John Large

British consulting nuclear engineer.
Died on Thursday November 15th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to John Large:

@dylan__johnson: @MLyndsley @dev_em_john just because my toes are more capable of moving a vast array of items and inflicting pain v… - 6 years ago

@ccthart10: RT @CBCNL: A 'large-scale party' tomorrow night, being referred to as 'Project X,' is apparently planned for east end St. John's. @RNC_Poli… - 6 years ago

@FakingDancy: @QuancyClayborne It's called "Late Night," and I co-star with Emma Thompson and John Lithgow. It was written by Min… - 6 years ago

@sierrabein: RT @CBCNL: A 'large-scale party' tomorrow night, being referred to as 'Project X,' is apparently planned for east end St. John's. @RNC_Poli… - 6 years ago


@RJP757: @KEVINTOMIRANDA My top 10 1. Reeves Superman 2.Iron Man 3. Blade 4. Dark Knight 5.Wonder Woman 6. Captain America W… - 6 years ago

@SocialMktgSltns: A blogger who attracts attention to their personal brand also boosts their company brand. Successful bloggers devel… - 6 years ago

@SamuelsonJenny: RT @CBCNL: A 'large-scale party' tomorrow night, being referred to as 'Project X,' is apparently planned for east end St. John's. @RNC_Poli… - 6 years ago

@Jenn_McCreath: RT @CBCNL: A 'large-scale party' tomorrow night, being referred to as 'Project X,' is apparently planned for east end St. John's. @RNC_Poli… - 6 years ago

@kristamw: RT @CBCNL: A 'large-scale party' tomorrow night, being referred to as 'Project X,' is apparently planned for east end St. John's. @RNC_Poli… - 6 years ago

@Sheilagholeary: RT @CBCNL: A 'large-scale party' tomorrow night, being referred to as 'Project X,' is apparently planned for east end St. John's. @RNC_Poli… - 6 years ago

@JMCcut: RT @CBCNL: A 'large-scale party' tomorrow night, being referred to as 'Project X,' is apparently planned for east end St. John's. @RNC_Poli… - 6 years ago

@Lyle_LARGE: RT @TheJordanRachel: Happy Thanksgiving to everyone except the 9th Circuit, Michael Avenatti, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, John Brennan, the… - 6 years ago

@KonaDrake: RT @CBCNL: A 'large-scale party' tomorrow night, being referred to as 'Project X,' is apparently planned for east end St. John's. @RNC_Poli… - 6 years ago

@Donniejrjohnson: RT @GeoffKirkland: The whole world is not a theatre large enough to display the glory of Christ upon: or unfold the one half of the unsearc… - 6 years ago

@merotondi: RT @CBCNL: A 'large-scale party' tomorrow night, being referred to as 'Project X,' is apparently planned for east end St. John's. @RNC_Poli… - 6 years ago

@JesseSimonin: RT @classicsman70: 'Roxanne' (1987) The large-nosed C.D. Bales (Steve Martin) is in love with the beautiful Roxanne. She falls for his pers… - 6 years ago

@elpasotimes: With Beto O’Rourke, Julián Castro and John Cornyn, 2020 already looms large in Texas - 6 years ago

@StartingJen: RT @CBCNL: A 'large-scale party' tomorrow night, being referred to as 'Project X,' is apparently planned for east end St. John's. @RNC_Poli… - 6 years ago

@corbett_john: RT @alan_firth_: On a Danish train (again). This is standard-class, 2-hour intercity, walk-on price 180kr (approx £20). Roomy, quiet, immac… - 6 years ago

@john_wied: RT @awsmarketplace: Our #reInvent Enterprise & Hybrid sessions focus on large enterprise challenges: application #migration, governance &… - 6 years ago

@DavidPilling2: RT @MPS_Medical: 🇬🇧 Complications following gynaecology surgery are rare; however medicolegal cases aren't uncommon due to the impact on a… - 6 years ago

@KellyMLacey: RT @CBCNL: A 'large-scale party' tomorrow night, being referred to as 'Project X,' is apparently planned for east end St. John's. @RNC_Poli… - 6 years ago

@rrystantz: [john boyega voice] im READY!!! large popcorn dammit!!!! no one BREATHE in my direction when i sit down to watch th… - 6 years ago

@MarieOkeefe5: RT @CBCNL: A 'large-scale party' tomorrow night, being referred to as 'Project X,' is apparently planned for east end St. John's. @RNC_Poli… - 6 years ago

@daveddy69: RT @arianakelland: Now THIS is something. @RNC_PoliceNL warning parents of a "large-scale party" that's being referred to as 'Project X'.… - 6 years ago

@jezhicken: RT @craftedcreature: Thanks to Stephen who's bought these 4. Also thanks to @BeingBoycie John & Carol and @Arthur_Strong for the RTs to you… - 6 years ago

@Alanarossarri62: RT @CBCNL: A 'large-scale party' tomorrow night, being referred to as 'Project X,' is apparently planned for east end St. John's. @RNC_Poli… - 6 years ago

@lindaws: RT @CBCNL: A 'large-scale party' tomorrow night, being referred to as 'Project X,' is apparently planned for east end St. John's. @RNC_Poli… - 6 years ago

@danettespurrell: RT @CBCNL: A 'large-scale party' tomorrow night, being referred to as 'Project X,' is apparently planned for east end St. John's. @RNC_Poli… - 6 years ago

@j_whites: RT @CBCNL: A 'large-scale party' tomorrow night, being referred to as 'Project X,' is apparently planned for east end St. John's. @RNC_Poli… - 6 years ago

@GarrettBarry: RT @arianakelland: Now THIS is something. @RNC_PoliceNL warning parents of a "large-scale party" that's being referred to as 'Project X'.… - 6 years ago

@CBCNL: A 'large-scale party' tomorrow night, being referred to as 'Project X,' is apparently planned for east end St. John… - 6 years ago

@arianakelland: Now THIS is something. @RNC_PoliceNL warning parents of a "large-scale party" that's being referred to as 'Project… - 6 years ago

@BeingBoycie: RT @craftedcreature: Thanks to Stephen who's bought these 4. Also thanks to @BeingBoycie John & Carol and @Arthur_Strong for the RTs to you… - 6 years ago

@brightsuit: @LBC @IainDale I think the problem is that many of you (including John) do not come from a large family. Being 1 of… - 6 years ago

@Emmacharlotte6: RT @craftedcreature: Thanks to Stephen who's bought these 4. Also thanks to @BeingBoycie John & Carol and @Arthur_Strong for the RTs to you… - 6 years ago

@laurastephen: RT @bayraktar_lab: We are recruiting a postdoc to develop image analysis approaches for large spatial txn datasets! A great collaboration w… - 6 years ago

@m_hemberg: RT @bayraktar_lab: We are recruiting a postdoc to develop image analysis approaches for large spatial txn datasets! A great collaboration w… - 6 years ago

@JaneAustenKent: 20Nov00: [Mrs Warren's] husband is ugly enough; uglier even than his cousin John; but he does not look so very old.… - 6 years ago

@craftedcreature: Thanks to Stephen who's bought these 4. Also thanks to @BeingBoycie John & Carol and @Arthur_Strong for the RTs to… - 6 years ago

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