John Korty

American film director and animator.
Died on Wednesday March 16th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to John Korty:

@sfchronicle: RT @SFC_Datebook: The lasting contribution by John Korty might have been that he put down roots in Marin County and wouldn’t leave. He in… - 3 years ago

@SFC_Datebook: The lasting contribution by John Korty might have been that he put down roots in Marin County and wouldn’t leave.… - 3 years ago

@tomy2875: RT @washingtonpost: John Korty, director of "Miss Jane Pittman" and key figure in the independent cinema movement, dies at 85 - 3 years ago

@MajestyNyo: RT @MovieKessler: The Ewok Adventure (1984) dir. John Korty - 3 years ago


@Luvley330: RT @nnoir226: John Korty, director of ‘Miss Jane Pittman,’ dies at 85 - 3 years ago

@cabara: RT @NYTObits: John Korty, director of “Miss Jane Pittman,” is dead at 85. - 3 years ago

@Kakun88: RT @ElliotCowanYes: I was sad to learn that John Korty died earlier in the month. His film Twice Upon A Time is a favourite that I've been… - 3 years ago

@RLLLORL: RT @MovieKessler: The Ewok Adventure (1984) dir. John Korty - 3 years ago

@k_aquinas: RT @MovieKessler: The Ewok Adventure (1984) dir. John Korty - 3 years ago

@k_aquinas: RT @ElliotCowanYes: I was sad to learn that John Korty died earlier in the month. His film Twice Upon A Time is a favourite that I've been… - 3 years ago

@k_aquinas: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP, John Korty, director of "Twice Upon A Time." He was 85. Full obit to come, but in the meantime, here's a brilliant pi… - 3 years ago

@k_aquinas: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that animator John Korty passed away a week ago at the age of 85. Alongside winning an Oscar for Who A… - 3 years ago

@k_aquinas: RT @washingtonpost: John Korty, director of "Miss Jane Pittman" and key figure in the independent cinema movement, dies at 85 - 3 years ago

@k_aquinas: RT @Ky1eKatarn: John Korty, director of the Ewok movies, has died. These movies were a huge part of so many childhoods, including mine. Res… - 3 years ago

@k_aquinas: RT @k_aquinas: 여러분 그거 아시나요. 이워크 대모험 1편을 연출하신 John Korty께서는 아카데미상과 에미상을 타셨던 분입니다... - 3 years ago

@LauraDiBella15: RT @nnoir226: John Korty, director of ‘Miss Jane Pittman,’ dies at 85 - 3 years ago

@nnoir226: John Korty, director of ‘Miss Jane Pittman,’ dies at 85 - 3 years ago

@jghodgson: John Korty, Director of ‘Miss Jane Pittman,’ Is Dead at 85 - 3 years ago

@olas_tv: Obituary: John Korty dies at Aged 85, Wife, Family, Explore Cause of Death, Wiki - 3 years ago

@djuna01: RT @sound_trax: RIP John Korty. 감독이자 작가, 촬영감독이며 애니메이터였던 그가 85세로 지난 9일 세상을 떠났다. 러브스토리 속편 [Oliver's Story]와 [이워크의 모험 The Ewok Adventure]를 연출했… - 3 years ago

@aRuralfarmboy: RT @FanthaTracks: Live at 9pm (London), 5pm (NYC) Good Morning Tatooine is back with your weekly recap of all the latest Star Wars news. D… - 3 years ago

@FanthaTracks: Live at 9pm (London), 5pm (NYC) Good Morning Tatooine is back with your weekly recap of all the latest Star Wars ne… - 3 years ago

@_Shummy_: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP, John Korty, director of "Twice Upon A Time." He was 85. Full obit to come, but in the meantime, here's a brilliant pi… - 3 years ago

@LRichardDude: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP, John Korty, director of "Twice Upon A Time." He was 85. Full obit to come, but in the meantime, here's a brilliant pi… - 3 years ago

@JeffMovieMan: RT @bakertoons: Aw man, RIP John Korty. "Twice Upon a Time" is one of my all-time favorite movies, and I even ran it in my stream yesterda… - 3 years ago

@JesseCoffey15: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that animator John Korty passed away a week ago at the age of 85. Alongside winning an Oscar for Who A… - 3 years ago

@ejunkie2014: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP, John Korty, director of "Twice Upon A Time." He was 85. Full obit to come, but in the meantime, here's a brilliant pi… - 3 years ago

@ejunkie2014: RT @cartoonbrew: Remembering John Korty, who has died at 85. Here's an article he wrote about animation in 1963. Obit to come. - 3 years ago

@Lingman: @fredrin Apparently this version has both the original and the swearing versions of the soundtrack. - 3 years ago

@stsparky: RT @fredrin: I wish I could find the original HBO version of Twice Upon a Time somewhere. Thee one with all the swearing. That had such an… - 3 years ago

@fredrin: I wish I could find the original HBO version of Twice Upon a Time somewhere. Thee one with all the swearing. That h… - 3 years ago

@SuperkaijuGuy: @AniMat505 Some sad news for Twice Upon A time fans. (Such as myself) This is a real punch in the gut. :( - 3 years ago

@CoZlonkoPisalo: RT @KtoUmarl: John Korty (85) - amerykański reżyser, w 1978 r. zdobył Oscara za film dokumentalny pt. "Who are the Debolts?", za film "Auto… - 3 years ago

@Alexa_Destria: RT @Noted_Lives: - 3 years ago

@JediNewsNetwork: John Korty, Director of Caravan of Courage and Twice Upon a Time, Has Passed Away - - 3 years ago

@Rinworksart: RT @cartoonbrew: Remembering John Korty, who has died at 85. Here's an article he wrote about animation in 1963. Obit to come. - 3 years ago

@0aya_0saru_l4: RT @cinepre: 「続・ある愛の詩」("Oliver's Story",1978年)、「イウォーク・アドベンチャー」("The Ewok Adventure",1984年)、「誰かが見ていた」("Getting Out",1994年)などの作品を手掛けた、映画監督のジョ… - 3 years ago

@SO_GOES_LEO: 😔 Blessings of Love & Comfort to #Oscars winner #JohnKorty's entire family of beloved. This breaks my heart a thous… - 3 years ago

@memesos333999: RT @bakertoons: Aw man, RIP John Korty. "Twice Upon a Time" is one of my all-time favorite movies, and I even ran it in my stream yesterda… - 3 years ago

@CarmenPuliCruz: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP, John Korty, director of "Twice Upon A Time." He was 85. Full obit to come, but in the meantime, here's a brilliant pi… - 3 years ago

@HealhGlyn: RT @PhilSzostak: Rest In Peace to the great John Korty, who, in 1983, kicked off Lucasfilm’s incredible run of animated features and TV sho… - 3 years ago

@CantinaVirtual: RT @FanthaTracks: John Korty The Director of “Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure” Passes Away - - 3 years ago

@FanthaTracks: John Korty The Director of “Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure” Passes Away - - 3 years ago

@Noted_Lives: - 3 years ago

@TVMCCA: RT @xphile: Oscar-Winning #Marin County Filmmaker John Korty Has Died at Age 85 - 3 years ago

@WithProductions: RIP. We are saddened to hear about the passing of Emmy winner John Korty, who directed ‘The Autobiography Of Miss J… - 3 years ago

@xphile: Oscar-Winning #Marin County Filmmaker John Korty Has Died at Age 85 - 3 years ago

@skytalkerspod: RT @blast_points: RIP John Korty, director of Lucasfilm’s Twice Upon a Time, our beloved Ewok Adventure and huge influence for what became… - 3 years ago

@StarWarsHexalog: RT @lydrummet: John Korty has a special place in modern #filmsound history. Sound designer Ren Klyce’s groundbreaking creative relationship… - 3 years ago

@The_Meryx: RT @blast_points: RIP John Korty, director of Lucasfilm’s Twice Upon a Time, our beloved Ewok Adventure and huge influence for what became… - 3 years ago

@EthanPartingto2: RT @ElliotCowanYes: I was sad to learn that John Korty died earlier in the month. His film Twice Upon A Time is a favourite that I've been… - 3 years ago

@NickKrammes: Lafayette, Indiana native John Korty, who directed 1984's Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure, has died. I feel l… - 3 years ago

@HDSurround: RT @lydrummet: John Korty has a special place in modern #filmsound history. Sound designer Ren Klyce’s groundbreaking creative relationship… - 3 years ago

@Sompeetalay: RIP John Korty, director of 'Caravan of Courage'. - 3 years ago

@TTafelski: RIP John Korty - 3 years ago

@rhonefraser: RT @DEADLINE: John Korty, who directed the Emmy-winning ‘The Autobiography Of Miss Jane Pittman’ died March 9 at his home in Marin County,… - 3 years ago

@Highball2814: RT @Mark0Connell: Before THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT, ROGUE ONE & OBI-WAN KENOBI, John Korty's CARAVAN OF COURAGE was the first #StarWars sidebar… - 3 years ago

@flixboards: John Korty Dies: Emmy-Winning ‘The Autobiography Of Miss Jane Pittman’ Director Was 85 | #movies #entertainment - 3 years ago

@Anoneko4: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP, John Korty, director of "Twice Upon A Time." He was 85. Full obit to come, but in the meantime, here's a brilliant pi… - 3 years ago

@john_X77: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP, John Korty, director of "Twice Upon A Time." He was 85. Full obit to come, but in the meantime, here's a brilliant pi… - 3 years ago

@sed606: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP, John Korty, director of "Twice Upon A Time." He was 85. Full obit to come, but in the meantime, here's a brilliant pi… - 3 years ago

@TCGBNH: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP, John Korty, director of "Twice Upon A Time." He was 85. Full obit to come, but in the meantime, here's a brilliant pi… - 3 years ago

@Bode_John: RT @beardmanclothn: @korty_EO True talk.....the plan to leave had started years or months before the actual breakup news.....just move on..… - 3 years ago

@TheDragonLadyV: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that animator John Korty passed away a week ago at the age of 85. Alongside winning an Oscar for Who A… - 3 years ago

@SpecSpideyVerse: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that animator John Korty passed away a week ago at the age of 85. Alongside winning an Oscar for Who A… - 3 years ago

@krysilove: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP, John Korty, director of "Twice Upon A Time." He was 85. Full obit to come, but in the meantime, here's a brilliant pi… - 3 years ago

@RayaneHousecoat: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that animator John Korty passed away a week ago at the age of 85. Alongside winning an Oscar for Who A… - 3 years ago

@Keithan_Key: RT @GIRODPATRICE: Le 9 mars dernier est décédé John Korty, ami de George Lucas et réalisateur du téléfilm L’Aventure des Ewoks et du film d… - 3 years ago

@IsaiahMontvel: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that animator John Korty passed away a week ago at the age of 85. Alongside winning an Oscar for Who A… - 3 years ago

@odhranroche: RT @philiplord: John Korty did some instructional videos just to be a mensch - 3 years ago

@szark: RT @halhickel: An entire feature created out of a house not far from me here in little old Mill Valley. RIP John Korty. - 3 years ago

@PreciousOtaku1: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP, John Korty, director of "Twice Upon A Time." He was 85. Full obit to come, but in the meantime, here's a brilliant pi… - 3 years ago

@hugh_raine: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP, John Korty, director of "Twice Upon A Time." He was 85. Full obit to come, but in the meantime, here's a brilliant pi… - 3 years ago

@KurtLaffreuxped: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP, John Korty, director of "Twice Upon A Time." He was 85. Full obit to come, but in the meantime, here's a brilliant pi… - 3 years ago

@PeteMilan: John Korty made one of the weirdest animated films you'll ever see, TWICE UPON A TIME. RIP. - 3 years ago

@DarkWolf_863: RT @GIRODPATRICE: Le 9 mars dernier est décédé John Korty, ami de George Lucas et réalisateur du téléfilm L’Aventure des Ewoks et du film d… - 3 years ago

@PokTalavera: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP, John Korty, director of "Twice Upon A Time." He was 85. Full obit to come, but in the meantime, here's a brilliant pi… - 3 years ago

@RogrioMartinsR4: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP, John Korty, director of "Twice Upon A Time." He was 85. Full obit to come, but in the meantime, here's a brilliant pi… - 3 years ago

@tinkerbri1212: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP, John Korty, director of "Twice Upon A Time." He was 85. Full obit to come, but in the meantime, here's a brilliant pi… - 3 years ago

@BrunJonathan1: RT @GIRODPATRICE: Le 9 mars dernier est décédé John Korty, ami de George Lucas et réalisateur du téléfilm L’Aventure des Ewoks et du film d… - 3 years ago

@LucasfilmMag: RT @GIRODPATRICE: Le 9 mars dernier est décédé John Korty, ami de George Lucas et réalisateur du téléfilm L’Aventure des Ewoks et du film d… - 3 years ago

@fisto_sr: RT @GIRODPATRICE: Le 9 mars dernier est décédé John Korty, ami de George Lucas et réalisateur du téléfilm L’Aventure des Ewoks et du film d… - 3 years ago

@GIRODPATRICE: Le 9 mars dernier est décédé John Korty, ami de George Lucas et réalisateur du téléfilm L’Aventure des Ewoks et du… - 3 years ago

@EriceARoni: RT @philiplord: John Korty did some instructional videos just to be a mensch - 3 years ago

@popcornflix: @ChrisPrincey @agraphFx RIP John Korty who also directed TWICE UPON A TIME, one of the most unique and deliriously… - 3 years ago

@SwizzleVixen: RT @ChrisPrincey: John Korty, director of Caravan of Courage, has died. I still regularly go looking for Ewoks in the forest where it was s… - 3 years ago

@usasharenews: Oscar-Winning Marin County Filmmaker John Korty Has Died at Age 85 - 3 years ago

@Ramona_cool: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP, John Korty, director of "Twice Upon A Time." He was 85. Full obit to come, but in the meantime, here's a brilliant pi… - 3 years ago

@Ryambic: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP, John Korty, director of "Twice Upon A Time." He was 85. Full obit to come, but in the meantime, here's a brilliant pi… - 3 years ago

@jenRECON: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP, John Korty, director of "Twice Upon A Time." He was 85. Full obit to come, but in the meantime, here's a brilliant pi… - 3 years ago

@arman_waggoner: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP, John Korty, director of "Twice Upon A Time." He was 85. Full obit to come, but in the meantime, here's a brilliant pi… - 3 years ago

@Oluwasxyi: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP, John Korty, director of "Twice Upon A Time." He was 85. Full obit to come, but in the meantime, here's a brilliant pi… - 3 years ago

@realmrpeaman: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP, John Korty, director of "Twice Upon A Time." He was 85. Full obit to come, but in the meantime, here's a brilliant pi… - 3 years ago

@usasharenews: Oscar-Winning Marin County Filmmaker John Korty Has Died at Age 85 - 3 years ago

@the_hoyk: RT @DrewMcWeeny: TWICE UPON A TIME is a one of a kind, an experiment that ended up released by Warner Bros because John Korty's filmmaker b… - 3 years ago

@KurtFleischer: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP, John Korty, director of "Twice Upon A Time." He was 85. Full obit to come, but in the meantime, here's a brilliant pi… - 3 years ago

@Rook_Stone: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP, John Korty, director of "Twice Upon A Time." He was 85. Full obit to come, but in the meantime, here's a brilliant pi… - 3 years ago

@EconStudios: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that animator John Korty passed away a week ago at the age of 85. Alongside winning an Oscar for Who A… - 3 years ago

@The_Screendoor: RT @mercnews: Oscar and Emmy-winning Bay Area filmmaker John Korty dies - 3 years ago

@scott_squires: RT @mercnews: Oscar and Emmy-winning Bay Area filmmaker John Korty dies - 3 years ago

@Catkid_neo: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that animator John Korty passed away a week ago at the age of 85. Alongside winning an Oscar for Who A… - 3 years ago

@DiscordCosmic: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that animator John Korty passed away a week ago at the age of 85. Alongside winning an Oscar for Who A… - 3 years ago

@Zobieez: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that animator John Korty passed away a week ago at the age of 85. Alongside winning an Oscar for Who A… - 3 years ago

@IkeNwosu1113: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that animator John Korty passed away a week ago at the age of 85. Alongside winning an Oscar for Who A… - 3 years ago

@richesofchaos: RT @mercnews: Oscar and Emmy-winning Bay Area filmmaker John Korty dies - 3 years ago

@OllieGeordielan: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that animator John Korty passed away a week ago at the age of 85. Alongside winning an Oscar for Who A… - 3 years ago

@enduringscreens: RT @mercnews: Oscar and Emmy-winning Bay Area filmmaker John Korty dies - 3 years ago

@MattWolfstein94: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that animator John Korty passed away a week ago at the age of 85. Alongside winning an Oscar for Who A… - 3 years ago

@MattWolfstein94: RT @mercnews: Oscar and Emmy-winning Bay Area filmmaker John Korty dies - 3 years ago

@VexillumVixen: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that animator John Korty passed away a week ago at the age of 85. Alongside winning an Oscar for Who A… - 3 years ago

@Myles523: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that animator John Korty passed away a week ago at the age of 85. Alongside winning an Oscar for Who A… - 3 years ago

@JoeVern74850734: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that animator John Korty passed away a week ago at the age of 85. Alongside winning an Oscar for Who A… - 3 years ago

@mleepproduction: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that animator John Korty passed away a week ago at the age of 85. Alongside winning an Oscar for Who A… - 3 years ago

@365Maldon: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that animator John Korty passed away a week ago at the age of 85. Alongside winning an Oscar for Who A… - 3 years ago

@DavidMe73938129: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that animator John Korty passed away a week ago at the age of 85. Alongside winning an Oscar for Who A… - 3 years ago

@StainedMask: RT @mercnews: Oscar and Emmy-winning Bay Area filmmaker John Korty dies - 3 years ago

@twhozz: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that animator John Korty passed away a week ago at the age of 85. Alongside winning an Oscar for Who A… - 3 years ago

@CKBaloo: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that animator John Korty passed away a week ago at the age of 85. Alongside winning an Oscar for Who A… - 3 years ago

@Lassie_dog12: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that animator John Korty passed away a week ago at the age of 85. Alongside winning an Oscar for Who A… - 3 years ago

@TheElusiveRD: RT @mercnews: Oscar and Emmy-winning Bay Area filmmaker John Korty dies - 3 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Oscar-winning filmmaker John Korty; actors Ma Shaoxin, Brigitte Chamarande; pianist and compose… - 3 years ago

@dokuz8haber: ⚫Yönetmen John Korty hayatını kaybetti 👉Oscar ve Emmy ödüllü Amerikalı ünlü yönetmen John Korty, 85 yaşında Kalifo… - 3 years ago

@medyaradar: Oscar ödüllü ünlü yönetmen hayatını kaybetti - 3 years ago

@gercekgundem: Oscar ödüllü yönetmen John Korty hayatını kaybetti - 3 years ago

@nhanson_reports: #MarinCounty The renowned filmmaker John Korty, whose independent films alongside George Lucas and Francis Ford Cop… - 3 years ago

@ulaknews: Oscar ödüllü yönetmen John Korty’den kötü haber!... - 3 years ago

@hande_gulbahar: Oscar ödüllü yönetmen John Korty’den kötü haber! #johnkorty #sondakika - 3 years ago

@CapaMag: RT @CapaMagSinema: Oscar ödüllü yönetmen John Korty hayatını kaybetti. - 3 years ago

@CapaMagSinema: Oscar ödüllü yönetmen John Korty hayatını kaybetti. - 3 years ago

@NTVKSanat: Oscar ödüllü yönetmen John Korty hayatını kaybetti - 3 years ago

@HABERKIBRIS: Oscar ödüllü yönetmen John Korty hayatını kaybetti - 3 years ago

@haberortakoy: Oscar ödüllü yönetmen John Korty hayatını kaybetti - 3 years ago

@TR__Gundem: RT @tr_hbr: 🔥 Oscar ödüllü ünlü yönetmen hayatını kaybetti: Amerikalı ünlü yönetmen john Korty, Point Reyes Station'daki evinde hayata gözl… - 3 years ago

@Tr__News: RT @tr_hbr: 🔥 Oscar ödüllü ünlü yönetmen hayatını kaybetti: Amerikalı ünlü yönetmen john Korty, Point Reyes Station'daki evinde hayata gözl… - 3 years ago

@Sosyal_Alem_: RT @tr_hbr: 🔥 Oscar ödüllü ünlü yönetmen hayatını kaybetti: Amerikalı ünlü yönetmen john Korty, Point Reyes Station'daki evinde hayata gözl… - 3 years ago

@tr_hbr: 🔥 Oscar ödüllü ünlü yönetmen hayatını kaybetti: Amerikalı ünlü yönetmen john Korty, Point Reyes Station'daki evinde… - 3 years ago

@tv100: Ünlü yönetmen hayatını kaybetti - 3 years ago

@ulaknews: Ünlü yönetmen John Korty hayatını kaybetti... - 3 years ago

@insidebayarea: East Bay Times: Oscar and Emmy-winning Bay Area filmmaker John Korty dies - 3 years ago

@medyanin51tonu: Oscar ödüllü yönetmen, yapımcı ve animatör John Korty, 85 yaşında hayatını kaybetti. - 3 years ago

@HaberGlobal: Oscar ödüllü ünlü yönetmen John Korty hayatını kaybetti - 3 years ago

@EastBayTimes: Oscar and Emmy-winning Bay Area filmmaker John Korty dies - 3 years ago

@falconhamada_90: RT @mercnews: Oscar and Emmy-winning Bay Area filmmaker John Korty dies - 3 years ago

@mercnews: Oscar and Emmy-winning Bay Area filmmaker John Korty dies - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: John Korty is no longer with us - #JohnKorty #John #Korty #rip - 3 years ago

@financiaLola: @korty_EO May the anointing that got him oscars fall on you. Rest in solemness MR John Korty. - 3 years ago

@iaboi46sfo: RT @HellOnFriscoBay: 11. John Korty's 1966 debut The Crazy-Quilt is the missing link between the Bay Area avant-garde filmmaking scene of t… - 3 years ago

@iaboi46sfo: RT @Moonspinner55: Cinema '76: Jack Lemmon and Genevieve Bujold in "Alex & the Gypsy" directed by John Korty, 1976 - 3 years ago

@marinij: Oscar-winning Marin filmmaker John Korty dies - 3 years ago

@ArmyofWomack: RT @wifsfba: - 3 years ago

@wifsfba: - 3 years ago

@profcaroleaster: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP, Alan Ladd Jr, 84, the film executive who championed to the screen one of the weirdest American animated features of a… - 3 years ago

@dnicolebostrom: I'm a fan of John Korty - 3 years ago

@thecwazycrowla: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP, Alan Ladd Jr, 84, the film executive who championed to the screen one of the weirdest American animated features of a… - 3 years ago

@thegoofeffect: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP, Alan Ladd Jr, 84, the film executive who championed to the screen one of the weirdest American animated features of a… - 3 years ago

@celbipegoraro: RT @AnimaSomPod: Na última semana morreu o produtor Alan Ladd Jr., aos 84 anos. Ele bancou a animação "Twice upon a time" (1983) com direçã… - 3 years ago

@paulomartini: RT @AnimaSomPod: Na última semana morreu o produtor Alan Ladd Jr., aos 84 anos. Ele bancou a animação "Twice upon a time" (1983) com direçã… - 3 years ago

@AnimaSomPod: Na última semana morreu o produtor Alan Ladd Jr., aos 84 anos. Ele bancou a animação "Twice upon a time" (1983) com… - 3 years ago

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