John Hills

British jockey and horse trainer
Died on Sunday June 1st 2014

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to John Hills:

@John_Rice__: Michael Jackson's record company held a gold record party inside a bank vault in Beverly Hills in 1982

@CJrpeake: RT @LSESocialPolicy: Prof John Hills articulates quite brilliantly why equality & welfare state matter even to those who are 'better off'. …

@VictoriaSilver4: RT @LSESocialPolicy: Prof John Hills articulates quite brilliantly why equality & welfare state matter even to those who are 'better off'. …

@john_luxton: After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. - Nelson Mandela #quote


@martinbeecher: RT @LSEpoliticsblog: John Hills on the welfare myth of ‘strivers’ versus ‘skivers’

@Gertrude_9209: RT @eleanormharris: "An architect should live as little in cities as a painter. Send him to our hills" John Ruskin. (and me in Glen Doll) h…

@Jeremiah__John: RT @KazHiraiCEO: I have just signed a 200 Trillion Dollar deal with Konami to make Silent Hills a PS Vita exclusive.

@fthirlway: RT @MikeSav47032563: John Hills and I reflect on recent talks by Atkinson, Piketty and Stiglitz at @LSEInequalities talks...…

@TicketChatterCA: #AgouraHills: John Mayall Concert at Canyon Club - CA - Jul 05 ► Tickets:

@Susie_Hills: RT @CASE_Europe: “Education transformed my life” - John Middleton (@ED_Europe) talks about making an #impact http://…

@john_hunter: @Nazifa_Noor more rumours than news but here's hoping!

@john_hunter: Fingers crossed for Silent Hills being resurrected (and being good, obvs)

@andrvde_john: RT @PiffSoPxotent: THE HILLS WAS SO LIT

@john_hunter: Silent Hills Rumored To Be Resurrected As Xbox One Exclusive via @comicbookdotcom

@Gida_Hills: John Kerry & other US officials in group photo with President Buhari

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