John Paul Stevens

American Supreme Court Justice (1975-2010).
Died on Wednesday July 17th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to John Paul Stevens:

@tkrzmarz: Stevens' greatest legacy won't be from the Supreme Court. - 6 years ago

@FrankCoulson7: RT @FLOTUS: We remember the extraordinary life & honorable work of Justice John Paul Stevens as @POTUS & I paid our respects inside the Gre… - 6 years ago

@NewYorkScribe: RT @cristianafarias: Wildly unusual things the Republican-appointed Justice John Paul Stevens did in retirement: -Called for the repeal of… - 6 years ago

@elinar1: RT @USATODAY: Supreme Court Associate Justice and liberal icon Ruth Bader Ginsburg has a message for friends and foes alike: She hopes to s… - 6 years ago


@beadpen: RT @FLOTUS: We remember the extraordinary life & honorable work of Justice John Paul Stevens as @POTUS & I paid our respects inside the Gre… - 6 years ago

@BLaw: Justice John Paul Stevens wrote over 1,000 opinions during his 34 years on the bench, the second-longest tenure of… - 6 years ago

@handinpocket925: RT @adamliptak: At Duke Law event tonight, RBG repeats, from remarks yesterday at Justice John Paul Stevens’s funeral, a conversation with… - 6 years ago

@EfrenIturralde: RT @CBSNews: Ruth Bader Ginsburg: "I am very much alive" - 6 years ago

@semereanaaa1: RT @ballotpedia: Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens died Tuesday at the age of 99. Stevens was appointed to the court by Presid… - 6 years ago

@_Sound_Around_: Ruth Bader Ginsburg: "I am very much alive" The Supreme Court justice took a dig at a late Republican senator who s… - 6 years ago

@BuddyDags: @brianyourbro I wonder what evidence John Paul Stevens had discovered - 6 years ago

@daph2345: RT @SafetyPinDaily: John Paul Stevens was right: Citizens United opened the door to foreign money in US elections | By Jon Schwarz - 6 years ago

@OutDrum: RT @CBSNews: Ruth Bader Ginsburg: "I am very much alive" - 6 years ago

@Stefanienewone: RT @CNN: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said she traveled with ret. Justice John Paul Stevens "in the last week of his life," and told him in… - 6 years ago

@keriRN: RT @CBSNews: Ruth Bader Ginsburg: "I am very much alive" - 6 years ago

@KellyAn89056655: RT @CBSNews: Ruth Bader Ginsburg: "I am very much alive" - 6 years ago

@BillEsteem: RT @CBSNews: Ruth Bader Ginsburg: "I am very much alive" - 6 years ago

@YvonneT73335729: RT @CBSNews: Ruth Bader Ginsburg: "I am very much alive" - 6 years ago

@Sylmois_World: RT @CBSNews: Ruth Bader Ginsburg: "I am very much alive" - 6 years ago

@MelissaQuinn97: RT @adamliptak: At Duke Law event tonight, RBG repeats, from remarks yesterday at Justice John Paul Stevens’s funeral, a conversation with… - 6 years ago

@scoochamend: RT @FLOTUS: We remember the extraordinary life & honorable work of Justice John Paul Stevens as @POTUS & I paid our respects inside the Gre… - 6 years ago

@NastyJackBuzz: NASTY JACK BUZZ: Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens: Repeal 2n... - 6 years ago

@CaplanComms: 85-year-old #SupremeCourt #Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said she hopes to remain on the bench "as long as" the late… - 6 years ago

@DrRimmer: RT @DrRimmer: Former Justice John Paul Stevens traveled to Portugal at age 99, Ginsburg reveals at his funeral - CNNPolitics - 6 years ago

@greg_krista: RT @USATODAY: Supreme Court Associate Justice and liberal icon Ruth Bader Ginsburg has a message for friends and foes alike: She hopes to s… - 6 years ago

@BillEsteem: RT @USATODAY: Supreme Court Associate Justice and liberal icon Ruth Bader Ginsburg has a message for friends and foes alike: She hopes to s… - 6 years ago

@AdvCape: RT @StanfordLaw: Over 80 former Clerks were present as retired Justice John Paul Stevens was carried into the high court's Great Hall for a… - 6 years ago

@jrdandron: RT @USATODAY: Supreme Court Associate Justice and liberal icon Ruth Bader Ginsburg has a message for friends and foes alike: She hopes to s… - 6 years ago

@StanfordLaw: Over 80 former Clerks were present as retired Justice John Paul Stevens was carried into the high court's Great Hal… - 6 years ago

@charluv2011: RT @USATODAY: "I have heard that there are some people on the Democratic side who would like to increase the number of judges," said Ginsbu… - 6 years ago

@pushandpulljlm: RT @USATODAY: Supreme Court Associate Justice and liberal icon Ruth Bader Ginsburg has a message for friends and foes alike: She hopes to s… - 6 years ago

@sheilarodriguez: RT @USATODAY: Supreme Court Associate Justice and liberal icon Ruth Bader Ginsburg has a message for friends and foes alike: She hopes to s… - 6 years ago

@handwovenlasers: RT @USATODAY: Supreme Court Associate Justice and liberal icon Ruth Bader Ginsburg has a message for friends and foes alike: She hopes to s… - 6 years ago

@charluv2011: RT @CNNPolitics: Ruth Bader Ginsburg traveled to Portugal with her former Supreme Court colleague John Paul Stevens "in the last week of hi… - 6 years ago

@democrat1947: RT @USATODAY: Supreme Court Associate Justice and liberal icon Ruth Bader Ginsburg has a message for friends and foes alike: She hopes to s… - 6 years ago

@DukeLaw: In her opening remarks RBG spoke admiringly of the late Justice John Paul Stevens, quoting from Hamlet: “Take him f… - 6 years ago

@judifowler: RT @CNNPolitics: Ruth Bader Ginsburg traveled to Portugal with her former Supreme Court colleague John Paul Stevens "in the last week of hi… - 6 years ago

@JenBetitYen: - 6 years ago

@4KevinASmith: John Paul Stevens Was Right: Citizens United Opened the Door to Foreign Money in U.S. Elections - 6 years ago

@occupytheport: RT @ifwhenhow: Did you know Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens stood up for young people’s access to abortion care — and argued fierce… - 6 years ago

@BradTho38188955: RT @FLOTUS: We remember the extraordinary life & honorable work of Justice John Paul Stevens as @POTUS & I paid our respects inside the Gre… - 6 years ago

@ReproRights: RT @ifwhenhow: Did you know Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens stood up for young people’s access to abortion care — and argued fierce… - 6 years ago

@JohnJChase1: @realjuliasong RBG had little statements interspaced in a Nina Totenberg Essay .Claimed to have traveled yo Portuga… - 6 years ago

@LEX18News: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg revealed Tuesday that she traveled with retired Justice John Paul Stevens "in the last… - 6 years ago

@WMAR2News: Former Justice John Paul Stevens traveled to Portugal at age 99, Ginsburg reveals at his funeral - 6 years ago

@DGC7711: RT @FLOTUS: We remember the extraordinary life & honorable work of Justice John Paul Stevens as @POTUS & I paid our respects inside the Gre… - 6 years ago

@Sanagyon: RT @FLOTUS: We remember the extraordinary life & honorable work of Justice John Paul Stevens as @POTUS & I paid our respects inside the Gre… - 6 years ago

@ifwhenhowfls: RT @ifwhenhow: Did you know Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens stood up for young people’s access to abortion care — and argued fierce… - 6 years ago

@dshesgreen: RT @wash_stories: Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, at 86, dreams of serving many more years by @richardjwolf - 6 years ago

@MikeorMrMike: RBG: "I said that my dream is that I will stay at the court as long as he (Justice John Paul Stevens) did. And his… - 6 years ago

@IPS_DC: U.S. law forbids any foreign individual, corporation, or government from spending money in U.S. elections. But tha… - 6 years ago

@JhaAmit91: RT @FLOTUS: We remember the extraordinary life & honorable work of Justice John Paul Stevens as @POTUS & I paid our respects inside the Gre… - 6 years ago

@kpsmartypants: - 6 years ago

@mitsdla: RT @FLOTUS: We remember the extraordinary life & honorable work of Justice John Paul Stevens as @POTUS & I paid our respects inside the Gre… - 6 years ago

@613JFC_Lucky: RT @FLOTUS: We remember the extraordinary life & honorable work of Justice John Paul Stevens as @POTUS & I paid our respects inside the Gre… - 6 years ago

@crazyhorse2126: RT @FLOTUS: We remember the extraordinary life & honorable work of Justice John Paul Stevens as @POTUS & I paid our respects inside the Gre… - 6 years ago

@ann_tagen: RT @FLOTUS: We remember the extraordinary life & honorable work of Justice John Paul Stevens as @POTUS & I paid our respects inside the Gre… - 6 years ago

@LiseLasalle: How John Paul Stevens Surprised Us via @thenation - 6 years ago

@ohfaircourts: "He believed fiercely in independence, in not going along with the crowd, in stating your own views no matter how d… - 6 years ago

@PSD202CAPE: RT @d202schools: Flags at all @d202schools buildings will fly at half staff from sunrise to sunset tomorrow, Tuesday, July 23 in memory of… - 6 years ago

@JacquelineAlim2: RT @FLOTUS: We remember the extraordinary life & honorable work of Justice John Paul Stevens as @POTUS & I paid our respects inside the Gre… - 6 years ago

@equipment79: RT @FLOTUS: We remember the extraordinary life & honorable work of Justice John Paul Stevens as @POTUS & I paid our respects inside the Gre… - 6 years ago

@AdamFre37994792: RT @FLOTUS: We remember the extraordinary life & honorable work of Justice John Paul Stevens as @POTUS & I paid our respects inside the Gre… - 6 years ago

@stewart21282855: RT @FLOTUS: We remember the extraordinary life & honorable work of Justice John Paul Stevens as @POTUS & I paid our respects inside the Gre… - 6 years ago

@CharlesSpearm18: RT @FLOTUS: We remember the extraordinary life & honorable work of Justice John Paul Stevens as @POTUS & I paid our respects inside the Gre… - 6 years ago

@Planet_Belfast: RT @MotherJones: Donald Trump—literally on his way to a ceremony honoring the late Justice John Paul Stevens—launched another attack agains… - 6 years ago

@BellasMom19: RT @FLOTUS: We remember the extraordinary life & honorable work of Justice John Paul Stevens as @POTUS & I paid our respects inside the Gre… - 6 years ago

@steven_m_scott: RT @FLOTUS: We remember the extraordinary life & honorable work of Justice John Paul Stevens as @POTUS & I paid our respects inside the Gre… - 6 years ago

@Husnain58736038: RT @FLOTUS: We remember the extraordinary life & honorable work of Justice John Paul Stevens as @POTUS & I paid our respects inside the Gre… - 6 years ago

@DaveKelley6: RT @MotherJones: Donald Trump—literally on his way to a ceremony honoring the late Justice John Paul Stevens—launched another attack agains… - 6 years ago

@JenPetterson: RT @MotherJones: Donald Trump—literally on his way to a ceremony honoring the late Justice John Paul Stevens—launched another attack agains… - 6 years ago

@drdej: RT @FLOTUS: We remember the extraordinary life & honorable work of Justice John Paul Stevens as @POTUS & I paid our respects inside the Gre… - 6 years ago

@Charmed0504: RT @kylegriffin1: Based on the pool report, Trump is attacking the Squad for being "a very Racist group of troublemakers" as he is en route… - 6 years ago

@khorah: RT @MotherJones: Donald Trump—literally on his way to a ceremony honoring the late Justice John Paul Stevens—launched another attack agains… - 6 years ago

@PilarZa16035678: RT @FLOTUS: We remember the extraordinary life & honorable work of Justice John Paul Stevens as @POTUS & I paid our respects inside the Gre… - 6 years ago

@NorthernWyoNews: Governor Gordon, pursuant to President Donald Trump's proclamation, has ordered both the U.S. and Wyoming flags be… - 6 years ago

@rspyboy: RT @MotherJones: Donald Trump—literally on his way to a ceremony honoring the late Justice John Paul Stevens—launched another attack agains… - 6 years ago

@suzgrl6: RT @FLOTUS: We remember the extraordinary life & honorable work of Justice John Paul Stevens as @POTUS & I paid our respects inside the Gre… - 6 years ago

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