John Mone

Scottish Roman Catholic prelate
Died on Friday October 14th 2016

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to John Mone:

@tomarge: RT @FrankFgdunn: Wonderful celebration of the life of my cousin Bishop John Mone at St Mirin's Cathedral.He followed his motto" To lead in… - 8 years ago

@FrankFgdunn: Wonderful celebration of the life of my cousin Bishop John Mone at St Mirin's Cathedral.He followed his motto" To lead in Love" perfectly. - 8 years ago

@McKay779: RT @john_bishopjohn: Bishop John Mone Homily for Requiem Mass - 8 years ago

@John_patten: CHA-MONE mother fucker - 8 years ago


@StJoesGreenock: RT @SCO_NEWS: This week's SCO front page, with a special tribute to Bishop John Mone. Make sure to pick yours up at your local parish https… - 8 years ago

@RCArgyllIsles: RT @john_bishopjohn: Bishop John Mone Homily for Requiem Mass - 8 years ago

@stjoesmusicgrp: RT @john_bishopjohn: Bishop John Mone Homily for Requiem Mass - 8 years ago

@aosmglasgow: RT @john_bishopjohn: Bishop John Mone Homily for Requiem Mass - 8 years ago

@SCO_NEWS: RT @john_bishopjohn: Bishop John Mone Homily for Requiem Mass - 8 years ago

@TrainorHelen: RT @john_bishopjohn: Bishop John Mone Homily for Requiem Mass - 8 years ago

@john_bishopjohn: Bishop John Mone Homily for Requiem Mass - 8 years ago

@WFilignano: RT @SCO_NEWS: A special message of 'prayerful condolence' from Pope Francis has been read out at the funeral of Bishop John Mone at St Miri… - 8 years ago

@WFilignano: RT @SCO_NEWS: Huge crowd for funeral of ‘kind, gentle and holy’ Bishop John Mone - 8 years ago

@JillKelly4: RT @john_bishopjohn: Bishop John Mone died peacefully 6.00am. He was a holy man of God and gentle pastor, loved by all of Paisley diocese.… - 8 years ago

@CatholicErskine: RT @SCO_NEWS: This week's SCO front page, with a special tribute to Bishop John Mone. Make sure to pick yours up at your local parish https… - 8 years ago

@ssullie71: @Thatboylid80 @_VertHill @John_Peterz @RashanGary33 @TheSupremeTaco @BigPappi73 @Chris_Wormley43 as well as Mone - 8 years ago

@CiS_chat: CoS-NEWS^ | Huge crowd for funeral of 'kind, gentle and holy' Bishop John Mone: The Church of Scotland was re... - 8 years ago

@john_bishopjohn: RT @ArchdiocGlasgow: Archbp Tartaglia leads final commendation of Bishop Mone RIP - 8 years ago

@JamesGang5446: RT @SCO_NEWS: A special message of 'prayerful condolence' from Pope Francis has been read out at the funeral of Bishop John Mone at St Miri… - 8 years ago

@Spartacustic: RT @SCO_NEWS: A special message of 'prayerful condolence' from Pope Francis has been read out at the funeral of Bishop John Mone at St Miri… - 8 years ago

@MaryHenretty: RT @SCO_NEWS: Huge crowd for funeral of ‘kind, gentle and holy’ Bishop John Mone - 8 years ago

@jordan_whitta: @kieran_____ @Craig_Mone that's nae nice John B @Mog_Min @leahhrichardss @couurtss1xo - 8 years ago

@jmcgowan207: God bless, Bishop John Mone. He got a great send off today. Great hope in him being in Heaven with Our Father! - 8 years ago

@SCO_NEWS: One of Bishop Mone’s successors in Paisley Diocese, BISHOP JOHN KEENAN, pays tribute to the late prelate… - 8 years ago

@annemariegillan: RT @SCO_NEWS: A special message of 'prayerful condolence' from Pope Francis has been read out at the funeral of Bishop John Mone at St Miri… - 8 years ago

@SPeterDumbarton: RT @SCO_NEWS: Huge crowd for funeral of ‘kind, gentle and holy’ Bishop John Mone - 8 years ago

@Henriklubo: RT @SCO_NEWS: A special message of 'prayerful condolence' from Pope Francis has been read out at the funeral of Bishop John Mone at St Miri… - 8 years ago

@ScotsCatholic: RT @SCO_NEWS: A special message of 'prayerful condolence' from Pope Francis has been read out at the funeral of Bishop John Mone at St Miri… - 8 years ago

@ScotsCatholic: RT @SCO_NEWS: Huge crowd for funeral of ‘kind, gentle and holy’ Bishop John Mone - 8 years ago

@GeeBrona: RT @SCO_NEWS: A special message of 'prayerful condolence' from Pope Francis has been read out at the funeral of Bishop John Mone at St Miri… - 8 years ago

@Missio_Scotland: RT @SCO_NEWS: This week's SCO front page, with a special tribute to Bishop John Mone. Make sure to pick yours up at your local parish https… - 8 years ago

@SNPChris: Honoured to represent @inverclyde at funeral mass of Bishop John Mone nearly 19 years to the day he celebrated my c… - 8 years ago

@mercyjubilee: RT @SCO_NEWS: A special message of 'prayerful condolence' from Pope Francis has been read out at the funeral of Bishop John Mone at St Miri… - 8 years ago

@mercyjubilee: RT @SCO_NEWS: Huge crowd for funeral of ‘kind, gentle and holy’ Bishop John Mone - 8 years ago

@hollylamontx: RT @john_bishopjohn: Bishop John Mone died peacefully 6.00am. He was a holy man of God and gentle pastor, loved by all of Paisley diocese.… - 8 years ago

@SCO_NEWS: A special message of 'prayerful condolence' from Pope Francis has been read out at the funeral of Bishop John Mone - 8 years ago

@SCO_NEWS: Huge crowd for funeral of ‘kind, gentle and holy’ Bishop John Mone - 8 years ago

@ColetteWa11ace: Beautiful tributes to our beloved Bishop John Mone in this weekend's @SCO_NEWS @john_bishopjohn He simply radiated love wherever he went ❤ - 8 years ago

@PaulPettigrew6: RT @john_bishopjohn: Bishop John Mone died peacefully 6.00am. He was a holy man of God and gentle pastor, loved by all of Paisley diocese.… - 8 years ago

@Frasergrant: @ASMcEwan Philip Green, Effie Deans, John McTernan, Michelle Mone and the ghost of Robert Maxwell - 8 years ago

@MichaelAirdrie: RT @PFOKane: Moving to be in Lourdes praying for repose of the soul of Bishop John Mone, his piano in Alberts is silent but memories of his… - 8 years ago

@FrankieRTR: RT @CllrSMcCabe: Representing the Council tomorrow at the funeral of our beloved Bishop Emeritus John Mone, an adopted son of Inverclyde. R… - 8 years ago

@CllrSMcCabe: Representing the Council tomorrow at the funeral of our beloved Bishop Emeritus John Mone, an adopted son of Inverclyde. RIP. - 8 years ago

@Moran123Robert: RT @CatholicClara: Praying at the Grotto for he who so loved this place; a man, a priest, a bishop. RIP Bishop John Mone, may you continue… - 8 years ago

@Moran123Robert: RT @PFOKane: Moving to be in Lourdes praying for repose of the soul of Bishop John Mone, his piano in Alberts is silent but memories of his… - 8 years ago

@PFOKane: Moving to be in Lourdes praying for repose of the soul of Bishop John Mone, his piano in Alberts is silent but memo… - 8 years ago

@CatholicClara: Praying at the Grotto for he who so loved this place; a man, a priest, a bishop. RIP Bishop John Mone, may you cont… - 8 years ago

@AlistairDutton: In Paisley this eve to offer @sciaf's respects & gratitude for Bishop John Mone. @PaisleyDiocese @john_bishopjohn - 8 years ago

@ideas4thefuture: Obituary - John Mone, Bishop Emeritus of Paisley who railed against Dungavel detention centre - 8 years ago

@okzamorarosado: If your actions inspire othars to dream mone, learn more, do ore and become more, you are a leader. John Quincy Adams - 8 years ago

@haloolivera267: "Hal. the mone. I spend;on advertisin is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half." John Wanamaker - 8 years ago

@feelzandra161: "Half thr mone. I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half." John Wanamaker - 8 years ago

@Luismi_MoNe: @Eric_Zolanski es como yo dije ayer, es el disco menos Gagero de todos, solo se salva John Wayne y alguna otra - 8 years ago

@DCMAUREEN2012: RT @ScotsCollegeIT: RIP Bishop John Aloysius Mone (1929-2016) With sadness, we join all Catholics of Scotland in praying for happy repose o… - 8 years ago

@UKinHolySee: RT @ScotsCollegeIT: RIP Bishop John Aloysius Mone (1929-2016) With sadness, we join all Catholics of Scotland in praying for happy repose o… - 8 years ago

@SparkScotland: We are sad to note the passing of Bishop John Mone. A great supporter of The Spark & a former honorary president. May he rest in peace. - 8 years ago

@LarkfieldRC: Bishop JOHN MONE, R.I.P. Viewing today & tomorrow: Holy Rosary Residence, Greenock, Tues 18 Oct 4.00pm-8.00pm & Wed 19 Oct (10.00am-2.00pm) - 8 years ago

@Luismi_MoNe: Os habéis fijado que la canción de John Wayne en el estribillo dice "Darmanitan, Omanite, Darmanitan..." #Joanne #Pokémon - 8 years ago

@3salmon: RT @ideas4thefuture: Obituary - John Mone, Bishop Emeritus of Paisley who railed against Dungavel detention centre - 8 years ago

@Luismi_MoNe: Por qué el resto de canciones no se parecen a John Wayne maldita zorra? - 8 years ago

@Luismi_MoNe: Bueno pues ya he escuchado Joanne y las únicas que me gustan de momento son John Wayne y Hey Girl (por Florence) - 8 years ago

@fdejahang: RT @AlistairDutton: With gratitude & fondness, @sciaf remembers Bishop John Mone, a wonderful President & champion of our cause. May he RIP… - 8 years ago

@Luismi_MoNe: RT @SalvadorRaya: John Cena pero también desayuna - 8 years ago

@frasier_john: RT @themotleyfool: Are you a Young? Two-thirds of Youngs are making a big financial mistake by not owning stocks. - 8 years ago

@josepaisley: Bishop John Mone's Funeral Arrangements - 8 years ago

@hmccg: RT @john_bishopjohn: Bishop John Mone died peacefully 6.00am. He was a holy man of God and gentle pastor, loved by all of Paisley diocese.… - 8 years ago

@McarthurRoseann: RT @ArchdiocGlasgow: With sorrow we announce the death of Bishop John Mone. Former bishop of Paisley and Auxiliary Bishop of Glasgow. Requi… - 8 years ago

@marymcgroarty: RT @john_bishopjohn: Bishop John Mone died peacefully 6.00am. He was a holy man of God and gentle pastor, loved by all of Paisley diocese.… - 8 years ago

@mArketingOnl4u: #webdev #seo #smmAfter retiring, Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf could open up quite a few bank accounts with the mone… - 8 years ago

@gumptionology: RT @AlistairDutton: With gratitude & fondness, @sciaf remembers Bishop John Mone, a wonderful President & champion of our cause. May he RIP… - 8 years ago

@SusanGrady1: So sad to hear of the passing of Bishop John Mone, happy memories of meeting him through school,he was a true gentleman #RIP - 8 years ago

@FrKane: RT @john_bishopjohn: Bishop John Mone's Funeral Arrangements - 8 years ago

@kazf77: RT @SCO_NEWS: Bishop John Mone, former Bishop of Paisley died this morning, in his sleep, just before 6am. please pray for the repose of hi… - 8 years ago

@GallowayYouthRC: RIP Bishop John Mone, former Bishop of Paisley who sadly passed away yesterday morning. Please pray for the repose… - 8 years ago

@ggray1888: RT @john_bishopjohn: Bishop John Mone died peacefully 6.00am. He was a holy man of God and gentle pastor, loved by all of Paisley diocese.… - 8 years ago

@CathyMacphail: RT @gerrymc63: Bishop John Mone in Lourdes. Now his pilgrimage on earth has ended may he rest in peace. - 8 years ago

@mArketingOnl4u: #webdev #seo #smmAfter retiring, Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf could open up quite a few bank accounts with the mone… - 8 years ago

@RE_ndhs: Funeral Arrangement for Bishop John Mone Requiescat in Pace - 8 years ago

@GPN500: Scotland - Death of former Bishop of Paisley John Mone announced - 8 years ago

@EuropeGPN: Scotland - Death of former Bishop of Paisley John Mone announced - 8 years ago

@GPN1000: Scotland - Death of former Bishop of Paisley John Mone announced - 8 years ago

@mone_swann: More to come..... - 8 years ago

@rercag: RT @john_bishopjohn: Bishop John Mone's Funeral Arrangements - 8 years ago

@ptoland01: RT @SCO_NEWS: Bishop John Mone requiem mass will take place this Friday, 12 noon at St Mirin's Cathedral Paisley - 8 years ago

@McKay779: RT @john_bishopjohn: Bishop John Mone's Funeral Arrangements - 8 years ago

@ScotsCatholic: RT @john_bishopjohn: Bishop John Mone's Funeral Arrangements - 8 years ago

@SuziM4: RT @SCO_NEWS: Bishop John Mone requiem mass will take place this Friday, 12 noon at St Mirin's Cathedral Paisley - 8 years ago

@RobertBurns2012: Bishop Emeritus John Mone Funeral Arrangements. - 8 years ago

@cumlazaro: RT @john_bishopjohn: Bishop John Mone's Funeral Arrangements - 8 years ago

@john_bishopjohn: Bishop John Mone's Funeral Arrangements - 8 years ago

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