John Nuraney

Kenyan-born Canadian politician
Died on Tuesday November 22nd 2016

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to John Nuraney:

@NotTemina: RT @ismailimail: In Memoriam: @SenJaffer tribute 2 late John Nuraney #SenCA #cdnpoli #bcpoli #ismaili - 8 years ago

@TUSKS71: RT @ismailimail: In Memoriam: @SenJaffer tribute 2 late John Nuraney #SenCA #cdnpoli #bcpoli #ismaili - 8 years ago

@SenJaffer: RT @ismailimail: In Memoriam: @SenJaffer tribute 2 late John Nuraney #SenCA #cdnpoli #bcpoli #ismaili - 8 years ago

@ismailimail: In Memoriam: @SenJaffer tribute 2 late John Nuraney #SenCA #cdnpoli #bcpoli #ismaili - 8 years ago


@Paderbornersj: RT @simerg: Passings: John Nuraney (1937 – 2016) - 8 years ago

@DuckChristine: - 8 years ago

@DuckChristine: Linchpin John Nuraney, 79, Kenyan Born Canadian Politician, Baphomet/Satan Aspect of Soul, Down 11/21/16 - 8 years ago

@sudeepkhatri: RT @SenJaffer: Sadly my friend John Nuraney has passed away. He was a genuine friend. Rest in peace. - 8 years ago

@OutstandingFive: Life Lived: John Nuraney, former Burnaby MLA remembered by BC Premier Clark as a 'gentleman' and a… - 8 years ago

@LocalBizzness: Life Lived: John Nuraney, former Burnaby MLA remembered by BC Premier Clark as a ‘gentleman’ and a respected lead... - 8 years ago

@rmbteach: RT @ismailimail: Life Lived: John Nuraney, former Burnaby MLA remembered by BC Premier Clark as a… - 8 years ago

@ismailimail: Life Lived: John Nuraney, former Burnaby MLA remembered by BC Premier Clark as a… - 8 years ago

@gulzara: Passings: John Nuraney (1937 – 2016) - 8 years ago

@gulzara: Passings: John Nuraney (1937 – 2016) - 8 years ago

@NotTemina: RT @simerg: Passings: John Nuraney (1937 – 2016) - 8 years ago

@99NamesProject: Passings: John Nuraney (1937 – 2016) - 8 years ago

@simerg: Passings: John Nuraney (1937 – 2016) - 8 years ago

@aleem_kanji: RT @christyclarkbc: John Nuraney was a truly honourable man, a mentor and a friend. My thoughts go out to his family-he will be missed. htt… - 8 years ago

@jwaldag: RT @SenJaffer: Sadly my friend John Nuraney has passed away. He was a genuine friend. Rest in peace. - 8 years ago

@DalydeGagne: RT @SenJaffer: Sadly my friend John Nuraney has passed away. He was a genuine friend. Rest in peace. - 8 years ago

@dixoncheng56: RT @jwaldag: 🎙Yesterday, I spoke in remembrance of John Nuraney in the House of Commons. #HOC #cdnpoli #bcpoli - 8 years ago

@Sensliberaux: RT @SenJaffer: Malheureusement, mon ami John Nuraney est décédé. Il était un ami authentique. Repose en paix. - 8 years ago

@LibSenate: RT @SenJaffer: Sadly my friend John Nuraney has passed away. He was a genuine friend. Rest in peace. - 8 years ago

@azoolj: RT @SenJaffer: Sadly my friend John Nuraney has passed away. He was a genuine friend. Rest in peace. - 8 years ago

@SenJaffer: Sadly my friend John Nuraney has passed away. He was a genuine friend. Rest in peace. - 8 years ago

@SenJaffer: Malheureusement, mon ami John Nuraney est décédé. Il était un ami authentique. Repose en paix. - 8 years ago

@Xzbit1200: RT @jwaldag: 🎙Yesterday, I spoke in remembrance of John Nuraney in the House of Commons. #HOC #cdnpoli #bcpoli - 8 years ago

@jwaldag: 🎙Yesterday, I spoke in remembrance of John Nuraney in the House of Commons. #HOC #cdnpoli #bcpoli - 8 years ago

@BayanDialogue: John Nuraney First elected Muslim dies R.I.P served 2 terms as Liberal member legislature B.C. #Burnaby-Willingdon - 8 years ago

@RebeccaDarnell: RT @jwaldag: 🎙 Today at ~2:03pm EST I'll say a few words in remembrance of John Nuraney in the House of Commons. #HOC #cdnpoli #bcpoli - 8 years ago

@jwaldag: 🎙 Today at ~2:03pm EST I'll say a few words in remembrance of John Nuraney in the House of Commons. #HOC #cdnpoli #bcpoli - 8 years ago

@edmondsburnaby: RT @christyclarkbc: John Nuraney was a truly honourable man, a mentor and a friend. My thoughts go out to his family-he will be missed. htt… - 8 years ago

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