John Najarian

American transplant surgeon.
Died on Wednesday September 2nd 2020

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to John Najarian:

@thelegacymentor: RT @umnmedalumni: From the late 1960s through the early 1990s, Najarian ran one of the largest organ transplant programs in the world at th… - 5 years ago

@petenajarian: RT @umnmedalumni: From the late 1960s through the early 1990s, Najarian ran one of the largest organ transplant programs in the world at th… - 5 years ago

@msbrightsighed: RT @BIDMCTransplant: John Najarian, pioneering #Transplant surgeon, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@AdamsAnnmarie: RT @mcgill_ssom: SSoM's @ThSchlich was quoted in this @washingtonpost obituary for John Najarian. He was one of the pioneers of transplant… - 5 years ago


@mcgill_ssom: SSoM's @ThSchlich was quoted in this @washingtonpost obituary for John Najarian. He was one of the pioneers of tran… - 5 years ago

@wbalrefaie: RT @UMNSurgery: Our hearts are heavy. We mourn the death of our former chair @umnmedschool Dr. John S. Najarian - a visionary who saved… - 5 years ago

@LaRoccaCJ: RT @UMNSurgery: Our hearts are heavy. We mourn the death of our former chair @umnmedschool Dr. John S. Najarian - a visionary who saved… - 5 years ago

@donnie1323: RT @umnmedalumni: From the late 1960s through the early 1990s, Najarian ran one of the largest organ transplant programs in the world at th… - 5 years ago

@ketchme2: RT @umnmedalumni: From the late 1960s through the early 1990s, Najarian ran one of the largest organ transplant programs in the world at th… - 5 years ago

@SRQretiree: RT @umnmedalumni: From the late 1960s through the early 1990s, Najarian ran one of the largest organ transplant programs in the world at th… - 5 years ago

@jonnajarian: RT @umnmedalumni: From the late 1960s through the early 1990s, Najarian ran one of the largest organ transplant programs in the world at th… - 5 years ago

@farkomd: RT @UMNSurgery: Our hearts are heavy. We mourn the death of our former chair @umnmedschool Dr. John S. Najarian - a visionary who saved… - 5 years ago

@Perfect_Care_: RT @UMNSurgery: Our hearts are heavy. We mourn the death of our former chair @umnmedschool Dr. John S. Najarian - a visionary who saved… - 5 years ago

@HumarRishab: RT @MAbouljoud: The transplant community @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg is saddened by the loss of Dr. John Najarian @UMNSurgery at age 92.… - 5 years ago

@ryanjhunter: RT @MAbouljoud: The transplant community @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg is saddened by the loss of Dr. John Najarian @UMNSurgery at age 92.… - 5 years ago

@004nino: RIP 20 986) #American #Dr. #John #Najarian , #Who #Changed #The #Field #Of #Organ #Transplant #Surgery , #Dies… - 5 years ago

@ESOTtransplant: RT @MAbouljoud: The transplant community @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg is saddened by the loss of Dr. John Najarian @UMNSurgery at age 92.… - 5 years ago

@DavidClutter3: John Najarian, pioneering transplant surgeon, dies at 92. - 5 years ago

@lcsystemsinc: RT @rajeshwar_rao_n: @petenajarian Dr John Sarkis Najarian saved lot of people life.He was a great Legend - 5 years ago

@petenajarian: RT @rajeshwar_rao_n: @petenajarian Dr John Sarkis Najarian saved lot of people life.He was a great Legend - 5 years ago

@thetrog: RT @GopherHole: Very few individuals associated with the University of Minnesota have had the profound impact that Dr. John Najarian had du… - 5 years ago

@MDonlinecom: RT @MAbouljoud: The transplant community @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg is saddened by the loss of Dr. John Najarian @UMNSurgery at age 92.… - 5 years ago

@rajeshwar_rao_n: @petenajarian Dr John Sarkis Najarian saved lot of people life.He was a great Legend - 5 years ago

@FedeSerrotMD: RT @UMNSurgery: Our hearts are heavy. We mourn the death of our former chair @umnmedschool Dr. John S. Najarian - a visionary who saved… - 5 years ago

@TraboulsiElias: RT @boedudley: John Najarian, pioneering transplant surgeon, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@Chandra12962937: RT @sundar_s1955: John Najarian pioneer Transplant surgeon who showed in diabetic ESRD Transplants can be as successful as in non diabetic.… - 5 years ago

@Bella623: RT @Viking6Covert: John Najarian, pioneering transplant surgeon, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@PLMcCarthyMD: A pioneer in organ transplantation - 5 years ago

@DrAlbertLi: RT @WCCO: Dr. John Najarian, Who Changed The Field Of Organ Transplant Surgery, Dies At 92 - 5 years ago

@ash_walker11: John Najarian, pioneering transplant surgeon, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@amyhallboston: John Najarian, pioneering transplant surgeon, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@GlobeMetro: John Najarian, pioneering transplant surgeon, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@umnmedalumni: From the late 1960s through the early 1990s, Najarian ran one of the largest organ transplant programs in the world… - 5 years ago

@CoolPapaBill: John Najarian, pioneering transplant surgeon, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@dharmakidney: RT @sundar_s1955: John Najarian pioneer Transplant surgeon who showed in diabetic ESRD Transplants can be as successful as in non diabetic.… - 5 years ago

@edemarse: Condolences to the Najarians. John Najarian, pioneering transplant surgeon, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@OgiaEmAczEY8jm1: RT @jilevin: Pioneering transplant surgeon dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@twm3823: @petenajarian Pete, was Dr John Najarian, whose obituary is in the Washington Post today, a relative of yours? - 5 years ago

@chalkdust1975: @john_yazek @jonnajarian @tedwheeler @realDonaldTrump wait u dont think its everyone elses fault except the preside… - 5 years ago

@capeannsky: RT @jilevin: Pioneering transplant surgeon dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@eliamato3333: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@wb2mia: RT @jilevin: Pioneering transplant surgeon dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@BIDMCTransplant: John Najarian, pioneering #Transplant surgeon, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@cawilliamson: Historians of medicine place Dr. Najarian in the pantheon of surgeons who developed organ transplantation in the 50… - 5 years ago

@boggskmb1: RT @jilevin: Pioneering transplant surgeon dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@Nulli_Secunda_3: RT @jilevin: Pioneering transplant surgeon dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@EugeneRobb2: RT @jilevin: Pioneering transplant surgeon dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@bridges2italy: RT @jilevin: Pioneering transplant surgeon dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@wandwoo: RT @jilevin: Pioneering transplant surgeon dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@transplantnews: John Najarian, pioneering transplant surgeon, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@TCRblogspot: RT @jilevin: Pioneering transplant surgeon dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@KY_Rose_1976: RT @jilevin: Pioneering transplant surgeon dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@simba_40: John Najarian, pioneering transplant surgeon, dies at 92 - The Washington Post - 5 years ago

@robertmcvey42: RT @jilevin: Pioneering transplant surgeon dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@crimson151: RT @jilevin: Pioneering transplant surgeon dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@tvsteve: John Najarian, pioneering transplant surgeon, dies at 92 - The Washington Post - 5 years ago

@HeijtzRochellys: RT @norsketexsci: I am grateful to have trained with this true legend. A fierce advocate of calling truth to power, and a pioneer who advoc… - 5 years ago

@EdoardoMelilli: RT @dr_sajith: In Memoriam: John S. Najarian, MD - 5 years ago

@dr_sajith: In Memoriam: John S. Najarian, MD - 5 years ago

@sundar_s1955: John Najarian pioneer Transplant surgeon who showed in diabetic ESRD Transplants can be as successful as in non dia… - 5 years ago

@EmilyLangerWP: John Najarian, pioneering transplant surgeon, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@beaukellymd: RT @ASTSChimera: ASTS is deeply saddened by the passing of founding ASTS member and former ASTS president John S. Najarian, MD, on August 3… - 5 years ago

@mortgageconsult: - 5 years ago

@boedudley: John Najarian, pioneering transplant surgeon, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@AKMike15: John #Najarian, pioneering transplant surgeon, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@j_w_84: Next up, Dr John Najarian who died recently. Miracle of Transplantation was memoir. That's a super retro 1986 couch that they were on. - 5 years ago

@twitbituaries: John Najarian, pioneering transplant surgeon, dies at 92 - - 5 years ago

@KessarisN: RT @UMNSurgery: Our hearts are heavy. We mourn the death of our former chair @umnmedschool Dr. John S. Najarian - a visionary who saved… - 5 years ago

@gmtzmier: RT @ASTSChimera: ASTS is deeply saddened by the passing of founding ASTS member and former ASTS president John S. Najarian, MD, on August 3… - 5 years ago

@vmartinez1969: RT @SanofiUS: @UMNSurgery @umnmedschool @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg @jonnajarian @petenajarian We join the transplant community in mourn… - 5 years ago

@GiorgakisManos: RT @ASTSChimera: ASTS is deeply saddened by the passing of founding ASTS member and former ASTS president John S. Najarian, MD, on August 3… - 5 years ago

@ASTSChimera: ASTS is deeply saddened by the passing of founding ASTS member and former ASTS president John S. Najarian, MD, on A… - 5 years ago

@maelstream: RT @ArthurCaplan: Transplant giant and iconoclast dies #Najarian - 5 years ago

@UMNSurgEd: RT @UMNSurgery: Our hearts are heavy. We mourn the death of our former chair @umnmedschool Dr. John S. Najarian - a visionary who saved… - 5 years ago

@BadrigzArt: RT @PKS70: Remembering a great Doctor : Pioneering University of Minnesota transplant surgeon Dr. John S. Najarian dies at 92 | Star Tribu… - 5 years ago

@norsketexsci: I am grateful to have trained with this true legend. A fierce advocate of calling truth to power, and a pioneer who… - 5 years ago

@azureuma1: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@PKS70: Remembering a great Doctor : Pioneering University of Minnesota transplant surgeon Dr. John S. Najarian dies at 92… - 5 years ago

@Fyght4Cal: RT @CalFootball: Our thoughts are with the friends and family of Dr. John Najarian. He was a member of Pappy's Boys, a Seaborg Award winn… - 5 years ago

@d1sportsnet: Pappy’s Boys Member Dr. John Najarian Passes Away At 92 Pioneering Transplant Surgeon Played For Pappy Waldorf's… - 5 years ago

@CalGridClubSac: RT @CalFootball: Our thoughts are with the friends and family of Dr. John Najarian. He was a member of Pappy's Boys, a Seaborg Award winn… - 5 years ago

@alexrossanomd: RT @AcademiaCirugia: La Academia Mexicana de Cirugía comunica el sensible fallecimiento y externa su reconocimiento al Dr. John S. Najarian… - 5 years ago

@carlosjaramil13: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@jiminstruct54: John Najarian, a giant in organ transplant surgery at UMN, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@kidneystories: John Najarian, a giant in organ transplant surgery at UMN, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@LYohanathan: RT @MAbouljoud: The transplant community @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg is saddened by the loss of Dr. John Najarian @UMNSurgery at age 92.… - 5 years ago

@tightwadhill23: RT @CalFootball: Our thoughts are with the friends and family of Dr. John Najarian. He was a member of Pappy's Boys, a Seaborg Award winn… - 5 years ago

@96Ldv: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@CalGnome: RT @CalFootball: Our thoughts are with the friends and family of Dr. John Najarian. He was a member of Pappy's Boys, a Seaborg Award winn… - 5 years ago

@BAmirSayed: RT @MAbouljoud: The transplant community @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg is saddened by the loss of Dr. John Najarian @UMNSurgery at age 92.… - 5 years ago

@sfleegel: RT @umnmedschool: From the late 1960s through the early 1990s, Najarian ran one of the largest organ transplant programs in the world at th… - 5 years ago

@marty_nvsports: RT @CalFootball: Our thoughts are with the friends and family of Dr. John Najarian. He was a member of Pappy's Boys, a Seaborg Award winn… - 5 years ago

@marty_nvsports: Pappy’s Boys Member Dr. John Najarian Passes Away At 92 - 5 years ago

@Catwoman2011: RT @SanofiUS: @UMNSurgery @umnmedschool @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg @jonnajarian @petenajarian We join the transplant community in mourn… - 5 years ago

@petenajarian: RT @SanofiUS: @UMNSurgery @umnmedschool @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg @jonnajarian @petenajarian We join the transplant community in mourn… - 5 years ago

@JeffFaraudo: One of Pappy's Boys with @CalFootball, Dr. John Najarian accomplished much after his football days. He died this we… - 5 years ago

@CFboneDoc: RT @UMNSurgery: Our hearts are heavy. We mourn the death of our former chair @umnmedschool Dr. John S. Najarian - a visionary who saved… - 5 years ago

@ucaremn: RIP Dr. John Najarian - a pioneer in the field of #organtransplants and a University of Minnesota legend. - 5 years ago

@gmtzmier: RT @AcademiaCirugia: La Academia Mexicana de Cirugía comunica el sensible fallecimiento y externa su reconocimiento al Dr. John S. Najarian… - 5 years ago

@petehiniii: RT @CalFootball: Our thoughts are with the friends and family of Dr. John Najarian. He was a member of Pappy's Boys, a Seaborg Award winn… - 5 years ago

@sienna_schatzz: RT @CalFootball: Our thoughts are with the friends and family of Dr. John Najarian. He was a member of Pappy's Boys, a Seaborg Award winn… - 5 years ago

@DrJeevan05: RT @MAbouljoud: The transplant community @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg is saddened by the loss of Dr. John Najarian @UMNSurgery at age 92.… - 5 years ago

@KevinCampbell77: RT @SanofiUS: @UMNSurgery @umnmedschool @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg @jonnajarian @petenajarian We join the transplant community in mourn… - 5 years ago

@frank_dor: RT @MAbouljoud: The transplant community @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg is saddened by the loss of Dr. John Najarian @UMNSurgery at age 92.… - 5 years ago

@GophersForever: RT @UMNSurgery: Our hearts are heavy. We mourn the death of our former chair @umnmedschool Dr. John S. Najarian - a visionary who saved… - 5 years ago

@RaneyBrian: RT @CalFootball: Our thoughts are with the friends and family of Dr. John Najarian. He was a member of Pappy's Boys, a Seaborg Award winn… - 5 years ago

@andrewdbrooks: RT @CalFootball: Our thoughts are with the friends and family of Dr. John Najarian. He was a member of Pappy's Boys, a Seaborg Award winn… - 5 years ago

@calfootballpr: RT @CalFootball: Our thoughts are with the friends and family of Dr. John Najarian. He was a member of Pappy's Boys, a Seaborg Award winn… - 5 years ago

@jvaldez130: RT @CalFootball: Our thoughts are with the friends and family of Dr. John Najarian. He was a member of Pappy's Boys, a Seaborg Award winn… - 5 years ago

@GoGoldenBears1: RT @CalFootball: Our thoughts are with the friends and family of Dr. John Najarian. He was a member of Pappy's Boys, a Seaborg Award winn… - 5 years ago

@ricardog2404: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@lcsystemsinc: RT @jonnajarian: Thank you for all the well wishes 🙏 for our Dad Dr John Najarian.. 🌞60 Seconds $PVH $FIVE $COST $FB $NVAX see you 0n @3at3… - 5 years ago

@SanofiUS: @UMNSurgery @umnmedschool @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg @jonnajarian @petenajarian We join the transplant communit… - 5 years ago

@Marcoo98: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@Julielena19: RT @AnesthesiaLLC: John Najarian, a giant in organ transplant surgery at UMN, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@truthinsports58: RT @jonnajarian: Thank you for all the well wishes 🙏 for our Dad Dr John Najarian.. 🌞60 Seconds $PVH $FIVE $COST $FB $NVAX see you 0n @3at3… - 5 years ago

@KevinCampbell77: RT @UMNSurgery: Our hearts are heavy. We mourn the death of our former chair @umnmedschool Dr. John S. Najarian - a visionary who saved… - 5 years ago

@KevinCampbell77: RT @MAbouljoud: The transplant community @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg is saddened by the loss of Dr. John Najarian @UMNSurgery at age 92.… - 5 years ago

@FdoGtz_20: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@RealGeorge_K: RT @jonnajarian: Thank you for all the well wishes 🙏 for our Dad Dr John Najarian.. 🌞60 Seconds $PVH $FIVE $COST $FB $NVAX see you 0n @3at3… - 5 years ago

@AnesthesiaLLC: John Najarian, a giant in organ transplant surgery at UMN, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@drkomanduri: RT @ArthurCaplan: Transplant giant and iconoclast dies #Najarian - 5 years ago

@drkomanduri: Death of ⁦@UMNews⁩ legend. I was in the OR with him as a medical student. Absolutely massive person (literally and… - 5 years ago

@jenazbananaz: @petenajarian @jonnajarian Gentlemen, & all of the Najarian Family, you have my deepest condolences. May the lord… - 5 years ago

@DrTony44: RT @jonnajarian: Thank you for all the well wishes 🙏 for our Dad Dr John Najarian.. 🌞60 Seconds $PVH $FIVE $COST $FB $NVAX see you 0n @3at3… - 5 years ago

@UMNSurgery: RT @maraantonoff: I remember scrubbing kidney transplants with Dr Najarian as a surgical intern 16 years ago at ⁦@UMNSurgery⁩. His presence… - 5 years ago

@RobbieS1966: @jonnajarian @3at3_UOA @MarketRebels I’m so sorry to learn of the passing of your wonderful,accomplished Dad,Dr.Joh… - 5 years ago

@herbyg72: @jonnajarian @3at3_UOA @MarketRebels please accept my sincere condolences on the passing of your father Dr. John Najarian - 5 years ago

@chrisgilley: RT @jonnajarian: Thank you for all the well wishes 🙏 for our Dad Dr John Najarian.. 🌞60 Seconds $PVH $FIVE $COST $FB $NVAX see you 0n @3at3… - 5 years ago

@petenajarian: RT @jonnajarian: Thank you for all the well wishes 🙏 for our Dad Dr John Najarian.. 🌞60 Seconds $PVH $FIVE $COST $FB $NVAX see you 0n @3at3… - 5 years ago

@exit50: RT @jonnajarian: Thank you for all the well wishes 🙏 for our Dad Dr John Najarian.. 🌞60 Seconds $PVH $FIVE $COST $FB $NVAX see you 0n @3at3… - 5 years ago

@mike_mbourne: RT @jonnajarian: Thank you for all the well wishes 🙏 for our Dad Dr John Najarian.. 🌞60 Seconds $PVH $FIVE $COST $FB $NVAX see you 0n @3at3… - 5 years ago

@Jaimedr64: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@amesococo12: RT @AcademiaCirugia: La Academia Mexicana de Cirugía comunica el sensible fallecimiento y externa su reconocimiento al Dr. John S. Najarian… - 5 years ago

@MarcoDaCostaFX: RT @jonnajarian: Thank you for all the well wishes 🙏 for our Dad Dr John Najarian.. 🌞60 Seconds $PVH $FIVE $COST $FB $NVAX see you 0n @3at3… - 5 years ago

@AbbyKaighin: RT @ArthurCaplan: Transplant giant and iconoclast dies #Najarian - 5 years ago

@PowerRossSorkin: RT @petenajarian: Loved talking with Chad and so many memories of the Full and Amazing life of my Pops, Dr. John Najarian - 5 years ago

@alicott9: Pioneering transplant surgeon John Najarian dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@Raz284: Pioneering University of Minnesota transplant surgeon Dr. John S. Najarian dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@IptaPedsTx: We have lost a giant in Transplantation. John Najarian was also IPTA President 2001 -2003 and we are very proud of… - 5 years ago

@petelucky: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@mfnickster: RIP Dr. John Najarian. 😢 - 5 years ago

@EdgrJrz: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@pennprof: RT @ArthurCaplan: Transplant giant and iconoclast dies #Najarian - 5 years ago

@GreyesHdz: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@karlhacontreras: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@manrique119: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@gasper_90: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@NL_FUT_POLITICA: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@Cristinfs3: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@Sug4nte: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@zombienietzsche: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@JSiskoff: RT @WCCO: Dr. John Najarian, Who Changed The Field Of Organ Transplant Surgery, Dies At 92 - 5 years ago

@MrsDuplechin: RT @PioneerPress: John Najarian, a giant in transplant surgery at the UMN, died Monday at age 92 - 5 years ago

@KuehtMike: RT @MAbouljoud: The transplant community @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg is saddened by the loss of Dr. John Najarian @UMNSurgery at age 92.… - 5 years ago

@ebender001: As an intern in Colorado 1980, I saw liver transplants that were done by Starzl and the only other surgeon we discu… - 5 years ago

@anamarialopezmd: RT @PioneerPress: John Najarian, a giant in transplant surgery at the UMN, died Monday at age 92 - 5 years ago

@anamarialopezmd: RT @UMNSurgery: Our hearts are heavy. We mourn the death of our former chair @umnmedschool Dr. John S. Najarian - a visionary who saved… - 5 years ago

@samuel_robledo: RT @MAbouljoud: The transplant community @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg is saddened by the loss of Dr. John Najarian @UMNSurgery at age 92.… - 5 years ago

@EatonSenator: RT @PioneerPress: John Najarian, a giant in transplant surgery at the UMN, died Monday at age 92 - 5 years ago

@zigzagy2: RT @MAbouljoud: The transplant community @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg is saddened by the loss of Dr. John Najarian @UMNSurgery at age 92.… - 5 years ago

@elde_md: RT @UMNSurgery: Our hearts are heavy. We mourn the death of our former chair @umnmedschool Dr. John S. Najarian - a visionary who saved… - 5 years ago

@Artz_G07: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@SoMeTransplant: RT @MAbouljoud: The transplant community @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg is saddened by the loss of Dr. John Najarian @UMNSurgery at age 92.… - 5 years ago

@ErikFors1: RT @MPRnews: It was an 11-month-old girl, Jamie Fiske, with a failing liver who made Najarian a household name in 1982 and cemented his rep… - 5 years ago

@aisna_in: RT @MAbouljoud: The transplant community @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg is saddened by the loss of Dr. John Najarian @UMNSurgery at age 92.… - 5 years ago

@AmeliousW: RT @GopherHole: Very few individuals associated with the University of Minnesota have had the profound impact that Dr. John Najarian had du… - 5 years ago

@Palo_Bo: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@GopherHole: RT @GopherHole: Very few individuals associated with the University of Minnesota have had the profound impact that Dr. John Najarian had du… - 5 years ago

@TomVargheseJr: RT @UMNSurgery: Our hearts are heavy. We mourn the death of our former chair @umnmedschool Dr. John S. Najarian - a visionary who saved… - 5 years ago

@TomVargheseJr: RT @PioneerPress: John Najarian, a giant in transplant surgery at the UMN, died Monday at age 92 - 5 years ago

@angelopez3d: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@Esteban_ERP: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@ChavinhoMD: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@utopianmae: A great man. Fun guy to operate with back in medical school. Massive hands...I still remember working across from… - 5 years ago

@karel60524954: RT @PioneerPress: John Najarian, a giant in transplant surgery at the UMN, died Monday at age 92 - 5 years ago

@LupitaGC_MD: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@BSkittles27: RT @PioneerPress: John Najarian, a giant in transplant surgery at the UMN, died Monday at age 92 - 5 years ago

@KimOlthoff: RT @MAbouljoud: The transplant community @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg is saddened by the loss of Dr. John Najarian @UMNSurgery at age 92.… - 5 years ago

@VascularArtist: RT @UMNSurgery: Our hearts are heavy. We mourn the death of our former chair @umnmedschool Dr. John S. Najarian - a visionary who saved… - 5 years ago

@beregocar: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@In___Memoriam: R.I.P. John S. NAJARIAN (1927-2020), American transplant surgeon and clinical professor of transplant surgery at… - 5 years ago

@juanjjcardona: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@alex92_Mndez: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@nenacorona2: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@drcita2011: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@JuarezFidel: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@LightNymphEcho: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@amesococo12: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@KiwiQueenieTw: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@larsleafblad: RT @MPRnews: When Dr. John Najarian arrived in 1967 at the U of M, organ transplantation was a new frontier, and he was one of its pioneers… - 5 years ago

@larsleafblad: RT @StarTribune: Dr. John S. Najarian, a pioneering transplant surgeon who served for decades as head of surgery at the University of Minne… - 5 years ago

@6allardo: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@orula7754: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@nav59703434: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@Some4SurgeryIT1: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@Julsmr1: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@Ric3ric: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@LourdesSusi: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@gustavofdelc: RT @almagoch: Ha muerto a los 92 años, el Dr. John Najarian, #Cirujano de #trasplantes, pionero del trasplante de páncreas y del trasplante… - 5 years ago

@5Aftermidnite: RT @MAbouljoud: The transplant community @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg is saddened by the loss of Dr. John Najarian @UMNSurgery at age 92.… - 5 years ago

@GWinnerborne: @jonnajarian @3at3_UOA @MarketRebels @petenajarian I can name many many times Najarian has been saying the stock w… - 5 years ago

@Barbarabxj349: RT @Mdewakanton: Dr. John Najarian, Who Changed The Field Of Organ Transplant Surgery, Dies At 92 – Sincerest condolences to the Najarian f… - 5 years ago

@LifeSourceMNDAK: Dr. John Najarian was known for making organ transplants a routine procedure. His patients included liver recipient… - 5 years ago

@LifeSourceMNDAK: We are so grateful for Dr. John Najarian's ground-breaking contributions to this life-saving donation and transplan… - 5 years ago

@GopherHole: Very few individuals associated with the University of Minnesota have had the profound impact that Dr. John Najaria… - 5 years ago

@Ray_J__: “Dr. John Najarian, who transformed the field of organ transplant surgery, died on Tuesday morning. Najarian was kn… - 5 years ago

@Mdewakanton: Dr. John Najarian, Who Changed The Field Of Organ Transplant Surgery, Dies At 92 – Sincerest condolences to the Naj… - 5 years ago

@danielgbones: Oh my goodness @petenajarian and @jonnajarian I am so sorry to learn of the passing of your dad Dr. John Najarian.… - 5 years ago

@boobooleek: RT @WCCO: Dr. John Najarian, who transformed the field of organ transplant surgery, died on Tuesday morning. | - 5 years ago

@rgallpro: @petenajarian I am so sorry Pete, for your loss. the world also looses a major player in the field of medicine ,wha… - 5 years ago

@Tadde_M: RT @WCCO: Dr. John Najarian, who transformed the field of organ transplant surgery, died on Tuesday morning. | - 5 years ago

@lissettee_a: RT @WCCO: Dr. John Najarian, who transformed the field of organ transplant surgery, died on Tuesday morning. | - 5 years ago

@dahliakizirian: RT @WCCO: Dr. John Najarian, who transformed the field of organ transplant surgery, died on Tuesday morning. | - 5 years ago

@umnarchives: Listen to a July 1983 discussion with Dr. John Najarian and Arthur Naftalin "Organ Transplants: Who Benefits?"… - 5 years ago

@REVOLUTIONSOLAR: RT @WCCO: Dr. John Najarian, Who Changed The Field Of Organ Transplant Surgery, Dies At 92 - 5 years ago

@umnarchives: Pioneering University of Minnesota transplant surgeon Dr. John Najarian dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@niiiinaamirian: RT @WCCO: Dr. John Najarian, who transformed the field of organ transplant surgery, died on Tuesday morning. | - 5 years ago

@joeldmartens: RT @MAbouljoud: The transplant community @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg is saddened by the loss of Dr. John Najarian @UMNSurgery at age 92.… - 5 years ago

@CFI_UMN: CFI is saddened to hear about the passing of Dr. John Najarian, he led the way in important discoveries in transpla… - 5 years ago

@Catwoman2011: RT @DeRushaJ: @petenajarian Thinking of you... @frankieVWCCO did a great story on your dad last night - 5 years ago

@TheArmoTrader: RT @MAbouljoud: The transplant community @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg is saddened by the loss of Dr. John Najarian @UMNSurgery at age 92.… - 5 years ago

@TheArmenianDad: RT @stevenfa: Pioneering University of Minnesota transplant surgeon Dr. John Najarian dies at 92 Prayers @petenaj… - 5 years ago

@TheArmenianDad: RT @MAbouljoud: The transplant community @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg is saddened by the loss of Dr. John Najarian @UMNSurgery at age 92.… - 5 years ago

@SCrowBernard: RT @MAbouljoud: The transplant community @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg is saddened by the loss of Dr. John Najarian @UMNSurgery at age 92.… - 5 years ago

@Catwoman2011: RT @StarTribune: Dr. John Najarian, a pioneering transplant surgeon who served for decades as head of surgery at the University of Minnesot… - 5 years ago

@gmtzmier: RT @MAbouljoud: The transplant community @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg is saddened by the loss of Dr. John Najarian @UMNSurgery at age 92.… - 5 years ago

@TxPharmD: RT @MAbouljoud: The transplant community @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg is saddened by the loss of Dr. John Najarian @UMNSurgery at age 92.… - 5 years ago

@WaltHook: RT @MAbouljoud: The transplant community @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg is saddened by the loss of Dr. John Najarian @UMNSurgery at age 92.… - 5 years ago

@pergolaman: RT @MPRnews: Pioneering transplant surgeon Dr. John Najarian has died at the age of 92. - 5 years ago

@MamaBear64: RT @MPRnews: Pioneering transplant surgeon Dr. John Najarian has died at the age of 92. - 5 years ago

@sctimes: Dr. John S. Najarian, a pioneering transplant surgeon who served for decades as head of surgery at the University o… - 5 years ago

@jamesmdowns: RT @MAbouljoud: The transplant community @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg is saddened by the loss of Dr. John Najarian @UMNSurgery at age 92.… - 5 years ago

@AbelLabel31: RT @KimInsley: Pioneering transplant surgeon Dr. John S. Najarian has died. - 5 years ago

@petenajarian: RT @BillEllisLive: The amazing work of Dr. John Najarian saved countless lives. My condolences to @petenajarian @jonnajarian and family. Th… - 5 years ago

@mtj333: One of my heros died this week. He saved many lives...a giant. Pioneering University of Minnesota transplant surgeo… - 5 years ago

@BillEllisLive: The amazing work of Dr. John Najarian saved countless lives. My condolences to @petenajarian @jonnajarian and famil… - 5 years ago

@missb62: RT @rationaldoge: The son of Armenian immigrants, John Najarian succeeded Owen Wangensteen as head of surgery at the U at age 39. - 5 years ago

@ketchme2: RT @DeRushaJ: @petenajarian Thinking of you... @frankieVWCCO did a great story on your dad last night - 5 years ago

@ZR1Trader: RT @mpk62: ⁦@petenajarian⁩ So sorry for your loss. What a great man. Condolences to your entire family. Pioneering transplant surgeon D… - 5 years ago

@petenajarian: RT @DeRushaJ: @petenajarian Thinking of you... @frankieVWCCO did a great story on your dad last night - 5 years ago

@petenajarian: RT @bloisolson: RIP John Najarian. Thanks for your leadership and amazing work. Peace to @jonnajarian and @petenajarian - 5 years ago

@petenajarian: RT @MAbouljoud: The transplant community @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg is saddened by the loss of Dr. John Najarian @UMNSurgery at age 92.… - 5 years ago

@petenajarian: RT @stevenfa: Pioneering University of Minnesota transplant surgeon Dr. John Najarian dies at 92 Prayers @petenaj… - 5 years ago

@PORTABLEAIRSYD: RT @mpk62: ⁦@petenajarian⁩ So sorry for your loss. What a great man. Condolences to your entire family. Pioneering transplant surgeon D… - 5 years ago

@thirdgenwidget: RT @mpk62: ⁦@petenajarian⁩ So sorry for your loss. What a great man. Condolences to your entire family. Pioneering transplant surgeon D… - 5 years ago

@LyleBurdine: RT @MAbouljoud: The transplant community @ASTSChimera @AST_info @ttsorg is saddened by the loss of Dr. John Najarian @UMNSurgery at age 92.… - 5 years ago

@suemmpls: RT @MPRnews: Pioneering transplant surgeon Dr. John Najarian has died at the age of 92. - 5 years ago

@MPRnews: Pioneering transplant surgeon Dr. John Najarian has died at the age of 92. - 5 years ago

@chris_steller: RT @rationaldoge: The son of Armenian immigrants, John Najarian succeeded Owen Wangensteen as head of surgery at the U at age 39. - 5 years ago

@mhovakimian: RT @WCCO: Dr. John Najarian, who transformed the field of organ transplant surgery, died on Tuesday morning. | - 5 years ago

@KatiaPeltekian: Dr. John Najarian, Who Changed The Field Of Organ Transplant Surgery, Dies At 92 - 5 years ago

@yates_jodi2: RT @WCCO: Dr. John Najarian, who transformed the field of organ transplant surgery, died on Tuesday morning. | - 5 years ago

@WCCO: Dr. John Najarian, Who Changed The Field Of Organ Transplant Surgery, Dies At 92 - 5 years ago

@ZZAAVVEENN: RT @WCCO: Dr. John Najarian, who transformed the field of organ transplant surgery, died on Tuesday morning. | - 5 years ago

@Livid2point0: Dr. John Najarian, Who Changed The Field Of Organ Transplant Surgery, Dies At 92 - 5 years ago

@lara19032: RT @WCCO: Dr. John Najarian, who transformed the field of organ transplant surgery, died on Tuesday morning. | - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: John Najarian, you will be missed - #JohnNajarian #John #Najarian #rip - 5 years ago

@mpk62: ⁦@petenajarian⁩ So sorry for your loss. What a great man. Condolences to your entire family. Pioneering transpl… - 5 years ago

@BadrigzArt: RT @WCCO: Dr. John Najarian, who transformed the field of organ transplant surgery, died on Tuesday morning. | - 5 years ago

@rheault_m: RT @WCCO: Dr. John Najarian, who transformed the field of organ transplant surgery, died on Tuesday morning. | - 5 years ago

@TomGartner: Pioneering transplant surgeon Dr. John S. Najarian has died - 5 years ago

@TylerGoettl: RT @StarTribune: Dr. John S. Najarian, a pioneering transplant surgeon who served for decades as head of surgery at the University of Minne… - 5 years ago

@AnnMcMD: RT @KimInsley: Pioneering transplant surgeon Dr. John S. Najarian has died. - 5 years ago

@casketart_3: RT @WCCO: Dr. John Najarian, Who Changed The Field Of Organ Transplant Surgery, Dies At 92 - 5 years ago

@ManuVarma: RT @WCCO: Dr. John Najarian, who transformed the field of organ transplant surgery, died on Tuesday morning. | - 5 years ago

@JaneHelmke: RT @jayolstadtv: Pioneering transplant surgeon Dr. John S. Najarian has died - 5 years ago

@HealingHandsMN: RT @StarTribune: Dr. John S. Najarian, a pioneering transplant surgeon who served for decades as head of surgery at the University of Minne… - 5 years ago

@harryparry4: RT @WCCO: Dr. John Najarian, who transformed the field of organ transplant surgery, died on Tuesday morning. | - 5 years ago

@HovikYerevan: RT @WCCO: Dr. John Najarian, who transformed the field of organ transplant surgery, died on Tuesday morning. | - 5 years ago

@VerranDeborah: Dr John Najarian was one of the early pioneers particularly in the field of kidney transplantation in the United St… - 5 years ago

@Ani41508486: RT @WCCO: Dr. John Najarian, Who Changed The Field Of Organ Transplant Surgery, Dies At 92 - 5 years ago

@Ani41508486: RT @WCCO: Dr. John Najarian, who transformed the field of organ transplant surgery, died on Tuesday morning. | - 5 years ago

@dieguittto: RT @WCCO: Dr. John Najarian, who transformed the field of organ transplant surgery, died on Tuesday morning. | - 5 years ago

@ODT_M: RT @WCCO: Dr. John Najarian, Who Changed The Field Of Organ Transplant Surgery, Dies At 92 - 5 years ago

@45xiatai: RT @EisOnMN: Pioneering transplant surgeon Dr. John S. Najarian has died. - 5 years ago

@Fallin667: RT @WCCO: Dr. John Najarian, who transformed the field of organ transplant surgery, died on Tuesday morning. | - 5 years ago

@ediison: RT @WCCO: Dr. John Najarian, who transformed the field of organ transplant surgery, died on Tuesday morning. | - 5 years ago

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