John Jeremiah McRaith

American Roman Catholic prelate
Died on Monday March 20th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to John Jeremiah McRaith:

@CathRuralLife: Most Rev. John J. McRaith, you will forever be in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you for your dedication to CRL. - 8 years ago

@_ngoo: #CatholicRuralLife Most Reverend John Jeremiah McRaith, 1934-2017. Read Blog: - 8 years ago

@CoreyBruns: Rezando el Rosario en español por Obispo John Jeremiah McRaith. @ St. Stephen Cathedral - 8 years ago

@CoreyBruns: We're keeping Vigil with the body of Bishop John Jeremiah McRaith this evening. Stop by the… - 8 years ago


@CoreyBruns: #vigil for #Bishop John Jeremiah McRaith. #pray #eternalrest @ St. Stephen Cathedral - 8 years ago

@CoreyBruns: Waiting for the body of Bishop Emeritus John Jeremiah McRaith to come to the Cathedral for the… - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: John Jeremiah McRaith, American Roman Catholic prelate, Died at 82 - 8 years ago

@bgdailynews: Most Reverend John Jeremiah McRaith, Bishop of the Diocese of Owensboro - 8 years ago

@ocsaces: Most Revered John Jeremiah McRaith Funeral to be Friday, March 24 - 8 years ago

@CoreyBruns: Great article on Bishop John Jeremiah McRaith in the M&I this morning! #eternalrest #RIP @ St.… - 8 years ago

@Nekrologium: John Jeremiah McRaith, US-amerikanischer Bischof, am 19.03.2017 im Alter von 82 Jahren - - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for John Jeremiah McRaith - #John #rip - 8 years ago

@StuffThatIsDead: John Jeremiah McRaith is a goner: - 8 years ago

@bishbrit: RT @gcatholic: Bishop John Jeremiah McRaith, Bishop emeritus of Owensboro (USA), dies at 82: - 8 years ago

@gcatholic: Bishop John Jeremiah McRaith, Bishop emeritus of Owensboro (USA), dies at 82: - 8 years ago

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