John Lawton

English hard rock singer (Uriah Heep
Died on Tuesday July 6th 2021

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Hasan Çelebi

Tweets related to John Lawton:

@mobydick2010: @RailwaySiding77 @bobbyr611 Yes thanks have gone ahead with that one. Must admit David Byron's vocals are heavenly… - 4 years ago

@Goldmine_mag: RIP John Lawton of Lucifer's Friend and @UriahHeep . Here is an #InMemoriam with a #vinyl flip side tribute:… - 4 years ago

@RailwaySiding77: @mobydick2010 Some of John Lawton's fine work with UH. 🙏 Enjoy 🎶👍 - 4 years ago

@IlMortoDelMese: John Lawton (1946-2021) - 4 years ago


@Taasanasia: これも素晴らしい熱唱!! Les Humphries Singers - Danny Boy [featuring John Lawton] - 4 years ago

@Taasanasia: John LawtonはUriah Heep加入前に既に"Look At Yourself"を歌っていましたね。 Les Humphries Singers - Look At Yourself [featuring John… - 4 years ago

@Plac1dCasual: @sirjohnbell @glesgatim @Lawton_Times John complains about verbal abuse by verbally abusing a nation. I hope his e… - 4 years ago

@DoctorDoubleTap: John Dorie [writing to June Dorie about the Lawton]: If we play our cards right, perhaps one day we can be together… - 4 years ago

@NinaSauron: RT @Iapetus_777: «Σίγησε» ο John Lawton - 4 years ago

@GiorgioProtone: RT @Iapetus_777: «Σίγησε» ο John Lawton - 4 years ago

@Pan_t_zari: RT @Iapetus_777: «Σίγησε» ο John Lawton - 4 years ago

@Iapetus_777: «Σίγησε» ο John Lawton - 4 years ago

@DanielDeLuxe6: John Lawton (1946-2021) remembered for his work with Lucifer’s Friend, Uriah Heep and more - 4 years ago

@TakeMeToTelAviv: RT @tagesschau: Uriah Heep-Sänger John Lawton gestorben - 4 years ago

@fuckdistanceman: RT @ElEurovisivo: 🖤 Tenemos que lamentar el fallecimiento de Djivan Gasparyan (flautista de Armenia en 2010) y de John Lawton (miembro del… - 4 years ago

@brad_duren: @HeepPodcast You mentioned John Sloman oversinging on thus cut. I think he oversings on almost every song and that… - 4 years ago

@Taasanasia: John Lawtonが亡くなったのを知ってから、まだUriah Heepを聴いていません。今はまだLes Humphries Singers。以前MIZさんがJohnのリードボーカル曲だけ集めたCD-Rを作ってくれたので、それを… - 4 years ago

@ulicyan: ジョン・ロートン?のRebel / Zarを聴いてます。改めてVoの素晴らしさを実感。Zarは苦手?(笑)なメロハー系だけど素晴らしいVoパフォーマンス!さすがNicoさんと誕生日が同じだけあるね(笑) - 4 years ago

@northern_folk: John Lawton, Uriah Heep's second singer (11 July 1946 – 29 June 2021). Ken Hensley, Uriah Heep's first Keyboard pla… - 4 years ago

@northern_folk: Here is John Lawton with Uriah Heep. From the 1978 album "Fallen Angel". With Mick Box, Ken Hensley, Lee Kerslake a… - 4 years ago

@BlakeMitchner: @LFGleafs Wow you know David Byron I was referencing Peter Goalby who replaced John Sloman who replaced John Lawt… - 4 years ago

@northern_folk: John Cooper Lawton (11 July 1946 – 29 June 2021). Second singer with the great band Uriah Heep. Here with "Lucifers… - 4 years ago

@Metalargentumok: Hoy a las 20 hs LATINBANGERS... "EL ESPÍRITU DE LA PESADEZ" otra semana anti-plandemia con la buena música y hacemo… - 4 years ago

@MarcoAl69509542: RT @hitosdelrock: 11-07-1946: Nace John Lawton (Halifax, Inglaterra), cantante y compositor, reconocido por haber sido parte de la banda in… - 4 years ago

@musicUwant2hear: Fairytale by JOHN LAWTON & DIANA EXPRESS... #nowPlaying at - 4 years ago

@musicUwant2hear: Tomorrow by JOHN LAWTON... #nowPlaying at - 4 years ago

@musicUwant2hear: Interview, 16 November 2012 by Heroes - John Lawton... #nowPlaying at - 4 years ago

@Javin_Lawton: Bruh it’s no way you got Lebron before MJ when they still treat bruh like he John Henry lol - 4 years ago

@mitchell_john: @Lawton_Times - 4 years ago

@musicUwant2hear: In our GRTR! Archive sequence this week, we pay tribute to JOHN LAWTON who died recently. Our #interview is from 2… - 4 years ago

@kosuke_sakurai: 本当に残念です。John Lawtonこそ、真に上手いボーカリストと言える人だと思います。特に70年代の彼は、人間とは思えない程の歌の上手さです。 Uriah Heepの2代目ボーカリストでもありますが、やはり彼のボーカルはLuc… - 4 years ago

@GerryRafferty16: RT @09Leo19: John Lawton - Soldiers Of Fortune - 4 years ago

@nao_ogawa_0426: RT @IRDIA_MASSA: R.I.P. John Lawton Zarを久しぶりに聞いたらこれは名盤だった。ホントに良い声です。 - 4 years ago

@Alejovenom: RT @NoClass_Radio: 11 de julio de 1946. Nace John Lawton en Halifax, Reino Unido. Fue conocido principalmente por su trabajo en bandas como… - 4 years ago

@GlassboyBob: RIP John Lawton 11/07/46 - 29/06/2021 - 4 years ago

@consultoriarock: O vocalista John Lawton faria hoje 75 anos. O músico, revelado no Lucifer's Friend, também fez fama junto ao Uriah… - 4 years ago

@metalkrlos73: RT @hitosdelrock: 11-07-1946: Nace John Lawton (Halifax, Inglaterra), cantante y compositor, reconocido por haber sido parte de la banda in… - 4 years ago

@09Leo19: John Lawton - Soldiers Of Fortune - 4 years ago

@hitosdelrock: 11-07-1946: Nace John Lawton (Halifax, Inglaterra), cantante y compositor, reconocido por haber sido parte de la ba… - 4 years ago

@188ClassicRock: 11 July 1946 John Lawton, lead vocalist for Uriah Heep from 1976 to 1979, is born in Halifax, England. - 4 years ago

@Cris24918557: RT @scorpions: John Lawton, the former Lead Singer of Uriah Heep, has passed away… our deepest condolences go out to his Family and Friends… - 4 years ago

@CerroteAvila: RT @andrespinoblanc: Homenaje a JOHN LAWTON. Extraordinario Cantante.(Uriah Heep): Nacio el 11 /07/1946 y Partió el 29/06/2021 @AprendizdAn… - 4 years ago

@kir58spb: Джон Лоутон (John Lawton) Прощай великий вокалист (Uriah Heep - 4 years ago

@edcar1811: RT @MusicBeat5: Born July 11, 1946 #singersongwriter for Uriah Heep, John Lawton. He died on June 29, 2021. #Music #Birthday #RIP - 4 years ago

@FreddiePremo: RT @BeaconPurple: Remembering former Lucifer's Friend, Les Humphries Singers and Uriah Heep vocalist and songwriter John Lawton, who was bo… - 4 years ago

@WeWantTAirwaves: RT @DiamondDaibhidJ: #RIP to John Lawton, singer for 70's Proto Metal Prog Rockers Lucifer's Friend & Uriah Heep; - 4 years ago

@SLandweird: Unironically passionate about this one - by John Lawton Cullinson - click to see the full image. Like, vaporwave p… - 4 years ago

@43po2: 🎤/🎶🖊/Acoustic🎸/harmonica/🎭 (Lucifer’s Friend, Uriah Heep….) John Cooper Lawton 11th, July 1946 Halifax, 🇬🇧 (✨29th, June 2021) - 4 years ago

@undertiko: Julio 11 1946...nace John Lawton (Uriah Heep...etc.)...1946-2021 - 4 years ago

@alcinodoliveira: RT @Xabier_Rivas: Qepd john lawton una de las voces Uriah Heep - Wise Man (1977) Top of the Pops - 4 years ago

@MusicFactsFun: Today's #Music #Birthdays: Thurston Harris, Alex Hassilev, John Lawton, Jeff Hanna, Danny Flores, Benny Defranco - 4 years ago

@VanDoHalen: 4. Também participou do projeto Les Humphries Singers, que emplacou hits em paradas europeias, além de ter particip… - 4 years ago

@VanDoHalen: 1. Nascido em Halifax, Inglaterra, John Cooper Lawton começou a carreira na banda local The Deans. Seu primeiro des… - 4 years ago

@VanDoHalen: Mini thread: 5 fatos sobre John Lawton, cantor que completaria 75 anos neste domingo. - 4 years ago

@Christo21251914: RT @DeepPurplePod: It's with great sadness that we have just learned that the great John Lawton has passed away on June 29, 2021. He had a… - 4 years ago

@NoClass_Radio: 11 de julio de 1946. Nace John Lawton en Halifax, Reino Unido. Fue conocido principalmente por su trabajo en bandas… - 4 years ago

@HristinaNicola1: Regardez "URIAH HEEP JULY MORNING 1972" sur YouTube - 4 years ago

@HristinaNicola1: Regardez "URIAH HEEP JULY MORNING 1972" sur YouTube - 4 years ago

@HristinaNicola1: RT @NextMosh: John Lawton (Uriah Heep, Lucifer's Friend) has died at 74: - 4 years ago

@WORLD_DISQUE: RT @ken7253: John Lawtonさん 1946年7月11日生まれ、お元気だったなら75歳のお誕生日。故人の誕生日や命日を何年にも渡って触れるのに違和感を感じる方も居ると思いますがその人がこの世に生まれてこなかったら自分達はその素晴らしい音楽ライブに出会えなかった… - 4 years ago

@HristinaNicola1: Uriah Heep : l’ex-chanteur John Lawton nous a quittés - 4 years ago

@ulicyan: RT @ken7253: John Lawtonさん 1946年7月11日生まれ、お元気だったなら75歳のお誕生日。故人の誕生日や命日を何年にも渡って触れるのに違和感を感じる方も居ると思いますがその人がこの世に生まれてこなかったら自分達はその素晴らしい音楽ライブに出会えなかった… - 4 years ago

@ken7253: John Lawtonさん 1946年7月11日生まれ、お元気だったなら75歳のお誕生日。故人の誕生日や命日を何年にも渡って触れるのに違和感を感じる方も居ると思いますがその人がこの世に生まれてこなかったら自分達はその素晴らしい音楽… - 4 years ago

@MusicBeat5: Born July 11, 1946 #singersongwriter for Uriah Heep, John Lawton. He died on June 29, 2021. #Music #Birthday #RIP - 4 years ago

@MSolisEscobar: mariosolise:John Cooper Lawton (11 July 1946 - 29 June 2021) was a #rock and #blues #vocalist best known for his wo… - 4 years ago

@andrespinoblanc: JOHN LAWTON BAND: @AprendizdAngel @AndyGMarkovic @Carlosmata63 @omyssalgado @HidalgoTrino @AntonioMarkov16… - 4 years ago

@MSolisEscobar: mariosolise:John Cooper Lawton (born 11 July 1946) is a #rock and #blues #vocalist best known for his work with Luc… - 4 years ago

@andrespinoblanc: JOHN LAWTON; Este con el Heep: @AprendizdAngel @AndyGMarkovic @Carlosmata63 @omyssalgado @HidalgoTrino… - 4 years ago

@TT_JohnGoodman: @RadioXymphonia: '2. Tonight on #AAFM 20.00 CET NEW RELEASES: Ske @Focustheband @CarlVerheyen ALSO: @Lifesigns_uk… - 4 years ago

@andrespinoblanc: Homenaje a JOHN LAWTON. Extraordinario Cantante.(Uriah Heep): Nacio el 11 /07/1946 y Partió el 29/06/2021… - 4 years ago

@DannyBoninJr1: We remember vocalist John Lawton (1946-2021) on the day of his birth. Lawton played with Lucifer's Friend, Uriah H… - 4 years ago

@dimiko_dimichan: RT @ComplicatedElke: #NowPlaying "Lucifer's Friend" & Where The Groupies Killed The Blues" double LP with two orginal albums by the German… - 4 years ago

@HuacheEfe: RT @BeaconPurple: Remembering former Lucifer's Friend, Les Humphries Singers and Uriah Heep vocalist and songwriter John Lawton, who was bo… - 4 years ago

@jcwilding1: Lucifer's Friend - Ride The Sky (1971) John Lawton was born this date in 1946; he died June 28, 2021. - 4 years ago

@Muziekbank: RT @RadioXymphonia: 2. Tonight on #AAFM 20.00 CET NEW RELEASES: Ske @Focustheband @CarlVerheyen ALSO: @Lifesigns_uk Red Dawn @GlassworkBa… - 4 years ago

@Gerosa_Records: John Lawton Born on this day in 1946 Vocalist for Lucifers Friend and Uriah Heep Recently passed away 6/29… - 4 years ago

@paperyou: RT @KalineCountry: July 11, Happy Birthday John Lawton of Uriah Heep. - 4 years ago

@HoffmanEnrique: RT @ejpf04: @Mikehomeseller @HoffmanEnrique @leamuslafuente @CateDailyBoom @EdgardoPortales @jesusrodriguez5 #Jul11 Birthdays 1943 Oscar D'… - 4 years ago

@RockologiaTwit: Quizá sea @uriah_heep una de las bandas más despreciadas de la Historia del género. Salvo, quizá, sus discos de los… - 4 years ago

@ejpf04: @Mikehomeseller @HoffmanEnrique @leamuslafuente @CateDailyBoom @EdgardoPortales @jesusrodriguez5 #Jul11 Birthdays 1… - 4 years ago

@richard93102792: @Carl_Portman john Lawton - 4 years ago

@RadioXymphonia: 2. Tonight on #AAFM 20.00 CET NEW RELEASES: Ske @Focustheband @CarlVerheyen ALSO: @Lifesigns_uk Red Dawn… - 4 years ago

@Dobreva_Darina: Днес един талантлив музикант и приятел на България щеше да навърши 75г. RIP, John Lawton🙏💙 - 4 years ago

@Bonzy_Inneson: 7月11日はHR神の声、ジョン・ロートンの誕生日。 ユーライア・ヒープでも大活躍だったけど、やっぱりLucifer's Friend でした。 Happy birthday! John Lawton! and... R.I.P. - 4 years ago

@Dark_heart999: RT @Classic21: #JDR | L’ancien chanteur d’Uriah Heep et de Lucifer’s Friend s'est éteint à l'âge de 74 ans. #RIP #uriahheep - 4 years ago

@stivb13: @lizziebarn @piratejw @BBCRadio2 …any chance of a John Lawton/Uriah Heep track next week Liz to commemorate the lif… - 4 years ago

@2009toastman: 7/11 ………happy birthday. Suzanne Vega & Bonnie Pointer & John Lawton & Richie Sambora & Kirk Whalum & MICHAEL ROSE &… - 4 years ago

@himetan_beam413: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@himetan_beam413: RT @amass_jp: ユーライア・ヒープ、ルシファーズ・フレンド、レス・ハンフリーズ・シンガーズなどでの活躍で知られるヴォーカリストのジョン・ロートン(John Lawton)が死去。74歳でした  - 4 years ago

@09Leo19: July Morning 2011 - Камен Бряг, John Lawton (HD) - 4 years ago

@wDJ5wfyMT7xQncX: Lucifer's Friend の John Lawton、亡くなったんですね😅😃💦、悲しい😭⤵⤵ Uriah Heep と一緒に来日をした、club citta でのライブ🎸が懐かしいな😅😃💦、ちょっとだけど Uriah H… - 4 years ago

@BlackHole_Tatsu: JOHN LAWTONとの出合いもPRTだったなぁ。忘れもしない1994年の11月。LUCIFERS FRIENDⅡそりゃあもう衝撃でした。翌日CD店でジャケみてひっくり返ったけども(笑) - 4 years ago

@greenarteries: RT @DavidRo36263659: @shortthought @greenarteries @peteraf1 @SLeguil Rico, Well a start might be to fund biodiversity along the lines that… - 4 years ago

@peteraf1: RT @DavidRo36263659: @shortthought @greenarteries @peteraf1 @SLeguil Rico, Well a start might be to fund biodiversity along the lines that… - 4 years ago

@DavidRo36263659: @shortthought @greenarteries @peteraf1 @SLeguil Rico, Well a start might be to fund biodiversity along the lines t… - 4 years ago

@karin_hrhm: RIP JOHN LAWTON // LORDS OF BLACK // SYMPATHY // URIAH HEEP COVER // BON... - 4 years ago

@POWER_OF_POP: John Lawtonが亡くなっていた。なんてこった。 - 4 years ago

@henrybutch1: RT @sameta2002: RIP John Lawton. 🎸💕 Your songs, your wonderful voice will never be forgotten. - 4 years ago

@Ay40Hydnasil: R. I. P. John Lawton 🖤😢 - 4 years ago

@HeepingW: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@Taasanasia: @C62Kuni John Lawtonとはいっても、一般的にはLucifer's FriendとUriah Heepですものね。Les Humphries Singersを含め、Heep加入前にはいろいろやってました。LHSの日… - 4 years ago

@VinnieGRadio: Listening to @jackybambam933 play @uriah_heep Stealin’ off their 6th album 1973’s Sweet Freedom remembering their f… - 4 years ago

@Pollen1976: JOHN LAWTON July Morning, Sweden Rock 2017 RIP - 4 years ago

@Pollen1976: Uriah Heep with John Lawton In memory of John Lawton (1946 -2021) R.I.P JOHN - 4 years ago

@Pollen1976: John Lawton (Lucifer's Friend) - Moonshine Rider - Live - 4 years ago

@CLEmetal: RT @wjcumetal: Tonight's show features: New music from Emerald Rage, Gnosis, Portrait, Vessel, Dark Arena, Black Mass & Turbosnake. Radio… - 4 years ago

@RockCityDemo: Do you know just how metal the name Jeff/Geoff is? It’s super metal and we’ll have a bunch of metal Jeffs on an all… - 4 years ago

@wjcumetal: Tonight's show features: New music from Emerald Rage, Gnosis, Portrait, Vessel, Dark Arena, Black Mass & Turbosnak… - 4 years ago

@rosti_rastelli: John Lawton Dies: Former Uriah Heep Vocalist Was 74 - 4 years ago

@sameta2002: RIP John Lawton. 🎸💕 Your songs, your wonderful voice will never be forgotten. - 4 years ago

@meiingi: おぉ、John Lawtonが亡くなったのか…。いつ聴いてもいい声。 - 4 years ago

@rockstadfalun: John Lawton (1946-2021) remembered for his work with Lucifer’s Friend, Uriah Heep and more. STORY: ➡️… - 4 years ago

@rock101movie: Former Uriah Heep Frontman John Lawton Dead at 74 - 4 years ago

@Rkubicko: Zemřel zpěvák John Lawton z Uriah Heep - 4 years ago

@Crypto_WildBill: @MeltdownWRIF John Lawton just died. Stealing when I should have been buying - 4 years ago

@CoL_Gov: Yesterday John Paul Cutty with City of Lawton Emergency Communications retired! He was hired July 19, 1993. - 4 years ago

@Taasanasia: John Lawtonの記念すべき1st solo single John Lawton - Just A Little Bit - 4 years ago

@InfoEnsenada: Murió #JohnLawton, ex vocalista de Uriah Heep - 4 years ago

@Taasanasia: Les Humphries Singers w/John Lawton - Mama Loo 1992 - 4 years ago

@RodrigoBBtw: RT @rafa_basa: LORDS OF BLACK – Pequeño adelanto de su bonus track dedicado al fallecido John Lawton @lordsofblacko… - 4 years ago

@zonaundergrounM: RT @rafa_basa: LORDS OF BLACK – Pequeño adelanto de su bonus track dedicado al fallecido John Lawton @lordsofblacko… - 4 years ago

@rafa_basa: LORDS OF BLACK – Pequeño adelanto de su bonus track dedicado al fallecido John Lawton - 4 years ago

@foxxtale: R.I.P. John Lawton ユーライア・ヒープの2代目ヴォーカリスト、ジョン・ロートンが6月29日に亡くなったようですね…ショックです。享年74歳。 ブログに転記しました。 #RIP #JohnLawton… - 4 years ago

@PureTwisted: - 4 years ago

@giovannimostert: RT @scorpions: John Lawton, the former Lead Singer of Uriah Heep, has passed away… our deepest condolences go out to his Family and Friends… - 4 years ago

@BPh0Y50rNreaL: #JohnLawton #RIP John Lawton - July Morning - 4 years ago

@Alanw47: RIP, another one gone - 4 years ago

@FL_relayer: RT @mybilshop: Uriah Heep - sympathy & free and easy Feat Special guests: John Lawton & Ken Hensley - 4 years ago

@N_A_M_Band: RT @mybilshop: Uriah Heep - sympathy & free and easy Feat Special guests: John Lawton & Ken Hensley - 4 years ago

@LordiCavalera: RT @PlanetRockRadio: Former @uriah_heep vocalist John Lawton has died unexpectedly at the age of 74, the band announced this morning. RIP J… - 4 years ago

@LordiCavalera: RT @PlanetRockRadio: "Rock music has lost one of the great rock voices of all time and his legacy will live on forever" - @Mick_Box has pai… - 4 years ago

@MSotiriadou: RT @Apotis4stis5: John Lawton, Uriah Heep, o Πετρίδης, δεν σε αφήνει σε ησυχία, ούτε το καλοκαίρι - 4 years ago

@nicohoi1: RT @sam_takahashi: 追悼 JOHN LAWTON ハイトーンだけでなく表現力豊かな声に圧倒されました。やはりルシファーズの1stに思い入れがあります。シングルカットされたA1が最高です。ビートクラブのスタジオライブを何度見たことか。メンバーのスキルが高く、ハー… - 4 years ago

@Fatagaga1969: John Lawton訃報が影響しているのか、Uriah HeepというよりHM/HR全般のOFF会に出た夢を見た。参加特典のCDをなし崩し的にふんだくられ仕事用のiPhoneをすり替えられ(私個人の携帯ないの)、挙句お話ししたか… - 4 years ago

@Apotis4stis5: John Lawton, Uriah Heep, o Πετρίδης, δεν σε αφήνει σε ησυχία, ούτε το καλοκαίρι - 4 years ago

@ElEurovisivo: RT @ElEurovisivo: 🖤 Tenemos que lamentar el fallecimiento de Djivan Gasparyan (flautista de Armenia en 2010) y de John Lawton (miembro del… - 4 years ago

@metalrockmusic2: John Lawton, Vocalist for Uriah Heep and Lucifer’s Friend, Dead at 74 Sad news for the rock and metal communities today, - 4 years ago

@StargazedMag: John Lawton (1946-2021) remembered for his work with Lucifer’s Friend, Uriah Heep and more. STORY: ➡️… - 4 years ago

@toffeedoug: @FerretGee I know Uriah Heep's back catalogue pretty well and saw them live twice back in the day. Giving Firefly a… - 4 years ago

@Serpod46: @hernanea También el cantante de Uriah Heep, John Lawton, extraordinaria banda😩 - 4 years ago

@TheWalkingCat1: In memory of John Lawton (1946 -2021) You were part of my youth and first kiss - 4 years ago

@zapadarock: RT @PrensaCRock: Murió John Lawton, exvocalista de Uriah Heep. El cantante también estuvo en las bandas Lucifer's Friend y Les Humphries Si… - 4 years ago

@KostInnen: Die Frage, die sich sofort aufdrängt: War John Lawton, der ohne Vorerkrankung „plötzlich und unerwartet“ starb, zuv… - 4 years ago

@Metalbrin: @JohnLawtonMusic ( @UriahHeepItalia ): Πέθανε πρόσφατα σε ηλικία 75 ετών από ανακοπή - 4 years ago

@mmoreirasp: Morre John Lawton, ex-vocalista do Uriah Jeep - 4 years ago

@Fyldesport: Premier Footwear FC - 1973/74 season pictures at Hambleton. Back L-R: Graham Lawton, John White, Alan Sweeney, Jo… - 4 years ago

@Fkkforever: - 4 years ago

@fabucat: RT @hardknoxfirst: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton dead at 74 - 4 years ago

@hardknoxfirst: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton dead at 74 - 4 years ago

@EyeCandyBeauti: John Lawton Musician : Partners In Blues Aki Kumar Jon Lawton To Perform At... - 4 years ago

@m_fairbrother: So glad we got a couple more amazing Lucifer's Friend albums with the late John Lawton (R.I.P.) - 4 years ago

@MyTeamTop1: John Lawton (Uriah Heep) Best hits hard rock music - 4 years ago

@ATGBrokers: Uriah Heep Singer John Lawton Dies at 74on 6. July 2021 at 12:49 Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton has died at - 4 years ago

@duffy8264: RT @CapnFreakOut: R.I.P. the great John Lawton Of Lucifer’s Friend, and Uriah Heep. One of the most dynamic frontmen to come out of the 197… - 4 years ago

@UweMueller68: RT @CapnFreakOut: R.I.P. the great John Lawton Of Lucifer’s Friend, and Uriah Heep. One of the most dynamic frontmen to come out of the 197… - 4 years ago

@KremenaKrasimi1: RT @AnVassileva: "Dreams are the possession of The simple man Reality the fantasy of youth But living is a problem that Is common to us all… - 4 years ago

@RushFamTourneys: RT @scorpions: John Lawton, the former Lead Singer of Uriah Heep, has passed away… our deepest condolences go out to his Family and Friends… - 4 years ago

@BrBrurnyrainy: RT @sam_takahashi: 追悼 JOHN LAWTON ハイトーンだけでなく表現力豊かな声に圧倒されました。やはりルシファーズの1stに思い入れがあります。シングルカットされたA1が最高です。ビートクラブのスタジオライブを何度見たことか。メンバーのスキルが高く、ハー… - 4 years ago

@HEADBANGERSLAT: R.I.P. [John Lawton] ex [Uriah Heep] y [Lucifer’s Friend] - 4 years ago

@DockerillSimon: RT @scorpions: John Lawton, the former Lead Singer of Uriah Heep, has passed away… our deepest condolences go out to his Family and Friends… - 4 years ago

@rocksavx: RT @scorpions: John Lawton, the former Lead Singer of Uriah Heep, has passed away… our deepest condolences go out to his Family and Friends… - 4 years ago

@WORLD_DISQUE: RT @sam_takahashi: 追悼 JOHN LAWTON ハイトーンだけでなく表現力豊かな声に圧倒されました。やはりルシファーズの1stに思い入れがあります。シングルカットされたA1が最高です。ビートクラブのスタジオライブを何度見たことか。メンバーのスキルが高く、ハー… - 4 years ago

@ianbozwell: RT @scorpions: John Lawton, the former Lead Singer of Uriah Heep, has passed away… our deepest condolences go out to his Family and Friends… - 4 years ago

@Figueiredo52: Uriah Heep um dos meus grupos favoritos na minha adolescência. - 4 years ago

@alanmusichare: rip Former Uriah Heep Frontman John Lawton Dead at 74 - 4 years ago

@metalrockmusic2: John Lawton, Vocalist for Uriah Heep and Lucifer’s Friend, Dead at 74 Sad news for the rock and metal communities today, - 4 years ago

@LucaBarredaRod1: RT @hip0critic: Fallece John Lawton, cantante de la mítica banda de rock inglesa de los 70-80 Uriah Heep. Llama la atención en la redacció… - 4 years ago

@MystycalEND: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@LONGLIVEROCK7: RT @scorpions: John Lawton, the former Lead Singer of Uriah Heep, has passed away… our deepest condolences go out to his Family and Friends… - 4 years ago

@sandraw13817379: RT @munharlow: Great interview with #munharlow Academic Director @NewfJat Dr William Lawton on yesterday’s @CBCNL St John’s morning show in… - 4 years ago

@fetchfeeds: John Lawton. Check out our articles here! - 4 years ago

@AcdcCronkite: RT @ClassicRockMag: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton dead at 74 - 4 years ago

@ESC_Portugal: Alemanha: Faleceu o cantor John Lawton, representante alemão no Festival Eurovisão 1976 - 4 years ago

@MikeOBrien222: RT @scorpions: John Lawton, the former Lead Singer of Uriah Heep, has passed away… our deepest condolences go out to his Family and Friends… - 4 years ago

@tukenmezhaber: John Lawton hayatını kaybetti #TukenmezHaber - 4 years ago

@carlos_molina68: RT @scorpions: John Lawton, the former Lead Singer of Uriah Heep, has passed away… our deepest condolences go out to his Family and Friends… - 4 years ago

@Taasanasia: しかも、その後に発売されたLUCIFER'S FRIENDの意味しンのアルバム「TOO LATE TO HATE」((癌を)嫌うのには遅すぎた)、最後のアルバムはこれまた「BLACK MOON」(黒い月)でしたが、最初の予定タイト… - 4 years ago

@imatthws: RIP John Lawton - 4 years ago

@Taasanasia: John Lawtonの死因はやはり癌だったようです。4〜5年前に手術をしたそうです。(thanks kisato for a info) 4〜5年前というと、URIAH HEEPと一緒にLUCIFER'S FRIENDで来日した… - 4 years ago

@LilyBirk: RT @scorpions: John Lawton, the former Lead Singer of Uriah Heep, has passed away… our deepest condolences go out to his Family and Friends… - 4 years ago

@psiwiY: RT @BURRN_: URIAH HEEPやLUCIFER'S FRIEND等で活躍した英国人シンガー、ジョン・ロートンが死去。享年74。R.I.P. John Lawton. - 4 years ago

@Taasanasia: @_mii 来日後あたりから活動が縮小してましたよね。ギタリストのPeter Hessleinの体調が思わしくないと訊いていたので納得していましたが、まさかJohn Lawtonまでも癌だったとは... - 4 years ago

@sam_takahashi: 追悼 JOHN LAWTON ハイトーンだけでなく表現力豊かな声に圧倒されました。やはりルシファーズの1stに思い入れがあります。シングルカットされたA1が最高です。ビートクラブのスタジオライブを何度見たことか。メンバーのスキルが… - 4 years ago

@maquinaprofanaf: #MaquinaProfanaFest : URIAH HEEP - Morre John Lawton, Ex-Vocalista Da Banda Inscreva-se No #Blog, Compartilhe. Apo… - 4 years ago

@monia525: RT @scorpions: John Lawton, the former Lead Singer of Uriah Heep, has passed away… our deepest condolences go out to his Family and Friends… - 4 years ago

@MillsMob100: RT @scorpions: John Lawton, the former Lead Singer of Uriah Heep, has passed away… our deepest condolences go out to his Family and Friends… - 4 years ago

@Gjallarhornet: John Lawton Dies: Former Uriah Heep Vocalist Was 74 #JohnLawton #JohnLawtonRip #Rip #UriahHeep - 4 years ago

@FoxNightEditor: RT @scorpions: John Lawton, the former Lead Singer of Uriah Heep, has passed away… our deepest condolences go out to his Family and Friends… - 4 years ago

@MyFinalDay666: RT @BLABBERMOUTHNET: Former URIAH HEEP Singer JOHN LAWTON Dead At 74 - 4 years ago

@EuroJournalDE: Rätsel um Todesursache: Ex-Uriah-Heep-Sänger John Lawton ist tot - 4 years ago

@UweMueller68: RT @CapnFreakOut: R.I.P. the great John Lawton Of Lucifer’s Friend, and Uriah Heep. One of the most dynamic frontmen to come out of the 197… - 4 years ago

@UweMueller68: RT @fullinbloom: Farewell John Lawton: Uriah Heep Frontman Dies @ 74 – 2021 - 4 years ago

@macsorcist: RT @tagesschau: Uriah Heep-Sänger John Lawton gestorben - 4 years ago

@UMauerblumchen: RIP John Lawton 💔🖤🙏 - 4 years ago

@98e4047b8f91479: @uriah_heep @Mick_Box RIP John Lawton. Your voice will live forever. - 4 years ago

@Sophistikaethe: RT @tagesschau: Uriah Heep-Sänger John Lawton gestorben - 4 years ago

@kfdreizehn: RT @tagesschau: Uriah Heep-Sänger John Lawton gestorben - 4 years ago

@zackxxx2: RT @scorpions: John Lawton, the former Lead Singer of Uriah Heep, has passed away… our deepest condolences go out to his Family and Friends… - 4 years ago

@henrybutch1: RT @mybilshop: Uriah Heep - sympathy & free and easy Feat Special guests: John Lawton & Ken Hensley - 4 years ago

@wikimetal: John Lawton, ex-vocalista do Uriah Heep, morre aos 74 anos - - 4 years ago

@kfaiplaylist: "July Morning" by Ken Hensley & Live Fire feat. John Lawton Glorth Radio at 2:12pm - 4 years ago

@BjoernEngel: RT @ntvde: Rätsel um Todesursache: Ex-Uriah-Heep-Sänger John Lawton ist tot - 4 years ago

@wolfbecker: RT @ntvde: Rätsel um Todesursache: Ex-Uriah-Heep-Sänger John Lawton ist tot - 4 years ago

@JarCeleb: Cause of death mystery: ex-Uriah Heep singer John Lawton is dead - 4 years ago

@BFScreenwriter: John Lawton, former Uriah Heep singer, dies at 74 - 4 years ago

@German_Dictator: - 4 years ago

@Wishbone59: R.I.P. John Lawton - 4 years ago

@CulturaEquinoc1: RT @scorpions: John Lawton, the former Lead Singer of Uriah Heep, has passed away… our deepest condolences go out to his Family and Friends… - 4 years ago

@Jonni30385761: Cause of death mystery: ex-Uriah Heep singer John Lawton is dead He did not sing Uriah Heep's most famous ...… - 4 years ago

@ntvde: Rätsel um Todesursache: Ex-Uriah-Heep-Sänger John Lawton ist tot - 4 years ago

@f_hugosson: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@Vaal20: RT @scorpions: John Lawton, the former Lead Singer of Uriah Heep, has passed away… our deepest condolences go out to his Family and Friends… - 4 years ago

@bildderfrau: Die britische Hardrock-Band Uriah Heep trauert um ihren ehemaligen Sänger John Lawton. Wie die Gruppe mitteilt, ver… - 4 years ago

@dc7os: RT @scorpions: John Lawton, the former Lead Singer of Uriah Heep, has passed away… our deepest condolences go out to his Family and Friends… - 4 years ago

@th_helmstetter: John Lawton ist gestorben. Er war ein hervorragender Sänger, der mich als Musiker immer begleitet hat. “Free me"!… - 4 years ago

@karlaschnik: RT @tagesschau: Uriah Heep-Sänger John Lawton gestorben - 4 years ago

@slowhand_tatsu: RT @scorpions: John Lawton, the former Lead Singer of Uriah Heep, has passed away… our deepest condolences go out to his Family and Friends… - 4 years ago

@Rockslashjeffry: RT @scorpions: John Lawton, the former Lead Singer of Uriah Heep, has passed away… our deepest condolences go out to his Family and Friends… - 4 years ago

@AnnetteKoslows1: RT @tagesschau: Uriah Heep-Sänger John Lawton gestorben - 4 years ago

@radioeins: RT @tagesschau: Uriah Heep-Sänger John Lawton gestorben - 4 years ago

@Whiplash_Net: RT @Whiplash_Net: Uriah Heep, Lucifer's Friend: morre o vocalista John Lawton - 4 years ago

@mujerbruja_: RT @scorpions: John Lawton, the former Lead Singer of Uriah Heep, has passed away… our deepest condolences go out to his Family and Friends… - 4 years ago

@kobsalbertjens: RT @scorpions: John Lawton, the former Lead Singer of Uriah Heep, has passed away… our deepest condolences go out to his Family and Friends… - 4 years ago

@tinypudding: RT @scorpions: John Lawton, the former Lead Singer of Uriah Heep, has passed away… our deepest condolences go out to his Family and Friends… - 4 years ago

@MemoriesbyDotty: RT @scorpions: John Lawton, the former Lead Singer of Uriah Heep, has passed away… our deepest condolences go out to his Family and Friends… - 4 years ago

@DavidKlement2: RT @scorpions: John Lawton, the former Lead Singer of Uriah Heep, has passed away… our deepest condolences go out to his Family and Friends… - 4 years ago

@KaterinakiK1: RT @cleopatra_k2: In loving memory of John Lawton who left this world... #JohnLawton 🙏🙏🙏 - 4 years ago

@SixStringStingz: RT @scorpions: John Lawton, the former Lead Singer of Uriah Heep, has passed away… our deepest condolences go out to his Family and Friends… - 4 years ago

@rosstell: RT @scorpions: John Lawton, the former Lead Singer of Uriah Heep, has passed away… our deepest condolences go out to his Family and Friends… - 4 years ago

@robyjuve_motley: RT @scorpions: John Lawton, the former Lead Singer of Uriah Heep, has passed away… our deepest condolences go out to his Family and Friends… - 4 years ago

@moto0707irs: RT @mybilshop: Uriah Heep - sympathy & free and easy Feat Special guests: John Lawton & Ken Hensley - 4 years ago

@michaelheinboc1: John Lawton – Leadsänger von Uriah Heep ist tot - 4 years ago

@Verum_superarit: John Lawton ✝️ #RIP #UriahHeep - 4 years ago

@ejpf04: RT @HoffmanEnrique: Hace unos días, murió John Lawton, tenía 74 años, el vocalista fue el cantante principal de Uriah Heep desde el décimo… - 4 years ago

@colinenoble: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@skybeat_travel: Former Uriah Heep Frontman John Lawton Dead at 74 - 4 years ago

@Taasanasia: 6/20に何故John Lawtonにメールを送ったのか、それは後日...(思わせぶり) - 4 years ago

@Suzanne_deMello: RT @mybilshop: Uriah Heep - sympathy & free and easy Feat Special guests: John Lawton & Ken Hensley - 4 years ago

@pensadorlouco: Morre John Lawton, ex-vocalista do Uriah Heep, aos 74 anos · Rolling Stone - 4 years ago

@JOSLYNAFTERBUR1: RT @ClassicRockMag: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton dead at 74 - 4 years ago

@elsuperduende: Fallece John Lawton, ex vocalista de Uriah Heep – Radio El Súper Duende - 4 years ago

@zuerisee: Der ehemalige Sänger von Uriah Heep John Lawton stirbt unerwartet. #uriahheep #JohnLawton - 4 years ago

@mybilshop: Uriah Heep - sympathy & free and easy Feat Special guests: John Lawton & Ken Hensley - 4 years ago

@edcar1811: RT @MusicBeat5: Former Uriah Heep #singer John Lawton has died at the age of 74. The news was confirmed by the band, who wrote, "It is with… - 4 years ago

@FarOutMag: Former Uriah Heep frontman John Lawton has died at 74 - 4 years ago

@howard19721: Former Uriah Heep Singer John Lawton Dies at 74 - 4 years ago

@firecreek0711: RT @tagesschau: Uriah Heep-Sänger John Lawton gestorben - 4 years ago

@Taasanasia: John Lawtonのコミカルな脚の動きに注目。 Les Humphries Singers - Kansas City - 4 years ago

@rroio: Caramba, RIP demais John Lawton... - 4 years ago

@Magirus: Der ehemalige Uriah-Heep-Sänger John Lawton ist tot - 4 years ago

@JarCeleb: John Lawton: Ex-Uriah Heep singer died surprisingly - 4 years ago

@JarCeleb: Former Uriah Heep singer: John Lawton (? 74) is dead - 4 years ago

@gala: Die Hardrock-Band Uriah Heep trauert um ihren ehemaligen Sänger John Lawton. Er verstarb mit 74 Jahren "plötzlich u… - 4 years ago

@LindaGisla: @uriah_heep @Mick_Box RIP John Lawton <3 - 4 years ago

@cindabee58: RT @sternde: Er wurde 74 Jahre alt: Ehemaliger Uriah-Heep-Sänger John Lawton ist tot - 4 years ago

@Dirkster81: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@Luthien78: RT @tagesschau: Uriah Heep-Sänger John Lawton gestorben - 4 years ago

@mblfrettir: Breski söngvarinn John Lawton er látinn 72 ára að aldri. Lawton var aðalsöngvari goðsagnakenndu rokkssveitarinnar U… - 4 years ago

@Oedheimer: RT @tagesschau: Uriah Heep-Sänger John Lawton gestorben - 4 years ago

@Flohri_an: RT @tagesschau: Uriah Heep-Sänger John Lawton gestorben - 4 years ago

@hellraiser2588: So traurig! Ein toller Sänger 🙏🏼 RT @tagesschau: Uriah Heep-Sänger John Lawton gestorben - 4 years ago

@GothVille: RT @tagesschau: Uriah Heep-Sänger John Lawton gestorben - 4 years ago

@fan_burnnotice: RT @tagesschau: Uriah Heep-Sänger John Lawton gestorben - 4 years ago

@seni_bl: RT @tagesschau: Uriah Heep-Sänger John Lawton gestorben - 4 years ago

@biber_ffm: RT @tagesschau: Uriah Heep-Sänger John Lawton gestorben - 4 years ago

@Rina_Kay_x3: RT @sternde: Er wurde 74 Jahre alt: Ehemaliger Uriah-Heep-Sänger John Lawton ist tot - 4 years ago

@sternde: Er wurde 74 Jahre alt: Ehemaliger Uriah-Heep-Sänger John Lawton ist tot - 4 years ago

@BrabaxBln: RIP John Lawton. - 4 years ago

@qugart: John Lawton......Firefly it was? But of course Mexico and the horrible Sing Sang Song - 4 years ago

@nmeasia: "Rock music has lost one of the great rock voices of all time and his legacy will live on forever" - 4 years ago

@jmnnd1: RT @tagesschau: Uriah Heep-Sänger John Lawton gestorben - 4 years ago

@anz_meer: RT @tagesschau: Uriah Heep-Sänger John Lawton gestorben - 4 years ago

@Herr_vazquezz: RT @tagesschau: Uriah Heep-Sänger John Lawton gestorben - 4 years ago

@NewHyperion: RT @tagesschau: Uriah Heep-Sänger John Lawton gestorben - 4 years ago

@MichaelHinsch: RT @tagesschau: Uriah Heep-Sänger John Lawton gestorben - 4 years ago

@ManolisAst: RT @wfegr: RIP John Lawton. Ποιος ήταν αυτός, θα ρωτήσετε. Όλοι οι Έλληνες στη διάρκεια της ζωής τους μαθαίνουν δύο τουλάχιστον από τα κο… - 4 years ago

@wfegr: RIP John Lawton. Ποιος ήταν αυτός, θα ρωτήσετε. Όλοι οι Έλληνες στη διάρκεια της ζωής τους μαθαίνουν δύο τουλάχισ… - 4 years ago

@HolgerTausch: Music Tip : Innocent Victim is the 11th studio album by British hard rock band Uriah Heep. John Lawton sing the lea… - 4 years ago

@Mash_the_freaks: RT @amass_jp: ユーライア・ヒープ、ルシファーズ・フレンド、レス・ハンフリーズ・シンガーズなどでの活躍で知られるヴォーカリストのジョン・ロートン(John Lawton)が死去。74歳でした  - 4 years ago

@owner_swm: RT @owner_swm: Uriah Heep Singer John Lawton Dies at 74 - 4 years ago

@owner_swm: Uriah Heep Singer John Lawton Dies at 74 - 4 years ago

@rockdigital01: RT @mdiscosqamigos: John Lawton, ex-vocalista do Uriah Heep, morre aos 74 anos > - 4 years ago

@DJMedina01: RT @mitchlafon: Uriah Heep Singer John Lawton Dies at 74 - 4 years ago

@HolgerTausch: Breaking News : John Lawton, the singer best known for his work with "Uriah Heep", died on June 29 at age 74. No ca… - 4 years ago

@LordiCavalera: RT @Loudwire: R.I.P.: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton dies at 74: - 4 years ago

@LordiCavalera: RT @BLABBERMOUTHNET: Former URIAH HEEP Singer JOHN LAWTON Dead At 74 - 4 years ago

@Bosselaar1: RT @mitchlafon: Uriah Heep Singer John Lawton Dies at 74 - 4 years ago

@LaarhovenF: RT @PlanetRockRadio: Former @uriah_heep vocalist John Lawton has died unexpectedly at the age of 74. RIP John. - 4 years ago

@DavidNe43096753: Payin' my respects... #NowPlaying John Lawton - 4 years ago

@c_chris10: R.I.P. - 4 years ago

@KWahnwitz: RT @mitchlafon: Uriah Heep Singer John Lawton Dies at 74 - 4 years ago

@EddieTmdy: RT @uDiscoverJP: 元ユーライア・ヒープのヴォーカリスト、ジョン・ロートンが74歳で逝去。その功績を辿る #UriahHeep #JohnLawton - 4 years ago

@TheMusicPost2: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton has died aged 74 - 4 years ago

@1970tmoq: ex Uriah Heepの2代目ボーかリスト John Lawton氏が亡くなりました。去年から伝説的なロッカーの悲報が続きます。RIP John. #johnlawton - 4 years ago

@ElaineJ91146903: @PlanetRockRadio @uriah_heep So disappointed to not hear John Lawton/Uriah Heep being played yesterday on Planet Ro… - 4 years ago

@Badernacast: RT @consultoriarock: Na noite de ontem, foi divulgado o falecimento do cantor John Lawton. O músico, de 74 anos, teve uma é lembrado pelo t… - 4 years ago

@rockaxisoficial: El luto nuevamente cubre a Uriah Heep: John Lawton, ex vocalista, falleció a los 74 años. - 4 years ago

@PaulMick: RT @PaulMick: @consequence @WXPNDanReed 'Highs In the 70's' feature @wxpn "Easy Livin'" - Uriah Heap (1972) - 4 years ago

@PaulMick: @consequence @WXPNDanReed 'Highs In the 70's' feature @wxpn "Easy Livin'" - Uriah Heap (1972)… - 4 years ago

@77BlueJays: RT @mitchlafon: Uriah Heep Singer John Lawton Dies at 74 - 4 years ago

@FernandoBrisola: RT @consultoriarock: Na noite de ontem, foi divulgado o falecimento do cantor John Lawton. O músico, de 74 anos, teve uma é lembrado pelo t… - 4 years ago

@DJ_Musicologist: RT @mitchlafon: Uriah Heep Singer John Lawton Dies at 74 - 4 years ago

@ManchoM1: RT @rockandblognet: JOHN LAWTON (URIAH HEEP) muere a los 74 años - El antiguo cantante de URIAH HEEP, John Lawton,… - 4 years ago

@DJ_Musicologist: RT @ClassicRockMag: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton dead at 74 - 4 years ago

@ManchoM1: RT @SabotageNews_: John Lawton, vocalista conocido por su trabajo en #LucifersFriend y #UriahHeep, ha fallecido. La noticia fue confirmada… - 4 years ago

@DJ_Musicologist: RT @BLABBERMOUTHNET: Former URIAH HEEP Singer JOHN LAWTON Dead At 74 - 4 years ago

@franco71026412: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇬🇧 | AHORA: Fallece a los 74 años John Lawton, exvocalista de Uriah Heep. - 4 years ago

@ManchoM1: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@DJ_Musicologist: RT @UltClassicRock: Rest in peace. Details here: - 4 years ago

@stella1128: R.I.P. John Lawton😿🙏🏻💧 #JohnLawton #UriahHeep - 4 years ago

@Grendel_13: RIP John Lawton 𝗨𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗵 𝗛𝗲𝗲𝗽 / 𝙅𝙤𝙝𝙣 𝙇𝙖𝙬𝙩𝙤𝙣 - " 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗘𝗮𝘀𝘆 " 𝟭𝟵𝟳𝟴 - 4 years ago

@MatiasSoto95: @Albums2Hear I'm sure Bruce Dickinson heard this album. Great voice of John Lawton #rip - 4 years ago

@blueshamilton: Uriah Heep and Lucifer's Friend singer John Lawton passes: - 4 years ago

@ctownchick1: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton dead at 74 - 4 years ago

@Vassi__: Uriah Heep уходят Один, второй, третий... RIP John Lawton Love or Nothing - 4 years ago

@southern_cross1: Uriah Heep John Lawton Years #NowPlaying️ #RIPJohnLawton - 4 years ago

@PipeBluesrock: RT @ClassicRockMag: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton dead at 74 - 4 years ago

@TVMCCA: John Lawton Dies: Former Uriah Heep Vocalist Was 74 - 4 years ago

@jetboy0323: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@shibuyak2003: RIP John Lawton #nowplaying John Lawton - Payin' My Dues to The Blues (Reprise) / Still Payin' My Dues - 4 years ago

@islandives: RT @BLABBERMOUTHNET: Former URIAH HEEP Singer JOHN LAWTON Dead At 74 - 4 years ago

@Taasanasia: @C62Kuni みんなが呼んだJohn Lawtonだから、またみんなで呼びたかったね。いま呼んだらヤバいけど。 - 4 years ago

@Leontokardos21: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton dead at 74 - 4 years ago

@Neritza13: RT @luiscarrillo66: Fallece a los 74 años #JohnLawton, exvocalista de #UriahHeep - RT #FlexibilizaciónConsciente… - 4 years ago

@Beatriz86067269: RT @luiscarrillo66: Fallece a los 74 años #JohnLawton, exvocalista de #UriahHeep - RT #FlexibilizaciónConsciente… - 4 years ago

@ledzepconcert: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@Lili_9317: RT @luiscarrillo66: Fallece a los 74 años #JohnLawton, exvocalista de #UriahHeep - RT #FlexibilizaciónConsciente… - 4 years ago

@luiscarrillo66: Fallece a los 74 años #JohnLawton, exvocalista de #UriahHeep - RT - 4 years ago

@yellowsnowfield: RT @amass_jp: ユーライア・ヒープ、ルシファーズ・フレンド、レス・ハンフリーズ・シンガーズなどでの活躍で知られるヴォーカリストのジョン・ロートン(John Lawton)が死去。74歳でした  - 4 years ago

@KARENTBISHOP: RT @mitchlafon: Uriah Heep Singer John Lawton Dies at 74 - 4 years ago

@PaulMick: RT @consequence: John Lawton, the lead singer of UK classic rockers Uriah Heep in the late 1970s, has died at the age of 74: - 4 years ago

@AlxMarroquin: ¡¡Una por el finao John Lawton!! Amigo de Lucifer y Sustituto de David Byron, descanse en poder. #UriahHeep… - 4 years ago

@yoshikibi: John Lawton の訃報を知った。 HR/HM 界で様々な美声ハイトーンボーカルを聴いてきたけど、彼の歌声ほど神々しさを感じるボーカリストはいなかった。 一度はライブで彼の生歌を聴いてみたかった。R.I.P. - 4 years ago

@ma_sutopia: RT @amass_jp: ユーライア・ヒープ、ルシファーズ・フレンド、レス・ハンフリーズ・シンガーズなどでの活躍で知られるヴォーカリストのジョン・ロートン(John Lawton)が死去。74歳でした  - 4 years ago

@LagartoMajadero: RT @mitchlafon: Uriah Heep Singer John Lawton Dies at 74 - 4 years ago

@futurofm: El cantante también fue parte del grupo de rock de culto Lucifer's Friend - 4 years ago

@EasyWorldNews: RT @PhuketDailyNews: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton has died aged 74: John Lawton, best known as the former frontman of Uriah Heep, h… - 4 years ago

@Network_Easy: RT @PhuketDailyNews: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton has died aged 74: John Lawton, best known as the former frontman of Uriah Heep, h… - 4 years ago

@PhuketDailyNews: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton has died aged 74: John Lawton, best known as the former frontman of Uriah Heep… - 4 years ago

@kaihsv96: @Albums2Hear Rest in peace, John Lawton. - 4 years ago

@Charles_Db_R: RT @ElEurovisivo: 🖤 Tenemos que lamentar el fallecimiento de Djivan Gasparyan (flautista de Armenia en 2010) y de John Lawton (miembro del… - 4 years ago

@KamranM26976756: RT @BLABBERMOUTHNET: Former URIAH HEEP Singer JOHN LAWTON Dead At 74 - 4 years ago

@23minem: RT @EW: John Lawton has died. - 4 years ago

@conejopepito16: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@krispyweiss: Uriah Heep, Lucifer’s Friend Vocalist John Lawton Dead at 74 - 4 years ago

@conejopepito16: RT @ClassicRockMag: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton dead at 74 - 4 years ago

@conejopepito16: RT @UltClassicRock: Rest in peace. Details here: - 4 years ago

@alexandrabco: RT @PlanetRockRadio: Former @uriah_heep vocalist John Lawton has died unexpectedly at the age of 74, the band announced this morning. RIP J… - 4 years ago

@alexandrabco: RT @DeepPurplePod: It's with great sadness that we have just learned that the great John Lawton has passed away on June 29, 2021. He had a… - 4 years ago

@alexandrabco: RT @ClassicRockMag: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton dead at 74 - 4 years ago

@alexandrabco: RT @UltClassicRock: Rest in peace. Details here: - 4 years ago

@alexandrabco: RT @billboard: Former Uriah Heep vocalist John Lawton died on June 29 of undisclosed causes. - 4 years ago

@alexandrabco: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@aptulika_blues: Blues Perişan: İlk Uriah Heep plağım ve John Lawton - 4 years ago

@conejopepito16: RT @cuarteldelmetal: Uriah Heep | Fallece el ex cantante John Lawton - 4 years ago

@arnadjan: RT @PlanetRockRadio: Former @uriah_heep vocalist John Lawton has died unexpectedly at the age of 74, the band announced this morning. RIP J… - 4 years ago

@LadyGordiva_: RT @UltClassicRock: Rest in peace. Details here: - 4 years ago

@AndyVermaut: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton has died aged 74 - 4 years ago

@Malnacido: RT @NME: "Rock music has lost one of the great rock voices of all time and his legacy will live on forever" #RIPJohnLawton - 4 years ago

@StagePlayerPlus: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton has died aged 74 - 4 years ago

@NME: "Rock music has lost one of the great rock voices of all time and his legacy will live on forever" #RIPJohnLawton - 4 years ago

@Crimper25: RT @EW: John Lawton has died. - 4 years ago

@moskalets1955: Former Uriah Heep Frontman John Lawton Dead at 74 - 4 years ago

@RichardPughe: RT @PlanetRockRadio: Former @uriah_heep vocalist John Lawton has died unexpectedly at the age of 74, the band announced this morning. RIP J… - 4 years ago

@wtironmonger: RT @PlanetRockRadio: Former @uriah_heep vocalist John Lawton has died unexpectedly at the age of 74, the band announced this morning. RIP J… - 4 years ago

@BradyTom0504: RT @EW: John Lawton has died. - 4 years ago

@lasombra_br: RT @PlanetRockRadio: Former @uriah_heep vocalist John Lawton has died unexpectedly at the age of 74, the band announced this morning. RIP J… - 4 years ago

@pee1_tee: RT @PlanetRockRadio: Former @uriah_heep vocalist John Lawton has died unexpectedly at the age of 74, the band announced this morning. RIP J… - 4 years ago

@PlanetRockRadio: Former @uriah_heep vocalist John Lawton has died unexpectedly at the age of 74, the band announced this morning. RI… - 4 years ago

@Cotrinton: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇬🇧 | AHORA: Fallece a los 74 años John Lawton, exvocalista de Uriah Heep. - 4 years ago

@Danishead: RT @ClassicRockMag: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton dead at 74 - 4 years ago

@Jenniferkunkel: RT @UltClassicRock: Rest in peace. Details here: - 4 years ago

@ZonaRadioES: Muere John Lawton, exvocalista de Uriah Heep - - 4 years ago

@BunnyKnievel: RT @EW: John Lawton has died. - 4 years ago

@DerMotzmichel: RT @EW: John Lawton has died. - 4 years ago

@Knewz_Currently: #JohnLawton Dies: Former #UriahHeep Vocalist Was 74 - 4 years ago

@peterkidder: Ex Uriah Heep singer John Lawton has died at the age of 74. - 4 years ago

@consultoriarock: Na noite de ontem, foi divulgado o falecimento do cantor John Lawton. O músico, de 74 anos, teve uma é lembrado pel… - 4 years ago

@Galeon1906: Odszedł John Lawton, grał - 4 years ago

@dayinrock: Former Uriah Heep vocalist John Lawton Has Died - 4 years ago

@ErnmanSellsOut: R.I.P. John Lawton. - 4 years ago

@hennemusic: Former @uriah_heep vocalist #JohnLawton dead at 74 #RIPJohnLawton #rock #rocknews #musicnews #music #news… - 4 years ago

@SkyKid: R.I.P John Lawton Uriah Heep - July Morning - 4 years ago

@QuimCarro: RT @faustianovich: Via @QuimCarro me llega el palo del adiós del británico John Lawton, dándolo todo (entre broncas, claro) con los Uriah H… - 4 years ago

@VVP2_0: R.I.P. John Cooper Lawton - 4 years ago

@ECREPORTA: 🇬🇧 | AHORA: Fallece a los 74 años John Lawton, exvocalista de Uriah Heep. #ahora #urgente #ReinoUnido #JohnLawton… - 4 years ago

@satrian: RT @DEADLINE: John Lawton Dies: Former Uriah Heep Vocalist Was 74 - 4 years ago

@Giobeiri: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇬🇧 | AHORA: Fallece a los 74 años John Lawton, exvocalista de Uriah Heep. - 4 years ago

@fgulbahar: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago


@alvarom12: RT @AlbertoRodNews: Fallece a los 74 años John Lawton, exvocalista de Uriah Heep. - 4 years ago

@mybilshop: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@olive_bildad: RT @RTultimahora: ÚLTIMA HORA: Fallece a los 74 años John Lawton, exvocalista de Uriah Heep - 4 years ago

@ESCBuzz: RT @Eurovoix: 🇩🇪 #Germany: Former Les Humphries Singers Member John Lawton Dies Age 74 #Eurovision - 4 years ago

@faustianovich: Via @QuimCarro me llega el palo del adiós del británico John Lawton, dándolo todo (entre broncas, claro) con los Ur… - 4 years ago

@Galy2702: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇬🇧 | AHORA: Fallece a los 74 años John Lawton, exvocalista de Uriah Heep. - 4 years ago

@Mspjar1: RT @RTultimahora: ÚLTIMA HORA: Fallece a los 74 años John Lawton, exvocalista de Uriah Heep - 4 years ago

@AlertaNews24: 🇬🇧 | AHORA: Fallece a los 74 años John Lawton, exvocalista de Uriah Heep. - 4 years ago

@woodg31: RT @DEADLINE: John Lawton Dies: Former Uriah Heep Vocalist Was 74 - 4 years ago

@jonata07cunha: RT @RadioRock89: Segundo comunicado da banda, cantor de 74 anos morreu de forma inesperada - 4 years ago

@carlahebling: RT @DEADLINE: John Lawton Dies: Former Uriah Heep Vocalist Was 74 - 4 years ago

@YasminI39962571: RT @billboard: Former Uriah Heep vocalist John Lawton died on June 29 of undisclosed causes. - 4 years ago

@DEADLINE: John Lawton Dies: Former Uriah Heep Vocalist Was 74 - 4 years ago

@DTMysticBand: RT @fullinbloom: Farewell John Lawton: Uriah Heep Frontman Dies @ 74 – 2021 - 4 years ago

@RachaelB100: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@RadioRock89: Segundo comunicado da banda, cantor de 74 anos morreu de forma inesperada - 4 years ago

@ecu11com: Fallece a los 74 años John Lawton, exvocalista de Uriah Heep El músico británico John La… - 4 years ago

@GeneralAffairsK: RT @Loudwire: R.I.P.: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton dies at 74: - 4 years ago

@hijodeldesorden: RT @RTultimahora: ÚLTIMA HORA: Fallece a los 74 años John Lawton, exvocalista de Uriah Heep - 4 years ago

@Poza_del_Meh: RT @RockologiaTwit: En homenaje a John Lawton. - 4 years ago

@CallMe_CrissM: RT @RTultimahora: ÚLTIMA HORA: Fallece a los 74 años John Lawton, exvocalista de Uriah Heep - 4 years ago

@linares_roy: RT @RTultimahora: ÚLTIMA HORA: Fallece a los 74 años John Lawton, exvocalista de Uriah Heep - 4 years ago

@MrSkeletonBCN: RT @RockologiaTwit: En homenaje a John Lawton. - 4 years ago

@metalrockmusic2: Former URIAH HEEP Singer JOHN LAWTON Dead At 74 Former URIAH HEEP singer John Lawton has died at t - 4 years ago

@RockologiaTwit: En homenaje a John Lawton. - 4 years ago

@MichalMunzlinge: 🥀🕯Zemřel zpěvák John Lawton z Uriah Heep🤘🎸🤘🕯🥀 Uriah Heep - Easy Living - 4 years ago

@JuanGorostietaC: RT @RTultimahora: ÚLTIMA HORA: Fallece a los 74 años John Lawton, exvocalista de Uriah Heep - 4 years ago

@RockologiaTwit: Otro que nos abandona. - 4 years ago

@YoLoba2: Fallece a los 74 años John Lawton, exvocalista de Uriah Heep - RT - 4 years ago

@vlferles: RT @UltramoraviaSpk: 😢😢😢😢🖤 - 4 years ago

@VASQUEZADRIAN_: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@IngeniousChi: RT @MusicBeat5: Former Uriah Heep #singer John Lawton has died at the age of 74. The news was confirmed by the band, who wrote, "It is with… - 4 years ago

@vbelandria: RT @RTultimahora: ÚLTIMA HORA: Fallece a los 74 años John Lawton, exvocalista de Uriah Heep - 4 years ago

@adehodges: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@LimaNoticia: RT @peruenlanoticia: Fallece a los 74 años John Lawton, exvocalista de Uriah Heep - 4 years ago

@PeruNewsweek: RT @peruenlanoticia: Fallece a los 74 años John Lawton, exvocalista de Uriah Heep - 4 years ago

@rulho13: RT @RTultimahora: ÚLTIMA HORA: Fallece a los 74 años John Lawton, exvocalista de Uriah Heep - 4 years ago

@VctorAtencioG: RT @RTultimahora: ÚLTIMA HORA: Fallece a los 74 años John Lawton, exvocalista de Uriah Heep - 4 years ago

@LeftyBotty: RT @ComplicatedElke: #NowPlaying "Lucifer's Friend" & Where The Groupies Killed The Blues" double LP with two orginal albums by the German… - 4 years ago

@PhilGallagher17: RT @ProgMagazineUK: Former @uriah_heep and Lucifer's Friend singer John Lawton dead at 74... - 4 years ago

@JolyFox: RT @BarneySimon: R.I.P.: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton dies at 74. Welcome to the great gig in the sky. #RIPJohnLawton - 4 years ago

@evilbluebird: RT @MusicBeat5: Former Uriah Heep #singer John Lawton has died at the age of 74. The news was confirmed by the band, who wrote, "It is with… - 4 years ago

@harmony91417950: RT @billboard: Former Uriah Heep vocalist John Lawton died on June 29 of undisclosed causes. - 4 years ago

@MusicBeat5: Former Uriah Heep #singer John Lawton has died at the age of 74. The news was confirmed by the band, who wrote, "It… - 4 years ago

@Mic_Amott: 個人的には"URIAH HEEPのジョン・ロートン"というより "Lucifer's Friendのジョン・ロートン"なんだよな。 R.I.P. John Lawton. #NowPlaying Lucifer's Frie… - 4 years ago

@ratzatattoo: Former Uriah Heep Singer John Lawton Dies at Age 74 - 4 years ago

@4RockNews: Former Uriah Heep Singer John Lawton Dies at Age 74 - 4 years ago

@Big_E_Yazawa: RT @uDiscoverMusic: Former Uriah Heep vocalist John Lawton has died at the age of 74. - 4 years ago

@PKeerthiSaiSre1: RT @billboard: Former Uriah Heep vocalist John Lawton died on June 29 of undisclosed causes. - 4 years ago

@jfdelacalle: RT @uDiscoverMusic: Former Uriah Heep vocalist John Lawton has died at the age of 74. - 4 years ago

@rockandblognet: JOHN LAWTON (URIAH HEEP) muere a los 74 años - El antiguo cantante de URIAH HEEP, John Lawt… - 4 years ago

@kwstaspapa: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@yasu_casino: Uriah Heep/Live In Europe I'm Getting Heavy. RIP John Lawton. ドイツをはじめ、ヨーロッパ全土を制圧した第二期黄金時代の証。 バイロン時代の名曲が、ロートンの歌メロで蘇っ… - 4 years ago

@dougecho: RT @uDiscoverMusic: Former Uriah Heep vocalist John Lawton has died at the age of 74. - 4 years ago

@mituru_neko: RT @magrock666: ジョンロートンが亡くなった との事。。。以前フォロワーのごるさんに教えて頂いた名曲。John Lawton R.I.P. One Way Ticket To Hell by Lucifer's Friend II - 4 years ago

@URBANTIAN: Former Uriah Heep Singer John Lawton Dead At 74 - - 4 years ago

@UltramoraviaSpk: 😢😢😢😢🖤 - 4 years ago

@deimos420: RT @uDiscoverMusic: Former Uriah Heep vocalist John Lawton has died at the age of 74. - 4 years ago

@uDiscoverMusic: Former Uriah Heep vocalist John Lawton has died at the age of 74. - 4 years ago

@parodynews: RT @AnVassileva: "Dreams are the possession of The simple man Reality the fantasy of youth But living is a problem that Is common to us all… - 4 years ago

@HSAddict697: RT @UltClassicRock: Rest in peace. Details here: - 4 years ago

@parodynews: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@gypsyjhoni_08: Check out: Former Uriah Heep Frontman John Lawton Dead at 74 ⁦@ProgMagazineUK⁩ ⁦@ClassicRockMag⁩ ⁦@RelixMag⁩ ⁦… - 4 years ago

@Wazupnaija: Uriah Heep Singer John Lawton Dies at 74 - - 4 years ago

@celebspkrs4u: Share on Twitter - 4 years ago

@HumoNegro: A la edad de 74 años falleció John Lawton, ex vocalista de @Uriah_Heep - 4 years ago

@GxyygMEdJlkZo4x: RT @billboard: Former Uriah Heep vocalist John Lawton died on June 29 of undisclosed causes. - 4 years ago

@unayayoshimi: RT @BURRN_: URIAH HEEPやLUCIFER'S FRIEND等で活躍した英国人シンガー、ジョン・ロートンが死去。享年74。R.I.P. John Lawton. - 4 years ago

@C62Kuni: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@jyahh666: 03年発表ジョン・ロートン・バンド『Sting in the Tale』 ユニオンArcangeloからリリースされた輸入盤国内仕様のライナー書いてました R.I.P. John Lawton - 4 years ago

@JoesilHC: Morre aos 74 anos John Lawton ex frontman do LUCIFER'S FRIEND e URIAH HEEP. R.I.P. - 4 years ago

@Kuolleet: rip Uriah Heepin entinen laulaja John Lawton - 4 years ago

@KiesiHeikki: RT @Loudwire: R.I.P.: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton dies at 74: - 4 years ago

@mituru_neko: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@m4rtalss: RT @rockfandombr: Faleceu John Lawton, ex-vocalista do Uriah Heep, aos 74 anos de idade. Segundo o que foi reportado, o músico faleceu ines… - 4 years ago

@derkacz_mark: RT @ProgMagazineUK: Former @uriah_heep and Lucifer's Friend singer John Lawton dead at 74... - 4 years ago

@nativ2AR: - 4 years ago

@sakisaki_akira: RT @DeepPurplePod: It's with great sadness that we have just learned that the great John Lawton has passed away on June 29, 2021. He had a… - 4 years ago

@IRDIA_MASSA: R.I.P. John Lawton Zarを久しぶりに聞いたらこれは名盤だった。ホントに良い声です。 - 4 years ago

@6_number6: Uriah Heep Singer John Lawton Dies at 74 - 4 years ago

@Jan62928357: 🌹 - 4 years ago

@NautalisNews: Uriah Heep Singer John Lawton Dies at 74 - 4 years ago

@Karaoke_God: Share on Twitter - 4 years ago

@AnVassileva: "Dreams are the possession of The simple man Reality the fantasy of youth But living is a problem that Is common to… - 4 years ago

@Chessurfer: RT @RockstageRiot: RIP: Wir trauern um John Lawton, grandiose Stimme u. a. bei URIAH HEEP und den ebenso ikonischen LUCIFER'S FRIEND. In De… - 4 years ago

@metalrockmusic2: John Lawton, Vocalist for Uriah Heep and Lucifer’s Friend, Dead at 74 Sad news for the rock and metal communities today, - 4 years ago

@rockaxisoficial: La tragedia nuevamente golpea al entorno de Uriah Heep: falleció John Lawton, ex frontman. - 4 years ago

@efeortega: RT @futurofm: John Lawton, ex vocalista de Uriah Heep, falleció a los 74 años - 4 years ago

@futurofm: John Lawton, ex vocalista de Uriah Heep, falleció a los 74 años - 4 years ago

@2_the_nations: Zar featuring John Lawton - Live Your Life Forever #JohnLawton #RIP - 4 years ago

@AbiliSalim: Они уходят. Скончался фронтмен URIAH HEEP JOHN LAWTON - 4 years ago

@cneira73: Ohhh que tristeza me acabo de enterar de la muerte de john lawton uno de los vocalistas de Uriah Heep y lucífers fr… - 4 years ago

@mike6371md: RT @DeepPurplePod: It's with great sadness that we have just learned that the great John Lawton has passed away on June 29, 2021. He had a… - 4 years ago

@danandshayfanwi: RT @UltClassicRock: Rest in peace. Details here: - 4 years ago

@ManticorePrime: R.I.P. John Lawton. Lucifer's Friend frontman and former Uriah Heep singer has died. - 4 years ago

@JDKunes: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@BeardedVillain_: 😢 Former Uriah Heep Frontman John Lawton Dead at 74 - 4 years ago

@concert_next: Former Uriah Heep Frontman John Lawton Dead at 74 - 4 years ago

@maelmefis90: Former Uriah Heep Singer John Lawton Dies at 74 - 4 years ago

@andresduranrock: RT @miguelhells: @andresduranrock @morarocknroll @profeastronauta #DiasDeCharlyGarcia iniciando con el buen sonido de tan excelente artista… - 4 years ago

@RockBrigade30: Mais uma enorme perda para o rock’n’roll: John Lawton, ex-vocalista do Uriah Heep, morreu aos 74 anos de idade.… - 4 years ago

@YoshiPriest: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@IronEagle861: - 4 years ago

@roundabout2012: RT @amass_jp: ユーライア・ヒープ、ルシファーズ・フレンド、レス・ハンフリーズ・シンガーズなどでの活躍で知られるヴォーカリストのジョン・ロートン(John Lawton)が死去。74歳でした  - 4 years ago

@Pompano_Ann: RT @UltClassicRock: Rest in peace. Details here: - 4 years ago

@thack86: RT @UltClassicRock: Rest in peace. Details here: - 4 years ago

@mybilshop: @RolandJeske Ich habe John Lawton mehrmals getroffen, ein toller Mensch ist von uns gegangen. - 4 years ago

@fortunatefall03: Former Uriah Heep Frontman John Lawton Dead at 74 - Ultimate Classic Rock - 4 years ago

@Ted35537326: RT @UltClassicRock: Rest in peace. Details here: - 4 years ago

@kasparszellis: RT @UltClassicRock: Rest in peace. Details here: - 4 years ago

@darumaya3: R.I.P. John Lawton (Uriah Heep) - 4 years ago

@pauloferreirajo: RT @UltClassicRock: Rest in peace. Details here: - 4 years ago

@MImi_TheSound: Sad news-Former Uriah Heep Frontman John Lawton Dead at 74 - 4 years ago

@magtwiggz: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@SquirrelMoose59: RT @UltClassicRock: Rest in peace. Details here: - 4 years ago

@957TheLake: RT @UltClassicRock: Rest in peace. Details here: - 4 years ago

@southern_cross1: RT @UltClassicRock: Rest in peace. Details here: - 4 years ago

@mwardlaw: RT @UltClassicRock: Rest in peace. Details here: - 4 years ago

@First060601: RT @Loudwire: R.I.P.: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton dies at 74: - 4 years ago

@MsDarkDragon: RT @RockFM_ES: Nadie del entorno del músico se esperaba su fallecimiento, puesto que no arrastraba ningún tipo de dolencia. - 4 years ago

@DavidKlement2: RT @Loudwire: R.I.P.: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton dies at 74: - 4 years ago

@BarneySimon: Uriah Heep - Free Me 1977 - 4 years ago

@BarneySimon: R.I.P.: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton dies at 74. Welcome to the great gig in the sky. #RIPJohnLawton - 4 years ago

@music_and__news: Former Uriah Heep Singer John Lawton Dies at Age 74 - 4 years ago

@concert_next: Uriah Heep Singer John Lawton Dies at 74 - 4 years ago

@RadioEspionage: RT @Loudwire: R.I.P.: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton dies at 74: - 4 years ago

@kissxrock: RT @Loudwire: R.I.P.: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton dies at 74: - 4 years ago

@themundodeandy: Poxa, a página do Lucifers Friend tá anunciando a morte do lendário John Lawton, que também foi vocalista do Uriah… - 4 years ago

@Rockslashjeffry: RT @Loudwire: R.I.P.: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton dies at 74: - 4 years ago

@robheckman: RT @Loudwire: R.I.P.: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton dies at 74: - 4 years ago

@eioka1: #NowPlaying️ LUCIFER'S FRIEND / MEAN MACHINE (1981) RIP John Lawton😢 Cool Hand Killer - 4 years ago

@tombstone80: RT @BURRN_: URIAH HEEPやLUCIFER'S FRIEND等で活躍した英国人シンガー、ジョン・ロートンが死去。享年74。R.I.P. John Lawton. - 4 years ago

@geniusloci: RT @NowSpinningUK: John Lawton (11 July 1946 – 29 June 2021) This is another tough one and a sad day for the Uriah Heep family. - 4 years ago

@ZachMoonshine: RT @MDR666ZM: Former Uriah Heep Singer John Lawton Dies at Age 74 - 4 years ago

@chimiguila: RT @Loudwire: R.I.P.: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton dies at 74: - 4 years ago

@Loudwire: R.I.P.: Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton dies at 74: - 4 years ago

@MDR666ZM: Former Uriah Heep Singer John Lawton Dies at Age 74 - 4 years ago

@ShadowLinesDoc: Uriah Heep Singer John Lawton Dies at 74 - 4 years ago

@HugeCock: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@rickfriel: RIP John Lawton @uriah_heep ♥️ - 4 years ago

@abab2672: RT @BURRN_: URIAH HEEPやLUCIFER'S FRIEND等で活躍した英国人シンガー、ジョン・ロートンが死去。享年74。R.I.P. John Lawton. - 4 years ago

@RockFM_ES: Nadie del entorno del músico se esperaba su fallecimiento, puesto que no arrastraba ningún tipo de dolencia. - 4 years ago

@wearethepit: Very sad news. - 4 years ago

@KongKitten: Listen to "The Kitten Kong Show" by @KongKitten via #spreaker #JohnLawton #UriahHeep #Kong #Music #Wigan #Podcast - 4 years ago

@Taasanasia: 6月20日、John Lawtonにメールを送ったが返事がなかった。いやな予感がしてたけれど、そういうことだったとは。John Lawtonの初来日20周年記念のイベントを2022年7月にやろうと企画していたけれど、...それまでにカババンの方たちが何かやりそうな気もするね。 - 4 years ago

@metalmaniac14: RT @rockcultureweb: Fallece John Lawton, ex cantante de Uriah Heep y Lucifer’s Friend - 4 years ago

@AnnaUnleashed: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@Kiss_FM: John Lawton, ex-vocalista do Uriah Heep, morre aos 74 anos - 4 years ago

@BluePurpleMusic: Uriah Heep Singer John Lawton Dies at 74 - 4 years ago

@AstoVirgy79: D.E.P John Lawton 😢😢😢😢😢😢 - 4 years ago

@marco_milch: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@URMwebzine: Uriah Heep: è morto l’ex cantante John Lawton - 4 years ago

@Trucker_of_Fire: 『Live in Europe 1979 - Disk 1』by Uriah Heep 聴取中。 追悼、John Lawton…安らかに。 - 4 years ago

@slowhand_tatsu: RT @Taasanasia: しかし何でこんなことに....もういやだよぅ...誰も失いたくないよぅ....2002+2004年の来日時に一緒に過ごした日数が長かっただけに、思い起こすたびに涙が止まりません。内緒でドイツやロンドンに行ってビックリさせたこともありました。優しか… - 4 years ago

@tomleao: RT @jnflesch: John Lawton, ex-vocalista do Uriah Heep, morreu aos 74 anos. - 4 years ago

@naka_HD: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@gilbertovoltou: Ontem, uma referência do cinema, hoje, uma influência dos vocais. Descansa John Lawton, voa alto, amigo de Lúcifer.… - 4 years ago

@alfadixie1: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@JJversion1: RT @Gideons_MobBand: awww man, lost another legend!!! LOVE Uriah Heep, and John Lawton was an awesome singer hard to follow in the footstep… - 4 years ago

@megalomania0419: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@mybilshop: - 4 years ago

@blackmore1018: John Lawton亡くなったんか…RIP - 4 years ago

@blackmore1018: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@darth_satanicas: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@VillenMillenion: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@TKMoniker: RT @Gideons_MobBand: For John Lawton.... - 4 years ago

@Taasanasia: @_mii そうそう、来日した早々の夕食の席で、ボクがJohn Lawtonのサングラスの上に座っちゃって壊しちゃったんだよね...床に置かれているとは思わなかったし。 - 4 years ago

@Rockotansky1: RT @BLABBERMOUTHNET: Former URIAH HEEP Singer JOHN LAWTON Dead At 74 - 4 years ago

@KamenPetroff: RIP John Lawton! (11 July 1946 – 29 June 2021) - 4 years ago

@happydazerecord: RT @BLABBERMOUTHNET: Former URIAH HEEP Singer JOHN LAWTON Dead At 74 - 4 years ago

@blauermond2: John Lawtonは少なくとも2回、生で観られるチャンスはあったのに、どちらも逃してしまった。行ける時に行っとけやな、あの世代のミュージシャンは。写真のZarの1stは、LFとHeep以外のLawton参加作で最も好きな一枚。 - 4 years ago

@Al_Booms: RT @DeepPurplePod: It's with great sadness that we have just learned that the great John Lawton has passed away on June 29, 2021. He had a… - 4 years ago

@Editwit: I think more such Heeps are now in heaven than on earth already. Former Uriah Heep singer John Lawton dead at 74 - 4 years ago

@Taasanasia: @Piyokodokusai URIAH HEEPのことを少しだけ知ってる人にとっては、シンガーはDavid Byronなのでしょうけれど、John Lawtonは知ってる人は得するシンガーでした。めちゃんこ歌が上手いし、性格も良いし、で。 - 4 years ago

@Sabbath31Aria: @torikabuto666 Wise Manとりさんと行った時の公演でもやっていましたが名曲でしたね✨ John Lawtonさん確かにバンドの在籍は短かったですね...ですが歌の面では歴代ベストに入るのではと私も思います🙌 - 4 years ago

@LizzyLB: RT @BURRN_: URIAH HEEPやLUCIFER'S FRIEND等で活躍した英国人シンガー、ジョン・ロートンが死去。享年74。R.I.P. John Lawton. - 4 years ago

@th__: RT @BURRN_: URIAH HEEPやLUCIFER'S FRIEND等で活躍した英国人シンガー、ジョン・ロートンが死去。享年74。R.I.P. John Lawton. - 4 years ago

@Taasanasia: @_mii カラオケはボクがSTYXの"Babe"を歌ったら、John Lawtonがハモッて一緒に歌ってくれました。その時の音源がどこかにある....汗 - 4 years ago

@Sabbath31Aria: とても辛く悲しくなりました... John LawtonさんRT - 4 years ago

@Sabbath31Aria: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@Whiplash_Net: Uriah Heep, Lucifer's Friend: morre o vocalista John Lawton - 4 years ago

@Taasanasia: @_mii いえいえどういたしまして。ボクのHPは報告が任務でしたから。2002年は急遽決まったことで、準備期間2ヶ月しかなかったけれど、実力派シンガーJohn Lawtonの来日の為にみんな頑張ったし、関わった全ての人の大切な思い出になったよね。功労者はみんなだったです。 - 4 years ago

@Piyokodokusai: RT @sekibow666: John Lawton、2016年にクラブチッタで観たライブ、パワフルで衰え知らずの歌声に感激でした。亡くなってしまうとは残念無念。。 彼のご冥福をお祈りします。 - 4 years ago

@Patrice4020: RT @Classic21: #JDR | L’ancien chanteur d’Uriah Heep et de Lucifer’s Friend s'est éteint à l'âge de 74 ans. #RIP #uriahheep - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, John Lawton dies - #JohnLawton #John #Lawton #rip - 4 years ago

@mybilshop: RT @duncanscott3: Saddened to hear of the passing of Uriah Heeps late 70's singer John Lawton. Another who was part of my youth. Condolenc… - 4 years ago

@8IvtWWbvox3OQKl: RT @BURRN_: URIAH HEEPやLUCIFER'S FRIEND等で活躍した英国人シンガー、ジョン・ロートンが死去。享年74。R.I.P. John Lawton. - 4 years ago

@Aaron_Conn: @RockSolidShow Album a Day in 2021 Lucifer’s Friend- Lucifer’s Friend (1970) #RockSolidAlbumADay2021 187/365 Chang… - 4 years ago

@8IvtWWbvox3OQKl: RT @amass_jp: ユーライア・ヒープ、ルシファーズ・フレンド、レス・ハンフリーズ・シンガーズなどでの活躍で知られるヴォーカリストのジョン・ロートン(John Lawton)が死去。74歳でした  - 4 years ago

@CADPurple: @uriah_heep @Mick_Box So sorry for this sad loss, from Spain our condolences to family, friends and fans. RIP John Lawton 😔🙏❤ - 4 years ago

@backspinrocks: RT @DeepPurplePod: It's with great sadness that we have just learned that the great John Lawton has passed away on June 29, 2021. He had a… - 4 years ago

@Piyokodokusai: RT @WORLD_DISQUE: 【訃報】ジョン・ロートン (John Lawton)さん死去 ルシファーズ・フレンド、ユーライア・ヒープで活躍した名シンガー、ジョン・ロートンさんが死去。ユーライア・ヒープのSNSが明らかに。享年74。正に実力派の代名詞で、LF来日公演でも… - 4 years ago

@QuimCarro: @faustianovich Creo que te gustan Uriah Heep; otra mala noticia, y esta banda lleva ya unas cuantas últimamente 😔 - 4 years ago

@MonicaBeatriz24: RT @jnflesch: John Lawton, ex-vocalista do Uriah Heep, morreu aos 74 anos. - 4 years ago

@jnflesch: John Lawton, ex-vocalista do Uriah Heep, morreu aos 74 anos. - 4 years ago

@guiadelrock: "Muere John Lawton, exvocalista de Uriah Heep" - 4 years ago

@ahnenerbe_llc: - 4 years ago

@FumiTobisawa: RT @BURRN_: URIAH HEEPやLUCIFER'S FRIEND等で活躍した英国人シンガー、ジョン・ロートンが死去。享年74。R.I.P. John Lawton. - 4 years ago

@denbroc1: RT @BLABBERMOUTHNET: Former URIAH HEEP Singer JOHN LAWTON Dead At 74 - 4 years ago

@torikabuto666: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@DCRock: RT @BLABBERMOUTHNET: Former URIAH HEEP Singer JOHN LAWTON Dead At 74 - 4 years ago

@KevinLa44437708: @johndoyle38 @GavinBuckland1 He does John, he’s incredulous that Alan and Philip don’t know about Lawton. ‘My God,… - 4 years ago

@jurgen_squire: John Lawton が亡くなったそうです 各バンドで素晴らしい歌声を残してくれました 自分にとっては Lucifer's Friend での活躍が印象深いです 特にアルバム Banquet での仕事は 最高のものだと思ってます… - 4 years ago

@AVHjoy: RT @uriah_heep: It is with deep regret that we share the devastating and tragic news of the sudden and totally unexpected passing of John L… - 4 years ago

@zonaundergrounM: RT @rafa_basa: GUNS N’ ROSES en México. Fallece el cantante de LUCIFER’S FRIEND y ex- URIAH HEEP John Lawton. EP y single de EONIAN. https:… - 4 years ago

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