John Matias

American baseball player (Chicago White Sox).
Died on Thursday April 9th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to John Matias:

@AdoctrinatA: @Matias_Rayo @Manuel_de_BCN És més (ara m'has picat, mira) La Keira es veu que li va donar tal rodatge al director,… - 5 years ago

@john_germinal: @mar_matias_stcm @jm_clavero @lluis_llach 🤣🤣🤣🤣 - 5 years ago

@juanmaelizalde: Armó mí top 5 porque algunos no están y tampoco ganarían. 1. Carlos "Ojen" Wilson. 2. El amigo de Maradona. 3. Padr… - 5 years ago

@UTZAAKE: RT @PeterWilt1: RIP #WhiteSox 1970 spring training legend Pineapple John Matias. He died Tuesday, 50 years to the day after his @whitesox… - 5 years ago


@UTZAAKE: RT @StarAdvertiser: John Matias, major leaguer and father of former UH standout, dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@arrigoni_matias: @teloresumo Vengo del futuro y les aseguro que gano John Wick - 5 years ago

@Hjulet3: @pyromanisk @slotsguld_ @dennis_bek @Lund1993 @TopasZ4 @Paawer93 @aklaussen @OleM11 @Jaudun @MattiasNK @stigkrs… - 5 years ago

@floyd_matias: Tutok to Win sa Wowowin: April 13, 2020 John Floyd Matias 09267737122 Sabi… - 5 years ago

@matias_gleza: U-Men. Grupo transespecie de asesinos de mutantes liderado por John Sublime que se implantaban sus órganos, se tran… - 5 years ago

@Matias_Yankee: RT @maxi_gris: John Cena //Sin Cena - 5 years ago

@John_Sevigny: @CesarLarin1 @nayibbukele Estoy en contra de monarquias igual que Lincoln, Juarez y Matias Delgado. Lo que pasa en… - 5 years ago

@MariaRibGar: “Quien se atreve a enseñar, nunca debe dejar de aprender”. John Cotton Dana El martes que viene a las 20:10 cita… - 5 years ago

@matias_earl: "There is no fate but what we make for ourselves." -John connor - 5 years ago

@Oldfield: @mami_meeple Y le ha robado el micrófono a Matías Prats para hablarle al adolescente tocapelotas que será John, que… - 5 years ago

@launtcirel: matias alé es nuestro john krasinski - 5 years ago

@cespedes_matias: RT @humanoide_gtr: 🔴 LO ÚLTIMO | John Cobin, el pistolero fascista estadounidense de Reñaca, será reformalizado, tres cargos se le suman al… - 5 years ago

@john_bike: RT @SolesitaSunrise: “#ElMatinaldelosqueSobran “el nombre lo dice todo, “SOBRAN” quién es Stingo? Ale Valle? Comunista Jürgensen? ¡Todos de… - 5 years ago

@cosso_matias: RT @aetchebarne: “El impacto de una depresión económica en enfermedades asociados con ella –depresión, ansiedad, suicidios, ataques cardíac… - 5 years ago

@adolforg15: Los que esperaba muy poco y sí rindieron: Mayer Candelo, Andrés Cadavid, John Duque y Matías de los Santos. - 5 years ago

@GomuGomuNo_John: RT @AroundTurin: Juventus is pushing to sell Higuain. River Plate is a valid option similar to Tevez to Boca. In this case the young player… - 5 years ago

@diegochirivi: @jacerog1980 @carlosforero11 @MillosFCoficial @SantaFe @Santafe7G @fabianrozo @ArevaloJuanP @Theo_Gonzalez… - 5 years ago

@MATIAS_RB98: RT @JenVRod: Decía mi profesora de métodos de investigación que lo peor que uno puede hacer al investigar es acomodarse a buscar el argumen… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: John Matias is no longer with us - #JohnMatias #John #Matias #rip - 5 years ago

@oarchila: @Theo_Gonzalez @SantaFe @RalLopera "Matías" Mejía un jugador que estuvo en la institución hace más de 20 años, John… - 5 years ago

@matias_jrr2010: Que linda forma de arruinar hey jude,desde arriba John Lennon y George Harrison nos van a mear - 5 years ago

@MirrorDarren: @JohnSinnott @SportsguyZayn @EldergillCNN @matias_grez @seancoppack @aleksklosok Cheers John. - 5 years ago

@billyhull: RT @HawaiiPrepWorld: There are plenty of big names in 1983's OIA and ILH baseball stats, including John Matias of Damien, Iolani's Dean Yon… - 5 years ago

@PupulePaul: RT @HawaiiPrepWorld: There are plenty of big names in 1983's OIA and ILH baseball stats, including John Matias of Damien, Iolani's Dean Yon… - 5 years ago

@John_Cancino7: RT @dalealbo: Zaldivia confirma su decisión de nacionalizarse: "Lo voy a hacer" - 5 years ago

@John_Nelso: RT @SDKec: ¿Cuál es tu mejor recuerdo de algún jugador en #BSC? Nos envían foto de la banda de capitán de Matías Oyola en su partido 300. 😍… - 5 years ago

@StarAdvertiser: RT @HawaiiPrepWorld: There are plenty of big names in 1983's OIA and ILH baseball stats, including John Matias of Damien, Iolani's Dean Yon… - 5 years ago

@HawaiiPrepWorld: There are plenty of big names in 1983's OIA and ILH baseball stats, including John Matias of Damien, Iolani's Dean… - 5 years ago

@John_Grandett: RT @La_SanJuanerita: ¿Cómo así que Matías no era Medellín? - 5 years ago

@AlejandroGuzm18: @cprocuna Futbol: Ronaldo (el gordito) Anericano: John Elway Tenis: Boris Becker y Nadal (no logro decidirme) Beisb… - 5 years ago

@IllinoisGolfer: RT @PeterWilt1: RIP #WhiteSox 1970 spring training legend Pineapple John Matias. He died Tuesday, 50 years to the day after his @whitesox… - 5 years ago

@PeterWilt1: Obit for #WhiteSox 1970 spring training legend Pineapple John Matias: - 5 years ago

@PeterWilt1: RIP #WhiteSox 1970 spring training legend Pineapple John Matias. He died Tuesday, 50 years to the day after his… - 5 years ago

@jfranciscosr: @MisterChuncho @Mohikano_Rocker @Ixibc @ViudaDeKen @26marianav @matias_lemus @ElDeCarton @luigibenavente… - 5 years ago

@Leandrodepa: Pero, bueno, John Wick, quién te entrenó? Matías Gómez? - 5 years ago

@podemos1987: @LeandroGeri @belfrutos @Matias_A18 @EsTodoFree @CharloFavio @Fede386A @marchesoni3 @AdrianBringa @dashanape… - 5 years ago

@matias_zalema69: RT @5diasPY: 🦠𝗘𝗦𝗣𝗘𝗖𝗜𝗔𝗟 | Evolución de muertes por coronavirus en EE.UU. 🇺🇲 📍Hace 4 semanas: 38 muertos 📍Hace 3 semanas: 149 muertos 📍Ha… - 5 years ago

@TheTimeWarlock: RT @DC_Black_Label: Available on March 25 2020 The Sandman Universe - John Constantine Hellblazer #5 Written by Simon Spurrier Illustrate… - 5 years ago

@Matias_Yankee: RT @InfoMusicEsp: Top Sessions más escuchadas de @bizarrap🔝🔥 1. Trueno 93.1M (Freestyle) 2. Nicki Nicole 78.1M 3. Aleman🇲🇽 69.9M 4. Trueno… - 5 years ago

@matias_lsci: Si algo hemos aprendido de John Le Carré es que #Homeland solo puede terminar de una manera: la peor posible. Perdón por el spoiler (?). - 5 years ago

@TraciRylands: RT @rip_mlb: RIP to John Matias, who played for the 1970 #WhiteSox before becoming a high school coach in his native Hawaii. He died on Apr… - 5 years ago

@rip_mlb: RIP to John Matias, who played for the 1970 #WhiteSox before becoming a high school coach in his native Hawaii. He… - 5 years ago

@HeyItsLaurenox: @iamrami1996 @NikiLeeTompkins @RetroBoyJon @artiescarano @Elininis @FrappMocha @Matias_Redfield @boynez55… - 5 years ago

@GIND32: RT @HawaiiPrepWorld: Farrington legend John Matias dies. He hit four home runs in a state tournament game in 1962. READ MORE: - 5 years ago

@wsgbriwgp1: Isaiah Ohnesorge Brian Jacob Edgar Ben Vasquez James Irving Michael John Maccelli Modster Maher Prapavessis Huppert… - 5 years ago

@mwlarchives: Former @timberrattlers John Matias has passed at 75. He played in the #MWL in 1964 - 5 years ago

@sportsdeaths: MLB: John Matias, age 75, played w 1970 Chicago White Sox - 5 years ago

@PupulePaul: RT @HawaiiPrepWorld: Farrington legend John Matias dies. He hit four home runs in a state tournament game in 1962. READ MORE: - 5 years ago

@HawaiiPrepWorld: Farrington legend John Matias dies. He hit four home runs in a state tournament game in 1962. READ MORE:… - 5 years ago

@PupulePaul: RT @dave_reardon: Here's our breaking news story on the passing of Farrington legend, MLB player and longtime Hawaii prep coach John Matias - 5 years ago

@SewerCorpse: RT @wikiagebio1: John Matias, a Major League Baseball player and high school coach on Oahu, after starring in Farrington High School, died… - 5 years ago

@wikiagebio1: John Matias, a Major League Baseball player and high school coach on Oahu, after starring in Farrington High School… - 5 years ago

@FMN_2015: RIP John Matias @TheTweetOfGod #TragicDeaths 💔💐 #JohnMatias add some flowers to their gravestone at - 5 years ago

@qmavlcqaj: Rampling Robinson Raanta Taylor Lambert Joe Matias Curtiss Nnadi Jamie Oleksiak Remillard Rollin Michael Derrick Za… - 5 years ago

@Suppalala1: RT @StarAdvertiser: John Matias, major leaguer and father of former UH standout, dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@dave_reardon: Here's our breaking news story on the passing of Farrington legend, MLB player and longtime Hawaii prep coach John… - 5 years ago

@thehawaiiguy: John Matias, major leaguer and father of former UH standout, dies at 75 via @staradvertiser - 5 years ago

@StarAdvertiser: John Matias, major leaguer and father of former UH standout, dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@Matias_Baro: Distributism Basics with John Médaille - 5 years ago

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