John Hurt

British actor (Midnight Express
Died on Saturday January 28th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to John Hurt:

@smalldetectives: RT @sherlockscode: John literally has the same hurt and pained face when he sees Sherlock kill himself twice I'm crying a waterfall https:… - 8 years ago

@andrxler: RT @sherlockscode: John literally has the same hurt and pained face when he sees Sherlock kill himself twice I'm crying a waterfall https:… - 8 years ago

@hundredsunsets: RT @sherlockscode: John literally has the same hurt and pained face when he sees Sherlock kill himself twice I'm crying a waterfall https:… - 8 years ago

@julesworksfilms: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist - 8 years ago


@julesworksfilms: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist - 8 years ago

@julesworksfilms: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist - 8 years ago

@madancymadness: RT @sherlockscode: John literally has the same hurt and pained face when he sees Sherlock kill himself twice I'm crying a waterfall https:… - 8 years ago

@messrsrmoony: RT @sherlockscode: John literally has the same hurt and pained face when he sees Sherlock kill himself twice I'm crying a waterfall https:… - 8 years ago

@michaelktobin: RT @HASCDemocrats: Ex-top U.S. officials to court: Trump's travel ban could endanger troops and hurt national security - 8 years ago

@RecklessCactus: RT @sherlockscode: John literally has the same hurt and pained face when he sees Sherlock kill himself twice I'm crying a waterfall https:… - 8 years ago

@bethftrow: RT @trialsofdraco: can we just appreciate this touching moment where potterheads raised their wands outside ollivanders for the late actor,… - 8 years ago

@amoevakris: RT @sherlockscode: John literally has the same hurt and pained face when he sees Sherlock kill himself twice I'm crying a waterfall https:… - 8 years ago

@RoseTWinchester: RT @killer_kitsch: John Hurt and Billie Piper in #DoctorWho - The Day of the Doctor (2013) - 8 years ago

@navyjoc1655: RT @HASCDemocrats: Ex-top U.S. officials to court: Trump's travel ban could endanger troops and hurt national security - 8 years ago

@imholmesgirl: RT @sherlockscode: John literally has the same hurt and pained face when he sees Sherlock kill himself twice I'm crying a waterfall https:… - 8 years ago

@John_isThatguy: RT @GAFollowers: The hurt is real.... - 8 years ago

@X5i0VlfgpQ2c4Jq: RT @sherlockscode: John literally has the same hurt and pained face when he sees Sherlock kill himself twice I'm crying a waterfall https:… - 8 years ago

@painpost: RT @sherlockscode: John literally has the same hurt and pained face when he sees Sherlock kill himself twice I'm crying a waterfall https:… - 8 years ago

@mattdoctorwho: RT @DWPageOFFICIAL: The latest Big Finish podcast is a tribute to the legendary John Hurt, who sadly passed away last week. - 8 years ago

@MarineBassas: RT @HollowCrownFans: "O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend The brightest heaven of invention" #TheHollowCrown lost a legend today. RI… - 8 years ago

@johnneyred: RT @frameratedUK: ICYMI, @cathoderaytube paid tribute to Sir John Hurt’s long career - 8 years ago

@thepurplefi: RT @RonanFarrow: How fortunate we are to have lived in a world with John Hurt's rendition of "Jabberwocky". - 8 years ago

@geesright1: @John_Podesta @MSNBC So he's a disgrace because he hurt your feelings? In the word of your friend, "What difference does it make"? - 8 years ago

@StonewallGaztte: RT @TheHollyJohnson: Eternally Grateful to John Hurt for bringing Quentin Crisp to the TV Screen Circa 1975 . - 8 years ago

@LostFranceFilm: RT @FACT_Cinema: Interviews on @LostFranceFilm, a John Hurt tribute and reviews/previews of all the latest films on our podcast. - 8 years ago

@avendiego: El narrador de cuentos: John Hurt abandona a su perro y este es adoptado por Albus Dumbledore antes de convertirse en lumbersexual - 8 years ago

@Mediopathin: RT @poltergeist47: Heute Abend um 22 Uhr zeigt @tele5 die Verfilmung von #1984. Sehenswert! - 8 years ago

@Whovianisms: RT @BriggsNicholas: The @bigfinish Podcast will be available today, featuring a tribute to the brilliant and lovely Sir John Hurt. - 8 years ago

@newscrewed: Closing its doors to refugees is not a last resort - Sir John Hurt: - 8 years ago

@ariane_gilbert: RT @DarrenCriss: John Hurt was always on my actors-I-wish-I-could-be-more-like list. And he will continue to always be. Wonderful work & a… - 8 years ago

@DrWhoGlasgow: Join us tonight at the Crystal Palace remembering John Hurt & discussing Capaldi's incoming departure. - 8 years ago

@BillyHayes_CWU: RT @TheHollyJohnson: Eternally Grateful to John Hurt for bringing Quentin Crisp to the TV Screen Circa 1975 . - 8 years ago

@RioRoth: RT @cordonus: Sir John Hurt reads Peter Capaldi's Anti War Speech from Zygon Inversion - 8 years ago

@caglaoztek: Yarın sabahın zifirinde, elimde bir bardak kahveyle yollara düşeceğim... Mississippi John Hurt - Coffee Blues - 8 years ago

@trotternell: RT @WarnerBrosUK: This may hurt a little... This #ValentinesDay, he's back, and he's Fifty Blades Sharper. See John Wick: Chapter 2 in cine… - 8 years ago

@geoffkernow: John Hurt tried to buy my baby for £100,000 - 8 years ago

@Ruther2: RT @cordonus: Sir John Hurt reads Peter Capaldi's Anti War Speech from Zygon Inversion - 8 years ago

@john_nissi: Borussia Dortmund express regret after fans hurt in RB Leipzig violence - 8 years ago

@christopheanto: RT @BriggsNicholas: The @bigfinish Podcast will be available today, featuring a tribute to the brilliant and lovely Sir John Hurt. - 8 years ago

@SandraJordens: RT @StefanTielens: John Hurt. Hazel from Watership down( Bright eyes ) died. - 8 years ago

@asleepdeeply: RT @WarnerBrosUK: This may hurt a little... This #ValentinesDay, he's back, and he's Fifty Blades Sharper. See John Wick: Chapter 2 in cine… - 8 years ago

@wmanhatten: Starting the night off with a little John Wayne never hurt #johnchisum - 8 years ago

@JessDuffGNR: RT @axlrose: RIP John Hurt "Archibald u speak! One must never underestimate the healing power of hatred!" Montrose in Rob Roy - 8 years ago

@DragitoArtz: I liked a @YouTube video - 8 years ago

@Gizmorati: John Hurt tried to buy my baby for £100,000 - - 8 years ago

@andyonosoy: Watching Deathly Hallows is too depressing now that Alan Rickman, John Hurt, Richard Griffiths, and many others are gone - 8 years ago

@Husky2525: RT @TheFilmStage: "If you listen, you learn; if you talk, you don't." - John Hurt #RIP - 8 years ago

@the_geek_john: Laughing so hard at Cards Against Humanity that your kidneys begin to hurt - 8 years ago

@allysin_liu: RT @UniversalORL: A touching moment at #HPCelebration to remember actor John Hurt. - 8 years ago

@Joe198506: RIP JOHN HURT - 8 years ago

@Joe198506: RT @OlgaOlgaroth: @TheFilmStage John Hurt was the greatest of the great - 8 years ago

@Joe198506: RT @rsvp89: @TheFilmStage YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME ?! JOHN HURT ,no way man 😢😓😞 It's like all of the #respected #beloved Hollywood actor… - 8 years ago

@SandraL14342400: RT @axlrose: RIP John Hurt "Archibald u speak! One must never underestimate the healing power of hatred!" Montrose in Rob Roy - 8 years ago

@VIRAJ_T: RT @vincentdonofrio: JOHN HURT. Simply an inspiration to all of us artists. Hopefully he will influence many actors in the future for a lon… - 8 years ago

@basskuroi: Heaven's Gate. John Hurt IN MEMORIAM - 8 years ago

@hollye_h: @jpbrammer You should check out Scandal (1989) starring the late John Hurt. Great anatomy of British fucked-upness : - 8 years ago

@nunucnook: RT @Magic_Belle: RIP John Hurt นักแสดงมากฝีมือผู้รับบทเป็นมิสเตอร์โอลิแวนเดอร์ ช่างทำไม้กายสิทธิ์ในตรอกไดแอกอน เสียชีวิตด้วยวัย 77 ปี อาลัย… - 8 years ago

@Guuuhhhhhh: RT @WarnerBrosUK: This may hurt a little... This #ValentinesDay, he's back, and he's Fifty Blades Sharper. See John Wick: Chapter 2 in cine… - 8 years ago

@london_informer: John Hurt tried to buy my baby for £100,000 - 8 years ago

@ElsaJYN: RT @UnitedAgents: So sad to hear that the immensely talented John Hurt has passed away. Yet another great, taken from us too soon. 💔 https:… - 8 years ago

@Oinjy92iYQMiVkw: RT @DidierGolemanas: 'As Beckett said, it's not enough to die, one has to be forgotten as well.' John Hurt By Jake Gavin - 8 years ago

@lexmariuhh: @John_Teodoro_ @DaddyCammyBo right? desperate ass trick getting hurt. he just mad cause he needs hoes to make him happy, im shook - 8 years ago

@John_Teodoro_: @DaddyCammyBo @lexmariuhh obviously you, you kinda did pop up in her mentions hurt w/ them all caps lmfaoooo - 8 years ago

@SportsNut04: RT @sternshow: On Monday, Howard remembered actor John Hurt, star of #ElephantMan - 8 years ago

@SFENGaming: Now Live: Let's Play: Doctor Who: The Gunpowder Plot: Episode 3 W/ Tribute to John Hurt - 8 years ago

@borrellimd: Dude! John Hurt died! Why did I only just now find this out?! Bogus!!! - 8 years ago

@newsoneplace: (Daily Express):#Lives #Remembered: Sir John Hurt (Actor) 1940 - 2017 : SIR John Hurt ,.. - 8 years ago

@walterirving: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist - 8 years ago

@agovino_john: @angryphoenix25 @CNN only hurt us and divide us more. - 8 years ago

@fujitayuh: RT @guardian: John Hurt: 10 key performances from Alien to Doctor Who - 8 years ago

@TanjaNakata: RT @IMDb: John Hurt, ‘Alien’ and ‘The Elephant Man’ star, dies at 77. #RIP - 8 years ago

@UTGBMVEnJYtRvgd: RT @jk_rowling: So very sad to hear that the immensely talented and deeply beloved John Hurt has died. My thoughts are with his family and… - 8 years ago

@Pherekrates_1: RT @pompei79: The wonderful John Hurt, who will for me forever embody Emperor Caligula, dies aged 77. #RIPJohnHurt [images: - 8 years ago

@SpfxartistEric: Check out Topps JOHN HURT Indiana Jones Authentic Autographed Card SUPER HOT - 8 years ago

@cw_richardson: RT @OlivierAwards: Very saddened to hear that John Hurt has passed away aged 77. Our thoughts are with his friends and family. - 8 years ago

@wfyi: Tomorrow on #FilmSoceyology, @MatthewSocey reviews "The Comedian." Plus, tributes to #MaryTylerMoore, John Hurt, an… - 8 years ago

@ritamay1: RT @myLondontours: Goodbye to a brilliant John Hurt... #JohnHurt #iconicmovie #quentincrisp - 8 years ago

@TheWorstGuys_: John Hurt (RIP). - 8 years ago

@Cromwell606: RT @RonanFarrow: How fortunate we are to have lived in a world with John Hurt's rendition of "Jabberwocky". - 8 years ago

@fujitayuh: RT @Independent: John Hurt obituary: Remembering a screen icon - 8 years ago

@acmtweetbot: #RT TIME: "What I learned from working with John Hurt" - 8 years ago

@PrivateTeacher: RT TIME ""What I learned from working with John Hurt" - 8 years ago

@MYRIAMMORALES81: Con Juan José Morales me siento triste al ver a john hurt por última vez: estoy viendo Jackie - 8 years ago

@V1fj9cGwrEHy6mi: RT @Lechtenbergca: @ABC it's only fitting our son Harrison Lee was a wizard for today in remembrance of John Hurt. #JohnHurt - 8 years ago

@thegreatgayme: RT @HarryPotterFilm: A moment to remember the talented John Hurt. - 8 years ago

@PlingetheElder: What I Learned from Working with John Hurt - 8 years ago

@MA_FTV: RT @unilincoln: Sam McDonnell is our #UniLincolnPOTW winner. This entry is a lovely tribute to the late great Sir John Hurt, UoL Honorary D… - 8 years ago

@Willam_grey: "What I learned from working with John Hurt" - 8 years ago

@TIME: "What I learned from working with John Hurt" - 8 years ago

@SeattleGuy32: Alongside the late Philip Seymour Hoffman and John Hurt, @driverminnie stars in OWNING MAHOWNY (2003) #TrueStory… - 8 years ago

@The_Jag_10: JOHN MARTYN - HURT IN YOUR HEART - 8 years ago

@kathleenkelly67: RT @KathyBurke: John Hurt 💖 - 8 years ago

@__giancarlo___: RT @DidierGolemanas: 'As Beckett said, it's not enough to die, one has to be forgotten as well.' John Hurt By Jake Gavin - 8 years ago

@YoorWullie: RT @KathyBurke: John Hurt 💖 - 8 years ago

@giulia30rossi: RT @ASOIAF_tolkien: Saddened to hear the passing of the Great John Hurt. A tragic loss to the world. #Merlin #DoctorWho #HarryPotter https:… - 8 years ago

@coletaspelos2: RT @RealKiefer: My deepest sympathies to John Hurt's family, friends and fans. He was a dear friend. - 8 years ago

@DipperApproves: O John Hurt (descanse em paz, seu lindo) era o Olivaras? Mano, eu tô mto desinformado .-. - 8 years ago

@vanHuizen_John: RT @hazeeqisbored: You can't get emotionally hurt if you're physically dead - 8 years ago

@SantiagoCorreaJ: RT @lisajstansfield: So sad to hear about John Hurt's passing. He really was a beautiful man and very cheeky. - 8 years ago

@SantiagoCorreaJ: RT @CNNEE: Murió el actor John Hurt, dos veces nominado a los premios Oscar - 8 years ago

@SantiagoCorreaJ: RT @blogdecine: John Hurt muere a los 77 años - 8 years ago

@John_Shahi: RT @911PSY: Sometimes you just got to be strong. It may hurt and you may shed a few tears, but everything's going to be alright. - 8 years ago

@SantiagoCorreaJ: RT @OcioLaRepublica: John Hurt, el narrador de cuentos, murió a los 77 años ► - 8 years ago

@SantiagoCorreaJ: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El mundo del espectáculo rinde tributo al "talento" de John Hurt - 8 years ago

@SantiagoCorreaJ: RT @EiProfeta: Merecido homenaje a John Hurt en la #HPCelebration. - 8 years ago

@SantiagoCorreaJ: RT @Peru21pe: John Hurt, el recordado actor de 'El narrador de cuentos', batalló contra el cáncer de páncreas - 8 years ago

@SantiagoCorreaJ: RT @Latina_pe: El narrador de cuentos: el mundo llora la muerte del actor John Hurt - 8 years ago

@SantiagoCorreaJ: RT @HarryPotterFilm: A moment to remember the talented John Hurt. - 8 years ago

@sjwal13: RT @UniversalORL: A touching moment at #HPCelebration to remember actor John Hurt. - 8 years ago

@SantiagoCorreaJ: RT @CINEMANIA_ES: Diferentes cineastas y actores recuerdan a John Hurt tras su fallecimiento - 8 years ago

@SantiagoCorreaJ: RT @InfobaeAmerica: Falleció a los 77 años el actor británico John Hurt - 8 years ago

@SantiagoCorreaJ: RT @ElAnilloUnico: John Hurt, quien puso voz a Aragorn en 'El Señor de los Anillos' de @ralphbakshi, partió a las Estancias de Mandos ayer… - 8 years ago

@SantiagoCorreaJ: RT @ELTIEMPO: Murió el actor británico John Hurt - 8 years ago

@SantiagoCorreaJ: RT @TNTLA: El mundo despide al genial John Hurt. Las generaciones más jóvenes lo conocen como Mr Ollivander: "La varita escoge a su mago, S… - 8 years ago

@SantiagoCorreaJ: RT @jhpcine: @Gerardo_DDC Mi primer recuerdo de John Hurt es "El narrador de cuentos". Gracias por tantos lindos momentos. - 8 years ago

@SantiagoCorreaJ: RT @blogdecine: Artistas, amigos y compañeros lloran la muerte de John Hurt: "Un actor legendario" - 8 years ago

@SantiagoCorreaJ: RT @AdriaOrtizN: R.I.P. John Hurt Se nos va otro grande - 8 years ago

@babingthons: RT @horrormuseum: In tribute to the brilliant actor John Hurt, here is Tom Kuebler's phenomenal life size figure of David Lynch's THE ELEPH… - 8 years ago

@JorgeLara1: RT @StephenAtHome: John Hurt's Richard Rich in "A Man for All Seasons"- a paragon of heartbreaking human weakness & model for many of my ch… - 8 years ago

@DNChloeLe1997: RT @juliedefives288: Rip John hurt 😥 - 8 years ago

@AficionadoYash: Natalie Portman pays tribute to John Hurt - 8 years ago

@coffeeteaparty: RT @KathyBurke: John Hurt 💖 - 8 years ago

@Otakushai: Remembering John Hurt: 1940-2017 - 8 years ago

@Staciewolves: RT @JosephMorgan: John Hurt. A legend and a lovely man. Very sad. - 8 years ago

@_LisaElizabeth_: RT @ContactSH: @contactJHW Oh, John! You're not hurt? For God's sake, say you're not hurt! - 8 years ago

@jamieamoahwwe96: RT @TheRock: RIP my friend. Legend John Hurt. For months, we spent very long days and nights together in… - 8 years ago

@MiguelJRamosSa2: Me gustó un video de @YouTube de @angelito_1977 - 8 years ago

@Yo_John_John: RT @Ayyydreee: We can't be friends if you get butt hurt so easily.. we gotta be able to talk shit to each other - 8 years ago

@JTMediaworks: RT @JustinCChang: John Hurt lost the Oscar for THE ELEPHANT MAN, so he never got his Merrick garland, either. - 8 years ago

@john_bailey03: RT @tyriqfrench: Put me up against a boy from the City i will hurt'em with no hesitation 💪🏽😈🏈 - 8 years ago

@thugcrying: Speak Now she makes my heart hurt with her love songs🤧😭💓aka BTD & dear john.Her happy songs are amazing too aka Mi… - 8 years ago

@Lil_John_Day: Hurt people, hurt people - 8 years ago

@da9oksn: RT @jajaanara: เหล่าพ่อมดแม่มด (มักเกิ้ล) ชูไม้กายสิทธิ์หน้า Ollivanders Wand Shop แสดงความอาลัยต่อการจากไปของมิสเตอร์โอลิแวนเดอร์, RIP Joh… - 8 years ago

@Lookkao: RT @jajaanara: เหล่าพ่อมดแม่มด (มักเกิ้ล) ชูไม้กายสิทธิ์หน้า Ollivanders Wand Shop แสดงความอาลัยต่อการจากไปของมิสเตอร์โอลิแวนเดอร์, RIP Joh… - 8 years ago

@NancyCatLover: RT @DrGJackBrown: "I am not an animal! I am a human being!" John Hurt as John (Joseph) Merrick The Elephant Man - 8 years ago

@Sara_Kitt3n: RT @_Snape_: John Hurt, who played Ollivander, has passed away. Wands up. - 8 years ago

@JhonRiddik: You can't lose your concentration at all. And there are times when you're ... #JohnHurt #quote - 8 years ago

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