle Beach workout at Venice while in LA! Also, new music on the way! 😉 📖: John 14:1 📹:… - 6 years ago

@OPRAmachine: Response by Berkeley Township to Susan E Payne on May 30, 2019. Partially successful. Good Morning,… - 6 years ago

@FindShotFirst: 👏 Congrats to @Its_me_Jack_ who found screenshot #102165 "Max Payne" (John Moore-2008). - 6 years ago

@k_d_payne: RT @FrEliasVillis: “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of goo… - 6 years ago


@FrappMocha: @john_dc_payne Lol haha! 👊 - 6 years ago

@john_dc_payne: @FrappMocha the nude wedding - 6 years ago

@john_dc_payne: @LukeStamper10 Nathan Cruz, Jimmy Havoc, Will Ospreay, Tengu or some filipino wrestlers like @SenyoritoJDL - 6 years ago

@john_dc_payne: @BpdBryan didnt even know that was a name. - 6 years ago

@john_dc_payne: @hazzachelseafc Managers need time. Sir Alex Ferguson 1st season at Man Utd was bad. Look at what he did. My Uncle is very happy lol - 6 years ago

@john_dc_payne: @hazzachelseafc plus ur got some exciting younger players too. - 6 years ago

@hazzachelseafc: @john_dc_payne 100%. You were all over us, in that first half but your strikers weren’t on it. I think it was a ter… - 6 years ago

@hazzachelseafc: @john_dc_payne Oh yeah, I’m sure. I expect Cech will come back to Chelsea this Summer as a goalkeeping coach, to ha… - 6 years ago

@john_dc_payne: @hazzachelseafc im annoyed due to terrible performance. Again usual issue for Arsenal. Defence needs sorting out a lot. - 6 years ago

@john_dc_payne: @hazzachelseafc let him. Although he didnt play im sure he is a great help in locker room etc. Calming influence. Still annoyed Ars lost - 6 years ago

@hazzachelseafc: @john_dc_payne Yep. 😂 Caballero played a handful of times for us, but Green not once made a senior professional app… - 6 years ago

@16bitdadblog: @john_dc_payne @RetroGameRater @DJS2k8 @theWellRedMage @RetroGifMonster I know that feeling, haha :D - 6 years ago

@john_dc_payne: @16bitdadblog @RetroGameRater @DJS2k8 @theWellRedMage @RetroGifMonster may try save up and get it. Waitinf for all bills to come out lol - 6 years ago

@lyndsay_payne: RT @SantannaMarquis: Bachelorette review Like: Garrett, Mike, Dustin, Kevin LOVE: Jed, Tyler C. Conner S. Peter, Luke S. Bad Vibes: Luke… - 6 years ago

@lovely_noise: @EmilyAnnWells "Whenever It Rains" - @_SarahDarling "Strong Anything" - Katrina Elam (I love the rain when it's re… - 6 years ago

@Gr3yC4t: After seeing John Wick 3 i know what i'm missing in life atm... a new Max Payne.... make it happen @RockstarGames - 6 years ago

@Coach_Payne: RT @latsondheimer: Santa Margarita appears headed to name UC Riverside assistant Justin Bell as basketball coach. Would be the first Africa… - 6 years ago

@LINZEE1969: @kennybrown131 @BritishProg @ASIA_John_Payne @originalasia @asiageoff - 6 years ago

@PaYnE_FuLL_LiFe: RT @FuckYugi: Thug: He’s out of bullets now’s our chance to kill him! John Wick: - 6 years ago

@rebajitasAmazon: Descuentazo!! Tripoli 1950 con un , 12,99€ a que esperas? - 6 years ago

@GamesWriting: @GameDesignDan I agree with you... EXCEPT... Max Payne 3 in its early stages encourages much more poise than either… - 6 years ago

@GameDesignDan: Max Payne's entire deal is leaping through the air and shooting, usually in slow motion - something I'm pretty conv… - 6 years ago

@GameDesignDan: People who say that a John Wick game should be like Max Payne either haven't seen John Wick or haven't played Max Payne I swear to god - 6 years ago

@armyvet_Payne: @JosephGillMA Would you gamble and trade Cp3 contract for John Wall’s considering he’s 4 years younger? - 6 years ago

@HalfOffOC: 50% Off Asia Featuring John Payne Tickets at The Coach House #sanjuancapistrano #asia #featuring #john #payne… - 6 years ago

@ClintChasteen: Omg the John Saunders / Payne Stewart/ Hirambe audio was the absolute best!! - 6 years ago

@melvitto: john wick really real life max payne - 6 years ago

@JusticeTyrwhit: (5) the seid John and Mabill ayayn (against) lawe and conscience. Wherefore please it youre good lordship the premi… - 6 years ago

@griffjane: @Ness4612R @KiwiButts @TTGTravelQueen @orangutans @DrBirute @bogimyan @orangulandtrust @rita_moira @WorldResources… - 6 years ago

@EkowoReThink76: RT @ArizonaMirror: Rep. John Allen - District 15 asked, “Can we virtually shoot the head of Clean Elections?” Rep. Kevin Payne responded th… - 6 years ago

@Yeswave1: @MattCohenBass @TrinityLiveUK2 The John Payne Asia albums are overlooked and under appreciated. - 6 years ago

@TurnUSABlue2020: RT @ArizonaMirror: Rep. John Allen - District 15 asked, “Can we virtually shoot the head of Clean Elections?” Rep. Kevin Payne responded th… - 6 years ago

@DivaADC: RT @ArizonaMirror: Rep. John Allen - District 15 asked, “Can we virtually shoot the head of Clean Elections?” Rep. Kevin Payne responded th… - 6 years ago

@noeygriff: RT @ArizonaMirror: Rep. John Allen - District 15 asked, “Can we virtually shoot the head of Clean Elections?” Rep. Kevin Payne responded th… - 6 years ago

@JerodMacEvoy: RT @ArizonaMirror: Rep. John Allen - District 15 asked, “Can we virtually shoot the head of Clean Elections?” Rep. Kevin Payne responded th… - 6 years ago

@SafeH2o4Schools: RT @ArizonaMirror: Rep. John Allen - District 15 asked, “Can we virtually shoot the head of Clean Elections?” Rep. Kevin Payne responded th… - 6 years ago

@classicmovierev: Happy 107 birthday to John Payne born 5/28/1912 #JohnPayne - 6 years ago

@ArizonaMirror: Rep. John Allen - District 15 asked, “Can we virtually shoot the head of Clean Elections?” Rep. Kevin Payne respond… - 6 years ago

@oreo9518_kate: RT @HarrisonFloydGA: Lcpl James D. Hirlston 8/23/2006 Lcpl Howard S March Jr 9/24/2006 Lcpl John E Hale 10/06/2006 Cpl Bradford H Payne… - 6 years ago

@TomBielawski: RT @HarrisonFloydGA: Lcpl James D. Hirlston 8/23/2006 Lcpl Howard S March Jr 9/24/2006 Lcpl John E Hale 10/06/2006 Cpl Bradford H Payne… - 6 years ago

@All_Jacked_Up13: @PrestonEmick @antihero_kate Agreed, with the added caveat that the ‘left-right’ distinction is a broken label that… - 6 years ago

@kennybrown131: @LINZEE1969 @BritishProg @ASIA_John_Payne @originalasia First album set the template, Aura was a quite wonderful album - 6 years ago

@Hemp4Twenty: Missouri's medical marijuana law one of the best - 6 years ago

@TC_Payne: RT @MattsIdeaShop: John Wick’s brother, Josh Wick, sees his cat murdered by thugs. Josh, using his skills from a past life as a patent atto… - 6 years ago

@sudantherhino: @DrBirute do you know Dr John Junaidi Payne or Dr Zainal Zainuddin Zahari from BORA, Borneo rhino alliance? - 6 years ago

@LINZEE1969: @BritishProg For me the best albums are "Aura" and "Aqua" @ASIA_John_Payne @originalasia - 6 years ago

@ScarecrowVideo: Celebrating John Payne's birthday with "99 River Street." The movie has a weary lead trying to break out of a web… - 6 years ago

@AidenHatfield: @john_dc_payne So maybe try a different device :] - 6 years ago

@CoalhadaTM: @ndpaoletta John Payne is terrific in the final scene. - 6 years ago

@PDSongBot: Home, Sweet Home Music: Henry Rowley Bishop, 1823 Lyrics: John Howard Payne, 1823 - 6 years ago

@jhpcine: #BOTD John Payne. He was perfect to take us by the hand through the whole process of proving the existence of Santa… - 6 years ago

@ToddTroutman5: RT @HarrisonFloydGA: Lcpl James D. Hirlston 8/23/2006 Lcpl Howard S March Jr 9/24/2006 Lcpl John E Hale 10/06/2006 Cpl Bradford H Payne… - 6 years ago

@EricLendrum26: RT @HarrisonFloydGA: Lcpl James D. Hirlston 8/23/2006 Lcpl Howard S March Jr 9/24/2006 Lcpl John E Hale 10/06/2006 Cpl Bradford H Payne… - 6 years ago

@lane_noakes: RT @HarrisonFloydGA: Lcpl James D. Hirlston 8/23/2006 Lcpl Howard S March Jr 9/24/2006 Lcpl John E Hale 10/06/2006 Cpl Bradford H Payne… - 6 years ago

@TheFantasyHawk: @JoshAskarinam @john_keim @LRiddickESPN And we don’t know what’s smokescreens. You can’t listen to any reports the… - 6 years ago

@katiebrockland: John Payne posted prom pics but my ego has been left unfulfilled - 6 years ago

@cathrjbat: RT @HarrisonFloydGA: Lcpl James D. Hirlston 8/23/2006 Lcpl Howard S March Jr 9/24/2006 Lcpl John E Hale 10/06/2006 Cpl Bradford H Payne… - 6 years ago

@ohheckorama: RT @HarrisonFloydGA: Lcpl James D. Hirlston 8/23/2006 Lcpl Howard S March Jr 9/24/2006 Lcpl John E Hale 10/06/2006 Cpl Bradford H Payne… - 6 years ago

@HelenPins: - 6 years ago

@GraceRohlf: RT @HarrisonFloydGA: Lcpl James D. Hirlston 8/23/2006 Lcpl Howard S March Jr 9/24/2006 Lcpl John E Hale 10/06/2006 Cpl Bradford H Payne… - 6 years ago

@HelenPins: John Payne (born in Peterborough in 1532) was a Catholic priest ordained at Douai 1574. He was arrested in 1581/2,… - 6 years ago

@USAHEROSALUTE: RT @HarrisonFloydGA: Lcpl James D. Hirlston 8/23/2006 Lcpl Howard S March Jr 9/24/2006 Lcpl John E Hale 10/06/2006 Cpl Bradford H Payne… - 6 years ago

@HiAltDawg: RT @HarrisonFloydGA: Lcpl James D. Hirlston 8/23/2006 Lcpl Howard S March Jr 9/24/2006 Lcpl John E Hale 10/06/2006 Cpl Bradford H Payne… - 6 years ago

@Andy_S_Payne: RT @Fitba_Facts: Players’ Player of Year 🏆 Supporters’ Player of Year 🏆 Championship Goal of the Season 🏆 Dragging Villa back to Premier L… - 6 years ago

@ktdubya: RT @HarrisonFloydGA: Lcpl James D. Hirlston 8/23/2006 Lcpl Howard S March Jr 9/24/2006 Lcpl John E Hale 10/06/2006 Cpl Bradford H Payne… - 6 years ago

@mglegaux: RT @HarrisonFloydGA: Lcpl James D. Hirlston 8/23/2006 Lcpl Howard S March Jr 9/24/2006 Lcpl John E Hale 10/06/2006 Cpl Bradford H Payne… - 6 years ago

@FredConnolly: RT @HarrisonFloydGA: Lcpl James D. Hirlston 8/23/2006 Lcpl Howard S March Jr 9/24/2006 Lcpl John E Hale 10/06/2006 Cpl Bradford H Payne… - 6 years ago

@Woundguru1: RT @HarrisonFloydGA: Lcpl James D. Hirlston 8/23/2006 Lcpl Howard S March Jr 9/24/2006 Lcpl John E Hale 10/06/2006 Cpl Bradford H Payne… - 6 years ago

@RealDark_Kent: RT @HarrisonFloydGA: Lcpl James D. Hirlston 8/23/2006 Lcpl Howard S March Jr 9/24/2006 Lcpl John E Hale 10/06/2006 Cpl Bradford H Payne… - 6 years ago

@Treco3: RT @HarrisonFloydGA: Lcpl James D. Hirlston 8/23/2006 Lcpl Howard S March Jr 9/24/2006 Lcpl John E Hale 10/06/2006 Cpl Bradford H Payne… - 6 years ago

@HarrisonFloydGA: Lcpl James D. Hirlston 8/23/2006 Lcpl Howard S March Jr 9/24/2006 Lcpl John E Hale 10/06/2006 Cpl Bradford H Pay… - 6 years ago

@HertsTimelord: @RJamesAllen2 @MemorabiliaMal @UtdBeforeFergie @D98Red @MUFCMemorabilia @CalumBest Palace players look like John McCormick & David Payne. - 6 years ago

@john_dc_payne: @LuciferGirl666 like a joke saying thats reall good. Sorry it id a bad joke - 6 years ago

@john_dc_payne: @LuciferGirl666 result?? 🤔 - 6 years ago

@john_dc_payne: @EllipseEnt i enjoyed it - 6 years ago

@hazzachelseafc: @john_dc_payne 100% - 6 years ago

@john_dc_payne: @hazzachelseafc deserved to win - 6 years ago

@john_dc_payne: @fight_recovery I dont work now due to health but medically i had to do part time. Doctors orders. My chronic illness was breaking me lol - 6 years ago

@john_dc_payne: @tracy48760576 @heyitschloejade I see. Hope shes ok. I went to DM her to check up. Didnt expect to see her account suspended - 6 years ago

@tracy48760576: @john_dc_payne @heyitschloejade I had that the other day, didnt last long, someones complained probably - 6 years ago

@john_dc_payne: @EuronymooseLive cute dogs 😊 - 6 years ago

@john_dc_payne: Does anyone know why @heyitschloejade account been suspended? - 6 years ago

@john_dc_payne: @dontburnout_19 silly aint it Mercy. And annoying too. Esp my followers with MH who may think they did something but didnt - 6 years ago

@HellboyIsMyHero: @john_dc_payne Dustin Thomas was just in the aew battle royale. Check hin out! - 6 years ago

@HORMITEK: GPS - Full Album (2006) John Payne / Guthrie Govan / Jay Schellen / Ryo ... - 6 years ago

@Hel1982: @john_dc_payne It does x - 6 years ago

@john_dc_payne: @Hel1982 hope I make sense lo - 6 years ago

@john_dc_payne: @Hel1982 lol not saying u did. Idk the issue. In my experience people always want find someone to blame whether right or wrong etc. - 6 years ago

@john_dc_payne: @Liath_Grey physical or mental or whatever. Thought be cool to find out. Since i dont know. If there r I think they are amazing. - 6 years ago

@Hel1982: @john_dc_payne But why me apart from being asleep I didn't do it x - 6 years ago

@john_dc_payne: @Hel1982 people always need someone to blame. - 6 years ago

@john_dc_payne: @hazzachelseafc amazig by Charlton and Lee Bowyer - 6 years ago

@john_dc_payne: Silly question. Wrestlers and wrestling followers are there any pro wrestlers who perform whom suffer some kind of disability? Let me know 😊 - 6 years ago

@dream_angel720: RT @orangulandtrust: Please listen to Dr John Brian Payne​ of Borneo Rhino Alliance and PONGO Alliance discuss what Tam's death means for c… - 6 years ago

@john_dc_payne: @hazzachelseafc i have to disagree with u. Thats the beauty of wrestling. Many styles to enjoy. I love to see @JimmyHavoc vs @JonMoxley - 6 years ago

@john_dc_payne: Writing stories is so mind boggling. I get too many ideas and cant seem to structure it. I was gonna do horror, then fighting now magic lol - 6 years ago

@john_dc_payne: @scobrad81 @Twitter annoying thats all. Esp since some who they unfollowed I enjoy following. Eg @onmarsSarah2 etc. - 6 years ago

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