John Horton Conway

English mathematician (Conway's Game of Life
Died on Sunday April 12th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to John Horton Conway:

@adrianfbatista: RT @Dimatematicas: #DivulgandoMatemáticas - 5 years ago

@amparocabal: - 5 years ago

@JoshARhoads: RT @grahamfarmelo: Lovely review in Quanta by ⁦@KSHartnett⁩ of the achievements of the great mathematician John Horton Conway. It left me w… - 5 years ago

@teachtoone: John Conway's contributions to number theory, coding theory, probability theory, topology, and algebra were unparal… - 5 years ago


@BrianTRice: RT @raganwald: Post coronavirus game plan: Apply for entry-level jobs. When asked for a program to produce the first 100 primes and/or fib… - 5 years ago

@EvaAnVi: RT @fespm_es: Los acertijos matemáticos que dejó John Conway, fallecido por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@EsotericCodes: RT @raganwald: Post coronavirus game plan: Apply for entry-level jobs. When asked for a program to produce the first 100 primes and/or fib… - 5 years ago

@Dimatematicas: #DivulgandoMatemáticas - 5 years ago

@fdilke: RT @grahamfarmelo: Lovely review in Quanta by ⁦@KSHartnett⁩ of the achievements of the great mathematician John Horton Conway. It left me w… - 5 years ago

@tvjrennie: RT @grahamfarmelo: Lovely review in Quanta by ⁦@KSHartnett⁩ of the achievements of the great mathematician John Horton Conway. It left me w… - 5 years ago

@raganwald: Post coronavirus game plan: Apply for entry-level jobs. When asked for a program to produce the first 100 primes a… - 5 years ago

@fraile_reyA: Can you solve it? John Horton Conway, playful maths genius - 5 years ago

@JyDMatematicos: Esta semana @alexbellos dedica su sección de desafíos matemáticos en @guardian al recientemente fallecido John Hort… - 5 years ago

@GDellaMattia: John Horton Conway, 1937 - 2020 (Covid-19) victim - 5 years ago

@DCLeaksKOS: RT @Dimatematicas: #DivulgandoMatemáticas - 5 years ago

@DrMNikfar: RT @iamamathstar: #MTBoS @desmos @geogebra - 5 years ago

@EDocet: Los acertijos matemáticos que dejó John Conway, fallecido por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@four_kilos: RT @grahamfarmelo: Lovely review in Quanta by ⁦@KSHartnett⁩ of the achievements of the great mathematician John Horton Conway. It left me w… - 5 years ago

@PiecuchPiotr: RT @FieldsInstitute: Everybody loves puzzles! These two teasers were set by the late mathematician John Horton Conway. #mathematics #puzzle… - 5 years ago

@BigDataSizeBook: RT @alexbellos: Some puzzles from the late great JHC - 5 years ago

@Otro_Gato_2016: RT @abc_ciencia: Los acertijos matemáticos que dejó John Conway, fallecido por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@oje08okt15: - 5 years ago

@mariagmonera: RT @fespm_es: Los acertijos matemáticos que dejó John Conway, fallecido por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@ivan_mugabi: #Covid-19 robs the World of a renowned mathematician. Although his present contributions remain IRREVERSIBLE such a… - 5 years ago

@TomDodson101: RT @MrMathsTeacher: Mathematician John Conway died recently. Guardian article including some puzzles. - 5 years ago

@ProfCTurner: A nice celebration of John Conway. - 5 years ago

@larkriseprimary: RT @alexbellos: Some puzzles from the late great JHC - 5 years ago

@lebalzin: RT @Rongreen5: "You are young, then you are old. I’m always surrounded by brilliant young mathematicians. How do you keep your end up? -Joh… - 5 years ago

@CesarArcano97: RT @Dimatematicas: #DivulgandoMatemáticas - 5 years ago

@Paul40108378: RT @alexbellos: Some puzzles from the late great JHC - 5 years ago

@AlexNewspeak: RIP John Horton - 5 years ago

@zephyr9673: Can you solve it? John Horton Conway, playful maths genius - 5 years ago

@vmonterreal1: Los acertijos matemáticos que dejó John Conway, fallecido por coronavirus de @fblascoxyz - 5 years ago

@Mathematical_A: RT @MrMathsTeacher: Mathematician John Conway died recently. Guardian article including some puzzles. - 5 years ago

@graphgirl75: RT @MrMathsTeacher: Mathematician John Conway died recently. Guardian article including some puzzles. - 5 years ago

@_muhnursyam12: RT guardianscience "Can you solve it? John Horton Conway, playful maths genius - 5 years ago

@mafra_tm: RT @Mas_tematicas: Los acertijos matemáticos que dejó John Conway, fallecido por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@MrMathsTeacher: Mathematician John Conway died recently. Guardian article including some puzzles. - 5 years ago

@Mas_tematicas: Los acertijos matemáticos que dejó John Conway, fallecido por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@_muhnursyam12: RT guardianscience "Did you solve it? John Horton Conway, playful maths genius - 5 years ago

@byroniac: RT @CapitanKeen: John Horton Conway has died. Descanse en paz, matemático creador del "juego de la vida" que una vez pude programar en #qui… - 5 years ago

@Neurin_Sc: Los acertijos matemáticos que dejó John Conway, fallecido por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@vmyths: 39 days ago the White House declared COVID19 a national emergency. This thread pays homage to all the #computer vi… - 5 years ago

@c_tewqyuipva: - 5 years ago

@nuzyan: RT @puzzlist: John Horton Conway passed away at 11 April 2020. 우리 시대 최고의 수학자 가운데 한 명인 존 호턴 콘웨이 선생이 돌아가셨다. 향년 82세. 안타깝게도 코로나 바이러스에 감염되어 지난… - 5 years ago

@alisa_beaubien: RT @grahamfarmelo: Lovely review in Quanta by ⁦@KSHartnett⁩ of the achievements of the great mathematician John Horton Conway. It left me w… - 5 years ago

@Mhmdnewton: RT @FieldsInstitute: A touching tribute to John Horton Conway: "I love that Conway ended up with a wealth of famous insights, games and puz… - 5 years ago

@MarySchmermund: RT @NYTScience: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in math, made profound contributions to number theory, coding theory, probability th… - 5 years ago

@hrajesh1: RT @guardian: Did you solve it? John Horton Conway, playful maths genius - 5 years ago

@carlosidrovoc: RT @MMACA_cat: Los acertijos matemáticos que dejó John Conway, fallecido por coronavirus ( @fblascoxyz en ABCdario de las Matemáticas) ht… - 5 years ago

@JoseLuis_14_68: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at .. nytimes - News - Noticia - Bitcoin - CryptoCurrency -… - 5 years ago

@Nenalaura: RT @MMACA_cat: Los acertijos matemáticos que dejó John Conway, fallecido por coronavirus ( @fblascoxyz en ABCdario de las Matemáticas) ht… - 5 years ago

@411emilio: RT @MMACA_cat: Los acertijos matemáticos que dejó John Conway, fallecido por coronavirus ( @fblascoxyz en ABCdario de las Matemáticas) ht… - 5 years ago

@DalaiDakkar: Los acertijos matemáticos que dejó John Conway, fallecido por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@HotWaterService: RT @grahamfarmelo: Lovely review in Quanta by ⁦@KSHartnett⁩ of the achievements of the great mathematician John Horton Conway. It left me w… - 5 years ago

@viedma32: - 5 years ago

@jwiechers: RT @grahamfarmelo: Lovely review in Quanta by ⁦@KSHartnett⁩ of the achievements of the great mathematician John Horton Conway. It left me w… - 5 years ago

@rocobasilisk: RT @grahamfarmelo: Lovely review in Quanta by ⁦@KSHartnett⁩ of the achievements of the great mathematician John Horton Conway. It left me w… - 5 years ago

@octonion: RT @grahamfarmelo: Lovely review in Quanta by ⁦@KSHartnett⁩ of the achievements of the great mathematician John Horton Conway. It left me w… - 5 years ago

@atlasverdad: RT @alexbellos: Some puzzles from the late great JHC - 5 years ago

@pluribusbot: Can you solve it? John Horton Conway, playful maths genius - 5 years ago

@lusantala: RT @grahamfarmelo: Lovely review in Quanta by ⁦@KSHartnett⁩ of the achievements of the great mathematician John Horton Conway. It left me w… - 5 years ago

@NablaZatoichi: RT @sioroberts: Fare thee well, John Horton Conway — math’s most charming and ingenious rascal. I’ll miss him. - 5 years ago

@MAF_Sanjuan: RT @FieldsInstitute: A touching tribute to John Horton Conway: "I love that Conway ended up with a wealth of famous insights, games and puz… - 5 years ago

@VergaraLautaro: RT @grahamfarmelo: Lovely review in Quanta by ⁦@KSHartnett⁩ of the achievements of the great mathematician John Horton Conway. It left me w… - 5 years ago

@abdulkadir_mb: RT @louistheroux: Great read. Long. But worth it. - 5 years ago

@ja2er: Hau @ritxioka-ri gustatuko zaio… - 5 years ago

@etienneroche: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@Villavelius: RT @louistheroux: Great read. Long. But worth it. - 5 years ago

@4mig4: How could I have missed this tragedy ? - 5 years ago

@hanscees: RT @louistheroux: Great read. Long. But worth it. - 5 years ago

@aleciu: RT @louistheroux: Great read. Long. But worth it. - 5 years ago

@gdnlongread: RT @louistheroux: Great read. Long. But worth it. - 5 years ago

@AnasuyaIam: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@theminihaha: RT @louistheroux: Great read. Long. But worth it. - 5 years ago

@MiamiGives: RT @lopezgovlaw: "John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82" by BY SIOBHAN ROBERTS via NYT - 5 years ago

@VotarEsUnDeber: RT @lopezgovlaw: "John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82" by BY SIOBHAN ROBERTS via NYT - 5 years ago

@MWhalan: RT @adambspencer: John Horton Conway, giant of 20th Century mathematics, especially the mathematics of certain games, has died from Covid-1… - 5 years ago

@Carlos_Lopez66: RT @lopezgovlaw: "John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82" by BY SIOBHAN ROBERTS via NYT - 5 years ago

@Gerit_Pfuhl: RT @NYTScience: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in math, made profound contributions to number theory, coding theory, probability th… - 5 years ago

@Nolliag66: RT @paullewismoney: Great mathematician and inventor of the Game of Life killed by Covid-19 aged 82 - 5 years ago

@lopezgovlaw: "John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82" by BY SIOBHAN ROBERTS via NYT - 5 years ago

@soldopane: #NYT John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@JaM99percent: RT @paullewismoney: Great mathematician and inventor of the Game of Life killed by Covid-19 aged 82 - 5 years ago

@techdotintel: "John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82" > - 5 years ago

@CyberUniti: "John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82" by BY SIOBHAN ROBERTS via NYT - 5 years ago

@UEInsider: "John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82" by BY SIOBHAN ROBERTS via NYT - 5 years ago

@mydarkstar: RT @masspirates: John Horton Conway, RIP. The Game of Life lives on - 5 years ago

@reversetees: #MakeBiz #Tech "John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82" by @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@JoseLuis_14_68: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at .. nytimes - News - Noticia - Bitcoin - CryptoCurrency -… - 5 years ago

@KurtGeisel: Mathematician John Conway, RIP. - 5 years ago

@avesonbateman: RT @keri2323: @twowheelprof @Dan_Cottrell @Nick_Wilko_ @russellearnshaw @SamJarmanGolf Fantastic article. My eyes lit up up particularly… - 5 years ago

@Lillian02440569: RT @NYTScience: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in math, made profound contributions to number theory, coding theory, probability th… - 5 years ago

@BestYeen: John Horton Conway, a well-renowned mathematician and inventor of the popular Game of Life mechanic, died a week ag… - 5 years ago

@MaMo_: RT @ChiefScientist: One of us! His adviser, Harold Davenport, a number theorist, once said that when he would give Dr. Conway a problem to… - 5 years ago

@shawnuff: RT @emilynussbaum: Beautiful obituary of John Conway: - 5 years ago

@LeslieMidnight: RT @paullewismoney: Great mathematician and inventor of the Game of Life killed by Covid-19 aged 82 - 5 years ago

@LleimatLleida: RT @matesAbeam: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82 of the coronavirus He made profound contributions to number the… - 5 years ago

@baruch_alon: RT @SeamusBlackley: May the profound and delicate poetry of your mind glide you gently into the void, John Horton Conway. - 5 years ago

@nimblemachines: A week ago, mathematician John Horton Conway, widely known as the creator of the Game of Life, died from COVID-19.… - 5 years ago

@TGinsburgs: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@jonharrop: RT @ChiefScientist: One of us! His adviser, Harold Davenport, a number theorist, once said that when he would give Dr. Conway a problem to… - 5 years ago

@Jean_Carre: RT @Jean__Emard: « John Conway, un génie des mathématiquess, est mort à 82 ans Il a apporté de profondes contributions à la théorie des no… - 5 years ago

@MichaelBKelley: ‘“His swath was probably broader than anyone who ever lived,” said the mathematician Neil Sloane, a collaborator wi… - 5 years ago

@sheepman_i: RT @emilynussbaum: Beautiful obituary of John Conway: - 5 years ago

@DCabcabin: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@ChiefScientist: One of us! His adviser, Harold Davenport, a number theorist, once said that when he would give Dr. Conway a proble… - 5 years ago

@Cheria63: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@bellye66: RT @emilynussbaum: Beautiful obituary of John Conway: - 5 years ago

@WeBRuthSaraiST: RT @NYTScience: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in math, made profound contributions to number theory, coding theory, probability th… - 5 years ago

@mchesleyjohnson: RT @emilynussbaum: Beautiful obituary of John Conway: - 5 years ago

@reannaraye: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@pshrink: RT @emilynussbaum: Beautiful obituary of John Conway: - 5 years ago

@Ssimms777: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@NymphButAnx: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@vmyths: 36 days ago the White House declared COVID19 a national emergency. This thread pays homage to all the #computer vi… - 5 years ago

@27bstrok6: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@BADGIRLMEL3: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@CASHMATiC707: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@hokiekat93: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@dlmolinao: John Horton Conway hombre que le aporto a la ciencia matemática muere por COVID-19. Lo llamaban el filósofo del con… - 5 years ago

@FairlyFae: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@sksknwldg: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@MzNikkiNew: RT @alexbellos: British mathematician John Horton Conway dies age 82 in Princeton, NJ. Cause probably Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@valyzamora: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@TuplingRicard: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@Havemercy_2: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@Zsoka127: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@kawxr5: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@misstomrstomom: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@my_real_name: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@kshook007: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@authorPSH: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@carlosrogue: RT @zeithq: John Horton Conway (1937-2020) Our 404 page now features his Game of Life - 5 years ago

@davemacboston: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82 of Coronavirus. “His swath was probably broader than any… - 5 years ago

@TiwariWoodruf: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@awec4: RIP John Horton Conway - 5 years ago

@mauvetowers: holy shit john horton conway died? was always astounded at his ability to write rigorously and accessibly at once.… - 5 years ago

@D_ITP: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@juan_c_gamez: RT @AulaSL: Esta semana vamos a realizar otra CodeKata pero esta vez en honor a John Horton Conway , creador del "Game of Life". ¡Os esper… - 5 years ago

@JacobusSystems: RT @hackaday: Hackaday Podcast 063: Magnetic Gears, AI Green Screen, Plasma Hackaday editors Mike Szczys and Elliot Williams sift for hack… - 5 years ago

@hackaday: Hackaday Podcast 063: Magnetic Gears, AI Green Screen, Plasma Hackaday editors Mike Szczys and Elliot Williams sif… - 5 years ago

@riki_sbgja: RT @maanow: RIP John Horton Conway, a magical mathematician who made profound contributions in number theory, coding theory, probability th… - 5 years ago

@crissspeee: via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@Quizzlerian: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82 from Coronavirus - 5 years ago

@pronoydsarkar: John Horton Conway lost his life to coronavirus. This obit is incredible; like Feynman, he was a "magical genius" -… - 5 years ago

@ryonck: RT @KostyaMagician: “But then there are the magical geniuses,” he added. “Richard Feynman was a magical genius. And the same always struck… - 5 years ago

@DailyABCs: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@mabuice: via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@vilekvvn: RT @maanow: RIP John Horton Conway, a magical mathematician who made profound contributions in number theory, coding theory, probability th… - 5 years ago

@lairesorcha: RT @maanow: RIP John Horton Conway, a magical mathematician who made profound contributions in number theory, coding theory, probability th… - 5 years ago

@KostyaMagician: “But then there are the magical geniuses,” he added. “Richard Feynman was a magical genius. And the same always str… - 5 years ago

@manzannnna: RT @AREdotNA: Rest in Peace, John Conway ❤️ - 5 years ago

@dshardy: Oh - 5 years ago

@parkerrm39: RT @Hacksterio: Paying homage to John Horton Conway with a Game of Life coffee table: - 5 years ago

@MohitSea: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@HugeCoach: RT @JohnCassidy: Very nice obit for the Cambridge/Princeton mathematician John Horton Conway, who sounds like he was the best type of acade… - 5 years ago

@tanveer2780: RT @EllenBarryNYT: “In mathematics and physics there are two kinds of geniuses. There are the ordinary geniuses. They are just like you and… - 5 years ago

@farangfrog: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@RivmarkM: Here's Who Should Really Be Advising Trump on the Economy Plus: The legacy of John Horton Conway, advice for keepin… - 5 years ago

@Henrique666999: RT @MathsEdIdeas: RIP John Conway, the inspiration: @numberphile collection - 5 years ago

@DttyKi: RT @maanow: RIP John Horton Conway, a magical mathematician who made profound contributions in number theory, coding theory, probability th… - 5 years ago

@xeroscape: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@konannai: RT @Hacksterio: Paying homage to John Horton Conway with a Game of Life coffee table: - 5 years ago

@Bibli_CIRM: RT @SocMathFr: John Horton Conway in the @nytimes. #RIPConway - 5 years ago

@frey_dot: One of my favorite mathematicians. I once saw J.H. Conway give a lecture. He took off one shoe, threw it against th… - 5 years ago

@mrintwitt: RT @EllenBarryNYT: “In mathematics and physics there are two kinds of geniuses. There are the ordinary geniuses. They are just like you and… - 5 years ago

@ofgod2: RT @maanow: RIP John Horton Conway, a magical mathematician who made profound contributions in number theory, coding theory, probability th… - 5 years ago

@rajrakesh2690: RT @EllenBarryNYT: “In mathematics and physics there are two kinds of geniuses. There are the ordinary geniuses. They are just like you and… - 5 years ago

@swatiullas: RT @EllenBarryNYT: “In mathematics and physics there are two kinds of geniuses. There are the ordinary geniuses. They are just like you and… - 5 years ago

@Prashnachinha1: RT @EllenBarryNYT: “In mathematics and physics there are two kinds of geniuses. There are the ordinary geniuses. They are just like you and… - 5 years ago

@neatshots: RT @EllenBarryNYT: “In mathematics and physics there are two kinds of geniuses. There are the ordinary geniuses. They are just like you and… - 5 years ago

@amit_155: RT @EllenBarryNYT: “In mathematics and physics there are two kinds of geniuses. There are the ordinary geniuses. They are just like you and… - 5 years ago

@HartoshSinghBal: RT @EllenBarryNYT: “In mathematics and physics there are two kinds of geniuses. There are the ordinary geniuses. They are just like you and… - 5 years ago

@RobAlbesiano: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math - 5 years ago

@MColvinMcKenzie: RT @EllenBarryNYT: “In mathematics and physics there are two kinds of geniuses. There are the ordinary geniuses. They are just like you and… - 5 years ago

@ozsu: Something to learn for those of us who supervise students: "his Ph.D. His adviser, Harold Davenport, a number theor… - 5 years ago

@MathematicsKno2: RIP, John Horton Conway! - 5 years ago

@MIT_nerd: via @NYTimes He made profound contributions to number theory, coding theory, probability theory, topology, algebra… - 5 years ago

@fcdf1996: RT @AulaSL: Esta semana vamos a realizar otra CodeKata pero esta vez en honor a John Horton Conway , creador del "Game of Life". ¡Os esper… - 5 years ago

@aburnhamuu: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@CameronHillmer: RT @WIREDBusiness: Plus: The legacy of John Horton Conway, advice for keeping leaders honest, and Taiwan’s new baseball fans. - 5 years ago

@TechieP1: RT @AulaSL: Esta semana vamos a realizar otra CodeKata pero esta vez en honor a John Horton Conway , creador del "Game of Life". ¡Os esper… - 5 years ago

@SHNB_BSHNB: RT @IyC_es: El pasado 11 de abril, murió John Horton Conway, matemático legendario, mago del juego y narrador de historias entusiasta. Des… - 5 years ago

@magnifyk: "John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82" by BY SIOBHAN ROBERTS via NYT - 5 years ago

@SzymonJakubiak: To honor the memory of John Horton Conway, who passed away last week, I reused my old Python script of the Game of… - 5 years ago

@samuel_wade: John Conway tribute from xkcd, h/t @kottke - 5 years ago

@1738310: RT @rikoushonotana: R.I.P John Horton Conway #ネットで書店巡り - 5 years ago

@arnavm1: This is the kind of thinker is like to be. - 5 years ago

@BobMagaw: John Horton Conway: the world’s most charismatic mathematician | Siobhan Roberts - 5 years ago

@dasSubjekt: RT @gdnlongread: RIP mathematician John Horton Conway, who died on 11 April, aged 82 - 5 years ago

@maljx: RT @SeamusBlackley: May the profound and delicate poetry of your mind glide you gently into the void, John Horton Conway. - 5 years ago

@sakunorisu: RT @rikoushonotana: R.I.P John Horton Conway #ネットで書店巡り - 5 years ago

@martinwinter: RT @CardColm: John Horton Conway has died. Sigh. One of the most unique mathematicians and human beings who ever lived. Five years ago h… - 5 years ago

@ElectronNest: RT @rikoushonotana: R.I.P John Horton Conway #ネットで書店巡り - 5 years ago

@vmyths: 35 days ago the White House declared COVID19 a national emergency. This thread pays homage to all the #computer vi… - 5 years ago

@backrow: RT @SeamusBlackley: May the profound and delicate poetry of your mind glide you gently into the void, John Horton Conway. - 5 years ago

@SeamusBlackley: RT @SeamusBlackley: May the profound and delicate poetry of your mind glide you gently into the void, John Horton Conway. - 5 years ago

@kazzhori: RT @rikoushonotana: R.I.P John Horton Conway #ネットで書店巡り - 5 years ago

@ipusiron: RT @rikoushonotana: R.I.P John Horton Conway #ネットで書店巡り - 5 years ago

@Chica_Chubb: RT @rikoushonotana: R.I.P John Horton Conway #ネットで書店巡り - 5 years ago

@coronasha: RT @rikoushonotana: R.I.P John Horton Conway #ネットで書店巡り - 5 years ago

@buku_t: RT @rikoushonotana: R.I.P John Horton Conway #ネットで書店巡り - 5 years ago

@k_o_gj: RT @rikoushonotana: R.I.P John Horton Conway #ネットで書店巡り - 5 years ago

@AeroSatan: "If physicists have free will while performing experiments, then elementary particles possess free will as well. An… - 5 years ago

@GlobalNewsTH: #JohnHortonConway, a 'Magical Genius' in Math, Dies at 82 @nytimestech - 5 years ago

@Mathematics2001: RT @pickover: This is the NY Times obituary for John Horton Conway, a "Magical Genius in Math." - 5 years ago

@Mathematics2001: RT @stevenstrogatz: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82 - obit by his biographer, Siobhan Roberts ⁦@sioroberts⁩, for… - 5 years ago

@PythonLycee: RT @SocMathFr: Obituary for John Conway on @MathPrinceton website. - 5 years ago

@djuna01: RT @NYTObits: Lecturing on symmetry and the Platonic solids, he might bring in a turnip, carving it one slice at a time into, say, an icosa… - 5 years ago

@victorobrienco1: “John Horton Conway, the renowned mathematician, has died. He did the math. At 82, he calculated he could be more u… - 5 years ago

@recaiiskender: RT @jeffclune: Humanity lost a genius to Covid. The Game of Life inspired me greatly and contributed toward my becoming an artificial intel… - 5 years ago

@RDv_Madras: RT @sioroberts: RIP, JHC. - 5 years ago

@MariaEVargasL: RT @camargosky: El #Covid_19 no respeta. Se llevó ayer a uno de los mejores matemáticos de nuestra era, el británico John Horton Conway. ¿H… - 5 years ago

@billyethridge: John Horton Conway: "On His LOVE/HATE Relationship with LIFE" | Talks a... - 5 years ago

@CardColm: RT @CardColm: John Horton Conway has died. Sigh. One of the most unique mathematicians and human beings who ever lived. Five years ago h… - 5 years ago

@MurphyOMurphy69: RT @GeneralBoll: L'inventeur du jeu de la vie est mort. Et pas seulement... L'un des mathématiciens du 20ème siècle les plus marquants a ét… - 5 years ago

@Stephen34393118: RT @jeffclune: Humanity lost a genius to Covid. The Game of Life inspired me greatly and contributed toward my becoming an artificial intel… - 5 years ago

@MeganHulce: I admit an addiction to this type of intellect. John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@ltseligman: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@numerodna: John Horton Conway, playful mathematician described as 'the most magical in the world' – obituary - 5 years ago

@gurusamaj: RT @gdnlongread: RIP mathematician John Horton Conway, who died on 11 April, aged 82 - 5 years ago

@mr_orgue: 10. Another notable death this week was mathematician John Horton. This Guardian longread about him (dating from a… - 5 years ago

@sokopulse: "John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82" - 5 years ago

@DaouArij: "You know, people think mathematics is complicated. Mathematics is the simple bit. It's the stuff we can understand… - 5 years ago

@ShortArmOtheLaw: via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@386Diego: RT @MasterAIUIC: We deeply regret the loss of John Horton Conway (as well as the general situation around COVID-19). And so, we could not r… - 5 years ago

@Mauquito: RT @nd_kane: RIP John Horton Conway, inventor of the Game of Life and other significant contributions to mathematics, who is one of many wh… - 5 years ago

@iDEAatEd: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@Dev_RS: RT @KabirFiraque: John Horton Conway, inventor of the Game of Life, has died of COVID-19. He resented being famous for the Game of Life, be… - 5 years ago

@tali_md: via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@abby4schroeder: #Coronavirus - 5 years ago

@tingilinde: the NYTimes John Conway obit - 5 years ago

@MilanovNina: John Horton Conway, matematiker och skapare av Game of Life är död. - 5 years ago

@sudhaeinstein: RT @NYTScience: He invented the cellular automaton Game of Life, which is among the most beautiful mathematical models of computation. John… - 5 years ago

@klishtakara: RT @KabirFiraque: John Horton Conway, inventor of the Game of Life, has died of COVID-19. He resented being famous for the Game of Life, be… - 5 years ago

@fdilke: RT @divbyzero: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@_jrvansant: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP mathematician John Horton Conway—fine obituary in ⁦@nytimes⁩ by Siobhan Roberts, whose metabiography of Conway, ‘Gen… - 5 years ago

@LocemLab: RT @NYTScience: John Horton Conway "was a magical mathematician," a colleague said. "He was a magical genius rather than an ordinary genius… - 5 years ago

@Looking_glass_u: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP mathematician John Horton Conway—fine obituary in ⁦@nytimes⁩ by Siobhan Roberts, whose metabiography of Conway, ‘Gen… - 5 years ago

@vaishakbelle: Conway passes away from covid complications; appreciation here - 5 years ago

@guywalters: RT @mark1ronan: The mathematician and the Monster: a tribute to John Horton Conway, a master of invention and ideas - 5 years ago

@mark1ronan: The mathematician and the Monster: a tribute to John Horton Conway, a master of invention and ideas - 5 years ago

@KabirFiraque: John Horton Conway, inventor of the Game of Life, has died of COVID-19. He resented being famous for the Game of Li… - 5 years ago

@nazaninfarid: RT @Dimi_Tz: "Math should be fun!" A nice short bio note for the extraordinary life of an extraordinary mathematician, J. H. Conway by th… - 5 years ago

@yet_so_far: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@PatrxRsg: RT @ParisPasRose: John Horton Conway, génie des mathématiques, meurt à 82 ans. Il a apporté de grandes contributions aux théories des nombr… - 5 years ago

@iimrananwar: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@LMAlcott: RT @rmojomojito1: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@PaulsPrattle: RT @CardColm: John H Conway loved getting witty t-shirts and when presented with one he would unhesitatingly strip off whatever he was wear… - 5 years ago

@GerardFlcl: RT @numberphile: New York Times article on the life of John H Conway by his biographer @sioroberts - 5 years ago

@oriolcomas: RT @pickover: This is the NY Times obituary for John Horton Conway, a "Magical Genius in Math." - 5 years ago

@BenediktLoewe: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP mathematician John Horton Conway—fine obituary in ⁦@nytimes⁩ by Siobhan Roberts, whose metabiography of Conway, ‘Gen… - 5 years ago

@lpovert: RT @ParisPasRose: John Horton Conway, génie des mathématiques, meurt à 82 ans. Il a apporté de grandes contributions aux théories des nombr… - 5 years ago

@SVimaire: RT @ParisPasRose: John Horton Conway, génie des mathématiques, meurt à 82 ans. Il a apporté de grandes contributions aux théories des nombr… - 5 years ago

@rubeno71: RT @SocMathFr: John Horton Conway in the @nytimes. #RIPConway - 5 years ago

@DeulofeuJordi: RT @pickover: This is the NY Times obituary for John Horton Conway, a "Magical Genius in Math." - 5 years ago

@gareththomasnz: RT @pickover: This is the NY Times obituary for John Horton Conway, a "Magical Genius in Math." - 5 years ago

@marcinnaps: RT @SocMathFr: John Horton Conway in the @nytimes. #RIPConway - 5 years ago

@Yoda_Moe: RT @naclbbre: R.I.P. John Horton Conway. I really liked The Game of Life but also want to mention his lesser-known Hackenbush for being th… - 5 years ago

@ParisPasRose: John Horton Conway, génie des mathématiques, meurt à 82 ans. Il a apporté de grandes contributions aux théories des… - 5 years ago

@mur4tsenel: RT @CardColm: John H Conway loved getting witty t-shirts and when presented with one he would unhesitatingly strip off whatever he was wear… - 5 years ago

@BlackiLi: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP mathematician John Horton Conway—fine obituary in ⁦@nytimes⁩ by Siobhan Roberts, whose metabiography of Conway, ‘Gen… - 5 years ago

@Priceeqn: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@Mathematical_A: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP mathematician John Horton Conway—fine obituary in ⁦@nytimes⁩ by Siobhan Roberts, whose metabiography of Conway, ‘Gen… - 5 years ago

@FranzStrohmeier: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP mathematician John Horton Conway—fine obituary in ⁦@nytimes⁩ by Siobhan Roberts, whose metabiography of Conway, ‘Gen… - 5 years ago

@jastram: Systemtheorie zum Anfassen: John Horton Conway - - 5 years ago

@saltcube1925: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@__vbot: RT @CardColm: John H Conway loved getting witty t-shirts and when presented with one he would unhesitatingly strip off whatever he was wear… - 5 years ago

@Fellermaths: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP mathematician John Horton Conway—fine obituary in ⁦@nytimes⁩ by Siobhan Roberts, whose metabiography of Conway, ‘Gen… - 5 years ago

@emulenews: RT @SocMathFr: John Horton Conway in the @nytimes. #RIPConway - 5 years ago

@LaurenH9898: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP mathematician John Horton Conway—fine obituary in ⁦@nytimes⁩ by Siobhan Roberts, whose metabiography of Conway, ‘Gen… - 5 years ago

@LaurentBetermin: RT @SocMathFr: John Horton Conway in the @nytimes. #RIPConway - 5 years ago

@elcaborotativo: RT @SocMathFr: John Horton Conway in the @nytimes. #RIPConway - 5 years ago

@mathemaniac: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP mathematician John Horton Conway—fine obituary in ⁦@nytimes⁩ by Siobhan Roberts, whose metabiography of Conway, ‘Gen… - 5 years ago

@shanecelis: RT @SocMathFr: John Horton Conway in the @nytimes. #RIPConway - 5 years ago

@rmathematicus: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP mathematician John Horton Conway—fine obituary in ⁦@nytimes⁩ by Siobhan Roberts, whose metabiography of Conway, ‘Gen… - 5 years ago

@BrunoLevy01: RT @SocMathFr: John Horton Conway in the @nytimes. #RIPConway - 5 years ago

@murat_a32: RT @CardColm: John H Conway loved getting witty t-shirts and when presented with one he would unhesitatingly strip off whatever he was wear… - 5 years ago

@rmojomojito1: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@r_parenthesis: RT @Kenzoo6601: 当然ですがプリンストン大学によるコンウェイ氏死去の発表ではどこにも「Game of Life」が「video game」だとか「computer game」だとは書いてありませんね - 5 years ago

@ccc_personal: John Horton Conway, a legendary mathematician who stood out for his love of games and for bringing mathematics to t… - 5 years ago

@my_syumi_game: RT @Kenzoo6601: 当然ですがプリンストン大学によるコンウェイ氏死去の発表ではどこにも「Game of Life」が「video game」だとか「computer game」だとは書いてありませんね - 5 years ago

@n1vux: RT @CardColm: John Horton Conway has died. Sigh. One of the most unique mathematicians and human beings who ever lived. Five years ago h… - 5 years ago

@Retoro_Gamer: RT @Kenzoo6601: 当然ですがプリンストン大学によるコンウェイ氏死去の発表ではどこにも「Game of Life」が「video game」だとか「computer game」だとは書いてありませんね - 5 years ago

@haroldrberk: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@CardColm: RT @CardColm: John Horton Conway has died. Sigh. One of the most unique mathematicians and human beings who ever lived. Five years ago h… - 5 years ago

@Kenzoo6601: 当然ですがプリンストン大学によるコンウェイ氏死去の発表ではどこにも「Game of Life」が「video game」だとか「computer game」だとは書いてありませんね - 5 years ago

@AdamLozano17: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@LookBackTime: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@annasproul: There is an entire collection’s worth of poems to be written about this man’s life. An entire world of metaphors. - 5 years ago

@bellye66: RT @IlvesToomas: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@diegochowell: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@wavetop: RT @NYTScience: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in math, made profound contributions to number theory, coding theory, probability th… - 5 years ago

@stormtrees: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@baudekin: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@DrewMichanowicz: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@FriedrichHayek: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@xah_lee: john horton conway, what a great mathematician. inspired me so much into math - 5 years ago

@BbyKND3gj7IuK1V: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@scopedbylarry: RT @NYTScience: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in math, made profound contributions to number theory, coding theory, probability th… - 5 years ago

@ChrisBoese: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@M322233: RT @IlvesToomas: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@KKalliris: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@adelapoite: RT @poitevin: John Conway’s obituary mentions Mathcamp, where I met him. He spoke on the Riemann Hypothesis and on something else (I can’t… - 5 years ago

@Long_Bitcoin: RT @gaborgurbacs: Rest In Peace John Horton Conway. Erdos and Conway were my combinatorics superheros. May your genius and love of games li… - 5 years ago

@NigelLove7: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@richiewertz: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@BinderFaith1: RT @IlvesToomas: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@easy_edwin: - 5 years ago

@bellye66: RT @JohnCassidy: Very nice obit for the Cambridge/Princeton mathematician John Horton Conway, who sounds like he was the best type of acade… - 5 years ago

@anelson_os: I miss Conway :( - 5 years ago

@27Faust3: RT @numberphile: New York Times article on the life of John H Conway by his biographer @sioroberts - 5 years ago

@zebsnyc: RT @NYTScience: John Horton Conway "was a magical mathematician," a colleague said. "He was a magical genius rather than an ordinary genius… - 5 years ago

@Chegoyo: RT @NYTScience: John Horton Conway "was a magical mathematician," a colleague said. "He was a magical genius rather than an ordinary genius… - 5 years ago

@tonpyo: RT @ryuta_aoki_: 「ライフゲーム」作者であり伝説的な数学者コンウェイ氏が新型コロナにより亡くなられたようです。 ご冥福をお祈りします。 #ALIFE #人工生命 #ライフゲーム - 5 years ago

@aksingh50049398: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@einsteinslegacy: A legendary mathematician who stood out for his love of games and for bringing mathematics to the masses. - 5 years ago

@teri10011: RT @NYTScience: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in math, made profound contributions to number theory, coding theory, probability th… - 5 years ago

@akt7860: RT @NYTScience: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in math, made profound contributions to number theory, coding theory, probability th… - 5 years ago

@Noctilio82: RT @NYTScience: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in math, made profound contributions to number theory, coding theory, probability th… - 5 years ago

@pharmacy7: RT @NYTScience: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in math, made profound contributions to number theory, coding theory, probability th… - 5 years ago

@RyanStuffelbeam: RT @NYTScience: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in math, made profound contributions to number theory, coding theory, probability th… - 5 years ago

@ItzzyPrin: RT @NYTScience: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in math, made profound contributions to number theory, coding theory, probability th… - 5 years ago

@WMichelleWho: RT @NYTScience: John Horton Conway "was a magical mathematician," a colleague said. "He was a magical genius rather than an ordinary genius… - 5 years ago

@NYTScience: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in math, made profound contributions to number theory, coding theory, probab… - 5 years ago

@NEWSBOX16: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@rhondajohughes: RT @NYTScience: He invented the cellular automaton Game of Life, which is among the most beautiful mathematical models of computation. John… - 5 years ago

@henrymccutcheon: RT @EMSnewsletter: The EMS is very sad to hear of the death of the great mathematician John Conway. This portrait of him is from five year… - 5 years ago

@jeffsonstein: RT @NYTScience: John Horton Conway "was a magical mathematician," a colleague said. "He was a magical genius rather than an ordinary genius… - 5 years ago

@sethlpine: RT @numberphile: New York Times article on the life of John H Conway by his biographer @sioroberts - 5 years ago

@411emilio: RT @NYTScience: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in math, made profound contributions to number theory, coding theory, probability th… - 5 years ago

@germanome: RT @NYTScience: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in math, made profound contributions to number theory, coding theory, probability th… - 5 years ago

@BlogBookMark: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@FreelanceAstro: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@RealDrJen: RT @NYTScience: He invented the cellular automaton Game of Life, which is among the most beautiful mathematical models of computation. John… - 5 years ago

@MScottPatterson: RT @NYTScience: He invented the cellular automaton Game of Life, which is among the most beautiful mathematical models of computation. John… - 5 years ago

@h_aaap: RT @numberphile: New York Times article on the life of John H Conway by his biographer @sioroberts - 5 years ago

@_CollegeNetwork: The College Network John Horton Conway a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@RealFrozz: RT @NYTScience: He invented the cellular automaton Game of Life, which is among the most beautiful mathematical models of computation. John… - 5 years ago

@AVechera: RT @NYTScience: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in math, made profound contributions to number theory, coding theory, probability th… - 5 years ago

@therealBCF: I'm a couple days late on this but holy shit, RIP an absolute legend. - 5 years ago

@AlbertTLunde: RT @numberphile: New York Times article on the life of John H Conway by his biographer @sioroberts - 5 years ago

@stevemallen: RT @numberphile: New York Times article on the life of John H Conway by his biographer @sioroberts - 5 years ago

@Paul_Painleve: RT @SpringerMath: John Horton Conway inventor of Conway’s 'Game of Life' has passed. Our thoughts go out to the family and friends of the e… - 5 years ago

@bowker_john: RT @NYTScience: He invented the cellular automaton Game of Life, which is among the most beautiful mathematical models of computation. John… - 5 years ago

@Bruce35dc: RT @numberphile: New York Times article on the life of John H Conway by his biographer @sioroberts - 5 years ago

@twistor: RT @NYTScience: He invented the cellular automaton Game of Life, which is among the most beautiful mathematical models of computation. John… - 5 years ago

@ddl_squared: RT @FieldsInstitute: “He was like a butterfly going from one thing to another, always with magical qualities to the results”. We're saddene… - 5 years ago

@EMFurst: RT @NYTScience: He invented the cellular automaton Game of Life, which is among the most beautiful mathematical models of computation. John… - 5 years ago

@mrjoshmtz0727: RT @NYTScience: He invented the cellular automaton Game of Life, which is among the most beautiful mathematical models of computation. John… - 5 years ago

@TMGernon: RT @kchangnyt: @SteveBellovin @nytimes - 5 years ago

@kchangnyt: RT @NYTScience: He invented the cellular automaton Game of Life, which is among the most beautiful mathematical models of computation. John… - 5 years ago

@octonion: RT @numberphile: New York Times article on the life of John H Conway by his biographer @sioroberts - 5 years ago

@Irlandia: RT @NYTScience: He invented the cellular automaton Game of Life, which is among the most beautiful mathematical models of computation. John… - 5 years ago

@antares_labs: RT @numberphile: New York Times article on the life of John H Conway by his biographer @sioroberts - 5 years ago

@0xD1: RT @numberphile: New York Times article on the life of John H Conway by his biographer @sioroberts - 5 years ago

@numberphile: New York Times article on the life of John H Conway by his biographer @sioroberts - 5 years ago

@kswilcox: RT @NYTScience: He invented the cellular automaton Game of Life, which is among the most beautiful mathematical models of computation. John… - 5 years ago

@NYTScience: He invented the cellular automaton Game of Life, which is among the most beautiful mathematical models of computati… - 5 years ago

@WayneAClarke: @bbcmerseyside have you reported on the death by Coronavirus of one of the greatest Scousers of the 20th century, J… - 5 years ago

@MBarany: RT @sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputation as a… - 5 years ago

@sioroberts: John Horton Conway, by his own account, never worked a day in his life — thereby earning many prizes, and a reputat… - 5 years ago

@blavatsky177: RT @pickover: This is the NY Times obituary for John Horton Conway, a "Magical Genius in Math." - 5 years ago

@geoffwake1: RT @pickover: This is the NY Times obituary for John Horton Conway, a "Magical Genius in Math." - 5 years ago

@jaymepsantos: RT @NYTScience: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in math, made profound contributions to number theory, coding theory, probability th… - 5 years ago

@SteveBellovin: RT @kchangnyt: @SteveBellovin @nytimes - 5 years ago

@JustinElenewski: John Horton Conway, a ‘Magical Genius’ in Math, Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@olssonic: RT @sioroberts: RIP, JHC. - 5 years ago

@pickover: This is the NY Times obituary for John Horton Conway, a "Magical Genius in Math." - 5 years ago

@kchangnyt: @SteveBellovin @nytimes - 5 years ago

@kchangnyt: - 5 years ago

@youtopos: RT @pickover: Mathematician John Conway in his office at Princeton in 1993. - 5 years ago

@youtopos: RT @bernatree: #COVID19 #RIPConway John Conway was a cross between Archimedes, Jagger and Salvador Dalí. For many years, he worried that h… - 5 years ago

@youtopos: RT @johnmaeda: “A ‘no-player never-ending’ game.” —John Conway - 5 years ago

@Mhmdnewton: RT @FieldsInstitute: “He was like a butterfly going from one thing to another, always with magical qualities to the results”. We're saddene… - 5 years ago

@youtopos: RT @G4GCelebration: Our friend and colleague John Horton Conway passed away today. - 5 years ago

@summer_0_d: RT @EMSnewsletter: The EMS is very sad to hear of the death of the great mathematician John Conway. This portrait of him is from five year… - 5 years ago

@youtopos: RT @SLSingh: Guardian article about the late truly great John Horton Conway by @sioroberts (Author of Genius At Play, a biography of Conway… - 5 years ago

@youtopos: RT @alexbellos: British mathematician John Horton Conway dies age 82 in Princeton, NJ. Cause probably Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@jsalvachua: RT @Princeton: #PrincetonU remembers John Conway, legendary mathematician and emeritus professor known for inventing the “Game of Life.” ht… - 5 years ago

@silvia_stegaru: RT @SeamusBlackley: May the profound and delicate poetry of your mind glide you gently into the void, John Horton Conway. - 5 years ago

@mathpunk: RT @RonHogan: “In lecturing on symmetry and the Platonic solids, he sometimes brought a large turnip and a carving knife to class, transfor… - 5 years ago

@garvsyra: RT @misopogonist: Neeej! En av mina hjältar, matematikern John Conway, har dött av covid-19. Visserligen vid 82 års ålder, men ändå. En av… - 5 years ago

@richiewertz: great portrait of a math legend - 5 years ago

@yonggewang: - 5 years ago

@softboygirl: RT @EMSnewsletter: The EMS is very sad to hear of the death of the great mathematician John Conway. This portrait of him is from five year… - 5 years ago

@sergioklle: RT @unicoos: Adiós a John Horton Conway, el matemático que jugaba. | #Matemáticas y sus fronteras - 5 years ago

@1SG10KM110: RT @FieldsInstitute: “He was like a butterfly going from one thing to another, always with magical qualities to the results”. We're saddene… - 5 years ago

@dashiel_carrera: John Conway was one of the most brilliant computer scientists of all time. His spirit of play, admiration for life… - 5 years ago

@OriginalFei: RT @assomo5: C'est ironiquement la propagation d'un virus qui aura emporté un grand spécialiste des automates cellulaires, le mathématicien… - 5 years ago

@MathsBooks: RT @EMSnewsletter: The EMS is very sad to hear of the death of the great mathematician John Conway. This portrait of him is from five year… - 5 years ago

@NGhoussoub: RT @ErinCarmody5: John Horton Conway (1937-2020) "I'm not going to worry anymore. Ever again." "It doesn't matter if a lot of people know… - 5 years ago

@MoCKinGBirD_M: RT @CourrierJapon: プリンストン大学のサイトで、数学者ジョン・ホートン・コンウェイが新型コロナウイルス感染による合併症のため死去したことが公表されています。 - 5 years ago

@Kristaps_Sis: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP John Horton Conway, 82, brilliant mathematician and flamboyant personality who made key contributions to group theor… - 5 years ago

@CharlotteBoucka: RT @SpringerMath: John Horton Conway inventor of Conway’s 'Game of Life' has passed. Our thoughts go out to the family and friends of the e… - 5 years ago

@4enoyreveAPP: RT @SeamusBlackley: May the profound and delicate poetry of your mind glide you gently into the void, John Horton Conway. - 5 years ago

@cawasame: O desgraçado do Vírus Chinês levou John Horton Conway, com 82 anos. Foi um brilhante matemático e criador do jogo "… - 5 years ago

@SimoneCamosso: - 5 years ago

@eliaswalyba: RIP John Conway, T H E - M A G I C A L - G E N I U S, 😭 - 5 years ago

@moririncross: コロナウイルスでコンウェイが亡くなったことのあまりまともな記事が日本語でないのでテレビゲームやライフゲームは忘れてプリンストンの追悼記事見てる - 5 years ago

@Josemonche: - 5 years ago

@qqzc9xa9k: RT @Princeton: #PrincetonU remembers John Conway, legendary mathematician and emeritus professor known for inventing the “Game of Life.” ht… - 5 years ago

@Najamuddin: - 5 years ago

@BardMathCircle: RT @japhethwood: Princeton University now has posted a nice obit on Conway - 5 years ago

@jurombo: RT @SpringerMath: John Horton Conway inventor of Conway’s 'Game of Life' has passed. Our thoughts go out to the family and friends of the e… - 5 years ago

@CoeuR2GameR: RT @assomo5: C'est ironiquement la propagation d'un virus qui aura emporté un grand spécialiste des automates cellulaires, le mathématicien… - 5 years ago

@37mx: RT @IRIF_Paris: John Conway passed away at 82 on 04-11 from COVID. Mathematician with an impressive spectrum of expertise, his influence on… - 5 years ago

@japhethwood: Princeton University now has posted a nice obit on Conway - 5 years ago

@pawprinceton: RT @Princeton: #PrincetonU remembers John Conway, legendary mathematician and emeritus professor known for inventing the “Game of Life.” ht… - 5 years ago

@C3vLocke: RT @MathisintheAir: Mathematician John Horton Conway, a ‘magical genius’ known for inventing the ‘Game of Life,’ - 5 years ago

@tk4terui: RT @SpringerMath: John Horton Conway inventor of Conway’s 'Game of Life' has passed. Our thoughts go out to the family and friends of the e… - 5 years ago

@sildibartolomeo: RT @MathisintheAir: Mathematician John Horton Conway, a ‘magical genius’ known for inventing the ‘Game of Life,’ - 5 years ago

@rsnbrgr: RT @vmyths: 33 days ago the White House declared COVID19 a national emergency. This thread pays homage to all the #computer virus experts… - 5 years ago

@KaoruKumi: - 5 years ago

@2_min_euphoria: RT @naclbbre: R.I.P. John Horton Conway. I really liked The Game of Life but also want to mention his lesser-known Hackenbush for being th… - 5 years ago

@adamoprogresso: RT @SpringerMath: John Horton Conway inventor of Conway’s 'Game of Life' has passed. Our thoughts go out to the family and friends of the e… - 5 years ago

@utnaf: I'll just take a moment to remember yet another big brain that left us. Among everything he did, #JohnConway gave d… - 5 years ago

@dominicipi: RT @UniperugiaNews: Il prof. Nicola Ciccoli, docente di Geometria del Dipartimento di #Matematica e #Informatica, parla su @Radio3scienza d… - 5 years ago

@UniperugiaNews: Il prof. Nicola Ciccoli, docente di Geometria del Dipartimento di #Matematica e #Informatica, parla su… - 5 years ago

@AnnaAnthro: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP John Horton Conway, 82, brilliant mathematician and flamboyant personality who made key contributions to group theor… - 5 years ago

@giorgiospugnesi: RT @alexbellos: British mathematician John Horton Conway dies age 82 in Princeton, NJ. Cause probably Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@Coke727: RT @alexbellos: British mathematician John Horton Conway dies age 82 in Princeton, NJ. Cause probably Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@miracleshow: RT @CourrierJapon: プリンストン大学のサイトで、数学者ジョン・ホートン・コンウェイが新型コロナウイルス感染による合併症のため死去したことが公表されています。 - 5 years ago

@katedevil: There are people that you should let take up your time whilst here on earth. RIP JHC - 5 years ago

@edcamposj: John Horton Conway, Creator of Conway’s Game of Life, Has Died - 5 years ago

@oesterheld_c: RT @FAZ_Feuilleton: Ein munterer Monsterjäger: Ihn interessierte alles, von der Weitergabe genetischer Information über Spiele und Computer… - 5 years ago

@undsonst1975: RT @FAZ_Feuilleton: Ein munterer Monsterjäger: Ihn interessierte alles, von der Weitergabe genetischer Information über Spiele und Computer… - 5 years ago

@StUzB: RT @FAZ_NET: Ein munterer Monsterjäger: Ihn interessierte alles, von der Weitergabe genetischer Information über Spiele und Computer bis zu… - 5 years ago

@FAZ_NET: Ein munterer Monsterjäger: Ihn interessierte alles, von der Weitergabe genetischer Information über Spiele und Comp… - 5 years ago

@FAZ_Feuilleton: Ein munterer Monsterjäger: Ihn interessierte alles, von der Weitergabe genetischer Information über Spiele und Comp… - 5 years ago

@3omarlakkis: - 5 years ago

@chalai71: - 5 years ago

@sioum: RT @Anthony_Bonato: Nice website from @Princeton on Conway: Mathematician John Horton Conway, a ‘magical genius’ known for inventing the ‘… - 5 years ago

@muhonnocream: RT @CourrierJapon: プリンストン大学のサイトで、数学者ジョン・ホートン・コンウェイが新型コロナウイルス感染による合併症のため死去したことが公表されています。 - 5 years ago

@sunamajiri: RT @CourrierJapon: プリンストン大学のサイトで、数学者ジョン・ホートン・コンウェイが新型コロナウイルス感染による合併症のため死去したことが公表されています。 - 5 years ago

@CourrierJapon: プリンストン大学のサイトで、数学者ジョン・ホートン・コンウェイが新型コロナウイルス感染による合併症のため死去したことが公表されています。 - 5 years ago

@MirandaJanell: I just learned John Horton Conway, a brilliant mathematician, passed away from #Covid19 complications 😓❤️ Learnin… - 5 years ago

@a5b: RT @hackaday: John Horton Conway, Creator of Conway’s Game of Life, Has Died Programmers everywhere are familiar with Conway’s Game of Lif… - 5 years ago

@cezannedokoonin: RT @alexbellos: British mathematician John Horton Conway dies age 82 in Princeton, NJ. Cause probably Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@wanyuliu: #武漢肺炎 #Covid19 has took another genius away from us. John Horton Conway (Dec 26, 1937 - Apr 11, 2020) 👾 Game of L… - 5 years ago

@mr_calvero: John Horton Conway has died. How remarkable a life, when inventing a whole new kind of beauty is just an footnote t… - 5 years ago

@DynamicsSIAM: RT @Anthony_Bonato: Nice website from @Princeton on Conway: Mathematician John Horton Conway, a ‘magical genius’ known for inventing the ‘… - 5 years ago

@TimsSTEMCells: RT @Anthony_Bonato: Nice website from @Princeton on Conway: Mathematician John Horton Conway, a ‘magical genius’ known for inventing the ‘… - 5 years ago

@dderigo: John Horton Conway's Game of Life ⠠⠵ - 5 years ago

@godammitkitty: RT @Anthony_Bonato: Nice website from @Princeton on Conway: Mathematician John Horton Conway, a ‘magical genius’ known for inventing the ‘… - 5 years ago

@TimsSTEMCells: RT @Houredu_: Mathematician John Horton Conway Dies At Age 82 #math #priceton #college - 5 years ago

@Anthony_Bonato: Nice website from @Princeton on Conway: Mathematician John Horton Conway, a ‘magical genius’ known for inventing t… - 5 years ago

@TheRealNumber6: RT @SeamusBlackley: May the profound and delicate poetry of your mind glide you gently into the void, John Horton Conway. - 5 years ago

@marcetwitero: Leyendo Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal me enteré que hace tres días falleció de covid-19 John Horton Conway, mat… - 5 years ago

@danielgohl: Another great spirit & mind lost too soon to #COVAID. Please google Conway’s ‘Game of Life’ & play. Then look up su… - 5 years ago

@AntonioIzzo2: RT @FieldsMathEd: RIP John Conway. He will be remembered for his "Game of Life" automata, and much more. Learn about this interesting lif… - 5 years ago

@frankschoschka: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP John Horton Conway, 82, brilliant mathematician and flamboyant personality who made key contributions to group theor… - 5 years ago

@jsundmanus: I love this remembrance from Princeton, where Conway spent the last 30 years of his career. “People invariably de… - 5 years ago

@airlockben: Mathematician John Horton Conway, a ‘magical genius’ known for inventing the ‘Game of Life,’ dies at age 82 - 5 years ago

@NotFakeBrendan: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@timxor: sad reminder that life is finite - 5 years ago

@burnettedmond: RT @EMSnewsletter: The EMS is very sad to hear of the death of the great mathematician John Conway. This portrait of him is from five year… - 5 years ago

@rmjcharles: We have lost a great mathematician! - 5 years ago

@The_book_girl: RT @Ad_Inifinitum: If you're unfamiliar, John Conway was a famous mathematician who just died from COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@DKshad0w: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@mtmtcsbe: RT @_ICMAT: Estos son los dos últimos artículos escritos por el investigador del #ICMAT @manuel_de_leon. En ellos, se despide del #matemáti… - 5 years ago

@RbnGP10: RT @Chuso_Jar: Adiós a John Horton Conway, el matemático que jugaba - 5 years ago

@Houredu_: Mathematician John Horton Conway Dies At Age 82 #math #priceton #college - 5 years ago

@Meli_Ramirez19: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@DieterSelten: It needs be said something about these maths greats who influenced me profoundly, with a Sufi Afghan folk wisdom: "… - 5 years ago

@will_ashford_: RT @nd_kane: RIP John Horton Conway, inventor of the Game of Life and other significant contributions to mathematics, who is one of many wh… - 5 years ago

@DieterSelten: Two Princeton greats are gone now:John Conway,von Neumann professor;and John Nash,"Brilliant Mind"who died en route… - 5 years ago

@mdbod: - 5 years ago

@SpecialistHope: Ha muerto John Horton Conway. ¿2020,qué más quieres? - 5 years ago

@DieterSelten: I sat in wonder as the Don,now in Princeton Fine Hall,stripped back spacetime and wove a new mathematical idea in a… - 5 years ago

@alvaroangelm: Adiós a John Horton Conway, el matemático que jugaba | Matemáticas y sus fronteras - 5 years ago

@LMharius: RT @difusionDM: Ayer falleció el gran John Horton Conway. Entre muchas otras cosas descubrió la familia de grupos esporádicos que llevan su… - 5 years ago

@SeamusBlackley: RT @SeamusBlackley: May the profound and delicate poetry of your mind glide you gently into the void, John Horton Conway. - 5 years ago

@DieterSelten: Learnt yesterday the world lost a truly great mathematician, Sir John H.Conway. It was he who encouraged me to adhe… - 5 years ago

@ntozubod: RT @mathemalicious: @CardColm And the obituary is finally published today: CC @ColinTheMathmo #RIPJohnHortonConway… - 5 years ago

@PiecuchPiotr: Very, very sad. Legendary mathematician, John Horton Conway, passed away a few days ago (after contracting COVID-19… - 5 years ago

@A11V1R15: RT @SeamusBlackley: May the profound and delicate poetry of your mind glide you gently into the void, John Horton Conway. - 5 years ago

@cekahn: Saddened to learn of the passing of mathematician John Horton Conway, creator of the Game of Life, due to #COVID19.… - 5 years ago

@debsomewhere: RT @SeamusBlackley: May the profound and delicate poetry of your mind glide you gently into the void, John Horton Conway. - 5 years ago

@kickrg: I simulated his game many times with a wide variety of students. It still fascinates me to this day. #life #conway… - 5 years ago

@jenny_oad: RT @SeamusBlackley: May the profound and delicate poetry of your mind glide you gently into the void, John Horton Conway. - 5 years ago

@mrjuoji: RT @hackermaderas: #CyberpunkisNow This past Saturday (April 11th, 2020) John Horton Conway, creator of "Conway's Game of Life" or "Game of… - 5 years ago

@conorlawler: RT @hackermaderas: #CyberpunkisNow This past Saturday (April 11th, 2020) John Horton Conway, creator of "Conway's Game of Life" or "Game of… - 5 years ago

@hackermaderas: #CyberpunkisNow This past Saturday (April 11th, 2020) John Horton Conway, creator of "Conway's Game of Life" or "Ga… - 5 years ago

@move_over: RT @shessosardonic: Mathematician John Horton Conway, a ‘magical genius’ known for inventing the ‘Game of Life,’ dies at age 82 - 5 years ago

@PacoGomez_Games: RT @Chuso_Jar: Adiós a John Horton Conway, el matemático que jugaba - 5 years ago

@cstheory2: John Horton Conway 1937–2020 - 5 years ago

@shessosardonic: Mathematician John Horton Conway, a ‘magical genius’ known for inventing the ‘Game of Life,’ dies at age 82 - 5 years ago

@SeamusBlackley: RT @SeamusBlackley: May the profound and delicate poetry of your mind glide you gently into the void, John Horton Conway. - 5 years ago

@benjaminthatch: RT @mpesce: I've just learned that John Conway, mathematics genius and father of computational autonoma, died of #covid19. - 5 years ago

@javifields: RT @vardi: More on Conway :-) - 5 years ago

@Slashgear_: 🤯 Devoir concevoir un TP pour mes étudiants en téléprésentiel sur le pattern MVC 😢Se rappeler que John Horton Conwa… - 5 years ago

@gnomixu: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@RicardoJRdez: RT @vardi: More on Conway :-) - 5 years ago

@vardi: More on Conway :-) - 5 years ago

@Radegund: RT @mathemalicious: @CardColm And the obituary is finally published today: CC @ColinTheMathmo #RIPJohnHortonConway… - 5 years ago

@Chuso_Jar: Adiós a John Horton Conway, el matemático que jugaba - 5 years ago

@Timothy0Leary: RT @EMSnewsletter: The EMS is very sad to hear of the death of the great mathematician John Conway. This portrait of him is from five year… - 5 years ago

@Maxoumax6: RT @Maitre_Eolas: John Horton Conway (26 décembre 1937 - 11 avril 2020) L’inventeur du jeu de la vie est mort de la COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@_JCLL_: John Horton Conway : un magicien des maths disparaît - 5 years ago

@LatoPiotr: RT @PachowiczPiotr: - 5 years ago

@cipherstorm: XKCD ‘RIP John Conway’: via the comic delivery system monikered Randall Munroe at XKCD! [In Memoriam: John Horton C… - 5 years ago

@ysfuz: RT @CardColm: John Horton Conway has died. Sigh. One of the most unique mathematicians and human beings who ever lived. Five years ago h… - 5 years ago

@cmatched: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@KyleEnglish15: RT @diplodocus24: RIP John Horton Conway :( - 5 years ago

@themathgay: Finally, Princeton's - - 5 years ago

@johngstell: RT @amermathsoc: Mathematician John Horton Conway passed away on April 11, 2020 from COVID-19. Learn more about his legacy, and read review… - 5 years ago

@anandavardhanan: “Once [John Conway] shook my hand and informed me that I was four handshakes away from Napoleon, the chain being me… - 5 years ago

@priyeshashikant: RT @amermathsoc: Mathematician John Horton Conway passed away on April 11, 2020 from COVID-19. Learn more about his legacy, and read review… - 5 years ago

@DynamicsSIAM: RT @amermathsoc: Mathematician John Horton Conway passed away on April 11, 2020 from COVID-19. Learn more about his legacy, and read review… - 5 years ago

@NotJustPhysics: RT @alexbellos: British mathematician John Horton Conway dies age 82 in Princeton, NJ. Cause probably Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@JPA411: RT @Maitre_Eolas: John Horton Conway (26 décembre 1937 - 11 avril 2020) L’inventeur du jeu de la vie est mort de la COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@David_CastiAlv: - 5 years ago

@TebbaVonMaths: I'm heartbroken to learn that John Horton Conway has died from Covid-19. I have personally spent countless hours me… - 5 years ago

@feyzanurkygisz: RT @mushabbedirhan: Son 50 yılın en büyük matematikçilerinden biri olarak görülen John Horton Conway koronavirüs nedeniyle 11 Nisan 2020’de… - 5 years ago

@iMath_Tutor: R.I.P. John Horton Conway #rip - 5 years ago

@rmathematicus: RT @amermathsoc: Mathematician John Horton Conway passed away on April 11, 2020 from COVID-19. Learn more about his legacy, and read review… - 5 years ago

@GiovannyRsoto: RT @amermathsoc: Mathematician John Horton Conway passed away on April 11, 2020 from COVID-19. Learn more about his legacy, and read review… - 5 years ago

@emojicanava: RT @amermathsoc: Mathematician John Horton Conway passed away on April 11, 2020 from COVID-19. Learn more about his legacy, and read review… - 5 years ago

@MathHistFacts: RT @MathHistFacts: Pretty sure John Horton Conway was more fiction than fact, but certainly a major part of math history from the mid-20th… - 5 years ago

@MrsEfi: Mathematician John Horton Conway, a ‘magical genius’ known for inventing the ‘Game of Life,’ dies at age 82 - 5 years ago

@harangon: RT @amermathsoc: Mathematician John Horton Conway passed away on April 11, 2020 from COVID-19. Learn more about his legacy, and read review… - 5 years ago

@JoFerMedina: RT @amermathsoc: Mathematician John Horton Conway passed away on April 11, 2020 from COVID-19. Learn more about his legacy, and read review… - 5 years ago

@DeepShort7: @AstroMikeMerri Pretty sure he was *inspired* in his proposal by the recent passing of John Horton Conway. - 5 years ago

@kentelTICE: RT @maglarecherche: Retrouvez sur notre site des témoignages de personnes qui ont fréquenté Conway et/ou ses travaux illustrant à quel poin… - 5 years ago

@DevBabu41666030: RT @amermathsoc: Mathematician John Horton Conway passed away on April 11, 2020 from COVID-19. Learn more about his legacy, and read review… - 5 years ago

@LesMathsEnScene: RT @maglarecherche: Retrouvez sur notre site des témoignages de personnes qui ont fréquenté Conway et/ou ses travaux illustrant à quel poin… - 5 years ago

@StephDsn: John Horton Conway, inventeur du « Jeu de la vie », est décédé des suites du Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@ryamadax: ライフゲームの考案者 John Horton Conway さんが CoVid-19 で亡くなったとのこと。とても残念。ライフゲームは、スクリーンセーバー等で、よく目にしたのを思い出す。… - 5 years ago

@wikinews: English mathematician John Horton Conway dies after contracting COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@daniel_zanella: RT @RonaldoGogoni: Mais uma vítima da COVID-19: o matemático John Horton Conway, que em 1970 desenvolveu o autômato celular Jogo da Vida (n… - 5 years ago

@Apocalypse_fb: RT @amermathsoc: Mathematician John Horton Conway passed away on April 11, 2020 from COVID-19. Learn more about his legacy, and read review… - 5 years ago

@Kokuzoku2: COVID-19 kills Princeton mathematician, 'Game Of Life' inventor John Horton Conway - 5 years ago

@faloyalabolsa: RT @amermathsoc: Mathematician John Horton Conway passed away on April 11, 2020 from COVID-19. Learn more about his legacy, and read review… - 5 years ago

@amermathsoc: Mathematician John Horton Conway passed away on April 11, 2020 from COVID-19. Learn more about his legacy, and read… - 5 years ago

@polyp2000: #GameOfLife #Conway #Covid COVID-19 kills Princeton mathematician, 'Game Of Life' inventor John Horton Conway - 5 years ago

@ReGamertron: RT @adafruit: John Horton Conway: his life and the Game of Life #Gaming #covid19 @hackaday @guardian - 5 years ago

@BobMagaw: @anglicanrichard @gdeguzman99 @FreeTheWH @TheNakedParty Died of covid-19. RIP. John Horton Conway: the world’s mo… - 5 years ago

@whoisbenchang: "His childlike curiosity was perfectly complemented by his scientific originality and the depth of his thinking."… - 5 years ago

@LukeThornMatE: RT @hackaday: John Horton Conway, Creator of Conway’s Game of Life, Has Died Programmers everywhere are familiar with Conway’s Game of Lif… - 5 years ago

@HormCodes: John Horton Conway passed away from COVID-19. I wish he knew how his Game of Life (@coderetreat) changed my developer carrier. - 5 years ago

@timhsuSF: And here's a much fuller obituary for Conway: - 5 years ago

@DblStrckCapital: RT @macajo: La corona de John Horton Conway: (Tret de: Tx: @thaiselenags Evolució del… - 5 years ago

@professorkaka: Absolutely loved this 2015 profile of John Conway back when I read it. What a giant of man. - 5 years ago

@Jam1eWebDev: RT @CardColm: John Horton Conway has died. Sigh. One of the most unique mathematicians and human beings who ever lived. Five years ago h… - 5 years ago

@Amaest4: RT @_ICMAT: Estos son los dos últimos artículos escritos por el investigador del #ICMAT @manuel_de_leon. En ellos, se despide del #matemáti… - 5 years ago

@growthandform: RT @alexbellos: British mathematician John Horton Conway dies age 82 in Princeton, NJ. Cause probably Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@dumanfeyzaa: RT @mushabbedirhan: Son 50 yılın en büyük matematikçilerinden biri olarak görülen John Horton Conway koronavirüs nedeniyle 11 Nisan 2020’de… - 5 years ago

@The_Grumpy_Ren: RT @alexbellos: British mathematician John Horton Conway dies age 82 in Princeton, NJ. Cause probably Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@shakthimaan: John Horton Conway - 5 years ago

@abclinuxu: Zemřel John Horton Conway - 5 years ago

@lordwhorfin: RT @AMaxEll17: "Archimedes, Mick Jagger, Salvador Dali, and Richard Feynman all rolled into one" R.I.P. John Horton Conway #COVID19 http… - 5 years ago

@hanscees: RT @alexbellos: British mathematician John Horton Conway dies age 82 in Princeton, NJ. Cause probably Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@ln2718: RT @alexbellos: British mathematician John Horton Conway dies age 82 in Princeton, NJ. Cause probably Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@nuncapops: John Horton Conway: the world’s most charismatic mathematician | Siobhan Roberts | Science | The Guardian - 5 years ago

@GeneRef: RT @astrobiology: COVID-19 kills Princeton mathematician, ‘Game Of Life’ inventor John Horton Conway - 5 years ago

@mzekierden: RT @mushabbedirhan: Son 50 yılın en büyük matematikçilerinden biri olarak görülen John Horton Conway koronavirüs nedeniyle 11 Nisan 2020’de… - 5 years ago

@FabianPatarroy1: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@MaxHeadRoom58: RIP John Horton Conway, another giant falls to COVID-19 COVID-19 Kills Renowned Princeton Mathematician, 'Game Of… - 5 years ago

@IvanJaramilloM: RT @_ICMAT: Estos son los dos últimos artículos escritos por el investigador del #ICMAT @manuel_de_leon. En ellos, se despide del #matemáti… - 5 years ago

@RajivMaheswaran: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@javacasm: RT @adafruit: John Horton Conway: his life and the Game of Life #Gaming #covid19 @hackaday @guardian - 5 years ago

@kirikoumath: Sad - 5 years ago

@RogueChocolate: RT @SteveTransform: RIP John Horton Conway: the world’s most charismatic mathematician - 5 years ago

@anne_engineer: RT @adafruit: John Horton Conway: his life and the Game of Life #Gaming #covid19 @hackaday @guardian - 5 years ago

@DGerontius: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@danielscarvalho: RT @adafruit: John Horton Conway: his life and the Game of Life #Gaming #covid19 @hackaday @guardian - 5 years ago

@xaqwg: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@smm_mx: RT @_ICMAT: Estos son los dos últimos artículos escritos por el investigador del #ICMAT @manuel_de_leon. En ellos, se despide del #matemáti… - 5 years ago

@mirawerra: RT @adafruit: John Horton Conway: his life and the Game of Life #Gaming #covid19 @hackaday @guardian - 5 years ago

@adafruit: John Horton Conway: his life and the Game of Life #Gaming #covid19 @hackaday @guardian - 5 years ago

@AlexYTimia: RT @_ICMAT: Estos son los dos últimos artículos escritos por el investigador del #ICMAT @manuel_de_leon. En ellos, se despide del #matemáti… - 5 years ago

@RealSocMatEsp: RT @_ICMAT: Estos son los dos últimos artículos escritos por el investigador del #ICMAT @manuel_de_leon. En ellos, se despide del #matemáti… - 5 years ago

@nekomamma60: RT @SpringerMath: RIP John Conway. COVID-19 kills Princeton mathematician, 'Game Of Life' inventor John Horton Conway - 5 years ago

@melikeclskannn: RT @mushabbedirhan: Son 50 yılın en büyük matematikçilerinden biri olarak görülen John Horton Conway koronavirüs nedeniyle 11 Nisan 2020’de… - 5 years ago

@ItalyITC: Il matematico John Horton Conway è morto di Covid-19 all’età di 82 anni - 5 years ago

@manuel_de_leon: RT @_ICMAT: Estos son los dos últimos artículos escritos por el investigador del #ICMAT @manuel_de_leon. En ellos, se despide del #matemáti… - 5 years ago

@marioglitchy64: RT @nd_kane: RIP John Horton Conway, inventor of the Game of Life and other significant contributions to mathematics, who is one of many wh… - 5 years ago

@M_Turkistany: RT @ACMLarry: In Memoriam: John Horton Conway 1937-2020 | News | Communications of the ACM - 5 years ago

@7danmoroboshi: RT @SpringerMath: RIP John Conway. COVID-19 kills Princeton mathematician, 'Game Of Life' inventor John Horton Conway - 5 years ago

@mustiyldrms: RT @mushabbedirhan: Son 50 yılın en büyük matematikçilerinden biri olarak görülen John Horton Conway koronavirüs nedeniyle 11 Nisan 2020’de… - 5 years ago

@astrobiology: COVID-19 kills Princeton mathematician, ‘Game Of Life’ inventor John Horton Conway - 5 years ago

@hieroschemata: Conway's On Numbers and Games was the spark that got me interested in foundations of mathematics. I don't usually g… - 5 years ago

@Vero_A_G: RT @PortableApps: Today's featured app is Golly Portable, a Game of Life simulator, in honor of mathematician John Horton Conway who sadly… - 5 years ago

@murasakino_o: RT @Paul_Painleve: ライフゲームを考案し,有限単純群の研究では指導的な役割を果たし,超実数など幅広い視野を持った数学者John Horton ConwayがCOVID-19によって亡くなったそうです 写真は,彼が… - 5 years ago

@Mr_Moment: RT @SpringerMath: RIP John Conway. COVID-19 kills Princeton mathematician, 'Game Of Life' inventor John Horton Conway - 5 years ago

@1789aorhow: RT @SpringerMath: RIP John Conway. COVID-19 kills Princeton mathematician, 'Game Of Life' inventor John Horton Conway - 5 years ago

@buku_t: RT @SpringerMath: RIP John Conway. COVID-19 kills Princeton mathematician, 'Game Of Life' inventor John Horton Conway - 5 years ago

@873928ka: RT @Paul_Painleve: ライフゲームを考案し,有限単純群の研究では指導的な役割を果たし,超実数など幅広い視野を持った数学者John Horton ConwayがCOVID-19によって亡くなったそうです 写真は,彼が… - 5 years ago

@morinomichi_311: RT @SpringerMath: RIP John Conway. COVID-19 kills Princeton mathematician, 'Game Of Life' inventor John Horton Conway - 5 years ago

@ONUMathStat: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@monsieurgustav: RT @Maitre_Eolas: John Horton Conway (26 décembre 1937 - 11 avril 2020) L’inventeur du jeu de la vie est mort de la COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@C1Matematikci: RT @mushabbedirhan: Son 50 yılın en büyük matematikçilerinden biri olarak görülen John Horton Conway koronavirüs nedeniyle 11 Nisan 2020’de… - 5 years ago

@KellySyp: Noooooo........ - 5 years ago

@sesiru8: RT @SpringerMath: RIP John Conway. COVID-19 kills Princeton mathematician, 'Game Of Life' inventor John Horton Conway - 5 years ago

@isoo_: RT @SpringerMath: RIP John Conway. COVID-19 kills Princeton mathematician, 'Game Of Life' inventor John Horton Conway - 5 years ago

@sonfecimacir: RT @mushabbedirhan: Son 50 yılın en büyük matematikçilerinden biri olarak görülen John Horton Conway koronavirüs nedeniyle 11 Nisan 2020’de… - 5 years ago

@pollockspark: RIP: John Horton Conway: the world’s most charismatic mathematician | Siobhan Roberts - 5 years ago

@tononro: RT @SpringerMath: RIP John Conway. COVID-19 kills Princeton mathematician, 'Game Of Life' inventor John Horton Conway - 5 years ago

@QRJAM: RT @SpringerMath: RIP John Conway. COVID-19 kills Princeton mathematician, 'Game Of Life' inventor John Horton Conway - 5 years ago

@SSD250GB: RT @SpringerMath: RIP John Conway. COVID-19 kills Princeton mathematician, 'Game Of Life' inventor John Horton Conway - 5 years ago

@kimrin: RT @SpringerMath: RIP John Conway. COVID-19 kills Princeton mathematician, 'Game Of Life' inventor John Horton Conway - 5 years ago

@GsStamas: John Horton Conway: From introvert to extrovert. - 5 years ago

@HesabilCebri: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP John Horton Conway, 82, brilliant mathematician and flamboyant personality who made key contributions to group theor… - 5 years ago

@hirabat: RT @SpringerMath: RIP John Conway. COVID-19 kills Princeton mathematician, 'Game Of Life' inventor John Horton Conway - 5 years ago

@math_ter0713: RT @SpringerMath: RIP John Conway. COVID-19 kills Princeton mathematician, 'Game Of Life' inventor John Horton Conway - 5 years ago

@SpringerJapan: RT @SpringerMath: RIP John Conway. COVID-19 kills Princeton mathematician, 'Game Of Life' inventor John Horton Conway - 5 years ago

@mathazay: RT @olol_olol: Disparition de John Conway - 5 years ago

@gaby_wald: RT @Maitre_Eolas: John Horton Conway (26 décembre 1937 - 11 avril 2020) L’inventeur du jeu de la vie est mort de la COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@mushabbedirhan: Son 50 yılın en büyük matematikçilerinden biri olarak görülen John Horton Conway koronavirüs nedeniyle 11 Nisan 202… - 5 years ago

@MaxOosterbeek: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@hengsu: oh, my... John Horton Conway: the world’s most charismatic mathematician | Siobhan Roberts | Science | The Guardian - 5 years ago

@hiphoox: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP John Horton Conway, 82, brilliant mathematician and flamboyant personality who made key contributions to group theor… - 5 years ago

@Klickmichi: RT @FieldsMathEd: RIP John Conway. He will be remembered for his "Game of Life" automata, and much more. Learn about this interesting lif… - 5 years ago

@blaizedsouza: RT @hackaday: John Horton Conway, Creator of Conway’s Game of Life, Has Died Programmers everywhere are familiar with Conway’s Game of Lif… - 5 years ago

@TheDarkDweller: RT @nextinpact: ☕️ John Horton Conway, inventeur du « Jeu de la vie », est décédé des suites du Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@Ehtag: RT @Maitre_Eolas: John Horton Conway (26 décembre 1937 - 11 avril 2020) L’inventeur du jeu de la vie est mort de la COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@kcalsnur: RT @nextinpact: ☕️ John Horton Conway, inventeur du « Jeu de la vie », est décédé des suites du Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@nodashNET: John Horton Conway: the world’s most charismatic mathematician | Siobhan Roberts - 5 years ago

@dryuxin: John Horton Conway spent the first half of his long career at the University of Cambridge in England, and the secon… - 5 years ago

@dryuxin: John Horton Conway FRS[1] (26 December 1937 – 11 April 2020)[3] also made contributions to many branches of recreat… - 5 years ago

@dryuxin: John Horton Conway was an English mathematician active in the theory of finite groups, knot theory, number theory,… - 5 years ago

@MathewHounsell: RT @mpesce: I've just learned that John Conway, mathematics genius and father of computational autonoma, died of #covid19. - 5 years ago

@Agent7251: (Missed this yesterday.) It is sad J. Conway could not stay with us due to Covid-19. He is most well known for his… - 5 years ago

@brunobeaufils: RT @Maitre_Eolas: John Horton Conway (26 décembre 1937 - 11 avril 2020) L’inventeur du jeu de la vie est mort de la COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@ems_press: RT @EMSnewsletter: The EMS is very sad to hear of the death of the great mathematician John Conway. This portrait of him is from five year… - 5 years ago

@ash2x3: RT @tesseralis: Among many other accomplishments, Conway created Conway polyhedron notation, a way to create transform polyhedra by applyin… - 5 years ago

@NaturaTime: RT @Maitre_Eolas: John Horton Conway (26 décembre 1937 - 11 avril 2020) L’inventeur du jeu de la vie est mort de la COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@magotrox: RT @ZenoRogue: While John Horton Conway was the most famous for the Game of Life, I see at least four different references to his work in t… - 5 years ago

@bezout: John Horton Conway : un mathématicien qui mêlait sans pareil amusement et profondeur du raisonnement a été emporté… - 5 years ago

@Pantelwolf: RT @alexbellos: British mathematician John Horton Conway dies age 82 in Princeton, NJ. Cause probably Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@danielrc: RT @HirokiSayama: As a tribute, I ran an evolutionary swarm chemistry simulation using "John Horton Conway" as a seed for random numbers: h… - 5 years ago

@BobOfTheCave: RT @diplodocus24: RIP John Horton Conway :( - 5 years ago

@vulienjerhaeghe: RT @Maitre_Eolas: John Horton Conway (26 décembre 1937 - 11 avril 2020) L’inventeur du jeu de la vie est mort de la COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@OnlyLolzMatter: COVID-19 kills Princeton mathematician, 'Game Of Life' inventor John Horton Conway - 5 years ago

@mttrdmnd: Dang, this news hits hard: Big sadness here. John Horton Conway was a legend and personal hero. - 5 years ago

@youssoupek: RT @Maitre_Eolas: John Horton Conway (26 décembre 1937 - 11 avril 2020) L’inventeur du jeu de la vie est mort de la COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@YvesPIERRE5: RT @Maitre_Eolas: John Horton Conway (26 décembre 1937 - 11 avril 2020) L’inventeur du jeu de la vie est mort de la COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@CFA_XOFF: RT @Maitre_Eolas: John Horton Conway (26 décembre 1937 - 11 avril 2020) L’inventeur du jeu de la vie est mort de la COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@plesbilongmi: RT @miriamcosic: The Guardian once called Conway the world’s most charismatic mathematician. “John Horton Conway is a cross between Archime… - 5 years ago

@jcea: RT @hackaday: John Horton Conway, Creator of Conway’s Game of Life, Has Died Programmers everywhere are familiar with Conway’s Game of Lif… - 5 years ago

@n_o_to: RT @Paul_Painleve: ライフゲームを考案し,有限単純群の研究では指導的な役割を果たし,超実数など幅広い視野を持った数学者John Horton ConwayがCOVID-19によって亡くなったそうです 写真は,彼が… - 5 years ago

@koula84: RT @GeneralBoll: L'inventeur du jeu de la vie est mort. Et pas seulement... L'un des mathématiciens du 20ème siècle les plus marquants a ét… - 5 years ago

@Pwalafrir: RT @Maitre_Eolas: John Horton Conway (26 décembre 1937 - 11 avril 2020) L’inventeur du jeu de la vie est mort de la COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@koula84: RT @nd_kane: RIP John Horton Conway, inventor of the Game of Life and other significant contributions to mathematics, who is one of many wh… - 5 years ago

@koula84: RT @LaidSeghir: J'apprends le décès à 82 ans des suites du Covid-19 du mathématicien britannique John Horton Conway. Créateur notamment du… - 5 years ago

@coderkid: This is really sad news. I’ve programmed Conway’s Game of Life numerous times on different platforms. Couple of day… - 5 years ago

@wemixam: RT @Maitre_Eolas: John Horton Conway (26 décembre 1937 - 11 avril 2020) L’inventeur du jeu de la vie est mort de la COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@koula84: RT @Maitre_Eolas: John Horton Conway (26 décembre 1937 - 11 avril 2020) L’inventeur du jeu de la vie est mort de la COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@syaume: RT @Maitre_Eolas: John Horton Conway (26 décembre 1937 - 11 avril 2020) L’inventeur du jeu de la vie est mort de la COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@Schmorgluck: RT @Maitre_Eolas: John Horton Conway (26 décembre 1937 - 11 avril 2020) L’inventeur du jeu de la vie est mort de la COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@LouisdeCharson: RT @Maitre_Eolas: John Horton Conway (26 décembre 1937 - 11 avril 2020) L’inventeur du jeu de la vie est mort de la COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@lgrwnh: RT @Maitre_Eolas: John Horton Conway (26 décembre 1937 - 11 avril 2020) L’inventeur du jeu de la vie est mort de la COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@Kobee1203: L'inventeur de "game of life" est décédé 😢 - 5 years ago

@fcouchet: RT @nextinpact: ☕️ John Horton Conway, inventeur du « Jeu de la vie », est décédé des suites du Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@TeresabDB62: RT @mpesce: I've just learned that John Conway, mathematics genius and father of computational autonoma, died of #covid19. - 5 years ago

@NivesGilbert: RT @mpesce: I've just learned that John Conway, mathematics genius and father of computational autonoma, died of #covid19. - 5 years ago

@GregoryJohnJen1: RT @miriamcosic: The Guardian once called Conway the world’s most charismatic mathematician. “John Horton Conway is a cross between Archime… - 5 years ago

@oscar_lopez: The Game of Life has ended for renowned mathematician John Conway, due to #COVID19 😢 - 5 years ago

@mab_: RT @borisschapira: Maintenant que John Horton Conway, auteur du "Jeu de la Vie", est mort du #coronavirus, je regarde ce projet différemmen… - 5 years ago

@FurieCeleste: RT @nextinpact: ☕️ John Horton Conway, inventeur du « Jeu de la vie », est décédé des suites du Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@hot_garnish: RT @mpesce: I've just learned that John Conway, mathematics genius and father of computational autonoma, died of #covid19. - 5 years ago

@JasonPatocka: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@mbw955: RT @mpesce: I've just learned that John Conway, mathematics genius and father of computational autonoma, died of #covid19. - 5 years ago

@KabumbuluM: RT @nextinpact: ☕️ John Horton Conway, inventeur du « Jeu de la vie », est décédé des suites du Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@shanecelis: RT @tesseralis: Among many other accomplishments, Conway created Conway polyhedron notation, a way to create transform polyhedra by applyin… - 5 years ago

@nextinpact: ☕️ John Horton Conway, inventeur du « Jeu de la vie », est décédé des suites du Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@PuriRV: Ha muerto John Horton Conway,creador de "El juego de la vida". Me lo destripó mi chico mientras tomábamos cafés en… - 5 years ago

@iandolphin24: Planet Princeton: “COVID-19 kills Princeton mathematician, ‘Game Of Life’ inventor John Horton Conway - 5 years ago

@thenuTing: @Sirrux - 5 years ago

@rossprowd: RT @mpesce: I've just learned that John Conway, mathematics genius and father of computational autonoma, died of #covid19. - 5 years ago

@DebCansdell: RT @miriamcosic: The Guardian once called Conway the world’s most charismatic mathematician. “John Horton Conway is a cross between Archime… - 5 years ago

@aleeb88: RT @mpesce: I've just learned that John Conway, mathematics genius and father of computational autonoma, died of #covid19. - 5 years ago

@70m0rr0w_m4n: RT @tesseralis: Among many other accomplishments, Conway created Conway polyhedron notation, a way to create transform polyhedra by applyin… - 5 years ago

@AndyTharratt: John Horton Conway - Wikipedia - 5 years ago

@NinoNaf: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@sciencefreak_: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@dcutting: First Tim Brooke-Taylor and now John Conway. What an awful week. - 5 years ago

@WillPettersson: RT @perhammer: RIP John Conway - 5 years ago

@lowerformofwit: RT @ACommonDescent: The mathematician John Conway has died, another COVID-19 victim. - 5 years ago

@perhammer: RIP John Conway - 5 years ago

@jordedu: RT @nd_kane: RIP John Horton Conway, inventor of the Game of Life and other significant contributions to mathematics, who is one of many wh… - 5 years ago

@citizenk: RT @berkati: John Horton Conway : un magicien des maths disparaît - 5 years ago

@jtelford1: RT @gdnlongread: RIP mathematician John Horton Conway, who died on 11 April, aged 82 - 5 years ago

@cliearl: RT @deadcatssociety: 콘웨이의 생명게임을 만든 존 콘웨이가 82세의 나이로 코로나 19로 인해 사망 - 5 years ago

@follettoonip: bad news. - 5 years ago

@i_j_oliver: RIP John Horton Conway #mathematics - 5 years ago

@pzdk: RT @nd_kane: RIP John Horton Conway, inventor of the Game of Life and other significant contributions to mathematics, who is one of many wh… - 5 years ago

@DarmaGood: RT @steevc: RIP John Horton Conway. His game of life is over :( - 5 years ago

@chabis_ch: RT @MelineSieber: Der Erfinder des "Game of Life", John Conway, ist an Covid-19 gestorben :-/ - 5 years ago

@RedTeamGo2: @EmDashPython @RoseLizenberg Cheers to John Horton Conway, I have, just now, finally read about you & you were the best - 5 years ago

@rafagurrl: one of the best parts of my summer workshop last year was replicating conway's #GameOfLife. Still cannot get over t… - 5 years ago

@geefa_tweets: RT @tesseralis: Among many other accomplishments, Conway created Conway polyhedron notation, a way to create transform polyhedra by applyin… - 5 years ago

@warmana: Another loss. Sadly, one that probably won't make the headlines, amongst the many other losses. One of the early sc… - 5 years ago

@yosais: وفاة جون كونوي عالم الرياضيات الشهير نتيجة اصابته بفايروس كورونا. اشتهر جون بسبب اختراعه للعبة المسماة بـ Game of L… - 5 years ago

@Jimbo0o0: John Conway, Game of Life Author, Dies At 82 of COVID-19: - 5 years ago

@Putzlowitsch: Am Ostersamstag ist der britische Mathematiker John H. Conway an den Folgen einer COVID-19-Erkrankung gestorben. Be… - 5 years ago

@berkati: John Horton Conway : un magicien des maths disparaît - 5 years ago

@Sylvan_exe: On the edge of chaos no more. RIP John Horton Conway. - 5 years ago

@diddley_sin: RT @Paul_Painleve: ライフゲームを考案し,有限単純群の研究では指導的な役割を果たし,超実数など幅広い視野を持った数学者John Horton ConwayがCOVID-19によって亡くなったそうです 写真は,彼が… - 5 years ago

@RaminKhosravi4: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@ht2995: RT @Paul_Painleve: ライフゲームを考案し,有限単純群の研究では指導的な役割を果たし,超実数など幅広い視野を持った数学者John Horton ConwayがCOVID-19によって亡くなったそうです 写真は,彼が… - 5 years ago

@jmcampsc: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@MelineSieber: Der Erfinder des "Game of Life", John Conway, ist an Covid-19 gestorben :-/ - 5 years ago

@DrMNikfar: RT @Willmdunn: One of my favorite stories about doing math, from my friend @JeremyMathKU. It seems John Horton Conway is at the center of m… - 5 years ago

@Giulioescalona: RT @Rositaflorio: Domani a @Radio3scienza ricorderemo John Horton Conway, grande matematico morto alla vigilia di Pasqua vittima di Covid19… - 5 years ago

@peanutbr1ttle: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@davidsarac: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@dilwor: RT @gaussianos: Día triste para las matemáticas: ha fallecido John Horton Conway. Nos deja uno de los matemáticos más importantes de nuestr… - 5 years ago

@ccraditya: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@xrisfg: RT @tesseralis: Among many other accomplishments, Conway created Conway polyhedron notation, a way to create transform polyhedra by applyin… - 5 years ago

@dannypsnl: RT @tesseralis: Among many other accomplishments, Conway created Conway polyhedron notation, a way to create transform polyhedra by applyin… - 5 years ago

@Artemisia_dev: RT @tesseralis: Among many other accomplishments, Conway created Conway polyhedron notation, a way to create transform polyhedra by applyin… - 5 years ago

@zkat__: RT @tesseralis: Among many other accomplishments, Conway created Conway polyhedron notation, a way to create transform polyhedra by applyin… - 5 years ago

@porglezomp: RT @tesseralis: Among many other accomplishments, Conway created Conway polyhedron notation, a way to create transform polyhedra by applyin… - 5 years ago

@atrent42: RIP un **simbolo** per tutti gli hacker, alla lettera - 5 years ago

@cba: RT @tesseralis: Among many other accomplishments, Conway created Conway polyhedron notation, a way to create transform polyhedra by applyin… - 5 years ago

@moncur_d: We lost another good one: Mathematician John Conway loses Game of Life, taken by coronavirus at 82… - 5 years ago

@gabubonico: RT @FieldsMathEd: RIP John Conway. He will be remembered for his "Game of Life" automata, and much more. Learn about this interesting lif… - 5 years ago

@maximclatellot: RT @nd_kane: RIP John Horton Conway, inventor of the Game of Life and other significant contributions to mathematics, who is one of many wh… - 5 years ago

@tesseralis: Among many other accomplishments, Conway created Conway polyhedron notation, a way to create transform polyhedra by… - 5 years ago

@kojote: RT @hackaday: John Horton Conway, Creator of Conway’s Game of Life, Has Died Programmers everywhere are familiar with Conway’s Game of Lif… - 5 years ago

@Dr_Geophysics: RIP: - 5 years ago

@BibliotecaFME: John Horton Conway - 5 years ago

@VictoriadeMates: RT @manuel_de_leon: Adiós a John Horton Conway, el matemático que jugaba - 5 years ago

@manarintweet: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@jarkko: RT @THUotila: I've always felt that the #GameOfLife is like a simulation of bacteria in a petri dish or perhaps infections in a population.… - 5 years ago

@Philosophymeme0: RT @FieldsMathEd: RIP John Conway. He will be remembered for his "Game of Life" automata, and much more. Learn about this interesting lif… - 5 years ago

@stuey: RT @TimHarford: RIP John Horton Conway. Cartoon from @ZachWeiner - 5 years ago

@claudiodsf: In memoriam of John Horton Conway. - 5 years ago

@TaliaIsik: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@aymeric_vie: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@ualvesdias: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@bear_risa: COVID-19 kills Princeton mathematician, 'Game Of Life' inventor John Horton Conway - Planet Princeton… - 5 years ago

@techiqpod: John Horton Conway, Creator of Conway’s Game of Life, Has Died via hack a day #technology… - 5 years ago

@SloePokeGu: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@marcautret: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@sefilata02: RT @Paul_Painleve: ライフゲームを考案し,有限単純群の研究では指導的な役割を果たし,超実数など幅広い視野を持った数学者John Horton ConwayがCOVID-19によって亡くなったそうです 写真は,彼が… - 5 years ago

@kimmyifuplease: RT @DrDinD: #COVID19 has taken the life of mathematician John Horton Conway, at 82, inventor of the familiar "Game of Life" RIP https:/… - 5 years ago

@ohmohm: RT @hackaday: John Horton Conway, Creator of Conway’s Game of Life, Has Died Programmers everywhere are familiar with Conway’s Game of Lif… - 5 years ago

@MeFaltaFiesta: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@LeandroAlves: RT @RonaldoGogoni: Mais uma vítima da COVID-19: o matemático John Horton Conway, que em 1970 desenvolveu o autômato celular Jogo da Vida (n… - 5 years ago

@SinSinori: John Horton Conway: the world’s most charismatic mathematician | Siobhan Roberts - 5 years ago

@MEOrive: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@Peter_R_Hansen: RT @BOiPRINCETON: COVID-19 kills Princeton mathematician, 'Game Of Life' inventor John Horton Conway - 5 years ago

@yuichi_ichihara: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP John Horton Conway, 82, brilliant mathematician and flamboyant personality who made key contributions to group theor… - 5 years ago

@mihaimaruseac: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP John Horton Conway, 82, brilliant mathematician and flamboyant personality who made key contributions to group theor… - 5 years ago

@DrDinD: RT @olivier_patti: @DrDinD From my son-in-law....🙏 RIP John Horton Conway - 5 years ago

@LauraJimnezJim8: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@lsvidal: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@pioj: RIP John Horton Conway, creator of the Conway's Game of Life. - 5 years ago

@quetao: RT @RonaldoGogoni: Mais uma vítima da COVID-19: o matemático John Horton Conway, que em 1970 desenvolveu o autômato celular Jogo da Vida (n… - 5 years ago

@Max_Laguna: RT @RonaldoGogoni: Mais uma vítima da COVID-19: o matemático John Horton Conway, que em 1970 desenvolveu o autômato celular Jogo da Vida (n… - 5 years ago

@RaptorHawk: RT @RonaldoGogoni: Mais uma vítima da COVID-19: o matemático John Horton Conway, que em 1970 desenvolveu o autômato celular Jogo da Vida (n… - 5 years ago

@_JonWick: RT @RonaldoGogoni: Mais uma vítima da COVID-19: o matemático John Horton Conway, que em 1970 desenvolveu o autômato celular Jogo da Vida (n… - 5 years ago

@torneo_geodin: RT @gaussianos: Día triste para las matemáticas: ha fallecido John Horton Conway. Nos deja uno de los matemáticos más importantes de nuestr… - 5 years ago

@avelino_bego: RT @RonaldoGogoni: Mais uma vítima da COVID-19: o matemático John Horton Conway, que em 1970 desenvolveu o autômato celular Jogo da Vida (n… - 5 years ago

@RonaldoGogoni: Mais uma vítima da COVID-19: o matemático John Horton Conway, que em 1970 desenvolveu o autômato celular Jogo da Vi… - 5 years ago

@Mateclips_uy: RT @gaussianos: Día triste para las matemáticas: ha fallecido John Horton Conway. Nos deja uno de los matemáticos más importantes de nuestr… - 5 years ago

@saitheguy: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@SmhJan: @Pooterbugsmom @thespybrief Portrait of him from 2015 is detailed and excellent. - 5 years ago

@jgwf: RT @gaussianos: Día triste para las matemáticas: ha fallecido John Horton Conway. Nos deja uno de los matemáticos más importantes de nuestr… - 5 years ago

@oopsie06020861: 数学家 John Horton Conway 去世 - 人物 - 又一位数学大神走了 - 5 years ago

@technologyUart: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@ProfStemkoski: Mathematician John Conway recently passed away. His work inspired me at an early age, and still does to this day.… - 5 years ago

@Obliviscence: RT @deadcatssociety: 콘웨이의 생명게임을 만든 존 콘웨이가 82세의 나이로 코로나 19로 인해 사망 - 5 years ago

@AadeshNaik: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@cenksahinalp: John Horton Conway passed away due to complications from COVID-19 - what a terrible loss; RIP - 5 years ago

@pqrth: RT @jason_pontin: John Conway is dead of Covid-19. There’s going to be a lot of this, amongst our elders. You’re as fool if you don’t know… - 5 years ago

@genphys: John Conway, inventor of the Game of Life, has died of COVID-19 - Ars Technica - +GENERAL PHYSICS LABORATORY (GPL)… - 5 years ago

@elisabethrobson: RT @erictfree: COVID-19 Kills Renowned Princeton Mathematician, 'Game Of Life' Inventor John Conway - 5 years ago

@EvilMammoth: John Horton Conway: the world’s most charismatic mathematician | Siobhan Roberts | Science | The Guardian - 5 years ago

@Sharki0: R.I.P John Horton Conway. - 5 years ago

@SYOTYOU3: RT @Paul_Painleve: ライフゲームを考案し,有限単純群の研究では指導的な役割を果たし,超実数など幅広い視野を持った数学者John Horton ConwayがCOVID-19によって亡くなったそうです 写真は,彼が… - 5 years ago

@AndresRSaravia: RIP, John Horton Conway. 😔 - 5 years ago

@DimaRinberg: RT @EladSchneidman: Farewell to Conway, - 5 years ago

@rogawa: Faleceu, vítima da Covid-19, John Conway, inventor do Jogo da Vida. O conceito de autômatos celulares, base do Jogo… - 5 years ago

@mnmtanish: RT @CardColm: John Horton Conway has died. Sigh. One of the most unique mathematicians and human beings who ever lived. Five years ago h… - 5 years ago

@gustavola: RT @jnascim: 🇺🇸 O matemático britânico John Horton Conway, de 82 anos, morreu vítima da #Covid19 três dias após ser internado. Ele é conhec… - 5 years ago

@Guvvalapavanku1: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@adubharti: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@PacoFernndez1: RT @gdnlongread: RIP mathematician John Horton Conway, who died on 11 April, aged 82 - 5 years ago

@Abe_TSFE: RT @UbuntuID: John Horton Conway, ahli matematika dan pencipta automata seluler "Game of Life", meninggal di usia 82 tahun pada tanggal 11… - 5 years ago

@UbuntuID: John Horton Conway, ahli matematika dan pencipta automata seluler "Game of Life", meninggal di usia 82 tahun pada t… - 5 years ago

@sott0n: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP John Horton Conway, 82, brilliant mathematician and flamboyant personality who made key contributions to group theor… - 5 years ago

@athlon16: RT @deadcatssociety: 콘웨이의 생명게임을 만든 존 콘웨이가 82세의 나이로 코로나 19로 인해 사망 - 5 years ago

@chris8875: RT @PhillipGWard: The virus took a giant of maths and computer science away from us this week. The game of life is one of my first programm… - 5 years ago

@jason_pontin: John Conway is dead of Covid-19. There’s going to be a lot of this, amongst our elders. You’re as fool if you don’t… - 5 years ago

@411emilio: RT @PortableApps: Today's featured app is Golly Portable, a Game of Life simulator, in honor of mathematician John Horton Conway who sadly… - 5 years ago

@BertNieves: RT @QuantaMagazine: Mathematician John Horton Conway died on Saturday at age 82, reportedly from COVID-19. In “Genius At Play,” @sioroberts… - 5 years ago

@tryanything1ce: RT @G4GCelebration: Our friend and colleague John Horton Conway passed away today. - 5 years ago

@kivanolai: Watch "John Horton Conway: "On His LOVE/HATE Relationship with LIFE" | Talks at Google" on YouTube - 5 years ago

@rpjward: RT @PhillipGWard: The virus took a giant of maths and computer science away from us this week. The game of life is one of my first programm… - 5 years ago

@sandrarouge68: RT @Rositaflorio: Domani a @Radio3scienza ricorderemo John Horton Conway, grande matematico morto alla vigilia di Pasqua vittima di Covid19… - 5 years ago

@erictfree: COVID-19 Kills Renowned Princeton Mathematician, 'Game Of Life' Inventor John Conway - 5 years ago

@NeuLu: RT @deadcatssociety: 콘웨이의 생명게임을 만든 존 콘웨이가 82세의 나이로 코로나 19로 인해 사망 - 5 years ago

@GaryAdolphson: RT @emergencetheory: RIP John Conway. "John Horton Conway claims to have never worked a day in his life. This adaptation from the biograp… - 5 years ago

@klaxmsx: RT @PortableApps: Today's featured app is Golly Portable, a Game of Life simulator, in honor of mathematician John Horton Conway who sadly… - 5 years ago

@LemobazSpngeWab: RT @deadcatssociety: 콘웨이의 생명게임을 만든 존 콘웨이가 82세의 나이로 코로나 19로 인해 사망 - 5 years ago

@KevinPackard: To paraphrase the late great Steve Jobs, you can’t connect the dots forward; only backward. So many branches of ma… - 5 years ago

@danchou_haruhi: RT @deadcatssociety: 콘웨이의 생명게임을 만든 존 콘웨이가 82세의 나이로 코로나 19로 인해 사망 - 5 years ago

@myrdur: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@naabeekeennn: RT @Paul_Painleve: ライフゲームを考案し,有限単純群の研究では指導的な役割を果たし,超実数など幅広い視野を持った数学者John Horton ConwayがCOVID-19によって亡くなったそうです 写真は,彼が… - 5 years ago

@RealSocMatEsp: John Horton Conway y su "juego de la vida" #matemáticas #divulgación - 5 years ago

@JuanDav07059354: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@STKO_UCSB: Mathematik ist einfach: zum Tode von John Horton Conway | heise online - 5 years ago

@ScithRickley: RT @CardColm: John Horton Conway has died. Sigh. One of the most unique mathematicians and human beings who ever lived. Five years ago h… - 5 years ago

@AkshayKunnavil: RIP John Conway. The Game Of Life will be remembered forever. - 5 years ago

@nikhilkardale: I’ve a special respect for mathematicians who not only make important discoveries in their field, but also make com… - 5 years ago

@bruceoberg: a john horton conway memory: - 5 years ago

@JulianSlzr: Here’s Richard giving a keynote at MOVES 2015, at the young age of 98: Great profiles of t… - 5 years ago

@hilsbrownlow: RT @JusSumChick: A long and rich article about John Horton Conway: the world’s most charismatic mathematician, who died yesterday | Siobhan… - 5 years ago

@buenonestor: Llega el aviso del fallecimiento de John Horton Conway (1937-2020) el entrañable y creativo matemático que pasó su… - 5 years ago

@lsdderya: RT @ArkadasOzakin: Ünlü matematikçi John H. Conway hayatını kaybetmiş. Çok renkli bir kariyeri olan, sıra dışı bir matematikçi idi. https… - 5 years ago

@andipowiratama: RT @ZenoRogue: While John Horton Conway was the most famous for the Game of Life, I see at least four different references to his work in t… - 5 years ago

@Kutbull: RT @Mathematical_A: We're devastated to hear of the death of one of our Honorary Members, John Horton Conway. Here's a nice profile from Th… - 5 years ago

@digitalsphere33: RT @moorejh: John Horton Conway: the world’s most charismatic mathematician - 5 years ago

@genphys: Inventor Of The 'Game Of Life', John Horton Conway Dies From COVID-19 - Analytics India Magazine - +GENERAL PHYSICS… - 5 years ago

@InclusionLabs: RT @nd_kane: RIP John Horton Conway, inventor of the Game of Life and other significant contributions to mathematics, who is one of many wh… - 5 years ago

@defctivaltruist: RT @baabbaash: John Horton Conway as a period-2 oscillator in Conway's Game of Life. RIP John. For an animated version, here's a YouTube li… - 5 years ago

@the_heruman: RT @The_Paul_Brown: John Conway, creador de "El Juego de la Vida", ha muerto de COVID-19. Un matemático que, aparte de brillante y lúdico,… - 5 years ago

@CardColm: Finally, maths dept at Princeton has this on their website - 5 years ago

@Valeria62530528: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@Magc73: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@WebDragonG3: RIP John Horton Conway, inventor of "Conway's Game of Life" computer simulation. :-( - 5 years ago

@danjconn: If you've studied computer science, you have probably studied the work of John Horton Conway. In particular, his Ga… - 5 years ago

@jhonurena: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@cfrnch: RIP John Horton Conway - 5 years ago

@agrossfield: RT @TimHarford: RIP John Horton Conway. Cartoon from @ZachWeiner - 5 years ago

@lordreif: RT @Mathematical_A: We're devastated to hear of the death of one of our Honorary Members, John Horton Conway. Here's a nice profile from Th… - 5 years ago

@CoderDojoOradea: End of life for John Conway, mathematician, inventor of 'Game Of Life' problem. R.I.P. :( At CoderDojo Oradea we b… - 5 years ago

@StellaDudzic: RT @JusSumChick: A long and rich article about John Horton Conway: the world’s most charismatic mathematician, who died yesterday | Siobhan… - 5 years ago

@pauhbaez: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@PELangevin: RT @Mathematical_A: We're devastated to hear of the death of one of our Honorary Members, John Horton Conway. Here's a nice profile from Th… - 5 years ago

@christianmercat: Un tour de cordes que j'ai appris de John Horton Conway, paix à son âme d'éternel chenapan pince sans rire - 5 years ago

@nick_battle_uk: RT @JusSumChick: A long and rich article about John Horton Conway: the world’s most charismatic mathematician, who died yesterday | Siobhan… - 5 years ago

@WoodLloydWood: RT @gdnlongread: RIP mathematician John Horton Conway, who died on 11 April, aged 82 - 5 years ago

@CienciaDeHoy: Adiós a John Horton Conway, el matemático que jugaba - 5 years ago

@EwaMFabian: RT @ark_r: Conway (ten od Conway's Game of Life) zmarł na koronawirusa... - 5 years ago

@LynguistMe: RT @bernatree: I am saddened to hear about the passing away of John Horton Conway. His approach to mathematical research has inspired me tr… - 5 years ago

@Advanced_Maths: RT @JusSumChick: A long and rich article about John Horton Conway: the world’s most charismatic mathematician, who died yesterday | Siobhan… - 5 years ago

@ancrislon: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@riveros_juanca: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@ViviVandevier: RT @nd_kane: RIP John Horton Conway, inventor of the Game of Life and other significant contributions to mathematics, who is one of many wh… - 5 years ago

@vlnwccOW0gBWFzp: RT @Paul_Painleve: ライフゲームを考案し,有限単純群の研究では指導的な役割を果たし,超実数など幅広い視野を持った数学者John Horton ConwayがCOVID-19によって亡くなったそうです 写真は,彼が… - 5 years ago

@Marcidus: RT @nd_kane: RIP John Horton Conway, inventor of the Game of Life and other significant contributions to mathematics, who is one of many wh… - 5 years ago

@skatox: RT @gubatron: An unlucky one, died in New Jersey at the age of 82. 😢 John Horton Conway  (26 December 1937 – 11 April 2020) was an English… - 5 years ago

@Willigonz: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@nozma: ジョン・コンウェイが亡くなったらしいが、信頼できる一次ソースが無いので大分揉めてるな…しかし亡くなったのは事実のようだ… > Talk:John Horton Conway - Wikipedia - - 5 years ago

@zhinxy_vs_media: RT @nd_kane: RIP John Horton Conway, inventor of the Game of Life and other significant contributions to mathematics, who is one of many wh… - 5 years ago

@_ClauAndrea: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@willowstreams: RT @Paul_Painleve: ライフゲームを考案し,有限単純群の研究では指導的な役割を果たし,超実数など幅広い視野を持った数学者John Horton ConwayがCOVID-19によって亡くなったそうです 写真は,彼が… - 5 years ago

@R__Subrahmanyam: RT @teacheranand: I was extremely saddened to know about the demise of eminent mathematician John Horton Conway due to COVID-19. My prayers… - 5 years ago

@GladysS52574855: RT @Mathematical_A: We're devastated to hear of the death of one of our Honorary Members, John Horton Conway. Here's a nice profile from Th… - 5 years ago

@Yaniferth: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@andresr17234528: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@osoriotrujillo: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@nickowack: RT @nd_kane: RIP John Horton Conway, inventor of the Game of Life and other significant contributions to mathematics, who is one of many wh… - 5 years ago

@Maryannead: RT @artnome: John Horton Conway, mathematician behind the cellular automata "Conway's Game of Life" has passed away. He was an inspiration… - 5 years ago

@01willy_12: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@Hinmaduro: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@ColombiaTuitera: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@xaqlab: I took "Numbers and Games" from John Horton Conway. My final project was a fun but failed attempt to generalize the… - 5 years ago

@vortexphi: RT @Mathematical_A: We're devastated to hear of the death of one of our Honorary Members, John Horton Conway. Here's a nice profile from Th… - 5 years ago

@hafesa75: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@SaskiaChapellin: RT @gubatron: An unlucky one, died in New Jersey at the age of 82. 😢 John Horton Conway  (26 December 1937 – 11 April 2020) was an English… - 5 years ago

@BUSCADOR1373: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@MHafieduddin: Real-life Seki-kun - 5 years ago

@enalbarr: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@seeeba: RT @Paul_Painleve: ライフゲームを考案し,有限単純群の研究では指導的な役割を果たし,超実数など幅広い視野を持った数学者John Horton ConwayがCOVID-19によって亡くなったそうです 写真は,彼が… - 5 years ago

@Macrispinto: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@AuntJemimaBlack: RT @gubatron: An unlucky one, died in New Jersey at the age of 82. 😢 John Horton Conway  (26 December 1937 – 11 April 2020) was an English… - 5 years ago

@cosmicJunkBot: Cuando era bebé, John Horton Conway me vio en un centro comercial y me cargó con una mano. Aunque no lo recuerdo, es mi mejor historia. F - 5 years ago

@misskatsuragi: RT @gubatron: An unlucky one, died in New Jersey at the age of 82. 😢 John Horton Conway  (26 December 1937 – 11 April 2020) was an English… - 5 years ago

@LuisCarlos: RT @gubatron: An unlucky one, died in New Jersey at the age of 82. 😢 John Horton Conway  (26 December 1937 – 11 April 2020) was an English… - 5 years ago

@christianhujer: RT @Pen_Bird: #COVID19 just took a pioneer in logic and computing. Here's his bio: John Horton Conway: the world’s most charismatic mathem… - 5 years ago

@Kindgav: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@tkusano: RT @Paul_Painleve: ライフゲームを考案し,有限単純群の研究では指導的な役割を果たし,超実数など幅広い視野を持った数学者John Horton ConwayがCOVID-19によって亡くなったそうです 写真は,彼が… - 5 years ago

@Paezaurio: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@samuelprieto: RT @alexbellos: British mathematician John Horton Conway dies age 82 in Princeton, NJ. Cause probably Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@sandramedinac: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@shyduroff: RT @CardColm: John Horton Conway has died. Sigh. One of the most unique mathematicians and human beings who ever lived. Five years ago h… - 5 years ago

@Joelab180: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@cdagudelom: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@gubatron: An unlucky one, died in New Jersey at the age of 82. 😢 John Horton Conway  (26 December 1937 – 11 April 2020) was… - 5 years ago

@willynet: RT @Mathematical_A: We're devastated to hear of the death of one of our Honorary Members, John Horton Conway. Here's a nice profile from Th… - 5 years ago

@14thALIFE: RIP John Horton Conway. You will be missed. - 5 years ago

@Tweetyp50939577: RT @superbland: @AdiShavit - 5 years ago

@swengcraftsman: RT @EMSnewsletter: The EMS is very sad to hear of the death of the great mathematician John Conway. This portrait of him is from five year… - 5 years ago

@FelipeFv13: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@imate_unam: RT @HirokiSayama: As a tribute, I ran an evolutionary swarm chemistry simulation using "John Horton Conway" as a seed for random numbers: h… - 5 years ago

@pavlov469: RT @Paul_Painleve: ライフゲームを考案し,有限単純群の研究では指導的な役割を果たし,超実数など幅広い視野を持った数学者John Horton ConwayがCOVID-19によって亡くなったそうです 写真は,彼が… - 5 years ago

@Laverja_arte: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@eva30020: RT @Mathematical_A: We're devastated to hear of the death of one of our Honorary Members, John Horton Conway. Here's a nice profile from Th… - 5 years ago

@sobusen_kami: RT @Paul_Painleve: ライフゲームを考案し,有限単純群の研究では指導的な役割を果たし,超実数など幅広い視野を持った数学者John Horton ConwayがCOVID-19によって亡くなったそうです 写真は,彼が… - 5 years ago

@Yaazkal: RT @alexbellos: British mathematician John Horton Conway dies age 82 in Princeton, NJ. Cause probably Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@coronasha: RT @Paul_Painleve: ライフゲームを考案し,有限単純群の研究では指導的な役割を果たし,超実数など幅広い視野を持った数学者John Horton ConwayがCOVID-19によって亡くなったそうです 写真は,彼が… - 5 years ago

@NipunDave1: RT @alexbellos: British mathematician John Horton Conway dies age 82 in Princeton, NJ. Cause probably Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@gtsitm: RT @Mathematical_A: We're devastated to hear of the death of one of our Honorary Members, John Horton Conway. Here's a nice profile from Th… - 5 years ago

@hilly_hp: RT @sioroberts: Fare thee well, John Horton Conway — math’s most charming and ingenious rascal. I’ll miss him. - 5 years ago

@Diego96_Armando: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@Ikrus: RT @CapitanKeen: John Horton Conway has died. Descanse en paz, matemático creador del "juego de la vida" que una vez pude programar en #qui… - 5 years ago

@AlanGrafe: RT @pickover: John Horton Conway (1937-2020), inventor of the Game of Life, has died. I like to imagine this Gosper gun, with color-coded a… - 5 years ago

@LuzApc: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@IMahadiraka: RT @MathsEdIdeas: RIP John Conway, the inspiration: @numberphile collection - 5 years ago

@YELIKTY: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@herlimar16: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@AndrsCa40575305: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@SanchezFlori1: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@_jedimann_: RT @superbland: @AdiShavit - 5 years ago

@solano_silvia: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@juan_eljach: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@Apalo1970: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@ManuelCortazar7: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@UsugaRios: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@Ian__Crossley: RT @nd_kane: RIP John Horton Conway, inventor of the Game of Life and other significant contributions to mathematics, who is one of many wh… - 5 years ago

@RukissReyna: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@GilbertCDelgado: Top story: @seanstickle: 'A 21 Glider Gun Salute for John Horton Conway, who passed away this weekend. His work on… - 5 years ago

@Gravekper: RT @puzzlist: John Horton Conway passed away at 11 April 2020. 우리 시대 최고의 수학자 가운데 한 명인 존 호턴 콘웨이 선생이 돌아가셨다. 향년 82세. 안타깝게도 코로나 바이러스에 감염되어 지난… - 5 years ago

@valeriagv1: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@camilusoh: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@EsteManB7: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@manuelaugusto53: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@paobgt: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@colakyu: RT @puzzlist: John Horton Conway passed away at 11 April 2020. 우리 시대 최고의 수학자 가운데 한 명인 존 호턴 콘웨이 선생이 돌아가셨다. 향년 82세. 안타깝게도 코로나 바이러스에 감염되어 지난… - 5 years ago

@SalvatweetSV: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@Jokerman21: Mathematician John Horton Conway passed away just over a day ago from #Covid19. Loved his maths games and number th… - 5 years ago

@mnorito: RT @Paul_Painleve: ライフゲームを考案し,有限単純群の研究では指導的な役割を果たし,超実数など幅広い視野を持った数学者John Horton ConwayがCOVID-19によって亡くなったそうです 写真は,彼が… - 5 years ago

@ekysuryor: RT @nd_kane: RIP John Horton Conway, inventor of the Game of Life and other significant contributions to mathematics, who is one of many wh… - 5 years ago

@Joey_Wittmann: RT @nd_kane: RIP John Horton Conway, inventor of the Game of Life and other significant contributions to mathematics, who is one of many wh… - 5 years ago

@harrynski: RT @difusionDM: Ayer falleció el gran John Horton Conway. Entre muchas otras cosas descubrió la familia de grupos esporádicos que llevan su… - 5 years ago

@Sobchak_d: RT @EMSnewsletter: The EMS is very sad to hear of the death of the great mathematician John Conway. This portrait of him is from five year… - 5 years ago

@SevoHnias: RT @nd_kane: RIP John Horton Conway, inventor of the Game of Life and other significant contributions to mathematics, who is one of many wh… - 5 years ago

@ulysses4ever: RT @Mathematical_A: We're devastated to hear of the death of one of our Honorary Members, John Horton Conway. Here's a nice profile from Th… - 5 years ago

@h0h0h0: RT @seanstickle: A 21 Glider Gun Salute for John Horton Conway, who passed away this weekend. His work on Surreal Numbers continues to insp… - 5 years ago

@sohkamyung: RT @benorlin: A brief collection of Twitter tributes to the irreplaceable mathematician John Horton Conway, who passed away yesterday. - 5 years ago

@camiloaafanador: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@catcanny: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP John Horton Conway, 82, brilliant mathematician and flamboyant personality who made key contributions to group theor… - 5 years ago

@YohannaUseda: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@Forzaceleste: RT @CardColm: John Horton Conway has died. Sigh. One of the most unique mathematicians and human beings who ever lived. Five years ago h… - 5 years ago

@EvenSun96: I'm so sad hearing that John Horton Conway has passed away... Still remember the time I first saw Conway base 13 function. - 5 years ago

@_Anshuumaan_: RT @StephenPiment: John Horton Conway: the world’s most charismatic mathematician - 5 years ago

@j0nf00: RT @seanstickle: A 21 Glider Gun Salute for John Horton Conway, who passed away this weekend. His work on Surreal Numbers continues to insp… - 5 years ago

@P_Gasiorowski: John Horton Conway, a brilliant mathematician and the inventor of the game of Life, died of COVID-19 last Saturday.… - 5 years ago

@Edizsan5808Diaz: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@StephenPiment: John Horton Conway: the world’s most charismatic mathematician - 5 years ago

@Maynu3l: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@hsjoihs: RT @CardColm: Princeton is working on getting approval for official announcement of death of John Horton Conway. I'm told dept of mathemati… - 5 years ago

@kevinli62665972: RT @GastonGiribet: John Horton Conway 1937 - 2020 - 5 years ago

@reddorst: RT @Mathematical_A: We're devastated to hear of the death of one of our Honorary Members, John Horton Conway. Here's a nice profile from Th… - 5 years ago

@kevinli62665972: RT @jajensen681: Stuart trying to replicate John Horton Conway's rope trick at #MOVESmath - 5 years ago

@ImundiRL: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP John Horton Conway, 82, brilliant mathematician and flamboyant personality who made key contributions to group theor… - 5 years ago

@tt3091: Famous British mathematician John Horton Conway passed on April 11t3_g070d1 - 5 years ago

@GatoSordido: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@BrightMuppet: RT @seanstickle: A 21 Glider Gun Salute for John Horton Conway, who passed away this weekend. His work on Surreal Numbers continues to insp… - 5 years ago

@kevinli62665972: RT @pablovv72: John Horton Conway Tribute 1937 - 2020 - 5 years ago

@InigoSarria: RT @rrdelrio1: John Horton Conway ha fallecido. Había inventado El juego de la vida John Conway’s Life in Games | Quanta… - 5 years ago

@kevinli62665972: RT @amasad: RIP John Horton Conway. As long as the glider keeps gliding, your legacy will go on. - 5 years ago

@Four_King_Hell: RT @seanstickle: A 21 Glider Gun Salute for John Horton Conway, who passed away this weekend. His work on Surreal Numbers continues to insp… - 5 years ago

@pdejager: RT @seanstickle: A 21 Glider Gun Salute for John Horton Conway, who passed away this weekend. His work on Surreal Numbers continues to insp… - 5 years ago

@abelchow_CH: RT @EMSnewsletter: The EMS is very sad to hear of the death of the great mathematician John Conway. This portrait of him is from five year… - 5 years ago

@fgamador: RT @seanstickle: A 21 Glider Gun Salute for John Horton Conway, who passed away this weekend. His work on Surreal Numbers continues to insp… - 5 years ago

@chokosong22: RT @puzzlist: John Horton Conway passed away at 11 April 2020. 우리 시대 최고의 수학자 가운데 한 명인 존 호턴 콘웨이 선생이 돌아가셨다. 향년 82세. 안타깝게도 코로나 바이러스에 감염되어 지난… - 5 years ago

@kevinli62665972: RT @alexbellos: British mathematician John Horton Conway dies age 82 in Princeton, NJ. Cause probably Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@onaka_buyo: RT @Paul_Painleve: ライフゲームを考案し,有限単純群の研究では指導的な役割を果たし,超実数など幅広い視野を持った数学者John Horton ConwayがCOVID-19によって亡くなったそうです 写真は,彼が… - 5 years ago

@markhigham: RT @seanstickle: A 21 Glider Gun Salute for John Horton Conway, who passed away this weekend. His work on Surreal Numbers continues to insp… - 5 years ago

@Xerahort: John Horton Conway, uno de los matemáticos más brillantes y padre del Juego de la Vida, ya no está entre nosotros.… - 5 years ago

@jobinindia: We will go backwards or stop development in #science and #technology due to intellectual loss due to the #pandemic - 5 years ago

@cdathuraliya: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP John Horton Conway, 82, brilliant mathematician and flamboyant personality who made key contributions to group theor… - 5 years ago

@rollingpau: John Horton Conway: the world’s most charismatic mathematician | Siobhan Roberts - 5 years ago

@stellabelle: RT @artnome: John Horton Conway, mathematician behind the cellular automata "Conway's Game of Life" has passed away. He was an inspiration… - 5 years ago

@fpatrick: RT @seanstickle: A 21 Glider Gun Salute for John Horton Conway, who passed away this weekend. His work on Surreal Numbers continues to insp… - 5 years ago

@StM0n: "John Horton Conway is a cross between Archimedes, Mick Jagger and Salvador Dalí." Thank you 🌹 - 5 years ago

@hippopedoid: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP John Horton Conway, 82, brilliant mathematician and flamboyant personality who made key contributions to group theor… - 5 years ago

@A12KA4SHAH: RT @teacheranand: I was extremely saddened to know about the demise of eminent mathematician John Horton Conway due to COVID-19. My prayers… - 5 years ago

@CCottager: RT @GarrickWinter: Oh no. John Horton Conway died yesterday, of COVID-19. Conway's Game of Life was one of my first exposures to procedura… - 5 years ago

@rahulauradkar: RT @amasad: RIP John Horton Conway. As long as the glider keeps gliding, your legacy will go on. - 5 years ago

@seanstickle: A 21 Glider Gun Salute for John Horton Conway, who passed away this weekend. His work on Surreal Numbers continues… - 5 years ago

@pkhaff: RIP John Horton Conway. His life underlines the great value of play in math and the sciences. See Siobahn Roberts'… - 5 years ago

@RGK73: RT @benorlin: A brief collection of Twitter tributes to the irreplaceable mathematician John Horton Conway, who passed away yesterday. - 5 years ago

@timtfj: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP John Horton Conway, 82, brilliant mathematician and flamboyant personality who made key contributions to group theor… - 5 years ago

@GarrickWinter: Oh no. John Horton Conway died yesterday, of COVID-19. Conway's Game of Life was one of my first exposures to proc… - 5 years ago

@topol_wanderer: やはり John Horton Conway氏は亡くなったらしい. 合掌. - 5 years ago

@DonCarlitos: RT @CardColm: John Horton Conway has died. Sigh. One of the most unique mathematicians and human beings who ever lived. Five years ago h… - 5 years ago

@CihadCeylan: RT @ArkadasOzakin: Ünlü matematikçi John H. Conway hayatını kaybetmiş. Çok renkli bir kariyeri olan, sıra dışı bir matematikçi idi. https… - 5 years ago

@Emma08159914: RT @GastonGiribet: John Horton Conway 1937 - 2020 - 5 years ago

@ratsmodee: Aw. John Horton Conway died. #GameOfLife was the first meaningful program I ever saw, back in the 80's, and convinc… - 5 years ago

@trgyykts: RT @ArkadasOzakin: Ünlü matematikçi John H. Conway hayatını kaybetmiş. Çok renkli bir kariyeri olan, sıra dışı bir matematikçi idi. https… - 5 years ago

@thekipplefactor: RT @alexbellos: British mathematician John Horton Conway dies age 82 in Princeton, NJ. Cause probably Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@APatheticCone: RT @CardColm: John Horton Conway has died. Sigh. One of the most unique mathematicians and human beings who ever lived. Five years ago h… - 5 years ago

@topol_wanderer: やはり John Horton Conway氏は亡くなったらしい. - 5 years ago

@JohnErnestoBel1: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@dilefante: John Horton Conway (1937-2020) - 5 years ago

@gallo_orlando: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@veg_grower: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP John Horton Conway, 82, brilliant mathematician and flamboyant personality who made key contributions to group theor… - 5 years ago

@topol_wanderer: RT @benorlin: A brief collection of Twitter tributes to the irreplaceable mathematician John Horton Conway, who passed away yesterday. - 5 years ago

@___Dagger___: „Mathematik ist einfach. Es ist das Zeug, das wir verstehen können. Katzen sind kompliziert.“ #rip John Horton Conway. - 5 years ago

@JOHNGALLOQF: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@Tulita74: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@Yavanna12: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP John Horton Conway, 82, brilliant mathematician and flamboyant personality who made key contributions to group theor… - 5 years ago

@finanzasydinero: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@EarthOrbiter: RT @alexbellos: British mathematician John Horton Conway dies age 82 in Princeton, NJ. Cause probably Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@Mar92977932: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@HirokiMori: RT @HirokiSayama: As a tribute, I ran an evolutionary swarm chemistry simulation using "John Horton Conway" as a seed for random numbers: h… - 5 years ago

@ebuitragod: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@AndreapTab: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@kubilayozisik: Rest in piece <3 John Horton Conway: the world’s most charismatic mathematician | Siobhan Roberts - 5 years ago

@miguelvalderr11: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@bigbabo38: RT @ArkadasOzakin: Ünlü matematikçi John H. Conway hayatını kaybetmiş. Çok renkli bir kariyeri olan, sıra dışı bir matematikçi idi. https… - 5 years ago

@dj_jiang: RT @EMSnewsletter: The EMS is very sad to hear of the death of the great mathematician John Conway. This portrait of him is from five year… - 5 years ago

@sergio_fajardo: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@xrath: RT @puzzlist: John Horton Conway passed away at 11 April 2020. 우리 시대 최고의 수학자 가운데 한 명인 존 호턴 콘웨이 선생이 돌아가셨다. 향년 82세. 안타깝게도 코로나 바이러스에 감염되어 지난… - 5 years ago

@Zarstein: RT @chabeloviviomas: Chabelo vivió más que John Horton Conway, prolífico matemático activo en la teoría de grupos, teoría de nudos, teoría… - 5 years ago

@JimLabisko: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP John Horton Conway, 82, brilliant mathematician and flamboyant personality who made key contributions to group theor… - 5 years ago

@JaiderSalazar7: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@ofircarny: RT @MadaGadol: ג'ון הורטון קונווי, מתמטיקאי אדיר ומנגיש מדע בחסד נפטר אתמול מקורונה בגיל 82. רוב הסיכויים שגם אם אתם לא מזהים את השם, נתקלת… - 5 years ago

@gabrielmoreno10: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@MFTorresJ: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP John Horton Conway, 82, brilliant mathematician and flamboyant personality who made key contributions to group theor… - 5 years ago

@jingbay: RT @Paul_Painleve: ライフゲームを考案し,有限単純群の研究では指導的な役割を果たし,超実数など幅広い視野を持った数学者John Horton ConwayがCOVID-19によって亡くなったそうです 写真は,彼が… - 5 years ago

@MadaGadol: ג'ון הורטון קונווי, מתמטיקאי אדיר ומנגיש מדע בחסד נפטר אתמול מקורונה בגיל 82. רוב הסיכויים שגם אם אתם לא מזהים את ה… - 5 years ago

@Gambiste1: RT @CardColm: John Horton Conway has died. Sigh. One of the most unique mathematicians and human beings who ever lived. Five years ago h… - 5 years ago

@TAKE_OFF__JY: RT @puzzlist: John Horton Conway passed away at 11 April 2020. 우리 시대 최고의 수학자 가운데 한 명인 존 호턴 콘웨이 선생이 돌아가셨다. 향년 82세. 안타깝게도 코로나 바이러스에 감염되어 지난… - 5 years ago

@LongFormMath: RT @benorlin: A brief collection of Twitter tributes to the irreplaceable mathematician John Horton Conway, who passed away yesterday. - 5 years ago

@adamangandhi: RT @Paul_Painleve: ライフゲームを考案し,有限単純群の研究では指導的な役割を果たし,超実数など幅広い視野を持った数学者John Horton ConwayがCOVID-19によって亡くなったそうです 写真は,彼が… - 5 years ago

@saitotetsuya: RT @nd_kane: RIP John Horton Conway, inventor of the Game of Life and other significant contributions to mathematics, who is one of many wh… - 5 years ago

@Merinoo__: RT @alexbellos: British mathematician John Horton Conway dies age 82 in Princeton, NJ. Cause probably Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@KFMBMN: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@RosalieVermeire: RT @kevinpurcell: “John Horton Conway is a cross between Archimedes, Mick Jagger and Salvador Dalí. For many years, he worried that his obs… - 5 years ago

@octothorpe137: Rest in peace, John Horton Conway.😕 - 5 years ago

@zxrzxr: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP John Horton Conway, 82, brilliant mathematician and flamboyant personality who made key contributions to group theor… - 5 years ago

@charlieuafles: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@newmem2001: John Horton Conway: the world’s most charismatic mathematician | Siobhan Roberts - 5 years ago

@rubendesanjuan: Ha fallecido John Horton Conway por el coronavirus :( - 5 years ago

@BrianTRice: RT @perrymetzger: I only just learned that John Horton Conway died of COVID-19. Of all the needless and stupid destruction of human talent… - 5 years ago

@danielgarciaun: RT @MantillaIgnacio: Ha fallecido el día de ayer, a la edad de 82 años, el prolífico matemático británico John Horton Conway. “La gente pie… - 5 years ago

@AdriftFuriously: RT @CardColm: John Horton Conway has died. Sigh. One of the most unique mathematicians and human beings who ever lived. Five years ago h… - 5 years ago

@sleepylapis: RT @puzzlist: John Horton Conway passed away at 11 April 2020. 우리 시대 최고의 수학자 가운데 한 명인 존 호턴 콘웨이 선생이 돌아가셨다. 향년 82세. 안타깝게도 코로나 바이러스에 감염되어 지난… - 5 years ago

@sootdtb: RT @puzzlist: John Horton Conway passed away at 11 April 2020. 우리 시대 최고의 수학자 가운데 한 명인 존 호턴 콘웨이 선생이 돌아가셨다. 향년 82세. 안타깝게도 코로나 바이러스에 감염되어 지난… - 5 years ago

@OriMathWalk: RT @Paul_Painleve: ライフゲームを考案し,有限単純群の研究では指導的な役割を果たし,超実数など幅広い視野を持った数学者John Horton ConwayがCOVID-19によって亡くなったそうです 写真は,彼が… - 5 years ago

@sertac_tosun35: RT @ArkadasOzakin: Ünlü matematikçi John H. Conway hayatını kaybetmiş. Çok renkli bir kariyeri olan, sıra dışı bir matematikçi idi. https… - 5 years ago

@Berurier59: RT @Professeur_1618: Je viens d'apprendre la mort du génial John Horton Conway. Ça me fait qq chose, car j'ai étudié ses travaux, j'ai touj… - 5 years ago

@Charles27710945: RT @MathHistFacts: Pretty sure John Horton Conway was more fiction than fact, but certainly a major part of math history from the mid-20th… - 5 years ago

@AnotherSpooky: RT @Paul_Painleve: ライフゲームを考案し,有限単純群の研究では指導的な役割を果たし,超実数など幅広い視野を持った数学者John Horton ConwayがCOVID-19によって亡くなったそうです 写真は,彼が… - 5 years ago

@think_outhebox: RT @alexbellos: British mathematician John Horton Conway dies age 82 in Princeton, NJ. Cause probably Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@AndresDawee: RT @gaussianos: Ha fallecido el genial John Horton Conway a los 82 años. Una gran pérdida para todos 😔😔😔 - 5 years ago

@outadoc: RT @perrymetzger: I only just learned that John Horton Conway died of COVID-19. Of all the needless and stupid destruction of human talent… - 5 years ago

@aximovich: RT @ccottap: RIP John H. Conway, a truly mathematical genius. The newspiece in The Guardian is a must read. - 5 years ago

@tapewolf: RT @nd_kane: RIP John Horton Conway, inventor of the Game of Life and other significant contributions to mathematics, who is one of many wh… - 5 years ago

@gaolisk: RT @CardColm: John Horton Conway has died. Sigh. One of the most unique mathematicians and human beings who ever lived. Five years ago h… - 5 years ago

@quadrivial: RT @nd_kane: RIP John Horton Conway, inventor of the Game of Life and other significant contributions to mathematics, who is one of many wh… - 5 years ago

@Lee_Vousden: And we've lost #JohnConway too. - 5 years ago

@raremaker: RT @puzzlist: John Horton Conway passed away at 11 April 2020. 우리 시대 최고의 수학자 가운데 한 명인 존 호턴 콘웨이 선생이 돌아가셨다. 향년 82세. 안타깝게도 코로나 바이러스에 감염되어 지난… - 5 years ago

@noufalibrahim: RT @amasad: RIP John Horton Conway. As long as the glider keeps gliding, your legacy will go on. - 5 years ago

@Eyesgack: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP John Horton Conway, 82, brilliant mathematician and flamboyant personality who made key contributions to group theor… - 5 years ago

@lucmaumet: RT @nd_kane: RIP John Horton Conway, inventor of the Game of Life and other significant contributions to mathematics, who is one of many wh… - 5 years ago

@MBarany: RT @MathHistFacts: Pretty sure John Horton Conway was more fiction than fact, but certainly a major part of math history from the mid-20th… - 5 years ago

@_pmereh: RT @Mathematical_A: We're devastated to hear of the death of one of our Honorary Members, John Horton Conway. Here's a nice profile from Th… - 5 years ago

@MathHistFacts: Pretty sure John Horton Conway was more fiction than fact, but certainly a major part of math history from the mid-… - 5 years ago

@hamish_todd: RT @ZenoRogue: While John Horton Conway was the most famous for the Game of Life, I see at least four different references to his work in t… - 5 years ago

@mgalati13: RT @ccottap: RIP John H. Conway, a truly mathematical genius. The newspiece in The Guardian is a must read. - 5 years ago

@Uoh_51: RT @Paul_Painleve: ライフゲームを考案し,有限単純群の研究では指導的な役割を果たし,超実数など幅広い視野を持った数学者John Horton ConwayがCOVID-19によって亡くなったそうです 写真は,彼が… - 5 years ago

@arijana_252: John Horton Conway: the world’s most charismatic mathematician | Siobhan Roberts - 5 years ago

@m_crosscombe: RT @EMSnewsletter: The EMS is very sad to hear of the death of the great mathematician John Conway. This portrait of him is from five year… - 5 years ago

@sweetyochan: RT @alltbl: このThe Guardian 誌のJohn H. Conwayに関する記事はとても得るものが多いのでぜひ。 @kenichiromogi 読んで! Life is too important to be taken seriously. http… - 5 years ago

@zetzt1: RT @Paul_Painleve: ライフゲームを考案し,有限単純群の研究では指導的な役割を果たし,超実数など幅広い視野を持った数学者John Horton ConwayがCOVID-19によって亡くなったそうです 写真は,彼が… - 5 years ago

@shuber3: RT @cstheory: John Horton Conway (1937-2020) - 5 years ago

@RinRie_3R: RT @CardColm: John Horton Conway has died. Sigh. One of the most unique mathematicians and human beings who ever lived. Five years ago h… - 5 years ago

@Javixy_19: RT @alexbellos: British mathematician John Horton Conway dies age 82 in Princeton, NJ. Cause probably Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@ZachWeiner: RT @perrymetzger: I only just learned that John Horton Conway died of COVID-19. Of all the needless and stupid destruction of human talent… - 5 years ago

@mikst2011: RT @Mathematical_A: We're devastated to hear of the death of one of our Honorary Members, John Horton Conway. Here's a nice profile from Th… - 5 years ago

@petabites: RT @somakrc: John Horton Conway, my most favourite mathematician, the charismatic Professor at Princeton/Cambridge “Archimedes, Mick Jagger… - 5 years ago

@MinamiYoshifumi: RT @Paul_Painleve: ライフゲームを考案し,有限単純群の研究では指導的な役割を果たし,超実数など幅広い視野を持った数学者John Horton ConwayがCOVID-19によって亡くなったそうです 写真は,彼が… - 5 years ago

@michelemauro: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP John Horton Conway, 82, brilliant mathematician and flamboyant personality who made key contributions to group theor… - 5 years ago

@jpkidz: RT @Paul_Painleve: ライフゲームを考案し,有限単純群の研究では指導的な役割を果たし,超実数など幅広い視野を持った数学者John Horton ConwayがCOVID-19によって亡くなったそうです 写真は,彼が… - 5 years ago

@petabites: RT @nd_kane: RIP John Horton Conway, inventor of the Game of Life and other significant contributions to mathematics, who is one of many wh… - 5 years ago

@alpermizrak: RT @say_cem: Büyük kayıp: Bilgisayarcıların müthiş hücresel makine sistemi "Hayat Oyunu"nun ("Game of Life") mucidi olarak tanıdıkları büyü… - 5 years ago

@Expert_Says: RT @ch_nira: John Horton Conway: the world’s most charismatic mathematician | Siobhan Roberts - 5 years ago

@artnome: John Horton Conway (RIP) on life and death and the pressure to live up to expectations vs following your own intere… - 5 years ago

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