John M. Downs

American courtroom sketch artist
Died on Tuesday October 22nd 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Dulcinea Langfelder

Tweets related to John M. Downs:

@InflatableDalek: With a film made by so many different directors, it's going to have ups and downs. I think a lot of it's low reputa… - 5 years ago

@coy_moore9: @John_Jurcik It’s definitely going to be a coaching battle. I’d rather play safe and keep everything in front of me… - 5 years ago

@D_Downs: RT @rembert: John Witherspoon is black history. What a list. Wayans Bros Boondocks Friday x3 Boomerang House Party Hollywood Shuffle Vamp… - 5 years ago

@D_Downs: RT @icecube: I’m devastated over the passing of John Witherspoon. Life won’t be as funny without him. - 5 years ago


@mashcore4mums: see, i'm reluctant to lean into the "john legend fucks kids" bit because I feel, that he's really done nothing wron… - 5 years ago

@John_31s: @NinerTribe004 @415Loyal @RealSkipBayless Show me where I said all pass TD’s and no 3rd downs All I said is that I… - 5 years ago

@socmdm: RT @Regenstrief: Regenstrief’s Dr. Stephen Downs received the @socmdm’s John M. Eisenberg Award for Practical Application of Medical Decisi… - 5 years ago

@Regenstrief: Regenstrief’s Dr. Stephen Downs received the @socmdm’s John M. Eisenberg Award for Practical Application of Medical… - 5 years ago

@horseflynawall: RT @DRFWelsch: From Clocker John Nichols this a.m. at Churchill Downs. BC works included Covfefe 59.80 5F from 1/2. Andesite 100.60 5F from… - 5 years ago

@rfrsarmiento: RT @Regenstrief: Congratulations to Regenstrief researcher Dr. Stephen Downs. He was awarded the @socmdm’s John M. Eisenberg Award for Prac… - 5 years ago

@bmacattack514: RT @Regenstrief: Congratulations to Regenstrief researcher Dr. Stephen Downs. He was awarded the @socmdm’s John M. Eisenberg Award for Prac… - 5 years ago

@embimd: RT @Regenstrief: Congratulations to Regenstrief researcher Dr. Stephen Downs. He was awarded the @socmdm’s John M. Eisenberg Award for Prac… - 5 years ago

@Regenstrief: Congratulations to Regenstrief researcher Dr. Stephen Downs. He was awarded the @socmdm’s John M. Eisenberg Award f… - 5 years ago

@ErnieBPhoto93: RT @DRFWelsch: From Clocker John Nichols this a.m. at Churchill Downs. BC works included Covfefe 59.80 5F from 1/2. Andesite 100.60 5F from… - 5 years ago

@DRFLivingston: RT @DRFWelsch: From Clocker John Nichols this a.m. at Churchill Downs. BC works included Covfefe 59.80 5F from 1/2. Andesite 100.60 5F from… - 5 years ago

@Doogievet: RT @DRFWelsch: From Clocker John Nichols this a.m. at Churchill Downs. BC works included Covfefe 59.80 5F from 1/2. Andesite 100.60 5F from… - 5 years ago

@JonLindo60: RT @DRFWelsch: From Clocker John Nichols this a.m. at Churchill Downs. BC works included Covfefe 59.80 5F from 1/2. Andesite 100.60 5F from… - 5 years ago

@DRFPrivman: RT @DRFWelsch: From Clocker John Nichols this a.m. at Churchill Downs. BC works included Covfefe 59.80 5F from 1/2. Andesite 100.60 5F from… - 5 years ago

@wingsrgood4u: RT @DRFWelsch: From Clocker John Nichols this a.m. at Churchill Downs. BC works included Covfefe 59.80 5F from 1/2. Andesite 100.60 5F from… - 5 years ago

@Alex20806: RT @DRFWelsch: From Clocker John Nichols this a.m. at Churchill Downs. BC works included Covfefe 59.80 5F from 1/2. Andesite 100.60 5F from… - 5 years ago

@JohnnyM99034849: RT @DRFWelsch: From Clocker John Nichols this a.m. at Churchill Downs. BC works included Covfefe 59.80 5F from 1/2. Andesite 100.60 5F from… - 5 years ago

@thoropicks: RT @DRFWelsch: From Clocker John Nichols this a.m. at Churchill Downs. BC works included Covfefe 59.80 5F from 1/2. Andesite 100.60 5F from… - 5 years ago

@papocore1: RT @DRFWelsch: From Clocker John Nichols this a.m. at Churchill Downs. BC works included Covfefe 59.80 5F from 1/2. Andesite 100.60 5F from… - 5 years ago

@joesantos_33: RT @DRFWelsch: From Clocker John Nichols this a.m. at Churchill Downs. BC works included Covfefe 59.80 5F from 1/2. Andesite 100.60 5F from… - 5 years ago

@DRFRusso: RT @DRFWelsch: From Clocker John Nichols this a.m. at Churchill Downs. BC works included Covfefe 59.80 5F from 1/2. Andesite 100.60 5F from… - 5 years ago

@DRFWelsch: From Clocker John Nichols this a.m. at Churchill Downs. BC works included Covfefe 59.80 5F from 1/2. Andesite 100.6… - 5 years ago

@HillbillyTruth: RT @TrueQanuck11: 553) Artist John M. Downs, longtime Chicago Sun-Times, Daily News who captured key courtroom moments for John Gacy, Richa… - 5 years ago

@IUPUInformatics: RT @socmdm: Congratulations to the winner of the SMDM 2019 John M. Eisenberg Award for Practical Application of Medical Decision Making Res… - 5 years ago

@MM47821446: RT @TrueQanuck11: 553) Artist John M. Downs, longtime Chicago Sun-Times, Daily News who captured key courtroom moments for John Gacy, Richa… - 5 years ago

@TrueQanuck11: 553) Artist John M. Downs, longtime Chicago Sun-Times, Daily News who captured key courtroom moments for John Gacy,… - 5 years ago

@socmdm: RT @aslajoie: Stephen Downs of @IUMedSchool received the John M. Eisenberg award for practical application of medical decision making resea… - 5 years ago

@HTGoldPhD: RT @aslajoie: Stephen Downs of @IUMedSchool received the John M. Eisenberg award for practical application of medical decision making resea… - 5 years ago

@aslajoie: Stephen Downs of @IUMedSchool received the John M. Eisenberg award for practical application of medical decision ma… - 5 years ago

@HTGoldPhD: RT @BeateSander: Congratulations, Stephen Downs on the John M. Eisenberg Award for Practical Application of MDM! #SMDM19 - 5 years ago

@HTGoldPhD: RT @WrightCensored: #SMDM19 2019 John M. Eisenberg Award for Practical Application of Medical Decision Making Research winner Dr. Stephen D… - 5 years ago

@t_m_porter: RT @VenetiaJane: 'All in the Downs the fleet was moor’d, The streamers waving in the wind, When black-eyed Susan came aboard; ‘O! where sh… - 5 years ago

@socmdm: RT @WrightCensored: #SMDM19 2019 John M. Eisenberg Award for Practical Application of Medical Decision Making Research winner Dr. Stephen D… - 5 years ago

@WrightCensored: #SMDM19 2019 John M. Eisenberg Award for Practical Application of Medical Decision Making Research winner Dr. Steph… - 5 years ago

@BeateSander: Congratulations, Stephen Downs on the John M. Eisenberg Award for Practical Application of MDM! #SMDM19 - 5 years ago

@socmdm: RT @BrouwerLizzy: Congrats to Stephen Downs on being awarded the John M. Eisenberg Award for Practical Application of Medical Decision Maki… - 5 years ago

@BrouwerLizzy: Congrats to Stephen Downs on being awarded the John M. Eisenberg Award for Practical Application of Medical Decisio… - 5 years ago

@John_Fennelly: RT @DDuggan21: Not that I’m expecting Downs to play on defense, but promoting an ILB seems like a blow to those holding out hope for a Deon… - 5 years ago

@tomyamaguchi: Artist John M. Downs, longtime Chicago Sun-Times, Daily News who captured key courtroom moments for John Gacy, Rich… - 5 years ago

@Spike9151: RT @suntimesobits: #Chicago artist John M. Downs is remembered by @RahmEmanuel. Mr. Downs, who worked @SunTimes & #Chicago Daily News, capt… - 5 years ago

@RonPyke: RT @suntimesobits: #Chicago artist John M. Downs is remembered by @RahmEmanuel. Mr. Downs, who worked @SunTimes & #Chicago Daily News, capt… - 5 years ago

@FuscoChris: RT @suntimesobits: #Chicago artist John M. Downs is remembered by @RahmEmanuel. Mr. Downs, who worked @SunTimes & #Chicago Daily News, capt… - 5 years ago

@Suntimes: RT @SeidelContent: Artist John M. Downs, a witness to history in a long career with @Suntimes, #ChicagoDailyNews, has died: - 5 years ago

@SeidelContent: Artist John M. Downs, a witness to history in a long career with @Suntimes, #ChicagoDailyNews, has died:… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, John M. Downs dies - #JohnMDowns #John #M.Downs #rip - 5 years ago

@LaurieS64123094: Artist John M. Downs, longtime Chicago Sun-Times, Daily News who captured key courtroom moments for John Gacy, Rich… - 5 years ago

@chrispilz: Artist John M. Downs, longtime Chicago Sun-Times, Daily News who captured key courtroom moments for John Gacy, Rich… - 5 years ago

@john_wawrow: I might have missed a drive here, but I’m pretty sure the #Jets have gone: 1. Fumble. 2. Interception. 3. Intercept… - 5 years ago

@LEEBEY: RT @suntimesobits: #Chicago artist John M. Downs is remembered by @RahmEmanuel. Mr. Downs, who worked @SunTimes & #Chicago Daily News, capt… - 5 years ago

@aherrmann350: RT @suntimesobits: #Chicago artist John M. Downs is remembered by @RahmEmanuel. Mr. Downs, who worked @SunTimes & #Chicago Daily News, capt… - 5 years ago

@msrosati: RT @suntimesobits: #Chicago artist John M. Downs is remembered by @RahmEmanuel. Mr. Downs, who worked @SunTimes & #Chicago Daily News, capt… - 5 years ago

@suntimesobits: #Chicago artist John M. Downs is remembered by @RahmEmanuel. Mr. Downs, who worked @SunTimes & #Chicago Daily News,… - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: John M. Downs - 5 years ago

@jameshenrik: RT @NorwichCAMRA: Music at @NorwichBeerFest: #nbf19 Norwich Beer Festival 21-26 Oct M- Phantom Cowboys/Omegamen Tu- Felix Simpson W- Murphy… - 5 years ago

@anuhh_27: RT @uhhhyep: 10.20.19 is the day that will forever be in my heart and a special memory that we’ll tell to everyone. Yes we’ve had our ups &… - 5 years ago

@whet: RT @NeilSteinberg: My colleague Maureen O'Donnell gives a masterful farewell to our colleague, the artist John M. Downs, who sketched Chica… - 5 years ago

@NeilSteinberg: My colleague Maureen O'Donnell gives a masterful farewell to our colleague, the artist John M. Downs, who sketched… - 5 years ago

@DSantoro1002: @MMMcG03 @rosemhook @_Ben_Franklin1 @john_sipher @HillaryClinton It’s not being mean. I’m growing weary of the cons… - 5 years ago

@NylaVox: @99blujeep Thanks, John~ I’m gonna need you guys~ Ups and downs, hitting me hard..... ✨💔🌈🐱🌈💔✨ - 5 years ago

@craignewman: RT @MarkJacob16: John Downs, an illustrator for the Chicago Daily News and Sun-Times, has died. On John's first day on the job back in 1962… - 5 years ago

@AimeeDearmon: RT @MarkJacob16: John Downs, an illustrator for the Chicago Daily News and Sun-Times, has died. On John's first day on the job back in 1962… - 5 years ago

@JamieGump: RT @MarkJacob16: John Downs, an illustrator for the Chicago Daily News and Sun-Times, has died. On John's first day on the job back in 1962… - 5 years ago

@robertloerzel: RT @MarkJacob16: John Downs, an illustrator for the Chicago Daily News and Sun-Times, has died. On John's first day on the job back in 1962… - 5 years ago

@TribuneKevin: RT @MarkJacob16: John Downs, an illustrator for the Chicago Daily News and Sun-Times, has died. On John's first day on the job back in 1962… - 5 years ago

@MoyPerea: RT @MarkJacob16: John Downs, an illustrator for the Chicago Daily News and Sun-Times, has died. On John's first day on the job back in 1962… - 5 years ago

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